I bursted into a nervous laughter when you said “I eat ice cream before I sing because it sets my voice free.” I cannot relate in any way whatsoever. I struggle every day of my life trying to sing, basically choking on my own mucus. I have a great voice and I know it, it’s just hard to use a rusted instrument. It’s the most frustrating thing I’ve ever dealt with. My band and I are in the process of recording an album but it’s taking us an eternity because I can’t use my whole range whatsoever and I’m filled with rage every night I set foot into that studio to struggle. I know what I’m capable of completely.
QUESTION: I feel like I have a wall in my voice & I physically can't let loose and hit any kind of powerful note. Is there any way to break down that wall?
Thanks Bret. I was in one of your group lessons in Portland zipping up the vocal chord. I found this video cause I was having trouble with my falsetto on "Lights Down Low" after a week of hitting it perfectly, due to phlegm buildup. Good to see you online.
Thanks Brett for a great video. I used to suffer from acid reflux for many years, and this gave me a terrible voice. It gave me mucus and I had a constant burning sensation in my vocal cords. Changing my diet and excluding wheat cured the problem completely for me.
hi peter, i am struggling with the same problem of acid reflux and having mucous stuck down my throat all the time! What does your diet consist of mainly?
Richard Lin Hi RIchard, Man that can be frustrating stuff. But the key is to focus on solutions and follow through. I actually started to work in a health food store to get down with the problem. What I found was that when I took away gluten and mainly wheat from my diet the problem solved to 90 percent. I also avoid spicy food. I don’t eat three hours before going to bed. There is also a special pill you can take before physical training that kind of plugs the esophagus until the net time you drink or eat. This is so helpful because it prevents acid from coming up to your vocal chords. I don’t know the name in English though, but it should be in every medical store. Traditional doctors will tell you you have to much acid in your stomach and give you medicine that takes your acid away. This does not solve the problem. It only makes your digestion stop which can cause other problems in the future such as causing allergies. The problem is often caused by to little acid in the stomach. There is a simple test you can do. If you eat beets and your urin gets red after 12 hours or so, then you have to little acid. I would recommend trying a digestion booster with enzymes and HCL. This will help you to digest your food and prevent acid reflux. Feel free to contact me at any time. I know how frustrating it can be and I am happy to share what I have found helpful. Best/Peter
When I was in a band, I found Tazo Calm Tea mixed half and half with steamed soy and a bit of honey made my throat feel amazing. I'd have one of those in the couple hours leading up to the show and felt that my voice was in the best shape it had ever been.
Thank you, Brett. I was just drinking "throat coat" yesterday. The ice cream before singing might work for me... and I've been trying coconut based ice-cream lately.
I would stay away from dairy if you have mucus. Dairy produces mucus like nothing else. One to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a shot of lemon in warm water helps.
Carson, you are very welcome! So glad you are here on our channel! Don't miss everything on our website--we have amazing articles, more videos, and info about all that we have going on. Here is the link: singingsuccess.com
Singing Success I really needed this , thanks, cuz when I use head voice it ends up turning into a polyphonic pianissimo mess , sometimes in whistle sometimes in head
LOL! So glad you are here on our channel! Don't miss everything on our website--we have amazing articles, more videos, and info about all that we have going on. Here is the link: singingsuccess.com
I've tried all of those things and gargling with salt water, drink lots of water & lemon, ginger, tea, I cannot get this mucus! from dripping down the back of my throat? and it cuts my notes out it's driving me crazy! any new ideas for older singers? I did not have this problem when I was younger! Ty 🙏
Gale, this is a great question! If you would like to book a 15 minute complimentary session with one of our coaches, they can help you! Feel free to contact us today: email: support@singingsuccess.com or call 615.866.1099
Great question. Give these tips a try and let us know how they work. If you have more questions, I would love to connect you with one of our coaches so they can help you. I can set up a complimentary 15 minute session with one of our coaches, just contact us: email: support@singingsuccess.com or call 615.866.1099
going through puberty... and i dont know wht to do and theres mucus which makes it worse im really worried bc i like singing and i have a reputation of singing and if i cant sing well im gonna have a really suckish reputation
A light cough and a swallow is way better than clearing your throat in a scratchy manner. Or making a close mouth gulp sound is also helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions.
