Black Adam - How to Fail at an Origin Movie | Anatomy of a Failure

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
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    Black Adam is the newest superhero origin story in the DC cinematic universe, starring the Rock. It should've been a massive success because it has the Rock as well as the backing of the Snyderverse fandom, especially due to Henry Cavill's return as Superman. And yet still, it ended up flopping in theaters in terms of the box office. One big reason for that being that it's an origin movie that doesn't work as an origin movie. So in today's episode of Anatomy of a Failure, let's try to find the key origin pitfalls Black Adam falls into so that we can avoid them in the future.
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    #BlackAdam #DCEU #releasethesnyderverse
    Black Adam (2022)
    From New Line Cinema, Dwayne The Rock Johnson stars in the action adventure “Black Adam.” The first-ever feature film to explore the story of the DC Super Hero comes to the big screen under the direction of Jaume Collet-Serra (“Jungle Cruise”). In ancient Kahndaq, Teth Adam was bestowed the almighty powers of the gods. After using these powers for vengeance, he was imprisoned, becoming Black Adam. Nearly 5,000 years have passed and Black Adam has gone from man, to myth, to legend. Now released, his unique form of justice, born out of rage, is challenged by modern day heroes who form the Justice Society: Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Atom Smasher and Cyclone. Johnson stars alongside Aldis Hodge as Hawkman, Noah Centineo as Atom Smasher, Sarah Shahi, Marwan Kenzari, Quintessa Swindell as Cyclone, Mo Amer, Bodhi Sabongui, and Pierce Brosnan (the “Mamma Mia!” and James Bond franchises) as Dr. Fate. Collet-Serra directed from a screenplay written by Adam Sztykiel and Rory Haines & Sohrab black adam vs superman black adam superman scene henry cavill black adam only action black adam action scenes fight scenes black adam best scenes moments fights black adam vs hawkman black adam ending explained villain explained black adam watch full movie online free 4k clip hd funny moments terminator 2 everything wrong with black adam honest trailer cinemasins black adam bad movie flop great movie black adam 2 will there be black adam flying scene action montage Noshirvani, based on black adam watch full movie online free 4k clip hd characters from DC, based on characters created by Bill Parker and C.C. Beck. The film’s producers are Beau Flynn, Hiram Garcia, Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia, with Toby Emmerich, Richard Brener, Dave Neustadter, Chris Pan, Walter Hamada, Adam Schlagman, Geoff Johns, Eric McLeod and Scott Sheldon executive producing.


  • @Filmento
    @Filmento  2 роки тому +575

    Stay hungry and devour with Manscaped, the perfect holiday gift for 20% off with code FILMENTO20:

    • @farlord9264
      @farlord9264 2 роки тому +5

      What do you think about Wakanda Forever?

    • @untappedpotential2761
      @untappedpotential2761 2 роки тому +3

      Could you do a Film Perfection on Smile?

    • @wyldshot666
      @wyldshot666 2 роки тому +4

      Do you have courses in script writing and film making? Your psychology and perspective on them is outstanding.

    • @g.d.graham2446
      @g.d.graham2446 2 роки тому +7

      Personally, I thought this movie was decent. I especially thought Dwayne Johnson and the actor who played Dr Fate were perfectly cast for this role, even if the rest of it was mediocre

    • @trunghoadang3710
      @trunghoadang3710 2 роки тому +2

      @@g.d.graham2446 I can already tell you're a SnyderBot.

  • @duckdodgers7808
    @duckdodgers7808 2 роки тому +3406

    I think the main issue the movie had is making Black Adam a hero, when he is most often a villain. His backstory was even changed from vengeful uncle to loving father. He should have been depicted as a ruthless and vengeful tyrant that also happens to be the best choice for Kahndaq, similar to Doom. It at least would have left room for a redemption story arc in a future movie rather than having him give up halfway into his first movie.

    • @Kal-El207
      @Kal-El207 2 роки тому +287

      Yeah same. Like what is it with these villain films making the villains heroes? Venom and Brock make a pact to ONLY KILL bad people??? Like wtf is that? If I’m not mistaken don’t Venom and Carnage work together to kill Spiderman and anybody that stands in their way whether good or evil? They kill whoever they want. That’s what I remember growing up seeing. Am I wrong? Also Morbius, he just saves people? For no reason? I barely know about him, but another villain of Spidey that kills whoever they can that stands in their way whether good or evil. And now Black Adam. He’s saving people in this film, but that’s not who he is. He doesn’t gaf about anybody or anything but himself. He killed his own nephew I believe to gain his powers and then just commits mass genocide because of his penitence for humanity and so on. These villain films aren’t working out at all.

    • @Whiteythereaper
      @Whiteythereaper 2 роки тому +93

      @9ine God it's about franchising. Making characters that aren't flat out evil into leading characters and giving them anti-hero qualities because they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of their owned licenses to build up a universe around each character's associated villains. We all know that The Rock wanted to be Superman from the beginning of his involvement but focused on Black Adam because when he was shown Shazam as an alternative with similar build and strength when Warner were against casting non-white actors in established roles he didn't like the idea of playing an aged up Billy Batson and sharing the role with a kid.

    • @uns33nbois81
      @uns33nbois81 2 роки тому +74

      @@Kal-El207 on the venom thing, them and carnage only teamed up once not to kill spidey but to kill carnage's son Toxin and spidey is only in the way, the only thing that carnage hates the most is venom because he thinks they're weak and not using their potential. And nowaday's Venom has become more of an anti-hero that's why they got their Lethal Protector title from.

    • @tmcttf8087
      @tmcttf8087 2 роки тому +93

      @@Kal-El207 *Venom* eventually becomes the *Lethal Protector* in the Marvel Comics and protects the innocent whilst quelling evil in their own violent way, essentially becoming their *own* hero. The *"Lethal Protector"* title was even referenced in both *Let There Be Carnage* and *No Way Home.* You should really keep up. Venom isn't some generic ass villain. They're more complex than that.

    • @vernyulkisasszony4708
      @vernyulkisasszony4708 2 роки тому +7

      I am not familiar with the original story or even the movie, but the funny thing is when something like this was said in the video: "At this point it's obvious who the villain is" I was like: "Black Adam".

    @THE_BEAR_JEW 2 роки тому +2351

    This movie just made me miss when the Rock played villains. If allowed to be evil for a substantial part of the movie, it would've been much better. He was outstanding as villains in Doom, Get Smart, and even in Pain and Gain if you count that... AND in his wrestling career.

    • @alexc8873
      @alexc8873 2 роки тому +28

      well said

    • @Goldenleyend
      @Goldenleyend 2 роки тому +242

      The Rock's best roles are when he kinda looks like he's the main character and then dies spectacularly

    • @SuperHornedtoad
      @SuperHornedtoad 2 роки тому +71

      Aim for the bushes

    • @philtess3126
      @philtess3126 2 роки тому +278

      @@Goldenleyend the rock did those roles back when he wasn't a diva. Now he always negotiates for clauses where he cannot lose fights. That's why he doesn't wanna be in a shazam movie cause we all know shazam is supposed to win. That's also why his roles have been so boring lately. Also, he's a one dimensional actor at best.

    • @buckshots2dabrain859
      @buckshots2dabrain859 2 роки тому +29

      I’m happy somebody brought up doom I loved that movie

  • @Drakonis.Imperial
    @Drakonis.Imperial 2 роки тому +1500

    To address the elephant in the room, there's also the problem of a Super-Hero Origin movie about a character that isn't a Hero. Black Adam is a villain. There are times when he fought against other villains, but it wasn't to save anyone ... it's because their plans interfered with his own.

    • @ssj2camaro21
      @ssj2camaro21 Рік тому +11

      To address what everyone keeps forgetting, that these are not the main story comic characters!!!!! These are alternate versions of themselves. Why can't you people realize that?

    • @Drakonis.Imperial
      @Drakonis.Imperial Рік тому +249

      @@ssj2camaro21 Because it's weak, lazy and disrespectful to both the canon and the fans. It's the "re-imagining" that's led to the decline and downfall of so many beloved franchises.
      By simply claiming it's an "alternate" version you basically ignore the actual characters and just glom off of their fame.

    • @SantomPh
      @SantomPh Рік тому +35

      Black Adam needed a more heroic character to reflect his own view points. The JSA are not those characters. Someone like Wonder Woman, who is also an ancient warrior who has killed before would be more relatable to him. Dr Fate could be like a sage character who imparts wisdom. Shazam/Captain Marvel is heroic despite his childish attitude and link to the wizard.
      We needed Black Adam to confront the wizard as to what happened in the past, only for the wizard to show him the error of his ways and why Shazam is the current holder of the lightning. Adam is too proud to admit he has become a villain but doesn't lash out at the wizard. If the Wizard was unavailable Dr Fate could do the job.
      But no, the writers of the movie didn't do anything like that. Film school really makes people dumber.

    • @wolfwang8464
      @wolfwang8464 Рік тому +23

      @@ssj2camaro21 we do. But it’s all based on the comics. The movie sucked and this “version” of black Adam even worse.

    • @Jujewjuices
      @Jujewjuices Рік тому +2

      He’s an anti hero

  • @alldayagain
    @alldayagain Рік тому +836

    Just calling the main character "the Rock" is the most honest critique I've ever heard

    • @LiveWireBT
      @LiveWireBT 2 місяці тому +11

      "I'm Rock"
      Certainly, but we were looking for an actor, not a stone.
      The Rock always plays himself. That's why every movie he is in is nothing more than a cynical reality TV show episode in over length with too much budget.

  • @carnivorous_vegan
    @carnivorous_vegan 2 роки тому +6211

    We are experiencing very weird times. We have the technology to make beautifully stunning movies, yet we are experiencing a cinematic drought of good storytelling.

    • @SuperOmnicronsj44
      @SuperOmnicronsj44 2 роки тому +191

      Agenda. Its built in to the studios via GSE or Social Credit scores. Worst times imaginable - I highly commend Tom Cruise and can't say enough about the guy. Just makes entertaining movies.

