Boy dies after 911 dispatcher says 'Deal with it yourself'

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @basicallyiamawesome7520
    @basicallyiamawesome7520 5 років тому +45632

    Apparently his feelings are more important than this guys life

    • @jackburnett2810
      @jackburnett2810 5 років тому +352

      Correction: 7 year old boys life.

    • @outofcash9062
      @outofcash9062 5 років тому +773

      Jack Burnett correction: 17 year old

    • @yougotstickbugged8128
      @yougotstickbugged8128 5 років тому +174

      Everyone correction 1 years old

    • @shansoul
      @shansoul 5 років тому +104

      the dispatcher is obviously not selfless

    • @anyuser5788
      @anyuser5788 5 років тому +43

      You should probably change the ‘then’ to ‘than’....

  • @keeve5617
    @keeve5617 3 роки тому +6461

    "No, my friend is dying! I..."
    That line killed my heart.

    • @Cowy313
      @Cowy313 3 роки тому +16

      Same ..

    • @MiguelMedV
      @MiguelMedV 3 роки тому +73

      I'm not crying, I- I swear...
      Man, imagine hanging up after such a line, human kind is very cruel...

    • @ruki4585
      @ruki4585 3 роки тому

      Same 😭😭😭

    • @Mysticist6641
      @Mysticist6641 3 роки тому


    • @therandomguy8783
      @therandomguy8783 3 роки тому

      I dont get what ur cryin about that aint anything special we all die same gonna happen to me same gonna happen to u same gonna happen to all of us

  • @Jenibelle
    @Jenibelle 4 роки тому +92143

    Why the hell would someone get a job as a dispatcher if they couldn’t handle someone in distress

    • @onceuponatom4339
      @onceuponatom4339 4 роки тому +2731

      The same reason anyone becomes a nurse assistant, a nurse, a doctor, a therapist. They think they can handle the stress that comes with the job, but they just can't. Then they end up acting out in a completely inappropriate and perhaps illegal way after months of compounded stress. I can almost guarantee that this outburst wasn't built up over one day, but over many incredibly stressful days and long hours. No one, I believe, becomes a 9-1-1 dispatcher because they want to be an asshole. Everyone has a breaking point. Maybe you would have done the same thing, if you had his day or year. You don't know until you're there. I'm not making excuses for him. What he did was unacceptable. But if you want to know why he likely did what he did, or why someone else might, that's probably why.

    • @griceldah449
      @griceldah449 4 роки тому +2260

      @@onceuponatom4339 I sure wouldn't want a STRESSED out surgeon giving up and leaving while I'm cut open. If they aren't ready for the job then they need to rethink their career choices. Especially when it involves protecting another person's life.

    • @onceuponatom4339
      @onceuponatom4339 4 роки тому +703

      @@griceldah449 Couldn't agree more. Its just that you often don't know the job isn't for you, until you already have the job. Then if you should quit, there's the whole mind game of sunk costs, already having invested in education and money in this job, paying your bills immediately if you quit now, what people are going to think of you if you quit, if you have any type of social life at work. It's a lot. Some decisions are tough, and I don't think its terribly difficult to imagine why someone would stay, wrong as it is.

    • @oaky3863
      @oaky3863 4 роки тому +74

      @@griceldah449 agreed

    • @christherobloxhelper11
      @christherobloxhelper11 4 роки тому +197

      @@onceuponatom4339 still shouldn’t have took the job these are peoples life’s if this was your friend our daughter or son you Would be furious

  • @asianguy6174
    @asianguy6174 4 місяці тому +559

    That 911 dispatcher should go to prison

    • @kacperdolega8771
      @kacperdolega8771 4 місяці тому +15


    • @BunglebottomInc
      @BunglebottomInc Місяць тому +44

      imagine he is in prison in the cafeteria part:
      "hey im allergic to this i need something else"
      guard: deal with it yourself

    • @MalcolmNessGranger
      @MalcolmNessGranger Місяць тому +1

      and how would you frame this exactly? attempted murder? gross negligence?
      Can't really do anything other than give him a 100 to 1000$ fine or a year of probation. Welcome to real life, where many people wouldn't even raise an eye on a person pleading or dying on the street. It's not everyones job to really care about random people when we have our own to care about.

    • @6die9ne
      @6die9ne Місяць тому +23

      ​@@MalcolmNessGrangeryeah except this is someone who's JOB is to help people who are actively dying, watching someone die, trying to escape a fire, really horrible circumstances where nobody is calm because it's extreme and terrifying. This dispatcher is the reason why the kid didn't get any help and died.

    • @farahyasser8527
      @farahyasser8527 Місяць тому +7

      that guy's job is to care about people...he gets paid for doing that shit then he should get punished for not doing his job is..if doctors can go to jail for patient negligence or for fucking up the patient's health then this dispatcher should go to jail for not doing what his job is

  • @canofcaramelmelons5744
    @canofcaramelmelons5744 4 роки тому +11868

    Why get a job where you know people will be screaming and crying and cursing over the phone if you just hang up on them? What the hell?

    • @hihii9140
      @hihii9140 4 роки тому +57


    • @griz063
      @griz063 4 роки тому +17

      Such teaching is now "standard policy" in many private businesses and governmental agencies -- often tied to their precious "anti-harassment/anti-bullying" policies. I REALLY and truly HOPE that people actually read those damned things before they sign away their right to equality in the eyes of their employer.
      If you agree that there are "special groups" worthy of "extra protection" you are tacitly admitting that it's OK for you to be treated as a lesser person unless you can somehow gain admission to one of these "protected groups". And good freakin' luck with that if your "immutable characteristics" (ie Group Identity) have already classified you as a justified "lesser" group.
      Which is neo-Marxist Critical Group Theory, that Trump banned in the government but Harris/Biden cannot wait to bring back. (The fake news media framed it as "Trump canceling 'Sensitivity Training'").

    • @minetruly
      @minetruly 4 роки тому +140

      @Brichanise Terrell Well at least YOU'RE not a 911 dispatcher.
      "911, what is your emergency?'
      "My son got a big gash and is bleeding fast from his leg, what do I do?"
      "Pray with me."

    • @lathafalls7675
      @lathafalls7675 4 роки тому +7

      @Brichanise Terrell yes Amen thank u

    • @failurewastaken7325
      @failurewastaken7325 4 роки тому +1

      I agree with you...

  • @gamerknowledge539
    @gamerknowledge539 3 роки тому +8052

    You know what I find scary. That woman probably blames herself for his death thinking to herself "if I didn't swear he would be alive right now"

    • @br4inp0p
      @br4inp0p 3 роки тому +259


    • @dramatistic3010
      @dramatistic3010 3 роки тому +800

      Ikr 😭 it's not her fault, it's the dispatcher that should've never hung up on her! A life, a LIFE! Just because of feelings 😢

    • @fok3851
      @fok3851 3 роки тому +133

      Ok i felt like crying
      This comment made me cry , she must be feeling like that , this is just too sad...

    • @glockiR
      @glockiR 3 роки тому +83

      It’s so sad too cause he didn’t even take her seriously how sad

    • @MiuMui0
      @MiuMui0 3 роки тому +12


  • @Jah_LEASE_yah
    @Jah_LEASE_yah 8 років тому +8571

    The dispatcher shouldn't just be fired from his job. He should be arrested.

    • @katie_kate88
      @katie_kate88 8 років тому +34

      Yes. He should go to prison. Acting like a little bitch, hanging up cuz chick got frustrated w him, all because he clearly didn't know how to do his job.. HES BARELY BREATHING.. what part of that did u not understand? Idiot.
      Honestly whoever hired him should be looked at as well... how many other idiots did they hire to answer emergency calls?!..

    • @daraoconnor3773
      @daraoconnor3773 8 років тому +128

      Tyler Irons im with her this is bullshit the fucking guy hung up on her when he knows someone is in danger and because he was insulted while this woman is panicking and keeping a boy alive this is actually bullshit that guy should be in jail at the least

    • @Jah_LEASE_yah
      @Jah_LEASE_yah 8 років тому +14

      trigolis why did you have to turn it into a race thing?

    • @user-vz9jo2vh6k
      @user-vz9jo2vh6k 8 років тому +12

      +trigolis dont spread hate buddy

    • @underratedgod6899
      @underratedgod6899 8 років тому +6

      trigolis true XD yea I kinda agree

  • @user9318a
    @user9318a Місяць тому +112

    She mentioned it so clearly and so many times that he is breathing, with difficulty. He still just didn't want to help. He deserves to be in prison.

  • @Hyro_Thod
    @Hyro_Thod 5 років тому +15762

    "Is he breathing?"
    *"iS hE bReAtHiNg?"*

    • @shaniquaj6647
      @shaniquaj6647 5 років тому +319

      UnknownXxTHEOxX he was waiting for him to die .

    • @MultiChantal22
      @MultiChantal22 5 років тому +113

      Dispatchers are meant to keep asking questions while they're sending the ambulance (to keep contact with the caller). Most likely the ambulance had been sent. I'm not saying what he did was right, but the woman should've acted better to someone trying to help.

    • @luislatinoman7055
      @luislatinoman7055 5 років тому +1040

      @@MultiChantal22 Her friend was literally on the verge of dying. You can't expect her to be rational at a moment like this. (In her mind ) He could have probably given her advice on how to buy time, but (again in her mind) he was just wasting time asking the same question that she literally just answered. A good operator would understand this and be a little more patient, but he let one little swear word get to him which in my opinion is the most petty thing you could possibly do when someone's life is on the line.

    • @aleemhall9080
      @aleemhall9080 5 років тому +24

      Luis CR you do realize that the quality of the girl talking is terrible and without the captions I don’t think anyone would be able to distinguish what she’s saying. Also,I agree she really should’ve been a bit more respectful to someone trying to help her.Also in an emergency you’re supposed to stay calm, you’re not supposed to be acting the way she was.

    • @aleemhall9080
      @aleemhall9080 5 років тому +7

      Luis CR and would you rather have him say nothing at all?

  • @yxinz
    @yxinz 4 роки тому +6233

    Dispatcher should be CHARGED if found guilty of dismissing a critical call leading to death.

