The Last of the Mohicans Promentory

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,8 тис.

  • @dawncharlonne1961
    @dawncharlonne1961 9 місяців тому +58

    My wonderful fiance Jonathan D Yellowbear was an extra playing a Huron Warrior in this movie..We are both Abenaki..I'm very proud of him and our people..

  • @joetruth5924
    @joetruth5924 6 місяців тому +164

    My father’s favorite author was James Fenimore Cooper who wrote Last of the Mohicans. He loved the book so when the movie came out I took him to see it. He passed away about six months later. Whenever I hear this I think of my Dad.

    • @JazzyKex78
      @JazzyKex78 3 місяці тому +6

      Me too. Touches deep in my heart too. My late father also loved the book and the film was fantastic, it then with DDL and Mann as director, can’t go wrong. All the actors were amazing!
      But this music touches me deep in my soul.

    • @itsTapseeTheNative
      @itsTapseeTheNative 2 місяці тому +6

      I feel you both. My dad turned me onto this movie when I was 6 or 7, now I watch it and think of him. Promontory has brought me to tears, listening to this track brings back memories of hunting and gathering with him, the things he taught me and the things I wish he could have taught me. Alas, I was 9 when he passed.
      Stay strong, for them. They would want that.

    • @chekaschmeka4283
      @chekaschmeka4283 Місяць тому

      That's one killer movie to die for.

    • @cesarlopez-fw8gv
      @cesarlopez-fw8gv Місяць тому


    • @pedro.veia1977
      @pedro.veia1977 Місяць тому

      Nothing like being able to do something meaningfull t9 some9ne we love and cherish that memory has confort to our hearts and minds when we think and miss someone dear

  • @alisalari5093
    @alisalari5093 4 місяці тому +41

    A masterpiece,
    It made my evening just as everytime I listen it. With love from Iran to all my fellow mohicans all over the world ❤❤❤

  • @jengraves5690
    @jengraves5690 2 роки тому +515

    Last of the Mohicans has been and will always be my favorite move and soundtrack

    • @greensavant2573
      @greensavant2573 2 роки тому +10

      Absolutely agree. Nothing even comes close.

    • @petermoodie6902
      @petermoodie6902 2 роки тому +2

      I saw this folks with someone I love & respect very much, however, twas a lady I shall never touch with such passion...only an admirer.

    • @mikefarrar3363
      @mikefarrar3363 2 роки тому +1


    • @karlitosdiezma5150
      @karlitosdiezma5150 2 роки тому +7

      Jen Graves totalmente de acuerdo contigo, obra de arte the last of the Mohican, Saludos desde España.

    • @wheeliebin18
      @wheeliebin18 2 роки тому +2

      A fine choice

  • @kristinboglio8710
    @kristinboglio8710 Рік тому +105

    I still listen to this song everyday,often on repeat. I swear i feel in in my soul. Very emotional peice. And the name of the peice is "the gael". It was made popular by my fave movie, last of the mohicans. Many ppl think thats the name of this great peice of music. I hope everyone enjoys it for years to come.

    • @Mr_Rabbit
      @Mr_Rabbit Рік тому +7

      Gives me goosebumps. Absolute masterpiece

    • @NoelBattaglia-k5u
      @NoelBattaglia-k5u 10 місяців тому +1

      Génial tout simplement. Nono. L elastonaute 👍🆗☯️🆒

    • @adams4048
      @adams4048 6 місяців тому +3

      I saw this movie in theaters as a child and it is my favorite to this day. I feel the same about the music.

    • @anaibarangan4908
      @anaibarangan4908 4 місяці тому +2

      I love it related to the movie or not.

    • @helenlee1729
      @helenlee1729 2 місяці тому +3

      A very very underrated score by Trevor Jones indeed

  • @lesterciudadreal9367
    @lesterciudadreal9367 Місяць тому +6

    This song holds a special place in my heart. I used to listen to it as a young man while going on long runs training for the Marine Corps bootcamp. Truly, a warrior's anthem!

  • @larrywinkle7850
    @larrywinkle7850 2 роки тому +109

    Im Native American and have been going back to my grounded native traditions and off drugs finally back to meditation and living the Native American way because i dont understand how white man thinks it doesn't make sense to me personally but I know me and i wouldn't want to be any other way even through all the battle ive been in and survived for an invisible border and for what..... Im about to be 40 and ive been in the shit in real life and its time to move on from asking why so much and trying to find answers in addiction and I know life is precious and not to be taken for granted as im getting older some people learn or they just burn out and thank god i avoided that bullet so here i am on my soap box again.... Its the music that inspired me to write this i get overwhelmed with the loss ive seen and seeing the other side of the fence where its not so safe so everyone in the united states be a little more grateful about where you live and stop complaining about little things that dont matter at the end of the day and always help the next man and let your actions be a positive ripple in life that will live longer.....👁☝❤🌪🌋🌀🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🐾🦋🦉

    • @chrisflynn2865
      @chrisflynn2865 6 місяців тому +4

      Best to you Larry.

    • @sandormccann2546
      @sandormccann2546 6 місяців тому +3

      Quite right. When I read "1491" it opened my eyes to all that was lost when the Europeans landed in N. America and destroyed so much culture and civilisation which was, in so many ways, far superior to their own.
      Peace brother and all best wishes on your great journey.

    • @kenhansen8186
      @kenhansen8186 5 місяців тому +4

      In the end all that matters is how you address the battles you face and try to persevere. Winning is not the goal but to continue to strive to overcome. You never lose if you never give up. Overcoming addiction is to choose precious moments of life over the chains of captivity. Best in your endeavors. There is always someone worse off than you that you can help if you just look around. Helping others gives meaning and purpose to your life.

