FtM: Transitioning in your 30s.

  • Опубліковано 6 чер 2018
  • I wanted to transition at 18, but for various reasons I didn't. Pros and cons and waiting till I was older? Hindsight 20/20 and all that. Key takeaway though, is it really is never too late.


  • @caffeinecritter
    @caffeinecritter 13 днів тому +2

    As a 33 year-old transmasc nonbinary person who just started t 2 weeks ago, videos like this are uplifting and relatable. I realized I wasn't a woman at 19, but at that point I felt doing something about it wasn't something I was allowed to have. It is so good to see young people allowing themselves to be genuine more and more now, but it is also comforting to know that there are those of us embracing the journey later in life. It truly is never too late.

  • @wordybirdycs
    @wordybirdycs 3 роки тому +17

    I’m 33 and only FINALLY clocked my lifelong self-hatred as a symptom of being trans *checks calendar* six days ago. But it already feels so right that I’m researching options for HRT and top surgery. I really appreciate the encouragement from someone else my age, and I completely agree: there’s just more acceptance and info these days, which is probably why had most of my identity discoveries in the last 6 years.
    Thank you again for this video.

  • @mbibeau4635
    @mbibeau4635 4 роки тому +19

    28 years old; questionning since forever. Watching this video. Crying. Oh wow, my back pain just disappeared. Guess that finally settles it...

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  3 роки тому

      Hi M. Hope you're doing okay and whatever decision you made if working for you!

  • @TransActionLifestyle
    @TransActionLifestyle 5 років тому +28

    I started my transition at age 35 so you're not alone my friend! Good video :)

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  5 років тому

      Sup SWAGlet! High-five to other members of the late-transition team. How long ago was 35 for you? I'm 34 now and transitioned just before 30, so it's just short of 5 years for me. Best decision EVER.

    • @jessicadeines
      @jessicadeines 3 роки тому

      Thank you i am 35 and just starting my transition I first started at 21 in 2006 in the USA in a red state. After a few very negative experiences and some violent encounters, I gave up and tried making living as a woman for another 14 years. I managed to accomplish a lot and was even married for 10 years but was always feeling like I was broken and wrong. I have a lot of anger that I waited so long and worry I have lost so much time.

  • @laura0931
    @laura0931 4 роки тому +14

    Thanks for the video, 'that ship has sailed' is exactly what I've been wondering & it's really reassuring to hear from another person transitioning in their 30s, I'm 31 btw.

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  4 роки тому +5

      It's genuinely never too late if it's what will make you happy. I have zero regrets.

  • @sarahc8493
    @sarahc8493 Рік тому +5

    Thank you! Nice to hear from someone closer to my age… love the 20 year old trans men stud youtubers sure, but I’m glad I can find at least one perspective from someone who transitioned later in life. Much love from across the pond.

  • @Arian.Augustin
    @Arian.Augustin 3 роки тому +7

    Im starting T at 27, so this speaks volumes for me. Thanks for sharing!! :)

  • @JonahIronstone
    @JonahIronstone 4 місяці тому +1

    Transmasc non-binary person here, transitioning in my late 40s. If I'd known then what I know now, I'd have transitioned the second I turned 18 and could sign for my own treatment. Started socially transitioning about three years ago or so. I'm now five months on T, and couldn't be happier!

  • @vkp392
    @vkp392 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you for this. At 33 I've only just started my journey toward transitioning and was kind of afraid that hrt was off the table for me. Even though you started a bit younger, it's really reassuring to hear the experience of someone closer to my age.

    • @wordybirdycs
      @wordybirdycs 3 роки тому +1

      Same, I’m 33 and really worried HRT won’t have a convincing effect on me.

  • @dragonflysagatiaej4833
    @dragonflysagatiaej4833 3 роки тому +3

    I’m 41. Started 5 days before my 41st birthday this August.