    • @Mark-xw5yt
      @Mark-xw5yt 2 роки тому +125

      @@SuperOmnicronsj44 This is funny cuz one of the top threads on this video is a bunch of people arguing that this movie is 'better than anything marvel has made this year' because there's no woke agenda

    • @shailonnoelle7175
      @shailonnoelle7175 2 роки тому +38

      Propaganda and agenda my friend.

    • @dustinhollis
      @dustinhollis 2 роки тому +21

      We have a dearth of good film writers that are being used or promoted. Those that are being employed couldnt even stay within the lines of an existing property much less create a new world. It's so very sad.

    • @measlesplease1266
      @measlesplease1266 2 роки тому

      They want to keep the propaganda they have been recycling for decades, but no one wants to watch it.

  • @davidkomai
    @davidkomai 2 роки тому +4987

    I didn’t know i wanted to see Pierce as a superhero, but I really liked him as Dr Fate. He and Aldis as Hawkman stole the show completely. I’d genuinely love to see a show spun off of seeing those two’s history and adventures together leading up to this movie.

    • @ninjanibba4259
      @ninjanibba4259 2 роки тому +131

      You know James Bond is basically a superhero right? Pierce is more than capable

    • @nachospopthe3rd564
      @nachospopthe3rd564 2 роки тому +65

      Nah they ruined Hawkmans origins

    • @positivetakes5592
      @positivetakes5592 2 роки тому +43

      I just wish he had been in it more than like 3 scenes

    • @ThundaFuzz
      @ThundaFuzz 2 роки тому +62

      After seeing Hawkman in the Arrowverse, I went into this movie thinking they really couldn't do worse. But, Aldis knocked the character out of the park.

    • @NoneRain_
      @NoneRain_ 2 роки тому +59

      yeah, and he was killed in his first appearance. Movie makers can see only 3 feet from their face.

  • @mr.j410
    @mr.j410 2 роки тому +2208

    The rock is so obsessed with public persona. He completely changed the point of the character. His ego needed this

    • @PlanetApathy
      @PlanetApathy Рік тому +21

      You mean he went off script or..?

    • @kokitoonz651
      @kokitoonz651 Рік тому +373

      Black Adam isn't really a hero but for some reason, they changed it in this movie. No doubt that he also had the script changed bc the rule is "the rock cannot lose a fight" on screen.

    • @Optimusprime56241
      @Optimusprime56241 Рік тому +14

      @@kokitoonz651 he’s not a hero in this movie either, he’s an anti hero

    • @Lechgang
      @Lechgang Рік тому +206

      @@kokitoonz651 Not just this movie.
      IIRC, Black Adam was supposed to be the villain of Shazam, but once The Rock showed interest in the role, they changed all of that.

    • @Chuck_EL
      @Chuck_EL Рік тому +99

      ​@@Optimusprime56241 black Adam is not a hero in general, and he's Shazam's villian not Superman's

  • @cortex7024
    @cortex7024 Рік тому +492

    i actually loved how they showed the power and pure speed that black adam has but what made me leave the cinema early is that there wasn't really a story and it just felt more like a power showcase, there wasn't any highstake thing that made me care, there was a massive lack in drama and just a lot of powers and action but nothing that linked them to something dramatic which lead to an empty viewing experience.

    • @Epsilon-18
      @Epsilon-18 Рік тому +30

      So many god-chatacters... As an amateur writer, I knew it wouldn't go well from the moment he appeared.

    • @dewolf123
      @dewolf123 Рік тому +18

      ​@Person of Interest Really the only way this character works is by only given him opponents on his power level or make it like Saitama where his conflict is within and yearns challenge and purpose

    • @Epsilon-18
      @Epsilon-18 Рік тому +3

      @@dewolf123 True.

    • @dewolf123
      @dewolf123 Рік тому +3

      @@Epsilon-18 👍

  • @BossMan-yu1og
    @BossMan-yu1og 2 роки тому +3554

    This movie was the Rock's passion project from nearly 20 years ago. I'm glad the dude finally managed to make his dream a reality but the reality is that his project came about 20 years too late.

    • @adamh9660
      @adamh9660 2 роки тому +437

      It's unbelievable that after almost decades of development they came up with just a solid "Ya it was pretty good" flick.

    • @Lutherstrode17492
      @Lutherstrode17492 2 роки тому +281

      It would’ve been a lot better if it was released in the 90s. Back then filmmakers focused more on the story

    • @dishansinghmehta8891
      @dishansinghmehta8891 2 роки тому +111

      @@adamh9660 bruh its not like they working on it everyday since the last decade , its more like the movie would be dormant for a nice 5 years then some work then again dormant and like 90 percent of work done in 1 year. dont know why folks are saying it been in decade of some or the other development , thats just a marketting tactic to sell movie

    • @dorkknight7973
      @dorkknight7973 2 роки тому +231

      It's his passion project but he really didn't treat it as such, he didn't really prepare for this role correctly! He didn't practice the accent, he didn't grow his hair out (yes, he had time to) and he doesn't have the pointy ears. How he prepared is going to the gym and getting more muscles and talking about the hierarchy of power in the DCEU is about to change (it didn't btw) and it never will because his time as Black Adam is over not because the movie bombed in the box office but because the DCEU is getting a HARD reboot so Henry Cavill Superman showing up in the post credits?, Absolutely pointless everyone is out besides Jason Momoa he will be Lobo in the new DCEU

    • @Eren-da-Jaeger
      @Eren-da-Jaeger 2 роки тому +36

      The script and dialogues took away the fun

  • @vishalvenkat6
    @vishalvenkat6 2 роки тому +3343

    I couldn't stop laughing as soon as the rock started talking in an American accent while every other actor is actually trying and put on a "Kandaak accent".

    • @ex-soldier4341
      @ex-soldier4341 2 роки тому +547

      they have their own language in Khandaq 5000 years ago but somehow Black Adam can speak english out of nowhere and his last name Adam doesn't sound like a Khandaqi last name from 5000 years past

    • @Karhall
      @Karhall 2 роки тому +389

      @@ex-soldier4341 He can speak English bc one of his powers is the equivalent to Shazam's power ( The Wisdom of Solomon ). Which allows you to speak, write and understand any language in the known universe. Got no explanation for the accent change tho. Also, Khandag is a fictional place any name the creators came up with is valid.

    • @ex-soldier4341
      @ex-soldier4341 2 роки тому +125

      @@Karhall so they have an english sounding last name in Khandaq while the king's name is Ank-ton?😆

    • @Karhall
      @Karhall 2 роки тому +114

      @@ex-soldier4341 When combined with his first name it does sound ancient enough. Teth-Adam sounds Egyptian-like. Like bro comic book creators aren't gonna do much research.

    • @ex-soldier4341
      @ex-soldier4341 2 роки тому +32

      @@Karhall how about Dwayne Johnson's representation of Black Adam? is that accurate coz Black Adam looks like a flat, expressionless and monotone character to me

  • @bromachrome
    @bromachrome 2 роки тому +1554

    Seeing Pierce Brosnan playing Dr. Fate was not something I knew I needed

    • @g.d.graham2446
      @g.d.graham2446 2 роки тому +67

      He was pretty good

    • @elcid9054
      @elcid9054 2 роки тому +48

      The guy still has it. Never reached his full potential imo 😊

    • @thebrownbanana7863
      @thebrownbanana7863 2 роки тому +8

      It sucked. Everything about the film sucked

    • @Sjcstro84
      @Sjcstro84 2 роки тому +18

      Was a pleasant surprise. The weakest person of the cast was atom, I'm assuming he's awkward comedy for the younger generation.
      The big fat guy was funny. The kid on the skateboard was good, the woman had good motives and put the heros in thier place.

    • @SuperOmnicronsj44
      @SuperOmnicronsj44 2 роки тому +18

      it was nice to see some actors trying something different and giving it there all and NOT RUNNING THEIR STUPID mouths on social media! Bravo Pierce!!

  • @bluefalcon2958
    @bluefalcon2958 2 роки тому +1535

    Pierce Brosnan killed it. He took a risk and the movie may not have done well, but his scenes were fantastic.

    • @ninjaman58
      @ninjaman58 Рік тому +71

      So true, his acting lifted the movie.

    • @ericray1676
      @ericray1676 Рік тому +4

      SELLOUT!!! Putting yourself with Hacks, like Scorpion king, Ha!!! Makes You, Unworthy. Fact

    • @martianwoodpecker
      @martianwoodpecker Рік тому +88

      I totally want a standalone Dr Fate movie.

      @SOSO_CREPITUS Рік тому +15

      Yeah he killed it… killed Dr Fate.
      Dr Fate isnt some guy… he’s a symbol, he’s literally the helmet and anybody that wears it becomes Dr Fate. Doesn’t matter who you are.

    • @holben27
      @holben27 Рік тому +28

      ​@@SOSO_CREPITUS who cares lol

  • @easternlights3155
    @easternlights3155 2 роки тому +887

    I am honestly worried about the state of Pierce Brosnan's back after he carried the Rock's movie for him.

    • @I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid
      @I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 2 роки тому +12


    • @krane15
      @krane15 2 роки тому +6

      Its Black Adam. Not the Rock's movie.

    • @frankcarlosnajera9723
      @frankcarlosnajera9723 2 роки тому +4

      It's somewhat true so your concern is valid

    • @cameronvelska4610
      @cameronvelska4610 2 роки тому +47

      @@krane15 he plays himself in every movie so yea it was the rocks movie

    • @krane15
      @krane15 2 роки тому +3

      @@cameronvelska4610 Correction: that would be Ryan Reynalds. In this movie, he was anything but the Rock. The sarcasm was a quick reference, however.

  • @Average_K
    @Average_K 2 роки тому +2724

    I think a lot of people are also exhausted with the antihero trope at this point. It was weird to me how hard this movie’s marketing leaned into the “I’m not like other g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶ superheroes” when we’ve seen the troubled antihero thing pretty much done to death in the past ten years.

