EN ------------ "Ah! Just now, I..." "What's the matter, Merry? You got a scary expression all of a sudden." "I suddenly felt a bit sick. Don't you feel it, Renko? The space we're in now feels a bit different from normal. Also, I can see a rift in the boundary... Perhaps it's a bug in the screen-controlling program? "Oh, it's probably because we're under the sacred mountain. The atmosphere is a little different... No, wait, it might even be space-time that's different. You're so sensitive that it's stressing you out, Merry." "Oh, I see, so we're under Mt. Fuji. Now I understand what I was feeling. Since ancient times, it's been said that there was an entrance to the Netherworld underneath the mountain. But it's a volcano, isn't it? Was it really fine to build a tunnel here?" "Stop being a worrywart. At times like these, you should have a drink and stop thinking so hard. When Mt. Fuji was recognized as a World Heritage Site, they designated it as extinct rather than just dormant, right?" The Boyu Tokaido was designed for the sole purpose of connecting Tokyo and Kyoto, but the government had to do quite a bit to assuage public relations concerns brought about by tunneling under the sacred Mt. Fuji. It makes a detour underneath the Sea of Trees instead. However, since long ago, unpleasant legends about the Sea of Trees have circulated, so building the tunnel underneath it might have affected the Shinkansen's service and the amount of passengers that would ride it. With that in mind, the detour was never announced to the public. ================== JP ---------- 「あ、今……」 「どうしたの? メリー、急に怖い顔をして……」 「急に頭が重くなった気がしたの。 蓮子は感じない? ここら辺の空間は少し他と感じが違うわよ。 それに結界の裂け目も見える……スクリーン制御プログラムのバグかしら」 「ああ、それはきっとここが霊峰の下だからよ。 少しは空気も違う、いや時空すらも異なるかも知れないわね。 過敏なメリーにはちょっと緊張が走るかも知れないわ」 「なるほど、富士山の地下ね。 なら判らないでもないわ。昔から富士の地下には冥界の入り口があるって言うもんね。 でも、富士山って火山でしょう? そんな地下にトンネルなんて掘って大丈夫なのかなぁ」 「心配性ね。そういう時はお酒でも飲んで考えるのをやめましょう? 富士が世界遺産に認定された時に、休火山から死火山になったと断定されたでしょう?」 とにかく東京と京都を結ぶ事だけを考えて設計した卯酉東海道だったが、政府は霊峰富士の真下に穴を開けるという、畏れ多き事態だけは避けた 卯酉東海道は、富士を避け、樹海の地下を走っている。 ただ、樹海には古くから良くない言い伝えが多く、樹海の真下を走るというだけで新幹線の運行や乗客数に影響が出てしまうかも知れない。 そう考え、樹海の真下を走っているという事は一般には明かされなかった。
"Ah! Just now, I..."
"What's the matter, Merry? You got a scary expression all of a sudden."
"I suddenly felt a bit sick.
Don't you feel it, Renko? The space we're in now feels a bit different from normal.
Also, I can see a rift in the boundary... Perhaps it's a bug in the screen-controlling program?
"Oh, it's probably because we're under the sacred mountain.
The atmosphere is a little different... No, wait, it might even be space-time that's different.
You're so sensitive that it's stressing you out, Merry."
"Oh, I see, so we're under Mt. Fuji.
Now I understand what I was feeling. Since ancient times, it's been said that there was an entrance to the Netherworld underneath the mountain.
But it's a volcano, isn't it? Was it really fine to build a tunnel here?"
"Stop being a worrywart. At times like these, you should have a drink and stop thinking so hard.
When Mt. Fuji was recognized as a World Heritage Site, they designated it as extinct rather than just dormant, right?"
The Boyu Tokaido was designed for the sole purpose of connecting Tokyo and Kyoto, but the government had to do quite a bit to assuage public relations concerns brought about by tunneling under the sacred Mt. Fuji.
It makes a detour underneath the Sea of Trees instead.
However, since long ago, unpleasant legends about the Sea of Trees have circulated, so building the tunnel underneath it might have affected the Shinkansen's service and the amount of passengers that would ride it.
With that in mind, the detour was never announced to the public.
「どうしたの? メリー、急に怖い顔をして……」
蓮子は感じない? ここら辺の空間は少し他と感じが違うわよ。
でも、富士山って火山でしょう? そんな地下にトンネルなんて掘って大丈夫なのかなぁ」
Logan Paul suicide forest