    • @theexperimental8671
      @theexperimental8671 5 місяців тому +1

      @larrywinkle7850 As a native and a soldier im proud of you brother

    • @rebeccabrown9104
      @rebeccabrown9104 5 місяців тому

      I think the true way to live life is in partnership with the natural world and not to rape and pillage it like the white man has. It leads to self destruction in pursuit of what is deemed success. If we all learned to live with less the world and humanity would be in a much better place.

  • @calebwalker3294
    @calebwalker3294 2 роки тому +41

    This Film, this Tune, this Story, changed my Life…..forever and for the better

  • @michaeljanewhite5467
    @michaeljanewhite5467 2 роки тому +405

    I am 82. I read this book at 12 yrs of age. Read the Illustrated Comic Classic. I absolutely love the rendering the composer did for the Movie. It suits the multi-cultural entities perfectly. So in tune with the time it depicts and we must never forget the long time it takes to heal our people's souls.

    • @IamLongy
      @IamLongy 2 роки тому +2

      what book this is?

    • @miebrown2
      @miebrown2 2 роки тому +8

      @@IamLongy I am guessing they were referring to the book the movie was based on. The Last of the Mohicans.

    • @michaellawson6533
      @michaellawson6533 Рік тому +5

      Only love can light the mirror of the soul.

    • @cesny2175
      @cesny2175 Рік тому +2

      I didn't even think it was from a book!!🤦‍♂
      I'm going to buy that, thank you sir 🙏

    • @cesny2175
      @cesny2175 Рік тому +1

      @@IamLongy Do your research man, come on!!

  • @26maffew
    @26maffew 4 місяці тому +16

    I’m 42, and seeing this at the movies was so awesome….. I still reenact the scenes of the movie …. The British guy on the cross burning was a crazy scene ….. but nothing beats the final fight 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
    I’ve always said, what makes a great movie has to have a great soundtrack

  • @davidcabreonmunoz6258
    @davidcabreonmunoz6258 3 роки тому +3189

    “When you were born you were crying and everyone else was smiling. Live your life so at the end, your're the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying.”

    • @dennisevans5544
      @dennisevans5544 2 роки тому +141

      Not sure who you are but that was a awesome thought you just put into words excellent job.

    • @onepeekboom4583
      @onepeekboom4583 2 роки тому +51

      i love you brother

    • @aliensatemybabysitter1138
      @aliensatemybabysitter1138 2 роки тому +40

      Life is a strive at least we smile to the last day we are given, there are so many of us and so less that following aa ending system death is only the start of glory

    • @bobbymaxwell1097
      @bobbymaxwell1097 2 роки тому +23

      Sum deep shit!!

    • @theword2011
      @theword2011 2 роки тому +18

      Keeping it 💯

  • @DanyT77
    @DanyT77 Рік тому +61

    I keep having tears when I hear this song, it's stronger than me... Total emotions guaranteed!...👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

    • @HannibalBa
      @HannibalBa 10 місяців тому +1

      Every single time. I listen to it when I feel like Ive been punched in the gut by life. It reminds me to keep fighting no matter what. Victory is just around the corner.

    • @DB5652-v3r
      @DB5652-v3r 6 місяців тому

      emasculated cupcake

  • @drsudheersivaprasad5330
    @drsudheersivaprasad5330 9 місяців тому +3

    " Last of the Mohicans ' a truly iconic movie with a great cast, mesmerizing cinematography and smoothening background score. I have seen the movie "n" number of times. One of my all time favourite movies
    Congratulations to Michael Mann for creating this awesome movie

  • @helenyeaman1118
    @helenyeaman1118 2 роки тому +103

    Very powerful piece indeed. I often put it on repeat, headphones on. 100% Scot right here

    • @nunyabidness3429
      @nunyabidness3429 2 роки тому

      it's a very beautiful version that clearly displays the two different cultures at first being separate and very different from another. As time goes they mesh to create someting very beautiful. It feels like Appalachia to me.
      Proud 27th lineal Descendant of Richard Wallense, of Ayrshire. As well as 8th of Tagwadihi, of the Giduwa band of the Ani Yv Wiya. Much love to my kin in Scotland from Appalachia!

    • @GregBycraft
      @GregBycraft Рік тому


  • @saikrishnathiwakarrk
    @saikrishnathiwakarrk 2 роки тому +378

    This is a song that gives you memories you never had , like riding a horse in plains , jumping from a waterfall , laughing over the campfire after attaining complete inner peace .
    Have good days and many more folks ....

  • @leeprescott7405
    @leeprescott7405 2 місяці тому +11

    This is one of my favourite songs, I have to say this is by far the best version I have ever heard, the emotion conveyed is beautiful, fantastic

    • @AngelGonzalez-pd4cn
      @AngelGonzalez-pd4cn 2 місяці тому

      Any human being in this world who doesn't feel their skin get goosebumps listening to that music, that person has no soul, that person is not even a human fucking being!

  • @СергейФилимонов-г4ф
    @СергейФилимонов-г4ф 3 роки тому +281

    Музыка! Закрываеш глаза, ты на воле! Бежиш по широкой степи, на встречу ветру! Господи всем добра.

    • @Пешеход-б5п
      @Пешеход-б5п 3 роки тому +2

      Господи, где вы там ветер степной расслышали??? .... Тягомотина средневековая..... надо ж так было обдолбиться....