We are always here to help support you! Don't miss everything on our website--we have amazing articles, more videos, and info about all that we have going on. Here is the link: singingsuccess.com
Hello! Can you please answer this, as I'm also interested? "Thanks for your video. When you say drink 12-16 oz. water, how long should this be taken before you sing? I have a history of phlegm in my throat, so before I sing, I normally blow my nose many times and take many breaths, and before I viewed your video, I was clearing my throat like you said, “never do that, it only increases the problem”; and then you give lessons on how to clear it. They have helped me somewhat, but my kind of phlegm, is that which just sticks there, by its tendrils, so even with your exercises it cannot be swallowed. The only way to clear it is to do what you advised against, and then swallow it or spit it out; and I can’t find any other way to clear it. I do not do this “continually” like your video advised against, but it can come at embarrassing moments. Can you help?"
Hey I'm a leggario tenor and have always had trouble having more vocal weight, so I took the liberty to add it by myself. I used to be able to sing from A1-C6 and now it's A1-F5. Do you have any tips for taking that vocal weight back off
Thanks for your video. When you say drink 12-16 oz. water, how long should this be taken before you sing? I have a history of phlegm in my throat, so before I sing, I normally blow my nose many times and take many breaths, and before I viewed your video, I was clearing my throat like you said, “never do that, it only increases the problem”; and then you give lessons on how to clear it. They have helped me somewhat, but my kind of phlegm, is that which just sticks there, by its tendrils, so even with your exercises it cannot be swallowed. The only way to clear it is to do what you advised against, and then swallow it or spit it out; and I can’t find any other way to clear it. I do not do this “continually” like your video advised against, but it can come at embarrassing moments. Can you help?
Hello! Can you please answer this, as I'm also interested? "Thanks for your video. When you say drink 12-16 oz. water, how long should this be taken before you sing? I have a history of phlegm in my throat, so before I sing, I normally blow my nose many times and take many breaths, and before I viewed your video, I was clearing my throat like you said, “never do that, it only increases the problem”; and then you give lessons on how to clear it. They have helped me somewhat, but my kind of phlegm, is that which just sticks there, by its tendrils, so even with your exercises it cannot be swallowed. The only way to clear it is to do what you advised against, and then swallow it or spit it out; and I can’t find any other way to clear it. I do not do this “continually” like your video advised against, but it can come at embarrassing moments. Can you help?"
How can I know if my voice sounds good enough for people to like because to me at times I sound okay but at other times I sound flat i think please help!!!
You may want to book a lesson or take advantage of our 15 minute consult. Our coaches can listen and diagnose what is going on. You may also want a doctor to check on the phlegm and see if they can diagnose anything as well.
someone must help me. before, i was able to make the 'cat sound' or those high pitch singing like jason derulo. then i had a situation where my thorat hurts and produce lots of mucus. after i've treat that, i wasnt able to make the sounds as before
Hi Brett, I'm like you, I like excess mucus (ice cream, chocolate) before recording or gigging. But what can I do in an emergency? Allergies have dried me out and my voice is fatigued but I'm gigging today. What is 'cali' (?) tea and can I get it in Joburg South Africa?
dont laugh, i am not qualified to give advice but a few plain tortilla chips (ingredients- corn, salt and oil) help a lil mucous drop so i dont have dry cords.