    • @ashlie1354
      @ashlie1354 4 роки тому +148

      First degree murder

    • @outrundoubtrun-lemonadeart682
      @outrundoubtrun-lemonadeart682 4 роки тому +102

      @@ashlie1354 first degree indirect murder if thats a thing

    • @p4ssive460
      @p4ssive460 4 роки тому +56

      @Thecarkid 11 If I told you I was going to murder someone, and you did nothing about it, you would get charged as if you actually committed the murder for aiding and abetting me because you kept what I told you a secret, so if that can get you a murder sentence, asking yourself “should I let this person live” and saying “no” definitely should count.

    • @mcfrickenwatcher195
      @mcfrickenwatcher195 4 роки тому +7

      @@ashlie1354 thats not first degree murder

    • @babydancer07
      @babydancer07 4 роки тому +18

      I read that he quit his job before the investigation was finished.

  • @kostasmihalopoulos882
    @kostasmihalopoulos882 4 роки тому +39013

    He put his soft weak feelings over a boy’s life... just terrible.

    • @EXTALT
      @EXTALT 4 роки тому +694

      ikr.. wtf...

    • @bunnymint3n
      @bunnymint3n 4 роки тому +600

      That’s just sick

      @SHRIIMPSUCKS 4 роки тому +560

      like bro atleast help before you decide to hang up its someone's life

    • @lifesucks6289
      @lifesucks6289 4 роки тому +83


    • @unlucky7129
      @unlucky7129 4 роки тому +60

      Ikr like wth

  • @ob1kenobjunior208
    @ob1kenobjunior208 7 місяців тому +482

    I dont care how long ago this was, lock this dispatcher up. His name is Matthew Sanchez. If employer's and apartments housing management can look at your background to determine if you're *"eligible"* then we should be able to go back 8 years and get this kid some real justice.

    • @VOAN
      @VOAN 5 місяців тому +27

      The dude is probably retired or maybe he change his identity for his own safety. Either way karma will find its way to him someday, no need to go after him.

    • @urhypeboy
      @urhypeboy 5 місяців тому +10

      I completely agree, sometimes justice can only be served if we actually do something about it.

    • @invaderhemp
      @invaderhemp 3 місяці тому

      ​@@VOANNope, Karma ain't real. Enough of that. Why tf is retirement grounds for him to not face consequences? Are you braindead?

    • @ahamedm.h.a9205
      @ahamedm.h.a9205 Місяць тому +2

      So he wasn’t held accountable back then?

    • @scarecloud2741
      @scarecloud2741 Місяць тому +1

      If you did your research, he actually DID send help, which is why he won his case and is still in service to this day. his help over the phone wouldn't have been much either way as he didn't have a proper license in the first place. he's not TRAINED.

  • @seananonymous9289
    @seananonymous9289 3 роки тому +15062

    They should charge the dispatcher for negligent homicide.

    • @prestoBMXs
      @prestoBMXs 3 роки тому +432

      manslaughter at MINIMUM

    • @bigbadchupa9511
      @bigbadchupa9511 3 роки тому +42

      We’ll see

    • @kaimccoy7142
      @kaimccoy7142 3 роки тому +220

      Life in prison and throw away the key

    • @thomasmcrae5153
      @thomasmcrae5153 3 роки тому +69

      Throw the book at that dispatcher

    • @lxd_4
      @lxd_4 3 роки тому +22

      I don't know but you might be 5 years late

  • @usermanager8942
    @usermanager8942 3 роки тому +19374

    his lawyer later be like:
    "You can deal with this yourself."

  • @rayanomar4832
    @rayanomar4832 4 роки тому +7699

    this is disgusting, the arrogance from the dispatcher is kinda like that of a sports ref

    • @littlemansrk9408
      @littlemansrk9408 4 роки тому +8


    • @tutsebhatu6495
      @tutsebhatu6495 4 роки тому +5

      yup :(

    • @veronicadabney1466
      @veronicadabney1466 4 роки тому +11

      sports ref? where did That come from? we're talking somebody's life here. ???

    • @rayanomar4832
      @rayanomar4832 4 роки тому +50

      @@veronicadabney1466 im talking about he's arrogant like a sports ref, idiot

    • @ready.set.sports
      @ready.set.sports 4 роки тому +5

      You people like to call others stupid idiots for fun

  • @paulready8897
    @paulready8897 3 місяці тому +31

    The dispatcher should be facing negligent homicide charges, definitely needs to be fired and in jail.

  • @Izumiww
    @Izumiww 4 роки тому +27325

    If you think you did terrible at your job, just watch this...

  • @dkguy12
    @dkguy12 4 роки тому +17029

    Imagine getting butthurt over someone cussing at you, that dispatcher is a little baby

    • @rubixdude1067
      @rubixdude1067 4 роки тому +437

      He can't handle the world's insults

    • @Dave-rf7yk
      @Dave-rf7yk 4 роки тому +835

      Lmao, it's not even like it's her own personal problem, it's *someone* *else* at risk. It's like, "ok you know what, I'm going to let an innocent person that has nothing to do with this personal argument die because you hurt my feelings

    • @user-oc2ub1cy8v
      @user-oc2ub1cy8v 4 роки тому +220

      Such a Pussy

    • @3lttlbrds
      @3lttlbrds 4 роки тому +61

      Understatement. That's wickedness.

    • @coirden
      @coirden 4 роки тому +205

      Imagine getting hurt after someone cussing at you because is anxious and scared and you take it personal af.

  • @fayemcloughlin6503
    @fayemcloughlin6503 5 років тому +47365

    She cursed at him because she was stressed out and couldn’t control herself the dispatcher should be named shamed and fired

    • @ravenalchemy610
      @ravenalchemy610 5 років тому +2803

      Faye McLoughlin you’ll be happy to know he was fired.

    • @yuyesyu8339
      @yuyesyu8339 5 років тому +988

      Agreed,I mean what could you do someone dear to you r dying so ur gonna relax first and take the dispatcher feeling to be considered over a dying person.I mean you cant even expect the nicest person talk nice and slowly without a single cussing just to call for help for a dying friend,That dispatcher should be arrested and pay for the family loss one.

    • @geepadoodle
      @geepadoodle 5 років тому +328

      then hired and fired again

    • @fartboijohnson4506
      @fartboijohnson4506 5 років тому +359

      @@yuyesyu8339 he should be fired and fined but not arrested its only involuntary manslaughter he was not the direct killer but ye he deserves punishment

    • @justaeythings9301
      @justaeythings9301 5 років тому +261

      I'll be happy to know if he's in jail

  • @KatTheArtist
    @KatTheArtist 6 місяців тому +9

    The dispatcher's name is Matthew Sanchez, formerly of the Albuquerque Fire Department. Was he fired and charged? *NO*. He was allowed to resign. He accepted a job a year later with the Bernalillo F.D., from which he was fired days after being hired. Then, he sued the BFD for, *get this*, wrongful termination! And he won(sort of) a settlement of $25,000. A figure this low, however, is considered a "nuisance settlement" and is paid just to get rid of the plaintiff. If anyone knows where he is now, please fill us in. I feel like there is no justice.

    • @vangroover1903
      @vangroover1903 5 місяців тому

      Hopefully he has learned, grown, and moved on. That was a shame about the kid.

  • @ArtOfImprovemental
    @ArtOfImprovemental 4 роки тому +35382

    Imagine costing someone's life because your feelings are hurt

  • @osterulio7933
    @osterulio7933 5 років тому +48711

    Dispatcher: I need you to defend me so i wont take 20 years
    Lawyer: 'Deal with it yourself'

    • @Sashafatgirl
      @Sashafatgirl 5 років тому +1691

      Mr. Random i would love to see this on live tv

    • @sir7851
      @sir7851 5 років тому +427

      Where this show at?

    • @ginanajera1686
      @ginanajera1686 5 років тому +181

      xD yEs

    • @frostbite9926
      @frostbite9926 5 років тому +385

      This would be the best line ever

    • @HuhSubject
      @HuhSubject 5 років тому +87


  • @togamienterprises7108
    @togamienterprises7108 4 роки тому +3922

    This dispatches stupidity lead to this boys demise, how unnerving.

    • @xwtek3505
      @xwtek3505 4 роки тому +51

      More like dispatcher's ego

    • @onegaimatte1845
      @onegaimatte1845 4 роки тому +38


    • @Shobbob894
      @Shobbob894 4 роки тому +63

      The dispatchers fragile feelings got offended because she cussed at him, the dispatcher is so thin-skinned.

    • @miaa1762
      @miaa1762 4 роки тому +20

      Your profile picture matches this too well

    • @tudoave899
      @tudoave899 4 роки тому +3

      bubba bubba bubba buba

  • @magicworld3242
    @magicworld3242 Місяць тому +7

    True Story..... A few years ago. I came home from work and saw a few young men, standing in front of my house. I didn't know, who they were and I didn't want to, get out of my car and open my house door, with them standing there. That house wasn't in a good neighborhood. I called 911. The dispatcher had the nerves to tell me. We don't have time to come and see anything at your house. I told him. Give me your name and address, I'm gonna come, with a few people and stand in front of, Where you live and you better not freaking call 911. The cops showed up 10 seconds later and removed the men from, in front of my house.

  • @snipe2977
    @snipe2977 4 роки тому +40169

    This dispatcher isn’t even human. This is horrible.

    • @zeusincoming282
      @zeusincoming282 4 роки тому +157

      The Dispatcher sounded lik Antwon Jackson who was smoking a blunt at the dispatch station and didnt want to bother wit shit! Thats what happens when u get high!

    • @sallyfisher6023
      @sallyfisher6023 4 роки тому +285

      Exactly!! I'm still at a loss to how someone like him even got this job!! I know they had to train him (at least I hope they did) plus didn't he know he was bring recorded?? Like Wth

    • @zeusincoming282
      @zeusincoming282 4 роки тому +73

      @@sallyfisher6023 Affirmative Action is the blame. People who get jobs based on their skin color and not their skills!

    • @sallyfisher6023
      @sallyfisher6023 4 роки тому +45

      @@zeusincoming282 I myself can't understand that way of thinking!! That's beyond careless and you will only create bad things in doing so!! I myself, have never been given a job based on that! I've always had to work harder than most to even be considered but I'm also someone who has a heart and would never in a million years act this way!! I wouldn't need to go thru training to understand this! I get the feeling this guy was a piece of crap to start of with! This just breaks my heart! The thought he was so self entitled that he thought his feelings were more important than sometimes life is just terrible! Speaks alot about his character! I hope karma comes around something fierce on him

    • @timob1681
      @timob1681 4 роки тому +113

      @@zeusincoming282 this guy was white but ok

  • @angelmoore2588
    @angelmoore2588 4 роки тому +13033

    He didn't hear her the multiple times she said he's barely breathing but he heard the f word loud and clear the first time.

