İ did this as Roleplay myself. Made galaxy full of primitive life. Uplifted everyone, gave their freedom, retreated beyond the L gate, locked it down. Watched.
The AI is honestly so chaotic to watch. I offer Subjugation to a small empire and they refuse but then you see these massive empires flip and become vassals of their neighbors because they lost 1 war and their fleet power dipped to inferior for 0.00001 seconds
Yeah, I had a bunch of subjugated empires try to wrest free just because I lost my largest, but not only, fleet to a space entity. They were quickly put in their place but the AI puts too much weight on fleet power in matters like that.
@@1stCainite And the fact that the AI often make decisions instantly doesn't help. The balance of power can shift for an instant and cause the AI to make decisions they wouldn't normally make.
@@1stCainite fleet power should probably be like: What was the highest point in the past weeks or avarage of the past 12 months. or something like that.
@@redtsun67 It's funny cause the *one* thing in the entire game that they take time to reply to is trade deals. There's me with an absaloutely disatarous economy asking the AI for some food and getting the trade to +1 since I need everything I have. 2 weeks later, the month ticks closer and my ecenomic crash gets closer. I get the reply *No fuck off*
I remember doing a run for a pacifist achievement, so turned off all empires of equivalent tech, leaving just myself, the AI stagnant ascendencies, and primitives. Because I had no rivals, my empire expansion slowed to a crawl, my peaceful plantoids colonising about 2 dozen worlds across a spiral arm, locking down our borders at key choke points, and then. . .just stopping. We explored, did science, poked at the L-gates a bit. . .and then one of our science ships stumbled across another science ship. About seven jumps away from our borders, completely unnoticed, some upright hairless apes had discovered FTL and colonised some nearby worlds we had left fallow. Elsewhere we found other primitives had done the same. Suddenly, there was a galactic community, with my plantoids happily trading, guiding and protecting the younger races around the galaxy. We were so much more advanced and powerful, but so pathalogically peaceful, that we were the perfect guardians of the galaxy. For a run through I did for an ahcievement that I expected to be dull as hell, it was a really wholesome experience!
i just did that with my humans star trek united earth style, i started to think it was boring but when i think about my citizens happily & peacefully trading, it is calming. until the fallen empires started attacking & all hell broke loose
No other soundtrack spells "Stellaris" as much as Faster than Light. Also i love how this development goes it tells its own story and seems way more organic
I love how Stellaris creates stories. I played as a megacorporation that had its own trade federation, once an empire I didn't know much about declared war and because it was far away I didn't pay attention to that war, a few years later I looked and found out that my trade federation was at war with another trade federation and together we occupy 2/3 of the galaxy. So I suddenly got such a good feeling when I found out how, without my doing, an intergalactic war of trade federations broke out over disputed territories rich in trade opportunities.
i played for the first time today and after 2 hours there was first contact, and 15minutes after that i got destroyed by angry aliens that were on every side of the borders of my empire
I declared war once to a megacorp A.I, that was part of a much bigger network of empires, in a split second I was at war with the other side of the galaxy hah, suckers started invading using gates near my territory, took quite a few years to finish the conflict, they seemed to have endless fleets.
First time I played I did not know about AI rebellions.... Well guess what. AI rebellion forms and I was like WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! and my allies were racing over to help put them down but it was just too late.... I couldn't recover. I tried to survive and start over as a much smaller civ, but a little later I was taken over by my neighbor. A**hole
Самое интересное, что в ванильной игре я не встречал восстаний, а с всего тремя модами уже происходил ад, Из-за чего я становился в 10 раз сильнее всех остальных
if you ever want to roleplay a fallen empire bump up the primitive civilizations like crazy and remove all other empires and either make the crisis super late or basiclaly just remove it
There’s an interesting paper about this. Basically, we’re probably one of the earliest civilizations to begin exploring space, but even being early, it’s likely that approximately half the universe has already been claimed by other civilizations (assuming that FTL travel is possible).
