We are part of a wonderful world guys. We are super blessed and we should be thankful for every second we get to spend on this earth. God bless you whoever reads this.
1. Build the fantasy 2. Recognize we are able 3. Admit we are willing 4. Build the theory 5. Commit to program (video/audio) 6. Work the change 7. Visualize on a regular basis (3x daily) IMPRESS THE GREATER IMAGE UPON THE SUB CONSCIOUS MIND
Been watching this video for years. On and off for various seasons. The phases of life I’m in where I tap into this video daily , quantum leaps happen.
Only 21 days of watching it every day and my life has already changed. Way more consistent in my habits and in my work, way less prey to bad habits. I don't experience these roller coasters when I go from high periods to low periods anymore. I am constantly moving forward everyday. I am like a spaceship that has taken off the ground and that will never go back on earth anymore.
@@markusaurelius4567 I've finished to watch it every day for 90 days and my life is just on ascension mode now. I go back to watch it once a week. Thanks for the reminder.
His example with the mirror, about how you can't get a different reflection without changing on the other side of the mirror, is profound. It perfectly describes what he's trying to get across.
You are a winner because you have reached the right place in the universe of UA-cam... You could have been anywhere but you chose this.... Just keep improving with right attitude.
Day 1, 04/13/2024 Just got this video recommended. I watched it completelly, it's incredible. Tommorow is my birthday, i'll make sure to tune it and listen to this video again.
Day 2, 04/14/2024 Lowkey felt lazy to watch the video today, but I knew I needed to do it regardless. It's like 11PM rn, today was my birthday amazing day tbf
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my UA-cam channel 10 months ago about self development. Now I have 1,914 subs and > 2k hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
@@whoismattkohn Whoever you are, I don't know you personally but I can say that you're one of the non-judgmental and open-minded people who is not fixated on tangible or external factors in order to learn from someone like me. Just because someone doesn't have a piece of paper as a credential, doesn't mean that person is not entitled to share personal experiences with the hope & intention to inspire others. Keep up with whatever it is that you're doing to improve mankind or improving your life even to a slight degree each day. This is just one part of a bigger puzzle for creating my UA-cam channel about holistic health. I literally could have died back when I was 14 years old due to major depression but here I am right now replying to you, a UA-camr, who's full of fulfillment and dedication to help others to be a better version of themselves. I ain't better than anyone else but my old self. That's all that really makes this UA-cam thing more meaningful and enjoyable. Thanks so much for your support! I am hoping that you can join me with this endless personal development journey! :)
@@Mannymanuelvilla Thank you! I got so many footage and stories to share but it’s just a matter of when I will be able to share. As much as I’d like to upload as often as possible, there are some priorities and sacrifices that I consciously keep in mind like my goal of getting into real estate investing, working on freelance projects, going to the gym a lot more, etc. it might take several months for me to upload again but all I can promise is I will continue to upload meaningful and helpful videos. This year is just a bit different. Thanks so much for taking the time to show your support. :)
I’ve been watching this for 49 days… everything has changed. I actually am starting to see pictures in my mind again and get emotionally involved! It’s made a big difference in my life!
@@meltherecafe2394 it’s like keeping ur eye on the prize, keeping ur goals/money or whatever u desire on the forefront of your mind. It helps to have a mental picture
I did this myself in 2022 getting out of a bad relationship I chose myself over and God over everything & literally healed my self & change my whole life around it’s 2024 now & I feel like a brand new person continuously elevating 🌟🙏🏾
Family I became abundance because of this man can you lovely people outhere help say I am very grateful to this great work by likely it to one million likely
5:33 “Mind is the master power that molds and makes. and man is mind and evermore he takes the tool of thought and shaping what he wills brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills. He thinks in secret and it comes to pass. Our environment is but our looking glass.” James Allen 1903
Today will be my start of my 90 day self image journey. I am so happy and grateful for this journey. If anyone is down with this challenge with me I’ll see y’all in the future (November 12, 2024).
I am a survivor of parental narcissistic abuse and have studied alot of programs. This is the first one that said step one was to fantasize! I tend to catastrophize. After only a week I am much less depressed and fearful. That alone is worth it no matter what else it leads.
Im am so happy to have been exposed to these type of spiritual philosophies. I grew up in a really strict Christian cult that used guilt and self hate as motivation for worship and that always weighed on me, I always felt like I had a weight on my chest and that I was never going to be good enough and that I needed to always ask god for forgiveness for the sins I haven’t committed yet…… You could imagine how this could affect the psyche of a kid all the way up to adulthood.. Fortunately I found this spiritual community and am learning as much as I can to learn and help my fellow creators…. Now I understand that we are made in the image of the creator and the creator can do all he pleases because he is the creator… It’s amazing how no other living species has created their own community and for of government and currency like the human species… Curiosity either kills the cat or cures the soul.. Now I understand that my reality is based on defense mechanisms my conciousness has adapted to out of fear to survive but fear will keep us in our comfort zone and will never let us grow… I guess what I’m trying to say is May the creator and the universe be with each and everyone one of us and I am so grateful and happy to have been able to experience this community thank you!
