Bogur is so real for the 10 fps drops and the character models not loading at the start of the game, i have never met someone with that same issue, i feel like a ww2 veteran watching a fellow soldier in Afghanistan.
I had the big red and blue orbs instead of models I was always on qp waiting for them to liad before going comp bit sometimes a new heroe model was chosen and was still an orb
The moment when someone switch a heros on the ennemy team so ur PC freeze for 5 sec when I was about to do a big play with my Rein ? Yeah, I can feel that too... One day we will be like Bogur, lets keep it up veterans 😔✊
im really glad he touched on the "mercy players getting hate because they're assumed to be women" thing. it's crazy how much its been happening but no one takes what we say about our experience seriously so its great to hear a man acknowledge it.
ay mercy valid and always have been since day one i been jumping in front of yall bullets whenever yall be targeted since i started mercy down=team down🫡
54:42 I’m 100% sure, he did that bc he knew you and other people he knows would watch what he release. And seeing how it is, is just so cool of you to supporting him this way just by watching his UA-cam.
it is just not possible to get that below iamond level, You can have 65% damage boost and still not even reach 2k because people don't hit enough shots, not to mention players are also dumber, so will probably need to be healed more for their bad positioning.
@@bigfudge2031 That's not true, I hit that and above in my gold-plat QP games, even just having a Bastion guarantees 2,5k-3k per 10. You just need to know when and what to damage boost. I'm not criticising Bogur, I think it's obvious he didn't need to learn all the intricacies of dmg boost with that aim, btw. But if you are serious about climbing on Mercy, especially from bronze to plat, then you need to be extremely resourceful and creative with your beams. Mercy is horrible to climb with but it's not impossible and the key is either cracked aim or, more often, good dmg boost management. Skiesti hit that in her unranked to GM during placements and up until the end of it. Also dmg boost % can easily go up to 70-75%, Mercy's healing is just a delay to death and in some circumstances it's better to dmg boost someone who'll die anyway because you won't be able to sustain them either way. This is especially relevant after S9, Mercy can't keep up, you're better to secure an elim with dmg boost than waste time on yellow beam. I get that some comps will take you below 2k per 10, that happens a lot with short range/rush comps. But, provided you're not whipping out the glock à la Bogur, Mercy is below suboptimal in that situation. Even Bogur's play style highlights Mercy's weakness; other supports can do what she does and they can do it better, (including shooting down squishies). That's the reality of playing Mercy and when you're not hitting that 2k per 10 or more, you're missing out on so much utility that you might as well swap :/ Regardless, I get it, playing Mercy with low rank teammates is frustrating but they do hit (some) shots and you can absolutely get up to 2k!
I think Bogur is genuinely one of the funniest people on the internet and I think the confidence, sarcasm and willingness to be a goofball mixed with the blunt way he speaks sometimes really is a wonderful combination for entertainment. Bravo, great video from both you guys.
funniest interaction (23:56): teammate: Yo, healkitten! Bogur (on voice chat, deep manly voice): WHAT DO YOU WANT? teammate: I'm sorry I apologize. ROFL!!!!
I like to attribute whatever skill ive gained playing overwatch to my first 30 hours where i played nothing but mercy. I dont play her as much now, but it vastly improved my game sense
That part with Mercy’s VA reminded me of the old days when some of the OW VAs hung out and made videos at Blizzcon and stuff, and now I’m kinda sad because I can’t find many relatively recent videos.
I apologize for the essay I’m about to leave on this video, but I feel really passionate about it. Hearing a male content creator talk about the harassment you get as a female support player is such a breath of fresh air. There’s SO MANY assumptions that people make about Mercy players. That all people who like Mercy are women, and that because you play Mercy, you must not be mechanically skilled enough for other characters. Just the assumption that they’re a woman alone is enough to make people tilt. Because to them, women are just bad at video games, and having a woman on your team is an automatic loss. The worst harassment I’ve ever experienced in a video game was a game I played in Overwatch 1 in high plat support. I spoke over mic one time and both dps players spent the rest of the game sexually harassing me. They were saying things that are genuinely too gross to repeat. It’s been at least 6 years, but I still remember it vividly. It felt like actual torture being in that lobby. I have very thick skin, you need to if you’re a woman playing competitive games. But that pushed me to my limit. This is something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, but it’s happened to every female support main at least once. I really hope that Bogur speaking out and saying “hey, the harassment Mercy players receive is real” might lead to a change in how people treat others, and in the public perception of Mercy players/female support mains. I’d actually say that things have gotten a lot better than they used to be for women in gaming. I don’t get harassed the second I turn my mic on anymore. People will usually give me a chance to speak before they start sexually harassing me, or being misogynistic. But we still have a long way to go.