Especialy when ftl travel is realy impossible despite some Theories that might work there could be several ones but colinizing other Planets needs thousands of years or even longee on a huge ship with big populations with artifical Gravitation and all. These big Ring ships.
I have only ONCE seen a primitive civ become spacefaring and all it accomplished was costing me access to my system. So the mechanic wasn’t very fun in that case
The ai usually crushes primitives before they reach space age because a lot of primitive spawn in the early stages of development and even those who don’t still have to wait awhile to become space farring.
I think the one and only time that a primitive civilization became spacefaring in my borders was the only time I was playing a determined exterminator. I got the event about whether or not to give them the system, obviously said no because a DE would never do that, and then they promptly and kindly purged themselves once it reverted to my ownership after I declined. “Hey I think it’s only fair if we get our home system” “No. Prepare for extermination” “Sure thing, we’ll start right away”
I've seen it a few times, sometimes it catches me off guard, but I usually reward them for growing up on their own by vassalising them and giving them resources/research.
I just subjugate them and make them little vassals that I will eventually bring into my fold. Granted being in my empire is much much better than being in anyone else’s as I tend to get surrounded by exterminators or xenomorphs just… straight up xenos
This really helps illustrate how important being the first space faring species in a galaxy is. There's really nothing a civilization can do against another civilization who has had hundreds, thousands, or perhaps millions of years head start in conquering territory and improving technology.
Not even that, imagine if finding a way to traverse the stars leads to a tech leap like we experience right now after going industrial. We have made more tech process in the last 100 years than people of the past did in 1000 or even 10000 years.
Stellaris doesn't simulate political decay/fracture, or economic collapse. Just because you're the first people out into space doesn't guarantee that your polity will remain united or stable for that entire time. Or that your knowledge will constantly increase and expand, instead of stagnating or regressing.
Its a sad story of red empire. They have one the the first galactic civil wars, then the original red gets taken over by the purple. Afterwards the remnants of the second res are forced into the galactic centre only to be later overrun by green which falls to purple. Sad story.
I can see the story...the Reds on both sides of the civil war eventually banding together for a final stand against purple. "Let us fight...together, one last time." **badass fist lock**
I can't help but feel this music comes from Mass Effect. it just has that feel. Also, its fun to leave a AI galaxy running when your going to be away for a few days and see the post mortem carnage.
Honestly, this is more how a regular game should be 400 billion stars in the galaxy - should be 100% the norm for vast stretches to be uncolonized and unexplored at any given time with only rare direct contact between rival empires. Stellaris is great at depicting the 'rise' of empires but less focus on the 'fall'. Even things like the AI revolt/crisis are usually just replacing one empire with another. I want to see worlds becoming depopulated, systems emptied out, entire sectors of the galaxy returning to fallow...We need a few more DLCs with 'fall' mechanics included to truly make Stellaris a masterpiece of gaming.
The problem is that such fall mechanics are unfun for the player to deal with. Nobody wants to have their empire collapse due to reasons they can't control. Hell, most players stop playing grand strategy games after they suffer a big loss. As cool as the idea of empires rising and falling in spectacular fashion is, it just doesn't work to create a fun gaming experience. Personally tho, I think AIs should gang up against larger powers more often in fear of later being dominated by them.
It would be awesome if this was a game mode. A few pirimitives develop ftl and start colonising space. Ends up as a regular game, when the game ends and the crisis is defeated new game plus, the old civilisations become fallen empires in the new run.
Some civs would just get immolated tho based on various metrics. "The Cluk Ruk republic fought AI rebellions for centuries in a bid to keep machine life from evolving catastrophically. One was bound to succeed."
I like how the little green guys held out until the end for so long. "No federating for us, please leave us alone." Were they Pompous Purists by any chance? If not then I'm amazed they managed to do that.
Another comment notes that green absorbed the other side of red, who 'won' the civil war, as the rest of red got eaten by purple too. So it was really the descendants of previous conquests, conquered in the interim, fighting to the bitter end against their original enemy.
I love how there was always this dead spot in the north-east of the map. I imagine that this area was filled with all sorts of mysterious creatures, piracy and phenomena that the rest of the galaxy could never even dream of.
