Silver Quill Reacts to Ghostbusters

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Just saw the new movie and I had a few reactions I wanted to share. No movie footage here, but there are spoilers!


  • @admcleo
    @admcleo 8 років тому +95

    That reaction of other people laughing at something you don't find funny at all. We've all been there.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому

      So awkward....So lonely....

    • @falken3413
      @falken3413 8 років тому


    • @reflectivevagrant5531
      @reflectivevagrant5531 8 років тому +1

      and yet those that see the movie after this review may actually have more fun because of it instead of the reverse.

    • @aubriem1944
      @aubriem1944 8 років тому +2

      Totally me with the Minions (no offense, ppl).

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому

      +reflective vagrant
      I don't see how.

  • @theGreenGoblin
    @theGreenGoblin 8 років тому +11

    I liked it. Also, I'm glad the dance wasn't literally in the middle of the third act. It would have *KILLED* the momentum.

    • @MercenaryX21
      @MercenaryX21 8 років тому +3

      The dancing is in the movie, feig said he is going make sure it is in the extended cut. I hope this movie kills his career.

    • @theGreenGoblin
      @theGreenGoblin 8 років тому +3

      Dude, I saw the movie. It's in the credits. It helped the flow of the film. Also, critics like the film, so his career is fine and you everyone spewing bile at him comes off as an immature child.
      It's one thing to not be interested in a film. It's another to literally wish financial ruin on those involved in a piece of art you don't like.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +2

      What critics have you seen? I have heard nothing but meh at best. Also, this movie is shaping up to be a flop, it is estimated to make between 30 and 45 million dollars, which is very poor for this type of movie, it needed to make 60 million or more in order to be profitable.
      Don't you dare say people who criticize him are childish. The guy has done nothing but insult fans of the original and critics of this movie for months. They guy deserves it all. And Sony deserves far more for tge shits they have pulled in the past few years.

    • @theGreenGoblin
      @theGreenGoblin 8 років тому +1

      I'M a fan of the original. So are a lot of the people in those seats. I'm probably more of a Ghostbuster fan than you are. And I'm cheering for the financial ruin of something because he put out a mean tweet is childish and scummy. People have been giving them shit since the project was announced. The original detractors WERE a bunch of misogynists. They got enveloped in the backlash of the trailers release though and with that, it was hard to distinguish genuine criticism from bullshit. And of course it didn't help that Sony doubled down on only blaming the sexists, but the actual end (that is to say, the film) is still good. I know the trailers were bad and didn't help, but the really don't show you the high points of the film. It was a true case of bad marketing.
      I went in expecting a good light-hearted time and that's exactly what I got. It's not as good as the first film and I didn't go in EXPECTING that. Maybe that's where the disconnect is coming from.
      Look, give the film an honest go. At least decide for yourself, rather than be swayed by petty he-said-she-said bullshit. The film is certified fresh. That at least warrants a second look.

    • @ryancarson6962
      @ryancarson6962 8 років тому

      +theGreenGoblin they also attacked the angry video game nerd for his video saying he won't watch the movie calling him sexist even though his reasons for not watching it wasn't for sexist reasons.

  • @kennethhescott4720
    @kennethhescott4720 8 років тому +1

    I'd prefer the original Ghostbusters over the new one.

  • @AkuTenshiiZero
    @AkuTenshiiZero 8 років тому

    Remember back when bad films didn't get sequels? Instead of nowadays, when studios lock in at least a trilogy?
    I miss those days.

  • @Aussieroth7
    @Aussieroth7 8 років тому

    ... Better than Ghost Busters II (Though the theme song from that movie was awesome)

  • @giguyjoe
    @giguyjoe 8 років тому +12

    Welcome to what happens when film making meets political agenda. Allow me to be the one that kicks off the big comment discussion chain and say that I can't bring myself to watch this movie due to the current reaction of those outside of feminism, the malicious practices used by both Sony and the cast and crew to label any constructive criticism as blind misogyny, and the sheer fact that they're replacing four smartly written characters with actual personalities, interests, and backstories with four SNL actresses putting out jokes that wouldn't even make an 8-year-old laugh.
    I mean for pete sakes, the first "comedic" moment of the movie from what I've heard is a queef joke. A QUEEF JOKE!

  • @Zettarly
    @Zettarly 8 років тому +27

    Judging by the box office returns, it looks like we won't be seeing a sequel anytime soon. But still this is one of the most calmest and most honest review on the movie so far.
    Ghostbusters 2016 franchise, gone the way of the dodo and Sony's Amazing Spider-Man franchise.

    • @frickthefuckoff
      @frickthefuckoff 8 років тому +1

      Source please, I must know it's true.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +2

      Here, I found this. It did slightly better then expected, but I don't think it will do them as well as they hoped.

    • @frickthefuckoff
      @frickthefuckoff 8 років тому

      jthedog MUCH appreciated, friend.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +1

      You are welcomed. Took a bit to find a non biased one that didn't scream, "Take that, everyone that criticise this movie!".

    • @lightyearpig12
      @lightyearpig12 8 років тому

      Give it time.

  • @yoshifan3077
    @yoshifan3077 8 років тому +14

    I just watch the ghostbusters just yesterday and I kind of liked it was pretty funny and everything it's not so bad that everybody keeps talking about it so badly but this was pretty good

    • @Actionfan19
      @Actionfan19 8 років тому +1

      I agree with you on everything buddy, even the seeing it yesterday bit.

    • @148crusader
      @148crusader 8 років тому +2

      The problem is that when you compare the first movie to the second, generally a sequel is supposed to improve upon the first iteration or to explore something new but this movie does neither. It's not an improvement and it doesn't really do anything new besides "a team of women are ghostbusters."

    • @alexandravollans5764
      @alexandravollans5764 8 років тому +1

      I just saw it today and I quite enjoyed it

    • @ZiddersRooFurry
      @ZiddersRooFurry 8 років тому +1

      The new film isn't a sequel.

    • @catkoicalico9999
      @catkoicalico9999 8 років тому +1

      I enjoyed it too.

  • @ToolboxMotley
    @ToolboxMotley 8 років тому +11

    This movie is an example of why I can't trust modern feminism. It's not about equality anymore, it's about society-backed misandry.

    • @BronyNumber4096
      @BronyNumber4096 8 років тому +3

      They keep trying to sell that sack of shit about how feminism is about gender equality. But as long as their other words and (more importantly) their actions say otherwise, it IS nothing but a sack of shit.

    • @xientau9028
      @xientau9028 8 років тому +1

      How to stump a feminist; Ask them what *Legal* rights men have that western women don't (privileges don't count since they aren't legally enforced). I haven't gotten an acceptable answer yet. ;)

    • @CumstainedBedsheets
      @CumstainedBedsheets 8 років тому


    • @DocMadfox
      @DocMadfox 8 років тому

      Honestly I expected Feminist cringe watching the movie, but there was none to be had. Only feminist thing in it was Holtzman handing one of the characters a swiss army knife and saying a woman should always be ready to defend herself... which I actually agree with so no bitching there from me. Holtzman's the best character for the record.