    • @afcsabin
      @afcsabin 2 роки тому +133

      how? the only anti heroes we got in stand alone movies in the last few years were Deadpool and Venom. Also the Punisher Netflix show

    • @ninjanibba4259
      @ninjanibba4259 2 роки тому +63

      @@afcsabin Venom isn't supposed to be an antihero and Punisher shouldn't even be mentioned cuz he's a regular guy with trauma based motivations

    • @afcsabin
      @afcsabin 2 роки тому +307

      @@ninjanibba4259 How are Venom and Punisher not anti heroes? If you’re gonna make stupid statements you gotta explain them atleast.

    • @afcsabin
      @afcsabin 2 роки тому +127

      @@ninjanibba4259 plus Venom has been an antihero in the comics for so long

    • @ninjanibba4259
      @ninjanibba4259 2 роки тому +22

      @@afcsabin the dude literally kills people for fun, I shouldn't have to explain what villains vs heroes are

  • @friskjidjidoglu7415
    @friskjidjidoglu7415 Рік тому +573

    For me I felt that a big part of the problem was that he was too strong. It’s like bullying around characters in easy mode. It gets boring when there’s no challenge

    • @Lechgang
      @Lechgang Рік тому +114

      That's on the Rock.
      He has a contract where he's not allowed to lose a fight on screen. It was there in Fast in the Furious, it's here too, and it will likely be in the Moana remake which I'm 100% sure is only happening because he's spearheading the thing as a vanity project.

    • @mariozappini7784
      @mariozappini7784 Рік тому +54

      ​@@Lechgang which is honestly stopped watching any movie where the rock is in cause he's contractually bound to always win so what's the point?
      And this isn't just superheroes stuff but every film, imagine the rock wants to do an MMA movie and he wants to go against someone like the Mountain from game of Thrones, like everyone knows the rock would get smacked but due to the contract he's gonna win the first time they fight, so boring...

    • @ashkebora7262
      @ashkebora7262 Рік тому +10

      @@Lechgang I mean, yeah that's a really crappy contract stipulation, though a character that always wins can still make for an interesting story. They just cannot be a main focus of the story. At least not in the traditional sense. Give them something non-tangible to deal with like a personality flaw or three and _actually write a good story_ around those flaws.
      Instead, Hollywood _constantly_ churns out Hollywood scripts. Yawn. Double-yawn with that contract stipulation, because like you guys are saying: The fights their writing style relies on are boring when you know the results. I feel just as strongly about most Hollywood movies: You KNOW the protagonist is going to at least not die, so who cares about the forced drama scenes?
      Oh no, is John Wick going to die from goon #5082's gun shot?!!? ... Oh wait, nope, he's getting up. (okok, this particular trope didn't happen much in John Wick but I hope you get my point!)

    • @bestaround3323
      @bestaround3323 Рік тому +5

      ​@ashkebora7262 So One Punch Man, then?

    • @rezhaadriantanuharja3389
      @rezhaadriantanuharja3389 Рік тому +12

      @@bestaround3323 One Punch Man, after you remove anything funny from it

  • @dagg497
    @dagg497 Рік тому +72

    The problem with ticket sales for this movie is:
    -That nobody knew what story the movie wanted to tell.
    -Bad trailer and Advertisment.
    -Previlus DCU failures.
    -And that is was another Shazam movie.
    -And that A charismatic Actor are going to play an on screen dead character when it comes to charisma.

    • @torresjosue98
      @torresjosue98 4 місяці тому

      The Rock is not a actor

    • @dawey2192
      @dawey2192 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@torresjosue98they're referring to the actor for Dr. Fate, atleast from what I gather from the comments

  • @w3x8m2173
    @w3x8m2173 2 роки тому +467

    The special part of Black Adam’s character is that he’s singular focused in leading Khandaq his way. No humor, no negotiating he just does it his way. You can’t really make that a thing in his own origin movie because Hollywood doesn’t believe in villain driven stories

    • @skateorpie
      @skateorpie Рік тому +15

      Like they could’ve done that so well and just made the heroes who came to stop him have the comedic side. Hell I’d take a The Mummy (Brendon Frazier remakes) approach for an example. A fun action movie but with Adam being that serious leader with the good guys coming in being that contrast

    • @anushikajayasekara4005
      @anushikajayasekara4005 Рік тому +3

      You’ve got a ha ha react by the JOKER 😂

    • @Gadget-Walkmen
      @Gadget-Walkmen Рік тому +3

      Joker making a BILLION dollars, reaching MASS critical acclaim, and the main actor winning an oscar, says otherwise as Hollywood DOES believe in villain driven stories, it's just that The Rock didn't want to be a villain, he ONLY wants to be a hero and a good guy for all and that's it.

    • @cameramike2515
      @cameramike2515 Рік тому +2

      Venom and Joker did this a thousand times better. Venom is an anti-hero sometimes in the comics which helped a lot. The humor and characterization also benefited. Joker is only known as a villain but having him be relatable in a city full of unlikable assholes made us see his side more and made the movie more enjoyable even with his breaking points.

    • @PermanentHigh
      @PermanentHigh Рік тому +2

      ​@@skateorpieWhy does the movie need comedy in the first place??? That's just so cheap. If you make a good movie it doesn't need to be funny. The Dark Knight trilogy wasn't funny and had zero comedy in it, but it worked because they were good movies. Only hack directors and hack film makers rely on comedy and romance to carry movies. Because it's easy to not criticize a movie that doesn't take itself seriously

  • @joshdunne8792
    @joshdunne8792 2 роки тому +1056

    Filmento puts his money where his mouth is. While talking about bad writing, he explains what good writing is and uses those tools for good writing to seamlessly transition to an ad for manscaped. Film perfection

  • @andyrebelo
    @andyrebelo 2 роки тому +552

    As soon as I saw the movie, I knew Filmento was gonna criticise how Black Adam was a passive character that tagged along and pushed the plot. I've clearly learned a lot on your videos.

    • @ballofmayo5132
      @ballofmayo5132 2 роки тому +10

      Active characters, active word choice, and active voices. It looks clear that media and creative arts need active movement instead of passive action for things to be interesting.

    • @mythicalguy1236
      @mythicalguy1236 2 роки тому +5

      pushed by the plot*

    • @fynkozari9271
      @fynkozari9271 2 роки тому +4

      Theres just too many slow motion and flashbacks, like it was made by an old man. The bad guy lost in an instant.

  • @Basil_o_brouzos
    @Basil_o_brouzos Рік тому +74

    You forgot to mention that all the characters were extremely one dimensional and that the exposition was given through word vomiting between the fight scenes without any emotional hint from the characters to show what effect the event had on them

  • @Dom-mu4gd
    @Dom-mu4gd 2 роки тому +4558

    I loved the part where black Adam shouts "its time to get BLACKED" really got me in the feels

    • @woolfieMcP
      @woolfieMcP 2 роки тому +636

      Are you sure it was "Black Adam" that you watched...?

    • @UltimateNut
      @UltimateNut 2 роки тому +151

      Was in tears when watching that scene

    • @detectivejimmymcnulty1676
      @detectivejimmymcnulty1676 2 роки тому +128

      Isn’t this joke a little played out?

    • @bbqsauceenjoyer838
      @bbqsauceenjoyer838 2 роки тому +75

      @@detectivejimmymcnulty1676 yes

    • @youtubeenjoyer1399
      @youtubeenjoyer1399 2 роки тому +77

      I like the part when he says its morbin time and the morbius and when

  • @Whatsdogpee
    @Whatsdogpee 2 роки тому +176

    For your consideration: the main villain of the Black Adam origin should have been the wizard(s). Black Adam would be a tragic hero who, initially started out good, winning the wizards’ favor, but then becoming corrupt with power, force the wizards to fight him. He manages to kill most of them before the lone wizard (who would eventually be the one who picks Billy) manages to seal him away. JUST LIKE IT SAID IN THE SHAZAM MOVIE!!!
    You can keep the scenes of loss of family as it parallels Billy’s struggle but shows what he COULD have been had he used his powers for evil.
    Finally, movie would end with him being awakened in modern day. So kinda like the first Capt America movie.
    Heck, the movie we got should have been the second Black Adam movie! Starting off with him being reawakened and how he grows to be solely Kandaq’s protector. Then bring out Superman at the end when everyone thinks it’ll be Shazam or something.
    So yeah, BA 1 should have established him as Billy’s dark potential.
    BA 2 would have shown him rediscovering his heart for his people and becoming a protector.

    • @ryanpratama8061
      @ryanpratama8061 Рік тому +12

      Man, this deserve recognitions

    • @cherrybattung59
      @cherrybattung59 Рік тому

      Yiuy Q&A aCg

    • @libtardiacitizen
      @libtardiacitizen Рік тому +7

      This shows the people writing these movies know nothing about the source material. They're just winging it.

    • @PermanentHigh
      @PermanentHigh Рік тому +1

      I like that idea, but there was no cohesion in the DCEU outside of Snyder, Ayer, Jenkins, and Wan. Every subsequent director was just given an IP to play with, with no care for the overall arc of the Justice League. It was stupid. A bunch of wasted characters in poor story telling. We literally got 2 Shazam movies and not once did he mention anything about the Justice League or the Black Zero Event.

    • @rosestar1324
      @rosestar1324 Рік тому

      This would be good, but then the Rock wouldn't wanna play Black Adam. He ended up influencing a lot of what the movie ended up being.

  • @johnsanko4136
    @johnsanko4136 2 роки тому +207

    There's a lot of really good bits and pieces in Black Adam, but you're right that the villain was extremely weak. The final fight scene where the possessed Ishmael is trying to sit on the ancient throne of Khandaq is kinda goofy because they never set up why he had to sit on the throne, or what would happen if he did. It's just "Hey, don't let him reach the chair because reasons!"

