Oregon Rocks! | Rockhounding Oregon : Southern Oregon Jaspers

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheRogueRockhound
    @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +5

    Please SHARE the video with a friend and thanks for watching!
    Help me make videos by donating here: www.paypal.com/paypalme/theroguerockhound

  • @BrienWood7.3
    @BrienWood7.3 9 місяців тому +2

    Nice haul!

  • @TheRogueRockhound
    @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +6

    I found some time to rockhound and went to the best spot in the area. Within a few hours, my bag was full and I went home happy.
    Lots of jasper in this video ^^
    Oregon Rocks! | Rockhounding Oregon : Southern Oregon Jaspers

  • @shannonoconnor3853
    @shannonoconnor3853 2 роки тому +1

    Gorgeous finds! I love the little gems you found when you were heading back as well. So cool to see all of the rocks cleaned up, too! Some real glowers! Jasper is such a beautiful stone. So many variations in color!

  • @OregonRocks
    @OregonRocks 2 роки тому +2

    Oregon is so full of magical gems! In every region you can find something cool! Great finds!

  • @tyshaver108
    @tyshaver108 Рік тому +1

    Magnolias are amazing!!

  • @chetalger873
    @chetalger873 Рік тому +1

    I like the turntable for displaying your rocks. Love your videos.

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  Рік тому

      Thanks Chet, always good to hear from you. Hope youre doing well ^^

  • @largent45
    @largent45 2 роки тому +3

    You crack me up! "Check out currently rockhounding. He doesnt pay me to say this, but he cant stop me either! " You are hilarious! Those are some pretty great tumbler pieces, or if you want to make something small like jewelery pieces and cabs. The color variation there is awesome. From bright yellow to red, burgundy, green, orange and purple, all i the same piece sometimes! And it looks like you are finding them all fairly quickly. Awesome colors! That Jasper is gorgeous! And man that big chunk of green is awesome! That big chunk of red looked like some really pretty jasperized wood! And wow! That green was gorgeous! My goodness the cut was beautiful! And the cut of the red you cant see as well but is going to be gorgeous as well! Wonderful! Thanks Andrew! Lovely finds on a december day!

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks Largent, youre always so kind.
      Kinda weird this go, I picked up mostly small stuff. I really just needed to get out of the house so I figured I would see how the area looks. I have plans to go deeper in soon to look for the big museum pieces.
      Thanks again and look forward to chatting w/ you ^^

  • @AG-6969
    @AG-6969 2 роки тому +1

    I can hear the collective scream of, "NO!" Every time you throw one of those mixed red, green, and yellow jaspers back to the ground. Hahaha. I live up in WA, I need to get down there sometime, I'd love to see that stuff tumbled! another great video! (Oh, and dig how you're bring sexy back to rockhounding with your music choices, hahaha,)

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      LOL Yeah, I can hear them constantly ^^
      SW Oregon is great, you've got to visit sometime
      Thanks and chat w/ ya soon ^^

  • @outdooradventureswithfayde6832
    @outdooradventureswithfayde6832 2 роки тому +1

    That was a killer video. You already know I love that spot and I knew right away where you were 🙂. So good to see the new growth and that super bright red saplings. Muddy is an understatement, good thing got those boots and pants. That multi color jasper, oh man! I think 16:26 it was, was an incredible piece. Jeremiah's right, rock tumbler heaven! Very good productive outing. Cool shoutout to Jared's channel. And thanks for sharing the finds on the lazy Susan and using black light. That was cool. Great video, buddy 🤘😁

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +1

      I tell ya man, I havnt even scratched that area yet. Its massive!
      I have a new spot on my radar that I'm obsessing about and hope to show that place soon.
      Thanks for all the support man and I hope youre staying warm and not getting too many feet of snow ^^
      Stay crunchy bro

    • @outdooradventureswithfayde6832
      @outdooradventureswithfayde6832 2 роки тому

      @@TheRogueRockhound a new place your obsessing about you say....sounds intriguing! Can't wait to see it brofessor!

  • @rover790
    @rover790 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you, this very interesting for a newbie

  • @jasonhenderson5642
    @jasonhenderson5642 2 роки тому +1

    I received a rock tumbler for Father's day this year. I have only finished one batch. I am hooked. I love the colors you were finding and it killed me when you would throw away perfect tumblers. OUCH! I am in Northern Utah and maybe some day I could travel to your neck of the world and tag a long on a hunt. Great video. I am a new subscriber.

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      Hey Jason! Welcome to the party ^^
      Let me know if you head to Oregon and I'll show you some spots.

    • @jasonhenderson5642
      @jasonhenderson5642 2 роки тому

      @@TheRogueRockhound Thank you so kindly. I look forward to more of your videos.

  • @reddogranch
    @reddogranch 2 роки тому +1

    Another great video! One of these days you and RockHound Quest should come get your boots muddy at my place. I'm just a mile down the road from the Worthington trailhead.

