well i used to be really bad at maths i used to take (in my country its out of 20) 10/20 marks but i discovered how to stop procrastinating and i did it and i became obsessed with maths i love maths now,i wont lie i didnt really like at the start but as my dad was a STEM professional he studied civil engineering he started to teach me how to study and i did it and in the span of 1 month i dominate dthe topics i did at school,its not about doing extra work or overworking its about understanding the matter, like my maths teacher always said "practise makes perfect" and "maths is the language god used to create the universe" and this is what i needa tell u if i got to 19.5/20 in the span of 1 month so do u can or even do better,this motvated me to pursue more but what i gotta tell u is that after all marks arent everything but the cheat to successed i will tell u is that if you want to be the best at a thing you gotta have a reason to do it,for me the reason i started to study maths is because i already built rockets and i love physics but i knew if i want to make my rockets better i would need to be even better at maths but it isnt only that so yea i wont tell u more u gotta wake up and start the self improvement in studying and yea the rest is too long and its just for u to discover along like i did it will be valuable life lessons,but you first u need be sacrifice things you love for things you need for ur own good,good luck....
Math beyond 1+1 is an utter enigma to me and it scares me how much more there is and how important it is. Im activly appalled there is no "Math-Fund" to make shure a certain amount of math cracks is always able to math. The idea of loosing any or even all of this knowdlege to a disaster scares me shitless. I know i can survive, i know the basics. Heck i could even live, but anything beyond crude tools will be magic.
0:17 Euclid 🇬🇷 (father of euclidean geometry) 0:17 Thales 🇬🇷 (Thales' theorem) 0:17 Pythagoras 🇬🇷 (Pythagorean theorem) 0:19 Eratosthenes 🇬🇷 (exhaustion method) 0:20 Zu chongzi 🇨🇳 (pi greco approximation) 0:20 Brahmagupta 🇮🇳 (The Mathematician who introduced zero) 0:21 Al-khwarizmi 🇮🇷 (after Diophantus the father of of symbolic algebra) 0:22 Fibonacci 🇮🇹 (Father of continuous fractions and the one who imported the Indo-Arabic numbering system to Europe) 0:22 Luca Pacioli 🇮🇹 (Father of accounting, the first to write a unitary text on algebra) 0:23 Tartaglia 🇮🇹 (Father of the theory of equations and the first to solve equations of the third degree) 0:23 Gerolamo Cardano 🇮🇹 (The first one who worked with the square roots of negative numbers the so called complex number (invented by Bombelli) And who published the solution of the equations of the fourth degree due to Ferrari). At the end he was the father of the probability theory 0:24 René Descartes 🇨🇵 (father of the Analytic geometry with Fermat, thanks to this method we can unifie algebra and geometry and visualize equations as Geometrical figures ) 0:24 Isaac Newton 🇬🇧 (the most important All-time physicist and the father of infinitesimal analysis ) 0:25 Ada Lovelace 🇬🇧 (The world's first female computer programmer) 0:25 Leibniz 🇩🇪 (with Newton father of infinitesimal analysis) 0:25 Fermat 🇨🇵 (both father of analytic geometry (with Descartes) and classic number theory (with Lagrange)) 0:26 Cauchy 🇨🇵 (the Father of modern real and complex analysis respectively with Euler and Weierstrass and with Euler and Riemann ) 0:26 Weierstrass 🇩🇪 (father of real analysis and of the idea of analytic continuation) 0:27 Bolzano 🇨🇿 (with Cantor father of the matematichal idea of infinite) 0:27 Euler 🇨🇭 (the most important matematichian of all time he was the father of real analysis, complex analysis, general topology, graph theory, and calculus of variation) 0:28 Gauss 🇩🇪 (father of the most important branch of number theory the so called algebraic number theory and the father of the fundamental theorem of algebra of a lot of other important theorem and theory in math ) 0:28 Jacobi 