    • @Thomasmemoryscentral
      @Thomasmemoryscentral 8 років тому

      Its also twisted the term of female empowerment to female entitled. Like the real crazy ones think they're entitled to everything and think blaming men is their only answer. 2014 was probably the worst year for it so far as I think 2016 so far is currently the year of SJW whining.

  • @FrostiKing
    @FrostiKing 8 років тому +33

    I went to the theater, midnight showing. I tried to be as unbiased as I could and allowed the movie to stand on it's own merits. I really and honestly did. I sat in sullen silence through most of the duration of the movie. I am baffled by why so many people say it's ok, or average, which may be an even bigger problem than it being just bad. I wanted this movie to succeed so well, I wanted it to do great, I didn't want it to fail. I went in with an open mind and hope that it would lead to bigger better things, to be shown that the Ghostbusters were in good hands and had a future. No part of me wanted this movie to be bad, or to fail. I am also not blinded by nostalgia, my childhood is fine and intact, I still have the original's on blu-ray and the cartoons and games still exist.
    First off, I don't care that the Ghostbusters are female, really I don't, they are fine actresses but, they fail horribly here, more or less the three scientist are the same Character and Patty is rather loud and abrasive, I didn't enjoy their humor they flubbed about, supposedly they tried to ad-lib most of the script (From my understanding) so, no. As for the whole feminism thing, I am all for female empowerment and good female rolemodels these women ain't it, there are sexist remakes jokes (Safety lights are for guys.) every three minutes or less, and when crap like that is shoved down my throat I have have a right to not appreciate it. There are better rolemodels for little girls and women out there than these four. Also what is wrong with the movie, I'll go ahead and say it right here, right now. The main cast, are stupid, inept, they are to silly to work or function, so everyone and everything else in the film has to be stupider by comparison to make them appear smart, like scientist. So if you see anyone in the movie, they are at immediate half IQ than what the Ghostbusters have. Everyone makes very forced very bad decisions to force the plot forward which none of the other Ghostbusters movies ever had to do.
    As for the humor it tries to follow in Ghostbusters footsteps by replicating all the body/toilet humor of the original two movies... oh wait they weren't about that at all. Where as the Ghostbusters Trilogy (I am including the 2009 game as the cast have stated it is essentially the third film) treated the audience with respect, the humor was subtle, it allowed you to think and make your own decisions and I can't recall off the top of my head any of them reaching for the low hanging fruit and going for toilet/body humor. The first major joke in the reboot is a queefing joke (I will not explain what that is here.) I was disgusted, then all about people soiling themselves in fear, pissing themselves, the ghostly vomit, it was revolting. Every point in the reboot is driven home a few dozen times in case you were to stupid to get it the first time. The original movies were smart, clever, they had comedy thrown in real world situation with people reacting realistically, it could even be creepy at times. The reboot is in your face every second and doesn't let up with it's forced comedy and jokes that seemed to dead on arrival. Every human being seemed to be stupid and reacts in the most unrealistic ways just to make the scientist characters seem smart, it's the only explanation I can come up with.
    The first two minor jokes told by the Tour Guide in the film while taking a group through the house "And this is there is the fence he put up to protect against the Irish." "And here is where P.T. Barnum came up with the idea to enslave elephants." I just sat there in my seat mouth slightly agape. The first joke makes no sense unless you are from New York or a history buff and is still very offensive, the second is equally offensive to Circus performers and planners, and seems to be made to either poke fun at or stir more controversy that the movie seems to thrive on.
    The Effects in this movie are on par with the live action Scooby-Doo movie or the Haunted Mansion with Eddy Murphy, the ghost are CGI and Rubbery (One effect was animated and I did appreciate that.) they all glow horrible neon colors, there is nothing soft and blending about them, and most of the ghost are carbon copies, create ghost #1722 and copy/paste indefinitely. The original movies the Ghost all looked very unique (Which carried over to the games, the toy line and the cartoons) each ghost was animated in unique ways to give them different feelings, like they don't belong, each one had a story you could gather from first glance. What few unique ghost this movie had were cartoonish, or downright silly.
    Now about this movies pacing, it is slow, boring, and mostly four women sitting around complaining, griping, or pouting. I know this kind of stuff can be done well, /I/ actually like the Golden Girls. The 'Ghostbusters' actually do their job a total of three times in the movie (Before the climax) and capture all of ONE single ghost... that they promptly release within ten minutes. Scenes that are amusing (Like field testing in the back ally.) are held on for way to long, to the point I want them to move on anything enjoyable gets sucked out rather quickly (One scene of them testing a proton pack and one of the characters is thrown around on wires and then has her butt ran across the pavement like a dog)
    As stated before I am all for female empowerment, women need good solid rolemodles and many exist, but this movie seems to have very clear femenist overtones and is quite forceful about it, most males in the movie are either creepy (Like, stalkerish) or inept, bumbling, or outright stupid. As an example the Mayor of New York has a female aid who is constantly whispering in his ear, coaching him on what to say, and seems to run the show with him as a figurehead at best. The Delivery boy can never get anything right. The male villain is incompatant, the tour guide soils himself and pitches a fit like a child to not go back in the Manor.
    Chris Hemsworth which I do like as an Actor is portrayed as a good looking handsome guy with what I assume to be in the single digits IQ. I don't know... what he was doing, I don't know what kind of direction he was given, but he is beyond stupid, (Wearing glasses without lens's so they don't get dirty, having a dog named Michal Hat (reduced to Mike Hat, which sounds like My Cat, which they go on for about two minutes before dropping the joke.) This male secretary can't even answer the phone, one of the jokes that I just sat in awe of, is he is staring at an Aquarium, there is a disconnected phone in the aquarium, the phone on his desk is ringing. They ask him to answer the phone and he says "I can't it's in the Aquarium." then the Ghostbuster goes "Oh, no honey turn around the one on your desk." I'm not joking that's in the movie. They hire Chris Hemsworth's Character to as eye candy as one or two of the Ghostbusters are fawning over him. While I was watching I kept thinking to myself "If they kept the dialog, but it was four guys, hiring a girl that couldn't answer a PHONE based on her looks alone this movie would not have been produced much less made it out of the PITCH STAGE." In fact that's a very fun game to play with this Movie, just go "If it was four guys doing this same thing...." Is it cute because women are doing it? Cause Sexism in any form is disgusting and not a good source of comedy (Going for the low brow quick laugh again)
    [More Below, apparently I typed to much.)