One of the things that’s always drawn me back to Stellaris; is the RP ability to create and drive your own empires history and narratives. One empire I have right now is the Galactic Custodian but I’m knee deep in the War in Heaven, the other Empire is a religious Autocracy hell bent in reshaping worlds and life where every they go.
I couldn't never play stellaris competitive. Its a bit role-playing sandbox game Nd I love it. Not all origins etc. are on the same tier, but so what. Having a story in mind and looking how it goes is fine, too. Maybe another goal for winning the game would be nice. Played a little bit endless space 2 and loved the storytelling and the possible winning goals.
Yeah they could take a page from Civ 6's book. Right now Stellaris demands you build up your science, construct a ton of battleships and then fight the endgame crisis that way. It would be cool if we could remove the crisis and have different endgame winning conditions. There's a score but nobody really cares about it.
@@Jenna_Talia I mean there's a few things to do beyond just the crisis and scoring. Ultimately you choose what the endpoint is for your game. You can aspire to become the galactic emperor, vanquish a great foe, conquer the universe, destroy the universe, invade a fallen empire, bring democracy to the galaxy, place all pop types under your rogue servitude, assimilate all pops, genocide all pops, subjugate all empires, etc., etc. To me, the game ends when I'm happy with what I've achieved.
It always annoys me in actual games. I like going tall but I enjoy watching the ai fumble around. They do that dumb shit cuz they like meddling with other empires and claiming borders as a priority. Theyll deprioritise expanding into directions with fauna until EVERYTHING is taken. Theyll then send a 25k fleet to deal with 500 fleet worth of amoebas and finally cover the ground.
I was always obsessed with primitives, it makes me want to play a game of Civilization, and at the end of the game when you win, it turns into a game of Stellaris.
Do a galaxy that has only one empire that encompasses all systems and planets but download these mods: 1.) Civil Wars 2.) Potent Rebellions (it still works for me) 3.) Rise and Fall 4.) Shroud Rising The empire will fracture into a bajillion pieces and the resulting turmoil will cause most planets to fight for supremacy and control.
I like to do an Enigmatic watcher kind of thing with Galaxies full of primitives just see what happens, intervene if the shit hits the fan/threatens me. ...And maybe issue out some Exterminatus' with my vastly superior tech if someone insults me.
Civil wars are kind of complicated but basically if stability on a planet gets too low it will begin a situation that either sees the rebellion simmer out or actually kick off. If I’m remembering correctly the parent state has the choice to just accept the loss and let them go or fight them, i don’t think I’ve ever seen the ai accept it. They aren’t too difficult to avoid but sometimes when you conquer some worlds or integrate someone then it’s not as easy. The federations probably collapsed either because they had divergent ethics, or developed divergent ethics over the course of the game, or one of them got strong enough that it no longer felt that tying itself to these other clowns was worth it and took its ball and went home. That might have been because of a war weakening one of the members or any number of reasons.
@@Mankorra_Gomorrah This is odd. It seems like the Ai is having these things more prevalent now then the earlier past versions because in those time-lapse I don't see any civil wars like that going on neither Federations collapsing like that unless a war happen.
What mod did you use to get the larger galaxy size? The one I used to use stopped working Also this looks cool but I wish there was a way that you could make it where vassalization can only happen through wars and that there's a cap on the number of vassals so you don't have one empire snowballing the whole galaxy so easily
Just type in larger galaxy in the workshop. There should be a good one (its a dark blue to black pic of a galaxy) It only works on 3.5 but in the comments is a link to an updated version that works on 3.6 (you need to download 2 other mods for it to work). With this you can get galaxies up to 100.000 systems
Doing a primitive only galaxy minus me as the Protheans from mass effect, with the contingency crisis. so far im surrounded by primities (if yaknow yaknow)
See I tried to make it so every empire I can force to spawn has a different origin and not race but uh category? The randoms will fill in the blanks for normal empires but now I get to see so many different origins all interacting on the same map instead of just having everyone be unification.
