"MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD" | The Passion Of The Christ Scene 4K

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
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    #Jesus #ThePassionOfTheChrist #Truth

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,9 тис.

  • @renishisrael9520
    @renishisrael9520 Рік тому +2967

    Pilate is asking " What is truth ? " to the Truth Himself .

    • @Bryle_
      @Bryle_ Рік тому +85

      Matthew 13:13-17 (KJV)
      Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
      And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
      For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
      But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
      For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

    • @ronaldharnois9168
      @ronaldharnois9168 Рік тому +58

      You are sooooo right.
      The Truth stood before him and Pilate
      Did not recognize Him...

    • @basilshamazov7835
      @basilshamazov7835 Рік тому +18

      Jesus Christ would have told him the answer to the question, if only Pontius Pilate had asked Him “Who is Truth” instead of “What is truth”.

    • @demonkillarocks
      @demonkillarocks Рік тому +5


    • @luckylarry423
      @luckylarry423 Рік тому +5

      Est vir qui adest...

  • @nicolestimothy9921
    @nicolestimothy9921 Рік тому +2941

    Pilate ask him in Aramanic but then Jesus reply in Latin. The Romans and Pilate shock like there is no way an outsider from Roman Empire can speak Latin perfectly then Jesus himself.

    • @Superator69
      @Superator69 Рік тому +60

      Actually Latin was very widespread in the middle east by then which is pilate was not at all surprised in the movie. Come to Zeus he is the only true god.

    • @KerboDrive
      @KerboDrive Рік тому +347

      @@Superator69 lol no Greek was more widespread

    • @emmanuelsepulveda1835
      @emmanuelsepulveda1835 Рік тому +20

      @@KerboDrive both were

    • @ivanfernandes2525
      @ivanfernandes2525 Рік тому +4


    • @Dan251299
      @Dan251299 Рік тому +72

      greek was more popular in the east side

  • @DC-ih8bv
    @DC-ih8bv Рік тому +1946

    Truly fascinating that Jim Caviezel was not nominated for an Oscar. What an incredible performance.

    • @greendaylover4771
      @greendaylover4771 Рік тому

      I totally agree. It’s because Hollywood hates Christianity. They respect every other religion but Christianity.

    • @RodrigoBassoM1986
      @RodrigoBassoM1986 Рік тому +713

      Lol we all know why...

    • @erin0719
      @erin0719 Рік тому

      Hollywood is anti Christian 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @eskanda3434
      @eskanda3434 Рік тому

      @@RodrigoBassoM1986 jews didnt want him to and they comtrol

    • @AlexisLK
      @AlexisLK Рік тому +171

      I still objectively thinks, and not even because the movie is about Jesus or anything like that, truly from a cinema passionate person, that this was the best performance in cinema in the last 20 or maybe 30 years

  • @tonyak-47best
    @tonyak-47best Рік тому +922

    Thank you Jesus for going through all that you did to save someone so unworthy as myself

    • @aaronthompson7730
      @aaronthompson7730 Рік тому +5

      What he save U from.

    • @tonyak-47best
      @tonyak-47best Рік тому +52

      @@aaronthompson7730 my sins he is the savior of all our sins

    • @paulunatx
      @paulunatx Рік тому +8

      Amen 🙏🏻

      @THEONLYOBA Рік тому +7

      Amen 🙏🏿 indeed

    • @wolfreyet
      @wolfreyet Рік тому +8

      You are worthy. You don't need Jesus to make you worthy.

  • @sergiozamarripa2578
    @sergiozamarripa2578 Рік тому +983

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for being Born thank you Lord

    • @farooqkhamidogli4557
      @farooqkhamidogli4557 Рік тому +4

      Where did Jesus say that he had come to pay off for your sins?

    • @TheVoiceInTheWilderness
      @TheVoiceInTheWilderness Рік тому +14

      @@farooqkhamidogli4557 even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, AND TO GIVE HIS LIFE A RANSOM FOR MANY.
      Matthew 20:28 KJV
      I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth HIS LIFE for the sheep.
      John 10:11 KJV
      Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down HIS LIFE for his friends.
      John 15:13 KJV

    • @farooqkhamidogli4557
      @farooqkhamidogli4557 Рік тому +3

      @@TheVoiceInTheWilderness what do u think about Jesus saying each one bears his own burdens.

    • @TheVoiceInTheWilderness
      @TheVoiceInTheWilderness Рік тому +4

      @@farooqkhamidogli4557 what you think of Jesus being God in accordance to Muhammad ?

    • @TheVoiceInTheWilderness
      @TheVoiceInTheWilderness Рік тому +8

      @@farooqkhamidogli4557 Lets ask Muhammad himself to answer this question and he has done that for you muslims already!!
      Start reading!
      Authenticity of the below hadith 👇
      The Hadith Qudsi, or sacred hadith, have a particularly IMPORTANT STATUS BECAUSE THEIR MEANING IS ENTIRELY FROM ALLAH (swt) WHILE THE WORDING IS THAT OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (s) HIMSELF. The hadith qudsi are the sayings of the PROPHET DIVINELY COMMUNICATED TO HIM. The present collection has been compiled from all the available books of hadith. The forty chosen here are all well AUTHENTICATED and present many of the doctrinal, devotional and ethical elements of Islam.
      Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi (rahimahullah). His collection is considered to be one of the most AUTHENTIC collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ), and along with Sahih al-Bukhari forms the "Sahihain," or the "Two Sahihs." It contains roughly 7500 hadith (with repetitions) in 57 books.
      Hadith 18, 40 Hadith Qudsi
      On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
      Allah (mighty and sublime be He) will say on the Day of Resurrection: O son of Adam, I fell ill and you visited Me not. He will say: O Lord, and how should I visit You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so had fallen ill and you visited him not? Did you not know that had you visited him you would have found Me with him? O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not. He will say: O Lord, and how should I feed You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so asked you for food and you fed him not? Did you not know that had you fed him you would surely have found that (the reward for doing so) with Me? O son of Adam, I asked you to give Me to drink and you gave Me not to drink. He will say: O Lord, how should I give You to drink when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: My servant So-and-so asked you to give him to drink and you gave him not to drink. Had you given him to drink you would have surely found that with Me.
      It was related by Muslim.
      Reference : Hadith 18, 40 Hadith Qudsi
      Above is PLAGIARISED from NEW TESTAMENT which is attributed to LORD JESUS CHRIST
      When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
      Matthew 25:31‭-‬46 KJV
      Now who is the LORD ?
      But the LORD shall endure for ever: He hath prepared his throne for judgment.
      Psalm 9:7 KJV
      וַיהוָה לְעוֹלָם יֵשֵׁב כּוֹנֵן לַמִּשְׁפָּט כִּסְאוֹ׃
      Yᵊhōvâ ʿôlām yāšaḇ kûn mišpāṭ kissē
      So since You muslims ask where
      Did jesus say he is Allah 👆⚔️
      Case is Closed
      According to Muhammad Jesus is God he is LORD of worlds by copying his very own words !
      allah = Lord Jesus Christ