    • @Ахахаха5
      @Ахахаха5 3 роки тому +5

      @@Пешеход-б5п ты ещё не дорос до такой музыки и сразу видно,что и фильм не смотрел

    • @Пешеход-б5п
      @Пешеход-б5п 3 роки тому +4

      Скорее перерос...
      В реальной "индейской жизни" (не киношной) грязи и крови было не меньше, чем у белых... если не больше. То, что в реальности творили те же апачи, сиу или юта с соседними племенами (даже не с нами, белыми 🙂)) как то не хочется и описывать.....
      А так да.... Фенимор Куппер был хороший детский писатель 🙂

    • @pilotactor777
      @pilotactor777 3 роки тому


    • @elchintaxmazov5418
      @elchintaxmazov5418 3 роки тому +6

      @@Пешеход-б5п И что они творили друг с другом? Ты там был? Ты это видел? Или просто читал об этом из рассазов европейцов, которые видели в них только животное? Они и о вас славян говорят всякое. Получается нам, людям другой националности надо веит тем, что они говрят о вас? Ни когда и ни кого не суди по словам других, тем более тех, кому не интересны те, о ком гоорят.

  • @claudiodozza7848
    @claudiodozza7848 2 роки тому +115

    This amazing music is so perfect with the images of the movie,while he is running to save her. One of the best scene of all cinematography

  • @mirkogreggs
    @mirkogreggs Рік тому +26

    I have shivers everytime i listen to the soundtrack of this beautiful movie. Best ending minutes ever made for a movie.

  • @615855
    @615855 2 роки тому +33

    What gets to me is the amount of talent it takes to write music which can be so applicable and suitable for a particular movie. The Last of the Mohicans was a fabulous film and the soundtrack is equally fabulous and moving.

    • @CountvonCount33
      @CountvonCount33 Рік тому +2

      The Gael is Celtic music.

    • @jsg0170
      @jsg0170 11 місяців тому

      ​@@CountvonCount33still suitable, given the last of the Mohicans also focusses on settling Europeans, many of whom were Scottish/irish

  • @emilianopanfili9966
    @emilianopanfili9966 Рік тому +12

    Un film e colonna sonora che non ha rivali,un vero capolavoro del cinema...

  • @markowl
    @markowl 3 роки тому +167

    One of the best movies and maybe the best soundtrack of all time, no doubt. Beautiful, no words. Greetings from Poland to mohicans from all over the world🍻👍💪. Love it

    • @meenabustillos296
      @meenabustillos296 3 роки тому +5

      I totally agree!

    • @mattdanaher1977
      @mattdanaher1977 3 роки тому +3

      Absolutely! Greetings from Florida

    • @evex1014
      @evex1014 3 роки тому +4

      Love love love

    • @dezelijah7034
      @dezelijah7034 3 роки тому +2

      I`m a separate of this clan!!! but roots go back too this clan many years ago before we got screwed by the CHATHLIC Church!!!

    • @louiseowen8495
      @louiseowen8495 2 роки тому +1

      God bless you
      You are brave and strong, courageous and kind

  • @rodolfogagliardi5948
    @rodolfogagliardi5948 Рік тому +7


  • @johnjenkins1449
    @johnjenkins1449 2 роки тому +389

    This is the soundtrack to the lives of millions if not billions of people. The highs, the lows, the desperation, the joy. Please play this at my funeral and tell everyone there, I will remember all and I love you.

    • @claudianisipasu4014
      @claudianisipasu4014 2 роки тому +7

      1000% agree with you... Awesome Music!!!!

    • @TekkenG12
      @TekkenG12 2 роки тому +6

      I will remember you. forever.

    • @monstertrucktennis
      @monstertrucktennis 2 роки тому +3

      Run into Your future and those who know will smile.

    • @bretabernstein9305
      @bretabernstein9305 2 роки тому +4

      This music 🎶is forever in my heart and it speaks volumes. I too will love to have this played at my funeral. Even if people attending my funeral have never heard it, it will speak to them and they will forever hear it in their minds.

      @JOSEPHDANCE75 Рік тому +1

      Agreed brother

  • @jessykaiser3114
    @jessykaiser3114 2 роки тому +155

    I had the honor of living with an Osage shaman for many years. He taught me humility and how to reconnect with nature and my inner past memories and lives in ways I cannot describe. I wish this fortune on all who walk on this Mother Earth.

  • @arlenemock9373
    @arlenemock9373 2 роки тому +2

    I m 69 this is the best soundtrack and movie I have seen and heard. I get goose bumps everytime.It makes me spirit soar and smell the forrest.

  • @tinofjeff9835
    @tinofjeff9835 Рік тому +146

    This song makes me remember all the people in the past who made us of what we are today... Love peace and respect...

    • @JC-ww7vh
      @JC-ww7vh Рік тому +3

      Love is what we have, peace is what we make. Respect is for our Creator only

    • @MeAbroad2004
      @MeAbroad2004 Рік тому +1

      @@JC-ww7vh That is right; all hail Odin, the Allfather.

    • @syntholaesthetic4420
      @syntholaesthetic4420 Рік тому

      This generation is a disgrace, today motherfuckers dont even know if they are a man or a woman.

    • @fyougrembo6443
      @fyougrembo6443 Рік тому

      @@MeAbroad2004 Fuck outta here with that pagan bs. the Lord Jesus Christ is the only true way to eternal life. How does it feel having your fake little pagan tree cut down?

    • @rajeevp.j7311
      @rajeevp.j7311 9 місяців тому


  • @aleksandararsic8864
    @aleksandararsic8864 5 днів тому

    I do not know why, but I always get incredibly excited when I hear Celtic music. Maybe we Serbs really are Orthodox Celts, our language is Slavic, but our spirit, culture and tradition are still Celtic. Best regards from Serbia!

