The inside of the encoder is interesting - not what I expected. I have the same problem. Just got a 20 year old Access Virus rack synth. A couple of the encoders have more play in them than the others. If I twist the dial to fast the setting will jump to the maximum value or minimum, depending on the direction of the turn. It’s not as bad as you had here but I have to be careful with it because one of the worn out encoders controls the master volume which can be brain scrambling… wwwaaaAAAHHH!!!! Ouch. 💥👂💥
Had the same problem, what did it was to clean the encoder and regrease it, often works for encoders and potentiometers which after a while gets crud and dirt that accumulates. Contact cleaners is a momentary fix as it doesn't remove the dirt, it only moves it around and some strong ones could be corrosive. Not totally sure if that's what did it though because it could also have been some mechanical factor, the encoder was previously working when pressing down hard and then turning so maybe it was just the action of pressing down the mounts on the encoder after taking it apart that did it.
So you didn't have to unsolder/resolder at all. That's interesting. Most of these knobs are so wobbly they all seem broken. I will try this first but I get the feeling that I may have to solder.....
After using it for a little while now, the problem has re-emerged slightly. It's no where near as bad as it was, scrolling works just fine, but when you let got of the knob there's just enough play to send a signal to decrease by one. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll replace all the pots. The pitch and pan pots have lost there centre indent.
thanks for this. Have one exactly like it, itthat stops making any sounds after about ten mins that it is turned on. Tried to reflow the solder of the mains outs but no change. Would you have any tips on what is failing? Also have an Er-1 with the pitch pot slowly running down when you select any of the synths sounds, as if you were slowly turning the pot left.. I wonder if those pots can be opened like this one here without replacing them altogether....
Another top tip to remove stubborn knobs is two spoons, one on each side and use them as a lever.
Tanks for the vidéo.
Totally worked for my EA-1 mk2, thanks for this!
The inside of the encoder is interesting - not what I expected. I have the same problem. Just got a 20 year old Access Virus rack synth. A couple of the encoders have more play in them than the others. If I twist the dial to fast the setting will jump to the maximum value or minimum, depending on the direction of the turn. It’s not as bad as you had here but I have to be careful with it because one of the worn out encoders controls the master volume which can be brain scrambling… wwwaaaAAAHHH!!!! Ouch. 💥👂💥
Thanks for this. I’m on my second encoder now after soldering a new one one a few years ago. Gonna give this a whirl.
Had the same problem, what did it was to clean the encoder and regrease it, often works for encoders and potentiometers which after a while gets crud and dirt that accumulates. Contact cleaners is a momentary fix as it doesn't remove the dirt, it only moves it around and some strong ones could be corrosive. Not totally sure if that's what did it though because it could also have been some mechanical factor, the encoder was previously working when pressing down hard and then turning so maybe it was just the action of pressing down the mounts on the encoder after taking it apart that did it.
So you didn't have to unsolder/resolder at all. That's interesting. Most of these knobs are so wobbly they all seem broken. I will try this first but I get the feeling that I may have to solder.....
After using it for a little while now, the problem has re-emerged slightly. It's no where near as bad as it was, scrolling works just fine, but when you let got of the knob there's just enough play to send a signal to decrease by one.
Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll replace all the pots. The pitch and pan pots have lost there centre indent.
@@furl9567 Thanks. I will try your solution first but also track down a replacement. Good video.
Thanks. I just got one and it has the same issue.
Nice one this seems to work!
thanks for this. Have one exactly like it, itthat stops making any sounds after about ten mins that it is turned on. Tried to reflow the solder of the mains outs but no change. Would you have any tips on what is failing? Also have an Er-1 with the pitch pot slowly running down when you select any of the synths sounds, as if you were slowly turning the pot left.. I wonder if those pots can be opened like this one here without replacing them altogether....
Where can i purchase the part? i just bought one and it has the same exact problem
Thanks dude!
❤best wishes from Vienna ✌️ 🇦🇹