  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • A long over due update...4 years later. What I learned, red flags, what happened after?
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  • @minikenne
    @minikenne Рік тому +74

    Thank you for reaffirming the fact that we don’t need a homeschooling group to be happy and thrive 💫

  • @susanf4857
    @susanf4857 Рік тому +27

    The red flags you listed off can be applied to other women's groups as well. You do a great job of explaining yourself and your experience.

  • @thehamfamhomestead
    @thehamfamhomestead Рік тому +5

    We hopped back into homeschooling this year after 5 years away and I was feeling like I needed to get into a co-op to meet other families. I went to an interest meeting for one of those groups and spoke to members of one group and I saw major red flags. One group I just didn't think our family shared many similarities with the other families, but the other seemed like an environment would absolutely NOT allow my kids to be in. I would love to meet other homeschool families in our area, but this is where we are, digging into our family and finding the freedom of being just us.

  • @danahall1282
    @danahall1282 Рік тому +6

    We joined a coop and it was terrible! A lot of gossip, But I have felt guilty about not taking my boys to one, what about friends, socialization, etc..... Am I a bad mom? You have just lifted a huge burden off of my heart! Thank you so much.

  • @heathert8895
    @heathert8895 Рік тому +46

    I was on the brink of joining one this year until my husband sat me down and asked THE question. "Are you doing this because you think you should or because you genuinely want to?" This was what I needed to get perspective and decided not join.

    • @HEATHERFREE2486
      @HEATHERFREE2486 Рік тому +2

      Oh yes very good. Yes I definitely do not ever want to lol! Definitely feel like I have to do “something” because everyone else is or tells me I should

  • @missj2496
    @missj2496 Рік тому +8

    This is what I needed to see today. I swear the lord always leads us in the direction we are meant to be on❤️Thank you for reinforcing what I felt in my gut❤️

  • @virklad7
    @virklad7 Рік тому +3

    I found your channel around the time that you made that first video. We had been with a homeschool co-op for about a year and loving it. We're still with the same group and still loving it. But I 100% agree with all of this. We homeschooled for two years on our own before we looked for a group and we had specific reasons for looking for one. We went with a faith based one, checked out their statement of faith, tried it for a year and found it to be run by some gifted, no nonsense, no drama ladies. It's a great addition to our homeschool but it doesn't dictate how we educate. These are amazing pointers, cautions, and red flags. Your authenticity and honesty have made me realize how blessed we've been. I'm sorry for the pain of that whole experience and so glad God brought you to the best place for you and your homeschool. Thank you for all you do. You're a wonderful resource and encouragement.

  • @KMAMomma
    @KMAMomma Рік тому +13

    I have no desire to associate myself with a group of strangers on a weekly basis. That's one of the biggest reasons for leaving Public schools. Co-ops seem to be the very In thing in Homeschool right now. And I think there's a little pressure there that wants to say your kids are missing out and the whole socialization thing ya know. But the only way I'd ever join or seek one out is for a foreign language possibly or something I couldn't help my child with myself. The closest I know of is almost a hr away. Super rural and that's also part of our why for Homeschool. I'm sorry you had to go thru all that but you have no doubt helped a lot by sharing your experience and help others avoid these situations in the future!

    • @HomeLifeWithLove
      @HomeLifeWithLove Рік тому

      Our son loves our homeschool co-op and I don’t have to socialize with anyone because they have paid Christian teachers operating the group out of our church. I enjoy the break once a week, as a parent who has an only child who depends on us for socialization when not doing activities outside of the home. Not all co-ops are the same, but they definitely are not a must.

    • @KK-li1lw
      @KK-li1lw Рік тому

      Depends on the group of strangers and what the focus is. I do a Bible study and MOPS and they are high quality women. Secular homeschooling groups lets all sorts of weirdos in

  • @andreaanderson1536
    @andreaanderson1536 Рік тому +1

    I've homeschooled for 23 years and started a P.E. group 17 or 18 years ago. Once 9 years ago there was drama, an angry mom yelling at the park that she felt she was going to go to "homeschool jail" for breaking rules. I was pregnant and sick so other moms took over the group and I went on bedrest. Months later I started getting texts that they weren't holding P.E. and would I do it again. I said no because I was on bedrest. When the baby was a year old my kids asked me to start P.E. again and so I did. It has been a happy wonderful way to make friends, the teens have group game nights and do service projects together. Moms have been kind and loving, serve each other and become good friends. Nobody has ever told me of any gossiping about anyone. One time I had 3 moms come to me and say that they had asked a mom who always complained and talked badly about her husband to stop doing that at our P.E. group, and she left and never came back. They felt bad, but her anger was hurting everyone, and I told each of them that I'd told her the same thing. Another time there was a child pinching and hitting kids so I asked the child to stop but they didn't so they were taken to their mom and I said the child needed to skip a week of P.E. and when they came back they would need to be nice or don't come back. They never did return. So out of 18 years and 60 plus women only 2 times did women behave badly. A group becomes like a family and we love each other, faults and all.