  • @jameloes
    @jameloes Рік тому +4

    Filme espetacular, muito bem feito, com bons atores, bom texto(diálogos), figurino, cenário, etc.
    Um trilha sonora memorável!
    Um grande abraço para os amantes de bons filmes e ouvintes do UA-cam!
    Antônio Wilson Costa
    Boa Esperança-MG

  • @ryanstansbury
    @ryanstansbury Рік тому +4

    I can long walks and listen to this. It keeps me on my toes. I could imagine a long trek with the native anericans in New York in the aleghanys. Up by lake erie walking long hours hacking away trails to further our conquest of isolation and simple lives. 🙏

  • @masterrogue6662
    @masterrogue6662 2 роки тому +193

    To this day, I still get goosebumps every time I hear this song. It calls to me.

    • @wayneglendinning3629
      @wayneglendinning3629 2 роки тому +2

      Im hearing the same calling were needed to bring this lifestyle back

    • @layna8924
      @layna8924 2 роки тому


    • @masterrogue6662
      @masterrogue6662 2 роки тому

      @@layna8924 What new world order are you referring to?

    • @giveematug7093
      @giveematug7093 2 роки тому

      @@masterrogue6662 perhaps the true amercians. The indians. You know, the ones that the rich, white, slave owners stole from.
      Just a thought. Not a good way to start a nation...
      Bad karma, and karma is undefeated. 😉 ( oh, and btw those rich, white, slave owners also were warned about countless "mounds" and specific locations not to fuck with. Now they are parking lots for malls. Ever wonder why our nation is so easily viewed as "evil" ? .....gee wonder why. Should of left the mounds we all pay)
      I digress, an amazing song & film. One of my personal favorites. Saw it as a boy. Still holds very vivid in my mind to this day. Powerful storytelling, and DDL is perhaps the perfect actor ( could play literally any role).

    • @masterrogue6662
      @masterrogue6662 2 роки тому +5

      @@giveematug7093 That's a very racist statement. Perhaps you should look up exactly WHEN and WHERE slavery started (and still exists in parts of this world). Here's a hint, it was before black men enslaved other tribes members and sold them to the white man. Also, if you check, England (white) was the first country to end slavery, followed by France, and then the USA. Many WHITE men died in order to end slavery. Why isn't that ever mentioned?

  • @HerrProfM
    @HerrProfM Рік тому +15

    One of the most haunting scores and scenes in movies. And Magua was such an excellent villain. The actor who portrayed him ( Wes Studi) never got enough credit.

    • @jamestepera3356
      @jamestepera3356 Рік тому

      Studi is great. An inductee into the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City.
      However, his greatest work is inMystery Men.

  • @pookhakruse2697
    @pookhakruse2697 3 роки тому +45

    This and Daniel Day-Lewis is what makes "the Last of the Mohicans" a favorite movie.

  • @DebbieCampbell-h2d
    @DebbieCampbell-h2d Рік тому +13

    This soundtrack “It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly have been”

  • @toddyarredondo5703
    @toddyarredondo5703 3 роки тому +45

    Still listening to this song in 2021

    • @euricho6402
      @euricho6402 3 роки тому

      Yeah Me Too👍🏻😊.

    • @Moodboard39
      @Moodboard39 3 роки тому

      Yeaa lol 🤣

    • @brandon39531
      @brandon39531 8 місяців тому

      Hopefully this comment brings you back to listen again if you haven't listened in a while.

  • @عبداللهالحشداوي-ق4ك
    @عبداللهالحشداوي-ق4ك 3 роки тому +117

    I also love this song that makes me feel that I will travel to another world full of enthusiasm and challenge in 💪💪💪 Greetings to all of you I am from the great Iraq

    • @raymondchisiuc3330
      @raymondchisiuc3330 3 роки тому +10

      may God bring peace,hapinness and prosperity to the great nation of Iraq and it's courageous people,for u deserve nothing less for your suffering and adversity at the hands of murderrers who are doing Shatans biding...greetings from Romania.

    • @gremxe9490
      @gremxe9490 3 роки тому


    • @kathryn-lesley4852
      @kathryn-lesley4852 2 роки тому +2

      greetings to you i am from australia

    • @raymondchisiuc3330
      @raymondchisiuc3330 2 роки тому

      @@sateeshkumartippagari apologies but I assume that your text commes with a question mark somewhere...if it was formed as a question then allow me 2 say that what,whom,where and when is GOD(?) is something that u need asking yourself before asking anyone else...the pursuit
      of GOD in all it's infinite glory is something that many spend there whole life chasing before reaching the ONLY viable conclusion...I would reference here as an argument the filosopher and psicologyst Jordan Peterson who begun this journey as an atheist and ended up ...well research him and see for yourself ;) . GL and HF friend.

    • @ademirdasgracaspimentel586
      @ademirdasgracaspimentel586 2 роки тому


  • @santosrinios2650
    @santosrinios2650 2 роки тому +60

    The last of the Mohicans is the song of the humanity against the New world order !

    • @Siye8899
      @Siye8899 8 місяців тому


    • @ИванКугот-е6в
      @ИванКугот-е6в 6 місяців тому +1

      Новый мировой порядок это много полярность, без гегемонии штатов, мир где будут разные краски человеческих расс и оттенков! Слава СССР

    • @ДианаБелобородова-в4б
      @ДианаБелобородова-в4б 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@ИванКугот-е6в вас история уже один раз растаптала. Ошибка эволюции

    • @ИванКугот-е6в
      @ИванКугот-е6в 6 місяців тому +1

      @@ДианаБелобородова-в4б но Россия всегда снова собирается воедино, история тебя не учит

    • @nigelarbury9989
      @nigelarbury9989 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@ИванКугот-е6вthere is no USSR

  • @MikkoMurmeli
    @MikkoMurmeli 3 місяці тому +2

    This movie made me admire the native americans so much that I grew long hair as a man and kept it for twenty years.
    Once, my home country Finland too, was conquered by christians. I think it's time for me to return to my true roots, to what folks call "paganism". Like shamanism and the old mythological religion of Kalevala.
    Thank you, natives, I will always remember you in this life.