  • @hello.Hello.HELLO_U.
    @hello.Hello.HELLO_U. Рік тому +547

    I cried...I just cried and fell to my knees. There has never been a movie that made me repent.

    • @anthonyloibl2945
      @anthonyloibl2945 Рік тому +22

      Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      Not of works, lest any man should boast

    • @DestinyAwaits19
      @DestinyAwaits19 Рік тому

      @@anthonyloibl2945 But we did get here through our works. Through faith in Christ and God aswell. But the modern West is a miracle and an achievement of man himself.

    • @F5_cena
      @F5_cena Рік тому

      Mel Gibson made this movie for one purpose and that was to get someone to start a second Jewish Holocaust

    • @tomorpedreiro3032
      @tomorpedreiro3032 Рік тому +3


    • @DestinyAwaits19
      @DestinyAwaits19 Рік тому

      @@F5_cena Not true.

  • @FlockOfYahweh
    @FlockOfYahweh 4 місяці тому +274

    “All men who hear truth hear my voice” what a statement

    • @CS4JS
      @CS4JS 2 місяці тому +9

      ❤️ 🙏

    • @640duke
      @640duke Місяць тому +6

      Yes, and that is a reply to question 'What is the truth'
      Truth is Himself.

  • @raulduke3237
    @raulduke3237 Рік тому +205

    Jim Cavizel was so good in this role

    • @tralarimtamtum4899
      @tralarimtamtum4899 Рік тому +21

      I think the best performance ever. Mostly because Mel Gibson ( JimCavizel probably too) is a traditional Catholic who understand how Lord Jesus should be portrayed

    • @shadow4899
      @shadow4899 Рік тому +15

      Jim prayed to God so the audience see Jesus in this role, not the actor.

    • @racheldsouza8895
      @racheldsouza8895 Рік тому +8

      ​@@tralarimtamtum4899 they had traditional Latin mass everyday on set before filming. I think that's awesome

    • @tralarimtamtum4899
      @tralarimtamtum4899 Рік тому +4

      @@racheldsouza8895 I'll say that's exactly how it should be😁

  • @anthonycaronna4186
    @anthonycaronna4186 Рік тому +198

    I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

    • @Calimerothesadbird
      @Calimerothesadbird 7 місяців тому +3

      Words one has to REALLY understand....It is hard to really live up to his ideals, his message. To "follow" him in spirit.

    • @BhavanaSurti
      @BhavanaSurti 6 місяців тому +4


  • @rff6866
    @rff6866 Рік тому +168

    Truth was standing in front of them

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 Рік тому

      repent, believe, obey, sin, repent, believe, obey, you are sin. be brainwashed into jesus ! for you are born for one reason ! accept jesus in your heart and suffer as he suffered so it is the only way for you to escape demons and gremlins monsters and hellfire that burn ! god can't go on earth in a magnificent beautiful form ! he need to impregnante a simple human woman so a second 100% humanified god can be born ! jews will betray him and romans will execute the order of the jews ! but fear not ! cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified ! he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying. god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his son to die without letting him ask his choice "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john 13 he still is god ! and in christ we trust ! cause in christ we are saved ! revelations will come and they will all go to hell exept the elected ! (jesus ret*rded logic)😭😭😭😭

    • @THEMAN-ru8ek
      @THEMAN-ru8ek 7 місяців тому +9

      ....and that was our Lord Jesus Christ

    • @GuardianHero14
      @GuardianHero14 5 місяців тому +6

      Amen ✨🕊️

    • @FEdelasJONSEnjoyer
      @FEdelasJONSEnjoyer Місяць тому +2


    • @ronaldjeremysiciliano9804
      @ronaldjeremysiciliano9804 28 днів тому


  • @adamalbert7856
    @adamalbert7856 Рік тому +319

    He has risen!!

    • @Its.nice2b_nice
      @Its.nice2b_nice Рік тому +30

      And he's seated at the right hand of God the Father forever🔥

    • @jamq3815
      @jamq3815 Рік тому

      This is not what Yahavah looked like this is a graven image portrayal read Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1

    • @Xplosion919
      @Xplosion919 Рік тому +2

      Hallelujah and Amen!

    • @pamscroggy4737
      @pamscroggy4737 Рік тому +3

      Amen 🙏

    • @nickma71
      @nickma71 Рік тому

      What is the purpose of him dying and being resurrected?

  • @Username-il8xt
    @Username-il8xt Рік тому +528


    • @ryandavis394
      @ryandavis394 Рік тому +2

      Hesus Krishna (Sun Of Constantine) 🌞 King 🤴 Of The Jews

    • @HarryHafsak
      @HarryHafsak Рік тому +4

      Isn’t God the king of kings? Jesus is just the son of God.

    • @Millenium_group
      @Millenium_group Рік тому +3


    • @Superator69
      @Superator69 Рік тому +1

      Jesus is my landscaper

    • @farooqkhamidogli4557
      @farooqkhamidogli4557 Рік тому

      You dont have a conception of god. even 🤣🤣🤣

  • @CambriaCandiceMaria
    @CambriaCandiceMaria 2 місяці тому +22

    This was one of the few movies that made me feel I was seeing Jesus himself. Magnificent job, Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson.