    • @FrostiKing
      @FrostiKing 8 років тому +12

      Unlike the other Ghostbusters movies, this one actually has a body count believe it or not Two (Possibly four) people die in the movie, and one of those is a suicide. The movie tries to get genuine laughs out of a suicide, it is taken lightly. Again I just sat in cold shock that they would even attempt this or think it was a good idea but yeah, people die in this movie, for no real reason.
      The Villain of the movie is some creepy nerd guy who was bullied and wants to get back at the world (The kind of guy that goes on a shooting spree) but has delusions and what not. While he states this (in a mirror, in a textbook 'Talking head scene' to portray to the audience in cause you were to stupid to keep up with the plot) the movie does nothing to actually show him being bullied, in fact people treat him kinda nice, when he talks to Patty for the first time she is nice to him, when he goes to the concert people are nice to him. There is no flashback there's no one putting him down, and if he is as smart as he seems to be why does he sit and do NOTHING with the talent he posses. I am trying to avoid end movie spoilers in my reasoning but his motivation is very flimsy, doesn't hold up, and he is portrayed far to incompatant and alot of things he does in the movie create most of the large jarring plot holes.
      The 'Plot' of the movie is directly ripped off from the Ghostbusters Video Game (2009), and probably the first episode from The Extreme Ghostbusters. Just replace Mandala Node for the movies mystical mcguffin and it's the same thing, just alot less interesting. Also about the Plot alot of the original cast do show up, but the original Ghostbusters never happened (Making the very first trailer that said "Thirty Years ago Four friends saved the world" an outright lie.) I have been told through some unofficial channels that the cast appeared under pressure from Sony to appear to give their blessing to the movie, I can't prove this and I doubt the actors themselves would ever say anything so, take it for what it's worth, they seemed to be very forced in the movie, least to me. Also because original actors show up and the movie is not a continuation it seems doubly insulting. Also for those of you who like post credit scenes, this movie has one...and it is equally as insulting and a kick in the teeth to anyone who sat through this movie.
      Now about the Four female leads. I got no problem with them, I have nothing against them as females or actresses, I am not against the idea of a female Ghostbusters group, but these four had zero chemistry. The originals the actors for the most part were friends on and off set, they could play off each other, they could feed into one another and had great chemistry together, funny chemistry as comedians. These four actresses I don't believe for a second they were ever friends. The movie starts out with one hating the other for publishing a book without her permission (Which is also highly illegal and puts her pristegiuos job in jeopardy) so the movie starts on a very sour note with the leads, I don't believe their friendship, and they just kinda whine and complain and gripe (As stated previously) throughout most of the movie not doing the Ghostbusting thing, ya know their job, the title of the movie? It also lacks any kind of montage or passage of time scenes so it honestly feel's like the movie is taking place over a few days instead of weeks or months as BOTH movies did and the 2009 game takes place over days but they are clearly overworked and are throwing alot of the workload on you as the player.
      The sad thing is, this movie had potential, if it was treated with the respect and dignity it deserved, if the characters being portrayed were intelligent it could be a very worthy successor to the originals. But no, it wasn't it went for toilet low brow humor the whole time, everyone is exceptionally stupid because the main cast need to look smart by comparison, I have no idea what was the issue with Chris Hemsworth... the movie needed effort most of all, it feels lazy, it feels rushed, it feels uninspired, push out garbage, build an agenda pushing movement behind it get people afraid to say it is bad, because if you don't like the movie it means your sexist. No, I don't like it because it is a BAD MOVIE and a WORSE REMAKE/Reboot. As a personal opinion, I think people are afraid to say anything against it, due to all the headhunting revolving around it.
      Sony has already planned a Franchise out of Ghostbusters, they have set up an off shoot label to handle it called Ghost Corps. I am guessing they are using their biggest IP to try and compete in the superhero market against the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Cinematic Universe that is starting up.
      I find it kinda funny (Not really) that all this moves through after Herold Ramis dies, the one who was holding it up, who said everyone was to old, that he wanted to preserve the Dignity and Legacy the Ghostbusters left behind, but, no, the moment he is in the ground all the magic gears in Hollywood start turning and almost near instant reboot, and hey all the old cast is appearing as cameos to give their blessing to this piece of crap.... This is a desecration to Herold's memory in every sense of the world. Next thing you know they will be wanting to reboot Groundhog Day.
      But yeah, I didn't want this movie to fail, I wanted it to succeed to be awesome to be a worthy heir to this legacy. But, nope, everything thrown out for lowest common denominator humor, something that insults your intelligence and assumes you are as smart as Chris Hemsworth's character, you need to be entertained by having the cinematic equivalent of keys being jingled in your face and everything explained nice and neat for you. One thing that bothers me, is people say the movie is 'alright' or 'great' if it is just average it is a sin it should have been great, it being meh, and middle of the road shows laziness on all sides. But for the people who like it, I just wonder if they are blinded by Nostalgia? Or are they ducking their head so people don't think they are sexist so they don't have to deal with it? Or are people just conditioned to the point this day in time to enjoy this kind of humor, the toilet/body/sexist humor and I just didn't get the brain conditioning everyone else did. Another grievous sin this movie is outright guilty of, I've noticed people looking back real hard at the original's, and alot of people are finding flaws they never considered flaws until this movie, or find themselves enjoying it less, or outright dislike the old movies because the of the new one. This Reboot is poisoning it's own legacy, no sort of sequel or reboot or remake or reimagining should EVER go into that territory!
      Aside from sitting in sullen Silence most of the movie, I did enjoy some things, Holtzman was alright for the most part (Egon's replacement.) but her wild eccentricity meant she shared a personality and voice with the other two scientist and was viciously beaten with the stupid stick at times. I liked the new Ecto-1, The hearse was a great touch. The 'Burn in Hell' joke was funny due to timing and shock of it, the 'Somewhere in Milwaukee' joke was also funny. Holtzman's fight scene in the final conflict was interesting, one of the ghost was animated at the end to give it a change from CGI, I did appreciate that, but... that's about it for the movie.
      But yeah, I wanted to like this. I didn't want to waste money, time, or just sit in a dark theater in sullen silence. Two people in the theater gave it a standing ovation, my friend who was with me enjoyed it I begged him to tell me why and he couldn't, he just couldn't. Even in the car I said "Hypothetically, if the dialog remained the same but we gender-swaped the cast to male and everyone else as well, the villain is female, their secretary is female ect. ect. would it still be funny?" He just went dead silent, he could not and would not answer me, and would dodge the question every time I brought it back up. Sexism isn't funny regardless which way it is going.

    • @FrostiKing
      @FrostiKing 8 років тому +8

      Also yeah the trailers do spoil this movie from beginning to end. I've noticed alot of recent movies doing this trend. So, yeah I was just hoping the trailers raised a few red flags and I was worrying over nothing. But...yeah if you watched all the trailers the movie was spoiled for you. Sorry. But, yeah.
      In closing I know I wrote alot, I appreciate anyone who read this far and if you liked it, I'm glad for you, I did not, the movie pandered to me, insulted my intelligence and attempted to get quick laughs from low brow humor. I just wanted to fully explain myself and why I disliked it. I feel if you cannot explain yourself you are caught between a rock and a hard place without any sort of justification what-so-ever, so, yeah with minimal spoilers or bad language I tried to fully explain myself and why I did not like this movie. Please don't spend money on this to fund Ghost Corps.