as much as i want to say this might change something, i think the problem is way too deeply rooted. i always was too anxious to join vc bc i knew of the horrors, i dont recall if anything was ever said to me. but the fact this toxic mentality is in valo, league, everywhere it feels.. it is a long way to go. and im worried its going to take longer than this generation since so many parents/ friends dont check behaviors. for the people who dont even HAVE a circle.. thats just scary. looking at the comments on bogurs video felt hostile too. i hope youre doing at least somewhat better now, and i hope you have some close buddies you get to game with and if not i hope its still enjoyable. much love
the last two of bogurs video really took the whole gaming youtube video to a whole other essays are some of my favourites and his are top notch especially for someone who isnt a writer or have a full production team behind him like some journalists have at networks
boosting the burning ashe so she dies was absolutely pure evil and had me in tears. paired with the 'no way we're losing to this mercy' in the chat almost made me burst a blood vessel
53:00 the support bullying, blaming, and sexist remarks are what led me to turn off all chat including match and team text chat. I primarily play Ana and Kiriko in ranked. One of my last times using VC, was a game where some guy right at the start was saying we are going to lose, because a girl is on the team. We did end up losing because he waited the shortest time he could to ensure game doesn't cancel before DC'ing. He did this because we had an OK start and he wanted to make sure I lose SR, because a girl shouldn't be playing Overwatch. It wasn't long after that I removed VC and text chats entirely, and started playing silently. I oddly enough started winning more games not talking, because I wouldn't have games where some guy immediately tilts after hearing a more feminine voice.
Look... I'm not great at Overwatch. I've been playing since like 2017, and the highest rank I've ever gotten was Diamond. I play Mercy a lot. I do tons of heals and damage boost. And it's really gratifying to hear Bogur say that solo queueing as Mercy sucks because people don't take responsibility for their own actions. Damage boosting DPS that can't hit shots, then get yelled at for not damage boosting. Pocketing a tank just to watch them go in alone and get smoked, then get yelled at for bailing to stay alive. Clutch res on a tank while getting killed by the one squishy on the point, then watching my tank die to that one squishy or just C9. And still, I'm the one that gets the heat for not killing the last guy. There's nothing we can do right.
Unfortunately this comes from Mercy not giving value that’s directly noticeable, every other support is pretty in your face with their value. Lucio speed boost? Everyone can feel it. Moira healing and damaging? To the dismay of some, noticeable. Even Junos value is right there. 5v5 has really killed Mercys character. Shes so inconsistent now. Because supports have to have aggressive and constant value in teamfights, Mercy struggles in games where you’re having trouble. Mercy is good when you have a DPS or tank popping off, you enable them. But what about those games you struggle in? All of a sudden Mercy is giving the least value out of anyone on the team. And it sucks because Mercy always had value if she stuck around or simply stayed alive because supports didn’t need to constantly pump out damage. And this is not at all the fault of the Mercy players. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to play her. Many characters were killed in the switch to 5v5 and they have been unable to rework in her a way to makes her always useful. Many Mercys I notice are playing REALLY good. Staying alive, good damage boosts. Unfortunately, that does absolutely nothing when the enemy has Illari/Bap who can just melt me and my team while also healing. It fucking sucks that a support cant be more defensive. You are forced to be aggressive constantly
@@ReivecS I’m just saying his point was “everyone assumes you’re a girl” and then you choose a name which would prime people into thinking you’re a girl. So it’s not a case everyone thinks you’re a girl on mercy because I’ve never had that happen one time, still a great vid I just disagree a bit on that one point
I didn't start off as a support main but after my first 2 months when the game dropped I gave mercy a try and now have like 600 hours on her. She's fun even when I can't do my absolute best. Being risky and pulling it off and doing my best to keep my teammates in a good mood all game and just pushing my limits is just the best feeling ever. In ow1 in comp I got 23k healing from all the rounds combined. It was insane. I feel that way about Lucio too.