    • @Blvo1
      @Blvo1 2 роки тому

      He wanted his kingdom back and rule the world!

    • @Mavrik9000
      @Mavrik9000 2 роки тому +7

      That's one of the problems with most DC movies.

  • @JTKatz07
    @JTKatz07 2 роки тому +148

    Wow you put it exactly into words! I liked the movie but I felt something was missing and it was Black Adam’s motivation. There was nothing to accomplish until that demon showed up which only happens until the third act. Very well done!

    • @georgemartinez932
      @georgemartinez932 2 роки тому +8

      That was the whole point tho. His family, home, and everything he had ever known was gone, and he had already taken his vengeance... he had nothing to live for. His entire arc in the movie was about *finding* his motivation-- developing a relationship with the kid, slowly realizing that even tho it had changed drastically, kandaq was still his home, and finally deciding to stay and protect kandaq instead of locking himself away. Him being "pushed around" by the plot *was* the plot.

    • @onkelpappkov2666
      @onkelpappkov2666 Рік тому +5

      @@georgemartinez932 Nah.

    • @tretre253
      @tretre253 Рік тому +1

      @@georgemartinez932 idk why people feel like this movie was so hard to grasp it was pretty easy and also pretty fire

    • @bossdogbossdog6558
      @bossdogbossdog6558 Рік тому +2

      The missing motivation was opposing captain marvel aka Shazam. Without Shazam,we really don't care to get invested in this guy. Oh yeah,and the rocks ego wouldn't allow him to be introduced as the villain in a Shazam movie first before having to have his own solo film. The guy is a pr ck.

  • @thesnazzycomet
    @thesnazzycomet 2 роки тому +102

    in the trailer they say "I was a slave until I died. My son died to save me" but throughout the movie you dont hear about a son until near the end of the film and I was so very confused xD the trailer made me expect something totally different

    • @beanking1728
      @beanking1728 2 роки тому +4

      @@CozyCowPooper they should have done that I the movie but they probably didn't want him to be viewed as a supervillain...and rather an anti villain

    • @TheSteroidStuffers
      @TheSteroidStuffers 2 роки тому +1

      @@calvini3317 he was, but it wasnt implied that his son gave his life for the rock until near the end of the movie, go watch more of filmentos videos so you can understand this extremely intelligent comment you made your self look so dumb on

  • @Homebanner666
    @Homebanner666 2 роки тому +1653

    From all the "Failed" movies on this channel this year, black adam definetly was the best one. I actually enjoyed it but it could have been way more

    • @dedalionarts6077
      @dedalionarts6077 2 роки тому +95

      Couldn't say it better.

    • @GameMasterAddict235
      @GameMasterAddict235 2 роки тому +97

      yeah. its actually good.

    • @kristopherrioux
      @kristopherrioux 2 роки тому +59

      Hmmm Blade Runner 2049 was a failed movie and I doubt Black Adam beats it.

    • @Homebanner666
      @Homebanner666 2 роки тому +13

      @@kristopherrioux oh damn i totally foregot that movie!!!

    • @b4history32
      @b4history32 2 роки тому +73

      @@kristopherrioux Black Adam definitely beats Blade Runner in the fun factor.

  • @thememe4u
    @thememe4u 2 роки тому +475

    Filmento, not sure if you’ll see this but thank you so much for making these videos. As an aspiring movie writer, your videos have helped so much with a script I’ve written for a Film & Media class i’m in: I’ve learned what to do with Film Perfection and just as much with Anatomy of a Failure. Your comedy is also gold and that’s what lead me to your channel in the first place. If it wasn’t for these videos, I might not have developed such a passion for writing for film. Thank you.

    • @Filmento
      @Filmento  2 роки тому +125

      Thanks for watching!

    • @the_mystic_ghost4148
      @the_mystic_ghost4148 2 роки тому +9

      @@Filmento dr fate is not dr strange's copy, it's actually the opposite. dr fate was created 1st

    • @peacemaster8117
      @peacemaster8117 2 роки тому +4

      @@the_mystic_ghost4148 But their cinematic versions weren't created in that order.

    • @the_mystic_ghost4148
      @the_mystic_ghost4148 2 роки тому +3

      @@peacemaster8117 I'd agree but he didn't mention ant cinematic version. He just said he was a copy.

  • @bkimatab
    @bkimatab Рік тому +24

    I love your take on how to improve the villain. Giving villains backstories and believable reasons for their actions enhances the movie so much more. Thats what has separated some of the great Marvel movies (Thor 3) from the bad ones (Thor 2).

  • @BlueWoWTaylan
    @BlueWoWTaylan 2 роки тому +267

    They could've made this as a villain movie for Black Adam instead of reluctant Hero. Or Anti-hero.
    Black Adam is actually quite motived to protect his kingdom. They really should've stuck with that.

    • @TheLikenessOfNormal
      @TheLikenessOfNormal 2 роки тому +30

      They shoulda made him a villain/evil but kept him as he is in the comics where he is content to rule and watch over his people while they prosper under him.
      That's why he's redeemable is that even though he's an authoritarian dictator bastard, he is one of the more highly honorable individuals with achievable, realistic and arguably moral goals even if his method of achieving them is utterly immoral.

    • @AreYouFNQRAZII
      @AreYouFNQRAZII 2 роки тому +4

      He was an Anti-Hero

    • @ssj2camaro21
      @ssj2camaro21 Рік тому +3

      I guess everyone forgets that, these are versions of the hero, not a comic book counterpart.

    • @purevessel4506
      @purevessel4506 Рік тому +3

      The way Namor was portrayed in Wakanda Forever was how Black Adam should've been in his solo movie

    • @MikadoYuma
      @MikadoYuma 8 днів тому

      ​@@AreYouFNQRAZIIYeah I think he is getting Anti-Hero and Anti-Villain mixed up. Black Adam should be an Anti-Villain if you want him to have a movie, especially if you are trying to have him be a clean slate at the beginning like in this disaster.

  • @d3athstrok317
    @d3athstrok317 2 роки тому +257

    I think they really needed to keep us in the dark about what happened to his kid since they literally kept showing his death in the trailers and yet the movie kept trying to make it out to be a hidden twist.

    • @socksfrommars4557
      @socksfrommars4557 2 роки тому +13

      Ikr, ruined to twist for me

    • @ethibodeaux7
      @ethibodeaux7 2 роки тому

      Lmao I thought I was the only one that thought he should’ve died

    • @r.o.e.408
      @r.o.e.408 2 роки тому +16

      This is why I steer clear of trailers now. It was still a surprise to me. Although, the end credit cameo was spoiled :/

    • @1980Triumph
      @1980Triumph 2 роки тому +15

      The twist was that his son was the original hero NOT that his son died. Haters brains only work wrong to be negative

    • @gamehhh012
      @gamehhh012 2 роки тому +2

      Well, I didn't watch shit before going to the theatre.
      It was awesome, it really was.

  • @makhina8839
    @makhina8839 2 роки тому +753

    It’s so unfortunate that this movie didn’t do better because even with a few things in it that I hated, I really had a lot of fun watching it

    • @theskepticalpangolininther3538
      @theskepticalpangolininther3538 2 роки тому +13

      There was a lot of things I liked about it and a lot of things I didnt like, it was fun watch tho.

    • @perceivedvelocity9914
      @perceivedvelocity9914 2 роки тому +48

      It was dumb fun. The story was almost non-existent but the interaction between the Justice Society and the Rock were worth the cost of the popcorn IMO.

    • @theskepticalpangolininther3538
      @theskepticalpangolininther3538 2 роки тому +2

      @@perceivedvelocity9914Yea agreed lol

    • @moonknight4053
      @moonknight4053 2 роки тому +11

      It could’ve been way better tho, the cinematography was traaaash, the team being introduced was rushed to the max, etc. The powerscaling was okay, tho idk why tf it took all of them to take BA on. Hawk man alone could fight BA

    • @positivetakes5592
      @positivetakes5592 2 роки тому +1

      Didn't do better at the theatres, but I bet it's huge on VOD and home video

  • @exploshaun
    @exploshaun Рік тому +8

    The ending quote fits very well. The lack of JSA and not vibranium in previous movies of the DCEU makes the world building felt like just an excuse to fight black adam.

  • @Anime-Control
    @Anime-Control 2 роки тому +210

    Weird. This ‘The Rock’ isn’t in the jungle.

    • @anubusx
      @anubusx 2 роки тому +23

      He is instead back in the desert for the second time.

    • @kardnails8729
      @kardnails8729 2 роки тому +20

      Yeah, who let the rock out of the jungle?

    • @SlaughterhouseDb
      @SlaughterhouseDb 2 роки тому

      He did manage to fly out to that farm/rice paddy so he could 'humourously' kill those mercenaries.

    • @maxthepaladin2147
      @maxthepaladin2147 Рік тому

      And doesn't wear a beige t-shirt

    • @kotchapakmaneechote2062
      @kotchapakmaneechote2062 6 місяців тому

      And his weakness isn't switchblade.

  • @looke7940
    @looke7940 2 роки тому +61

    Black Adam's theme (music) is pretty good. Probably could be a more iconic hero theme if the movie actually made people care about him

  • @blaspheed
    @blaspheed 2 роки тому +210

    Just found your channel while looking up reviews for Black Adam. I love the fact you are able to articulate what so many feel but don't know how to put into words.

    • @eliquate
      @eliquate 2 роки тому +5

      I follow this channel because he’s never just shit posting because he didn’t like the movie.

    • @stanleyclark923
      @stanleyclark923 2 роки тому +2

      Except the part where he keeps talking about "colonizers" when the head "colonizer" is the current incarnation of an ancient king of the same region. He either doesn't know what colonization is or just thought "hmm... buzzword good."