What a beautiful galaxy, if only my empire ruled it all. Ah well, I'll have the pc version soon and soon I will dominate a thousand stars just as I have with 600 on Console. Maintaining state cohesin as my empire ventures into space, presents a unique challenge. My empire will face the challenge head on and it shall be stronger for it. For every successful economy is built around a hopeless cycle of repetition where I, the ruler sell you an empty promise of happiness and fulfillment. And unsatisfied as ever, you still come back for more. Remember, in my empire, what's yours is mine and what's mine is also mine. The Galactic Imperial Enclave will never fall to any threat in the galaxy and death is a preferable alternative to rebellion against the Imperium. Authoritarianism will never be defeated!!!
Hey, I am planning to include this video as data in my master thesis (with your permission). can you maybe post the campaing settings and possible mods for this simulation?
I wish there was more space in Stellaris, enough that you could go 200 years without encountering another intelligent empire. It would be cool if pre ftl "evolution" rate was slower too, enough time for one pre ftl to advance to the point they are seeking other primitives to uplift or enlighten..meanwhile you're slowly building your own empire with 10000 empty systems between you and those primitives.. One can only dream of a larger scale galaxy in Stellaris!
İ did this as Roleplay myself. Made galaxy full of primitive life. Uplifted everyone, gave their freedom, retreated beyond the L gate, locked it down. Watched.
Cool simulation! You sound like the now doormant precursor-creators. Nice touch on Two Steps from Hell audio. 👍
L gate leri nasıl kitledin knk oyunda yeniyimde biraz
@@M.I.A.D mod o
@@TheReaper569 anladım teşekkürler
I didn't know you could shut down the L gates?
The AI is honestly so chaotic to watch. I offer Subjugation to a small empire and they refuse but then you see these massive empires flip and become vassals of their neighbors because they lost 1 war and their fleet power dipped to inferior for 0.00001 seconds
Yeah, I had a bunch of subjugated empires try to wrest free just because I lost my largest, but not only, fleet to a space entity. They were quickly put in their place but the AI puts too much weight on fleet power in matters like that.
@@1stCainite And the fact that the AI often make decisions instantly doesn't help. The balance of power can shift for an instant and cause the AI to make decisions they wouldn't normally make.
@@1stCainite fleet power should probably be like: What was the highest point in the past weeks or avarage of the past 12 months. or something like that.
@@redtsun67 It's funny cause the *one* thing in the entire game that they take time to reply to is trade deals. There's me with an absaloutely disatarous economy asking the AI for some food and getting the trade to +1 since I need everything I have. 2 weeks later, the month ticks closer and my ecenomic crash gets closer. I get the reply
*No fuck off*
@@Thetb93 someone please send this idea to paradox
I remember doing a run for a pacifist achievement, so turned off all empires of equivalent tech, leaving just myself, the AI stagnant ascendencies, and primitives.
Because I had no rivals, my empire expansion slowed to a crawl, my peaceful plantoids colonising about 2 dozen worlds across a spiral arm, locking down our borders at key choke points, and then. . .just stopping. We explored, did science, poked at the L-gates a bit. . .and then one of our science ships stumbled across another science ship. About seven jumps away from our borders, completely unnoticed, some upright hairless apes had discovered FTL and colonised some nearby worlds we had left fallow. Elsewhere we found other primitives had done the same. Suddenly, there was a galactic community, with my plantoids happily trading, guiding and protecting the younger races around the galaxy. We were so much more advanced and powerful, but so pathalogically peaceful, that we were the perfect guardians of the galaxy. For a run through I did for an ahcievement that I expected to be dull as hell, it was a really wholesome experience!
i just did that with my humans star trek united earth style, i started to think it was boring but when i think about my citizens happily & peacefully trading, it is calming.
until the fallen empires started attacking & all hell broke loose
I'm your 100th liker here & bye.
I’m doing this now! This sounds awesome
Stop?? This like.. a poem but not a poem at all.
And you didnt even know what they tasted like?