🇩🇪 (famous for the jacobean matrix and for the elliptic integral) 0:29 Fourier 🇨🇵 (father of armonic analysis) 0:29 D'alembert 🇨🇵 (he was the first who tried to demonstrate the fundamental theorem of algebra He also made many contributions to chaos theory and differential equations) 0:30 Hermite 🇨🇵 (he made many important contribute to linear algebra and geometry) 0:30 Legendre 🇨🇵 (father of elliptic integral and one of the most important matematichian of his century) 0:31 Bernoulli families 🇨🇭 (they discovered Euler and made many important developments in the theory of differential equations) 0:31 Laplace 🇨🇵 (father of Celestial Mechanics He is one of the most important proponents of mechanical determinism) 0:31 Grassmann 🇩🇪 (father of Linear algebra and Exterior algebra) 0:32 Riemann 🇩🇪 (father of complex analysis ( with Cauchy) and differential geometry 0:32 Hamilton 🇬🇧 (father of the theory of Hypercomplex numbers thanks to the invention of the quaternions) 0:32 Frege 🇩🇪 (father of first order logic) 0:33 Lobachevsky 🇷🇺 (father of non euclidean geometry the so called hyperbolic Geometry) 0:34 Abel 🇳🇴 (father of the concept of abelian group and the first with Ruffini who discovered that the equations with degree superior of Fourth, they had no solutions) 0:35 Galois 🇨🇵 (father of group theory and Galois theory) 0:35 Klein 🇩🇪 (father the Erlangen program who create a connection between group theory and geometry) 0:36 Cantor 🇷🇺 (father of set theory and the first who intridues cardinals and ordinals numbers) 0:36 Hilbert 🇩🇪 (father of the theory of finitism and the first who ideate a program for the development of matematic based of a series of open question that must have an answer ) 0:36 Godel 🇨🇿 (Father of incompleteness theorems and, together with Von Neumann and Bernays, father of von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory) 0:37 Frobenius 🇩🇪 (father of the concepts of frobenius group and frobenius representation) 0:37 Kovalevskaja 🇷🇺 (the first woman who was graduate in math) 0:37 Poincaré 🇨🇵 (father of algebraic topology) 0:38 Noether 🇩🇪 (father of the concept of notherian ring and one of the father of abstract algebra) 0:38 Russell 🇬🇧 (father of axiomatic foundation of matematics, father of type theory and father of class theory) 0:39 Hardy 🇬🇧 (he discovery Ramanujan) 0:39 Ramanujan 🇮🇳 (The most important Indian matematichian of all time) 0:40 Weil 🇨🇵 (father of the Weil conjectures, he played a fundamental role in algebraic geometry) 0:40 Von neumann 🇭🇺 (he was the father of the von neumann algebra, von neumann hierarchy, von neumann universe and some other concept. He was considered as one of the most important matematichian of the 20th century) 0:41 Grothendieck (he was the father of scheme theory, Topos theory, motives theory and some other important composers. He was considered as one of the most important matematichians of the 20th century) 0:42 Erdős 🇭🇺 (father of the elementary number theory and considered as one of the most productive matematichian of all time with Euler) 0:42 Goro Shimura 🇯🇵 (Shimura varieties make a connection between number theory and algebraic geometry) 0:43 Perelman 🇷🇺 (Solved Poincaré's conjecture using Ricci's flow ) 0:43 Gromov 🇷🇺 (One of the most important living mathematicians) 0:44 Mirzakhani 🇮🇷 (the most important Iranian matematichian of all time) 0:44 Wiles 🇬🇧 (he proved Fermat last theorem) 0:44 Scholtze 🇩🇪 (famous for the invention of the perfectoid space and for the theory of condensed matematichs) 0:44 Tao 🇦🇺 (famous for the green-Tao theorem, he is the person still alive with the highest iq) Other important matematichians that aren't here are Archimedes 🇬🇷 (Precursor of the infinitesimal calculus and padded to Archimedean geometry) Desargues 🇨🇵 (father of projective geometry) Leon Battista Alberti 🇮🇹 (Precursor of the projective geometry) Chren 🇨🇳 (father of the modern differenzial geometry) Sophus lie 🇳🇴 (father of the lie theory that unifie differenial geometry and group theory) Veronese 