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      For sure! I'd love that ^^
      Hope you had a great holiday and are staying warm!

  • @RagnarRocks
    @RagnarRocks 2 роки тому +1

    Oh man! That place is rock tumbler heaven! I love that crystal cluster @20:55! Whhhhhaaatttttt! Excellent Currently Rockhounding plug, I'm sure he will appreciate it! HATE the mud boots!!!

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +1

      The mud up there is beyond sticky atm. Its magnetized to my boots man, I swear.

    • @RagnarRocks
      @RagnarRocks 2 роки тому

      @@TheRogueRockhound cross country skis might do it 🤣

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      @@RagnarRocks ROFL! I can just imagine it! HAHAHA

  • @mattrichards1492
    @mattrichards1492 2 роки тому +1

    What a cool place. I think I have some of that material you gave to @RagnarRocks last year. I love it. Looks like a big jasper egg where you ask to mention in the comments...
    Around 13:50+ a few of those pieces look like opal. Hard to tell from a video. Well done!

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      Awesome! As for the egg towards the end, It's not jasper as far as I know. I thought it waould be carnelian but when I cut it yesterday it had a mix of stuff including some odd inclusions. I'll post pics to community tab soon to show everyone what I mean.
      Thanks for watching Matt!

  • @graemero5532
    @graemero5532 2 роки тому +1

    You Sir, are a grasper of Jasper 😂 And you are correct regarding the excellent Currently Rockhounding.

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +1

      LOL And you must be the poet who didnt know it ^^
      Good to hear from ya and hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

    • @graemero5532
      @graemero5532 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheRogueRockhound LOL

  • @xzenothx
    @xzenothx 2 роки тому +1

    @ 23.35 that's a damn beauty right there.

  • @AaronBelknap
    @AaronBelknap Рік тому +1

    What great finds! I love the multi colored jaspers with the green! Isn't chalcedony used for sparking against a rock (flint)? Great finds Andrew!

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  Рік тому

      Chalcedony will spark like flint. Both are commonly used with a steel file to start fires but one is clearly cooler than the other ^^

  • @deannamarsala5160
    @deannamarsala5160 2 роки тому +2

    If you want to find some AWESOME jasper, orbicular jasper & jaspergate, you should come to Redding. My hubby and I have some good spots in the Black Butte recreation area we could take you to!

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +2

      That would be awesome! I dont make it south much and would like to change that in the coming seasons ^^

    • @deannamarsala5160
      @deannamarsala5160 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheRogueRockhound We're not too far, and we'd be stoked to take you hounding in our neck of the woods! We'll email you with some info & a few pics of what we've collected. We could ship you a few specimens to check too!

    • @jeremyjames9118
      @jeremyjames9118 2 роки тому

      @@TheRogueRockhound We'd love to have you down! We have some pretty awesome jasper down here, some pretty cool orbicular stuff. I need to get some slabbed up so we can send it up!

  • @nhrockaholic6038
    @nhrockaholic6038 2 роки тому +1

    What do you do with all your jaspers? Ohhh, I like them cleaned up!

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +1

      I give 99% of my rocks away to random people ^^
      Always cool to share, ya know

    • @nhrockaholic6038
      @nhrockaholic6038 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheRogueRockhound well if you ever want to share with someone from NH. We have no Jaspers here. All Granites. I would happily pay for shipping. Just sayin’. Lol

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      @@nhrockaholic6038 I have family in S. NH and lived there for a few years. I have no problem sharing. We'll figure something out ^^

  • @MACorrupt
    @MACorrupt 2 роки тому +1

    Do you sell anything of what you find? You find some of the nicest stuff I see out there.

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому +1

      I've never sold anything that I've found on public lands. I would probably sell some of the material I find on the claims I visit 😉.

    • @MACorrupt
      @MACorrupt 2 роки тому

      @@TheRogueRockhound I would be thrilled with just some nice Jasper pieces I’ll look for your email in the about section. I can purchase in January

  • @keeganbay3490
    @keeganbay3490 2 роки тому +1

    I have a unique spot in Douglas county where I have found 2 full geodes so far and 20+ pound Jasper specimens. Let me know if you ever want to check that area out.

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      I definitely would like to know more ^^

    • @keeganbay3490
      @keeganbay3490 2 роки тому +1

      I’ll send you a message on your Facebook page when I get home!

  • @justme-gj1wm
    @justme-gj1wm Рік тому +1

    I'm shocked you don't have more views on your videos.. I'm thinking maybe if you have a reliable schedule of new video uploads , you might pick up more . Your microscopic videos were very much useful in seeing how to truly identify the rock .. if you could do some videos like that with videos of what rocks to look for that can be sold , where and how to sell them and what makes 1 rock of the same type be worth more or less than another..

  • @newdebate
    @newdebate 2 роки тому +1

    21:05 gold ore?

    • @TheRogueRockhound
      @TheRogueRockhound  2 роки тому

      Not sure yet, but I'll be running some tests soon. Here's hoping eh ^^