    • @RioMuc
      @RioMuc 4 роки тому +392

      I've seen many videos here on UA-cam from 911 calls and the dispatchers all seem not to pay very much attention to what people are telling them and keep asking the same question again and again. Sometimes really stupid and irrelevant questions that are not intended to help the person who needs immediate assistant (police, ambulance, etc.). I could never work as a dispatcher, because you need to be very calm and controlled to deal with the incoming calls and this guy loses his nerves after the first "F" word from someone in real exceptional circumstances? He is absolutely unqualified for this job!

    • @ChronicRen
      @ChronicRen 4 роки тому +116

      @@RioMuc to be fair a lot of the time when they’re asking irrelevant or stupid questions it’s to keep the caller calm. Or if the caller is injured to give them something else to focus on to help them stay awake. Most of the time the 911 operator has already sent the cops/paramedics and is just trying to keep the person alert while they wait for them to arrive.

    • @WikiiMomo
      @WikiiMomo 4 роки тому +62

      @@RioMuc you also ask for the location and you send someone before you keep asking a lot of question so you don't take valuable time

    • @galactic3144
      @galactic3144 4 роки тому +127

      @@the1b219 she didn’t have to “treat” him any special way when her friend is dying. He should have more decorum in life or death situations. Grow a pair.

    • @Kdrartic
      @Kdrartic 4 роки тому +78

      @@the1b219 she is panicking and trying to help her friend. This is like telling someone who is having a panic attack to calm down. Don't you think they are trying their best to. As a dispatcher he could've tried to keep motivating her and that she's doing good because at that moment Her friend's life felt like it was in her hands.

  • @juliamahler415
    @juliamahler415 5 років тому +22555

    being fired is not enough, that dispatcher must face consequences

    • @piehamcake1
      @piehamcake1 5 років тому +691

      He actually sued the county for firing him and got $25,000

    • @equisader
      @equisader 5 років тому +1623

      @@piehamcake1 you have got to be kidding! Dear God.

    • @marymcgrath2480
      @marymcgrath2480 5 років тому +106

      @SEM where did you hear that? do you have a link?

    • @elvenalonly
      @elvenalonly 5 років тому +141

      Of course being fired isn't enough. He's now a soccer player.

    • @unho337
      @unho337 5 років тому +6

      @Sarah Umayyad
      Wtf are you trying to say?

  • @elgoogtnuocca9688
    @elgoogtnuocca9688 28 днів тому +2

    Apparently the dispatcher did in fact send an ambulance, however they ended up resigning from the position after public outcry. He was not arrested or charged.

  • @Munchael05
    @Munchael05 4 роки тому +8743

    “I’m not going to deal with this, okay?” That’s literally your job to calm down the situation and work with the caller so you can further communicate.

    • @preen9212
      @preen9212 4 роки тому +78

      @Brazilian WavEment well, if someone was dying, and instead of asking the same question 3 times, you send help, that would be useful. It might be frustrating to work as a dispatcher but the woman who was having a usual day and came to a point where he has a boy dying infront of him and a dispatcher who asks the same question again and again is in wayy more stress, not to forget that a life is on the line too

    • @Munchael05
      @Munchael05 4 роки тому +41

      @Brazilian WavEment True, so many jobs being taken by people that rather get paid then work. While the younger generation is struggling to get jobs to support themselves.

    • @Munchael05
      @Munchael05 4 роки тому +46

      @@preen9212 He clearly wasn’t stressed out. He just didn’t want to work out the situation. This girl is having her friend die in front of her. Is the girl at blame for “panicking”. The dispatcher is trained to work with their caller until the medics come. I understand they’re at work day and night but that doesn’t give you the right to just leave someone to care for their dying friend.

    • @preen9212
      @preen9212 4 роки тому +2

      @@Munchael05 so? did i say the opposite?

    • @Munchael05
      @Munchael05 4 роки тому +5

      @@preen9212 honestly, I was either tripping or you’re all over the place. I wasn’t sure if you were against my opinion or not.

  • @moahammad1mohammad
    @moahammad1mohammad 4 роки тому +10981

    "Hey lady don't cuss at me."
    "Someone is dying!"
    "Yeah well I'm more important than that dying kid, bye."

  • @svetaAFG
    @svetaAFG 3 роки тому +8724

    The guy asked "is he breathing" questions so many times like he hoped she'd finally say no

    • @vmsh9810
      @vmsh9810 3 роки тому +75

      @@AuntAlnico4 Legit no one gives a fuck

    • @johnadams8272
      @johnadams8272 3 роки тому +34

      It's a disgrace but to be honest it does sound like poor training or a poor system is partly to blame. It sounds like he's following some sort of script on his computer that only has the options "yes" or "no", not anything in-between. I'd imagine that's why he asks the question multiple times, because he can't get to the next step in the system without the caller definitively giving one of these 2 answers. When she won't give one he throws his toys out of the pram.

    • @elena-le7xo
      @elena-le7xo 3 роки тому +72

      @@johnadams8272 barely breathing means yes

    • @dreia2405
      @dreia2405 3 роки тому +7

      He really wanted to dispatch the mortician

    • @Xxsorafan
      @Xxsorafan 3 роки тому +20

      Fr why was he asking that instead of telling her how to keep him breathing while the ambulance is in the way 🙄

  • @poiuttyrfghj8474
    @poiuttyrfghj8474 2 дні тому +2

    In case anyone is wondering - he ended up resigning but never faced any charges. Victim's family got a $50k settlement from the city. He got a new job at a fire department a year later and was fired, then sued that fire department. They settled with him for $25k...

    • @aboi9865
      @aboi9865 2 дні тому

      How he got in fire department.
      He would tell the victims "deal with it"

  • @rzum81
    @rzum81 3 роки тому +6342

    The stupid dispatcher needs to realize she’s upset and frantic about her friend dying. Dude took it way to personal.

  • @loop5720
    @loop5720 4 роки тому +1979

    How the hell did this dude become a dispatcher, when he can't even dispatch his attitude

  • @morg_1021
    @morg_1021 4 роки тому +12857

    He basically killed him, because he can't take one expletive.

    • @rxynela
      @rxynela 4 роки тому +72


    • @fbiagent6744
      @fbiagent6744 4 роки тому +110

      what a psy that dispatcher is

    • @tim849
      @tim849 4 роки тому +183

      @@colebrown8293 ur ten

    • @nocturnenix
      @nocturnenix 4 роки тому +159

      @@colebrown8293 the only person who sounded like a dumbass here is you tho.

    • @morg_1021
      @morg_1021 4 роки тому +45

      @@colebrown8293 yo chill-

  • @mickidonahue4038
    @mickidonahue4038 Місяць тому +8

    They do ask the same questions over and over. It seems few dispatchers are qualified for such an important job

    • @titan_fery
      @titan_fery Місяць тому

      It's because the woman refused to answer

    • @9yiannis
      @9yiannis Місяць тому +3

      @@titan_fery she answered

    • @titan_fery
      @titan_fery Місяць тому

      @@9yiannis she didn't answer adequately. To say someone is "barely breathing" is not as clear as YES or NO.

    • @9yiannis
      @9yiannis Місяць тому +2

      @@titan_fery barely it means he is breathing and it's even more clear than yes because yes could mean that he is just fine while barely specifies that he is BARELY breathing

    • @titan_fery
      @titan_fery Місяць тому

      @9yiannis she should've said, he is breathing but struggling. You cant barely breathe. It's either you're breathing or you're not breathing.

  • @kllaterall
    @kllaterall 3 роки тому +5522

    Woman: Swears because she’s stressed out
    Dispatcher: That’s where I draw the line

    • @lootria
      @lootria 3 роки тому +97

      "language, bye"

    • @malachiknight2000
      @malachiknight2000 3 роки тому +20

      @Total Confusion stfu

    • @malachiknight2000
      @malachiknight2000 3 роки тому +111

      @Total Confusion the point of a dispatcher is to do YOUR JOB AS ONE, you need PATIENCE, he clearly couldn't do that, and it caused someone their life. How dumb can you fucking be?

    • @prototypealpha3237
      @prototypealpha3237 3 роки тому +90

      Mate, imagine you were in her shoes. Your best friend has just been shot, he’s on the ground, bleeding heavily and BARELY breathing and needs medical help, fast. You phone the police, no doubt your mind is in an absolute panic because at any moment you best friend could die. You tell the dispatcher what happened, you tell them, he is barely breathing, while at the same time trying to help your friend as he is slowly dying. At that moment every single seconds counts for your friend.
      Only for the dispatcher to then ask once again “is he breathing?”
      Of course You be frustrated at that especially when you already told him he’s BARELY breathing. no one is going to be calm during this situation, of course they are going to swear there. Especially when there friend is dying after being shot!
      This isn’t dealing with a Karen at McDonald’s. this is a life and death situation here, where the people are depending on the dispatcher to get the help they desperately need.
      Now the dispatcher should then ask. “Where is the Location.”
      “Where about are you”
      Or at least try to support and try calm her and her friend until medical help arrive.
      But instead the dispatcher did the most immoral and selfish thing possible. He hangs up and left that poor boy to die in his friends arms.
      Why?...because he was feeling stress out when a panic, scared girl yelled at him after her friend was just shot...

    • @malachiknight2000
      @malachiknight2000 3 роки тому

      @Total Confusion Oh my god you're so "badass" with a line like that? Keep it short like the guys life? So "cool" shut your little bitch ass up, probably some 8 year old who thinks it's funny to make fun of people dying, get a fucking life idiot

  • @unifiedcodetheory8406
    @unifiedcodetheory8406 3 роки тому +14767

    Imagine letting someone die because your ego is so fragile that you get upset at someone being upset over their dying friend.

    • @dween7777
      @dween7777 3 роки тому +60


    • @MrJamberee
      @MrJamberee 3 роки тому +304

      I think we need the name of that dispatcher. Without it, he might end up in a job in which he is again able to do harm. He should be limited to handing out French fries.

    • @frenchfry9156
      @frenchfry9156 3 роки тому +191

      @@MrJamberee “I ordered no tomato on my burger because I’m allergic to tomatoes and you put a whole uncut tomato on my burger!”
      Guy: “deal with it yourself”

    • @konan8182
      @konan8182 3 роки тому +26

      @@MrJamberee we don't need his name, that would just make it worse for everyone. He will probably be fucked for life because that incident is more than just likely to end up in his documents

    • @TM-bg5mz
      @TM-bg5mz 3 роки тому +130

      The woman got upset because he wasn’t listening and kept asking the same question rather than getting the needed help. How can you not lose it!? It’s almost as if he intentionally was stalling time. What piece of shit!!!