+Javier Elizondo Yes, unless you are tone deaf, which is actually extremely rare. What really helped me was singing 20 Beatle karaoke songs in a row using headphones, a mixer, a little reverb. etc. As I sang a long with all my favorite songs a few things happened. I learned to relax and really open up when I sing. I learned to open up to avoid sounding nasally. (Meaning that the nasal is plugged and not really using the nasal cavities. Yes, it's ironic) I learned that singing is NOT much different than talking very clearly and loudly. But I learned that all my favorite singers like to add some gravel into their singing, especially during the choruses. And that adding gravel is an art, to make it sound good and not destroy your voice in the process. You can learn how to do it properly simply by singing along with your songs. I also learned that when singing properly that the vibrato comes easily and even naturally. I learned that most vocal tracks have some ADT on it that makes the vocals sound so good. LIke the Beatles. All their tracks have some ADT on them. Which is a studio effect that simulates a second duplicate vocal track. It's sort of like using two microphones to record with. The process "thickens" up the vocal track. Listeners have no clue it's happening, but it gives the vocals a much better tone, that the poor guy singing karaoke at home can't duplicate with his own voice, and so he sits and wonders why he can't sing like his favorite artist. However, there are many effects on the market now that provide ADT. (Automatic Double Tracking) Mine is a TC Helicom D-1 Doubler. But now for the most two important discoveries. I learned to EQ my voice. All great vocals tracks are heavily EQed. Meaning that certain frequencies are boosted or cut. Most vocal tracks have the mids scooped out. Meaning they cut the frequencies in the 750k to 3000k range. I usually cut the 1000k range as far as I can. And this is quite common with vocal tracks. The second most important discovery came by singing 20 Beatles songs in a row. By the 20th song I was singing just like Paul and John. My voice had the sound I was always dreaming off. That magic sound is called hoarseness. Yes, the voice is now a little tired. This is magic, because it mellows out the voice, removing the harshness and sharpness a strong voice contains. I quickly realized that all great vocal tracks are the result of the singer having sung for a couple hours before recording the track. In the movie La Bamba, Richie is seen recording his first hit single. The studio engineers make him sing the song 20 times before they actually record his voice. They did this because they know that a good vocal track comes from a somewhat horse voice. And so I sang Oh Darling after singing 20 other Beatles songs, and I nailed it. It was wonderful. I listen to the recording I made every night. It's so smooth and full of that magical raspiness we all love and admire. So soulful. Yes, smooth raspiness. It's ironic again. But that's what it is. And the next day my voice was toast and could not sing anything. I was cracking just talking. The next thing I learned was how to warm up and cool down my voice. This makes all the difference in the world. Especially the cool down after singing. It takes just 10 minutes and it relieves the built up muscle tension. It's a must do. So there you have it. Anyone can sing if I can sing, because for 40 years I struggled to learn how to sing only to have everyone beg me to not sing. Now I sound like all my favorite singers, and my band mates can't believe the change. Who knew that the real secret to singing is simply to sing a lot? It's like saying the secret to doing push ups is to do a lot of push ups. It's just to obvious. I thought I had to learn some strange muscle or organ technique,. I thought I had to contort the inside of my body somehow. That the magic was in my diaphragm, nasal cavity, larynx, soft palate, chin stretch, tongue curls, posture or a dozen other areas. What a relief to find out that all I really need to do is sing along with all my favorite records and learn some recording techniques. I hope this was helpful. Singing is actually as easy as doing aerobics. The secret is simply to do them.
In the four parts you listed, no, there's no trick except to stay relaxed and make sure you're not unintentionally tensing any of them up. A big trick though is to make sure your voice naturally thins out as you go higher. Brett addresses this a lot in his programs and it's helped me increase my range tremendously. Most people tend to pull up chest voice to get that "ballsy" tone. You have to start out with a light (and gentle) muscular coordination and as it gets stronger, you'll be able to add volume and more power. A good thing to keep in mind is if you have to force your voice to do something, you're more than likely not doing it right. Also, I'm no pro by any means. If you need a better answer you could also post on the Singing Success forum.
When you are training you want to keep your face relaxed. You should let the vocal cords and your breathing do the work not your face. Let us know if you have any more questions.
Just watched the brief video. Liked the "fry/high" thing; will keep trying it. Another question: Sometimes my throat closes up in the middle of a syllable, so it cracks or breaks. This is embarrassing! Any suggestions? (I've been checked, Negative, for nodes.)
Glad you are here! If you would like to book a 15 minute complimentary session with one of our coaches, they can help you! Feel free to contact us: email: support@singingsuccess
Now I Know why I keep cracking when singing high notes. My throat produces too much mucus.