  • @TraianPetrutiu-lh8uv
    @TraianPetrutiu-lh8uv Рік тому +19

    O melodie ce stârnește în noi tot felul de pasiuni.

  • @timothyaaron235
    @timothyaaron235 2 місяці тому +1

    You can really hear the bag pipes in this one. Wow. Spiritual. Love it.😊

  • @АделяМ-б4я
    @АделяМ-б4я Рік тому +3

    Классный фильм ! Шикарная музыка ! Слёзы идут когда слушаю. Спасибо ❤

  • @НилуфарРузиева-г2з
    @НилуфарРузиева-г2з 2 роки тому +41

    Привет Всем кто слушает эту прекрасную музыку. Хвала композитору. Каждый раз когда слушаю эту мелодию просто дух захватывает, мурашки по коже. Было приятно слушать оригинальную версию. Спасибо большое. 👏 👍

  • @chantalroybin4204
    @chantalroybin4204 2 роки тому +24

    C'est incroyablement indescriptible cette musique ! Elle me fend le cœur ❤ toujours

  • @magamaster1221
    @magamaster1221 3 роки тому +106

    Слушая эту прекрасную музыку, я ухожу в другое измерение, забыв о всех проблемах и заботах, это просто шедевр, я так чувствую ту прекрасную эпоху , словно жил там давным давно

  • @robertgreen567
    @robertgreen567 3 роки тому +105

    This song always makes me think of Duncan's sacrifice to save the woman he loved..

    • @kcooke00
      @kcooke00 3 роки тому +29

      I found the Major to be multi-layered as respects depth and motive in his sacrificial act. He couldn’t compete with the live Hawkeye for the woman’s love. What chance would he have of competing with the ghost of her dead lover. He was in despair. He was also doing an act of penance.
      While honorable in his courtship and duties as a British officer, he was clearly willing to practice situational ethics when dealing with those not of the aristocracy and when ordered, even to the point of wrongly imprisoning and executing men who simply wanted Col. Monroe to keep his word so they could go defend their wives and children from massacre.
      The Major also got a lesson in 18th century European greed while translating for Hawkeye. He had an epiphany at that point and was on his way to repentance.
      Also the trade would not have been able to happen if Magua had not cursed and disrespected the Huron Chief in front of the assembly. Cora was to burn in the fire for Magua’s dead children. Magua talking smack nullified the need for that.
      He had balls no doubt. Burning to death in fire is a tortuously painful death. He died a martyr with the symbolism of arms stretched out as if being crucified as he burned and was ultimately shot.

    • @farmerned6
      @farmerned6 2 роки тому +14

      "My compliments, sir! Take her and get out!"

    • @jockmcscottish7569
      @jockmcscottish7569 2 роки тому +15

      It was Hawkeye shooting him so he died quickly that got me. A truly noble act, saving him from extremely prolonged agony. A truly noble act of compassion.

    • @wheeliebin18
      @wheeliebin18 2 роки тому +4

      @@jockmcscottish7569 Waiting for Cora to turn her head too so she didn't have to see. Very good scene. A lot to be said... with no words.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 2 роки тому +1

      She'd do the same for him. right?

  • @feraltaco4783
    @feraltaco4783 11 місяців тому

    I saw this when it first came out. My mom gave me the book to read too. I was 9. This still stands as one of my favorite movies and scores ever. So grateful for my momma. She's exposed me to so many amazing things.

  • @stellaferrara2884
    @stellaferrara2884 2 роки тому +21

    Leo los comentarios de tantas personas y veo que todos nos sentimos igual de conectados con esta maravillosa musica del alma, no importa el pais, ciudad o lugar donde estemos, al final todos somos uno...saludos desde Argentina❤🌎🙏

    • @userrfrim4316
      @userrfrim4316 2 роки тому +4


    • @dragonflywings4669
      @dragonflywings4669 2 роки тому +3

      Exactly 😊 G'day from Australia ❤️

    • @sheronjames2674
      @sheronjames2674 2 роки тому +1

      I love the video, I love seeing the places that I have never been. It was an awesome video, they all were 😇👣☮✝️🌻♥️🌺🐕🐎🦞🍠🥟🍳🥓🧀🥫🥘🥩🥐🍄🥑🥕🧄🧅🥒🌶🥞🍗☕🔪🥢🍛🧂🌮🥪🌶🥒🥬🛸🛶🌞🌟⛅🌌🌨⛈⚡❄🌦🥏🧵🧶🕶🦺🧤👑🎼📲🔋🎥🎞🔦📓💰✏🖊🪓🗡🦯🏹🧻🔰✅🔵🟢🇺🇸🐴🕳💯🤟👀👂👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🤴👸👣🗣

    • @ИринаСаенко-ь7е
      @ИринаСаенко-ь7е Рік тому +1

      Привет из Казахстана

    • @charlesglegg7330
      @charlesglegg7330 27 днів тому +1

      Greetings from Florida, USA

  • @kevinflynn5332
    @kevinflynn5332 2 роки тому +18

    Touches my very soul.