  • @orion2826
    @orion2826 3 роки тому +5366

    Woman: *Swears because she's stressed out*
    Dispatcher: "you say mean word to me! >:("

    • @apatheticsins8377
      @apatheticsins8377 3 роки тому +281

      Dispatcher’s excuse: “ She hurt my fweelings” >;c

    • @moscow9394
      @moscow9394 3 роки тому +34

      God its like playing an rp game but that ONE KID always ruin it

    • @robinhood1049
      @robinhood1049 3 роки тому +27

      Dispatcher: and i took that personally

    • @oofnugget_weeb9212
      @oofnugget_weeb9212 3 роки тому +11

      And it doesn't help that the dispatcher was asking the same question

    • @svasianfilipiname6603
      @svasianfilipiname6603 3 роки тому +8

      I hope he was fired and feels guilty and so did the moron who thought he was competent enough or had heart enough to be a freakin emergency dispatcher!

  • @stevenpike7857
    @stevenpike7857 Місяць тому +5

    If you're wondering what happened to the dispatcher: In 2018, KRQE reported that the Bernalillo Fire Department agreed to pay out a settlement of $25,000. Since then, it seems that Matthew Sanchez has been pretty under the radar, as he has virtually no digital footprint.

  • @imribbit8850
    @imribbit8850 4 роки тому +14350

    _Its like saying “Just stop being sick” to a person who has cancer._
    (Edit: Why are there likes on this? w h y?)

    • @InternetAntagonist
      @InternetAntagonist 4 роки тому +348

      or saying "stop acting dead" to a dead person

    • @defylektric
      @defylektric 4 роки тому +391

      “If you’re homeless... just... buy a house”

    • @m3mhwa-ilikesoggycereal-665
      @m3mhwa-ilikesoggycereal-665 4 роки тому +95

      i know this is wrong but i laughed at this

    • @vari6588
      @vari6588 4 роки тому +89

      “you see someone having a seizure? just tell them to stop having a seizure.” like wtf this dispatcher triggered me so much, how did they even get hired in the first place

    • @grotto185
      @grotto185 4 роки тому +56

      Or stop being suicidal *to a suicidal person*

  • @blossc
    @blossc 4 роки тому +2707

    That dispatcher thinks his feelings are more important than someone's *LIFE*

    • @whatdahckisgoingon1971
      @whatdahckisgoingon1971 4 роки тому +2

      @@coolcatcastle8 wtf are u talking about u idiot did u not watch the fucking video?

    • @jakeperalta8011
      @jakeperalta8011 4 роки тому +43

      How the fuck did he not hear her telling the kid to breath

    • @1firesource489
      @1firesource489 4 роки тому +20

      He probably hasn't grow up since highschool.

    • @jakeperalta8011
      @jakeperalta8011 4 роки тому

      Noodle Kujo lol

    • @panda_the_noob2337
      @panda_the_noob2337 4 роки тому +4

      @@whatdahckisgoingon1971 she said a curse word, he got offending she swore at him. Did YOU watch the video?

  • @hardbasstank9481
    @hardbasstank9481 4 роки тому +2758

    Imagine how the caller felt. Just seeing that her friend is dying. With nobody's help.

  • @theah5093
    @theah5093 3 роки тому +8500

    That dispatcher should have gone to jail. His feelings got in the way of him doing his job.

  • @ascarmen42
    @ascarmen42 4 роки тому +11947

    Another example, people get offended too quickly and easily. He felt that his feelings were more important than a life of a person.

    • @camkilla3752
      @camkilla3752 4 роки тому +552

      Hes literally a child in a mans body

    • @jadestone5160
      @jadestone5160 4 роки тому +285

      This person shouldn't have been accepted to be in that job. Theres training that they clearly didn't look thru well enough to see they would be a shit dispatcher

    • @ryan6600
      @ryan6600 4 роки тому +162

      99% of people these days get offended too easily.

    • @jadestone5160
      @jadestone5160 4 роки тому +57

      @@ryan6600 gotta love the made up statistics almost as if you were so offended by others being offended you felt the need to exaggerate 🙊

    • @stinky_sockxyz
      @stinky_sockxyz 4 роки тому +147

      @@jadestone5160 wait... didn't you just get offended by that-?

  • @Amy-si8gq
    @Amy-si8gq 3 роки тому +5665

    The woman: swears because someone is literally dying
    Dispatcher: I don't need to take any of this sass

    • @juicebox4104
      @juicebox4104 3 роки тому +115

      Take away that first s in sass you get ass I think that's the nicest name I can give that dispatcher

    • @idotgotitme3280
      @idotgotitme3280 3 роки тому +18

      @@juicebox4104 you said it 👍

    • @jefferyepstein4381
      @jefferyepstein4381 3 роки тому +21

      @Jack Kanoff lol what

    • @ladyriethegoldendelmo5441
      @ladyriethegoldendelmo5441 3 роки тому +29

      @Jack Kanoff how is he dumb? u defending the dispatcher?

    • @darkcola7083
      @darkcola7083 3 роки тому +10

      @@ladyriethegoldendelmo5441 bruh dont start a ww3 just by that troll shit

  • @11fumiko
    @11fumiko Місяць тому +11

    Horrible! the dispatcher chose his EGO than the LIFE of the person in need. Better to drive the injured person to the hospital than waste your time calling 911

  • @flaffy6181
    @flaffy6181 4 роки тому +16119

    Dispatchers need to realize that they're talking to people in their WORST moments.
    Pls stop replying with shit like "duh" or "not all!!" Its not obvious to this one apparently, and it's happened before. Also, yes all dispatchers need to realize this, it's not a personal attack, if you already know this then good.

    • @charlieimpulse9797
      @charlieimpulse9797 4 роки тому +440

      Well said couldn’t have put it better

    • @ballhog3924
      @ballhog3924 4 роки тому +23

      Charlie Impulse stfu

    • @flaffy6181
      @flaffy6181 4 роки тому +478

      @@ballhog3924 ? You ok

    • @zannardfosko7033
      @zannardfosko7033 4 роки тому +306

      Do they think that the caller gon be chill about their friend dying in their hands

    • @Raimundeezy
      @Raimundeezy 4 роки тому +146

      jaygot kick lmao you mad?

  • @woodbooger777
    @woodbooger777 4 роки тому +13122

    "Is he breathing?"
    "Is he breathing?"
    "Yes. Barely."
    "iS hE bReAtHiNg????"

    • @F90_m5AT
      @F90_m5AT 4 роки тому +37


    • @f1koh
      @f1koh 4 роки тому +669

      @@solong_abigail it was rude of him to keep asking the same question instead of asking the location of the caller

    • @Tacorollinghill
      @Tacorollinghill 4 роки тому +11

      lol the boy diedddd

    • @sneakib7001
      @sneakib7001 4 роки тому +6

      Bro he was just tryna do his job and now he gettin shit for it. Sure she in distress but goddamn he just tryna reassure you

    • @f1koh
      @f1koh 4 роки тому +230

      @@sneakib7001 no he didn't do any of that and also a person died because of him hanging up and not sending help to them

  • @cailinhagerty5127
    @cailinhagerty5127 5 років тому +26976

    The dispatchers name is Matthew Sanchez. The parents later sued him in 2017. He got hired as a dispatcher in another county but got fired literally 3 days later. thank me later 😕

    • @briannas18473
      @briannas18473 5 років тому +1048

      Do you know why he got fired again?

    • @cailinhagerty5127
      @cailinhagerty5127 5 років тому +2728

      Brianna Stachowiak i have no idea but i feel like they might of found out about his past

    • @spookybeellc952
      @spookybeellc952 5 років тому +2342

      he got fired, sued the county and received a $25,000 settlement!!! WTF!! 🤬 this man needs to be in JAIL! I was so sad to read the update story.

    • @Terri_MacKay
      @Terri_MacKay 5 років тому +1370

      Do you know what happened as a result of the parents' lawsuit against him?
      Something similar happened here in Hamilton, Ontario last year. A man was shot, and when the EMTs showed up at the scene, they refused to believe that he had been shot, despite all the witnesses at the scene telling them that he had been. They told him to walk to the ambulance himself, and accused him of pretending to be more hurt than he was when he was unable to do so. It took them so long to finally take him to the hospital that he died. The case is still pending, but the EMTs were criminally charged.

    • @cailinhagerty5127
      @cailinhagerty5127 5 років тому +321

      Terri MacKay damn! i’ve never heard about that story, but to answer your question, no. i have not heard anything further about the parents lawsuit yet.

  • @Mali8029
    @Mali8029 Місяць тому +4

    This is really strange to me. As someone that knows the insides and training of a the 112 (911 in EU) operators the guy was very quiet for waaaaay too long. He asked her if he is breathing then he doesn't try to lead the conversation in anyway, he just wait for her to keep freaking out and then asks the same question she just replied to again.
    For people that don't realize the priority of this operators is to get all the info and send a dispatch withing seconds and by seconds I mean like 20 seconds, here is how the call should have gone.
    Operator: Is he breathing?
    Caller: Yes *starts to freakout*
    Operator: Maam, where are you? *She freaks out some more*.. Maam please stay with me, I will help you. Where are you?
    Caller: I don't know, we came to taco bell in X place */Still freaking out*
    Operator tries to figure out where it is and what the situation is aka are they being attacked, was it an accident, is it because he had a seizure etc. and then send the dispatch.
    So while most people can understand he did a terrible job here is something to really put it into perspective.

  • @mayafudgeshy5298
    @mayafudgeshy5298 4 роки тому +17599

    Woman: He’s barely breathing!
    Dispatcher: Is he breathing?
    I don’t blame her for cussing like that

    • @Brittany-Powers
      @Brittany-Powers 4 роки тому +489

      Yeah dispatcher sounded like one of those people that makes you do something that almost kills you and then turns around and says "yeah but did you die though? No just paralyzed for the rest of your life you'll be fine."