You've achieved success by finding your place in the vast universe of UA-cam. Out of countless options, you've chosen this platform. Keep progressing with the right mindset and a commitment to improvement
i want to be famous so bad. i wake up every day and just wish I was famous. accomplished in music, acting, designing, and in such a state of abundance and happiness.
Being famous isn't what you think. Be a public influencer or something along that. The word I want to be famous just seem low vibrational with no real intentions. My opinion@@agolden999
I am in the process of building a better music career, and winning at my engineering project management job. My self image will continue to shift and make my life even more awesome.. this message has been timestamped and I can’t wait to come back when I am achieving more of my goals.. I’ll be back!! 💯✨
Day 10! Only 80 more. Listening everyday. I will be a whole new even more successful person by Halloween! So will YOU! You can do it. We are meant to win! God bless you all!❤
@@lukefarrer1616hey buddy , do you know where can i find bob proctors other program or access them ? i am really interested in them but there are very few on you tube
I wish I knew earlier that ridicule is a part of growing into your higher self’s vision. Even my own parents, friends and lovers ridiculed me. Well, at least I know now.
@@kabelolive although I haven’t been as consistent with this audio, while listening to it I definitely notice a significant change in my attitude towards myself as well as my inner self talk. This really shed light onto how important the way we view ourselves is, more than anything
@@Hoaushi although I don’t listen to this particular video anymore, I diligently apply the workings of self-concept & building the best beliefs possible for myself and this shit has literally changed the way I do EVERYTHING. I’ve never felt so confident, loved, and secure within myself. Highly highly recommend to keep on learning about self-concept :)
I'm starting this 90 day process today 20th August 2024... Last night i was meditating on Super Full Moon in Aquarius ♒ , asked for guidance for change my limited beliefs and behaviour and algorithm bless me this morning with this video 🙏✨ I'm soooo thankful and want to share with you guys and encourage anyone who feels called to this journey to start with me and see what kind of magical life awaits us! ✨✨✨✨
Bob was so ahead of his time,the beauty of these videos is they will never not surve us in today's economy. These videos will forever be facts a true treasure 🙌🙌
When did you first come across his videos? Reality is strange. I'm here in my room kinda lost in my life at 33 years old... I find myself lost in my own mind too much these days. I don't know what year Bob produced these videos, but he's definitely impacted lives across dimensions of space and time.
Primeira vez que vi esse vídeo foi por acaso, eu estava vendo um vídeo de filosofia da professora Lucia Helena Galvão, e por acaso cair nesse vídeo, no momento eu morava em uma kitnet em Jacarepaguá, rio das pedras, uma favela do rio de janeiro, de cara me apaixonei por o que estava sendo dito aqui mesmo sem entender direito, eu estava com a vida sentimental destruída tinha saído do meu relacionamento onde tive minha filha, estava morando em um quarto só com uma cama no canto, sem geladeira,tv , fogão, sem nada comia todo dia na rua e dormi a no quarto, única coisa que tinha era um celular, trabalhava cortando cabelo, estava completamente endividado, devendo pra miliciano e agiota, minha vida está a destruída , então comecei a ver mas vídeos do Bob proctor , eu estava viciado em drogas fumava maconha todos os dias e nunca me imaginaria sem usar a droga, depois desse vídeo eu fiquei sabendo do vídeo do segundo e cada dia mais ficava fascinado por essas ideias , como um cara com eu poderia ter tudo que quiser? Nascido de uma família pobre vindo do interior da Bahia, morando em uma favela no rio de janeiro? Então vi o vídeo de novo e de novo e de novo e de novo, meu Deus não sei quantas vezes já vi esse vídeo, ia dormir e deixava esse vídeo rolando, quantas vezes fui dormir chorando, então eu n sei explicar eu comecei a mudar meus abitos, eu comecei a pensar em parar de fumar maconha, quando ia cortar um cabelo eu dava meu melhor, eu fazia o melhor em todos os segundos do meu dia, então um dia eu estava na barbearia e pensei pow eu gostaria de aprender inglês , gostaria de sair do Brasil e mudar de vida, mas eu não sabia como fazer eu tinha pouco estudo , eu n tinha parente fora do Brasil seria impossível, em uma virada de ano eu trabalhei como doido , e com o dinheiro eu pensei vou tirar minha habilitação, esses vídeos estava me dando vontade de crescer de fazer tudo que eu achava impossível, então comecei a fazer a habilitação, eu tava vendo vídeo, estudando inglês, trabalhando como doido na barbearia e tentando parar de fumar, até que um dia eu saí por forró e bebi a noite toda no outro dia estava com ressaca, eu pensei isso realmente não é a vida que eu quero pra mim, aparte de hj não fumo mais, eu comecei dia a pós dia resistindo ao vício, um certo dia estava no Instagram e recebi uma notificação um uma garota muito bonita, eu aceitei mas n dei muita bola , continuei vendos os videos trabalhando e fazendo a habilitação, um dia eu resolvi mensagem pra garota do Instagram pos estava sozinho, e começamos a conversar, uma conversa muito interessante, ela tinha uma mentalidade muito parecida com os vídeos que eu estava vendo, quando perguntei de onde ela era ela me falou que era da Alemanha e que estava de férias no Brasil, eu comecei pensar wow isso está dando certo mesmo , então marcamos pra se encontrar e deu tudo certo, um dia fui o apartamento onde ela estava hospedada e eu vi seu quadro da visão , uma ideia do livro e do filme o segredo, eu pensei meu deu eu atrai essa pessoa pra minha vida , ok Então com pouco tempo ela voltou pra Alemanha e eu fiquei no Brasil, terminei minha habilitação, estava estudando, então um dia ela me convidou pra eu vim visitar a Europa, eu pensei meu Deus wow, então ela me ajudou com o passaporte 🛂 com a passagem e sem saber explicar como eu acabei vindo parar na Alemanha, hj eu moro em um apartamento maravilhoso, estou em um nível muito avançado em inglês, alemão, romeno e espanhol, estou trabalhando na Alemanha e ganhando um dinheiro que nunca imaginei em minha vida, tenho uma mulher linda jovem maravilhosa inteligente ao meu lado, ela fala 6 idiomas , Temos carro na garagem, roupa, tênis e de tudo que uma pessoa pode sonhar , estou trabalhando pra trazer minha filha pra Europa e dar uma educação de pronta pra ela , quando olho pra trás só consigo ver o quanto minha vida mudou em 2 anos depois que comecei a ver esses vídeos, ainda hj eu vejo esse vídeo todos os dias pelo menos uma vez por dia , E se tiver que resumir tudo em uma frase eu diria ( o homem se torna aquilo que ele pensa) Obg .
This legend is make my life more and more amazing everyday........folks this world is a wonderful place and we are wonderful creatures let's enjoy each every moment we spend here
Day 15: I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis! Bob says repeat this 1000 times a day with feeling’❤
My mind is so locked up on this image of the future me that everything in my life depends on it. It’s juste like the autopilot, I’m LOCKED IN. Every time someone tells me I’m nobody I know will make it, it’s just a matter of time. Critics are like oil on my fire !
Bob is a .Master He gives people Hope where they had None low self image Low self worth Low self Esteem Feeling I Am Not Enough Thank you Bob RIP. ❤ Yvonne mullion Cornwall England
Have been listening to this for about 2 weeks every day & everything around is changing for the better. Thank you Bob Proctor may you be in All of GODs glory 🙌🏽❤️🔥
The process Build fantasy -admitted we are able and willing Build theory -committed to 90 day program Visualize on regular basis Emotionalize on a regular basis 3 times a day Reflection in external environment - cultivate gratitude, detachment and peace
Day 34. This has been changing my life. Keep going and don’t stop if you just started your 90 day journey. You’ll notice the changes in your life FAST.
Have been wayching this video for abaout 40 days 2 to 3 times a day , the way i see myself has totally changed , and so have my reslults , god bless you bob proctor ,i will keep developing my winners image !
If you’re seeing this you’re a winner
Did not expect you in here, but bless brotha. Thankyou
Stop lyin this ain’t Jordan
we will meet soon brother and I'll show you this comment 🫡
everyday i watch this gold😭
Let's admit it, you didn't look for this.
It found you.
We are part of a wonderful world guys. We are super blessed and we should be thankful for every second we get to spend on this earth. God bless you whoever reads this.
God bless you brother 🙌🏽
Wonderful world? If you say so buddy but I'm gonna have to disagree
Bless you as well.
it's 2024
1. Build the fantasy
2. Recognize we are able
3. Admit we are willing
4. Build the theory
5. Commit to program (video/audio)
6. Work the change
7. Visualize on a regular basis
(3x daily)
Thank you so much I was looking for the summary.
Whats the audio he refers to?
