Be VERY mindful when adopting a pet into your home! Be mindful of responsible breeding (Puppy mills! Causes a lot of deaths for puppies due to inbreeding etc, and medical care is expensive!) Toy- and Teacup dogs are extremely fragile and prone to illness due to their extensive smallness and inbreeding, Dachshunds have a lot of medical issues in their backs as wel (Someone i know had one that needed a wheelchair, again, medical care for dogs is super expensive). Also, a dogs' temperament and personality can vary wildly! It's not guaranteed that it will get along well with children, other dogs and pets etc. Please put more information about responsible animal care in your videos TLTR research dog (and any pet) ownership extensively in books, websites, veterinarians, dog owners you know, ... Dogs really suffer from irresponsible pet trade & owners
Be VERY mindful when adopting a pet into your home! Be mindful of responsible breeding (Puppy mills! Causes a lot of deaths for puppies due to inbreeding etc, and medical care is expensive!) Toy- and Teacup dogs are extremely fragile and prone to illness due to their extensive smallness and inbreeding, Dachshunds have a lot of medical issues in their backs as wel (Someone i know had one that needed a wheelchair, again, medical care for dogs is super expensive). Also, a dogs' temperament and personality can vary wildly! It's not guaranteed that it will get along well with children, other dogs and pets etc. Please put more information about responsible animal care in your videos
TLTR research dog (and any pet) ownership extensively in books, websites, veterinarians, dog owners you know, ... Dogs really suffer from irresponsible pet trade & owners