    • @zorkija4376
      @zorkija4376 4 роки тому +25

      Close your eye's and listen again. You will realize that it is harder to understand what she is saying. So i could be that he didn't completely understand it atleast what she is saying after barely. So ge wasn't sure and asked it again.
      (Note that you did read the text before so . Ut is easyer for you to undeestand it than for the man)

    • @mayafudgeshy5298
      @mayafudgeshy5298 4 роки тому +267

      @@zorkija4376 True, however, he shouldn’t have just hung up. He should’ve told her to stay calm and that he’s trying to help.

    • @creatip123
      @creatip123 4 роки тому +215

      @@mayafudgeshy5298 agreed. Getting offended because of an F word is no way near worth of losing somebody's life. That guy dispatcher is a pure douche that caused a teenager to lose his life. Hope he sleep well at night

    • @preen9212
      @preen9212 4 роки тому +95

      @@zorkija4376 Oh yeah, he didn't understand the last words of a sentence, but he must've got the idea that the person she was talking about is in a very bad situation but thats less important bcz he thinks that he can refuse to serve like its some kind of private restaurant that he opened

  • @themysteriousstranger1889
    @themysteriousstranger1889 3 роки тому +6662

    fun fact: this would actually count as murder in sweden

    • @joymukerjee5642
      @joymukerjee5642 3 роки тому +368

      doesn't sound "fun" but interesting nonetheless

    • @xeox4280
      @xeox4280 3 роки тому +33

      It is

    • @unc0mm0n2
      @unc0mm0n2 3 роки тому +238

      Not in America. The guy got no punishment and was hired by another dispatch service. I miss Europe.

    • @jonasnielsen2914
      @jonasnielsen2914 3 роки тому +190

      America is just a sick conutry

    • @themysteriousstranger1889
      @themysteriousstranger1889 3 роки тому +36

      @@jonasnielsen2914 yes, but your spelling is sicker

  • @laughlut52
    @laughlut52 4 роки тому +9318

    I honestly want them to go to jail, that’s literally his fault that he died. He still could’ve died if the dispatcher helped, but at least they could’ve put in a effort.

    • @whiteteawithraspberry
      @whiteteawithraspberry 4 роки тому +325

      Original Soph he probably won't because this happened in America. In any other country he would've went to jail

    • @laughlut52
      @laughlut52 4 роки тому +57

      h e a v e n l y h e l l true dat

    • @nasbuscus
      @nasbuscus 4 роки тому +6

      Original Soph
      Lol 😂

    • @laughlut52
      @laughlut52 4 роки тому +3

      Nasbuscus 14 😂

    • @leviwilliams5863
      @leviwilliams5863 4 роки тому +50

      Involuntary manslaughter

  • @Wpeanut
    @Wpeanut Місяць тому +3

    How could this dispatcher be like this bruh..

  • @celineleeuwe1206
    @celineleeuwe1206 4 роки тому +8608

    He should be in jail for this. He could her the woman talking to the boy.

    • @charleseato6740
      @charleseato6740 4 роки тому +66

      I 100% agree

    • @Darktician
      @Darktician 4 роки тому +299

      How do you do something like that, and then not get sentenced by a judge?

    • @charleseato6740
      @charleseato6740 4 роки тому +22

      @@Darktician exactly

    • @sl1nky775
      @sl1nky775 4 роки тому +80

      @@Darktician the dispatcher since the incident, sued the county and won a settlement of $25,000. So crime pays.

    • @ekekekekek..sfs98
      @ekekekekek..sfs98 4 роки тому +7


  • @mariezantana8388
    @mariezantana8388 4 роки тому +9347

    Dispatcher: bUt iS hE bReAtHinG?

    • @wyyth
      @wyyth 4 роки тому +208

      Guys guys.. he might be breathing...

    • @bennytennyson
      @bennytennyson 4 роки тому +203

      dispatcher: *but is he breathing?*

    • @kezia8835
      @kezia8835 4 роки тому +14

      They follow an auto cue type computer.

    • @bennytennyson
      @bennytennyson 4 роки тому +6

      @@ryanflanagan9624 i'm pretty sure u just copy pasted your comment from the bible

    • @moxxie_fan2386
      @moxxie_fan2386 4 роки тому +41

      That dispatcher is such an idiot

  • @w1nnii
    @w1nnii 6 років тому +10301

    That dispatcher has a punchable face, and I’ve not seen it.

    • @w1nnii
      @w1nnii 6 років тому +65

      oOF he’s looks disgusting, thanks for telling me.

    • @hypatia6833
      @hypatia6833 6 років тому +4

      @@w1nnii Fuck you both

    • @menacing_name
      @menacing_name 6 років тому +92

      MidgetWidget are you him?

    • @hypatia6833
      @hypatia6833 6 років тому +3

      @@menacing_name No shit sherlock now fuck you too!

    • @vernonsfakegirlfriend6949
      @vernonsfakegirlfriend6949 6 років тому +97

      O shiet why are you allowed to use your phone in prison?

  • @bojnebojnebojne
    @bojnebojnebojne 22 дні тому +2

    Administrative leave???
    Are u fkin kidding me?
    That dispatcher should face jailtime for gross negligence at the very minimum.

  • @abduleve8688
    @abduleve8688 4 роки тому +3286

    Dispatcher: Is he not breathing?
    Caller: He's barely breathing...
    Dispatcher: Is hE bReAthInG?

    • @Dastunnashoww
      @Dastunnashoww 4 роки тому +93

      Right how many time did she have to say it

    • @merstach158
      @merstach158 4 роки тому +63

      The Dispatcher was a 12 yr old idiot

    • @alejandrohe08
      @alejandrohe08 4 роки тому +6

      @@merstach158 no but ok, weird insult

    • @nhaxydz
      @nhaxydz 4 роки тому +5

      Official Yamashita frrr

    • @okajix
      @okajix 4 роки тому +41

      @@merstach158 I think a 12 yr old could of done better

  • @versthappening603
    @versthappening603 4 роки тому +2889

    What’s the point of saying “Do it yourself” as a 911 dispatcher??? Smh

    • @autumnspringava5571
      @autumnspringava5571 4 роки тому +2

      one brappy boi The dispatcher was just trying to help so the guy died thanks to her so she should go to jail

    • @user-oc2ub1cy8v
      @user-oc2ub1cy8v 4 роки тому +95

      Autumn Spring Ava 1: The dispatcher was being a dick Head. 2:Why tf would it be HER fucking FAULT?! When she was TRYING to be fucking Calm?! 3: I can tell that your probably one of those kind of people who’s on Karen’s Side. **Watch Your mouth, Bitch** ✨🧚🏻‍♂️

    • @idkwhat5492
      @idkwhat5492 4 роки тому +55

      @@autumnspringava5571 the dispatcher is in the wrong dumbass

    • @aeiresslumpkin4866
      @aeiresslumpkin4866 4 роки тому +41

      They’re just a troll. They’ve been commenting this multiple times. I don’t know what’s wrong with them but don’t waste your breath.

    • @godisverygay
      @godisverygay 4 роки тому +18

      @@autumnspringava5571 what is wrong with you?? her friend was dying in that moment, she had better things to do than being calm. the dispatcher killed him, he is just a little crybaby who let that boy die because his ego was hurt. he should go to jail.

  • @aivibe4885
    @aivibe4885 4 роки тому +3791

    She literally said "Barely" when he asked her if her friend was breathing. Why does he keep asking the same question?

    • @Matthew-we3ir
      @Matthew-we3ir 4 роки тому +37

      He asked again after a period of time, you can see the call cut, he prob wanted to make sure if he was still breathing after a few mins or like 30-45 seconds but then the girl got mad.

    • @lordstarship827
      @lordstarship827 4 роки тому +270

      @@Matthew-we3ir Rather than asking her multiple times, he should just instruct the woman to keep him breathing and awake. Obviously everyone would be angry after you've said multiple times you're doing something or stating something and someone just asks about it again, especially when you are panicking.

    • @Matthew-we3ir
      @Matthew-we3ir 4 роки тому +14

      @@lordstarship827 yeah but he asked a few mins later prob to check if he's still breathing he only asked 2 times the first time and the one after a few mins. The girl was already telling him to keep breathing and make sure he stays awake so there was no point on telling her to do that.

    • @CaptainObvious0000
      @CaptainObvious0000 4 роки тому +142

      "is he breathing?"
      *looks at watch*
      " about now?"

    • @ellielopez1615
      @ellielopez1615 4 роки тому

      I think it was sarcasm.

  • @davidhill8565
    @davidhill8565 8 місяців тому +3

    That 911 dispatcher should face criminal charges.

  • @tallymark2417
    @tallymark2417 4 роки тому +17743

    I think you’re allowed to swear if someone is dying.
    Edit: If you have a problem with swearing, don’t become a 911 dispatcher, and DEFINITELY don’t read the replies.

    • @mr.marshal9
      @mr.marshal9 4 роки тому +1004

      Damn fucking right

    • @elchbert5102
      @elchbert5102 4 роки тому +357

      @Magic Cookies sad that I fucking live in fucking germany😂

    • @HcazZach
      @HcazZach 4 роки тому +256

      @Magic Cookies FUCK YEAH

    • @mk-jamie2923
      @mk-jamie2923 4 роки тому +300

      Ah fuck, I'm British....fuck sake!!

    • @melaninmartini5761
      @melaninmartini5761 4 роки тому +165


  • @kaelam6821
    @kaelam6821 4 роки тому +2008

    Dispatcher : defend me in court or else
    Lawyer : deal with it yourself

    • @spiderjerusalem4009
      @spiderjerusalem4009 4 роки тому +79

      dispatcher : "am i getting fired?"
      "am i getting fired?!"
      "Am I GETtTiNg FIreD??!!!"
      "How many times do i fucking have to ask you that?"
      lawyer : 1:00

    • @niravnimelech381
      @niravnimelech381 4 роки тому +18

      Comment from 6 month ago:

    • @JustAKomiFan
      @JustAKomiFan 4 роки тому +1

      Mhh yes

    • @ouiouibaguette6128
      @ouiouibaguette6128 4 роки тому +5

      Copied the comment right on top
      7 months before

    • @dqtoo_good4133
      @dqtoo_good4133 4 роки тому

      for reals

  • @uzzfra7975
    @uzzfra7975 3 роки тому +5175

    I'd LOVE to hear this dude actually try to defend himself.