  • @unabellavita6541
    @unabellavita6541 Рік тому +2

    It’s been a blessing to others for you to speak out about this whole situation. I’m grateful you shared your story and admire how you handled the aftermath. God bless you.

  • @HomeLifeWithLove
    @HomeLifeWithLove Рік тому +7

    I just posted this on your first video but I moved it to here. I had similar issues with a couple women in our church. I can relate to pretty much all of the red flags you mentioned. I ended up in a very toxic “friendship” with someone at church. I was warned by someone very trustworthy to avoid them, but they pursued my friendship (even bullied & used manipulation later on) and I thought as a Christian, I needed to give fellow Christians a chance. I was very naive. I thought I was being Christ-like even though Proverbs has many warnings about avoiding those who are not Christ-like in behavior and talk. The two women were both sinning, so they decided to use me as a scapegoat for their sins when confronted. I was advised to block them from social media and even phone communication after receiving a nasty text message. I now know one is a narcissist, which is a scary personality trait. The experiences with them almost completely ruined my trust with women my age, even after 2.5 years now of avoiding them as much as possible. For anyone reading this who may think this validates their reasons for avoiding church, just remember that churches are not clubhouses for saints, they are hospitals for sinners. Everyone is a sinner and Christians are no exceptions. We have God’s love and guidance to help us through our sins if we choose to be an active follower of Christ.
    My son is in a homeschool group (which operates at our church). It offers electives and parents are discouraged from participating in the group. We are just supposed to drop our kids off in the morning once a week and pick them up 4 hours later. It works great for us! No events outside of the co-op time. I’m very fearful of mom drama and scared to be friends with women my age, but I do have one good homeschool friend in particular. I’m sorry you had to deal with it. It leaves a permanent scar and also valuable life lessons.

  • @seradeanmcforston
    @seradeanmcforston Рік тому +23

    It is insane to me that fully grown adult women were doing all of this. They must have been absolute nightmares in high school, since they seem to still be stuck in that headspace. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this, it sounds awful.
    My homeschool group fell apart a few years ago because it turns out several moms in the group were terrible humans. We have not joined another group either because it's not worth the drama and it's near impossible to find one that isn't like middle school 🙄. I'm fine with it, but I feel bad that my kids lost all their friends that they were so close to because those kids had moms who chose to be awful.

    • @valerienitz3240
      @valerienitz3240 Рік тому +3

      I don't feel alone anymore. The same nightmare things your are describing happened to me and my children about two years ago. I decided to leave it as it was a toxic environment. It is sad that women who claim to be Godly Christian Women act this way.

  • @michellebell1406
    @michellebell1406 Рік тому +3

    Thank you so much for doing a follow-up to this video! I gained so much from your experience and wisdom regarding the topic. And it definitely reaffirmed some of my initial beliefs regarding homeschooling groups and co-ops. As you have said they work out for some and don't work out for others, but you have to do that which God is leading you to do.

  • @mareek.
    @mareek. Рік тому +1

    I remember watching that video as I had been through a similar situation myself! I also agree with a lot of your red flags, particularly the one about the gossiping. It is so true that if someone is gossiping to you about someone else, they are gossiping to others about you.

  • @rebekahw9505
    @rebekahw9505 Рік тому +1

    I'm very thankful for our co-op, it is very different from many co-ops and very professionally run by a team (more of a cross between a co-op and a one day a week private school). If we ever left this co-op however, I'm sure we would not join another. I've heard too many stories like yours. I'm a follower that saw your original video and that is where I found your channel. You have handled it with such grace but with real life emotions and transparency. I feel like we have so much in common with regards to homeschooling, I hope you continue your channel for years to come!

  • @cowpokeschoolhouse
    @cowpokeschoolhouse Рік тому +4

    Hmm. Sounds like the religion I just left. Getting in trouble for not living up to standards, gossipy women, counterfeit Christianity (all in my experience). Bet I can take a wild guess. Thank you Ashley for always being a light. You have always been so classy and have been such a wonderful guide for me as a homeschool mom.

  • @tramseyplanter2
    @tramseyplanter2 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for being real and doing it well! It was hard to listen to the beginning of this video, so sorry you went through that. I experienced some rejection and that last red flag recently & decided to make a change. I had to take a step back and ask myself 'why did I start homeschooling in the 1st place & is this group helping me to accomplish those goals?'