  • @187mrsmith
    @187mrsmith 2 роки тому +30

    I never realized that till you compared all the shots they literally just took a piece from every movie and combined it in one and thought nobody would catch on lmao
    Like you said it's not bad it's just all been done before to death an nothing 2 make it stand out on its own basically playing it safe

  • @sheikhabdullah873
    @sheikhabdullah873 2 роки тому +712

    Black Adam is oddly super fast paced. Things happen because they were supposed to happen and I'm just starring at the movie and asking myself WTF is going on? 🤣

    • @elcid9054
      @elcid9054 2 роки тому +60

      The movie was one big long action sequence

    • @sheikhabdullah873
      @sheikhabdullah873 2 роки тому +18

      @@elcid9054 Yeah the action was almost great but felt like rushed and mostly cut due to runtime.

    • @SuperOmnicronsj44
      @SuperOmnicronsj44 2 роки тому +6

      a rush job that could've used some seasoning ..but I think they panicked as the transition of sales was happening ... then he got cancelled anyway .. just awful timing to a guy who tried to do the right thing. Lot of that going on nowadays - Tom Cruise seemed to succeed at it, though.

    • @fortunateson2
      @fortunateson2 2 роки тому +11

      Same. It felt cheap and rushed. I turned it off after the first 25 minutes I honestly couldn't suffer any longer than that.

    • @Wheja_sciart
      @Wheja_sciart 2 роки тому +15

      When the twenty-minute mark came up, I just had to shout "I WANNA GET OFF THE RIDE!" So many elements pop up with no buildup, Amanda Waller is here for some reason, we're watching the X-Men jet fly into the scene with a completely different cast of characters, and I felt like i didn't even know who the main characters were at that point. It's not that I can't follow a story with a lot of moving parts (Lord of the Rings, Dune, and Andor were some of my favorite media of all time), but I can't take it all shoved up in my face at once.

  • @jennifersado
    @jennifersado 2 роки тому +649

    I actually really enjoyed Black Adam, though it felt more to me like a product than a movie. Still, a pretty passable product

    • @cobaingrohlnovo
      @cobaingrohlnovo 2 роки тому

      You’re the problem

    • @TheNameCannotBeFound
      @TheNameCannotBeFound 2 роки тому +45

      Yeah, I feel like that's the general consensus for this movie. A typical blockbuster. Entertaining, something you'll pop out to watch at a party, but nothing more than that. I think the disappointment stems from how almost every superhero movie seems limited to that format nowadays. A ton of style over substance.
      For every The Batman, you get dozens of Black Adam. Same thing with TV shows. For every Andor, you get dozens of Book of Boba Fett. For every The Expanse, you get dozens of Star Trek Picard. Hell, we even got to see this phenomenon happen recently with House of the Dragon vs The Rings of Power. Good and smart screenwriting is so rare, but you only need to taste it once to see how it good it feels and how it could elevate other titles to even greater heights.
      The more movies or shows you watch, the more the illusion breaks and you notice how some projects put in way more effort at creating something memorable compared to others. Once you know what a phenomenal project looks like, you can't help but look at the rest with a critical eye. Now imagine being a critic, someone who has seen hundreds, if not thousands of movies and tv shows, just imagine how things like Black Adam must look for them. Just another movie in a sea of ''passable'' movies.
      When the hype dies down, when years pass by, people will just look back at this movie as just another blockbuster that came out at some point. It will not generate any kind of meaningful discussions aside from ''oh yeah, it was fun.'' On the flip side, people still analyze, to this day, titles like Inception, The Godfather, Game of Thrones earlier seasons, The Expanse (seriously, go watch this show), Empire Strikes Back, etc. Now, does this mean every single future project needs to be a grandiose achievement of storytelling? No, of course not. But the balance is completely skewed when almost every new big title is the same ''shut your brain off and enjoy'' kind of project.

    • @pinkliongaming8769
      @pinkliongaming8769 2 роки тому +5

      @@TheNameCannotBeFound Glad to see The Expanse mentioned

    • @LuisSierra42
      @LuisSierra42 2 роки тому +2

      @@pinkliongaming8769 Hello fellow Beltalowda

    • @docholliday2571
      @docholliday2571 2 роки тому +4

      The only thing i liked about this movie is that they removed the awful Josstice League footage from the trailer. The movie was total garbage.

  • @godsfavoriteant9293
    @godsfavoriteant9293 2 роки тому +161

    It would be more accurate to call Dr. Strange a copy of Dr. Fate. Dr. Fate first appeared in 1940. Dr. Strange debuted in 1963.

    • @ZeDfives
      @ZeDfives Рік тому +32

      Had to scroll way too much to finally find this, props to you my guy

    • @mariozappini7784
      @mariozappini7784 Рік тому +37

      I think it's pretty pointless to say who copied who since the concepts themselves aren't that creative but it's how they are developed that's important.
      Whether Dr. Strange took inspiration from Dr. Fate or Aquaman took inspiration from namor it's irrelevant, it's how the characters became that's important and both are very different from each other

    • @Levyathyn
      @Levyathyn Рік тому +10

      I think the implication here was more that the on-screen depiction of Dr Fate was in line with reiterating the on-screen depiction of Dr Strange.

  • @GibsonChomar-r3q
    @GibsonChomar-r3q 13 днів тому +3

    0:22 notice how he stands so that we, the audience, can see his logo in full

  • @funwithtropes69
    @funwithtropes69 2 роки тому +36

    Hoping James Gunn would fix this mess of a franchise born out of reckless decisions, overspent money, and obvious source material divergences for the sake of obvious shock value.

  • @MusicLover-my6fo
    @MusicLover-my6fo 2 роки тому +629

    Black Adam is the perfect example of when you go all in on visuals and half ass the actual story.

    • @eolsunder
      @eolsunder 2 роки тому +11

      and you switch all the characters mostly to black for no reason and go "i'm going to make it like black panther, that was sucessful! this will be also everyone is black". Nope.

    • @The1TheyCallFoo313
      @The1TheyCallFoo313 2 роки тому +98

      @@eolsunder " All the characters" , like 2 characters. Y'all always complaing when everyone isn't a certain color. 🤡

    • @echostik
      @echostik 2 роки тому +42

      @@eolsunder nah u just overreacting. Using a black actor is one thing. They have the right to play any character if they are skilled enough for the role. Being woke and trynna shove down diversity to the audience is a whole other thing! whoever was black here didn't matter that he was black.nor the studio didn't want to *emphasize* that they are black. (Unlike RoP perfect example)

    • @shadow_realm47
      @shadow_realm47 2 роки тому +45

      Black Hawkman actually gave a top 2 performance in the movie along side Pierce.
      The movie was below average but those two characters were 9/10 and actors gave it their all.

    • @anirudhgupta2570
      @anirudhgupta2570 2 роки тому +9

      and the visuals werent even good lmao

  • @ASnazzyNinja
    @ASnazzyNinja 2 роки тому +141

    It's astonishing how organically you fit the ad into the point you're making into these videos lmao
    Great stuff

    • @hawkarramadhan649
      @hawkarramadhan649 2 роки тому

      i was looking for this comment hahaha someone aknowledging that ridiculously smooth transition

  • @bluefalcon2958
    @bluefalcon2958 2 роки тому +96

    As I watched it I found myself subtly wishing for it to end, starting to glaze over and think of other things. Not what you want your audience to feel i’d imagine

    • @onkelpappkov2666
      @onkelpappkov2666 Рік тому +12

      If I hadn't watched it in cinema with friends, I'd have turned it off. The few moments where cool stuff happened couldn't make up for the brutal boredom. I started making fun of the movie at some point to keep myself entertained.
      It's got the "dumb people in horror movies" effect where, if there is nobody to root for because you want all of them to die but they all get saved by the plot, the level of dissatisfaction gets absurd. The Hills Have Eyes 2 was another movie where I wished everyone to die fast and I was disappointed everytime they got away. I kinda wanted Black Adam to kill everyone and then fly away from the screen because nobody had motivation, there was no story, everybody was dumb and I could almost see the studio executives putting stuff on a whiteboard.

    • @bluefalcon2958
      @bluefalcon2958 Рік тому +3

      @@onkelpappkov2666 honestly the more I think about it….this movie was a bitch slap to moviegoers and the film industry.

    • @ericray1676
      @ericray1676 Рік тому +1

      @onkelpappkov2666 I Was Eagerly Waiting for Captain Marvel, Or Superman VS Captain Marvel. This Disney Crap Needs Burnt, Every Copy, Every Form!!! All Actors Castrate And Uthinized

  • @SammyPeanutTrumpNugget
    @SammyPeanutTrumpNugget 2 роки тому +113

    If there's marvel fatigue.
    There's also The Rock fatigue.

  • @acemstudio
    @acemstudio 2 роки тому +174

    DC still struggling to get their Cinematic Universe off the ground is just sad. FFS even Sonic the Hedgehog has it figured out.
    Here's what you do. You make a few solid humble solo movies. Keep doing that. Then when you're three to four movies in, have a team up movie as a payoff. Or go all in with the lore if you want like how Sonic is doing by bringing in Shadow. It's simple. It's called a slow burn. Everyone wants what Marvel Studios has, but no one other than Paramount, is willing to do what Marvel did.

    • @zewps9502
      @zewps9502 2 роки тому +60

      I can't believe Sonic is unironically one of the better film franchises of the past few years, wtf timeline is this

    • @Geral454
      @Geral454 2 роки тому +18

      @@zewps9502 as Voltaire said, we're living in the best possible timeline, that's the original optimism.

    • @cocolocoflow
      @cocolocoflow 2 роки тому +6

      Wait until Super Mario comes out ... Nintendo and illumination together is like what Pixar used to be back in 2010. Imagine the whole line up of Nintendo characters .... plenty of future storylines with the correct animation.

    • @acemstudio
      @acemstudio 2 роки тому +7

      @@cocolocoflow I dunno I'm excited but them just going ALL in with the Mario stuff is usually why a video game movie FAILS. i just want the plot to be good. Like it's cool to see Donkey Kong there but WHY is he there you know? It would be like if Sonic Movie 1 was nothing BUT the references. There are easter eggs, but that's not what makes the movie the movie. Sonic is what makes Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 expands by introducing Tails and Knuckles, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 bringing in Shadow is where we get into deep cut stuff. I just don't want them throwing a bunch of mario stuff at us cause we like mario stuff. I am optimistic about Sonic and Mario coming together to end the video game movie curse though. About time.