comparing playing mercy and playing tank as “two sides of the same coin” has to be a genius analogy. that’s exactly what she is except for the fact that thanks are strong and mercy is not strong but they both feel terrible
King of variety Flats, may I implore you to give a chance to a GOAT among games… Deep Rock Galactic. I’m sure you and a few friends will have a blast running around as dwarves and shooting monsters in this awesome mission based survival FPS. Here you will find a kind community of comrades that unite around special brews in the Space Rig and the iconic phrase “Rock and stone!” It’s marvelous. Content for days. A refreshing title released in 2020. Enjoy.
9:26 as a gold player nothing is scarier then a mercy zipping about with the glock killing anyone she wants to and then rezzing the like one dude you killed before dying
Kinda fun to think back in time (like season 3, I know ancient times), I used to do the same until I hit Diamond+ and going beyond switched to a more support oriented style. DPS Mercy was super fun when it worked tho
dude the section about that one weirdo who made up the situation about getting flamed for playing mercy is way too relatable. the amount of times I have witnessed some completely random nobody on the internet just DECIDE to say a whole novel's worth of lies about someone popular (or they just don't like/they're bored--) and have a million drama-starved sheeplets 100% either believe it genuinely without asking any questions OR that just want to spread drama no matter what is IMMENSE.
37:10 If the Mercy player in question didn't save screenshots at the time, and the vod didn't exist anymore when they posted their complaint, then evidence of this happening can not possibly exist. That doesn't necessarily mean that it didn't happen.
True, indeed. But I think this is just a case of reasonable doubt. The person making the accusation has provided no physical evidence and if things really happened as described, then Bogur said heinous things on stream and more people would have seen/clipped something truly toxic. Though this isn’t a legal discussion, the burden of proof still falls on the person making the accusations, so Bogur’s confirmations can only be presumed true until proven otherwise.
Personally my issue is that they supposedly blocked 3 people (which is theoretically indefinite proof as you could just check who you have blocked and say these were the guys who harassed me) and supposedly nobody clipped bogur harassing someone in game when he was presumably live infront of 10k viewers? Idk, to me that just sounds like a fake story. Though I guess you’re right that we theoretically won’t ever know. I just think that it would atleast be somewhat more credible if the guy at least responded to Bogur’s comment and atleast provided the names of the 3 people they supposedly blocked.
to answer bogur on the cheese part, we got pretty good cheese in portugal and we're not that lactose intolorants i guess portugal is secretly eastern europe
The thing about those "Unranked to GM" videos, is that they practically never get the whole experience. They are too competitive and good, meaning that they place way too high at the start. They start at a level where there is at least *some* competence (sometimes Gold, but mostly Plat). Let's see someone ranking Bronze to GM as Mercy... That would be a true descent into madness.
After watching him glock mercy his way out of plat and diamond, what makes you think he'd struggle to do the same in bronze? Yes, his team mates would be worse, but so is the enemy.
@@Nostradankus Did I say he'd struggle? He'd have to 100% carry every single game. He'd get pretty much no help in winning the game whatsoever, for the entire first three (maybe four) ranks. Every single game in Bronze, Silver and probably both Gold and Plat. Aaaaaaaall the way. And starting in Silver, even more in Gold and then Plat, he'd start to get games where he could actually lose a couple here and there. Yes, really. Some of those players will actually end up in Masters or higher, given time. The "lucky shots" start coming with more frequency. And, of course, you get other smurfs... The thing is, these GM guys have been away from those levels for so long that they don't know what's going on down there. Yeah, those ranks are "bad", but the players in them play the game very differently than it's played in Plat and upwards. If you know, you know. There is a randomness that you just don't get at higher ranks. For one; in those ranks you get people who play on potatoes and all of a sudden they'd just disconnect. Or they have to leave, and don't care about losing SR because, well, they're in Bronze.