  • @nicolej3125
    @nicolej3125 Рік тому +7

    That is all just really disturbing…who does that!? 😔

  • @NikkiSchumacherOfficial
    @NikkiSchumacherOfficial Рік тому +1

    That video helped me find you years ago 😂 our homeschool co-op was wonderful but I have experienced being disinvited from things and the hurt that goes along with that. I was glad you shared. God knows what we need and loves our children even more than we do.

  • @betsyradford9268
    @betsyradford9268 Рік тому +3

    This video was difficult for me to watch. It's made me confront some stuff going on in my life. I started a homeschool group for our town and it's been great the past few years. It's not faith based but many of our families are Christian and my kids have formed some of their best friendships there. They LOVE the group so much. However someone has joined not long ago who clearly does not like me, says rude things to me every week, and tries to take my group over. I've been feeling frustrated and drained after we leave every week. I've just been enduring it because my kids love it so much but now I feel led to pray harder about it and see what God leads me to do. How do I leave a group that I started and currently run and my kids love? It's such a hard position to be in. 😕 I'm sorry you went through what you did but am thankful you're open and share real life stuff. 💗

    • @arielwilliams8081
      @arielwilliams8081 Рік тому

      Praying over your situation

    • @Katarina23
      @Katarina23 Рік тому +3

      This is the first comment im seeing about someone in your situation who started the group. The woman has audacity to want conflict with you knowing its your group. I think the only logical choice it to remove her from the group as it would make no sense you leaving while negative Nancy stays and dissolves the group. I have a theory that such ppl are implants from the govt as they despise the homeschooling movement.

  • @rubyhaskell1325
    @rubyhaskell1325 Рік тому +1

    I’m a long time listener and I remember when you first put out that video. I’m happy to see how much your channel has grown. 😊Thank you for providing us with an update. So sorry you had to go through all at, it’s terrible those women acted in that manner.

  • @gingersnaps5979
    @gingersnaps5979 Рік тому

    Lots of update videos more recently! Wow, sorry to hear about that aftermath. Our co-op has been fine but at our former church there were a few ladies like the ones you were talking about. They had really unhealthy boundaries and were pretty mean at times. We had been at that church for 8 years before we left and are now thankfully a part of a church that has strong leadership that shepherds our hearts wonderfully! What a difference! Blessings to you and your kids! I’ve been watching you long before the first video. You have greatly encouraged me in my homeschool journey! ♥️

  • @firewifelawyermom
    @firewifelawyermom Рік тому +1

    Thank you for sharing this! I’m currently going through mom drama and backstabbing by a neighbor who I thought was my friend. The red flags were all there but I was trying to just be a peacemaker and it backfired and burned me. I appreciate your prayers

  • @Season4Reason1
    @Season4Reason1 Рік тому +4

    Whoa! Those Mean Girls need to straighten up and follow Jesus. Some people never grow up. Thank you for sharing an update. I saw Story Time 1 right when we started homeschooling and it helped me not feel bad when I couldn’t find a “tribe” to homeschool with. I feel you and a few other HS UA-camrs are my tribe. 💕

  • @shayj3373
    @shayj3373 Рік тому +1

    It really sounds like you were dealing w/ a possible narcissistic situation with those people. TY for taking the time to share on all of this. A very necessary convo for sure. When you have a moment, and to anyone else that would like to chime in..... what are your suggestions on helping children to make close friends outside of family? Especially with choosing to homeschool, I am really feeling the responsibility to make this happen for my kiddos. The whole pandemic, and friends moving away has done a number on our social life. We've learned that even when it comes to church, we have to be careful. Ugghh this part of life is so hard. We don't have any desire to be judgmental and or possibly hurt feelings. Yet we will always choose our children and their wellbeing overall.

  • @ChristinaSmithHomeLife
    @ChristinaSmithHomeLife Рік тому +3

    I did come to your channel from that video. I’m happy to hear you and your family are happy and well. ❤

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      So thankful you found me ❤

    • @ChristinaSmithHomeLife
      @ChristinaSmithHomeLife Рік тому

      @@GraceandGrit Same! As we creep closer to the middle school years, it is comforting to have already seen examples of how it can work. These hormones 🙃 Grace and Grit required!