    • @uzzfra7975
      @uzzfra7975 3 роки тому +37

      @@graceellison118 Oh, very sorry to hear that. I hope he may rest in peace

    • @Michaeldemented94
      @Michaeldemented94 3 роки тому +105

      Yeah. Let’s see how he deals with it himself

    • @mosesm5604
      @mosesm5604 3 роки тому +23

      Well he defended himself in court and won 20k

    • @uzzfra7975
      @uzzfra7975 3 роки тому +159

      @@mosesm5604 He's not even in jail? How did he even come up with an excuse???

    • @mosesm5604
      @mosesm5604 3 роки тому +188

      @@uzzfra7975 he got hired again as a dispatcher a year later in a different county and then was fired a few days later. I’m guessing they found out about this incident after hiring him. His lawyer said he suffered psychological stress due to being fired and won 25k. Overall it was wrongful termination

  • @medicus1621
    @medicus1621 4 роки тому +2867

    The dispatcher deserve a good punishment
    He said "deal it yourself"
    no one ever expect these words while calling 911
    never ever

  • @Dana-koc
    @Dana-koc 4 роки тому +2775

    When you see someone you love dying, you won't be calm. You'll swear, you'll cry, you'll shout and you'll feel like nothing is right. But damn that 911 operator should go to jail for negligence resulting in death. He really left that girl alone in the worst day of her life.

    • @alexandriadial6292
      @alexandriadial6292 4 роки тому +85

      I agree, he should go to jail

    • @zetsuei380
      @zetsuei380 4 роки тому +207

      Thankfully the victim’s parents did sue, and got $25,000 out of it. The dispatcher got his license revoked and is no longer eligible to work as a dispatcher ever again. Sadly he didn’t go to jail.

    • @2px_
      @2px_ 4 роки тому +11

      really well said. i was looking for a comment like this

    • @stefdiazdiaz7067
      @stefdiazdiaz7067 4 роки тому +10

      i try to stay calm ( and i had succeded) , usually nothing good comes from getting emotional in a moment of emergency

    • @dennismitchell1934
      @dennismitchell1934 4 роки тому +1

      You're a lousy excuse for a friend if you can't get to the point ASAP for help to arrive as quickly as possible. Fall apart when the friend is out of danger ! !

  • @valvegamer9065
    @valvegamer9065 4 роки тому +4935

    The dispatcher got offended for such an idiotic reason, I guarentee you that guy uses twitter.

    • @andymoran9950
      @andymoran9950 4 роки тому +9

      Expand pls

    • @LincolnAintLinkin
      @LincolnAintLinkin 4 роки тому +140

      @@andymoran9950 there are a lot of soft people who can't handle anything on twitter.

    • @dash4800
      @dash4800 4 роки тому +77

      @@andymoran9950 Twitter is full of karens who can't handle "mean" words and would gladly let people who offended them die in the street and feel justified in doing so.

    • @valvegamer9065
      @valvegamer9065 4 роки тому

      @@brlyalve not everyone on Twitter are idiots, it's only most of the community.

    • @ryanflanagan9624
      @ryanflanagan9624 4 роки тому +10

      ​@No Longer Human The Bible was written and told by eyewitnesses to God's glory. this dead language is still written in today. this post doesnt bring him back but it shows us the way to inherit everlasting life by God's grace by faith in Jesus Christ. ​ Jesus gives us free will, what we do we are responsible for. this world is imperfect but Jesus is perfect and there is Jesus' kingdom coming that is perfect. do you want to be apart of that kingdom? Jesus loves us and died on the cross and rose again to save us all. do you believe in Jesus? He loves you and He Jesus alone saves all, faith in Jesus by God's grace. declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you are saved in Jesus Name we pray amen come into fellowship with Jesus, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ form a relationship with The One Who laid His life down for you to save us all for He loves us so much and He alone saves all in Jesus Name we pray amen Jesus loves you, He died on the cross and rose again and by His blood our sins are forgiven. sin entered the world through man and the wages of sin is death, all sin and fall short of The glory of God but all are justified freely by Jesus Christ. the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior forevermore, declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you are saved amen. i encourage you to repent of your sins turn from them and come to Jesus and be saved and follow Him for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, no one is promised tomorrow and Jesus alone saves all from sin death and hell and gives life forevermore in the new heaven the new earth the new jerusalem with no more death or mourning or sorrow or pain or sin for Jesus has bore it on the cross taking it away forevermore amen praying for you in Jesus Name we pray amen. i encourage you to read your Bible and invite The Holy Spirit to guide your mind, for The Bible is God's perfect Word and Jesus is The Living Word, john romans psalms luke and revelation are good places to start God bless in Jesus Name we pray amen praying for you pray for me in Jesus Name we pray amen For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son john 3:16-18 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”27 john 11:25-27 She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”come to know Jesus today He died on the cross for our sins and rose again, so we can live with Him forever because He loves us, by His blood He has victory over sin, death and hell amen. God Jesus The Holy Spirit love you and be with you forevermore amen God bless amen :) :)

  • @samvollmost
    @samvollmost 3 місяці тому +3

    “Do your job”
    Dispatcher: “NO!”

  • @lisaabroad1192
    @lisaabroad1192 4 роки тому +7453

    I hope the poor girl isn't blaming herself for causing him to hang up

    • @georgebarton1582
      @georgebarton1582 4 роки тому +458

      I hope the poor girl and family got a lawyer.

    • @LapisAndroid17ParkRanger
      @LapisAndroid17ParkRanger 4 роки тому +277

      I would be causing to, she ansered like 3 times.

    • @fee197
      @fee197 4 роки тому +189

      Right ! I didn’t even consider her feelings and mental state after that fool hung up . I hope she’s ok

    • @Awsome17203
      @Awsome17203 4 роки тому +29

      She’s about to get millions from the city don’t worry

    • @aceadge9351
      @aceadge9351 4 роки тому +179

      @@Awsome17203 but that can’t bring back a very good friend

  • @stephaniconnerfnp-c8414
    @stephaniconnerfnp-c8414 3 роки тому +5132

    Fragile egos don't belong in positions that depend on interacting with humans.

    • @yendyvilma2681
      @yendyvilma2681 3 роки тому +19


    • @CyberneticAssassain
      @CyberneticAssassain 3 роки тому +6


    • @Xonts
      @Xonts 3 роки тому +6

      Egos ? Kkk this are demons

    • @teagant.v3677
      @teagant.v3677 3 роки тому


    • @atree9284
      @atree9284 3 роки тому +30

      Fragile egos don’t belong period. If you can’t handle someone getting angry or criticizing you, you’re probably a bad person

  • @ElectrikStatik900
    @ElectrikStatik900 5 років тому +6453

    How the f*** does the dispatcher do that?! Very unprofessional and idiotic. He should get fired!

    • @Mrkoprikcz
      @Mrkoprikcz 5 років тому +123

      i think he should be behind the bars for his whole life !!!!!!
      its disgusting when someone telling you that someone is dying and you just hang the phone up !!!
      i hope the dispatcher Matthew Sanchez is in the jail!!!

    • @ronnie9847
      @ronnie9847 5 років тому +13

      well yeah he got fired what did you expect ?

    • @Lana-ne8bd
      @Lana-ne8bd 5 років тому +17

      Actually in my opinion, well yes he SHOULD I get fired, but I don’t believe we should give him the death sentence at most give him around 12-20 years in prison or many hours of community labor and service. Because what he did wasn’t THAT bad (I mean it was bad but I’ve seen much worse than this.)

    • @Bwakasenpaibah
      @Bwakasenpaibah 5 років тому

      ElectrikStatik 900 PUT IN JAIL

    • @andr6gyny
      @andr6gyny 5 років тому +1

      he should be in prison for life

  • @urhypeboy
    @urhypeboy 5 місяців тому +2

    My jaw dropped out of utter shock at the part where he said those words. RIP Jaydon, you are in a better place now.

  • @AraiDigital
    @AraiDigital 4 роки тому +2700

    Holy shit dude.
    "Deal with this yourself."
    Holy fuck.

    • @fionagallagherapologist5968
      @fionagallagherapologist5968 4 роки тому +18


    • @finnheisenheim8274
      @finnheisenheim8274 4 роки тому +51

      Its bone chilling how someone's mood could determine if someone lives or dies

    • @vagabond0078
      @vagabond0078 4 роки тому +26

      I want his fucking name

    • @supremeteen1975
      @supremeteen1975 4 роки тому +10

      I'd say we find him and make him pay

    • @Yo1s4k1
      @Yo1s4k1 4 роки тому +6

      @@vagabond0078 it's Matthew Sanchez according to a few other comments on here

  • @Notaguitarhero06
    @Notaguitarhero06 4 роки тому +8812

    Bruh she yelled at the operator because she was scared and panicking and frustrated. If the operator can't put up with that type of stuff, then he should definitely have a different job.

    • @pinkchvcolate6053
      @pinkchvcolate6053 4 роки тому +220

      And to think this type of call is probably one of the most common and less stressing... Imagine if someone said there was a serial killer breaking in

    • @lajadamckinnon325
      @lajadamckinnon325 4 роки тому +94

      He shouldn’t have any job at all 😒

    • @makoala8881
      @makoala8881 4 роки тому +115

      Or he should be in jail for literally letting a person die wtf

    • @OldBooTofu
      @OldBooTofu 4 роки тому +6

      a janitor in jail

    • @xlink9777
      @xlink9777 4 роки тому +43

      If you can't put up with this kind of stuff when someone's life depends on what you do, then you'd might as well just take your own.

  • @daisyhoward5472
    @daisyhoward5472 3 роки тому +1827

    Woman: HES DYING!
    Dispatcher: But what about MY feelings?

    • @sirhaziq3456
      @sirhaziq3456 3 роки тому +11

      Some people have low tolerence but im glad he did take a stand for himself

    • @MauZangetsu
      @MauZangetsu 3 роки тому +83

      @@sirhaziq3456 What?

    • @Dexter003
      @Dexter003 3 роки тому +71

      @@sirhaziq3456 Wtf dude?

    • @dhananjayvasudeva7628
      @dhananjayvasudeva7628 3 роки тому +63

      @@sirhaziq3456 you care about his stand? What about the life he took?

    • @DarknessXER
      @DarknessXER 3 роки тому +56

      @@sirhaziq3456 bruh get the fawk out of here. A man died because this man could not deal with a stressed out person.

  • @Best._.commentt
    @Best._.commentt 19 днів тому +2

    Bro got mad about her swearing and he was like “ye your dead”

  • @sinoda1194
    @sinoda1194 4 роки тому +8876

    It’s so menacing and horrible thinking how cruel our world can be these days.