I’ll see you guys next summer for the “Flats Reacts to ‘Juno Unranked to GM as brought to you by Bogurs Mental Asylum’”
hes (bogur) playing junk to GM currently on streams
@@TorvaZero he is a poor soul
Featuring the voices
@@infectfishhe’s not a poor soul. He’s clinically insane
@@TorvaZero and now his rank will be reset 💀
the echo just accepting "im busy sorry" cus he saw his mercy going crazy in the kill feed is iconic
my favourite part of the vid fr 8:33
I thought it was a she 😮
Just imagine how disappointed those Diamond DPS players were to find out that their Mercy named “HealKitten” had a deep masculine voice voice
You can't make a more feminine ow profile, I don't blame them 😂
Imagine how disappointed they are still being in Diamond and seeing Healkitten in top500
Me when the deep masculine voice won't bottom for me :/
i fucking can’t breathe “there’s no way it’s our fault we’re top 500” *both top 500 players proceed to run into widow*
Bogur is so real for the 10 fps drops and the character models not loading at the start of the game, i have never met someone with that same issue, i feel like a ww2 veteran watching a fellow soldier in Afghanistan.
I feel u bro, im on the journey to upgrade my setup too.
To all soldiers out there, we can do it just don't give up 🔥🗿🔥
I had the big red and blue orbs instead of models
I was always on qp waiting for them to liad before going comp bit sometimes a new heroe model was chosen and was still an orb
The moment when someone switch a heros on the ennemy team so ur PC freeze for 5 sec when I was about to do a big play with my Rein ? Yeah, I can feel that too... One day we will be like Bogur, lets keep it up veterans 😔✊
i deal with it basically all the time playing an an xbox one, basically an ancient piece of technology at this point
Amen. Guaging by the dots of where the head is
My body shots are immaculate though.
Poor bogur legitimately hasn’t been the same since the lifeweaver ur2gm I’m pretty sure he needs therapy
Killed part of his enjoyment for ow
@@C1umsyJesteroverwatch enjoyment???? What wuch craft is this you speak of
To be fair, every OW player needs a therapy... me included as a support main, mainly mercy and Lifeweaver, i need therapy asap
But overwatch is therapy 🥲
@@daisukeniwaptd This guy needs a psych ward
Bro I’m crying at the part where the dps was like “Yo healkitten “ and bulgar is like “what do u want” LMFAOOOOOOOOOO😂😂😂
frrr 23:56
im really glad he touched on the "mercy players getting hate because they're assumed to be women" thing. it's crazy how much its been happening but no one takes what we say about our experience seriously so its great to hear a man acknowledge it.
ay mercy valid and always have been since day one i been jumping in front of yall bullets whenever yall be targeted since i started mercy down=team down🫡
@@jusssrelax2247 o7 appreciate you
what is this hole going on about
@@sefret basement dweller
I only turned in for the moment bogur called flats out
43:40 best part
"Aren't you, _Flats?"_
Yeah bogur was plotting
That actually made me die cackling
Was hilarious lmao
54:42 I’m 100% sure, he did that bc he knew you and other people he knows would watch what he release. And seeing how it is, is just so cool of you to supporting him this way just by watching his UA-cam.
45:29 the comment in flats chat after the mercy voice actor cameo is actually HILARIOUS
It is the truth .
34:00 Dont tell Bogur that eastern europeans have a higher % of lactose intolerance people compared to western europe.
Yea i think he got something twisted here.
Nevermind the fact that plenty of Eastern Europeans also went to live in the US.
Bogur makes such well edited videos, they’re worth the wait. Also Bogur calling you out was funny af 😂
"you are Speaking to the number 1 kitten why you speak like that " HAHAH
49:36 Love that a sexy Bulgarian man is using the American salute to a German knight. The culture is strong in this one…
29:18 For reference the general advice for optimal dmg boost usage is 2k per 10min lol
well less now with the changes it's like 1666 now or even lower cuz u need to heal for longer for the same amount of health
You can damage boost one person for 25% extra damage or you can just do 100% damage yourself lol
it is just not possible to get that below iamond level, You can have 65% damage boost and still not even reach 2k because people don't hit enough shots, not to mention players are also dumber, so will probably need to be healed more for their bad positioning.