@@Gabriel-xw2zpthe Proctor course of the time. Current course is Thinking Into Results (Proctor Gallagher). Google it 😊
Who else is watching in 2024?
Eu estou aqui! Brazil! 🇧🇷
I am
For sureski
2024 will be my best year so far
Yes it will ❤ claiming it for both of us
Yes it is
Same here...amen
Same here ❤
Watching everyday till the year ends. Wishing Quantum leaps into 2025 for everyone. 👑
Been watching this video for years. On and off for various seasons. The phases of life I’m in where I tap into this video daily , quantum leaps happen.
aqui no Brasil esse vídeo faz muito sucesso e mudou minha vida. very good
What changes have you made since the beginning? And what's results have you become aware of? Thank you
Gud one
Yes but was Bob so successful as a result of White Privilege??
More grace sir
If you’re reading this comment, you’re a WINNER! You are capable of making your wildest dreams come true! I believe in you!
the algorithm blessed me toda🙏🏽have an exceptional 2024 if you see this🏅
Love your profile pic very non caring energy 😂😂
Same to you, brother
Thank you. Same to you ✨
It’s pretty cool how much our phones know about us
Only 21 days of watching it every day and my life has already changed. Way more consistent in my habits and in my work, way less prey to bad habits. I don't experience these roller coasters when I go from high periods to low periods anymore. I am constantly moving forward everyday. I am like a spaceship that has taken off the ground and that will never go back on earth anymore.
Same. 34 days in
@@brandonsean190 🤝🤝🤝🤝
Are you still watching it ? A reminder to keep doing it 👋
@@markusaurelius4567 I've finished to watch it every day for 90 days and my life is just on ascension mode now. I go back to watch it once a week. Thanks for the reminder.
His example with the mirror, about how you can't get a different reflection without changing on the other side of the mirror, is profound. It perfectly describes what he's trying to get across.
"I'm lookin' at the Man In The Mirror.......I'm asking him to change his ways........"
Hit's hard
@@ironray123and no message could’ve been any clearer 😉
@@TaraStara369take a look at yourself a make that …CHANGE
You are a winner because you have reached the right place in the universe of UA-cam... You could have been anywhere but you chose this.... Just keep improving with right attitude.
1 March 2024: everything will be better than ever imagined or worked on 🥺❤️
It sure will be!!!!
How'd that go
Yup!! 👍
Dont be soft
Day 1, 04/13/2024
Just got this video recommended. I watched it completelly, it's incredible. Tommorow is my birthday, i'll make sure to tune it and listen to this video again.
Day 2, 04/14/2024
Lowkey felt lazy to watch the video today, but I knew I needed to do it regardless. It's like 11PM rn, today was my birthday amazing day tbf
Day 3, 04/15/2024
Nothing to say in particular, had a good day, gym and beach with gang thats it
Day 4, 04/16/2024
I'm honestly surprised at myself. I thought I would stop coming after 2 days, but here i'm almost 1 week in!
Day 5, 04/17/2024
I've been watching this for 5 days straight now, and each time I watch I i'm catching something new.
Wake up and keep it going, it is your life that is being shaped, brother
Who else believes they're going to become a billionaire 🙌
billions is a little to excessive
@@rawlvee it's all about the mind, if you believe you can you are right and if you believe you can't you're right too
I will.
The world is a mirror-it synthesizes and reflects back to you the image of the Self. 💫
No it doesn't but nice try. It reflects different versions of the self as other beings. Your job is the journey of self using your mind.
@@NightWolf-vv5me it’s a little deeper than that, but nice try…
I’m not even the same person I was when I first watched this. I credit this video so much.
There’s nothing new under the Sun, but developing the higher self is very critical. Your imagination is key
aw this is nice
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my UA-cam channel 10 months ago about self development. Now I have 1,914 subs and > 2k hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
that's epic. BE PROUD BROTHA!!
@@whoismattkohn Whoever you are, I don't know you personally but I can say that you're one of the non-judgmental and open-minded people who is not fixated on tangible or external factors in order to learn from someone like me. Just because someone doesn't have a piece of paper as a credential, doesn't mean that person is not entitled to share personal experiences with the hope & intention to inspire others. Keep up with whatever it is that you're doing to improve mankind or improving your life even to a slight degree each day. This is just one part of a bigger puzzle for creating my UA-cam channel about holistic health. I literally could have died back when I was 14 years old due to major depression but here I am right now replying to you, a UA-camr, who's full of fulfillment and dedication to help others to be a better version of themselves. I ain't better than anyone else but my old self. That's all that really makes this UA-cam thing more meaningful and enjoyable. Thanks so much for your support! I am hoping that you can join me with this endless personal development journey! :)
@@Mannymanuelvilla Thank you! I got so many footage and stories to share but it’s just a matter of when I will be able to share. As much as I’d like to upload as often as possible, there are some priorities and sacrifices that I consciously keep in mind like my goal of getting into real estate investing, working on freelance projects, going to the gym a lot more, etc. it might take several months for me to upload again but all I can promise is I will continue to upload meaningful and helpful videos. This year is just a bit different. Thanks so much for taking the time to show your support. :)
Congratulations 🎉😊❤
Turning 66 shortly. I've avoided your teachings long enough. Just wasn't ready... now it's time :) thank you!