    • @maebandy
      @maebandy 4 роки тому +37

      The cruelty is putting people in these jobs, knowing they'll become numb, knowing they'll become callous, and end up hurting people. This shouldn't be a long term job, nor should police nor er employees anyone whose job is this stressful is going to snap somewhere.

    • @maebandy
      @maebandy 4 роки тому +6

      @Epic Quintessence I agree with you, my point is that we have studied deeply the human capacity for empathy after prolonged exposure. Compassion fatigue as it is widely known occurs even sooner than in other face to face professions. We are essentially setting ourselves up to fail by not recognizing this decades old information and the detriment it will have on us as citizens.
      And I think I may have confused your meaning, who is biting the hand trying to help it? The caller in a life or death situation, veins coursing with enough adrenaline to wake a dead elephant or the overtaxed, working on overtime operator who has heard about a human dying 12 times that day? Self control is something we have a ridiculously hard time exerting when we are, threatened, exhausted, starving, dying or watching someone else die. So I suppose I would not agree on that count.

    • @Bahumet22
      @Bahumet22 4 роки тому +29

      Epic Quintessence how soft are you? He got cursed at so he let someone die? It’s his job to help people. What does he expect. Like the lady said its not a starbucks. Only thing on her mind was getting help fast so the person wouldnt die.

    • @ReddestOfPens
      @ReddestOfPens 4 роки тому +18

      @Epic Quintessence If you're stressed, you will probably curse. YOUR FRIEND IS DYING.

    • @artsyfish708
      @artsyfish708 4 роки тому +13

      Epic Quintessence your reply reflects how narrow-minded you are. Dispatchers, nurses and doctors etc (social and healthcare workers and many more ) have jobs that 'deal' with people so they need to 'socialize and at the same time cater the needs of people' to the point that they endure bad treatment, curses (and the like) from people, patients and families--yet they continue to help them.
      in this situation, of course, imagine your loved one almost dying or in an emergency how can you maintain your composure or calm state? doctors, nurses, and dispatchers are there to help you save the life of your loved ones and are there to make you calm--to reassure you that your loved ones are okay despite you cursing at them.
      but with this dispatcher, he is the one in the wrong.

  • @localidiot3868
    @localidiot3868 5 років тому +3996

    "Deal with it yourself"
    Why the heck you are a 911 operator then?

    • @daviszuchmacher5056
      @daviszuchmacher5056 5 років тому +37

      Hammerschlägen M you don’t know that

    • @Ali-002
      @Ali-002 5 років тому +20

      He possibly thought it was a prank call but that doesn't justify that operator basically killing him #FuckThePolice 🖕🏽👮‍♂️🐷

    • @BurnedCoconut
      @BurnedCoconut 5 років тому +7

      @Hammerschlägen M Stfu look at your name first and don't act like you can see the future when you can only see hell in front of you

    • @gokussjgssj4818
      @gokussjgssj4818 5 років тому +6

      @Hammerschlägen M stop commenting this shit under everyone's commentd your probably the dispatcher that let him die

    • @koi3554
      @koi3554 5 років тому +6

      @Hammerschlägen M if calling me stupid makes you feel better then go off, but you're still an ass.

  • @victorianester9636
    @victorianester9636 4 роки тому +2242

    I feel so bad for this girl. She watched her friend die in front of her...

    • @snakept69
      @snakept69 4 роки тому +87

      I feel bad for her friend, HE actually died you know?

    • @victorianester9636
      @victorianester9636 4 роки тому +55

      @@snakept69 yea, it's really sad.

    • @revale2279
      @revale2279 4 роки тому +83

      I feel bad for both, My sisters close friend died and I never really knew him but I knew how hard it was for her:(

    • @RongDMemer
      @RongDMemer 4 роки тому +1

      @@victorianester9636 ikr i press F to respect

    • @markawave7160
      @markawave7160 4 роки тому +10

      Exactly and hearing that your friends last chance to survive just hung up on you because you were rightfully upset

  • @onelifetolive4847
    @onelifetolive4847 8 днів тому +1

    He’s acting like he’s customer service, you’re a 911 dispatcher, you don’t tell someone to deal with it themselves.

  • @idkmyusername1677
    @idkmyusername1677 4 роки тому +6196

    Dispatcher: Is he breathing?
    Woman: He’s barely breathing!
    Dispatcher: Is he breathing?

    • @malachistewart3837
      @malachistewart3837 4 роки тому +231

      no. He's doing just fine sorry for the panic. Like wtf????

    • @cheetahpearl101
      @cheetahpearl101 4 роки тому +89

      @@malachistewart3837 exactly? like what does the dispatcher expect? hes not going to randomly start breathing!

    • @johanjohn6097
      @johanjohn6097 4 роки тому +46

      And he wonders why she got mad at him

    • @malachistewart3837
      @malachistewart3837 4 роки тому +1

      @@johanjohn6097 I know I'm not

    • @Bruh38893
      @Bruh38893 4 роки тому

      Stolen comment. next time be original or don't say anything at all

  • @delfingamboa1031
    @delfingamboa1031 4 роки тому +3861

    Caller: He's not breathing!
    Dispatcher: *I missed the part where that's my problem.*

  • @generalbrowser680
    @generalbrowser680 2 роки тому +21811

    Clearly she was in severe distress and snapped at him out of panic. This guy's feelings cost a dear life.

    • @soshego877
      @soshego877 2 роки тому +1562

      He was provocative by repeating over and over the same question when she answered it. Wasting time and escalating tension! He is a total selfish idiot. Who definitely does not have the skills for that job

    • @kiyokumabear
      @kiyokumabear 2 роки тому +487

      @@soshego877 Exactly. Why not get the address and send someone? I get there's protocol and shit but just get the damn information and send a unit and ask follow up questions later...

    • @kelseyfrasier
      @kelseyfrasier 2 роки тому +444

      She literally repeated he was barely breathing 5 times!!! And he keeps asking? I was so angry listening

    • @shadyc7044
      @shadyc7044 2 роки тому +19

      How is it you can say that, when HER *feelings* made her Karen-snap at the operator in the first place? HER feelings got in the way first. Even ignoring that her Karening made the guy hang up, how about the fact that it also wasted VERY precious time? What if he didn't hang up? How much more time would she waste on Karen comments?
      SHE turned it into being about her and her feelings. SHE did that.
      Both people were way in the wrong. And only one of them was wrong first.

    • @orbitsrailfanvids
      @orbitsrailfanvids 2 роки тому +463

      @@shadyc7044 ok sure, trying to keep a friend alive and shes a karen, yeah mhm. mhm.

  • @MaskedDeveloper
    @MaskedDeveloper 6 місяців тому +19

    8 years later, I wish nothing but the worst for that dispatcher, thats just cruel as hell, leaving a young child there to just die.

    • @PatrickBaptist
      @PatrickBaptist 5 місяців тому +1

      Yeah his mother didn't have any part in it huh?
      When you hitch hike do you use your middle finger to *thumb* a ride? Over my kids I've find the most humility I could come up with to plead and beg for help, back when I was about 20 I did just that and my little baby died..... Cant pay people to care and you can't cuss them and expect good things either. I've worked as a phone jockey for 10 years, that role is mentally hard on a person, def a horrid thing he did. But you trying being cussed daily like that and see how long it is till your hanging up on people. Super fun way to quit a place, took one place about 6 months to catch me hanging up on people before they busted me lol. If I didn't have kids to feed I'd do it tomorrow when I goto work but I cant afford to so I'll just sit at work and pray I die at work so my fam can get double the insurance and I don't have to goto work anymore and be told how worthless I already know I am more so, sick of shitty people I just wanna be done.
      If that woman loved her kid enough she would have behaved herself, the entitlement of people today is disgusting.

    • @TurboLight
      @TurboLight 5 місяців тому +5

      ​​​​@@PatrickBaptistNot everyone handles stress in the same way. She isn't simply an ordinary angry customer; she's has her friend dying next to her. In such stressful circumstances, it's normal to feel frustrated and struggle to control emotions. Also some people have mental health issues that makes managing their emotions difficult. It's not as simple for them to just "deal with it."

    • @Zahra-hk7op
      @Zahra-hk7op 4 місяці тому

      @@TurboLight yh but dont swear at me id also get pissed too

    • @hnichole
      @hnichole 3 місяці тому +2

      @@Zahra-hk7op His job was literally to work with people in crisis and distress. You don't get to be pissed when the job you signed up for was working with people in the most traumatic moments of their lives. People response to stress in all kinds of ways, and the job that dispatcher had quite literally revolved 100% around people's various responses to trauma and stress. That's like going to work in a preschool for kids with behavioral issues and then getting pissed off that a kid bit you - like yeah no shit, that's what your job entails.

    • @Timien
      @Timien Місяць тому

      @@Zahra-hk7op You are just as reprehensible as that dispatcher is. Do us all a favour, dont go out in public.

  • @dphilly179
    @dphilly179 Рік тому +5020

    The fact that he's on administrative leave instead of going to jail or minimum being fired immediately is sickening

    • @JTRocks1
      @JTRocks1 Рік тому +60

      AGREED!! 😡🤬

    • @Mikustan39
      @Mikustan39 Рік тому +62

      Before I even watched the video I said to myself that he should be in jail.

    • @Mr.Ekshin
      @Mr.Ekshin Рік тому +54

      He's probably related to whatever dem politician got him that job.

    • @ixxxxxxx
      @ixxxxxxx Рік тому +47

      this was uploaded 8 years ago, would be nice to have an update but that dispatcher's life has probably moved on and hopefully this keeps them up at night

    • @tessayes8345
      @tessayes8345 Рік тому +32

      @@ixxxxxxx If that boy was still with us today, he would be 25 years old. It's sad to think about how this could've been avoided so easily. Shame on that dispatcher.

  • @nathalieluciano5905
    @nathalieluciano5905 3 роки тому +4050

    As a previous emergency dispatcher, it is literally OUR JOB to stay with the person on the line until either the proper authorities arrive or they feel they are safe. Even then, we’ll still send someone out for a wellness check. What this operator did is highly illegal and not only will they lose their job, but they’re also going to be charged with a felony if not more. WE are the voice on the other line when shit hits the fan. WE calm and diffuse the situation as best as we can and go above and beyond no matter what. My heart hurts for this boys family and friends. Especially the one there with him. I hope that operator got in serious fuckin trouble.