🇮🇹 (father of non Archimedean geometry, non archimedea local field theory and with Steinitz father of field theory ) Levi-civita 🇮🇹 (father of tensorial calculus with Ricci Curbastro and the second most important figure I'm the development of non Archimedean geometry) Mobius 🇩🇪 (the creator of the idea of Mobius strip and the father of affine geometry after Euler) Steiner 🇨🇭 (the most important figure in the history of synthetic geometry with Euclid) Enriques 🇮🇹 (one of father's of algebraic geometry, he founded the branch of algebraic surfaces) Severi 🇮🇹. (he is the real father of algebraic geometry because he introduced the main idea of this branch the so called algebraic variety) Castelnuovo 🇮🇹 (one of the fathers of algebraic geometry) Fano 🇮🇹 (both one of the fathers of algebraic geometry and in the same the father of finite geometry and of the idea of fano variety ) Zariski 🇷🇺 (father of modern commutative algebra) Leray 🇨🇵 (father of sheaf theory a very powerful tool in mathematics) Vezzosi 🇮🇹 (with toen father of derived algebraic geometry) Toen 🇨🇵 (with vezzosi father of derived algebraic geometry) Michael Artin 🇺🇸 (father of non commutative algebraic geometry) Coxeter 🇬🇧 (father of discrete geometry) Peano 🇮🇹 (with Mandelbrot and Cantor father of fractal geometry, with Russel Frege and Godel father of mathematical logic and father of the theory of vectorial spaces) Lagrange 🇮🇹 (with Euler and Gauss consider one of the best matematichian of all time, is the father of symplectic geometry, calculus of various (with Euler), classical number theory (with Fermat), group theory (with Galois) and numerical analysis (with Euler)) Mandelbrot 🇵🇱 (father of fractal geometry) Monge 🇨🇵 (father of descriptive geometry and Precursor of differential geometry) Diophantus 🇬🇷 (father of algebr,theory of diphantean equations and diphantean approximation) Cayley 🇬🇧 (father of matrix theory, octonions and sedenions and of the Cayley-Dickinson method) Artin 🇦🇲 (father of abstract algebra and of global class field theory) Steinitz 🇩🇪 (with veronese father of field theory) Dedekind 🇩🇪 (father of ring theory) Gelfand 🇷🇺 (father of Representatons theory) Clifford 🇬🇧 (father of geometric algebra and Clifford algebra) Betti 🇮🇹 (father of homology theory) Eilenberg 🇵🇱 (father of homological algebra, modern algebric topology and category theory) Whitehead 🇬🇧 (father of the the theory of cw-complex) Tait 🇬🇧 (father of knot theory) Milnor 🇺🇸 (father of differential topology) Thom 🇨🇵 (father of the cubordism theory) Boole 🇬🇧 (father of boolean algebra, binary logic, mathematical logic, boolean ring and some other concepts) Volterra 🇮🇹 (with Banach father of functional analysis) Banach 🇵🇱 (with Volterra father of functional analysis) Curbastro 🇮🇹 (with Levi-Civita father of tensorial analysis) Fréchet 🇨🇵 (father of the theory of metric spaces with Arzela) Arzela 🇮🇹 (with Fréchet father of the theory metric spaces) Haussdorff 🇩🇪 (father of point set topology and of the theory of topocigal space)
Math: 15% CAGR over 60 years with just $100 daily investing in individual stocks. Put your time into studying and mastering these 3 things in life and you’ll be set for the rest of your life: 1. Personal Finance 2. Business 3. Real Estate
ah, such a nice day to become a math nerd again, listen to dark academia-vibed music and send hundreds of sms about maths to my friends who don't know anything about it. p.s. thx for adding women in this video, people tend to forget about female efforts in science.
Yes physics is so mathematical not just because of we know about all the physical reality but because we know so little... So physics is just a part and the application of mathematics. So physics is just applied mathematics. Applied mathematicians = physicists
Zeta function meme:
One of the greates unsolved problems in mathmatics: the proof is left as an exercise for the reader
le Riemann hypothesis
"and then you just set up the problem and do it" ah yes ofc
wait the domestic terrorist???
