Theodore Zeldin is (was?) clearly aware enough of what these forums are about to know that they have something to do with a kind of social therapy. Whereas I have sat through lots of boring or self-indulgent Ted talks, I think Zeldin clearly had something important to say, says it well, and actually - depending on what his audience does with his contribution - delivers as a "social therapist" when so much of our technologically tricked-out communication is there to get you to believe in the promises of dehistoricized or ahistorical futurological chains of association, mostly inspired by the profit motive.
As a Christian I have always known and acknowledged that Jesus came from a Jewish background and was obviously Jewish and from a Jewish family, in fact we acknowledge Him as King of the Jews. I would like to know though when did the Christians oppress the Jewish people. Are you referring to the Romans in this regard ? The Romans were not Christian until after Constantine I believe. I do agree that we should all live together in peace and harmony though.
Desirable to have an opinion? Are you nuts, there is a complete oppression and attack on any other opinions than those considered normal and common sense. It’s not different since the religious oppression of opinions, just different.
Conversation. How talk can change our lives by Theodore Zeldin. So inspirational.
Theodore Zeldin is (was?) clearly aware enough of what these forums are about to know that they have something to do with a kind of social therapy. Whereas I have sat through lots of boring or self-indulgent Ted talks, I think Zeldin clearly had something important to say, says it well, and actually - depending on what his audience does with his contribution - delivers as a "social therapist" when so much of our technologically tricked-out communication is there to get you to believe in the promises of dehistoricized or ahistorical futurological chains of association, mostly inspired by the profit motive.
...I feel the same way...
I would love to help with the experiment. Is this man still around? I see the video is from 2016.
So do I , people need to dialogue more often.
Yes he is - check out the Oxford Muse
As a Christian I have always known and acknowledged that Jesus came from a Jewish background and was obviously Jewish and from a Jewish family, in fact we acknowledge Him as King of the Jews. I would like to know though when did the Christians oppress the Jewish people. Are you referring to the Romans in this regard ? The Romans were not Christian until after Constantine I believe. I do agree that we should all live together in peace and harmony though.
Desirable to have an opinion? Are you nuts, there is a complete oppression and attack on any other opinions than those considered normal and common sense. It’s not different since the religious oppression of opinions, just different.