I bursted into a nervous laughter when you said “I eat ice cream before I sing because it sets my voice free.” I cannot relate in any way whatsoever. I struggle every day of my life trying to sing, basically choking on my own mucus. I have a great voice and I know it, it’s just hard to use a rusted instrument. It’s the most frustrating thing I’ve ever dealt with. My band and I are in the process of recording an album but it’s taking us an eternity because I can’t use my whole range whatsoever and I’m filled with rage every night I set foot into that studio to struggle. I know what I’m capable of completely.
Fry works so good... It's amazing how fast it connected my voice. Don't do it with force, but gentleness.
QUESTION: I feel like I have a wall in my voice & I physically can't let loose and hit any kind of powerful note. Is there any way to break down that wall?
Thanks Bret. I was in one of your group lessons in Portland zipping up the vocal chord. I found this video cause I was having trouble with my falsetto on "Lights Down Low" after a week of hitting it perfectly, due to phlegm buildup. Good to see you online.
Thanks Brett for a great video. I used to suffer from acid reflux for many years, and this gave me a terrible voice. It gave me mucus and I had a constant burning sensation in my vocal cords. Changing my diet and excluding wheat cured the problem completely for me.
hi peter, i am struggling with the same problem of acid reflux and having mucous stuck down my throat all the time! What does your diet consist of mainly?
Richard Lin Hi RIchard, Man that can be frustrating stuff. But the key is to focus on solutions and follow through. I actually started to work in a health food store to get down with the problem. What I found was that when I took away gluten and mainly wheat from my diet the problem solved to 90 percent. I also avoid spicy food. I don’t eat three hours before going to bed. There is also a special pill you can take before physical training that kind of plugs the esophagus until the net time you drink or eat. This is so helpful because it prevents acid from coming up to your vocal chords. I don’t know the name in English though, but it should be in every medical store. Traditional doctors will tell you you have to much acid in your stomach and give you medicine that takes your acid away. This does not solve the problem. It only makes your digestion stop which can cause other problems in the future such as causing allergies. The problem is often caused by to little acid in the stomach. There is a simple test you can do. If you eat beets and your urin gets red after 12 hours or so, then you have to little acid. I would recommend trying a digestion booster with enzymes and HCL. This will help you to digest your food and prevent acid reflux. Feel free to contact me at any time. I know how frustrating it can be and I am happy to share what I have found helpful. Best/Peter
***** Hi! If the urin doesn't get red then you have normal levels of acid in your digestion system and less risk of acid reflux.
When I was in a band, I found Tazo Calm Tea mixed half and half with steamed soy and a bit of honey made my throat feel amazing. I'd have one of those in the couple hours leading up to the show and felt that my voice was in the best shape it had ever been.
Thank you, Brett. I was just drinking "throat coat" yesterday. The ice cream before singing might work for me... and I've been trying coconut based ice-cream lately.
I would stay away from dairy if you have mucus. Dairy produces mucus like nothing else. One to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a shot of lemon in warm water helps.
Question, After a couple of hours of singing, what is the best way to warm down your voice?
Massage your throat. Press your thumb and index finger gently down the front of your throat. Or simply drink some water.
You can do lip rolls within your comfortable range and yawn and go from head voice to chest voice. Let us know if you have any more questions!
Best answer you could possibly give.
Great tips. I'm singing better after your videos!!
Yet another video that I have been needing for a really really long time!
Excellent tips! Great instruction! Great teacher!
Oh that's cool-when he's doing the trill thing, the vibration matches the frame rate or something, so it looks all slow and wobbly.
Swallowing with the sound is so cool haha Thank you
Carson, you are very welcome! So glad you are here on our channel! Don't miss everything on our website--we have amazing articles, more videos, and info about all that we have going on. Here is the link: singingsuccess.com
Very helpful. Thank you
Thanks for watching, dorcas fada
Holy crap! Those exercises really works!
Thank you for all these tips. =)
Glad they help, cperceptionsmusic !
Singing Success I really needed this , thanks, cuz when I use head voice it ends up turning into a polyphonic pianissimo mess , sometimes in whistle sometimes in head
I've heard them say quite a few times that it's good to have 1 or 2 days break a week, so you aren't required to use the program every day.
This was really helpful right now! Thank You! :)
Some exercise of having vibrato smoothly and vocal cord closure in low notes..plz help me.
thank you! i have this and it's so frustrating i hope this works for me :)
so glad u answered the mucus question... i was always clearing my throat! love your lessons!