  • @lauragauthier7303
    @lauragauthier7303 Рік тому +1

    I agree with everything you shared today with the acceptation of one thing. Unresolved marital issues coupled with all of these other signs would be considered an additional red flag. However, I would respectfully argue that marital issues alone isn't necessarily a red flag due to the fact that it takes two people in a marriage to resolve conflict and it is very possible that one party is doing all that they can while the other continues to be unwilling to do the work.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      I agree with that. What I was meaning but couldn’t say without giving away details is dramatic marital issues, huge ordeals, betrayals etc. those situations reveal a lot about both parties.

  • @valerienitz3240
    @valerienitz3240 Рік тому

    I completely understand where you are coming from. The women in charge of our homeschool co-op started rumors about my daughter that was not true, she didn't like me or her and didn't want her daughter being friends with my daughter, so she started saying mean and ugly things about her and I just flipped. I left them. What is sad is that her daughter came to my daughter and told her that her mom was doing this and she was very upset with her mom and thought her mom was in the wrong. She loved my daughter and wanted to be friends but her mom hindered it. I was so angry with her, but I have learned to just forgive and teach this lesson of forgiveness to my daughter as well. But, I still will not go back as it was a toxic environment with the mom clicks in that group. Thank you, Ashley for making that video because it has brought awareness to others and those who have gone through the same kind of situation.

  • @pathtowellnesswithmiriam1371
    @pathtowellnesswithmiriam1371 Рік тому +1

    The only homeschool groups I have been a part of have been really chill groups that mostly do park days and the occasional event. I like it because you can join as you have time and there is no commitment to attend every week. I like homeschooling on my own.

  • @FLMegan
    @FLMegan Рік тому

    I remember the original, and I loved the raw and honest nature of it. We do grow thou, and I get all that. However, I'm still glad you made it!! I think we can relate, and it's why it is so popular.

  • @Rofamily6
    @Rofamily6 Рік тому

    Thank you for your transparent update video. It is very encouraging for me and so many other moms. It is so important, especially in this crazy world, to protect our families and ourselves and our homeschools.
    We only get this one opportunity to raise our children in the Lord. We are going to step on some toes and cut many "ties" along the way.

  • @pclare7477
    @pclare7477 Рік тому

    I'm a new homeschooling Mum from New Zealand. Thank you, this was very helpful for me going forward in terms of future. As a foster Mum also I do not need the drama and I am super cautious with friends and having healthy boundaries.

  • @msmary126
    @msmary126 Рік тому

    I your first video on the drama was a solid reason why we still don't go out of our way to join those groups! I'm so grateful for your sharing.

  • @tinet9238
    @tinet9238 Рік тому

    I remember you first video. I can’t believe those ladies went that far after. Thanks for the update and being so honest!!

  • @katieramsey1359
    @katieramsey1359 Рік тому +1

    That video was how I found you years ago! I have been homeschooling for a long time and hate the pressure put on people to be in a group!

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      So thankful to have you all these years later!

  • @ashleypnw6922
    @ashleypnw6922 Рік тому +1

    Thankfully, in this season we have found a really neat faith based homeschool ministry, with a board of members and two local Chrisitan churches that support it. So it is not just lead by a bunch of women, but has male elder support as well. I have been apart of it 2.5 years now and I have for sure treaded lightly in making friendships with very high boundary walls up, as I too have had a nasty experience with women in a local church I was attending years ago (in regards to the children's program) but not homeschool at the time. Ever since that cult like experience, stepping away from that and finding real gospel breathed community. My inclination is to have no community, but my gut tells me that isn't right either, so we have slowly moved forward into finding a better church and a really great homeschool community at this time as well. I know things can turn, but I feel like I have healthier personal boundaries and now know when to say "NO". When to let the good enter our lives, and when to say "NO", thank you Dr. Henry Cloud and Boundaries!!!!

  • @makanah.5648
    @makanah.5648 Рік тому

    I have 1 family we are all friends with that also homeschools. We meet on a weekly basis and love it! It has been such a blessing for my kids and I. I did participate in a large Mom group once upon a time, and it was great for a little bit. But it got nasty towards the end. And I am truly glad that we are sticking to a small weekly gathering. 🙏 Thank you Ashlee for reaffirming that we don't need to be part of a co-op to fit the homeschool bill. 😊👊

  • @carinthiamontana7069
    @carinthiamontana7069 Рік тому +2

    The original video was what drew me to your channel. It sounded so very honest

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      So thankful to have you here all these years later!

  • @wwofCecania
    @wwofCecania Рік тому

    Such a great video. You show your maturity through this video. I appreciate your ability to express our right to protect ourselves and families first and foremost.

  • @jeaniecolleen1739
    @jeaniecolleen1739 Рік тому

    I feel sorry for the ladies and their families that did that to you. Thanks for your honesty. I do remember the part 1.