  • @mohamedezz6200
    @mohamedezz6200 2 роки тому +17

    رائعه بالفعل انها تمس روحك من الداخل وتاخذك الي عالم اخر

  • @birdy9922
    @birdy9922 8 днів тому

    The use of the electric bass adds such a subtle moody feel to it! It almost gets its own solo but they balance everything so well. One of the most moving compositions put to tape

  • @markmcsweeney8145
    @markmcsweeney8145 Рік тому +3

    In the movie, when this amazing tune came on towards the end, I got shivers all up the back of my neck, twas perfect timing and perfect music 🎶

  • @kaboom9081
    @kaboom9081 2 роки тому +42

    I'm torn between The Last of the Mohicans and Dances with Wolves as my all time favorite movies. Both endings bring tears to this old man.

    • @murray7019
      @murray7019 2 роки тому +4

      Yes sir, "can you see you are my friend, can you see you will always be my friend"

    • @danoconnor8576
      @danoconnor8576 2 роки тому

      ×5000 boring

    • @giveematug7093
      @giveematug7093 2 роки тому +2

      @@danoconnor8576 says you. Lol. Others feel otherwise, isnt that something? 🤭🤭🤭😉

    • @ishrendon6435
      @ishrendon6435 7 місяців тому

      ​@danoconnor8576 you just are a bitter white male i bet lol yall getting left behind

  • @erincrossley2686
    @erincrossley2686 2 роки тому +15

    One of my all time favorite movies! Love it and especially the soundtrack…

  • @iqbalazambazidpuri3816
    @iqbalazambazidpuri3816 2 роки тому +14

    Soul stirring strains that tug at the heart and transport you into another dimension momentarily.

  • @산마니-c7s
    @산마니-c7s 3 роки тому +13

    이 음악을 듣노라면 나의 영혼이 끝없는 우주를 유영하는거 같다

  • @quaidkhattak9417
    @quaidkhattak9417 3 роки тому +6

    Mind blowing music

  • @badrulhisham5218
    @badrulhisham5218 3 роки тому +12

    Lagu ini amat sesuai sbg motivasi diri pembakar semangat berjuang yg tinggi kekuatan lagu ni melalui gabungan alat muzik yang digunakan pakai tonggak utama drum, biola serta organ, juga keyboard elektrik efek dlm susunan alunan rentak lagu.

  • @brandoncox4766
    @brandoncox4766 2 роки тому +189

    When I'm gone let the river of time sweep my existance away, let it erode away any marks I left behind, let it wash away any evidence I ever existed, let it carry away my name. However while I'm still here let everyone who crosses my path know it, let my enemies fear it, let my friends trust it, let my family love it, and let myself respect it.

    • @soijgb
      @soijgb 2 роки тому

      So Long.. Bro..

    • @johnparken4000
      @johnparken4000 2 роки тому +1

      Well said, Brandon!!

    • @danielparson4574
      @danielparson4574 2 роки тому +6

      A man with such wisdom should have no enemies but ignorance itself

    • @Britishwolf89
      @Britishwolf89 2 роки тому +2

      All the best bro. Strength and honour. Carve your own path in life.

    • @smokeyweinhandl5028
      @smokeyweinhandl5028 2 роки тому

      You guys must be all about 20.

  • @paulocarvalho4697
    @paulocarvalho4697 3 роки тому +234

    Como podem fazer uma sintonia perfeita desta?, é de mexer com a alma, linda música, linda música, não tem nacionalidade que não é tocado no coração por essa música, linda.

    • @user-il8oh2ev8y
      @user-il8oh2ev8y 3 роки тому +6


    • @tiberioneto4920
      @tiberioneto4920 3 роки тому +4

      ouço desde de 1992 acho qnd vi filme
      swm.palavras de tão bonita q é

    • @unclemikecruz
      @unclemikecruz 2 роки тому +8

      It’s made a lot of people cry 😭. Some tribes went into extinction after the European intervention in the new world otherwise known as America’s now. But yet it’s a movie of how love evolved between two people on opposite ends.The soul of the music brings it out.

    • @bahadur116minecraftgaming9
      @bahadur116minecraftgaming9 2 роки тому +2

      Hey listen its not the America's world it is God's world

    • @m.g.prasentiert3894
      @m.g.prasentiert3894 2 роки тому +2

      Paulo du bist eine reine Seele

  • @michaelcampbell7669
    @michaelcampbell7669 3 роки тому +393

    This song always stirs emotions in me. It is that powerful of a song !

    • @dezelijah7034
      @dezelijah7034 3 роки тому +5

      keep your emotion!, at bay! meaning controlle them don`t let it get the best of you! be relaxefull

    • @skullkraken_resurrected9857
      @skullkraken_resurrected9857 3 роки тому

      @@dezelijah7034 dont say someone what to do ya twaat

    • @dezelijah7034
      @dezelijah7034 3 роки тому

      its relax full, my boss wonders why I DON`T get mad at work!, dude listen too this...

    • @jayanthony3006
      @jayanthony3006 2 роки тому +1

      Damn right!

    • @unconditionalbs
      @unconditionalbs 2 роки тому +2

      It may be awakening memories in your DNA.... or a past life... or both. :-)

  • @johnmahoney7218
    @johnmahoney7218 2 роки тому +9

    The Gael by Dougie MacLean. He is a fantastic singer/songwriter from Scotland.

  • @SharonEllard
    @SharonEllard 10 місяців тому

    This makes me feel so good when I here this I feel so strong nothing can stop me now love it all of you who put this peice of music together amazing

  • @st3v3nk3
    @st3v3nk3 2 роки тому +45

    I cannot keep my eyes dry..
    This is a beautifull and awfully underrated movie.

    • @JoeyRhubarb
      @JoeyRhubarb 2 роки тому +1

      How it is "underrated"? It's 93% on RT and consistently makes it into "best movie" lists. Strange comment.