    • @tomspiegel5322
      @tomspiegel5322 8 років тому

      If you don't mind at least one explanation, I liked it because - when I go see a movie - I turn off my brain and try to have fun. That's why I enjoyed ID:R.
      But I certainly didn't expect to enjoy it. I actually bought a ticket for _The Purge: Election Day_ and walked into the Ghostbusters theater. However, I will spend money on the Ghost Corps universe _IF_ they A) drop their stupid strawman arguments and acknowledge the _real_ problems they've brought upon this property, and B) replace Paul Feig with a director who isn't toxic.

    • @QuietRage
      @QuietRage 8 років тому +2

      Normally I wouldn't read a giant block of text like this, but I am very interested in the reviews for the new Ghostbusters and the controversy driving the final scores, also you've written your review very well. You clearly stated the topics and justified your opinion on each one adequately. So many alarm bells rang off in my head when I saw the trailers and heard about Sony deleting bad comments for the trailers, it was a wonder my head didn't explode. Now that the movies finally come out, I had a hard time believing that the movie really earned it's average score. I've been suspicious of all critics ever since Bridesmaids was given critical acclaim, because that movie was just terrible. And as its been described as "The Hangover for women", I bet the exact same thing happened with the new ghostbusters; the critics wanted to give it a bad review, but the studio and audiences accused them of sexism so they changed it. Watching those awful Ghostbusters trailers, I believe that this movie contained all of the atrocities you described.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +3

      +Tom Spiegel
      Most people don't though. I believe that if you have to turn your brain off to enjoy something, then it isn't good or worth it. It just doesn't make sense, because the second you start thinking about it, you start seeing the problems, seeing the leaps in logic, both in and out of universe; and everything else wrong with it. Then you start questioning why you liked it.

  • @krg-diver4655
    @krg-diver4655 8 років тому +50

    rwby after the fact plz

    • @deathxanamon7211
      @deathxanamon7211 8 років тому

      yes heck yes

    • @krg-diver4655
      @krg-diver4655 8 років тому

      Silver make this happen plz

    • @TheDorianTube
      @TheDorianTube 8 років тому +1

      Is it good?! RWBY I mean. Never saw it

    • @deathxanamon7211
      @deathxanamon7211 8 років тому

      +TheDorianTube RWBY is more than good it's awesome seriously watch it it won't be a waste of your time it's got three seasons worth of awesome episodes

    • @krg-diver4655
      @krg-diver4655 8 років тому

      +TheDorianTube you got three Vols to watch and Vol 4 is coming in Oct 22 you got time

  • @biscuiteaterelliott6367
    @biscuiteaterelliott6367 8 років тому +7

    You know what this means, right, Silver? Now fans are going to ask you to review/react to more movies. is coming up...

  • @JaguarCats
    @JaguarCats 7 років тому +10

    They actually canceled the sequel thank god x.x

    • @randomfandoms1753
      @randomfandoms1753 7 років тому +2


    • @JaguarCats
      @JaguarCats 7 років тому

      Yep, they were so sure this movie was gonna take off and revitalize the franchise. They even had toys out that showcased the original ghostbusters and the "new" ghostbusters...they promptly disappeared from the toy shelves after the movie hit the theaters.

    • @Godzillakingofkaiju1
      @Godzillakingofkaiju1 5 років тому

      @@JaguarCats On the bright side, we're finally getting a proper Ghostbusters movie in 2020.

  • @seirramoon388
    @seirramoon388 8 років тому +11

    if i want a third ghostbusters movie ill watch a letsplay of the 360 game

    • @Scardy
      @Scardy 8 років тому

      Or play the 360, 'cause it was super fun

    • @QuestionDeca
      @QuestionDeca 5 років тому

      @@Scardy PC version wasn't half bad either, but you'd have to already own it now, no new digital distribution.

  • @MegatronPrime321
    @MegatronPrime321 8 років тому +24

    Y'know what I've just realised? This movie is Batman v Superman in reverse:
    A film that practically everyone was dreading more and more with each passing trailer, especially when the first trailer came out. And when the film was finally released, despite everyone thinking it would be despised and irredeemably awful, the critics and fans instead liked it, getting an unexpected pretty high score on Rotten Tomatoes in addition. And this prompted the rabid fanboys to rant, dislike any videos and piss on anyone who would dare say anything positive about it.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +23

      The hell are you talking about? All the critics I have seen have at most, said it was average. None of them liked it. Heck, when you look at the professional critic score on rotten tomatoes, it is 50.

    • @gerbill13
      @gerbill13 8 років тому +1

      Its meh not good not bad its... just sort of there. like a lobster in a car showroom.

    • @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork
      @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork 8 років тому +1

      Batman vs Superman was an insult to the fans, and it has a 34% on RT, so I'm not sure what you mean about it?

    • @MegatronPrime321
      @MegatronPrime321 8 років тому +1

      Kaiju no Kami Because with Batman v Superman, it was a film that practically everyone was looking more and more forward to with each passing trailer, especially when the first trailer came out. When the film was finally released, despite everyone thinking it would be amazing and universally adored, the critics and fans instead hated it, getting an unexpected very low score on Rotten Tomatoes in addition. And this prompted the rabid fanboys to rant, dislike any videos and piss on anyone who would dare say anything negative about it. Ghostbusters 2016 is basically this but the opposite.
      Oh, and 27% on RT last I checked.

    • @MegatronPrime321
      @MegatronPrime321 8 років тому +1

      jthedog Even so, the film still got an unexpectedly high score despite its terrible marketing.

  • @darkbowslash8558
    @darkbowslash8558 8 років тому +2

    you know, after seeing the film, this makes a WHOLE lot more sence :')

  • @fatbunnt123
    @fatbunnt123 8 років тому +4

    This Ghostbusters is just the feminist version and I'm not even a little interested in it.

    • @ZiddersRooFurry
      @ZiddersRooFurry 8 років тому +5

      Not really.

    • @dandelion_fritters
      @dandelion_fritters 8 років тому +2

      If Silver Quill didn't laugh, then it's definitely not worth the money.

    • @Off_Screen
      @Off_Screen 8 років тому

      i only listen to the great critc. the one who has bested every worse possible thing in movi-verse. he stood up to the terrors of garbage pale kids, he survived the un-godliness of food-fight. but best of all, he has smashed the now expired credit card known as batman and robin.
      his name, is the nostalgia critic

    • @MonoKabi
      @MonoKabi 8 років тому

      And his responce to this movie was a resounding, "meh". Doug and rob agreed on giving it a C+/B- rating. And of course, the most damning of reviews, if not for the 'controversy', they called it "forgettable".

    • @ZiddersRooFurry
      @ZiddersRooFurry 8 років тому

      MonoKabi​​ I enjoyed it. I'd give it a b+ Not as good as the first but better than the second by a country mile.