@@bigfudge2031 That's not true, I hit that and above in my gold-plat QP games, even just having a Bastion guarantees 2,5k-3k per 10. You just need to know when and what to damage boost. I'm not criticising Bogur, I think it's obvious he didn't need to learn all the intricacies of dmg boost with that aim, btw. But if you are serious about climbing on Mercy, especially from bronze to plat, then you need to be extremely resourceful and creative with your beams. Mercy is horrible to climb with but it's not impossible and the key is either cracked aim or, more often, good dmg boost management. Skiesti hit that in her unranked to GM during placements and up until the end of it. Also dmg boost % can easily go up to 70-75%, Mercy's healing is just a delay to death and in some circumstances it's better to dmg boost someone who'll die anyway because you won't be able to sustain them either way. This is especially relevant after S9, Mercy can't keep up, you're better to secure an elim with dmg boost than waste time on yellow beam.
I get that some comps will take you below 2k per 10, that happens a lot with short range/rush comps. But, provided you're not whipping out the glock à la Bogur, Mercy is below suboptimal in that situation. Even Bogur's play style highlights Mercy's weakness; other supports can do what she does and they can do it better, (including shooting down squishies). That's the reality of playing Mercy and when you're not hitting that 2k per 10 or more, you're missing out on so much utility that you might as well swap :/
Regardless, I get it, playing Mercy with low rank teammates is frustrating but they do hit (some) shots and you can absolutely get up to 2k!
It used to be 2-3k during 6v6, and 2k for when dmg boost was 30%. Now the average has dropped to maybe 1.8k/10 min.
43:40 I'm sure bogur really enjoyed this part since he really wanted flats to react to the video
I think Bogur is genuinely one of the funniest people on the internet and I think the confidence, sarcasm and willingness to be a goofball mixed with the blunt way he speaks sometimes really is a wonderful combination for entertainment. Bravo, great video from both you guys.
funniest interaction (23:56):
teammate: Yo, healkitten!
Bogur (on voice chat, deep manly voice): WHAT DO YOU WANT?
teammate: I'm sorry I apologize.
I can't believe Bogur appeared in my wardrobe and elbow dropped my dog
Flats is just like winston watching other streamers and single handedly keeping the community alive while hoping the good old days will return
Winston 🦍
Dude i almost spit out my coffee when i was watching that scene where he features Flats while Flats is watching it for the first time. Comedy gold!!
I like to attribute whatever skill ive gained playing overwatch to my first 30 hours where i played nothing but mercy. I dont play her as much now, but it vastly improved my game sense
I love the fact that they got Lucie Pohl in on this. She's so fun.
That part with Mercy’s VA reminded me of the old days when some of the OW VAs hung out and made videos at Blizzcon and stuff, and now I’m kinda sad because I can’t find many relatively recent videos.
Thunder is an absolute POWERHOUSE for editing that in 2 months!
27:25 Nvidia Corp stock has dropped from $126.09 to $104.75 as of this post. I checked so you don't have to
I love to watch all the Zoomers panic because they know nothing about real investing.
its back up to $124 now
I apologize for the essay I’m about to leave on this video, but I feel really passionate about it. Hearing a male content creator talk about the harassment you get as a female support player is such a breath of fresh air. There’s SO MANY assumptions that people make about Mercy players. That all people who like Mercy are women, and that because you play Mercy, you must not be mechanically skilled enough for other characters. Just the assumption that they’re a woman alone is enough to make people tilt. Because to them, women are just bad at video games, and having a woman on your team is an automatic loss.
The worst harassment I’ve ever experienced in a video game was a game I played in Overwatch 1 in high plat support. I spoke over mic one time and both dps players spent the rest of the game sexually harassing me. They were saying things that are genuinely too gross to repeat. It’s been at least 6 years, but I still remember it vividly. It felt like actual torture being in that lobby. I have very thick skin, you need to if you’re a woman playing competitive games. But that pushed me to my limit. This is something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, but it’s happened to every female support main at least once.