That was awesome! Thanks, Biff Tannen! Oh wait....
Great information.
Lmao I made a fart sound trying that tongue thing but this really helped man, thank you.
LOL! So glad you are here on our channel! Don't miss everything on our website--we have amazing articles, more videos, and info about all that we have going on. Here is the link: singingsuccess.com
I love ur tips
i'm having problems with my throat , this husky voice keeps showing up even after doin couple of your exercises..could you help??
this really is my problem! thank you for this! i want to clear my throat. :)
Really loving these videos!! =)
Me: *high pitched scream*
I've tried all of those things and gargling with salt water, drink lots of water & lemon, ginger, tea, I cannot get this mucus! from dripping down the back of my throat? and it cuts my notes out it's driving me crazy! any new ideas for older singers? I did not have this problem when I was younger! Ty 🙏
Gale, this is a great question! If you would like to book a 15 minute complimentary session with one of our coaches, they can help you! Feel free to contact us today: email: support@singingsuccess.com or call 615.866.1099
My voice seems to crackle around the first break and I suspect thick mucus!
What about using Musinex before a performance?
Great question. Give these tips a try and let us know how they work. If you have more questions, I would love to connect you with one of our coaches so they can help you. I can set up a complimentary 15 minute session with one of our coaches, just contact us: email: support@singingsuccess.com or call 615.866.1099
going through puberty... and i dont know wht to do and theres mucus which makes it worse im really worried bc i like singing and i have a reputation of singing and if i cant sing well im gonna have a really suckish reputation
Omg are you my twin I swear same
Jesus Rojas me too. I have allergies
@@ashleylourenco9439 sameee
Hello sir! Doctor has told ma that I have incomplete closure of vocal cord please tell me that how I overcome this prob?
If you're a teeneger you have to wait until it stops developing, around 20 years old. You can sing, but with a teachers help.
Dr.Rhy†hm well, I am a teen-ager, do I have to stop doing vocal exercises?
Thanks guys!
Glad you enjoyed this vocal tip!
I'm sure that would be okay. Just use it whenever you can. :)
How long should you wait to sing after a chest and head cold and sore throat?
can anyone start to learn singing at any age will someone will able to learn that
actually everyone can learn to sing, of course some have limited vocal range but anyone I repeat EVERYONE can learn to use their voice
Is coughing a bad way to clear mucus?
A light cough and a swallow is way better than clearing your throat in a scratchy manner. Or making a close mouth gulp sound is also helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions.
mucous and stuff like that on them can help singing.
We are always here to help support you! Don't miss everything on our website--we have amazing articles, more videos, and info about all that we have going on. Here is the link: singingsuccess.com
thanks a lot
Hello! Can you please answer this, as I'm also interested?
"Thanks for your video. When you say drink 12-16 oz. water, how long should this be taken before you sing? I have a history of phlegm in my throat, so before I sing, I normally blow my nose many times and take many breaths, and before I viewed your video, I was clearing my throat like you said, “never do that, it only increases the problem”; and then you give lessons on how to clear it. They have helped me somewhat, but my kind of phlegm, is that which just sticks there, by its tendrils, so even with your exercises it cannot be swallowed. The only way to clear it is to do what you advised against, and then swallow it or spit it out; and I can’t find any other way to clear it. I do not do this “continually” like your video advised against, but it can come at embarrassing moments. Can you help?"
One thing you may want to consider is diet. What are you eating and does that affect the phlegm?
Thanks, funny how he looks like he is sleepy
Ounces in litres please?
There is 33.814 ounces in a liter. So roughly 34 ounces in 1 liter.
Hey I'm a leggario tenor and have always had trouble having more vocal weight, so I took the liberty to add it by myself. I used to be able to sing from A1-C6 and now it's A1-F5. Do you have any tips for taking that vocal weight back off
Thanks for your video. When you say drink 12-16 oz. water, how long should this be taken before you sing?