  • @britneyslaughter-deeplyroo3156

    This is so sad to me. We do CC, which is our homeschool group. They are wonderful. It’s a rare gem and I didn’t realize so many others had such different experiences within classical conversations and other co-ops. We do sign a statement of faith and we sign a paper saying we will resolve conflict according to how scripture tells us to in Matthew. We are blessed beyond measure for such a community. There are true groups out there full of people who genuinely love Jesus. They do exist, but I am so sad for everyone who has had the experiences that you did. It shouldn’t be that way. We should be able to come along side each other and encourage each other in our journey.

  • @shellymarshall
    @shellymarshall Рік тому +1

    I just love your videos. I recently became a member of your community and am so grateful for the truth you share. 💜

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +1

      So thankful to have you in that intimate space!

  • @godsbuckets
    @godsbuckets Рік тому +1

    We haven’t done groups for a few years, but I had pretty good experiences when I did. And I think that was due to the fact I was not in leadership or running anything. (I did help out here and there).

  • @davyrantucci
    @davyrantucci Рік тому +2

    My group is thriving lol however we moms don’t run it! We have hired teachers, and while we pay quite a bit, the parent involvement is minimal but we all love getting together. We probably get along though as it’s run like a school.

    • @momoflittleladies
      @momoflittleladies Рік тому +1

      This is what they all need to be like!! I will gladly pay for activities that don’t require much of me.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +1


  • @eaudrey18
    @eaudrey18 Рік тому +1

    So sad...I was hoping this video was gonna be the opposite and everyone reconciled :) I'm too worried about getting tied up into something similar. I'm in lots of homeschooling FB groups that are more about meeting up whenever at a park or event with other homeschooling families. No pressure to attend anything.
    Thanks for sharing your situation with being an a co-op

  • @llmorri2
    @llmorri2 7 місяців тому

    I’m friends with a girl that having martial issues and I can sense some red flags. Lately I been keeping my distance and happy I trust my gut.

  • @alilewis4593
    @alilewis4593 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for being an honest person. I Love your videos because you have a Good character. We have had good and bad experiences with Homeschool groups. I have one that liked co-op groups and one who doesn't! Lol You have a Beautiful Family!!!

  • @robertalittleton4674
    @robertalittleton4674 Рік тому +2

    I’ve homeschooled many years with my children it was wonderful but more recently the younger group with my grandchildren is not the same. They have definitely gotten so big and opinionated that we were glad we were too busy to join. I’m sorry this hurts you still almost 4 years later. 🙏🏻

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      Thankfully not hurt just more thankful at this point!

  • @Veronica_Esterhuyse
    @Veronica_Esterhuyse Рік тому

    I always speak of you (when mentioning your videos) as my homeschooling friend in USA (we are in Namibia.
    Praying for you

  • @melissameacham4644
    @melissameacham4644 Рік тому +1

    I am so sorry that you had that experience. Women like your "friend" baffle me. All we can do is set a boundary and pray. Our homeschool group experience has been 95% amazing. Yes we have had a woman or two like you described come through and that has been hurtful. But the good and relationships my kids and I have had far outweigh those dramas. Our group has a statement of faith and quite a few guidelines and standards which does not work for everyone. And that's okay. I have homeschool friends who prefer small groups like you and they are also thriving. I have the gift of administration and am able to support 80 families in our group regularly and occasionally over 500 families in our sister groups. If I were to stay at home then those gifts would not be used. I don't have an online community like you do to minister. We are all put in different situations to minister in different ways. I just don't like the blanket statement "homeschool groups are bad" which I think this video does a good job of balancing and tells your experience with those "bad apples." Thank you for being honest.

  • @allheartandsong
    @allheartandsong Рік тому

    The moms who are super outgoing thrive in groups but us shy moms suffer a lot. It feels very lonely at times but Im pushong throughand hoping my third year will give me better luck. 🙏

  • @FashionbyBrittany
    @FashionbyBrittany Рік тому

    Thank you for this.. been struggling with the last 2 groups I have joined. Felt like there was something wrong with me for not being able to find a group that works for my family cause I feel like I’m taking something away from my kids..The moms tore me apart and made me felt so uncomfortable..
    😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I am really happy I’m not alone on this. Been enjoying taking extra alone time with my kids so we can focus on our curriculum before we jump into a new co-op of play dates

  • @melissa.hadley.fitwithMS
    @melissa.hadley.fitwithMS Рік тому

    I'm sorry that all happened to you! As you know, their actions are a reflection on them and their insecurities. Watching that original video is a big reason why we decided not to co-op. It wasn't the only reason, but it outlined exactly why I was hesitant in the first place.