  • @skyguy8786
    @skyguy8786 4 роки тому +5

    It's impossible for me to transition now, because my country is anti-LGBT to a discriminatory degree. It takes years to get a citizenship from a more tolerant country, and frankly at times, I think my first crime was being born here, and my second one was being born the wrong gender.
    It sucks. I did my calculations and the safest I can start my transition would be when I hit my thirties. At the earliest. I want to start HRT and other stuff earlier, but I don't know the chances it has on my immigration chances.

  • @soapymargherita
    @soapymargherita 5 років тому +6

    Thanks for this video. I'm 33, hoping to start T in just over a week. Excited and nervous. Mostly excited.

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  5 років тому +2

      Go for it dude! It's scary. It's easy to look at the folks who took the plunge early and think you're too far to catch up. But you're not -- WE'RE not. I started just 3 years younger than you, and now 4 going on 5 years in I can tell you without regret or hesitation that transitioning was the best thing I ever did. Go get 'em tiger.

  • @RageDeRuin
    @RageDeRuin 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much, I'm 35 and finally taking T as of yesterday, and it's so good to hear your take!

  • @Loxleynixon
    @Loxleynixon 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for making this video. I'm 32 and got so tired of watching teenagers advice. X

  • @ravenzaphara5513
    @ravenzaphara5513 3 роки тому +2

    I'm 28, trying to transition. Didn't realize i wasn't cis until i was about 21 or 22. Am in a relationship that forced me back into the closet for 4 years. All the trans guys on youtube i've found started their transition when they were in their teens, and i'm so happy for them, but it makes me feel bad about myself at the same time?
    When i first came out, i was terrified of transitioning because the political implications in the us, i was worried i'd get hate-crime'd, and to a lesser degree, i was worried that testosterone would make it harder for me to sing. Now that i'm older and have concentrated on my own goals and desires, i'm confident that transitioning will make me feel better. Four years ago (and longer), that was not the case.
    Sometimes the journey takes longer to start than it does to finish.

  • @Orphan_of_Gwyn
    @Orphan_of_Gwyn 2 роки тому +2

    Great video, love! I'm currently going to be 33 and I've wanted to transition since high school. My biggest thing that has held me back is the therapist thing about it. I've been seeing them off and on since before high school for anxiety and depression, they've never helped, and have mentioned transitioning with all of them. They always seem to laugh because I am a FTM and still like men. (I've had an Ace boyfriend who supports me 100%, bless him.) What I've read is that you need to see a therapist for a bloody year before you can even transition. I understand seeing one while you are transitioning, or if you're a lot younger to make sure that's what you want. I'm wondering if you know anything about that sort of process? Therapists just give me more anxiety than humanly possible these days because of past experiences... Thanks!

  • @xievisthedragon
    @xievisthedragon Рік тому +1

    Starting at 40. I always wanted to be a man. I just never knew it was a real thing till 5 years ago. Yes I live under a rock.

  • @darciwasaman1259
    @darciwasaman1259 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your story. Our collective voices are part of the new world that makes people like us feel accepted and safe. As safe as anyone can be I suppose. BTW you make a very handsome man. Your hair line is amazing.

  • @laner.845
    @laner.845 5 років тому +8

    I’m 35 and was so sheltered that I didn’t know trans was a thing until well into my 20s, and at that time I was still a closet lesbian in the military, so not remotely capable of entertaining the idea of trans. Now I’m wondering if I was never a lesbian at all, and I’m actually just a straight dude in the wrong packaging. Im too scared my very lesbian wife will leave me, though, and I think losing her would be worse than staying in the wrong packaging. Do you know anyone who has gone through this with an established family unit?

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  5 років тому

      There's no shortage of examples of this with trans women in "straight" relationships, and I've seen a couple of UA-camrs who were in "lesbian" relationships before transitioning. Been a long time since I saw those videos though and don't have links :( I'm not your best source for that info I'm afraid!

    • @laner.845
      @laner.845 5 років тому

      @@FangMuffin I appreciate the reply nonetheless. I've also found tons of examples of "straight" relationships changing, but for a reasonably sized group (lesbians who go FTM), there's not a lot on youtube or even blogs to be found regarding retaining long-term relationships. Usually it's young'uns who have been dating a few months to a couple years, and those almost never last. Not exactly giving me warm fuzzies about maybe transitioning some day.