Love this. It is never too late to take control of your life. I am a firm believer of that.
Bravo 👏 its never to late.
Congratulations on your new mindset!
@AngisabiLutho-fb1jvshould have invested in google
It’s never to late
2:29-2:54 self-perception
3:41-4:04 success in life
4:40-5:07 inner work
I’ve been watching this for 49 days… everything has changed. I actually am starting to see pictures in my mind again and get emotionally involved! It’s made a big difference in my life!
nice way to stay stuck in ur mind than do any real progress in the real world
@@meltherecafe2394 it’s like keeping ur eye on the prize, keeping ur goals/money or whatever u desire on the forefront of your mind. It helps to have a mental picture
How to do that
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. “Alraad-Verse 11
So maybe it wasn’t allah in the first place
Or the mind......@@kalebbailey8853
@@kalebbailey8853 So maybe it is Allah as you yourself do not know the mental image of yourself and as a human you are limited.
🕋 ☑ *ALHaMDuLiLLaH.!!* 💪 🙏
I did this myself in 2022 getting out of a bad relationship I chose myself over and God over everything & literally healed my self & change my whole life around it’s 2024 now & I feel like a brand new person continuously elevating 🌟🙏🏾
This is very cool
Before going to gym, i shud have trained my mind first,,its hard thats why we avoid it...but now i embrace it...
Family I became abundance because of this man can you lovely people outhere help say I am very grateful to this great work by likely it to one million likely
“Mind is the master power that molds and makes. and man is mind and evermore he takes the tool of thought and shaping what he wills brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills. He thinks in secret and it comes to pass. Our environment is but our looking glass.” James Allen 1903
Today will be my start of my 90 day self image journey. I am so happy and grateful for this journey. If anyone is down with this challenge with me I’ll see y’all in the future (November 12, 2024).
How’s it going lad
@@elloiisse definitely there’s a major transformation!
I am a survivor of parental narcissistic abuse and have studied alot of programs. This is the first one that said step one was to fantasize! I tend to catastrophize. After only a week I am much less depressed and fearful. That alone is worth it no matter what else it leads.
Life is only better from this point on
Read breaking the habit of being yourself. I also had the same experience in my childhood. Dont let this define you.
Do his Abundance Meditation daily.
Keep it up don’t stop
@@adunnou2075 thanks so much 😊
Day 1 of watching this.
Leaving it here so I can have some accountability
Great idea I’ll comment as well!
Day 2?
Day 2!???
Day one ❤
What happened?
Nothing beats the old school learning ahhh history
Im am so happy to have been exposed to these type of spiritual philosophies.
I grew up in a really strict Christian cult that used guilt and self hate as motivation for worship and that always weighed on me, I always felt like I had a weight on my chest and that I was never going to be good enough and that I needed to always ask god for forgiveness for the sins I haven’t committed yet……
You could imagine how this could affect the psyche of a kid all the way up to adulthood..
Fortunately I found this spiritual community and am learning as much as I can to learn and help my fellow creators….
Now I understand that we are made in the image of the creator and the creator can do all he pleases because he is the creator…
It’s amazing how no other living species has created their own community and for of government and currency like the human species…
Curiosity either kills the cat or cures the soul..
Now I understand that my reality is based on defense mechanisms my conciousness has adapted to out of fear to survive but fear will keep us in our comfort zone and will never let us grow…
I guess what I’m trying to say is May the creator and the universe be with each and everyone one of us and I am so grateful and happy to have been able to experience this community thank you!
That guilt is terrible yo 😢 ❤ peace to you on your journey!
You've achieved success by finding your place in the vast universe of UA-cam. Out of countless options, you've chosen this platform. Keep progressing with the right mindset and a commitment to improvement
i needed to hear this thank you 💓💓
Keep liking my comment so I can come back 😊😊
Losyen to larry june if you really want to be motivated
You don’t have to come back twice, just write down the essential points
Listen to Jim Rohn.