  • @Peekabooplanning1
    @Peekabooplanning1 Рік тому

    I was relieved when you posted the original video because I was trying to make homeschool groups I hated work and I felt like that video gave me the permission I was looking for to not be part of a group. We now do history once a week with our friends and it works perfectly for us.

  • @Aaron.estrela4196
    @Aaron.estrela4196 Рік тому +2

    The fact that two of the main problem women were "Christian" does not surprise me in the least. As a Christian I have seen so many people hide their hatred and pettiness behind being a Christian. It gives the rest of us a terrible name.
    I'm glad that you have found your core group. I'm still looking for mine but I'm a bit too strange for the homeschooling mamas around me. Meanwhile, I'll be continuing to go to meetup park play days and hope my kids at least find friends even if I can't.

  • @JuliaCantley
    @JuliaCantley Рік тому

    It's good to hear an update. It's amazing how so many of us feel the same and it's sad actually.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +1

      I agree. I’ve yet to truly grasp why we all have been here?!

  • @netcreativedesigns
    @netcreativedesigns Рік тому

    I just watched that first video because I just started homeschooling and have been watching random videos. It almost makes me wonder if I should even consider a group because my almost 7-year old is very sensitive and I worry that type of thing would affect her.I think you handled it perfectly and hope that I would have the courage to speak up if something is happening to us

  • @mamagrahams9943
    @mamagrahams9943 Рік тому +1

    lol yes, I agree.. tentacles are red flags! I

  • @rarnone424
    @rarnone424 Рік тому +1

    That video was actually the first one I saw of yours. Definitely helped me confirm my choices then and now. Thanks for sharing. Also, love your shirt, the blue is very flattering! Do you have a link?

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      It’s from old navy right now thank you!

  • @peekk84
    @peekk84 Рік тому +1

    Wow, 3 years ago?! It seems like it was yesterday. Time flies!

  • @Masonsept2011
    @Masonsept2011 Рік тому

    This video is so timely to my current situation. Thanks for the follow up video 💜

  • @kf250
    @kf250 Рік тому +1

    My local Co op wanted to interview my family to see if we are a “good fit”. Co ops are taking over. Anytime there is a local homeschool get together, so many respond that they can’t go because of Co op responsibility. Is joining a Co op really considered homeschooling?

  • @antoinettemoore976
    @antoinettemoore976 Рік тому +1

    Wow! They must have had a lot of free time on their hands in order to try to cancel you like that. Shame on them!!! Seems like they need to get a hobby lol! As a homeschooling mom I definitely don't have free time like that. But I definitely agree that you should join a same faith based co-op. So sorry that you had to go through that.

  • @Michelle-xk9gl
    @Michelle-xk9gl Рік тому +1

    I used to belong to a homeschool group and one meeting that we went to I took my two oldest daughters with me. They wanted to suggest activities. I received an email the following week complaining that I had taken the two girls with me, because one of the ladies wanted to complain about her husband that evening. First of all it's not a group to complain about your husband and second of all you should not be complaining about your husband to a group of women.
    My experience with home school co-ops isn't much better, my special needs children were bullied. So, we don't have anything to do with co-ops or homeschool groups or anything anymore.

  • @simplyhymns1324
    @simplyhymns1324 Рік тому

    AMEN to the gossip part I have a similar situation only it's not homeschool related. That being said this advice applies to so much much more than that and I am going to figure out how to share this without being offensive to some people in my circle

  • @fashngrl01
    @fashngrl01 Рік тому

    So many good points you shared, I’ve gone through a very similar situation.

  • @valerienitz3240
    @valerienitz3240 Рік тому

    I need to pray for no type drama mom friends especially homeschool mom friends. So need it

  • @kita3256
    @kita3256 Рік тому

    Great video, have always wanted to know the follow up. I am way better without a group too.

  • @mrzsafford
    @mrzsafford Рік тому

    That first video was something I was searching for last year. That is the reason I subscribed! I am in a co op group with this very catty lady. I feel like quitting but my kids love co op. I’m kinda stuck.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +1

      Thankyou for sticking around. Praying for your situation!

  • @sharonmichel9135
    @sharonmichel9135 Рік тому

    "Difficult seasons dont last forever!"
    Came to your channel with your first video.

  • @owlbookworld5041
    @owlbookworld5041 Рік тому

    I know there are probably many options but what do your kids do in order to socialize if not in a homeschool group. I guess I feel obligated to do it for that reason alone along with getting ideas obviously.