    • @dannyknight595
      @dannyknight595 5 років тому +1

      If you think losing your girlfriend is worse than staying without transitioning, maybe you don’t need to transition so badly? I know when I transition I will lose my partner, but my alternative is committing suicide so I don’t really have a choice

    • @laner.845
      @laner.845 5 років тому +3

      @@dannyknight595 she's not my gf, she's my wife of many years. When you commit to someone like that, you take it very seriously. If you're willing to throw away years of your life and a vow, A VOW, maybe you never loved them that much anyway, and that's a damn shame.

    • @laner.845
      @laner.845 5 років тому +3

      @@FangMuffin you do make a very valid point. Still, she identifies as a lesbian, and will not be with a man, regardless of if that man was once a woman. That's a discussion we've had far in the past. That's not being transphobic at all on her part, either. It's an attraction thing and you can't force yourself to be attracted to a sex you aren't attracted to. At the same time, I would never want her to feel forced to stay in a relationship that made her miserable and completely screwed with her identity as a lesbian.
      I'm not miserable as a women. There are miserable days. There are miserable moments in otherwise good days. But I've dealt with this for decades now, and come to a sort of truce with my body. It didn't stop me from doing what I want with my career or serving in the military or any of my hobbies. I'm just doing all those things in a body that doesn't match my head and my heart. If that means I'm not "trans enough" for some folks, that's their problem and their hangup.
      We did talk, and she's on board with top surgery but not taking T, which to be honest as much as I would love it, terrifies me as well since I already have high cholesterol and autoimmune problems that would be best not jacked around with. I think that finding a happy medium that alleviates my dysphoria without making more drastic hormonal changes would do well for the both of us.
      Thanks for replying and keeping a dialog going. It's going to be a long road, but I think there might be a light at the end of the tunnel now.

  • @nhel5112
    @nhel5112 Рік тому

    25 here and there's a lot of thought, overwhelmed with the process.

  • @kodak5300
    @kodak5300 19 днів тому

    I went on testosterone at 37 years old from a doctor. I did get baldness. My mom's side the guys are bald. I had hair pre T I take after my dad. He had hair all over including his back so I knew that would happen and it all happened. I was debating going on T because of all that I thought would happen. One day I just finally got sick of it all. I said I will deal with it when it comes.

  • @shanebutler1687
    @shanebutler1687 2 роки тому

    Good show!

  • @stormyrai2257
    @stormyrai2257 4 роки тому +1

    I just turned 30 and im a pre-trans woman. I am scared it too late for me. Granted i was born with low testosterone and look 25 just.. I have been struggling my entire life and I'm scared for real.

  • @dragonflysagatiaej4833
    @dragonflysagatiaej4833 3 роки тому +1

    Ok so one reason if you start transitioning older, that you may experience delayed transition is that a lot of us start experiencing hairloss and start Finasteride to fend that off, but as a side effect, it slows down transition and may even prevent some transitional aspects. For me that’s fine, but for someone else they may prefer the hairloss over the delayed transition. So just something to put out there. It’s more likely to impact those of us transitioning older because we are more likely to deal with hairloss to begin with.

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  3 роки тому

      I'm lucky there. Zero male pattern baldness in my family, on either side :) never had to make that decision!

  • @dragonflysagatiaej4833
    @dragonflysagatiaej4833 3 роки тому +1

    I started last month at 40. When I was a kid, there were no options for kids. We didn’t even have a self identifying language to utilize to understand what was happening to us. 100% left in the dark. Whatever language did exist, no one would have said those words or defined the terms so that I could have made the connection.

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  3 роки тому

      When people talk about there being "so many trans people now, they didn't exist in my day", this is what's really happening. People who felt that was but had no language for it or idea what to do about it.