@@stadida4714don't you call my father that
@@stadida4714apparently he was also a brilliant mathematician
@@stadida4714The Harvard mathematician
@@restitutororbis964 yea but he later became a domestic terrorist
😂😂😂 asking for the Riemann hypothesis at 0:10 😂😂 te
Math never betrayed me.he always stayed by my side in my regrets
i feel you
“Maths is the alphabet that Gods used to create the Universe.”
Does that mean that a maths teacher is a God who can create the universe?
@@rin3484 only knowing the alphabet won’t make you write a book.
Bro only talks with quotes
he a W@@pepsiman1800
Honestly so beautiful
Math is the greatest thing in existance ❤️ i love it
As someone who buys into the idea of god being a mathematician and maths is therefore in itself Devine, I unironically agree with this statement.
@@Gh0stily111 No way you do XD
@@illunation I don’t get what you mean.
@@Gh0stily111that’s so cool. Never thought of it like that
And Physics, Chemistry
Перельман - легенда
0:26 Is that Putin ?
Nope, it's cauchy
Augustin Louis Putin
The Putin of Complex analysis lol
Watching this before physics exam
The language of the universe.
It's mostly screams
Aurelio doesn't agree with this statement
Me in 9th grade thinking algebra II was hard. Precalculus:💀
bro i loved precalc it was much easier than freshman year lol- probably the easiest math class i ever took it was just review but wait till calc loll
Wait until you hit diff eq
Calculus: ...
Multivariable calculus: 😈
@@Matematicand01multivariable calculus is honestly easy if you understand normal calculus
I'll use this to hype myself up next time i have to do an entire real analysis pset in 1 day
Great edit bruvs. Thank you!
If you recognized every person in this video I recommend you to consult a psychiatrist
Fourier is the GOAT ngl
Math is great. It's essential for existence and the language of the universe
- says me who got 5 in math
well i used to be really bad at maths i used to take (in my country its out of 20) 10/20 marks but i discovered how to stop procrastinating and i did it and i became obsessed with maths i love maths now,i wont lie i didnt really like at the start but as my dad was a STEM professional he studied civil engineering he started to teach me how to study and i did it and in the span of 1 month i dominate dthe topics i did at school,its not about doing extra work or overworking its about understanding the matter, like my maths teacher always said "practise makes perfect" and "maths is the language god used to create the universe" and this is what i needa tell u if i got to 19.5/20 in the span of 1 month so do u can or even do better,this motvated me to pursue more but what i gotta tell u is that after all marks arent everything but the cheat to successed i will tell u is that if you want to be the best at a thing you gotta have a reason to do it,for me the reason i started to study maths is because i already built rockets and i love physics but i knew if i want to make my rockets better i would need to be even better at maths but it isnt only that so yea i wont tell u more u gotta wake up and start the self improvement in studying and yea the rest is too long and its just for u to discover along like i did it will be valuable life lessons,but you first u need be sacrifice things you love for things you need for ur own good,good luck....
@@SciencesMathematics101can u share some tips how u break that gap of not doing to doing that procrastination part
0:49 Omg is that a Brazil reference?!
They took the first steps so that we can run.
Math beyond 1+1 is an utter enigma to me and it scares me how much more there is and how important it is. Im activly appalled there is no "Math-Fund" to make shure a certain amount of math cracks is always able to math. The idea of loosing any or even all of this knowdlege to a disaster scares me shitless.
I know i can survive, i know the basics. Heck i could even live, but anything beyond crude tools will be magic.
We all do math everyday, we just don't realize we're doing it.
Maths is just the way we represent reality with numbers and symbols.
Who is the boy in the drawing at 0:34? He looks quite similar to me.
Idk who exactly you mean but it is either Niels Abel or Galois.
@@thesenate5956 well in that case I would guess galois
The guy in the thumbnail at 0:43 looks like a hairier version of Jacksepticeye.
This is Grigory Perelman. He proved Poincare's conjecture and refused from the 1 million $ prize
Mathematics is the beauty of this nature through patterns
great edit
Can you please name all the mathematicians in this video.