No other soundtrack spells "Stellaris" as much as Faster than Light. Also i love how this development goes it tells its own story and seems way more organic
Blew mind when i found out there was lyrics.
I play the Dune soundtrack
True, fully agree
I love how Stellaris creates stories. I played as a megacorporation that had its own trade federation, once an empire I didn't know much about declared war and because it was far away I didn't pay attention to that war, a few years later I looked and found out that my trade federation was at war with another trade federation and together we occupy 2/3 of the galaxy.
So I suddenly got such a good feeling when I found out how, without my doing, an intergalactic war of trade federations broke out over disputed territories rich in trade opportunities.
So, Phantom Menace, but with less lightsabers?
@@Shinzon23 Was the Trade Dispute over Plasma Prizes?
i played for the first time today and after 2 hours there was first contact, and 15minutes after that i got destroyed by angry aliens that were on every side of the borders of my empire
I declared war once to a megacorp A.I, that was part of a much bigger network of empires, in a split second I was at war with the other side of the galaxy hah, suckers started invading using gates near my territory, took quite a few years to finish the conflict, they seemed to have endless fleets.
Xeno scum
Born too late to explore the world, Born too early to explore the universe.
Born too late to work as a peasant, born to early to work as a….. I got nuthin
except we are at the stage of exploring space already
@@cringelord7776 i feel you brother
@@nexor7809 lol not close.
First 20 years and the AI has a rebelion. Clasic.
First time I played I did not know about AI rebellions.... Well guess what. AI rebellion forms and I was like WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! and my allies were racing over to help put them down but it was just too late.... I couldn't recover. I tried to survive and start over as a much smaller civ, but a little later I was taken over by my neighbor. A**hole
Самое интересное, что в ванильной игре я не встречал восстаний, а с всего тремя модами уже происходил ад, Из-за чего я становился в 10 раз сильнее всех остальных
if you ever want to roleplay a fallen empire bump up the primitive civilizations like crazy and remove all other empires and either make the crisis super late or basiclaly just remove it
Will the primitives evolve even without being observed?
@@marcusarygmail yep
Wait, then you could basically be a fallen empire
@@Entropy9312 aye, its good shit to be the big dog and see your competition grow right in front of you
@@Akaryusan better to be the big dog than to be the underdog and lose every war you're in
looks way more organic
"I am surrounded by primitives"
- Javik, the Prothean
I am surrounded by primitives with another fallen empire here. And my opinion of primitives is that we have precious little time for their kind.
I feel that Stellaris is the most underappreciated RPG that exists. Not by Stellaris players, but by the wider RP community.
Rimworld 🗿
@@Jedai_Games RimWorld is fun, but I feel like people give it away more praise than it deserves
@@isaacb7197 we don't praise it. We hate it but still playing because idk.
@@Jedai_Games Dwarf Fortress 🗿🗿🗿
@@CoffTheBirb а че дварфы, дварфы чет лохи. Я от них большего ожидал.
to think it's possible there's a medium size space empire on the other side of our galaxy already but we can't see it
true lets hope our galaxy is capable of vast galactic life and can support interstellar colonization
We could literally live in the MIDDLE of an advanced, hundred-thousand year-old empire and not even know it :D
@@breadtoast1036 makes sense tbh
"Its time for another season of "Will Those Apes Nuke Each Other Back To The Stone-Age!""
There’s an interesting paper about this. Basically, we’re probably one of the earliest civilizations to begin exploring space, but even being early, it’s likely that approximately half the universe has already been claimed by other civilizations (assuming that FTL travel is possible).
Especialy when ftl travel is realy impossible despite some Theories that might work there could be several ones but colinizing other Planets needs thousands of years or even longee on a huge ship with big populations with artifical Gravitation and all. These big Ring ships.
I have only ONCE seen a primitive civ become spacefaring and all it accomplished was costing me access to my system. So the mechanic wasn’t very fun in that case
Play with more primitives and less empires(3-5) with no advanced empires, be the advanced empire
The ai usually crushes primitives before they reach space age because a lot of primitive spawn in the early stages of development and even those who don’t still have to wait awhile to become space farring.