I really hope that Bogur speaking out and saying “hey, the harassment Mercy players receive is real” might lead to a change in how people treat others, and in the public perception of Mercy players/female support mains. I’d actually say that things have gotten a lot better than they used to be for women in gaming. I don’t get harassed the second I turn my mic on anymore. People will usually give me a chance to speak before they start sexually harassing me, or being misogynistic. But we still have a long way to go.
as much as i want to say this might change something, i think the problem is way too deeply rooted. i always was too anxious to join vc bc i knew of the horrors, i dont recall if anything was ever said to me. but the fact this toxic mentality is in valo, league, everywhere it feels.. it is a long way to go. and im worried its going to take longer than this generation since so many parents/ friends dont check behaviors. for the people who dont even HAVE a circle.. thats just scary. looking at the comments on bogurs video felt hostile too.
i hope youre doing at least somewhat better now, and i hope you have some close buddies you get to game with and if not i hope its still enjoyable. much love
Yeah fr it's bad💀 When I play support some people think I'm female despite no mic and are down horrendous
We just need more men to call out this behaviour because for them women aren't people so why listen to them.
@@notepad1924 *seethe. If you’re going to be rude on a comment from 2 months ago, at least learn how to spell.
I love that flats is memeing about bogur making a video on him, while making a video on bogur lmao
Man flats you gotta do more with bogur y’all make a good duo.
I saw the bogur video and have since been waiting for this to drop
Metro being your last game challenge made me laugh so hard. The man became meme xD
23:57 Ok that was HILARIOUS! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bro as someone that plays Mercy, I'd go insane only playing her LOL I play at least half the roster now.
25:01 that dude went through all stages of grief in just 4 seconds flat
the last two of bogurs video really took the whole gaming youtube video to a whole other essays are some of my favourites and his are top notch especially for someone who isnt a writer or have a full production team behind him like some journalists have at networks
Flats didn't gets a stray, home boy got sniped
You gotta love the callout 43:40
me 2
boosting the burning ashe so she dies was absolutely pure evil and had me in tears. paired with the 'no way we're losing to this mercy' in the chat almost made me burst a blood vessel
53:00 the support bullying, blaming, and sexist remarks are what led me to turn off all chat including match and team text chat. I primarily play Ana and Kiriko in ranked. One of my last times using VC, was a game where some guy right at the start was saying we are going to lose, because a girl is on the team. We did end up losing because he waited the shortest time he could to ensure game doesn't cancel before DC'ing. He did this because we had an OK start and he wanted to make sure I lose SR, because a girl shouldn't be playing Overwatch. It wasn't long after that I removed VC and text chats entirely, and started playing silently. I oddly enough started winning more games not talking, because I wouldn't have games where some guy immediately tilts after hearing a more feminine voice.
omfg the metro twist at the end had my screaming!
Look... I'm not great at Overwatch. I've been playing since like 2017, and the highest rank I've ever gotten was Diamond. I play Mercy a lot. I do tons of heals and damage boost. And it's really gratifying to hear Bogur say that solo queueing as Mercy sucks because people don't take responsibility for their own actions. Damage boosting DPS that can't hit shots, then get yelled at for not damage boosting. Pocketing a tank just to watch them go in alone and get smoked, then get yelled at for bailing to stay alive. Clutch res on a tank while getting killed by the one squishy on the point, then watching my tank die to that one squishy or just C9. And still, I'm the one that gets the heat for not killing the last guy. There's nothing we can do right.
Unfortunately this comes from Mercy not giving value that’s directly noticeable, every other support is pretty in your face with their value. Lucio speed boost? Everyone can feel it. Moira healing and damaging? To the dismay of some, noticeable. Even Junos value is right there.
5v5 has really killed Mercys character. Shes so inconsistent now. Because supports have to have aggressive and constant value in teamfights, Mercy struggles in games where you’re having trouble. Mercy is good when you have a DPS or tank popping off, you enable them. But what about those games you struggle in? All of a sudden Mercy is giving the least value out of anyone on the team. And it sucks because Mercy always had value if she stuck around or simply stayed alive because supports didn’t need to constantly pump out damage.
And this is not at all the fault of the Mercy players. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to play her. Many characters were killed in the switch to 5v5 and they have been unable to rework in her a way to makes her always useful. Many Mercys I notice are playing REALLY good. Staying alive, good damage boosts. Unfortunately, that does absolutely nothing when the enemy has Illari/Bap who can just melt me and my team while also healing. It fucking sucks that a support cant be more defensive. You are forced to be aggressive constantly
he's like the frogger equivalent to mercy
The guy going "can you res me" with him going "busy sorry" he completely understood and is the best interaction ive witnessed.