0:17 Euclid 🇬🇷 (father of euclidean geometry)
0:17 Thales 🇬🇷 (Thales' theorem)
0:17 Pythagoras 🇬🇷 (Pythagorean theorem)
0:19 Eratosthenes 🇬🇷 (exhaustion method)
0:20 Zu chongzi 🇨🇳 (pi greco approximation)
0:20 Brahmagupta 🇮🇳 (The Mathematician who introduced zero)
0:21 Al-khwarizmi 🇮🇷 (after Diophantus the father of of symbolic algebra)
0:22 Fibonacci 🇮🇹 (Father of continuous fractions and the one who imported the Indo-Arabic numbering system to Europe)
0:22 Luca Pacioli 🇮🇹 (Father of accounting, the first to write a unitary text on algebra)
0:23 Tartaglia 🇮🇹 (Father of the theory of equations and the first to solve equations of the third degree)
0:23 Gerolamo Cardano 🇮🇹 (The first one who worked with the square roots of negative numbers the so called complex number (invented by Bombelli) And who published the solution of the equations of the fourth degree due to Ferrari). At the end he was the father of the probability theory
0:24 René Descartes 🇨🇵 (father of the Analytic geometry with Fermat, thanks to this method we can unifie algebra and geometry and visualize equations as Geometrical figures )
0:24 Isaac Newton 🇬🇧 (the most important All-time physicist and the father of infinitesimal analysis )
0:25 Ada Lovelace 🇬🇧 (The world's first female computer programmer)
0:25 Leibniz 🇩🇪 (with Newton father of infinitesimal analysis)
0:25 Fermat 🇨🇵 (both father of analytic geometry (with Descartes) and classic number theory (with Lagrange))
0:26 Cauchy 🇨🇵 (the Father of modern real and complex analysis respectively with Euler and Weierstrass and with Euler and Riemann )
0:26 Weierstrass 🇩🇪 (father of real analysis and of the idea of analytic continuation)
0:27 Bolzano 🇨🇿 (with Cantor father of the matematichal idea of infinite)
0:27 Euler 🇨🇭 (the most important matematichian of all time he was the father of real analysis, complex analysis, general topology, graph theory, and calculus of variation)
0:28 Gauss 🇩🇪 (father of the most important branch of number theory the so called algebraic number theory and the father of the fundamental theorem of algebra of a lot of other important theorem and theory in math )
0:28 Jacobi 🇩🇪 (famous for the jacobean matrix and for the elliptic integral)
0:29 Fourier 🇨🇵 (father of armonic analysis)
0:29 D'alembert 🇨🇵 (he was the first who tried to demonstrate the fundamental theorem of algebra He also made many contributions to chaos theory and differential equations)
0:30 Hermite 🇨🇵 (he made many important contribute to linear algebra and geometry)
0:30 Legendre 🇨🇵 (father of elliptic integral and one of the most important matematichian of his century)
0:31 Bernoulli families 🇨🇭 (they discovered Euler and made many important developments in the theory of differential equations)
0:31 Laplace 🇨🇵 (father of Celestial Mechanics He is one of the most important proponents of mechanical determinism)
0:31 Grassmann 🇩🇪 (father of Linear algebra and Exterior algebra)
0:32 Riemann 🇩🇪 (father of complex analysis ( with Cauchy) and differential geometry
0:32 Hamilton 🇬🇧 (father of the theory of Hypercomplex numbers thanks to the invention of the quaternions)
0:32 Frege 🇩🇪 (father of first order logic)
0:33 Lobachevsky 🇷🇺 (father of non euclidean geometry the so called hyperbolic Geometry)
0:34 Abel 🇳🇴 (father of the concept of abelian group and the first with Ruffini who discovered that the equations with degree superior of Fourth, they had no solutions)
0:35 Galois 🇨🇵 (father of group theory and Galois theory)
0:35 Klein 🇩🇪 (father the Erlangen program who create a connection between group theory and geometry)
0:36 Cantor 🇷🇺 (father of set theory and the first who intridues cardinals and ordinals numbers)
0:36 Hilbert 🇩🇪 (father of the theory of finitism and the first who ideate a program for the development of matematic based of a series of open question that must have an answer )
0:36 Godel 🇨🇿 (Father of incompleteness theorems and, together with Von Neumann and Bernays, father of von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory)