I think the one and only time that a primitive civilization became spacefaring in my borders was the only time I was playing a determined exterminator.
I got the event about whether or not to give them the system, obviously said no because a DE would never do that, and then they promptly and kindly purged themselves once it reverted to my ownership after I declined.
“Hey I think it’s only fair if we get our home system”
“No. Prepare for extermination”
“Sure thing, we’ll start right away”
I've seen it a few times, sometimes it catches me off guard, but I usually reward them for growing up on their own by vassalising them and giving them resources/research.
I just subjugate them and make them little vassals that I will eventually bring into my fold. Granted being in my empire is much much better than being in anyone else’s as I tend to get surrounded by exterminators or xenomorphs just… straight up xenos
I wonder how the crisis ai would deal with this galaxy's size.
That’s all I wanted to see from this video
Yeah I was waiting for a crisis to spawn, surprised none did. I know it's only primitives, but even still.
This really helps illustrate how important being the first space faring species in a galaxy is. There's really nothing a civilization can do against another civilization who has had hundreds, thousands, or perhaps millions of years head start in conquering territory and improving technology.
Not even that, imagine if finding a way to traverse the stars leads to a tech leap like we experience right now after going industrial. We have made more tech process in the last 100 years than people of the past did in 1000 or even 10000 years.
Stellaris doesn't simulate political decay/fracture, or economic collapse. Just because you're the first people out into space doesn't guarantee that your polity will remain united or stable for that entire time. Or that your knowledge will constantly increase and expand, instead of stagnating or regressing.
@@tbotalpha8133 Rebellions exist in stellaris; one cost the red empire in this everything.
Its a sad story of red empire. They have one the the first galactic civil wars, then the original red gets taken over by the purple. Afterwards the remnants of the second res are forced into the galactic centre only to be later overrun by green which falls to purple. Sad story.
They're just colors
I can see the story...the Reds on both sides of the civil war eventually banding together for a final stand against purple.
"Let us fight...together, one last time."
**badass fist lock**
@@luv_sic colors that ideally represent billions of people
@@Jenna_Talia more like trillions when you're a spacefaring empire - Earth is already in the billions and we're one planet
I think it was an AI uprising. Based on how everyone else also attacked them it must have been exterminators.
Lots of collapsing and civil wars. XD
Watched purple and green factions meet up- worried they were going to go to war with eachother. The joy of watching them join together was great
I can't help but feel this music comes from Mass Effect. it just has that feel.
Also, its fun to leave a AI galaxy running when your going to be away for a few days and see the post mortem carnage.
It comes from stellaris.
Faster than Light - Mia Stegmar (Stellaris BSO with voice).
It has a similar starting tempo of the Suicide Mission Theme from Mass Effect 2
That music starting up is an experience like no other. Few games manage to capture the stellar strategy experience like stellaris does.
Honestly, this is more how a regular game should be
400 billion stars in the galaxy - should be 100% the norm for vast stretches to be uncolonized and unexplored at any given time with only rare direct contact between rival empires.
Stellaris is great at depicting the 'rise' of empires but less focus on the 'fall'. Even things like the AI revolt/crisis are usually just replacing one empire with another. I want to see worlds becoming depopulated, systems emptied out, entire sectors of the galaxy returning to fallow...We need a few more DLCs with 'fall' mechanics included to truly make Stellaris a masterpiece of gaming.
That's the best idea for a dlc ever
Sounds like the Rise and Fall mod for Civilization
I want you to simulate 400 billion stars on your computer, right now.
@@10054 Na, he should go big or go home, 400 quintillion haha.
The problem is that such fall mechanics are unfun for the player to deal with. Nobody wants to have their empire collapse due to reasons they can't control. Hell, most players stop playing grand strategy games after they suffer a big loss. As cool as the idea of empires rising and falling in spectacular fashion is, it just doesn't work to create a fun gaming experience. Personally tho, I think AIs should gang up against larger powers more often in fear of later being dominated by them.