Tbf, people might’ve suspected bogur was a woman on mercy because his name was “healkitten”🤣
def a combo of the two 😭
they just wanted some quality time with a discord kitten lol
Amazing, you managed to stumble upon the point.
@@ReivecS I’m just saying his point was “everyone assumes you’re a girl” and then you choose a name which would prime people into thinking you’re a girl. So it’s not a case everyone thinks you’re a girl on mercy because I’ve never had that happen one time, still a great vid I just disagree a bit on that one point
a man can also be a healkitten...
8:53 As a shitter who plays lifeweaver when I'm off rolling from Tank (Not thinking is really nice), I absolutely agree with this sentiment.
38:55 Man, I can't believe Bogar maliciously set Fire to the Sun. Not cool dude :(
I thought I was watching a video not the beginning on Bogurs cinematic universe. Very happy for you bro!❤
This was an epic tale made even more entertaining by watching Flats react to it. Thank you both for some laugh out loud moments.
Flats, your reaction to the 'aren't you flats?' part had me fuckin' crying. lmao
44:50 I tried so hard to not laught out loud that I almost fainted in my chair.
the persona 3 reload music around the 47 minute mark made me so fricken happy
I encourage everyone to open up bogurs og vid in another tab so he gets some more engagement for this masterpiece o7
"I am number one crypto scammer" had me in tears bro lmao I love playing with random people online.
I didn't start off as a support main but after my first 2 months when the game dropped I gave mercy a try and now have like 600 hours on her. She's fun even when I can't do my absolute best. Being risky and pulling it off and doing my best to keep my teammates in a good mood all game and just pushing my limits is just the best feeling ever. In ow1 in comp I got 23k healing from all the rounds combined. It was insane. I feel that way about Lucio too.
comparing playing mercy and playing tank as “two sides of the same coin” has to be a genius analogy. that’s exactly what she is except for the fact that thanks are strong and mercy is not strong but they both feel terrible
38:56 the yznsa accident
10:14 i definitely would LOVE to watch that gameplay especially in the teammate's perspective lol
King of variety Flats, may I implore you to give a chance to a GOAT among games… Deep Rock Galactic. I’m sure you and a few friends will have a blast running around as dwarves and shooting monsters in this awesome mission based survival FPS. Here you will find a kind community of comrades that unite around special brews in the Space Rig and the iconic phrase “Rock and stone!” It’s marvelous. Content for days. A refreshing title released in 2020. Enjoy.
Did I hear a rock and stone?
Rock and stone in the heart!
that's the most overhyped game out rn. zzzzzzzzz
"The balancing team for not buffing mercy"
Saw ur short on this and was waiting for the full vid😂
22:31 Bro pulled out his inner guts from berserk 😂😂
43:45 best part of the video
Bogur is such a wonderful silly little guy. ❤ everyone should go check him out. Thank you for the react video flats! I was waiting for this
9:26 as a gold player nothing is scarier then a mercy zipping about with the glock killing anyone she wants to and then rezzing the like one dude you killed before dying
Kinda fun to think back in time (like season 3, I know ancient times), I used to do the same until I hit Diamond+ and going beyond switched to a more support oriented style.
DPS Mercy was super fun when it worked tho
The Nomadic Merchant music goes so hard in the context it's put XD Bogur is so amusing
dude the section about that one weirdo who made up the situation about getting flamed for playing mercy is way too relatable. the amount of times I have witnessed some completely random nobody on the internet just DECIDE to say a whole novel's worth of lies about someone popular (or they just don't like/they're bored--) and have a million drama-starved sheeplets 100% either believe it genuinely without asking any questions OR that just want to spread drama no matter what is IMMENSE.
As a solo Que tank, I can agree solo queuing tank sucks balls.
I got 8 slurs shot at me in 2 games on Christmas
So fucking funny, love the part befor the credits lmfaoooo
Bogur pulling out the signalis OST for sad moments is hilarious and haunting. amazing game.