    • @st3v3nk3
      @st3v3nk3 2 роки тому +1

      @@JoeyRhubarb It is becasue i think it is a kult movie but not well know in wider audiences.

    • @JoeyRhubarb
      @JoeyRhubarb 2 роки тому

      @@st3v3nk3 definately not a cult movie. Got a massive release across mainstream cinemas and grossed $150 million at the box office. Aside from that pretty much everyone I knew had it on dvd or video. 🤣

    • @st3v3nk3
      @st3v3nk3 2 роки тому

      @@JoeyRhubarb Maybe in my country only it has not that big recognition imo. BUT we arguing over opinions..:)

    • @kippesnikkel5217
      @kippesnikkel5217 2 роки тому

      @@st3v3nk3 it's one of the most famous movies of all time.... what are you on about

  • @josedenercaldeira4114
    @josedenercaldeira4114 2 роки тому +26

    Assisti esse filme umas 3 vezes, um glamour ao filme, recomendo. Top demais.

  • @byronyadao5550
    @byronyadao5550 Рік тому +7

    Feels like a journey of adventure, an epic saga, an endearing purpose to achieve.

  • @yolondatavenor1262
    @yolondatavenor1262 Рік тому

    Absolutely beautiful and soothing. True and truly beautiful. I want more and to listen to more native Indian beautiful music. I've always loved native Indian beauty and native Indians, their culture, dress, beautiful hair, I love it all, always have, always will. Love native Indian beauty for all my life. Love, Lonnie

    • @tonwhelan
      @tonwhelan 10 місяців тому

      Native Indian music is beautiful, but this is Gaelic music from Scotland and Ireland.

  • @gregoryvanronse144
    @gregoryvanronse144 2 роки тому +7

    Toujours beaucoup d'émotions en écoutant cette musique!.je revois toutes les scènes du film,très émouvant 😭.

  • @cemdemir9985
    @cemdemir9985 3 роки тому +4

    It is really great. Greetings America's Indiana from Turkey ❤️.

  • @davidmclane4145
    @davidmclane4145 2 роки тому +514

    For those who don't know....This tune was written by a distant cousin of mine in Scotland, by the name of Dougie MacLean....The tune is called "The Gael", meaning one who speaks the Gaelic language of the Celts of Scotland and Ireland. It has absolutely nothing to do with the indigenous people of North America, particularly the Mohicans. It was chosen as the theme song to "The last of the Mohicans" movie and the rest is history. When next you hear it ...think back to Scottish Highland warriors, instead of Stone Age Native Americans. It is indeed a very powerful tune, capable of invoking strong feelings in listeners. If you had never seen the movie, you wouldn't be so inclined to believe that this is somehow Native American in you know the facts in the matter.

    • @truthortreason9118
      @truthortreason9118 2 роки тому +61

      Yes indeed, unmistakably gaelic music. This kind of music did, of course, get imported to North America by the Irish and Scottish immigrants. Its origins are deep in the past, in the time when the Celts lived in tribes, each ruled by a king who was, of course , subservient to the High King. So it's not a million miles away from the way of life of the natives in the forests of Canada and Eastern US.

    • @RoxyCherryRozy
      @RoxyCherryRozy 2 роки тому +23

      @@truthortreason9118 Our music is the product of the race of our people.

    • @OregonOutlaw2000
      @OregonOutlaw2000 2 роки тому +10

      Love his version and other stuff he does, my family is from south australia, we are originally from the isle of sky and are from the McGee clan

    • @ai-chan5545
      @ai-chan5545 2 роки тому +20

      I always thought it didn't sound native american but scottish or irish xd

    • @OregonOutlaw2000
      @OregonOutlaw2000 2 роки тому +3

      @@ai-chan5545 me to

  • @johnjenkins1449
    @johnjenkins1449 2 роки тому +6

    After I moved on from early life and thought I knew what I wanted, but there was something I was missing. The Love I never had. After 35 years, I FOUND HER AGAIN and I swear I'll never lose her

  • @glenhsieh8429
    @glenhsieh8429 2 роки тому +6

    Still listening to this epic song in 2022!!

  • @yolondatavenor1262
    @yolondatavenor1262 Рік тому +1

    I hope honestly hope u tube posts more native Indian music. I think Adam Beach is a beautiful man because he has a beautiful heart and I truly think of him when I play native Indian beautiful music. (Lonnie) yolonda Tavenor

  • @rogerramjet8637
    @rogerramjet8637 2 роки тому +9

    Best music ive heard in my life. Perfection ❤

  • @indrajitnarayandev9978
    @indrajitnarayandev9978 Рік тому +2

    This soundtrack rattles my heart & bones over & over again.

  • @teresapappas9773
    @teresapappas9773 2 роки тому +12

    Absolutely love this song so much! Also love the movie!

  • @alakanandabhattacharya7756
    @alakanandabhattacharya7756 Рік тому +2

    Soul touching! One of my most favourites

  • @selfmadewidow3474
    @selfmadewidow3474 2 роки тому +8

    An awesome theme worthy of an awesome film!

  • @soulrebel2531
    @soulrebel2531 9 місяців тому

    Great film actors our danial superb as always
    And this monster of sound track, wow

  • @lesROKnoobz
    @lesROKnoobz 3 роки тому +46

    I remember hearing this for the first time while seeing Last of the Mohicans playing on TV. Didn't watch the movie but I watched through this song playing. Badass movie and an even more badass piece of music.

    • @mfawls9624
      @mfawls9624 2 роки тому +1

      Badass old man indian. That war club!
      Equally impressive to shoot two long rifles simultaneously, while running and both hit their target mortally.
      I hated that at the end I liked the ginger Officer, lol!