0:37 Frobenius 🇩🇪 (father of the concepts of frobenius group and frobenius representation)
0:37 Kovalevskaja 🇷🇺 (the first woman who was graduate in math)
0:37 Poincaré 🇨🇵 (father of algebraic topology)
0:38 Noether 🇩🇪 (father of the concept of notherian ring and one of the father of abstract algebra)
0:38 Russell 🇬🇧 (father of axiomatic foundation of matematics, father of type theory and father of class theory)
0:39 Hardy 🇬🇧 (he discovery Ramanujan)
0:39 Ramanujan 🇮🇳 (The most important Indian matematichian of all time)
0:40 Weil 🇨🇵 (father of the Weil conjectures, he played a fundamental role in algebraic geometry)
0:40 Von neumann 🇭🇺 (he was the father of the von neumann algebra, von neumann hierarchy, von neumann universe and some other concept. He was considered as one of the most important matematichian of the 20th century)
0:41 Grothendieck (he was the father of scheme theory, Topos theory, motives theory and some other important composers. He was considered as one of the most important matematichians of the 20th century)
0:42 Erdős 🇭🇺 (father of the elementary number theory and considered as one of the most productive matematichian of all time with Euler)
0:42 Goro Shimura 🇯🇵 (Shimura varieties make a connection between number theory and algebraic geometry)
0:43 Perelman 🇷🇺 (Solved Poincaré's conjecture using Ricci's flow )
0:43 Gromov 🇷🇺 (One of the most important living mathematicians)
0:44 Mirzakhani 🇮🇷 (the most important Iranian matematichian of all time)
0:44 Wiles 🇬🇧 (he proved Fermat last theorem)
0:44 Scholtze 🇩🇪 (famous for the invention of the perfectoid space and for the theory of condensed matematichs)
0:44 Tao 🇦🇺 (famous for the green-Tao theorem, he is the person still alive with the highest iq)
Other important matematichians that aren't here are
Archimedes 🇬🇷 (Precursor of the infinitesimal calculus and padded to Archimedean geometry)
Desargues 🇨🇵 (father of projective geometry)
Leon Battista Alberti 🇮🇹 (Precursor of the projective geometry)
Chren 🇨🇳 (father of the modern differenzial geometry)
Sophus lie 🇳🇴 (father of the lie theory that unifie differenial geometry and group theory)
Veronese 🇮🇹 (father of non Archimedean geometry, non archimedea local field theory and with Steinitz father of field theory )
Levi-civita 🇮🇹 (father of tensorial calculus with Ricci Curbastro and the second most important figure I'm the development of non Archimedean geometry)
Mobius 🇩🇪 (the creator of the idea of Mobius strip and the father of affine geometry after Euler)
Steiner 🇨🇭 (the most important figure in the history of synthetic geometry with Euclid)
Enriques 🇮🇹 (one of father's of algebraic geometry, he founded the branch of algebraic surfaces)
Severi 🇮🇹. (he is the real father of algebraic geometry because he introduced the main idea of this branch the so called algebraic variety)
Castelnuovo 🇮🇹 (one of the fathers of algebraic geometry)
Fano 🇮🇹 (both one of the fathers of algebraic geometry and in the same the father of finite geometry and of the idea of fano variety )
Zariski 🇷🇺 (father of modern commutative algebra)
Leray 🇨🇵 (father of sheaf theory a very powerful tool in mathematics)
Vezzosi 🇮🇹 (with toen father of derived algebraic geometry)
Toen 🇨🇵 (with vezzosi father of derived algebraic geometry)
Michael Artin 🇺🇸 (father of non commutative algebraic geometry)
Coxeter 🇬🇧 (father of discrete geometry)
Peano 🇮🇹 (with Mandelbrot and Cantor father of fractal geometry, with Russel Frege and Godel father of mathematical logic and father of the theory of vectorial spaces)
Lagrange 🇮🇹 (with Euler and Gauss consider one of the best matematichian of all time, is the father of symplectic geometry, calculus of various (with Euler), classical number theory (with Fermat), group theory (with Galois) and numerical analysis (with Euler))
Mandelbrot 🇵🇱 (father of fractal geometry)
Monge 🇨🇵 (father of descriptive geometry and Precursor of differential geometry)