The flats call out i saw coming with him so set in being there for the watch lol
28:11 “oh that’s good he got there relatively easy”
*checks time left in video*
10:19 I'm not the only one who heard "see my African baby", right?
47:28 wild that my brain noticed the p3 music right away off those distant notes
Same bogur has good taste
As a former mercy main, this video scratches my brain in ways I can't quite describe lmfao
*Bogur giving his lactose rant*
*me laughing my ass of in dutch* XD
Our boi rein got a shout out in the credits for his heroic sacrifice on junk town. Its at the very end right below flats like 2 or so lines under it
10:21 i cant stop laughing 😂😂😂
bogur pops the ult and becomes battle mercy like i did in overwatch 1. bring me some good memories xD
Saw this on stream it was amazing lol
whats crazy is a few weeks ago yall found "scraped" doom poi and it looked just like this. so it prob wasnt scraped it was a mad early leak.
37:10 If the Mercy player in question didn't save screenshots at the time, and the vod didn't exist anymore when they posted their complaint, then evidence of this happening can not possibly exist. That doesn't necessarily mean that it didn't happen.
True, indeed. But I think this is just a case of reasonable doubt. The person making the accusation has provided no physical evidence and if things really happened as described, then Bogur said heinous things on stream and more people would have seen/clipped something truly toxic. Though this isn’t a legal discussion, the burden of proof still falls on the person making the accusations, so Bogur’s confirmations can only be presumed true until proven otherwise.
The burden of proof is on the accuser. Otherwise I'm accusing you of owing me a car; prove that you don't.
Personally my issue is that they supposedly blocked 3 people (which is theoretically indefinite proof as you could just check who you have blocked and say these were the guys who harassed me) and supposedly nobody clipped bogur harassing someone in game when he was presumably live infront of 10k viewers? Idk, to me that just sounds like a fake story. Though I guess you’re right that we theoretically won’t ever know. I just think that it would atleast be somewhat more credible if the guy at least responded to Bogur’s comment and atleast provided the names of the 3 people they supposedly blocked.
Yeah with zero evidence we should pretend booger is guilty on all counts
Seeing a mercy doing a quintuple kill instead of revive must be one of the scariest shit i have seen..
''The harassment just for playing a certain hero'' -- laughs in Hanzo
34:45 loz spirit tracks music spotted peak video
I love boger he appeals to the counterstrike and half life fan boy in me xD
Mad respect to Bogur for tryin to put down a lil bit of the hate towards Mercy players
Gotta love the good old your guilty untill proven innocent on the internet
”Heroes never die” 😔
Watching bogur is like having your pillow always be cold❤
26:45 he joined the mercy mafia.
to answer bogur on the cheese part, we got pretty good cheese in portugal and we're not that lactose intolorants i guess portugal is secretly eastern europe
I respect the "one bad day" reference
The thing about those "Unranked to GM" videos, is that they practically never get the whole experience. They are too competitive and good, meaning that they place way too high at the start. They start at a level where there is at least *some* competence (sometimes Gold, but mostly Plat).
Let's see someone ranking Bronze to GM as Mercy... That would be a true descent into madness.
imma about to do it and imma lose my mind
After watching him glock mercy his way out of plat and diamond, what makes you think he'd struggle to do the same in bronze? Yes, his team mates would be worse, but so is the enemy.
@@Nostradankus Did I say he'd struggle?
He'd have to 100% carry every single game. He'd get pretty much no help in winning the game whatsoever, for the entire first three (maybe four) ranks.
Every single game in Bronze, Silver and probably both Gold and Plat. Aaaaaaaall the way.
And starting in Silver, even more in Gold and then Plat, he'd start to get games where he could actually lose a couple here and there. Yes, really. Some of those players will actually end up in Masters or higher, given time. The "lucky shots" start coming with more frequency. And, of course, you get other smurfs...
The thing is, these GM guys have been away from those levels for so long that they don't know what's going on down there. Yeah, those ranks are "bad", but the players in them play the game very differently than it's played in Plat and upwards. If you know, you know. There is a randomness that you just don't get at higher ranks. For one; in those ranks you get people who play on potatoes and all of a sudden they'd just disconnect. Or they have to leave, and don't care about losing SR because, well, they're in Bronze.