Where are you give me an update of ur life
Either pleaseeeee
"لا يغير الله ما بقوم حتى يغيرو ما بأنفسهم "
These are the videos they should’ve been showing us in school I’m just sayin. ,
I am writing this comment so that I come back to this video over and over again.
make a playlist for it and rewatch everyday, maybe set a reminder on your phone
I'm going nowhere but up, everyday is elevation day. If you're here just know your life's trajectory is towards success 🙌 ✅️
If you’re seeing this. You’re already a winner. Just dare to dream.
i want to be famous so bad. i wake up every day and just wish I was famous. accomplished in music, acting, designing, and in such a state of abundance and happiness.
Being famous isn't what you think. Be a public influencer or something along that. The word I want to be famous just seem low vibrational with no real intentions. My opinion@@agolden999
What are you doing about it ? Hope not just wishing!!!
Best comment.
I will be coming back wish me luck people god bless anyone seeing this
good luck how are you doing?
I am in the process of building a better music career, and winning at my engineering project management job. My self image will continue to shift and make my life even more awesome.. this message has been timestamped and I can’t wait to come back when I am achieving more of my goals.. I’ll be back!! 💯✨
This is where Bill Nye gets his swag from
That’s funny. Bill Nye does indeed have swag.
OMG 😂😂😂 I’m dying
Day 10! Only 80 more. Listening everyday. I will be a whole new even more successful person by Halloween! So will YOU! You can do it. We are meant to win! God bless you all!❤
You have the cassettes?
@@Thomas-fc6gf no just this video.
I want to find all videos or is this it??
@@samueltorres2485Bob Proctor has many videos on this UA-cam but this one is one of the best… I’m listening to this every day too
@@Thomas-fc6gfit's 2024 blud not 2014
@@Lozzymee cassettes would be used way before the year 2014 blud.
Starting the 90 day process. January 16th 2024 ❤
Loved every lesson he has given.
that's great. be successful.
Same here, update us after the three months if you can!
You’ve got this!
Right here with you buddy!
Same here! Jan 16 2024
Watch this for a few weeks everyday your life will change
I feel so happy and grateful to have done the full 90 days.
His Winners Image program. It's quite old but in my opinion the best course he ever did. This video is part of it
@@lukefarrer1616hey buddy , do you know where can i find bob proctors other program or access them ? i am really interested in them but there are very few on you tube
@@lukefarrer1616 where can I find the rest of the video or all the series?
Amazing, thank you for your inspiration 🙏
@@lukefarrer1616yes but why nothing happens
I wish I knew earlier that ridicule is a part of growing into your higher self’s vision. Even my own parents, friends and lovers ridiculed me. Well, at least I know now.
🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I’ve been realizing this
Day 19 out of 90. Loving it thus far
What are your observations so far?
@@kabelolive although I haven’t been as consistent with this audio, while listening to it I definitely notice a significant change in my attitude towards myself as well as my inner self talk. This really shed light onto how important the way we view ourselves is, more than anything
How is it going on 11 months into it ? Hope you got an amazing ilage of yourself now! Just starting for me
@@Hoaushi although I don’t listen to this particular video anymore, I diligently apply the workings of self-concept & building the best beliefs possible for myself and this shit has literally changed the way I do EVERYTHING. I’ve never felt so confident, loved, and secure within myself. Highly highly recommend to keep on learning about self-concept :)
@@Jmoney4128 Overall what is your advice to change your self-concept and truly love yourself?
How did you change the way you talk to yourself?
i am a living testimony of bob proctor's teaching
I'm starting this 90 day process today 20th August 2024...
Last night i was meditating on Super Full Moon in Aquarius ♒ , asked for guidance for change my limited beliefs and behaviour and algorithm bless me this morning with this video 🙏✨
I'm soooo thankful and want to share with you guys and encourage anyone who feels called to this journey to start with me and see what kind of magical life awaits us! ✨✨✨✨
All it takes is a shift in focus 🥰
I'm starting this 90 day process today 18th January 2024....see y'all on 17th April 2024
Same. See you then, and thanks for the date!
How is it going so far? 🤣
@@noanoa8991 so far so good...been listening to Joey Lott too
i started twp days before you bro good luck. its actually insane how much this helps
Any super powers yet ?
I’m going to do this starting 2 day! Let’s go🤞root for me guys. I’ll get back on here on 1ste of November 🎉
You got it big dawg 💪🏾
Like this post when you are back .
So I can get a notification.
Let’s do this!
Bob was so ahead of his time,the beauty of these videos is they will never not surve us in today's economy. These videos will forever be facts a true treasure 🙌🙌
When did you first come across his videos? Reality is strange. I'm here in my room kinda lost in my life at 33 years old... I find myself lost in my own mind too much these days. I don't know what year Bob produced these videos, but he's definitely impacted lives across dimensions of space and time.