    • @KhanhNguyen-mh5ec
      @KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 2 роки тому +3

      @@zewps9502 If they play their card right, they may get a super smash universe

  • @franciscoaguilar2597
    @franciscoaguilar2597 2 роки тому +37

    I think he missed the mark a bit with the fact that the clueless nature of Black Adam is intentional. He's a man from a long passed time adjusting to modern society, and also holds depth in relation to his powers and being.
    *S P O I L E R*
    He's a god only from a transfer of power from his son who was granted that power before. He sees himself as a hollow failure in the shadow of his son, who was the champion and savior of his people in Kandaq. He eventually gains purpose in fulfilling that mantle as protector through the side characters he interacts with.

    • @lightdarksoul2097
      @lightdarksoul2097 2 роки тому +3

      Sooo it's just Assassin's Creed origins

    • @luciusnguyen2449
      @luciusnguyen2449 2 роки тому +1

      A man from a long past time adjusting to modern society. What you just described is not Black Adam, it’s Captain America. If trying to give Black Adam the same story as Captain America is intentional then they are completely clueless about the character

    • @franciscoaguilar2597
      @franciscoaguilar2597 2 роки тому

      @@luciusnguyen2449 not a great comparison when Cap is a member of a past yet modern society, and Adam from an ancient period. Cap didn't have that far of a gap from his awakening.

    • @luciusnguyen2449
      @luciusnguyen2449 2 роки тому +4

      @@franciscoaguilar2597 You are missing the point, the focus of Black Adam character was never about him adjusting to modern society. He doesn't care about how modern society works to begin with. He is not someone who is trying to fit in with how the world work. He's someone who enforces his own belief onto the world and what he cares about is ridding this world of oppressors by any means necessary. This is something that was never brought up in the movie

  • @tomboyraider1015
    @tomboyraider1015 Рік тому +7

    Integrating Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker/Spiderman randomly in the video including the sponsorship made the video extra good lol.

  • @TommyWWIII
    @TommyWWIII 2 роки тому +77

    The way Filmento seamlessly puts the ad into the story as an example for the plot just gives him validity that he knows what he's talking about

  • @jbballaran
    @jbballaran 2 роки тому +162

    Movies like these give me the confidence to keep going with my graphic novels, knowing that I can probably come up with better stories than these Hollywood writers.

    • @chaddelong998
      @chaddelong998 2 роки тому +13

      im with you. been writing a 9 book series for the last 7 years. each flick that comes out, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Hollywood is dying and society will need a new source of entertainment. it will be us. the masses.

    • @p.d.l7023
      @p.d.l7023 2 роки тому +6

      Keep up the good work.

    • @isa2758
      @isa2758 2 роки тому +1

      i mean if it make you feel good about yourself to think that...but at the end of the day what is watched and and what is not?

    • @krane15
      @krane15 2 роки тому +5

      Its not all the writers. Bad movies often have input from the producers (who are not writers). Everybody wants to put his mark on the movie. Many producers tend not to be comic fans and so lose the prospective of what it means to enjoy the fantasy.
      They feel all they need to do is give them enough special effects and they will like it. They tend to forget about a good story, when endures, and should always come first. Its the typical case of "too many chefs spoil the pot."

    • @camgere
      @camgere 2 роки тому +1

      OK, as long as your stories lend themselves to dazzling special effects.

  • @Arturogojo95
    @Arturogojo95 2 роки тому +36

    You killed me with that dr strange vs dr fate , I still can't beleived they killed off fates character that was a huge L

    • @elcid9054
      @elcid9054 2 роки тому +8

      Ruined the movie

  • @187mrsmith
    @187mrsmith 2 роки тому +14

    It's basically a video game movie of black adam but with the Rock but even then some video games tell some of the craziest legendary stories!

    • @majorknight859
      @majorknight859 Рік тому +2

      With the difficulty level on VERY EASY mode. & maybe NORMAL for the boss fight

  • @philiptangatue
    @philiptangatue 2 роки тому +46

    well technically both Hawkman and Doctor Fate were created earlier than the Falcon and Doctor Strange... in the comics

    • @inmyOWN_world
      @inmyOWN_world Рік тому


    • @T.HEmmanuel
      @T.HEmmanuel 5 місяців тому +4

      but they should have their own personalities. Here, they were written and made to feel like lesser but direct copycats

  • @rga1605
    @rga1605 2 роки тому +19

    There's also a thing to consider; I thought that at the beginning the movie would make a social commentary on tur role of superheroes and how they were incapable of saving an entire country from a gang, not a foreign country, but a gang of thugs for 28 years. But that turned out for nothing.

  • @512TheWolf512
    @512TheWolf512 2 роки тому +66

    Man, your Willem Dafoe cut-ins make me want to watch the latest spiderman movie again. Holy smokes is Willem an amazing actor

  • @Persephone_07
    @Persephone_07 Рік тому +15

    16:41 That’s actually a really good idea. Ishmael could be like a darker version of Suzaku Kurarugi from Code Geass.
    Someone joining the side of Intergang to get the crown back and save his people, but wanting to burn down everything else along the way.
    Basically make him Suzaku with the motivation of Lelouch.
    Sorry, I’ve been watching a lot of Code Geass.

  • @echsecutioner
    @echsecutioner 2 роки тому +26

    That sponsorship tie-in was legitimately funny! XD Very well done!

  • @schattentaenzerin
    @schattentaenzerin 2 роки тому +42

    I've enjoyed your content for a long time now and still do. I just wanna thank you for adding official subtitles! It's so helpful for people with hearing impairments and foreign speakers! 🌻

  • @lkf8799
    @lkf8799 2 роки тому +115

    I agree that I prefer movies led by characters that have agency but I thought the main objective of his character was to find his purpose so it didn't really bother me that he was on a journey from event to event trying to figure out his way.

    • @felippogaglianoneneto621
      @felippogaglianoneneto621 2 роки тому +21

      It didn't bother me too; in reality, i didn't noticed this problem until watching this video. I wasn't bored when i saw the movie; it is very entertaining in my opinion. Filmento's point, however, is that a purposeless hero is more boring to the general audience than a purposeful one, i guess.

    • @pisaschitt787
      @pisaschitt787 2 роки тому +5

      @@felippogaglianoneneto621 but most audience are willing to watch a movie with a protagonist that tries to find their purpose. Mcu spider-man is literally this type of character in homecoming

    • @felippogaglianoneneto621
      @felippogaglianoneneto621 2 роки тому +4

      @@pisaschitt787 The diference is that spider man choses to fight the Vulture, even knowing that he's the father of his girlfriend, Stark doesn't want him to and it will get in the way of his studies. That's what makes the story so compelling and entertaining.

    • @Walker-ow7vj
      @Walker-ow7vj 2 роки тому +3

      @@felippogaglianoneneto621 homecoming was ass bro

    • @bkimatab
      @bkimatab 2 роки тому +11

      The problem is that the major events that drive the movie end up boring and typical. He saves mom and son from cliche mercenaries very easily. Boring. He easily saves son from being kidnapped. Boring. He saves world from random devil monster who was just randomly sprung onto the audience. Have seen that in hundreds of movies already. The only compelling events that happen are the other supers fighting him to take him into custody. And that just shows those antagonizing supers should actually be the main characters of the story we follow from start to finish while Black Adam is the character introduced as the main antagonist. He should be who we the audience are curious about through the eyes of the other supers. A true main character of a movie needs to either have a purpose that helps drive their story or have a compelling storyline that drives them. This movie didnt have either.

  • @anujjena7758
    @anujjena7758 Рік тому +16

    Scenes with Dr. Fate were the only scenes which invloved acting and were watchable.
    Everything else felt like a mashup of different movies.

  • @GMP1isReal
    @GMP1isReal 2 роки тому +105

    I wonder if it is possible to write a passive main character but still have the story be about them, unlike the Great Gatsby where the "main character" is passive but only a spectator to someone else's story.

    • @KhanhNguyen-mh5ec
      @KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 2 роки тому +13

      It is. We call them Kamen Rider

    • @thunderspark1536
      @thunderspark1536 2 роки тому +7

      I know I'm going to sound stupid with this, but genshin impact kinda works in this (despite being a video game), the main peep is basic and simple, but their simple quest is accented by mystery and suspense as the player learns more about them and their past. I think a movie like this could work, where the main character seems to be wandering aimlessly, but they have a deeper goal the audience doesn't know. Revealing that could make for a very strong story that people remember.
      In black Adam for example, the long exposition dump would be slowly revealed throughout the story, with the ending revealing that the reason he was protecting this woman and child so much was to atone for his failure to protect his own wife and child from the evil king. That would put a whole new perspective on the movie overall, and have a payoff for those who were thinking "why is he doing so much for this random family and not caring about anything else but them?"

    • @kevingoh6217
      @kevingoh6217 2 роки тому +9

      Kino's Journey and Violet Evergarden come to mind. The first is about a traveler on a road trip visiting cities, meeting people and seeing their perspective on life. The second is a freelance ghostwriter taking on jobs with different clients. Usually the story is about the interesting people they meet, their struggles and the ideas they present. The hero is just there observing and later reflecting to learn more about themself, but rarely involve in the lives if these people

    • @project-gladiator
      @project-gladiator 2 роки тому +3

      Maybe if the point is that he feels somewhat lost? Maybe for the end he can even loose that pasivity and show it as character growth

    • @Zero-ds9ws
      @Zero-ds9ws 2 роки тому +2

      Isn't Dragon Ball an example of a passive protagonist story?