    • @melargento5482
      @melargento5482 3 роки тому +165

      i hope so too.. and THANK YOU for actually understanding the job you signed up for.. you're not supposed to let your sensitive side come out in a situation like this which is someone who could've easily been saved.. i hope that person lives with shame every day for the rest of their life

    • @honeyglow7781
      @honeyglow7781 3 роки тому +63

      I agree, I've wanted to be an emergency dispatcher for a while, and even if that guy was offended, he should've still sent help. This lady sounded very panicked; either way, the guy was extremely sensitive and should've put those feelings aside to help someone. I hope he was fired

    • @Bsnaoa
      @Bsnaoa 3 роки тому +23

      I don’t even have a job and I know that the best way would have been for him to Ask once if he’s breathing and then send an ambulance to their location while talking to them until they arrive

    • @nicosekano5942
      @nicosekano5942 3 роки тому +8

      "When Shit Hits The Fan Is You Still A Fan"

    • @shadowknight6501
      @shadowknight6501 3 роки тому +7

      I read this story before all that happened to the dispatcher was that they were moved to another department and I think a demotion but that's all I found out

  • @agwua6794
    @agwua6794 4 роки тому +8645

    She probably didn’t even mean to cuss at him she just said it Bcz she was under pressure and wanted help

    • @hendrikasunqrout571
      @hendrikasunqrout571 4 роки тому +314

      The dispatcher should have opened his ornaments (ears) first time!

    • @user-br5gs5bg1t
      @user-br5gs5bg1t 4 роки тому +471

      Exactly, the point of his job is to help calm down the victims in order to send police officers.

    • @ChrisM-qo1jc
      @ChrisM-qo1jc 4 роки тому +169

      It doesnt matter how she talked. It was his job to de-escalate things and get help the people need. Are u implying that someone who is impolite deserves to die? That's such a superficial way of looking at things

    • @reachforthestars8825
      @reachforthestars8825 4 роки тому +15

      Chris M okay there snowflake i don’t think anyone was implying that. They were just saying that she probably wouldn’t have been impolite if the guy would’ve listened. The reason the guy hung up was because she was anxious and cussed at him. But she wouldn’t have done that if he treated the situation seriously.

    • @JediRouge
      @JediRouge 4 роки тому +41

      She was frantic so of course would cuss. She’s a human being who is trying to find help. Now she has to deal with this all alone. Everyday she would play this whole scene in her head.

  • @sharonwinningham808
    @sharonwinningham808 Місяць тому +2

    Dispatcher should be charged to the fullest extent possible! What a POS!

    • @codywork-us7wu
      @codywork-us7wu Місяць тому

      Dont cuss at folks that you need help from, Jaydon should have toughed it out.

    • @user-es5zl8st1m
      @user-es5zl8st1m Місяць тому +2

      @@codywork-us7wuwaste of oxygen

    • @Z3BH
      @Z3BH Місяць тому +2

      ⁠@@codywork-us7wuDude dispatchers are supposed to deal with stressed out swearing people all the time.
      Did you expect her to say with an old British accent “Sire, my good friend haveth no breath. 🍷”??
      If there is anytime to swear it is definitely while your friend is dying and you’re losing your mind to a useless dispatcher.

  • @Etigress
    @Etigress 3 роки тому +1902

    She told him three times that he was barely breathing. And he kept asking "Is he breathing?" Wtf??

    • @shotousmeatrider
      @shotousmeatrider 3 роки тому +51

      Ikr? I mean wth is wrong with him?! It is his job to safe life, such a baka-

    • @frankboff1260
      @frankboff1260 3 роки тому +26

      He didn’t know what do and he shouldn’t have been there.

    • @flintlocktingleberry
      @flintlocktingleberry 3 роки тому +33

      He kept asking because he wanted her to tell him no... 😥

    • @DANGJOS
      @DANGJOS 3 роки тому +2


    • @shotousmeatrider
      @shotousmeatrider 3 роки тому +5

      ♪~\ (^ • ^`)/

  • @facu_avm
    @facu_avm 3 роки тому +7066

    The worst thing about this is that she didn’t insulted him, she just sweared cuz she was stressed out and scared and the guy couldn’t stop asking the same question over and over again.

    • @shinyam75
      @shinyam75 3 роки тому +278

      From what I deduce, he has asked the same question at least once before, because she the first time she answers his question, she seems exasperated that he's asking her again. Then five seconds later he asks the same stupid question when this is a very stressful situation. Makes you want to puch him in the face for being so stupid.

    • @user-ko4zd1jw5y
      @user-ko4zd1jw5y 3 роки тому +16

      Nope he only asked her twice and thats a lot? Jeez like sis calm yo self down and think for a second.

    • @ghx5490
      @ghx5490 3 роки тому +399

      @@user-ko4zd1jw5y Maybe she can’t be calm because a person is literally dying right in front of her?

    • @user-ko4zd1jw5y
      @user-ko4zd1jw5y 3 роки тому +9

      @@ghx5490 Why would she start panicking in a moment where shes suppose to be calm and help the kid stay alive?

    • @a1001ku
      @a1001ku 3 роки тому +354

      @@user-ko4zd1jw5y Umm, because she isn't a trained professional...??

  • @Hendawg1
    @Hendawg1 5 років тому +2195

    "Is he breathing?"
    "Barely, one more breath jaydon keep breathing, good job."
    "Is he breathing?"

    • @mundane3809
      @mundane3809 5 років тому +114

      **hangs up**

    • @Hendawg1
      @Hendawg1 5 років тому +13


    • @takeadayofff
      @takeadayofff 5 років тому +7

      Breathing is good!

    • @supralife6914
      @supralife6914 5 років тому +5

      @@mundane3809 im going to hell for dying at this idk how i found this funny im stupid

    • @Kimseokjin-zt6ms
      @Kimseokjin-zt6ms 5 років тому


  • @opicnojam
    @opicnojam 2 місяці тому +4

    If he had a daughter and a different dispatcher did the exact same thing to her, how would he have reacted?

  • @rockepip
    @rockepip 5 років тому +7245

    This should get classified as murder.

    • @friedfries7440
      @friedfries7440 5 років тому +149

      @Beeg Succ oh really? Then why did he get sued dumbass.

    • @1l193
      @1l193 5 років тому +37

      @@friedfries7440 Because people in the United States will sue if they get "hot" sauce at Taco Bell when they asked for "mild". Dumbass...

    • @mawinstallation6626
      @mawinstallation6626 5 років тому +66

      Negligence, I'd say.

    • @katerinapapaspiropoulos1772
      @katerinapapaspiropoulos1772 5 років тому +110

      Beeg Succ how was the woman supposed to know he sent the ambulance tho “dumbfuck.” It’s their job to keep asking questions and keep em calm instead he hung up on her without saying anything all because she cussed once in a stressful situation.

    • @rockepip
      @rockepip 5 років тому +7

      zplop Ok.

  • @sophiaredwood5825
    @sophiaredwood5825 4 роки тому +3097

    Watch the dispatcher go to the funeral and ask, “bUt iS hE bReAtHiNg?!”

    • @dojasibrator7187
      @dojasibrator7187 4 роки тому +33

      OMG thats so dark

    • @StarboyJuno
      @StarboyJuno 4 роки тому +46

      My mom whenever I hurt myself would say: *"But did you die?!"* and I swear they better put: "yes mom... I did die" on my grave

    • @4cer356
      @4cer356 4 роки тому +12

      @@StarboyJuno she will ask : "but is he breathing?"
      Or she will just say "well, you'll have to deal with that by yourself"

    • @StarboyJuno
      @StarboyJuno 4 роки тому +7

      @@4cer356 It hurts how accurate this is TvT

    • @drwholover69
      @drwholover69 4 роки тому +7

      He wouldn't even show up because he doesn't care..

  • @danielhusky6751
    @danielhusky6751 3 роки тому +8438

    A single swear word out of pure stress and he thinks "That person doesn't deserve heavily needed help." There's something mentally wrong with the dispatcher if he actually did this.

    • @unknownmoonchild9970
      @unknownmoonchild9970 3 роки тому +21


    • @akilucky2090
      @akilucky2090 3 роки тому +17


    • @mishaespiritu4828
      @mishaespiritu4828 3 роки тому +224

      probably ego and pride and stupidity and lack of shame and lack of beating

    • @footballforever3065
      @footballforever3065 3 роки тому +5

      Here are some hidden truths you may not have known:
      Truth about death:
      The Sabbath:
      The Mark of the beast:
      The Apocalypse:
      Truth about evolution:

    • @footballforever3065
      @footballforever3065 3 роки тому +2

      @@mishaespiritu4828 Here are some hidden truths you may not have known:
      Truth about death:
      The Sabbath:
      The Mark of the beast:
      The Apocalypse:
      Truth about evolution:

  • @catmoon8224
    @catmoon8224 Місяць тому +3

    Dispacher acts like a weak emotional child who got called a bad name and is crying to his mommy. He is an immature man for his age. Shame on him for not growing up.

  • @rehandnz
    @rehandnz 4 роки тому +4836

    dispatcher: *thats crazy but I don’t remember asking*

    • @drspicy9789
      @drspicy9789 4 роки тому +118

      @Weirdo You're definitely allowed to laugh at jokes.

    • @Shawshuu
      @Shawshuu 4 роки тому +25

      Lmao that’s pretty much what he said

    • @fatestblunt6614
      @fatestblunt6614 4 роки тому +2


    • @lebruhjanes
      @lebruhjanes 4 роки тому +4

      This isn't funny but eh .

    • @rehandnz
      @rehandnz 4 роки тому +14

      GreenDiant show ur attitude to someone else sweetie :)

  • @nab1018
    @nab1018 5 років тому +4480

    She swears at him cause she's stressed and instead of helping you let the kid die
    can you not relate
    I have no words
    (That's very rare)

    • @ryanleone5805
      @ryanleone5805 5 років тому +27

      Hammerschlägen M the druggie? Haha. You’re such an insensitive loser.

    • @lucky562_
      @lucky562_ 5 років тому +15

      Nikko Gatsby Don’t even give that scumbag the attention because that’s all he wants.

    • @rynn_2003
      @rynn_2003 5 років тому +4

      @Hammerschlägen M innocent? You high bro?

    • @jordantyler.mp3
      @jordantyler.mp3 5 років тому +1

      Nab 101 very rare because you usually never shut up?

    • @iman5147
      @iman5147 5 років тому +5

      He's clearly talking about the the idiotic 911 operator's family members, idiot.