  • @TheDalinkwent
    @TheDalinkwent Рік тому +77

    Jim really is an amazing actor To deliver those lines without a hint of ego or boast must have been difficult.

    • @IsraelCountryCube
      @IsraelCountryCube 10 місяців тому +7

      I agreed! Good assessment! Of the lack of pride he has I'm very proud of him! My ego and boastings higher when I do something specific but honestly this here is worthy of praise because I could not do it! Amen I hope Jesus blessed him as he wishes

  • @kenshinjd
    @kenshinjd Рік тому +48

    The way (Jim Caviezel) he portrayed the Lord by maintaining direct eye contact while speaking to the person Pontius Pilate. He displays that Jesus is both the Good Shepherd and the Servant King ( A king not in his clothing but His nobility, birth, and Divinity)

  • @ZachNelson-t6d
    @ZachNelson-t6d 6 місяців тому +17

    I see what Jesus is saying more and more everyday.

  • @mattiaspawlowicz28
    @mattiaspawlowicz28 Рік тому +67

    If you can’t hear the truth, no one can tell it to you

    • @IblewuponyourfaceIII
      @IblewuponyourfaceIII Рік тому


    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 Рік тому

      repent, believe, obey, sin, repent, believe, obey, you are sin. be brainwashed into jesus ! for you are born for one reason ! accept jesus in your heart and suffer as he suffered so it is the only way for you to escape demons and gremlins monsters and hellfire that burn ! god can't go on earth in a magnificent beautiful form ! he need to impregnante a simple human woman so a second 100% humanified god can be born ! jews will betray him and romans will execute the order of the jews ! but fear not ! cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified ! he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying. god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his son to die without letting him ask his choice "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john 13 he still is god ! and in christ we trust ! cause in christ we are saved ! revelations will come and they will all go to hell exept the elected ! (jesus ret*rded logic)😭😭😭😭

  • @johnwatson5235
    @johnwatson5235 Рік тому +221

    No one comes to the Father except through the son ✝️

    • @Superator69
      @Superator69 Рік тому +2


    • @adrianshaw4639
      @adrianshaw4639 Рік тому +1

      That was a lie

    • @will4958
      @will4958 Рік тому

      @@Superator69 Why is that funny?

    • @will4958
      @will4958 Рік тому +1

      @@adrianshaw4639 How is it a lie?

    • @adrianshaw4639
      @adrianshaw4639 Рік тому +1

      @@will4958 Deuteronomy 6:4
      “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:”

  • @kavalere
    @kavalere Рік тому +260

    I have always felt that Pilate was not a bad guy. He was put in a very difficult situation and was under a lot of pressure from the Roman authorities. He did his best to save Jesus not knowing who he was, but ultimately he had to look out for his position and rank. Tell me, how many of you reading this would readily lose your job for a stranger? Furthermore, he had to do what he did to fulfill the prophesy. I'm not saying Pilate is a hero...he was the wrong man in the wrong place for all the right reasons. That's how i look at it.

    • @Bob-kk2vg
      @Bob-kk2vg Рік тому +30

      🤣🤣🤣🤣 You should learn about Roman history. Not a bad guy? Because we all know in society it is those with the highest morals that rise to the top in society (that’s sarcasm).

    • @InitialPC
      @InitialPC Рік тому +39

      @@Bob-kk2vg except for the fact that governor of judea was not that important of a position, judea was considered the trashbin of the empire
      pilate was threatened by caesar for being too lenient with the jews

    • @aaroncampbell2180
      @aaroncampbell2180 Рік тому +6

      ​@@InitialPC and Pilate still called Tiberius his friend. A real friend will not threaten another.

    • @InitialPC
      @InitialPC Рік тому +3

      @@aaroncampbell2180 a friend would not threaten a friend, right..
      so where did tiberius say that pilate is his friend?

    • @brucetucker4847
      @brucetucker4847 Рік тому +10

      @@aaroncampbell2180 Of course he called Tiberius his friend. Everyone said they were a friend to the Emperor. People of status who _weren't_ friends of the Emperor had an extremely short life expectancy. Tiberius was far from the worst of the emperors but he was very paranoid and had a lot of people executed (or forced to commit suicide) for treason on very flimsy grounds.

  • @itsintheword230
    @itsintheword230 Рік тому +81

    WOW....I am going to watch this whole movie again this weekend. The reality it displays hits hard

    • @sanitman1488
      @sanitman1488 Рік тому +2

      YES for we are in the end times !

    • @Its.nice2b_nice
      @Its.nice2b_nice Рік тому +2

      YES it does HIT hard• it's Soo brutal and difficult to watch for goodness sake 😭🥺•

    • @arnoldmuhairwe
      @arnoldmuhairwe Рік тому +2

      How did it go ? Did you manage to finish it till the end?

  • @dagna543
    @dagna543 Рік тому +73

    Je t'aime Jesus de toute mon ame pour ton amour infini..

  • @MK-ot8dy
    @MK-ot8dy Рік тому +31

    No One could play Jesus so well than this Jim

    • @prince.charming-o3b
      @prince.charming-o3b 5 місяців тому

      I know right his arm got broken and the tree was high where he got strikes by lightning twice now that's power

  • @Archangel251
    @Archangel251 Рік тому +122

    0:41 That line always sends chills down my spine.
    Dominus vobiscum

    • @ChaosMarine9118
      @ChaosMarine9118 Рік тому +27

      Can you imagine the terror in that servant who reacted? He’s likely thinking “either this guy is crazy and should be done away with or this guy is truly not of this world…” Christ left no room for debate. He’s either psychotic or He is God in the flesh.

    • @Archangel251
      @Archangel251 Рік тому +5

      @@ChaosMarine9118 how He speaks and what He says suggests someone who - putting it mildly - thinks rationally

    • @ChaosMarine9118
      @ChaosMarine9118 Рік тому +14

      I would say how he speaks here is calm and focused, which could suggest rationality. However the phrase “my Kingdom is not of this world” would have been an unthinkable choice of words I believe. I love how in multiple instances throughout the film we see how servants on the side are reacting to Jesus’ presence.