  • @EpicMuttonChops
    @EpicMuttonChops 8 років тому +1

    oh for crying out loud, this Ghostbusters is a REBOOT. new characters, new plot, etc. STOP COMPARING IT TO THE ORIGINAL, as if it was such a perfect movie. go ahead, watch it again without the original idea filter, and it's ALSO mediocre. if not for being an original idea, it barely holds up
    also, there is no "Ray" character, no "Egon" character. there's Erin, Abby, Holtzmann, and Patty. they have elements of the original crew written in, but they are their own characters. at the very least treat them as such

  • @what0080
    @what0080 8 років тому +1

    THANK YOU! This video basically explained my exact thoughts while watching this movie during a preview screening a few weeks ago.

  • @whiterabbit75
    @whiterabbit75 8 років тому +1

    You want to see something interesting? Go to Box Office Mojo and look at the returns for this film (I say film, but it's really just a 2 hour long SNL skit parodying Ghostbusters). Now, they say that the film cost $144 million to produce (that does not include the cost to advertise it, especially overseas). As we see here, 3 weeks out, and it still hasn't made it's production cost back (domestically). So, let's go over to the foreign market and see how it did. So, added to the $111 million, it brings the total up to $164 million and some change, far short of the conservative estimate of $300 million (as estimated by Sony) needed to at least break even.
    Now, here's where the really interesting bit comes in. Click on the tab comparing this movie to similar movies and what do you find? In no particular order, we have 13 movie remakes, 11 remakes of TV shows, and only five that are horror or have elements of horror as major points of the movie, and _all_ of them were remakes. But what about slapstick comedies (the main genre of this remake)? A whopping 12. 12 versus the five horror movies. And compare what kind of comedy movies were talking about here. Pitch Perfect 1 and 2, Spy, Pixels, Trainwreck, Bridesmaids.
    Now compare the comedy found in those movies to the comedy found in the original Ghostbusters movie. The comedy in the modern movies is loud, crass, and in your face, often explaining why you should find the joke funny to the audience. The humor in Ghostbusters was understated, subtle, and sometimes, almost British in it's dry delivery. It didn't pander to you, and it certainly respected the audience enough to think that they could figure out the jokes on their own. Toilet humor is fine in small doses, but I for one, would rather have humor that respects my intelligence to figure it out on my own without holding my hand to the punchline.

  • @pike8528
    @pike8528 8 років тому +1

    I did not like this movie. I didn't laugh any and found it to be boring. Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth were the best parts, Leslie Jones was the worst, the cgi looked terrible, and the plot was a little weak. Overall I give it a 4/10.

  • @tomspiegel5322
    @tomspiegel5322 8 років тому +1

    "Safety protocol has not gender!"
    Yep, that's what ruined Sigourney Weaver's cameo for me. _And_ it soured the following scene on the rooftop.

  • @EmeraldDragon
    @EmeraldDragon 8 років тому +1

    Silver Quill is talking about safety protocol? I'm pretty sure, in your case, all safety lights are warranted.

  • @TheFoolishSamurai
    @TheFoolishSamurai 8 років тому +2

    It's a mediocre comedy and that's all it will be to me, no political bullshit, no "botching the originals", just what it is.

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +3

      Except for what the director, Sony, and the defenders of the movie pushed in the last few months. If you criticize the movie, you are sexist; if you say you aren't going to watch it, you are sexist; and if you have no interest in it, you are a sexist.

    • @TheFoolishSamurai
      @TheFoolishSamurai 8 років тому +1

      jthedog A mediocre comedy, and that's it.

  • @Gungelion
    @Gungelion 3 роки тому +1

    Ah, the days when the biggest thing people had to argue about was the Ghostbusters movie.... Or at the very least, seems like it.

  • @Scappo
    @Scappo 8 років тому +1

    What're you talking about that was the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!
    Silver you're such a Misogypigeon.

  • @imp360
    @imp360 8 років тому +1

    I don't know. If a comedy movie utterly failed to make me laugh I think I would rate a bit more harshly than "meh"

  • @joholloway8818
    @joholloway8818 8 років тому +1

    I honestly laughed more at this reaction video than the actual movie. thank you silver, I needed this.

  • @jackattack6716
    @jackattack6716 8 років тому +1

    I can just imagine Silver standing in front of the screen talking loudly. lol

  • @deathxanamon7211
    @deathxanamon7211 8 років тому +1

    silver quill please react to a try not to laugh video please your fans want it

  • @The0ptimus
    @The0ptimus 5 років тому +1

    0:54 I really wish I knew what part that was. I havent seen the movie but I'm curious XD

  • @LoveChickadee
    @LoveChickadee 8 років тому +5

    bless his poor feathery heart ... but he does have a point ... i need to stop sending hate to this movie ... even though they didnt have to make a new ghostbusters

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +1

      No, keep giving it hate. The shit they have pulled to condemn critics of this movie, to guilt trip people to see it, and the forgeries to make people to see this move, they have go e to far and need to be condemned.

    • @LoveChickadee
      @LoveChickadee 8 років тому +1

      jthedog i know but what good will it be just sending hate all the time ... =/ its not worth it any more in my opinion ... nothen will change from this, but if you wanna hate ... you can ^_^ i wont stop you, i just ask that you do it with out wishing harm to any one

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому

      It does do good. Because if they don't want the hate anymore, they will change. Like With Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; because of the hate it got, Shredder didn't become a thin white guy and the turtles didn't turn into aliens, like he originally planned to. This shit won't end by just going, "O well.", it needs to be tackled, made known, and criticize. If we don't, more and more shit will be made, with the same tactics. We can't ignore it and expect it to be fine. Unless you want more of this shit, you need to stand up and say, "Enough is enough!". Don't become a sheep for these guys to milk over and over.

    • @LoveChickadee
      @LoveChickadee 8 років тому

      jthedog you do have a good point my friend

    • @Enchie
      @Enchie 8 років тому +2

      I like to have some. If it was just a bad movie, I wouldn't care for it I. the slightest. Then I saw what Sony was doing, then I began to dislike it, but then, I saw a review from Sargon. What I saw from the director, was some of the cringiest shit I have ever seen. The guy was so pathetic that it wasn't funny. Then someone pointed to a video series by Midnight Edge, and what I saw filled me with rage. The shit Sony and the director did, are some of the worst things you could do on a movie.

  • @ComplexEvil
    @ComplexEvil 8 років тому +1

    "still not laughing, still not laughing, still not laughing, still not laughing"
    This honestly could of been the entire video.

  • @wavelengthrecords-1
    @wavelengthrecords-1 8 років тому +1

    I actually really liked the movie.

  • @LoudToon99
    @LoudToon99 8 років тому +4

    You should do more of these. :P

  • @Tillyard86
    @Tillyard86 8 років тому +1

    How are you able to talk during the movie? Was the screen you were in empty or something?

    • @dutchbrony8634
      @dutchbrony8634 8 років тому +4

      I think he just recorded what he remembered thinking.