I have a history of phlegm in my throat, so before I sing, I normally blow my nose many times and take many breaths, and before I viewed your video, I was clearing my throat like you said, “never do that, it only increases the problem”; and then you give lessons on how to clear it. They have helped me somewhat, but my kind of phlegm, is that which just sticks there, by its tendrils, so even with your exercises it cannot be swallowed. The only way to clear it is to do what you advised against, and then swallow it or spit it out; and I can’t find any other way to clear it. I do not do this “continually” like your video advised against, but it can come at embarrassing moments. Can you help?
Hello! Can you please answer this, as I'm also interested?
"Thanks for your video. When you say drink 12-16 oz. water, how long should this be taken before you sing? I have a history of phlegm in my throat, so before I sing, I normally blow my nose many times and take many breaths, and before I viewed your video, I was clearing my throat like you said, “never do that, it only increases the problem”; and then you give lessons on how to clear it. They have helped me somewhat, but my kind of phlegm, is that which just sticks there, by its tendrils, so even with your exercises it cannot be swallowed. The only way to clear it is to do what you advised against, and then swallow it or spit it out; and I can’t find any other way to clear it. I do not do this “continually” like your video advised against, but it can come at embarrassing moments. Can you help?"
One thing you may want to consider is diet. What are you eating and does that affect the phlegm?
What if you can't use the program everyday?
How can I know if my voice sounds good enough for people to like because to me at times I sound okay but at other times I sound flat i think please help!!!
hello sir Whenever I sing my throat start itching and also many time the phlegm fall in throat help
You may want to book a lesson or take advantage of our 15 minute consult. Our coaches can listen and diagnose what is going on. You may also want a doctor to check on the phlegm and see if they can diagnose anything as well.
I've heard honey is good for this coating, thoughts?
Thank you very much :)
I am having a hard time transitioning to hit my high notes. What can I do to help with this?
Im new to singing how can i tell if im hurting my voice?
someone must help me. before, i was able to make the 'cat sound' or those high pitch singing like jason derulo. then i had a situation where my thorat hurts and produce lots of mucus. after i've treat that, i wasnt able to make the sounds as before
Hi Brett, I'm like you, I like excess mucus (ice cream, chocolate) before recording or gigging. But what can I do in an emergency? Allergies have dried me out and my voice is fatigued but I'm gigging today. What is 'cali' (?) tea and can I get it in Joburg South Africa?
how to control too much full voice... i have full voice.... and i just cant sing soft....its full... how to control that...
please help..
How to get gravel/rasp?!?!
How do I get more mucus? After I stopped smoking my voice sounds so thin and dry ugh...
dont laugh, i am not qualified to give advice but a few plain tortilla chips (ingredients- corn, salt and oil) help a lil mucous drop so i dont have dry cords.
Everyone keeps,tellin me i have a motown vocol ability but mucas hold be back from very high notes watch my video and see help please ??
What is CALI tee?
can everyone and anyone learn to sing?
+Javier Elizondo Yes, unless you are tone deaf, which is actually extremely rare.
What really helped me was singing 20 Beatle karaoke songs in a row using headphones, a mixer, a little reverb. etc.
As I sang a long with all my favorite songs a few things happened. I learned to relax and really open up when I sing. I learned to open up to avoid sounding nasally. (Meaning that the nasal is plugged and not really using the nasal cavities. Yes, it's ironic)
I learned that singing is NOT much different than talking very clearly and loudly.
But I learned that all my favorite singers like to add some gravel into their singing, especially during the choruses. And that adding gravel is an art, to make it sound good and not destroy your voice in the process. You can learn how to do it properly simply by singing along with your songs.
I also learned that when singing properly that the vibrato comes easily and even naturally.
I learned that most vocal tracks have some ADT on it that makes the vocals sound so good. LIke the Beatles. All their tracks have some ADT on them. Which is a studio effect that simulates a second duplicate vocal track. It's sort of like using two microphones to record with. The process "thickens" up the vocal track. Listeners have no clue it's happening, but it gives the vocals a much better tone, that the poor guy singing karaoke at home can't duplicate with his own voice, and so he sits and wonders why he can't sing like his favorite artist. However, there are many effects on the market now that provide ADT. (Automatic Double Tracking) Mine is a TC Helicom D-1 Doubler.