    • @Archangel251
      @Archangel251 Рік тому +1

      @@ChaosMarine9118thank you for clarifying :)

    • @costazurra
      @costazurra Рік тому +2

      King of Kings

  • @doubleg122memes4
    @doubleg122memes4 Рік тому +40

    Imagine hearing his voice and asking what is truth
    Great understanding of this situation in history

  • @traemaxwell
    @traemaxwell Рік тому +20

    Pilate answered his own question.
    "Que est veritas?"
    translated is "What is Truth?"
    An anagram of this Latin phrase is
    "Est vir qui adest."
    translated it reads "It is the man who is here."
    He is the Truth!

    • @frchrisheffernan
      @frchrisheffernan 6 місяців тому

      In Latin it is actually “Quid est veritas?” That is very interesting what you have said though. Thanks!

    • @natecalhoun4427
      @natecalhoun4427 23 дні тому

      that’s such a good observation!

  • @cleocatra9324
    @cleocatra9324 Рік тому +13

    Pilates wife was the only one who had the right idea.
    This was such a hard film to watch but we need to know how much He took on for us, in our place. Thank you Lord I am
    Not worthy.

  • @dianesutton6620
    @dianesutton6620 Місяць тому +6

    Thank you Jesus for being born and suffering for a sinner like me. I repent of all my sins and am so grateful to you for all your love and mercy.

  • @sam77467
    @sam77467 10 місяців тому +16

    My Heart melts by hearing the words " My kingdom is not of this world". He is true saviour of the world and King of kings, Lord of Lords. Glory to His Name now and forever. ❤

    @TXALTHAUS 9 місяців тому +51

    0:11 - 0:14 the look Pilate has with the captain when Jesus responds in Latin, their native language, is one of my favorite parts.

    • @johnmichaelson9173
      @johnmichaelson9173 5 місяців тому +2

      That's just a bit of movie magic, Jesus couldn't speak Latin. He spoke Aramaic & going by the renaming & nicknames of the disciples at best some Koine Greek.

    • @1985arwen
      @1985arwen 4 місяці тому

      @@johnmichaelson9173 Jesus speaks all languages, genius!

    • @johnmichaelson9173
      @johnmichaelson9173 4 місяці тому

      @@1985arwen No he didn't & there is no evidence & no examples of Jesus doing any such thing.

    • @mikeycrist5086
      @mikeycrist5086 3 місяці тому +2

      @@johnmichaelson9173 He's God he can speak any language and if you read the Gospels, he has dialogue with Pilate; how do we know it was not in Latin? The Gospels do not tell us Pilate had a translator.

    • @johnmichaelson9173
      @johnmichaelson9173 3 місяці тому

      @@mikeycrist5086 😆 Yeah & he had a magic stick he spoke into, smh. Latin 😂🤦

  • @jamie8032
    @jamie8032 10 місяців тому +3

    Pilate asks him in Aramaic, Jesus responds to him in Latin.

  • @TheMrPhiladelphia
    @TheMrPhiladelphia Рік тому +18

    God is Great and Jesus is my King

  • @bryanperalta740
    @bryanperalta740 Рік тому +45

    It is sad that the Bible and popular media portrays Pilate someone who was unjust and indifferent (hence the term "washing of hands") towards Jesus Christ when in reality he was trying to help Jesus like a public defendant because he knew the Pharisees accusation were baseless but sadly Pilate was walking on a political tight rope and knew the importance of the Pharisees maintaining order in Judea so he chose to appease them.

    • @charlesmaximus9161
      @charlesmaximus9161 Рік тому +22

      Only Protestants have this view of Pilate. As an Orthodox Christian, that is not the view of him that we have. Christ clearly affirms in John 19 that Pilate is not as responsible as the jws are.
      “Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore, the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” - John 19:11

    • @majindevon
      @majindevon Рік тому +8

      @@charlesmaximus9161 Us Catholics have the same view.

    • @ccptube3468
      @ccptube3468 Рік тому +3

      He respected Jesus n let him proceed with his teachings but the Jews wanted his blood so bad.

      @MONKEYSCHANNEL327 Рік тому +3

      He was faced with a hard choice of either keeping his position or accepting Jesus . he in the end rejected Jesus in order to please the people. and many Christians these fall in to the same sin but is not unforgivable sin unless you die denying Jesus of course. The bible does not portray him as unjust i dont know which bible youre reading.
      Remember Peter also denied Jesus out of fear of persecution in the beginning but the same guy was crucified for his faith just like Jesus in the end. Jesus can empower those who believe in him, or rather those who truly believe in him are empowered to proclaim him.

    • @josephstalin5374
      @josephstalin5374 Рік тому +6

      Pilate had the last laugh, he nailed the sign above Christ that said: "Jesus of Nazareth, king of jews" a way to mock them that their king was executed. And washing hands became symbolic, hence Pilate bears no responsibility for the execution, it's on Pharisees

  • @jonyivre4541
    @jonyivre4541 Рік тому +27

    Jesus is the Truth.

    • @Iamthewarner557
      @Iamthewarner557 10 місяців тому

      [Jesus said],
      *“And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”*
      Qur’an (19:36)
      God's message to Christians & Jews,
      *O People of the Book! Now Our Messenger(Prophet Muhammad) has come to you, revealing much of what you have hidden of the Scriptures and disregarding much. There certainly has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book(Qur'an)* *through which Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the ways of peace, brings them out of darkness and into light by His Will, and guides them to the Straight Path.*
      Qur'an 5 (15:16)
      God's message to Christians & Jews,
      *O People of the Book! Our Messenger has indeed come to you, making things clear to you after an interval between the messengers so you do not say, “There has never come to us a deliverer of good news or a warner.” Now there has come to you a deliverer of good news and a warner. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.*
      Qur'an (5:19)

    • @LyubomirIko
      @LyubomirIko 4 місяці тому

      ​@@Iamthewarner557 ❤Islam in a nutshell: Matthew 24:5 *Many people will say that they have come on my behalf. They will say, “I am the Messiah.” Many people will believe their false words.*

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому

      Not really

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому

      @@Iamthewarner557 Jesus is Jewish he believes in god not your allah

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому

      @@Iamthewarner557 Muhammad can get bent

  • @Buggy-su4oy
    @Buggy-su4oy Рік тому +13

    Jesus showed respect to Pilate and helped him see that he was not a threat.