    • @MLPSilverQuill
      @MLPSilverQuill  8 років тому +11

      I lack the power of... basic courtesies!

    • @NthDoctorWho
      @NthDoctorWho 8 років тому

      Hear hear!

    • @factsandstuff2832
      @factsandstuff2832 6 років тому

      MLP-Silver-Quill lol I read that in your loud echo-y voice. Like when you say continuity.

  • @skootergirl22
    @skootergirl22 8 років тому

    you know what?... i think this movie was just made to shut up feminists and there might be a cartoon of this just like the original

  • @omniviewer2115
    @omniviewer2115 8 років тому

    I'm just waiting to rent it. Now can we talk about something else? Anything else?

  • @leighlahenderson4886
    @leighlahenderson4886 8 років тому +1

    Rwby After The Fact

  • @XenoJehuty84
    @XenoJehuty84 8 років тому +1

    I can respect those who still see the movie just to say "I did" and shut up anybody who throws "But you didn't see the movie so you can't JUDGE IT!" arguments.... Yet I'm still not seeing the darn thing. I already know I wouldn't like it by the trailers and the leaked info. The way Sony and the Director treated the fan backlash (the legit fan backlash not the trolls), and then tried to spin things so all the movies detractors seem sexist, despite a lot of FEMALE fans citing reasons this reboot seemed crappy.
    I don't want them having a dime from me and I think that's the best way to tell Hollywood to stop with bad remakes... don't go see it, they don't get money. That said that's my bias and everyone's entitled to see it or not depending on their views.
    I just hope it bombs so it sends a clear message to Sony, and Hollywood about these soulless, cash grab remake trend going on. STOP IT!

    • @unknownanonymous2651
      @unknownanonymous2651 8 років тому


    • @CodeRed99911
      @CodeRed99911 8 років тому

      Just wait until its free to watch through legal means like netflix, hulu, or comcast on demand

  • @simbasorariku3
    @simbasorariku3 8 років тому +1

    It was OK, but now I wanna watch the original Ghost Busters

    • @professorbutters
      @professorbutters 8 років тому +1

      I watched the original right before I saw the new one, and what do you know, I was able to like them both.

  • @youtubecreators384
    @youtubecreators384 8 років тому +2

    I desperatly hope you're wrong about the sequels.

  • @BellaPinkSavage
    @BellaPinkSavage 6 років тому +1


  • @TheGallingIce
    @TheGallingIce 8 років тому

    At best is Ok, at worse is Horrendous, basically. That's what I'm getting out of the many reviews I've seen.
    Considering the fact that I've never seen a Ghostbusters movie, I'm curious as to wheter or not I'd be able to enjoy this film, I have nothing to feel nostalgic about, and I truly do love comedies... then again, everyone says the jokes are hit or miss (mostly miss)
    So... You guys decide, should I get some Ca$h and check it out? Or just slap some sense into my brain?

  • @Torterra1324
    @Torterra1324 8 років тому

    you would do great at CinemaSins

  • @minespatch
    @minespatch 8 років тому

    I don't think it will get sequels due to not getting China money. Since China has a no-ghost policy, they had a major financial loss.
    I cared more for Patty than MicKennen's character to be honest.

  • @captaintaco2345
    @captaintaco2345 8 років тому

    I want to see it just to spite the haters.

  • @animationrainritewolf8388
    @animationrainritewolf8388 3 роки тому +1


  • @skillful101
    @skillful101 8 років тому +1

    Go on imdb and give this movie 1 star. sony paid trolls are rigging the rating by giving it 10stars.

    • @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork
      @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork 8 років тому +3

      But it's not a 1 star movie, it's more like a 6. Plus, IMDB's score of something is as valid as the comments section here. :-)

    • @pike8528
      @pike8528 8 років тому

      It's more like 4/10.

  • @Werezilla
    @Werezilla 8 років тому

    I don't want to see this movie, but I also don't want people on the internet to call me sexist. What do I do?

  • @erniegonzalez2322
    @erniegonzalez2322 6 місяців тому

    0:25-0:33 That’s me when an Anime that is popular to everyone but I don’t have any feels or what I like about it!

  • @invalidsnail7770
    @invalidsnail7770 8 років тому +1


  • @Inkan1969
    @Inkan1969 8 років тому

    SLoP (hah hah) just edged "Ghostbusters" at the domestic weekend boxoffice. But "Ghostbusters" was much more expensive. So I'm not so sure about future sequels.

  • @tranathan7768
    @tranathan7768 8 років тому

    Who u gonna call? MOVIE BUSTERS!
    Coff coff Silver Quill and Cinema sins Coff coff

  • @sireneshineandming5912
    @sireneshineandming5912 8 років тому

    you still haven't answered my question from earlier, what were you doing on Flaputa? were you trying to follow the Doctor, Derpy, and Tictock or something?

  • @CoyoteCode
    @CoyoteCode 8 років тому

    THis is the most grounded I've ever seen Silver Quill.......... am I dreaming?

  • @samuelbattershell3413
    @samuelbattershell3413 8 років тому

    still waiting for that After The Fact Putting Your Hoof Down... but this one of the calmest reviews of the movie I agree with... not going to see it by any means, but I admire your calm. "A character from a better movie', best line in your review... although Zuul was more of an non-entity and plot device... I think King Sombra had more an actual presence in his two part-er then Zuul... but still back to Putting Your Hoof Down... when can we expect it

  • @MercenaryX21
    @MercenaryX21 8 років тому

    See why everyone like me hate this film? It takes a dump on the legacy and the girls are real MARRY SUES!!!!!!!
    Also this is headcrab hat guy you met at pacfic pony con in San Diego with Josh.

  • @beepboop8992
    @beepboop8992 8 років тому

    XD I thought Ghostbusters would be a good movie, thank you for giving me the answer. I'm not gonna watch it...XD That's kinda sad to watch all emotional things ^^'...

  • @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork
    @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork 8 років тому

    Holtzman was by far the best thing about the movie and is what saved it.

  • @thaninwitwangsai290
    @thaninwitwangsai290 8 років тому

    This movie remind me of a certain episode in South Park about fart and qu...
    which explain why i cannot laugh with...

  • @CoreyPeters
    @CoreyPeters 8 років тому

    the movie sucked and proved that the Original needs no remake

  • @Nadodan
    @Nadodan 8 років тому

    I was thinking about seeing it out of curiosity, but than I heard about the directors slightly cruel remarks, the threats of suing Bill Murray and attacks on AVGN for criticizing the movie and it completely killed my motivation.
    Though honestly I was already put off by the fact it was a reboot instead of sequel. They didn't even have to do the passing the torch, they could have done "Ghosts stopped appearing, Ghost Busters go under, group of women make an investment in a building, find old ghost hunting gear, accidently turn off the containment grid, ghosts get free. New group has to fight the ghosts" Like you don't have to make them daughters of the original GBs but I would have perferred it to be a sequel.
    At the same time, I doubt I'll see this in theaters, maybe I'll rent it someday, but yeah it being a Reboot mixed with overall nastiness surrounding it doesn't make me want to shell out 12 bucks to watch it in theaters.