But now for the most two important discoveries.
I learned to EQ my voice. All great vocals tracks are heavily EQed. Meaning that certain frequencies are boosted or cut. Most vocal tracks have the mids scooped out. Meaning they cut the frequencies in the 750k to 3000k range. I usually cut the 1000k range as far as I can. And this is quite common with vocal tracks.
The second most important discovery came by singing 20 Beatles songs in a row. By the 20th song I was singing just like Paul and John. My voice had the sound I was always dreaming off. That magic sound is called hoarseness. Yes, the voice is now a little tired. This is magic, because it mellows out the voice, removing the harshness and sharpness a strong voice contains.
I quickly realized that all great vocal tracks are the result of the singer having sung for a couple hours before recording the track.
In the movie La Bamba, Richie is seen recording his first hit single. The studio engineers make him sing the song 20 times before they actually record his voice. They did this because they know that a good vocal track comes from a somewhat horse voice.
And so I sang Oh Darling after singing 20 other Beatles songs, and I nailed it. It was wonderful. I listen to the recording I made every night. It's so smooth and full of that magical raspiness we all love and admire. So soulful.
Yes, smooth raspiness. It's ironic again. But that's what it is.
And the next day my voice was toast and could not sing anything. I was cracking just talking. The next thing I learned was how to warm up and cool down my voice. This makes all the difference in the world. Especially the cool down after singing. It takes just 10 minutes and it relieves the built up muscle tension. It's a must do.
So there you have it. Anyone can sing if I can sing, because for 40 years I struggled to learn how to sing only to have everyone beg me to not sing. Now I sound like all my favorite singers, and my band mates can't believe the change. Who knew that the real secret to singing is simply to sing a lot? It's like saying the secret to doing push ups is to do a lot of push ups. It's just to obvious. I thought I had to learn some strange muscle or organ technique,. I thought I had to contort the inside of my body somehow. That the magic was in my diaphragm, nasal cavity, larynx, soft palate, chin stretch, tongue curls, posture or a dozen other areas. What a relief to find out that all I really need to do is sing along with all my favorite records and learn some recording techniques.
I hope this was helpful. Singing is actually as easy as doing aerobics. The secret is simply to do them.
That's BS I mean the chest part. Chest voice is chest for a reason it resonates in the chest, but yeah you have to avoid throat straining.
Dr., I edited my commit. Let me know what you think.
thanks a lot
if it hurts
is there any trick in face (nose,mouth ,eyes, forehead )when sing freely high note ?
In the four parts you listed, no, there's no trick except to stay relaxed and make sure you're not unintentionally tensing any of them up. A big trick though is to make sure your voice naturally thins out as you go higher. Brett addresses this a lot in his programs and it's helped me increase my range tremendously. Most people tend to pull up chest voice to get that "ballsy" tone. You have to start out with a light (and gentle) muscular coordination and as it gets stronger, you'll be able to add volume and more power. A good thing to keep in mind is if you have to force your voice to do something, you're more than likely not doing it right. Also, I'm no pro by any means. If you need a better answer you could also post on the Singing Success forum.
safris kyu my professional told me that a relaxed face and raised eyebrows helps to hit high notes.
When you are training you want to keep your face relaxed. You should let the vocal cords and your breathing do the work not your face. Let us know if you have any more questions.
me too bro..
if u get ny reply or nything about this.. do tell me too.. ill do the same
Just watched the brief video. Liked the "fry/high" thing; will keep trying it. Another question: Sometimes my throat closes up in the middle of a syllable, so it cracks or breaks. This is embarrassing! Any suggestions? (I've been checked, Negative, for nodes.)
just the tip
Jesse pinkman ._.
Hahaha maybe using faceapp
you can reduce dairy products, spicy food and drink heaps of warm water
Nhan Le Warm Warner in the summer :(
Tasty Tidbit! Thank U
oooooowwwwwwwwwww hahahaha
Marry me Brett you're hot
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Everyone keeps,tellin me i have a motown vocol ability but mucas hold be back from very high notes watch my video and see help please ??
Same thing with me my allergies mean l always have mucus on my throat so my higher notes get muffled , its frustrating.