Diophantus 🇬🇷 (father of algebr,theory of diphantean equations and diphantean approximation)
Cayley 🇬🇧 (father of matrix theory, octonions and sedenions and of the Cayley-Dickinson method)
Artin 🇦🇲 (father of abstract algebra and of global class field theory)
Steinitz 🇩🇪 (with veronese father of field theory)
Dedekind 🇩🇪 (father of ring theory)
Gelfand 🇷🇺 (father of Representatons theory)
Clifford 🇬🇧 (father of geometric algebra and Clifford algebra)
Betti 🇮🇹 (father of homology theory)
Eilenberg 🇵🇱 (father of homological algebra, modern algebric topology and category theory)
Whitehead 🇬🇧 (father of the the theory of cw-complex)
Tait 🇬🇧 (father of knot theory)
Milnor 🇺🇸 (father of differential topology)
Thom 🇨🇵 (father of the cubordism theory)
Boole 🇬🇧 (father of boolean algebra, binary logic, mathematical logic, boolean ring and some other concepts)
Volterra 🇮🇹 (with Banach father of functional analysis)
Banach 🇵🇱 (with Volterra father of functional analysis)
Curbastro 🇮🇹 (with Levi-Civita father of tensorial analysis)
Fréchet 🇨🇵 (father of the theory of metric spaces with Arzela)
Arzela 🇮🇹 (with Fréchet father of the theory metric spaces)
Haussdorff 🇩🇪 (father of point set topology and of the theory of topocigal space)
The wondrous forms
Oh shoot,I never used to hate it.
What a natural beautiful creature the mathematics is, idk how todays students hate this
Probably because of school’s structure, but i don’t have the proof…
@@nicco2034 that is ofcourse left as an exercise to the reader
Math: 15% CAGR over 60 years with just $100 daily investing in individual stocks.
Put your time into studying and mastering these 3 things in life and you’ll be set for the rest of your life:
1. Personal Finance
2. Business
3. Real Estate
Mathematics is the language of the universe and music is the dialect.
0:46 can anyone explain?
Math is just a number.
Aurelio very much likes this video
00:51 you really are standing all alone
What the heck is a Bessel function??
A solution to a certain implicit differential equation
Maths 🤝 physics
Police i swear to god not simping for a child
I get more than the 98 percent of this video so I suppose than I got deep into the wormhole.
ah, such a nice day to become a math nerd again, listen to dark academia-vibed music and send hundreds of sms about maths to my friends who don't know anything about it.
p.s. thx for adding women in this video, people tend to forget about female efforts in science.
Other than a few handful gifted women arent generally math oriented...
The last book ❤
What book is shown in the first frame lol?
Make a little dark age video on 20th century.
Btw check out my Little Dark Age - Moors edit
Where’s the 9+10 guys?
maybe we are need to be alone. by doing so, we will be better for others...
I love math
God Greatest Gift
The proof is by magic.
Cool but school made me hate math and it is too late.
It's never too late, the beauty of mathematics reveals itself little by little :)
Maryam Mirzakhani❤️
maths are my life
Al-Khwarizmi the GOAT
Ofc everything copied from India 😂
For the beauty of mathematics, I have a truly wonderful proof, but the UA-cam comment section is too small to contain it.
Нет задачника демидовичка
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Yes physics is so mathematical not just because of we know about all the physical reality but because we know so little... So physics is just a part and the application of mathematics. So physics is just applied mathematics. Applied mathematicians = physicists
Tan 0°=
Fear of math is like Tan of 90 degrees, it doesn't exist
@@BetterPerson-t4dits undefined and discontinuos
Cant say doesnt exist
First I think that maths is useless but I know this is the language of the universe and the beauty of maths
all white
rewatch the video
Nope. Not even close. And Algebra was invented by Moorish mathematicians. How do you feel? Still fragile?
Like it or not whites have invented 90% of things
A good number are Jewish, Asian, Indian.
wytes suck at math
What a waste of time
god, how i hate math