  • @miles1560
    @miles1560 8 років тому

    Yeah, I guess that's fair. I feel like I enjoyed this movie more because I honestly came in not expecting it to be any kind of good. The commericals made it feel like a joke.
    I also honestly liked the first act better. It was characters interacting, bonding... That felt more real and honest. But the latter half, the big monster.. It felt like an obligation. They needed to do this, based upon their mentors of movies. I'm actually greatfull for the ghostly promise of more movies. I just hope they get it done right. They dont need a big skyscraper tall villain. More internal conflict, more human interferrence that isn't just overtly over the top... That'd improve the movie and should be what sequels should aim for story wise.
    Also, your opinion might not change Silver, but when it becomes commercial, maybe watch it again? Sometimes movies need more than one viewing. Overall I agree with your statements. This movie wasn't the best, and can't quite hold a candle to the first movie. I think it did okay, especially in using a variety of female characters rather than two types. Plus a sneaky LGBT character is so refreshing.

  • @theweinmeyerrepublic1097
    @theweinmeyerrepublic1097 8 років тому

    You regret paying 9 bucks?
    I saw this in Imax...
    but yes blonde ghostbuster was best character.

  • @reclusesix4044
    @reclusesix4044 8 років тому

    This was really good. I kind of want to see more of this kind of "review" of non-pony related material..... ... Did that sentence make sense?

  • @319Schum
    @319Schum 8 років тому

    The thing is if they want to make a franchise off of this (which was Sony's goal) they're going to need a strong memorable start, which this movie doesn't give. Angry Birds was more memorable than Ghost Busters 2016 and if you're going to argue with me think about this. Which movie had the better villain?

  • @changelingkingcocoon5029
    @changelingkingcocoon5029 8 років тому

    I won't necessarily complain about making a reboot of a movie that in all seriousness, shouldn't have had one in the first place. I won't complain because they were experimenting with this alternate idea. However I don't think the idea warrants a sequel. There have been other movies that expected sequels to them. Felix the Cat, Super Mario Brother, Dragonball Evolution, etc. There are also movies that expected sequels and never got them. Felix the Cat, Super Mario Brothers, Dragonball Evolution, etc.
    The new Ghostbusters movie would have worked if it was like the next generation of Ghostbusters. But the fact is that it's not, it's a reboot. Or rather, that's what it's supposed to be. You can't just make a reboot of something and change the genders of the main cast while attempting to make them the same characters. I can understand if maybe they're trying to appeal to a younger audience. But for starters, it's not a younger audience they're trying to appeal to, it's a female audience. Or if it is for a younger audience, it's completely ignoring the original audience. And a reboot is supposed to appeal to the original audience as well as the younger generation. And that's the issue I have, this is a reboot when it would've worked much better as being referred to as the next generation.
    Once the movie is on Netflix or something, I'll watch it. However, I refuse to watch it in a theater, or pay for the movie individually for that matter.

  • @bonniehellams1751
    @bonniehellams1751 8 років тому

    Guys i'm going to be Honest but i really like the Ghostbusters film and beside most of it hate is basic whiny brats saying stuff like "the other film did this" and "that's not how the other film did it" GET OVER IT! it's not the other film so GET OVER IT, but opinions will be opinions (: and as long as you have an intelligent reason I respect your opinion

  • @Shywhitefox
    @Shywhitefox 8 років тому

    Certainly a better review than the one Angry Joe did *Groans in annoyance at the name* You were very calm, composed, were honest, and above all you sounded like you went and watched the movie yourself. Personally, I think I loved it as much as I did because I A: went to see it with agroup of friends and B: only saw 1 trailer of it. Enough to look forward to see the movie, but not enough so I remember anything from the Trailer to spoil anything. Its not as good as the first one, even though I try not to compare these things to predecesters, but it was leaps and bounds better than the copy and paste that the second movie was, as well as a handful of other Ghost Buster stuff I have seen including games and comics. Over all, the characters were fun, got a cheap chuckle from the dumb blond, and I honestly loved the CGI which seems to be the main complaint with most people...seriously, with this sort of movie what else are you supposed to use? I would give it a 4 out of 5 if I am being honest, but I know that my viewing experience was probably very different from most watchers (Didn't watch the first movie the night before seeing this movie and mostly ignored trailers.) I am glad you enjoyed it somewhat, Quill, and I am happy to see a plesent, well rounded movie review for this.

  • @faves633
    @faves633 8 років тому

    I know it's just a personal boycott, but after the way this movie's creators have gone out of their way to attack male critics to ruin all of their reputations- yep I'm not gonna give them money. Misandry does not market to me. - Oh that's right, if I see blatant and obvious misandry, I'm supposed to either pretend it doesn't exist, or pretend it's just deserts for misogyny - no, just no. Sexism is sexism. James Rolf did not deserve to be attacked like he was, and the real reason he was singled out was what's dangling between his legs.
    That said, funny review.

  • @jolliapplegirl
    @jolliapplegirl 8 років тому

    whoa, whoa there, silver! y
    You need to back up a sec... where are you going that you can watch movies for 9 bucks?! The cheapest price I've ever bought a ticket was $15.

  • @donellebullock7404
    @donellebullock7404 8 років тому

    I'm more or less neutral on this and many other remakes or reboots. I have the original, or which ever version is my favorite, and everyone else can have the other if they so wish. I only get up set if it is a obvious disrespect to the one I like, or no care was given to the adaptation/ interpretation of what ever it is they decide to make. The only time I flat out hate anything that involve changes to the things I like is when it is done to be "politically correct" or whatever else excuse is used, even if nothing was brought up about it and/or there was no point of it. Examples would include: Nick Fury, James Olsen, Mr. White, and Electro. Their changes in skin color served no purpose, nor did it change any outcome involving the story. Electro especially, since he changed into a being of pure electricity; it did matter what he was because it didn't influence the plot at all. I didn't mind Falcon having the title of Captain America because it wasn't Steve Rogers, it was Sam Wilson in the suit and it was a title not the very character itself. That one think is what makes it hard to watch some of these reboots/ remakes. That is how I feel about this whole fiasco, and than you Silver Quill for you overall ideas and perspective over the time span I've been watching your content. They really made me think at times and even helped me in shaping my own view points on thinks I never really would of considered.

  • @genduncan506
    @genduncan506 8 років тому

    idk, i didnt laugh at all at the other ghostbuster movies. not once.
    and they were only very midly entertaining, and rather forgetable.
    I can see why people would like them, and it was also a very "of the time" thing. (some scenes in the first one are just... uncomfortable now...)
    But in all honesty, to me, this movie was probably the best of the three just because it made me chuckle more than the other two combined.
    3 times.