RIP legend
Stumbled across this video 2024 is going to be an exceptional year God bless anyone taking steps into living at their fullest potential 🙏🏽🏅
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”
Isaac Newton
The part about facing ridicule is so true
The 3 times a day clear your mind is so important to my day, try it out and let the peace set in❤❤
Thank you Bob, Im trying this method from now, let see myself in 2030
how are you doing?
Primeira vez que vi esse vídeo foi por acaso, eu estava vendo um vídeo de filosofia da professora Lucia Helena Galvão, e por acaso cair nesse vídeo, no momento eu morava em uma kitnet em Jacarepaguá, rio das pedras, uma favela do rio de janeiro, de cara me apaixonei por o que estava sendo dito aqui mesmo sem entender direito, eu estava com a vida sentimental destruída tinha saído do meu relacionamento onde tive minha filha, estava morando em um quarto só com uma cama no canto, sem geladeira,tv , fogão, sem nada comia todo dia na rua e dormi a no quarto, única coisa que tinha era um celular, trabalhava cortando cabelo, estava completamente endividado, devendo pra miliciano e agiota, minha vida está a destruída , então comecei a ver mas vídeos do Bob proctor , eu estava viciado em drogas fumava maconha todos os dias e nunca me imaginaria sem usar a droga, depois desse vídeo eu fiquei sabendo do vídeo do segundo e cada dia mais ficava fascinado por essas ideias , como um cara com eu poderia ter tudo que quiser? Nascido de uma família pobre vindo do interior da Bahia, morando em uma favela no rio de janeiro? Então vi o vídeo de novo e de novo e de novo e de novo, meu Deus não sei quantas vezes já vi esse vídeo, ia dormir e deixava esse vídeo rolando, quantas vezes fui dormir chorando, então eu n sei explicar eu comecei a mudar meus abitos, eu comecei a pensar em parar de fumar maconha, quando ia cortar um cabelo eu dava meu melhor, eu fazia o melhor em todos os segundos do meu dia, então um dia eu estava na barbearia e pensei pow eu gostaria de aprender inglês , gostaria de sair do Brasil e mudar de vida, mas eu não sabia como fazer eu tinha pouco estudo , eu n tinha parente fora do Brasil seria impossível, em uma virada de ano eu trabalhei como doido , e com o dinheiro eu pensei vou tirar minha habilitação, esses vídeos estava me dando vontade de crescer de fazer tudo que eu achava impossível, então comecei a fazer a habilitação, eu tava vendo vídeo, estudando inglês, trabalhando como doido na barbearia e tentando parar de fumar, até que um dia eu saí por forró e bebi a noite toda no outro dia estava com ressaca, eu pensei isso realmente não é a vida que eu quero pra mim, aparte de hj não fumo mais, eu comecei dia a pós dia resistindo ao vício, um certo dia estava no Instagram e recebi uma notificação um uma garota muito bonita, eu aceitei mas n dei muita bola , continuei vendos os videos trabalhando e fazendo a habilitação, um dia eu resolvi mensagem pra garota do Instagram pos estava sozinho, e começamos a conversar, uma conversa muito interessante, ela tinha uma mentalidade muito parecida com os vídeos que eu estava vendo, quando perguntei de onde ela era ela me falou que era da Alemanha e que estava de férias no Brasil, eu comecei pensar wow isso está dando certo mesmo , então marcamos pra se encontrar e deu tudo certo, um dia fui o apartamento onde ela estava hospedada e eu vi seu quadro da visão , uma ideia do livro e do filme o segredo, eu pensei meu deu eu atrai essa pessoa pra minha vida , ok
Então com pouco tempo ela voltou pra Alemanha e eu fiquei no Brasil, terminei minha habilitação, estava estudando, então um dia ela me convidou pra eu vim visitar a Europa, eu pensei meu Deus wow, então ela me ajudou com o passaporte 🛂 com a passagem e sem saber explicar como eu acabei vindo parar na Alemanha, hj eu moro em um apartamento maravilhoso, estou em um nível muito avançado em inglês, alemão, romeno e espanhol, estou trabalhando na Alemanha e ganhando um dinheiro que nunca imaginei em minha vida, tenho uma mulher linda jovem maravilhosa inteligente ao meu lado, ela fala 6 idiomas ,
Temos carro na garagem, roupa, tênis e de tudo que uma pessoa pode sonhar , estou trabalhando pra trazer minha filha pra Europa e dar uma educação de pronta pra ela , quando olho pra trás só consigo ver o quanto minha vida mudou em 2 anos depois que comecei a ver esses vídeos, ainda hj eu vejo esse vídeo todos os dias pelo menos uma vez por dia ,
E se tiver que resumir tudo em uma frase eu diria ( o homem se torna aquilo que ele pensa)
Obg .