  • @alekstodorov9983
    @alekstodorov9983 2 роки тому +56

    I still liked the movie but i do thing the villain was bad tho i wish he was a good villain but ultimately black Adam is how not to make a villain but for me i liked how tension was building throughout the movie by dr fate seeing the future and thinking that if they imprison black adam everything would be fine again but then ultimately seeing the same future again and him realising they are fucked without black adam

  • @adamlisiewicz1777
    @adamlisiewicz1777 2 роки тому +61

    As an Adam I can confirm this is the most Adam movie of all time.

    • @lnhawk4958
      @lnhawk4958 2 роки тому +2

      That's something Deadpool would say

    • @Scorkey333
      @Scorkey333 2 роки тому +4

      This Adam approves your message of Adam-ness.

    • @bottomlefto
      @bottomlefto 2 роки тому +4

      Did you get Blacked too

  • @carbondragon
    @carbondragon Рік тому +7

    There was an animated DC movie with Superman and Shazam (Captain Marvel) against Black Adam, and despite that fact that it was pretty much all fight, it was actually pretty good.

  • @TheMightyBattleSquid
    @TheMightyBattleSquid 2 роки тому +11

    Let's be real, seeing the rock cast as the lead for a superhero movie of a character he looks nothing like was literally all one needed to see to know this movie was going to be trash.

  • @raphaeldag168
    @raphaeldag168 2 роки тому +44

    I really liked Black Adam. The movie was just a dope, fun, dumb out, action filled escapist type of film. I liked the Rock, Dr Fate, Hawkman they call worked. I wish it was more successful. But alas it didn't get the win. Hopefully they make another one with Superman and its gets the win.

    • @TheNicholas2778
      @TheNicholas2778 2 роки тому +7

      I was a very good movie. I don't pay attention to the haters an bias on these channels. Because they really don't know what they are talking about. DC I not trying to complete with Marvel.

    • @harijotkhalsa9496
      @harijotkhalsa9496 2 роки тому +4

      @@TheNicholas2778 You missed it. It's not about DC vs. Marvel. It's about film making and story telling principles. I went into the theater hoping it would be a win and walked out knowing it wasn't. Filmento nailed what went wrong

    • @juhabach6325
      @juhabach6325 2 роки тому

      @@TheNicholas2778 the film is being cancelled even tho it did great in box office because of that narrative given to justice society that is similar to how USA today. I'm starting to think these haters are bots.

  • @diegoaristizabal6594
    @diegoaristizabal6594 2 роки тому +15

    The best thing about the Rock cosplaying Black Adam was Pierce Brosnan´s Doctor Fate

  • @GioTheVax
    @GioTheVax 2 місяці тому +1

    I love how the eyebrow edit in the thumbnail makes the rock look in two different directions

  • @SolracNexus
    @SolracNexus 2 роки тому +15

    "A bad movie is better than no movie at all" - hawkman, probably

  • @Zombiesnyder13
    @Zombiesnyder13 2 роки тому +246

    I hope James Gunn helps DC to take over this decade
    Because I'm sick of the MCU

    • @senritsujumpsuit6021
      @senritsujumpsuit6021 2 роки тому +29

      Some Marvel movies are nice but the MCU world is just bland
      While the 2021 Suicide Squad can easily make way for a wonderful anthology series etc

    • @olimpiano8760
      @olimpiano8760 2 роки тому +50

      Just watch DC stuff then... no one is forcing you to watch Marvel

    • @Grasslander
      @Grasslander 2 роки тому +43

      You could just refrain from watching superhero movies

    • @thenerdlord8894
      @thenerdlord8894 2 роки тому +34

      No one is forcing you to watch Marvel movies lol

    • @kendi5391
      @kendi5391 2 роки тому +3

      @@Grasslander which take like 90% of movies per year anyway

  • @1994mrmysteryman
    @1994mrmysteryman 2 роки тому +72

    The Rock is not an actor. He is always just "The Rock" is every movie he's in.

    • @michiel1162
      @michiel1162 2 роки тому +20

      as is Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Hart, Gal Gadot, Will Ferrel, Mark Wahlberg... Half hollywood just plays themselves every single time

    • @ironmaster6496
      @ironmaster6496 2 роки тому +12

      @@michiel1162 Surpsringly averted woth John Cena in THE suicide squad

    • @thenerdlord8894
      @thenerdlord8894 2 роки тому +9

      @@michiel1162 Ryan Reynolds has had a few roles that aren’t just him.

    • @ninjanibba4259
      @ninjanibba4259 2 роки тому +10

      @@michiel1162 differences are, except for Gal, they can actually act, Rock can't or chooses not to anymore

    • @nnnp634
      @nnnp634 2 роки тому +4

      @@michiel1162 I wouldn't call any of them a good actor.

  • @robjvmedia260
    @robjvmedia260 Рік тому +9

    Hey I really enjoyed that, and as an aspiring writer, I found this very instructive. Started watching for the humor - stayed for the wisdom. Thanks for this!

    • @Epsilon-18
      @Epsilon-18 Рік тому +1

      I too am an amateur writer, and I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion.

  • @LeonardoKlotz
    @LeonardoKlotz 2 роки тому +107

    I love when horror directors make superhero movies
    Jaume Collet-Serra is amazing

    • @silashurd3597
      @silashurd3597 2 роки тому +5

      From the director of Orphan and The Shallows

    • @Lutherstrode17492
      @Lutherstrode17492 2 роки тому +5

      Yeah fr. A lot of horror directors make great superhero movies. Sam Raimi, James Gunn, etc

    • @karthikajay3091
      @karthikajay3091 2 роки тому

      @@Lutherstrode17492 james wan

  • @Root3264
    @Root3264 2 роки тому +8

    Having somebody overanalyze why I personally disliked something makes me depressed and happy at the same time

  • @benjaminaltube8731
    @benjaminaltube8731 2 роки тому +46

    As a writing question: can a character have no motivation until either halfway or one third of the story in? As in, it just fumbles around aimlessly but then finds something that gives them purpose

    • @tutorialslave
      @tutorialslave 2 роки тому +10

      Have you watched Filmento's Top Gun Maverick breakdown? I think the role of intermittent villains/opposing forces/obstacles can easily be applied to your conundrum. Give your protagonist episodic motivations that coalesce into something bigger, more coherent at the point of epiphany - either by each episode providing a puzzle piece/insight/lesson with significance to the final problem or by taking a step back and revealing that everything had been connected and leading up to said final confrontation all along.
      If, however, you're hellbent on keeping your protagonist milling around aimlessly and the plot basically throwing itself at them, you might want to consider making your story a comedy like Dudley Do-Right (with Brendan Fraser).

    • @isaiahgeorge906
      @isaiahgeorge906 2 роки тому +10

      One third through? Possibly, if done right. But halfway? No, that's a bad idea. If anything, your main character having truly no purpose should only happen very early on, and at the least, should slowly develop that motivation as the story goes on.

    • @pisaschitt787
      @pisaschitt787 2 роки тому +1

      Its possible. But dont drag it too long to the point where the audience feels bored

    • @miciso666
      @miciso666 2 роки тому +1


    • @Monochromatic_Spider
      @Monochromatic_Spider 2 роки тому +5

      It's pretty hard to literally have "no motivation", unless your protagonist is either suffering from depression or a robot. Be wary of unintentionally putting that personality on your character. But there's no real reason why a character couldn't just be focused on putting one foot in front of the other, living day by day, not really worried about anything in particular aside from getting past today and reaching tomorrow.
      The entire Jack Reacher franchise is based on that premise. Of course, Jack Reacher isn't really a superhero, which is why his general apathy isn't too big of a problem. He's just an exceptionally able guy who got a raw deal in the army and now he's mainly drifting around the US, taking it one day at a time and mostly having the rather exceptional luck of inevitably running into all manner of incompetent criminals that refuse to leave him alone.
      There's really no reason why a story has to be focused on a single obstacle to be overcome. There just has to be some form of movement in the story. Meaningful stuff has to happen, even if the protagonist is spending half the story just bumbling about without having their eyes on the "main event". It could be that the protagonist is overcoming (at that time of the story) epic challenges of opening the pickle jar or making the VCR work, or it could be other pieces of the story slowly moving into position.
      Trying to maintain half a story without the character really wanting to do something special or having exceptional motivation is perhaps on the harder side, but I'm not sure why it would be a problem in and of itself, as long as the actual story being told isn't becoming a drag. A character can only brush their teeth with a folding toothbrush so many times before other details have to be added.

  • @androidbudrules
    @androidbudrules 2 роки тому +1

    Got literal GOOSEBUMPS at 3:41 when "Electrifying" came on. 🔥🔥🔥

  • @maju3606
    @maju3606 2 роки тому +61

    As someone online pointed out, "It's just 10 action scenes in a trench coat pretending to be a movie"

    • @isaiahgeorge906
      @isaiahgeorge906 2 роки тому +5

      That's... what pure action movies are though? Movies with the main genre being action will always have less story, as it's about the action, not the world-building.

    • @maju3606
      @maju3606 2 роки тому +10

      @@isaiahgeorge906 should've atleast shown some effort tho

    • @isaiahgeorge906
      @isaiahgeorge906 2 роки тому +9

      @@maju3606 They did show some effort, just not much. I'll admit they could have done better, like maybe just one less action scene and have it replaced with just that little bit extra of character build up for the main character. Such a small change would have made a huge impact.

    • @tdup191
      @tdup191 2 роки тому +1

      @@isaiahgeorge906 I watched superhero movies for the action not tht story. MCU has killed the genre imo because it's overly focused on story/characters and not action

    • @wholethedogsout880
      @wholethedogsout880 2 роки тому +2

      @@isaiahgeorge906 its all style and zero substance. its meaningless, hollow, shallow, etc. there is no character in this movie. the most character we see is through the jsa and even that was nothing

  • @matthalpin1981
    @matthalpin1981 2 роки тому +15

    Another brilliant summary from Filmento. I never get tired of watching these videos.