    • @owlbookworld5041
      @owlbookworld5041 Рік тому

      I guess I should state that I don’t really have friends with kids so that’s out of the question and I have a hard time making friends as it is.

  • @marywebb7735
    @marywebb7735 Рік тому

    New subscriber here! I have been around for I think 2months maybe… never looked out for Part 1 of story time but UA-cam did auto play it 🤪
    Could also be an algorithm thing

  • @hannawatts8368
    @hannawatts8368 Рік тому

    My family has participated in two different co-ops and both have very different vibes. One has been a more pleasant experience overall but both have felt very draining. I would almost rather pay for a few hours to drop my kids off so I can get some time for my own peace than to add more on my plate. One has said if you miss days and don’t let them know ahead of time you can be banned from future membership. I get it but tone and delivery is important.

  • @asmaa_vlog_85
    @asmaa_vlog_85 Рік тому +4

    this is actually a very cool concept for a video it's nice to see you live in the everyday life of the world aside from every body You are not like anyone and this is what makes you a special and exceptional person. I wish you a happy life and to everyone who reads my comment ❤️🥰💖😍😘🍓♥️

  • @PiningOverHome
    @PiningOverHome Рік тому

    I can’t believe I’ve been following over 3 years 😂❤️ doesn’t seem that long ago!!

    • @PiningOverHome
      @PiningOverHome Рік тому

      They called your church! Wow no words. Besides like you said, crazy 😂 this video gets crazier and crazier 😂❤️ glad it’s deep in the past now. Hard to have that in your life even when you try not to let it effect you

  • @bonecrusher9745
    @bonecrusher9745 Рік тому

    You are so amazing great video. Do you stock up on water? Can you possibly do more in store grocery shopping videos? It would be awesome if you could show how you do your full massive shopping trip

  • @texnewmexneen
    @texnewmexneen Рік тому

    Great lessons shared!

  • @sabrinasmith1295
    @sabrinasmith1295 Рік тому +1

    This is just confirmation for me that we don’t need to join a homeschool group. This is our first year homeschooling and I have been asked to join multiple groups. None of them have felt right to me to join and watching these videos just confirms that the groups aren’t a necessity.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +1

      Yes! Do not join unless you feel lead by God to do so!

  • @mammacass5311
    @mammacass5311 Рік тому

    Wow girl this was 4 years ago! Let it go honey

  • @chrissyt22
    @chrissyt22 Рік тому +1

    If those women acted that way after the initial video aired, I actually have to question whether they are true believers or not. Unbelievable.

  • @laundryandliterature4796
    @laundryandliterature4796 Рік тому

    Does Ashlee ever say what the incident was? I’m trying to catch up… this is applicable to me right now. 😊

  • @michellecalais2482
    @michellecalais2482 Рік тому

    That was the first video I saw of yours!

  • @lisagerleman9854
    @lisagerleman9854 Рік тому

    Good luck

  • @mamabear8373
    @mamabear8373 Рік тому

    Yikes! I've been with Classical Conversations for 4 years, but it's more curriculum and Christ centered, not just social. I would be lying if I said that we've not had some problems in the past but big ones where resolved. These women that where in your group sound like a nightmare.

  • @mfigueroa2079
    @mfigueroa2079 Рік тому

    That video brought me to your channel

  • @SadieP117
    @SadieP117 Рік тому

    What a mess. I’m so sorry. I’m my area the co ops have a board of leadership which cuts all the cliques and drama because they’re run like a legit business. The only way they work in my opinion.

  • @curlygirl7503
    @curlygirl7503 Рік тому

    I am so sorry that you walked through this. Your red flags are spot on.

  • @PerseveranceMama
    @PerseveranceMama Рік тому


  • @Wifethereof
    @Wifethereof Рік тому +4

    We switched to a secular homeschool group because the Christian one had way too much drama. The non religious one is welcoming and not judgmental, unlike the Christian one.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +1

      That is awful and such a poor representation of Christ. I’m so sorry you felt that way

  • @mwl41223
    @mwl41223 Рік тому

    So sorry this happens. I was involved in 2 groups I could see there were going to be issues with legalism and divisiveness. Judgement without knowing much of anything about people instead of loving, respecting and supporting people's growth.

  • @lifestylehomestead
    @lifestylehomestead Рік тому

    What horrible people. Wow. Vengeance is the Lord's...just ruminate on that.

  • @pjengland286
    @pjengland286 Рік тому

    Wow! These women are clearly nuts. What awful character!