Super super inspiring !!! Excelente trabalho !!
This legend is make my life more and more amazing everyday........folks this world is a wonderful place and we are wonderful creatures let's enjoy each every moment we spend here
Missed a day. But i’m still here!❤
Never missed someone I’ve never met so much.
Me too!!!
So grateful for technology and the ability to come back to videos like this . Love being able to learn from so many generations of great teachers ❤
I see Proctor, I click.
I literally did everything bob proctor told me to do and change my life in a year please listening and learn so u can to
Day 15: I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis! Bob says repeat this 1000 times a day with feeling’❤
I have been repeating it since the past 22 years! still going strong. at what point does the money start coming though?
@@meltherecafe2394when you start believing it will 😊
@@meltherecafe2394 it doesn't work??
Starting to watch this today, as a recent graduate with no job, lets see how it helps
lol it will …. It’s working for me - life is deep brother
My mind is so locked up on this image of the future me that everything in my life depends on it. It’s juste like the autopilot, I’m LOCKED IN. Every time someone tells me I’m nobody I know will make it, it’s just a matter of time. Critics are like oil on my fire !
It’s Inspiration. No Context Just Inspiration And Influence That Got Me Here.
This is a reminder to go back and improve my self image
Day 8: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Changing my paradigm toward prosperity one day at a time!
What’s crazy to me is the video has been up for 10yrs and the comments only go back 2 yrs…Feb 3rd will mark 2 years since he passed…
Bob is a .Master He gives people Hope where they had None low self image Low self worth Low self Esteem Feeling I Am Not Enough
Thank you Bob RIP. ❤
Yvonne mullion Cornwall England
Anyone in this June . Like this 😊
Yes,June 19.
June 19th, Here👋👋
june 21st here bruv been two weeks since your comment. How's life goin fill me in.
July 4, 2024 for me!
August 25th
This should be shown to kids in school. Can you imagine.
Here is to everyone who is taking steps to becoming better. Day 1 of the challenge.
Have been listening to this for about 2 weeks every day & everything around is changing for the better.
Thank you Bob Proctor may you be in All of GODs glory 🙌🏽❤️🔥
The sound effects are the bomb, and been studying Bob and the principles he teaches, glad I embarked on this video
The 80s vibe is immaculate
Nothing lost...its just began❤
2024 will be the best best best year of my life.....❤
Thank you for reminding us who we’ve always been done childhood . A lot of people forget we were at our best as children
with all that pooping in our pants and pissing in our sleeps. we certainly were
@RealWendell The 'phone generation' will know this without having to remember. 😀
A true service to modern humans
That’s the same suit my dad used to wear to church 😂 I love you Bob been listening to this 10 years now 🤍💫💫
Turning my dreams into reality 🤌🏾
A very hard pill to swallow of my outer self image is a reflection of how I feel on the inside I’m following this
Watching this from the year 2086.
Tuning in from Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺 whoooo!!!
The process
Build fantasy
-admitted we are able and willing
Build theory
-committed to 90 day program
Visualize on regular basis
Emotionalize on a regular basis
3 times a day
Reflection in external environment
- cultivate gratitude, detachment and peace
Thank you for posting a summary!
Wow I've been watching this and life keep getting better and better. I now have the vehicle the relationship and the money ❤❤
I had all three and got complacent and now all I have is the vehicle. ugh
Day 34. This has been changing my life. Keep going and don’t stop if you just started your 90 day journey. You’ll notice the changes in your life FAST.
95. Keep going!
can you explain briefly what are the changes you observing in your life??
@@mdsanaullah551 do it and find out for yourself. It’s worth trying and observing within your own reality. Peace!
@@brandonsean190what changes have u noticed?
Hi, I'm watching from Nigeria 🇳🇬 ❤
I put off watching this video for so long. Not realize how i was cutting myself short of such powerful tools of wisdom to Prosper
Starting this on February 2nd 2024, I will be back on may 2nd 2024.
How is going?
The passion and eye contact this guy gives snapped me right back into success mode! I slipped for a few weeks back into autopilot
Never knew Bob could be so Aesthetic.
Today I start my journey to personal development and prosperity. 2024 is my best year to start my successful life. Thank you Mr Bob proctor.😊🙏🏻❤️
All Glory Honor and Praise to the Most High!
Nice video
Have been wayching this video for abaout 40 days 2 to 3 times a day , the way i see myself has totally changed , and so have my reslults , god bless you bob proctor ,i will keep developing my winners image !