  • @happydays310
    @happydays310 Рік тому +38

    Thank you so much Lord Jesus Christ. I believe you died for our sins, was buried and rose again the 3rd day. Thank you for saving me, 1 Corinthians 15 1-4kjv.

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому


    • @happydays310
      @happydays310 2 місяці тому +1

      @@jordannorris4029 The Lord Jesus Christ did exist and was crucified. This was documented by the 1st Century Jewish Historian Flavius Josephus in AD 93-94. Therefore we can establish that what was written in the Bible about the Lord Jesus Christ is fact.

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому

      As you said written by a Jewish historian. Where is his proof it’s a lie and Josephus was Jewish we as Jews only believe in one god Isiah 43:11 . Jesus was a Jewish rabbi trying to Reform Judaism to the idol worshippers being your ancestors not start a new religion and you all got it wrong and worship him and got its ridiculous. He didn’t die for your sins and his apostles were cowards when he was arrested they all hid one even denied knowing him all their gospels contradicted each other. The only one the whole time that stood by his side was Mary Magdalene being his wife in the Jewish culture especially a rabbi like Jesus it was tradition to be married and they did have at least one child. After he died she got the apostles out of hiding when he appeared she is the first to see him the apostles were jealous of her cause Jesus showed love for her the wedding where he turned water into wine was his wedding. The New Testament was written by man there was also a gospel of Mary Magdalene stating the truth but the church didn’t want it known. The da Vinci code is real . The 13 knights Templar knew this truth so the church had them murdered hence Friday the 13th . Just like Joan of arc she predicted things and got messages from god and the church looked at her like a witch and burned her at the stake than later made her a saint . I read facts real history not made up 💩 like the New Testament or the church the only true bible which is the one Jesus studied was the Torah written by god not man and given to Moses. Jesus in the New Testament is often referred to as rabbi yet you all never show Judaism or Jews Jesus’s people any respect. Look at the Bible Jesus everyone one was Jewish yet you claim one of our people is your god lol

  • @benstevinson764
    @benstevinson764 Рік тому +25

    Pilate is asking what is Truth he's looking at the Truth Itself ✝️🙌🕊️❤️

  • @giulianopagliaro6069
    @giulianopagliaro6069 Рік тому +8

    Buongiorno a tutti; resterà questo film la migliore interpretazione di Jim Cavaziel. Ineccepibile, impeccabile, presenza scenica assoluta. Bravo davvero. Un saluto fraterno a tutti voi dall'Italia. Giuliano.

  • @erickjason9092
    @erickjason9092 6 місяців тому +5

    "All men who hear the truth, hear my voice" So deep. so true. so profound, so beautiful.

  • @josephmartin6219
    @josephmartin6219 Рік тому +21

    Thanks for this clips I've been wanting to see something like this!

  • @roberj272
    @roberj272 6 місяців тому +3

    Przebacz nam słabym głupim ludziom i grzesznym... nigdy TOBIE ŚWIĘTY YESHUA 👉 JESUS CHRISTUS.... nigdy TOBIE nie dorównamy...‼️‼️‼️✝️❤️☀️👑🙏

  • @Ungamma1
    @Ungamma1 Рік тому +3

    What is Truth ??
    You are lookin' at it 🛐

  • @8trim550
    @8trim550 Рік тому +51

    I love God and His Son ❤

    • @grandmak9013
      @grandmak9013 Рік тому +4

      And the Holy Spirit ❤

    • @LeeSadu
      @LeeSadu Рік тому

      ​@@grandmak9013what is the name of holly spirit?

    • @guerillaguru8650
      @guerillaguru8650 10 місяців тому +1

      "In the name of the son the father and the holy spirit."
      Now read again, where does it say "names"?
      It is "in the name" not "in the names"

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому

      @@grandmak9013 the Holy Spirit isn’t god idol worshipper

    • @grandmak9013
      @grandmak9013 2 місяці тому

      @@jordannorris4029 What are u even talking about ?

  • @katasienka
    @katasienka Рік тому +17

    Jesteś Królem Mojego Serca❤️
    🙏 Życiem

  • @sharonjack8582
    @sharonjack8582 Місяць тому +4


  • @Tiger4ever89
    @Tiger4ever89 Рік тому +3

    ''Truth, what is Truth?''
    BRO! you are looking at it!

  • @ntkmw8058
    @ntkmw8058 Рік тому +6

    I like the bass in this scene, it captures the gravity of the dialogue

  • @c.galindo9639
    @c.galindo9639 10 місяців тому +5

    When the Messiah was confronted with those who questioned them. He only answered to those that would listen and those that were to be told the truth.
    He is the Son of God and wise to all ways of man and those who plot against Him which is why He could not be tempted or swayed from the Truth and Word of the Father, even in a body of flesh. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice. May we seek the truth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

  • @Vidy4.
    @Vidy4. Рік тому +19

    Thanks for uploading this clips in hd, it feels so much better god bless

  • @cherrysamy6197
    @cherrysamy6197 8 місяців тому +7

    It's amazing how he was looking the truth in the eyes and asking what is the truth!
    Such an amazing scene setting and acting.

  • @lasimplerespuesta
    @lasimplerespuesta Рік тому +4

    Jesus said that he is the way, the truth and the life. He is the only one who has claimed the truth and has shown it by marking history. When he is asked which is the truth, Jesus remains silent because the truth is himself but the human being by nature hates the truth and they decided to kill him.

  • @sedevacante966
    @sedevacante966 Рік тому +2

    Amen, and there is no salvation outside His Catholic Church.

  • @neofulcrum5013
    @neofulcrum5013 Рік тому +17

    The one true savior for us

    • @adrianshaw4639
      @adrianshaw4639 Рік тому

      No he's not

    • @adrianshaw4639
      @adrianshaw4639 Рік тому +1

      Isaiah 43:11
      “I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.”