  • @delanopotgieter9972
    @delanopotgieter9972 2 роки тому +100

    I have met a few that can see the bigger picture as well as you, but few have the ability to nail the detail. Your art direction and wordsmithing is on point. If its a solo act, then well done. If its a team, even more impressive.

    • @ssj2camaro21
      @ssj2camaro21 Рік тому

      But its inaccurate. It's just his opinion

    • @ericray1676
      @ericray1676 Рік тому +1

      Remember, Moisten Yer Lips Beforehand So You Don't Anger, Or Loose The Hard Part Of "Your" Job.

  • @NourArt02
    @NourArt02 8 місяців тому +2

    I read somewhere that The Rock had a line in his contract that says he can never be defeated, so i don't think it's 100% the writers fault he was so bland

  • @jesse76thgames80
    @jesse76thgames80 2 роки тому +144

    this just reaffirms that Spiderman was the peak of superhero movies

    • @mrfreeman2911
      @mrfreeman2911 2 роки тому +29

      the peak of writing.
      No idea what happened, but Hollywood killed the good writers and replaced them with idiots and cheap copycats.

    • @aadisankararun8633
      @aadisankararun8633 Рік тому +12

      lol, tdk triology laughing

    • @flashfunk0373
      @flashfunk0373 Рік тому +31

      The Dark Knight trilogy has also entered the chat

    • @Microwaved_Water1
      @Microwaved_Water1 Рік тому +1


    • @zaryabK-vi8fh
      @zaryabK-vi8fh Рік тому +3

      @@flashfunk0373 yeah that and spiderman

  • @Rolf97
    @Rolf97 2 роки тому +14

    What really pissed me off was how useless they made Dr Fate. He's supposed to be the most powerful sorcerer in DC, and they made him into a joke that did almost nothing. He didn't even wear the helmet that focusing on the annoying kid so much was painful to watch.

    • @StrangerE0ns
      @StrangerE0ns 2 роки тому +1

      While he looked and sounded cool i (and my brother who are huge Fate fans) almost had a hernia trying to just ignore the fact that Fate would literally body Adam and goat guy single handedly without breaking a sweat

    • @Rolf97
      @Rolf97 2 роки тому +2

      @@StrangerE0ns big Doctor Fate fan here too.

    • @maizen1403
      @maizen1403 2 роки тому +2

      That's honestly a big problem with DC Characters thar are so powerful. Writers don't know how to use them without overshadowing the main character. Happen much to characters around Batman. At least for Dr. Fate it's mostly because Kent Nelson is already aging plus with his vision that requires his sacrifice

  • @Thrawn23.
    @Thrawn23. 2 роки тому +19

    11:42 Atom Smasher, Hawkman, and Dr Fate were all created before Deadpool, Falcon, and Dr Strange. So they are not copies, there where Marvel comics writers got there inspiration from

    • @waltergutierrez1395
      @waltergutierrez1395 2 роки тому +12

      Atom (just Atom):1940
      Dr Strange:1963
      DC was SNAPPING back in the 40s

    • @whosaidthat84
      @whosaidthat84 2 роки тому +3

      You completely missed the point. He's talking about their movie interpretations specifically.

    • @waltergutierrez1395
      @waltergutierrez1395 2 роки тому +2

      @@whosaidthat84 that's a great point; but we know DC is late on everything lol 😆

    • @adamriggs2698
      @adamriggs2698 10 днів тому

      @@waltergutierrez1395to be fair, the golden age Atom wasn’t much at all like the silver age Atom we all know today

  • @TheAdvertisement
    @TheAdvertisement Рік тому +4

    I love the shade Filmento constantly throws at the Synder fans.

  • @koopa3195
    @koopa3195 2 роки тому +68

    I love the analysis in this video!
    That being said, the only nitpick I have was when you said “…and we have a Dr Strange copy called Dr Fate.” Since, Doctor Fate came before 20 years before Doctor Strange.

    • @jesuschrist2268
      @jesuschrist2268 Рік тому

      Bro the whole video was a "nitpick" 💀

    • @SantomPh
      @SantomPh Рік тому +22

      Dr Fate is a lot more than Dr Strange, but the movie portrayed him like Dr Strange. Fate is the host of Nobu the top Lord of Order , with a universe inside the helmet and virtually limitless access to magic. Unlike Strange he is 100% confident in his abilities and has wisdom beyond most heroes. Strange is an impressive sorcerer but is always portrayed as a struggler and a bit of a goofball, but Fate is super serious.

    • @koopa3195
      @koopa3195 Рік тому +6

      @@jesuschrist2268 so? That doesn’t mean I can’t have my own nitpicks as well.

    • @jesuschrist2268
      @jesuschrist2268 Рік тому

      @@koopa3195 I mean this guy doesn't have a slightest clue about what he is talking about. Your "nitpick" shows in perfectly. Filmento shouldn't be taken seriously

  • @sushigimme
    @sushigimme 2 роки тому +37

    Much respect to Dwayne Johnson for everything that he's accomplished in his career, as well as his physique but maaan...can Hollywood just stop casting him?
    I roll my eyes every time he's announced in a movie and we know dang well that he's just going to play The Rock for the seven hundredth time. He has the acting range for wrestling and that's it...

  • @minesguy
    @minesguy 2 роки тому +38

    I knew this was going to be a bad movie just from the interviews with “The Rock”. He was always focused on how cool he looked and how strong his character was. He could care less about character motivations and story.

    • @wholethedogsout880
      @wholethedogsout880 2 роки тому +7

      THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING "I wanted to play black adam because he's brown and I'm brown so the role was meant for me and me alone"

    • @B_rzechwa
      @B_rzechwa 2 роки тому +4

      @@wholethedogsout880 isn't Black Adam in the comica, y'know... White?

    • @ShadowSonic2
      @ShadowSonic2 2 роки тому +2

      @@B_rzechwa He's supposed to be from Egypt.

  • @ianAEF
    @ianAEF Рік тому +1

    This movie was just an excuse for The Rock to just blast gear like he had a 25 year old heart

  • @Cayde-6
    @Cayde-6 2 роки тому +120

    We need a stand-alone Dr.Fate movie

    • @morbiuscrystal4875
      @morbiuscrystal4875 2 роки тому +3

      His dead, cry somewhere else

    • @celestineemili6313
      @celestineemili6313 2 роки тому +4

      @@morbiuscrystal4875 lol do you know the history of Dr fate😂, an actual lord of order is dead lmao😂😂

    • @morbiuscrystal4875
      @morbiuscrystal4875 2 роки тому +1

      @@celestineemili6313 so what? Go beg your papa James gunn for Dr fate movie.

    • @richardtracy8242
      @richardtracy8242 2 роки тому +16

      Doctor Fate was Nerfed in this Movie.
      And he would take his Helmet Off every five seconds.

    • @Real0502
      @Real0502 2 роки тому +2

      @@morbiuscrystal4875 Kent is dead not Fate itself

  • @Geraldo_Rivian
    @Geraldo_Rivian 2 роки тому +16

    The most interesting thing in this movie for me was 4:54. Wondering who all the other creatures were that needed such high tech prisons

    • @BigJay039
      @BigJay039 Рік тому

      Harley Quinn, duh. (Sarcasm)

    • @leegibbs9694
      @leegibbs9694 Рік тому

      Actually this movie was great
      It's one of the best comic book movies in a long time.... action packed from start to finish...the colors are amazing
      It's a shame they might not make a part 2

  • @Draenen
    @Draenen 2 роки тому +129

    I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Expecting a bad flick while actually being pleasantly entertained through most of it. Not a fantastic movie, but I don't regret seeing it in theatres.
    Edit: Also, I DESPERATELY want A Pierce Brosnan Dr. Fate movie. Holy hell was he AMAZING

    • @AwesomeDude799
      @AwesomeDude799 2 роки тому +6

      I agree completely! My expectations weren't high to begin with and I enjoyed it. Also yes, I loved seeing Dr. Fate on the big screen and Brosnan was awesome.

    • @AreYouFNQRAZII
      @AreYouFNQRAZII 2 роки тому +1

      I saw it ✌🏿❤

  • @byronunderwood8832
    @byronunderwood8832 4 місяці тому +1

    Somewhere in act 3 The Rock stopped being Black Adam and became the Rock. That kind of took me out of the movie. However, the end credit scene was the best part! Your right the bad guy wasn't very threatening at all.

  • @binary1045
    @binary1045 2 роки тому +11

    dude your editing and meme-insertion skills are on point! your videos always make me laugh, and add to the reasoning and quality of your videos
    I have 2 questions:
    How do I get to your level of editing or meme-ing? It would be insane to have S-tier editing such as yours
    Would you ever review Pacific Rim? It's my favorite movie, and I think it has many things which separate it from other films and makes it unique. You could make a video tearing it apart and call it the worst movie ever, and I'd still love it because of your style

  • @GodzillaProductionsTV
    @GodzillaProductionsTV 2 роки тому +14

    All this movie has is an absolutely kick ass soundtrack

  • @wuighorkanabis9489
    @wuighorkanabis9489 2 роки тому +5

    I like how you analysis movies. I use all points you make about a movie in my camping in RPG like the examples of stakes, urgency, choices, twist, and so one, really improved the game

  • @braedynsmith7327
    @braedynsmith7327 10 місяців тому

    I kept thinking that this story would be better served as Shazam 2. Get rid of the Justice Society. Have Shazam fight Black Adam, then have them team up reluctantly to face the demon. Use that to launch a Black Adam spin-off film.

  • @baileysmith2646
    @baileysmith2646 2 роки тому +8

    I think the biggest problem with this movie is that they were trying to paint it as a hero origin story when it should have been a villain origin story. Black Adam was one of DCs greatest and strongest villains.

  • @codyCMY5646
    @codyCMY5646 2 роки тому +8

    pls do Wakanda Forever failure next what a hot mass that movie was

  • @S1erra107
    @S1erra107 2 роки тому +8

    The movie is a solid action blockbuster, but it does struggle in other areas.
    Worth learning from, but i'm still glad I saw it