  • @MariGee13
    @MariGee13 Рік тому +31

    “If someone will gossip to you they will also gossip about you!” I’m currently walking through this and this is just reaffirming that I am walking where I need to be! Thanks Ashlee for sharing💜

    • @HomeLifeWithLove
      @HomeLifeWithLove Рік тому +1

      I learned that the hard way. Someone gossiped to me and I was fearful that if I said something, they’d blow up in my face, so I (sinfully) didn’t address it. The gossiping eventually turned onto me after taking a stand. If you stand up to a narcissist, they will get heir revenge, sadly. When a person just doesn’t feel 100% comfortable to you, go with your gut!

    • @TheEllaTB
      @TheEllaTB Рік тому

      So true! I was with some people who regularly talked about others...I finally blew up, "so when I'm not here, is this how you all talk about me?"
      They paused shocked, and tried to reassure me that no...they were more careful with their words around me after that

  • @missfizz2386
    @missfizz2386 Рік тому +16

    It makes me question why do so many homeschooling parents feel the need to be so included and involved? I think we need to get more confident in our choice that we've made to HS, embrace that we're already going against the grain and throw our fears to the side. Just keep things simple and let things happen organically. Thank you for your wisdom as both videos are so helpful and edifying❤

  • @SarahNicole0617
    @SarahNicole0617 Рік тому +12

    My kids lost all their friends in one fell swoop because of a few horrible homeschool moms that soured a group I was running by myself. I recently started my own Christian co-op and we are finally having the wonderful friendship I wanted for them. We only do extracurriculars so it's really a friend group not a high pressure academic group. As the director I am on high alert for red flags. I have zero tolerance for drama at this point. I can only pray that things go better this time around. I work extremely hard to make it a positive experience for the families who come.

  • @meganharoldson8785
    @meganharoldson8785 Рік тому +23

    I finally joined a co op this year after 8 years of homeschooling. Most of the families were friends of mine before. The leadership is organized but very flexible. We all are Catholic with the same values(even within the Catholic faith people have different ideas what being faithful) which makes it much easier. These women don't seem to gossip.

    • @tarathompson2623
      @tarathompson2623 Рік тому +4

      My devout Catholic friends never gossip. I’ve never heard any of the women say an unkind word about anyone. Thank God. It’s beautiful.

  • @colleenpakkianathan3151
    @colleenpakkianathan3151 Рік тому +17

    We have never joined a co-op or homeschooling group - but it is always everyone’s first question when they learn we homeschool. It certainly seems to be the expectation. Also, from extracurriculars and field trips we’ve done, I might disagree with your assessment that Christian groups will have less drama! At least in our experience, we have seen the most exclusivity and standoffishness and gossip in the Christian realm and a more genuine, warm welcome in the non faith based activities. Definitely not all or none on either side, but this has been a noticeable trend. It’s been a good lesson to myself, as a Christian, to constantly evaluate how I am presenting myself and behaving!

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +2

      I agree. I hate when people tarnish the name “christian”

  • @SamanthaH
    @SamanthaH Рік тому +8

    I love this video, and agree with you I do not believe you were in sin or in need of “church discipline” but I want to clarify for anyone else watching
    but Christianity actually does have church discipline. Strong church discipline so crucial. We have an outline in the New Testament on how to handle sin amongst believers and it does tell us to cast out someone who is in sin and refuses to repent … again not applicable to your videos but just in general.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому +3

      I am aware of that scripture in Matthew. What I meant was for someone who is not In the church to think my pastors would discipline me for exercising my first amendment was idiotic. Discipline within a church begins with the parties being in the church together, and it models how that’s to be handled. Not applicable here which is what I was expressing.
      Other religions, can cast one out for anything “they” see fit. Where the person can never attend again. It’s called excommunication. That’s what this persons background and pursuit was. But that’s not how the modern Christian church operates.

    • @SamanthaH
      @SamanthaH Рік тому

      @@GraceandGrit I agree it was a bit crazy of the lady to think such a thing... espeically if she comes from a cult type religion that practices excomminication. I just wanted to clarify that based on the video people may have misunderstood what you meant by the church not being able to discipline you.

  • @simpleadventure2857
    @simpleadventure2857 Рік тому +11

    The way you describe your friends casually getting together - that's what we call our 'co op' :) very relaxed, small group, no pressure or expectations, participate when it works for your family... For 6 years now. I hope more people can have positive experiences like that :)

  • @anniemetz5150
    @anniemetz5150 Рік тому +3

    I think it is popular because we expect homeschool groups to be very inclusive and family like. But the reality is that cliques exist even within co-ops. It's very disappointing and discouraging to new homeschoolers. Your video gives confidence to continue the journey without needing a co-op.

    • @GraceandGrit
      @GraceandGrit  Рік тому

      I agree that seems to be the expectation!