    • @soportuguese354
      @soportuguese354 Рік тому

      Jesus Christ our LORD, is very clear on that He proclaimed a new covenant, which did away with most of the Old Testament. For example, he did away restrictions on like bacon, wearing two fibers, etc. He even did away with Mosaic Law, but what he did not get rid of we're the Ten Commandments and the Deuteronomies.
      The Lord is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the Lord, their is no doubt in that He is the saviour. So let me ask you this, are you denying that Jesus Christ is not the LORD our God? The One who came down as human, preached the truth, then died to save us from sin and rose again from the dead to show He conquered death?

    • @mranumous
      @mranumous 2 місяці тому

      @@adrianshaw4639 Jesus is the LORD

    • @jordannorris4029
      @jordannorris4029 2 місяці тому +1

      @@adrianshaw4639 exactly doesn’t mention Jesus lol

  • @kevinflaherty7592
    @kevinflaherty7592 Рік тому +8

    I don't think anyone portrayed Jesus any better than perhaps jesus himself.just perfect!

  • @Buggy-zu9zw
    @Buggy-zu9zw Рік тому +5

    Jesus assured Pilate that he was not a threat by explaining that his kingdom was heavenly not earthly.

  • @ThePapagallo
    @ThePapagallo Місяць тому +3

    God is the truth, and Jesus is God!

  • @arickmitra274
    @arickmitra274 Рік тому +30

    Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @therezboysoutdoors44
    @therezboysoutdoors44 Рік тому +24

    I can’t help but cry when I hear this the savior the lord of lords king of kings sweet truth pure love and light it’s beautiful and it’s humbling

  • @NEMESIS8000-o4l
    @NEMESIS8000-o4l 2 місяці тому +1

    The choice for Jim Caviezel to play Christ was correct because he has this angel face about him...

  • @ТатьянаПалеха-г5и

    Мой любимый Иисус

  • @freespirit7450
    @freespirit7450 Рік тому +2

    I remember I asked that question what is truth and search it on google, and it went to the bible.

  • @AdamMichalMarkowski
    @AdamMichalMarkowski Рік тому +4

    Poor Pilate really wanted to give Jesus a fair chance, but in the end it was out of his hands

  • @Wisdomisgood448
    @Wisdomisgood448 Рік тому +8

    I never realized until now...but Jesus was talking to Pilot most likely in Latin - the Roman language and not Hebrew.

    • @brucetucker4847
      @brucetucker4847 Рік тому +2

      Hebrew was only used for religious purposes at that time, Jesus and the common people of Judea spoke Aramaic as their native language - most of this movie is in Aramaic. Educated people and Roman officials spoke Greek. That's why Pilate is so surprised when Jesus speaks Latin, most people in the eastern parts of the Empire who weren't from Rome didn't speak or understand Latin. That's why the Gospels and Paul's letters were all written in Greek.

    • @shaunsteele6926
      @shaunsteele6926 Рік тому

      @@brucetucker4847 it's been speculated that in the "missing years" of Jesus (age 12-30) He had traveled extensively and would've probably learned of many cultures and languages that the average Nazarene wouldn't have known.

    • @brucetucker4847
      @brucetucker4847 Рік тому

      @@shaunsteele6926 It seems odd to me that the Gospels would tell so much about his childhood and omit something like that. I always assumed he lived a mostly normal (except sinless, of course) life in those years, having the full experience of being human.

  • @patricktully1874
    @patricktully1874 Рік тому +6

    The acting in this movie was from another place God bless Mel Gibson for having the wisdom and vision 🙏 to put this film together

  • @timjohnson2186
    @timjohnson2186 Рік тому +4

    Christ is real

  • @troyburnex
    @troyburnex Рік тому +3

    The truth was standing right in front of him.
    That's why Jesus didn't answer

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 Рік тому

      repent, believe, obey, sin, repent, believe, obey, you are sin. be brainwashed into jesus ! for you are born for one reason ! accept jesus in your heart and suffer as he suffered so it is the only way for you to escape demons and gremlins monsters and hellfire that burn ! god can't go on earth in a magnificent beautiful form ! he need to impregnante a simple human woman so a second 100% humanified god can be born ! jews will betray him and romans will execute the order of the jews ! but fear not ! cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified ! he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying. god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his son to die without letting him ask his choice "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john 13 he still is god ! and in christ we trust ! cause in christ we are saved ! revelations will come and they will all go to hell exept the elected ! (jesus ret*rded logic)😭😭😭😭

    • @troyburnex
      @troyburnex Рік тому

      @@ixisinvestigator6009 my mind broke reading this

  • @InactiveAccount12
    @InactiveAccount12 Рік тому +7

    What Jesus said here is very beautiful: All men who hear the truth hear my voice. then Pontious Pilate asks what is truth?

    • @soportuguese354
      @soportuguese354 Рік тому +5

      I hate to be that guy but this is a small error that needs to be correct. That is Pontius Pilate, Roman Governor of Judea, not Julius Caesar.

    • @aaroncampbell2180
      @aaroncampbell2180 Рік тому +1

      Read your history. This was Pilate, not Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was killed by Brutus on the floor of the Senate long before Christ was born. Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus was emperor.

    • @soportuguese354
      @soportuguese354 Рік тому

      @@aaroncampbell2180 Didn’t I just say that

    • @InactiveAccount12
      @InactiveAccount12 Рік тому

      @@aaroncampbell2180 you are correct. I fixed it

  • @jaymanalang7098
    @jaymanalang7098 Рік тому +3

    The one who portray the role of Pontius Pilate looks like Vladimir Putin..

  • @greatdelusion7654
    @greatdelusion7654 Місяць тому +1

    This is the only movie EVER that can make me break down in SECONDS.

  • @jesustalkingwithyou3030
    @jesustalkingwithyou3030 Рік тому +17

    Praise the lord and God heavenly father Holy spirit Jesus Christ one and only to worship in the world.Amen Hallelujah***

  • @solemn-man3170
    @solemn-man3170 Місяць тому +2

    Can you imagine what these romans must have thought of Christ, they had know idea they were talking to the one who would own thier empire

  • @TonyFromSyracuse101
    @TonyFromSyracuse101 Місяць тому +4

    When Jesus says "all men who hear the truth hear my voice" be proud, that we are counted among those who hear his voice.