    • @lewisvanatta639
      @lewisvanatta639 2 роки тому +1

      @@mfawls9624 The "old man" was the biggest badass of the bunch. I loved that end scence where Magua realizes....too late...that he's tangled with the *wrong* guy.
      I think there's a reason why he was the *old* badass. He'd learned his lessons well over the years.

    • @mfawls9624
      @mfawls9624 2 роки тому

      @@lewisvanatta639 Yeah. That's why he got to be old, lol!

  • @Jamesbond77789
    @Jamesbond77789 2 роки тому +4

    April 2022 still listening to this beautiful music

  • @borisbejarano6408
    @borisbejarano6408 3 роки тому +24

    Hermosa melodía ya van 20 años que no dejo de escucharla, el último mohicano

  • @chemsou3055
    @chemsou3055 3 місяці тому +2

    This song means power and fire to me i use to listen to this song when I go to the gym or to run in the mountains pure 🔥✨

  • @paulocarvalho4697
    @paulocarvalho4697 3 роки тому +61

    Trilha sonora e o filme são perfeitos, não importa a nacionalidade somos todos iguais nós pensamentos.

  • @LorenzoCiccarelli-fz2le
    @LorenzoCiccarelli-fz2le Місяць тому +1

    The best soundtrack in the history!

  • @elisabethmartino5585
    @elisabethmartino5585 3 роки тому +11

    Bonsoir une musique grandiose merci infiniment pour ce partage sublime j’adore 🥰🥰🥰amitiés et respect ✊ prudence à vous tous 🙏🏻🍀🔥🦅🔥

  • @KimonATsiomis
    @KimonATsiomis 2 роки тому +3


  • @Thunderclutch
    @Thunderclutch 2 роки тому +8

    This soundtrack is one of my absolute favourites. This song is wakeup alarm. Its so peaceful

    • @PorMisLatinos89
      @PorMisLatinos89 2 роки тому

      well if you are not of native blood that is, its like beautiful and depressing to me, like a war between your inner soul and the outside world.

  • @БатрадзТасоев-х8н
    @БатрадзТасоев-х8н 2 роки тому +5

    Чингачкук,Ункас,Следопыт,Магуа,под ирландскую музыку по роману Фенимора Купера -Последный из Могикан...мое детсво .....

  • @vicentealencar6052
    @vicentealencar6052 2 роки тому +67

    Simplesmente fantástica, essa música me transporta, vivencio o filme maravilhoso e cenas atravessam a mente....é uma viagem!
    Tenho gravado e qnd vem a vontade assisto novamente...os anos passam e o Último dos Moicanos permanece!👏👏👏👏👏

    • @ДмитрийТхагушев
      @ДмитрийТхагушев 2 роки тому +1

      Это что то свыше между небом и землёй это экстаз

    • @ysatis9005
      @ysatis9005 Рік тому

      @@ДмитрийТхагушев C'est exactement cela, vous l'avez très bien exprimé ... 👍🙂🙏💜

    • @ysatis9005
      @ysatis9005 Рік тому

      @Iago Roger Je revois cette scène poignante lorsque la plus jeune soeur est emmenée par l'indien au regard de glace .. tout se joue dans leurs regards à tous, elle tétanisée et le bel indien qui vient à son secours et y laissera la vie ... Cela me donne envie de revoir ce film d'une rare intensité dramatique.

    • @ysatis9005
      @ysatis9005 Рік тому

      Oui, pareil pour moi, un film qui m'a marquée, inoubliable .. et les acteurs magnifiques.
      Je revis les scènes et l'émotion revient intacte au son de cette musique ensorcelante. 🙏💜

    • @williambaisden4018
      @williambaisden4018 Рік тому

      Man ! Doesn't just move u.

  • @dianethreadgold328
    @dianethreadgold328 3 роки тому +10

    Loved the music and the film 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💋

  • @nunesbracara
    @nunesbracara 3 роки тому +43

    Excelente banda sonora. Marcante sem dúvida

  • @anabellecorrigan-musicteac5120
    @anabellecorrigan-musicteac5120 2 роки тому +4

    This is my favorite training/running/treadmill/workout song right here.

  • @eugeniocamporato8427
    @eugeniocamporato8427 2 роки тому +6

    MA-STER-PIECE. What a soundtrack.... What a movie

  • @rogermiller1725
    @rogermiller1725 3 роки тому +5

    Definitiv einer der besten Filme aller Zeiten

  • @EnoughSaid-bw9pk
    @EnoughSaid-bw9pk 2 роки тому +3

    when I die, I want this at my funeral, I want others to know that us natives are never died but move on to the next life. Hiy Hiy from Saskatchewan. "Land of Rivers"

  • @craigP4440
    @craigP4440 Місяць тому

    Beautiful, reminds me of all little islands up west coast Scotland 💙🇬🇧

  • @Annieisfreejustlikebutterflies

    Daniel Day Lewis was best actor to play this role. Amazing actor. Listened to this in art class and did amazing work.

  • @НатаЛ-л1е
    @НатаЛ-л1е 2 роки тому +2

    Невероятно сильная музыка! Сколько лет этому фильму - не написано ничего похожего!!!! Сколько клипов, микстов она сопровождает... Авторам - браво бесконечное. А я...когда слушаю этот трек и смотрю этом фильм - сердце замирает, всю жизнь ...

  • @ryan_fsk
    @ryan_fsk 3 роки тому +18

    Greatest soundtrack , the beat is on point and it sounds very Warrior like and motivational

  • @vaneahosu5506
    @vaneahosu5506 Рік тому +1

    Am citit cartea pe la 12 ani ,am vazut filmul pe la 60 de ani ! Muzica e fantastică!