  • @mateodeviaje1201
    @mateodeviaje1201 5 років тому +1

    Hey! I just came out to my friends and part of my family, I'm 30 years old, I'm just wondering If I did wrong, I'm sure I'm a men, I always been sure of but the thing ia I can't get testosterone this year because I'm living abroad and I can apply for T and top surgery but I need to wait as much as a year, not even sure if I can legally stay in Sweden that period of time. I don't know my family and friends would support me for such a long time if I don't start to transitioning right away. It's normal to first come out socially, then change my name and then get the top surgery and T? I'm doing everything wrong? Thanks for the video!

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  5 років тому +1

      There's no such thing as doing everything wrong. Whatever order works for you and your life is the best order :) Certainly coming out socially before T and surgery is the most common route, and a lot of consultants won't prescribe T or refer you for surgery until you've been socially transitioned for some time. Wishing you all the happiness in this path!

    • @mateodeviaje1201
      @mateodeviaje1201 5 років тому

      @@FangMuffin Thank you so much, youtube trans advocate (? not sure If I+m expressing correctly, are the great support right now, whitout you an many youtubers I'd feel so lonely.

  • @Xilotl
    @Xilotl 3 роки тому

    I just started socially transitioning (20 years old). I want to start T asap, but I want children in the future. The full dose of T eventually causes infertility. Because I live in the US, egg preservation costs make me just want to die. So, the worst case scenario (and perhaps likely), I won't be able to take T (full dose or at all) until I have children. I'm in school and I still have to get my career started. Not to mention that I'm single af. So, having kids won't be until about...27-29 (if I don't have a partner by 28, then I'll get a sperm doner).
    Not to mention, who would want a pre-T man?

  • @CP-hb4ff
    @CP-hb4ff 4 роки тому +1

    I transitioned in Jan 2018 and my voice hasn’t changed yet
    I’m 27
    Is this because too late? Idk if dosage has anything to do with it,
    .5 every week though shots
    Only thing it helped was metabolism and hair

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  4 роки тому

      "Too late" really doesn't factor in. Testosterone is one HELL of a drug, and will do to you at 40 what it would have done at 14. If your voice doesn't drop much, then it would not have done if you were a cis guy. Men have all kinds of voices! Still, it's somewhat unusual to not get s voice drop. Has you GP checked your T levels?

    • @CP-hb4ff
      @CP-hb4ff 4 роки тому

      Fang Muffin Fang Muffin oops I meant I’m on .25 weekly 😩 all the men in my family have deep voices. Even my 13 and 10 year old nephews has bass to him. Hell even my mom has a deeper voice than a normal woman. For some reason I think it has to do with the doses it’s like it doesn’t last. Everyday. Single. Time. I accidentally miss my dose on Tuesday (3x already) I bleed with cramps and a full period the next day. It’s like the estrogen is just waiting to ooze again. It seems minors are on .25 a week. And it’s been almost 2 years.
      I’m 5”6 210 pounds. I’m not a tiny guy idk if that matters. I do get my levels checked but haven’t since February. It was in the 500s at my highest.I may get them checked tomorrow because I have an appointment with a new doctor , old one left. I did have a blood
      Test for an emergency the other day and my blood came back normal so it’s not like I’m in danger internally from T. When did your voice change ? What does it feel like? Are you just talking with the same effort you had before T. I want to just have that already. Thanks for responding btw.
      Edited: I just went back to my 4th month I overestimated it sounded cis, it just dropped one pitch. I didn’t realize how girly my voice was before but still boooo.

  • @d.a.madulara3669
    @d.a.madulara3669 3 роки тому

    Hrt is not that expensive right?

    • @FangMuffin
      @FangMuffin  3 роки тому +2

      T isn't. The mix of meds for trans women rather more do, I believe.

    • @d.a.madulara3669
      @d.a.madulara3669 3 роки тому

      @@FangMuffin for how many years should you only take HRT?

  • @gh0st_b0yfriend
    @gh0st_b0yfriend 2 роки тому

    Wait there's cake?

  • @crazyinclarence5531
    @crazyinclarence5531 2 місяці тому

    The are no updates