    • @mikael1977
      @mikael1977 Місяць тому

      This actor is the antichrist.Antichrist=being against or in the position of Christ.

  • @ProjectCreativityGuy96
    @ProjectCreativityGuy96 10 місяців тому +15

    The Passion Of The Christ
    is definitely one of the greatest cinematic depictions of the Gospels!
    It's a great and powerful movie for all of the planet to watch, even for those who rebuke television (as rightfully so)!
    No doubt if Jesus Christ was here, He would've probably have thanked Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel from the bottom of His heart for rebuking the evils of Hollywood's propaganda!

    • @Iamthewarner557
      @Iamthewarner557 10 місяців тому

      [Jesus said],
      *“And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”*
      Qur’an (19:36)
      God's message to Christians & Jews,
      *O People of the Book! Now Our Messenger(Prophet Muhammad) has come to you, revealing much of what you have hidden of the Scriptures and disregarding much. There certainly has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book(Qur'an)* *through which Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the ways of peace, brings them out of darkness and into light by His Will, and guides them to the Straight Path.*
      Qur'an 5 (15:16)
      God's message to Christians & Jews,
      *O People of the Book! Our Messenger has indeed come to you, making things clear to you after an interval between the messengers so you do not say, “There has never come to us a deliverer of good news or a warner.” Now there has come to you a deliverer of good news and a warner. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.*
      Qur'an (5:19)

  • @bradd9326
    @bradd9326 Рік тому +3

    Jesus is the truth, the light, and the resurrection. No one goes to the father unless it's through the Son

  • @RayMak
    @RayMak Місяць тому +1


  • @Fiona_nthambi12
    @Fiona_nthambi12 Рік тому +10

    He is the Sound of Revival ❤️

  • @Aufwiedersin
    @Aufwiedersin 23 дні тому +1

    I grow up in a Muslim family and culturally still consider myself as a Muslim but I always loved Jesus and felt so close to him.

    • @richmondlandersenfells2238
      @richmondlandersenfells2238 18 днів тому

      Muslim or not, I'm happy to hear how close you are to Jesus. He's the best man/God to remember in times of splendour and grief.

  • @patricktully1874
    @patricktully1874 10 місяців тому +3

    This scene in the movie is so powerful you can sense that christ is piercing pilates soul as he speaks to him my hope is that pilate ultimately found his way to Jesus fantastic movie

  • @TRustJesus357
    @TRustJesus357 Рік тому +21

    *Glory and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus for mercy and miracles and that he even went to torment and the cross to save perishing sinners*

  • @ernestovidales09
    @ernestovidales09 Рік тому +7

    I like the way they start speaking aramaic and then switch to latin.

    • @brucetucker4847
      @brucetucker4847 Рік тому +2

      When Jesus speaks Latin he is showing something about himself to Pilate - that he was much more than he seemed and knew a LOT more than Pilate expected. Aside from Romans, hardly anyone in the eastern part of the Empire spoke Latin, the language of educated people and of official business was Greek. Jesus was literate, so a Roman official might have expected he'd understand some Greek as well as Aramaic and Hebrew, but they would never expect him to speak any Latin, let alone speak it fluently and with the same accent the Romans have.

  • @JaysonCordero-m8f
    @JaysonCordero-m8f Місяць тому +1


  • @ronaldcardoza
    @ronaldcardoza Рік тому +9

    Gloria excleses DEO!

  • @-The-Stranger-
    @-The-Stranger- Рік тому +5

    You cut the best part, when he looks up. I love that part.

  • @youtubetrizii1753
    @youtubetrizii1753 6 місяців тому +2

    That's my king ❤❤❤

  • @CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy
    @CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy 10 місяців тому +3

    Amen 🍞😀✝️😇❤️🕊️😊🍷🙏🎉

  • @I_dont_want_an_at
    @I_dont_want_an_at 4 місяці тому +1

    I'd make a good Christ in a film. I'm THAT righteous. I'm the second most righteous person ever, after christ. My only sin was eating my brother's cookie when I was 9. Long forgiven by god

  • @tonyladokguy8985
    @tonyladokguy8985 Рік тому +3

    His Kingdom will not be "of" the world, but it will certainly be on Earth, the Scriptures guarantee it.

