If you’re looking for ideas, Lots of skiers do videos analyzing guys were working on deep short line. I would love to see you analyzing videos of people like me who struggle at 15 off who have great body position but are inconsistent Or helping people get from 15 to short line. That’s of course me being selfish though. I relate to how you explain things, keep it up.
look forward to trying this one out to getting a better stance after the turns
If you’re looking for ideas, Lots of skiers do videos analyzing guys were working on deep short line. I would love to see you analyzing videos of people like me who struggle at 15 off who have great body position but are inconsistent Or helping people get from 15 to short line. That’s of course me being selfish though. I relate to how you explain things, keep it up.
excellent thanks for the tip!
Good stuff. Thank you, Rob.
Hey, do you do online coaching ?
Hey, yes I do, send me a message on Facebook or instagram (@robhazelwood99) for the details!