  • @patrickramseyart
    @patrickramseyart 8 років тому

    This was glorious, Silver! (And I haven't even seen the movie!) I feel like this would make a really fun side series to your AtF videos, but it's obviously up to you. :-)

  • @benjamintan2733
    @benjamintan2733 8 років тому

    Exactly sums up my opinion on this. Whoever direct this new Ghost Buster just did it so poorly I almost commit suicide in the cinema. Thankfully 2 of my sane friend stopped me.

  • @jacksquatt6082
    @jacksquatt6082 8 років тому

    Reasons not so see this movie: 1. Denying financial support, so they won't make another.
    That's it really. Catch it on redbox, and share your opinion about it later, but snub it at the box office.

  • @byronbrooks6366
    @byronbrooks6366 8 років тому

    Just wondering but could you do a react video for RWBY volume 1? Pretty please with a sniper scythe on the side?

  • @MrMarinus18
    @MrMarinus18 7 років тому

    About Rey. Many often whine about the Medichlorians in the prequels which while a questionable decision doesn't necessarily reduce the power or awe of the force. Rey doing mind tricks and force pulls without any practice whatsoever really cheapens the force and actually implies that the force is about talent rather than skill. With how much of a fuz there was when the prequels tried to define the force I'm surprised nobody raised an objection to that.
    Anakin did have a lot of talent but he couldn't make active use of the force until he was taught how to do it.

  • @sonic8005
    @sonic8005 7 років тому

    I have this on DVD and Blu Ray. It's official. If you ask me the best scene in the film is a deleted one.
    The finished film leaves out a sequence in which Erin goes back to the college she was fired from and it looks like she might get her job back... until her old boss has her escorted out by security. At which point, Abby sees her there and the two fight out about the fact that, yeah, Erin just up and ditched literally the only person in the world who believed her about the ghost stuff. Hence why Erin isn't with the other busters before the fight at the end.
    Oh wait, they deleted that scene so the finished film makes very little sense by the end of it..... yeah, I'm sounding a bit salty about this but you have to at least try and see where I'm coming from on it.

  • @dandelion_fritters
    @dandelion_fritters 8 років тому

    Silver Quill, do you think that you would consider yourself an Element of Harmony? If so, which one?

  • @Disapointedmellencol
    @Disapointedmellencol 8 років тому

    squeals? Naw if we are LUCKY this will BOMB enough that there will be nothing afterwards

  • @aubriem1944
    @aubriem1944 8 років тому

    Jillian's totally my favorite too! Although, admittedly, I didn't even know what her name was at the end of the movie (I just looked it up).

  • @TheRedneckRoman16
    @TheRedneckRoman16 8 років тому

    litterally 5 min after the movie ended me and my friend FORGOT the main characters names. Actually, I forgot them half way through the movie, and by then they had them sewn onto their chests.

  • @naplockblubba5369
    @naplockblubba5369 8 років тому


  • @Photobunce
    @Photobunce 8 років тому

    I agree that Jillians character was the best. she has the most original personality!
    Oh, but I am here, even though it's super late, to say thank you for being so awesome to my son at CMPC! He was totally starstruck.

  • @biglurker7968
    @biglurker7968 8 років тому

    I still want to see it, but I was already planning to wait until it came out on Redbox; any comments (from me) will wait. At least you have an informed opinion, Silver...

  • @maristrelle
    @maristrelle 8 років тому

    early woop woop

  • @Spekor
    @Spekor 8 років тому

    i saved myself some money and got the novelization fromt he library a week before the movie came out... i know all you speak of silver. and even with things explained more in books.. it still wasn't good

  • @giguyjoe
    @giguyjoe 8 років тому

    Also YOU PAID $9 FOR A TICKET!? I wanna know what theaters you're going to because that is a bargain compared to how expensive it is where I live.

  • @shadowsa2b
    @shadowsa2b 8 років тому

    knowing that its basically a giant social justice statement really makes me not want to spend money on it. however, you did elude to the presence of bill murray, so that gives me the slightest sliver of an incling of hope that they actually made some kind of meaningful call back to the original source material. then again you did mention some seemingly pointless cameos, so i hope thats not all hes there for. so i think ill stick to my original plan of just waiting until its either on video, bounced over to the cheep movies no one wanted to buy bin, or is inevitably televised, probably on mtv or tnt or comedy central or something. that way i dont have to subject myself to seeing in on the big screen and can at least pay (hopefully) less money for it

  • @Bartholomule01
    @Bartholomule01 8 років тому

    You and lots of other people have paid money to see this thing quick enough that it will probably be considered a success even if critically panned. Now that you have seen it I urge you not to support the sequel if there is one in any way.
    Don't give it the benefit of the doubt and allow a bad idea to profit more than once.

  • @fivenightsatartists9641
    @fivenightsatartists9641 8 років тому

    you love ghostbusters too me and my dad love ghostbusters it's so awesome I wish I could see the movie I already saw ghostbusters cartoon but it was different one from 1986 I love that one because theme song, the characters, and some great humor I adore ghostbusters when I was 7 years old and still adore it and my dad still loves too I'm going to say ghostbusters is so awesome

  • @render6921
    @render6921 8 років тому

    Is it weird than I found this more informative than any other review / critique format I've come across? You might be on to something SQ :)

  • @ooofyikes4588
    @ooofyikes4588 8 років тому

    Unfortunately that is the problem that most reboots face. Plus if u try too hard with the comedy, or not give enough character depth, those things can really ruin a movie, but especially so for reboots.

  • @ScorpioHighlander
    @ScorpioHighlander 8 років тому

    You know I think I'm just going to pass on seeing this and then use that as an excuse to abstain from any of the toxic arguments it's spawned. It's the safe bet with all the bad reviews and attacks against people who criticize it.

  • @amberace
    @amberace 8 років тому

    I just saw this movie today. I found it cute and harmless. I also only spent 10 dollars for two adult tickets but i also saw the first showing in 2d.

  • @Al1701
    @Al1701 8 років тому

    I was laughing a lot at this movie especially at "THE POWER OF PAIN COMPELS YOU!". I went into it knowing it was not going to be as good as the first and let it live or die on its merits. It was funny. I went in wanting it to be funny. I am satisfied.

  • @silasruedin9566
    @silasruedin9566 8 років тому

    Sounds like this movie has mixed reviews; not bad with a little diversionary fun but not great or a major loss if you've missed it either.

  • @NexAngelus405
    @NexAngelus405 8 років тому

    I saw it yesterday and my personal opinion is that while it isn't as good as the original it is still loads better than Ghostbusters 2. My only gripe is that the ghosts weren't scary. Instead they look like those cartoonish-looking ghosts you see in movies like the live-action Scooby-Doo movies or Disney's The Haunted Mansion. The first ghost even looked like it was recycled from Pirates of the Caribbean. I remember being so scared of the librarian ghost scene from the original that I would cover my eyes during that scene on subsequent rewatches. Hopefully they will fix that in any sequels that get made.