    • @alexshatner3907
      @alexshatner3907 Місяць тому

      And I guarantee that Jesus did not have long hair, as portrayed in the movies, pictures, and media and neither was the son of God puny, skinny, weak, short, with a homeless appearance, dirty, hippie like, etc. Jesus was a perfect man, son of the all mighty God. The movies depict Jesus with a very awful appearance.
      ● Features: Jesus was a Jew and likely inherited common Semitic traits from his mother. (Hebrews 7:14) It is unlikely that his features were especially distinctive. On one occasion he was able to travel in secret from Galilee to Jerusalem without being recognized. (John 7:10, 11) And he apparently did not stand out even among his closest disciples. Recall that Judas Iscariot had to identify Jesus to the armed crowd that arrested him.-Matthew 26:47-49.
      ● Hair length: It is unlikely that Jesus’ hair was long, because the Bible says that “long hair is a dishonor to a man.”-1 Corinthians 11:14. In instructions to priests given through the prophet Ezekiel, God commanded that they clip, but not shave, the hair of their heads and that they not wear their hair loose when serving in the temple. -Ezek 44:15, 20.
      ● Beard: Jesus wore a beard. He followed Jewish law, which prohibited adult males from ‘disfiguring the edges of their beard.’ (Leviticus 19:27; Galatians 4:4) Also, the Bible mentions Jesus’ beard in a prophecy about his suffering.-Isaiah 50:6.
      ● Body: All indications are that Jesus was physically robust. During his ministry, he traveled many miles. (Matthew 9:35) He cleansed the Jewish temple twice, overturning the tables of money changers, and once drove out livestock with a whip. (Luke 19:45, 46; John 2:14, 15) McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia states: “The whole evangelical narrative indicates [Jesus’] sound and vigorous bodily health.”-Volume IV, page 884.
      ● Facial expressions: Jesus was warm and compassionate, and his facial expressions no doubt reflected this. (Matthew 11:28, 29) People of all sorts sought him out for comfort and help. (Luke 5:12, 13; 7:37, 38) Even children felt at ease in his presence.-Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 9:35-37. Misconceptions about Jesus’ appearance Misconception: Some argue that Jesus must have been of African descent because the book of Revelation compares his hair to wool and his feet to “burnished bronze.”-Revelation 1:14, 15, The New Jerusalem Bible. Fact: The book of Revelation is presented “in signs.” (Revelation 1:1) The description of Jesus’ hair and feet uses symbolic language to illustrate Jesus’ qualities after his resurrection, not to describe his physical appearance when he was on earth. In saying that Jesus’ “head and his hair were white as white wool, as snow,” Revelation 1:14 uses color, not texture, as a point of comparison. This represents his wisdom due to age. (Revelation 3:14) This verse is not comparing the texture of Jesus’ hair to that of wool any more than it is comparing the texture of his hair to that of snow. Jesus’ feet looked “like fine copper when glowing in a furnace.” (Revelation 1:15) Also, his face was “like the sun when it shines at its brightest.” (Revelation 1:16) Since no race has skin color matching these descriptions, this vision must be symbolic, showing the resurrected Jesus as the one “who dwells in unapproachable light.”-1 Timothy 6:16. Misconception: Jesus was weak and frail. Fact: Jesus was manly in his behavior. For example, he boldly identified himself to the armed crowd that came to arrest him. (John 18:4-8) Jesus must also have been physically strong to have worked as a carpenter using manual tools.-Mark 6:3. Why, then, did Jesus need help to carry his torture stake? And why did he die before the others executed with him died? (Luke 23:26; John 19:31-33) Just prior to Jesus’ execution, his body was seriously weakened. He had been up all night, in part because of emotional agony. (Luke 22:42-44) During the night the Jews had mistreated him, and the next morning the Romans had tortured him. (Matthew 26:67, 68; John 19:1-3) Such factors likely hastened his death. Misconception: Jesus was always somber, melancholy. Fact: Jesus perfectly reflected the qualities of his heavenly Father, Jehovah, whom the Bible describes as “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11; John 14:9) In fact, Jesus taught others how to be happy. (Matthew 5:3-9; Luke 11:28) These facts indicate that Jesus often reflected happiness in his facial expressions.

  • @marshall6604
    @marshall6604 Рік тому +1

    Very soon there will be one standing in Jerusalem professing to be Christ. Believe him not! Wait for the true Jesus! He comes AFTER the false Messiah!

  • @michaelsbs2737
    @michaelsbs2737 Рік тому +4

    Lord Jesus forgive my sin Amen

  • @Lori-zh2hv
    @Lori-zh2hv 6 місяців тому +2

    Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and Life Eternal.🛐

  • @pohlgiron1940
    @pohlgiron1940 8 місяців тому +3

    He made Pilate look dumb😆

  • @victorarunachalam8954
    @victorarunachalam8954 Рік тому +1

    Bibilon kingdom flop
    Greek kingdom flop
    Persian kingdom flop
    Roman kingdom flop
    US Uk Nato kingdom .... inprogress going flop
    Antichrist kingdom waiting to flop
    Only kingdom of Jesus Christ Sustain Forever

  • @SuperBartul
    @SuperBartul Рік тому +4

    What is the truth... So powerfull quote.

    • @shadow4899
      @shadow4899 Рік тому

      even more powerful in the times we live in

  • @jamiekernahan6177
    @jamiekernahan6177 Рік тому +2

    The kingdom is in u all ud u but due to all u being brainwashed into one perception ul never truly see the kingdom of God MY FATHER

  • @bika4942
    @bika4942 Рік тому +11

    He came from the Father in the heaven.

  • @CosmicPotato740
    @CosmicPotato740 Рік тому +1

    His poor face 😢 all bruised up and hurt, I wish I could patch it up and make him better 😣 no more suffering for Jesus

    @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED 19 днів тому +2

    It's amazing how people today say "If only I could see Him, I'd believe!"
    ...Well, people did 2000+ yrs ago & still DIDN'T believe!
    May God have mercy on this God-hating, Christ-rejecting generation!!

    • @jake-qn3tl
      @jake-qn3tl 16 днів тому

      Because he didn't prove himself lol

      @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED 16 днів тому +2

      @@jake-qn3tl you mean because He DID prove Himself!
      "Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written"
      ---JOHN 21:25
      ...thanx for learning 💪

    • @jake-qn3tl
      @jake-qn3tl 15 днів тому

      @@JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED He didn't unfortunately

      @JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED 14 днів тому +1

      @@jake-qn3tl Of course, 40 Biblical authors from different walks of life, Josephus, Tacitus, & the Apocryphal writers were all lying about the historicity of Christ lol.
      Maybe you should do some homework before speaking...
      Read John 3:36 👈

    • @jake-qn3tl
      @jake-qn3tl 14 днів тому

      @@JESUS--NEVER--tAPPED Jesus existed, but he almost certainly wasn't the son of God. I'm a Catholic born and raised and my family has been Catholic for like a thousand years. I'm not going to let a born again tell me anything about Jesus. At the end of the day, Christianity replaced paganism by the sword lol

  • @minioneczasywkolorze.5723
    @minioneczasywkolorze.5723 22 дні тому +1

    Nie wiem kto wpadl na pomysl by obsadzic Caviezela w tej roli,ale to byl majstersztyk! Zagralo tu wszystko. Kazde jego spojrzenie przeszywa do glebi. Emanujacy spokoj i milosc. I ten glos. Boże jaki on ma w tym filmie glos. On powinien zgarnac wowczas za tę rolę wszystkie mozliwe nagrody,bo tak Chrystusa w kinie nie zagra juz nikt !

  • @sumitsen-by1ii
    @sumitsen-by1ii Рік тому +3

    Mesmerising film,brings tears in my eyes when ever I see it.

  • @matthewpittman1026
    @matthewpittman1026 Рік тому +3

    This is one of the only VERY FEW movies that makes me cry to this day

  • @aikidoisthebombyeah
    @aikidoisthebombyeah 4 місяці тому +1

    Jesus: The Father is the ONLY true God.
    Christians: God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 3 persons 100% God each of them but they are still ONE God.