The view from a fallen empire's rear window
It would be awesome if this was a game mode. A few pirimitives develop ftl and start colonising space. Ends up as a regular game, when the game ends and the crisis is defeated new game plus, the old civilisations become fallen empires in the new run.
Some civs would just get immolated tho based on various metrics.
"The Cluk Ruk republic fought AI rebellions for centuries in a bid to keep machine life from evolving catastrophically. One was bound to succeed."
This is basically Risk Legacy
I like how the little green guys held out until the end for so long. "No federating for us, please leave us alone."
Were they Pompous Purists by any chance? If not then I'm amazed they managed to do that.
Another comment notes that green absorbed the other side of red, who 'won' the civil war, as the rest of red got eaten by purple too.
So it was really the descendants of previous conquests, conquered in the interim, fighting to the bitter end against their original enemy.
you should do this again once the new expansion comes out. I imagine it'd really flesh out these primitives time-lapse
I love how there was always this dead spot in the north-east of the map. I imagine that this area was filled with all sorts of mysterious creatures, piracy and phenomena that the rest of the galaxy could never even dream of.
One of the things that’s always drawn me back to Stellaris; is the RP ability to create and drive your own empires history and narratives. One empire I have right now is the Galactic Custodian but I’m knee deep in the War in Heaven, the other Empire is a religious Autocracy hell bent in reshaping worlds and life where every they go.
I couldn't never play stellaris competitive. Its a bit role-playing sandbox game Nd I love it. Not all origins etc. are on the same tier, but so what. Having a story in mind and looking how it goes is fine, too.
Maybe another goal for winning the game would be nice.
Played a little bit endless space 2 and loved the storytelling and the possible winning goals.
Yeah they could take a page from Civ 6's book. Right now Stellaris demands you build up your science, construct a ton of battleships and then fight the endgame crisis that way. It would be cool if we could remove the crisis and have different endgame winning conditions. There's a score but nobody really cares about it.
@@Jenna_Talia I mean there's a few things to do beyond just the crisis and scoring. Ultimately you choose what the endpoint is for your game. You can aspire to become the galactic emperor, vanquish a great foe, conquer the universe, destroy the universe, invade a fallen empire, bring democracy to the galaxy, place all pop types under your rogue servitude, assimilate all pops, genocide all pops, subjugate all empires, etc., etc. To me, the game ends when I'm happy with what I've achieved.
I'd love to see a video showcasing the various empires and their ideologies
Congratulations to Illinois for their successful "state enlargement" procedure!
Dude I was literally expecting a total war between the purple and the gray it'll be so coooooool
POV: How stellaris lore was made
damn i’ve never even thought about doing this before. might have to give it a try soon
I can’t wait for First Contact. That’ll change everything
Red Empire: i´m the first space impire, i´m so fucking good.
Violet Empire: 🗿❔
Pretty cool video Keep up the good work
I like how there is civil wars and the splitting of empires
I don't like that dead zone in the top right corner, it's just unsettlingly ominous...
It always annoys me in actual games. I like going tall but I enjoy watching the ai fumble around. They do that dumb shit cuz they like meddling with other empires and claiming borders as a priority. Theyll deprioritise expanding into directions with fauna until EVERYTHING is taken. Theyll then send a 25k fleet to deal with 500 fleet worth of amoebas and finally cover the ground.
That's the corner where sol is at xD
I was always obsessed with primitives, it makes me want to play a game of Civilization, and at the end of the game when you win, it turns into a game of Stellaris.
I wonder how this will be seen after the new dlc, I would totally do an Enigmatic observers run
Is it just me or does stellaris make you fell hopeful for the future?
Holy Zarklan's testicles!!! We would really try this. What update (or at least mod) the game needs
I don't think it needs any update or mod, just play with no empires fallen, advanced or otherwise and boost up the primatives to a huge number.
Anyone ever noticed how the middle of the galaxy maybe looks like a face early on? You see two stars parallel, freaky
One of the best games ever made. Change my mind.
I have to say, I find these types of games fun. Victoria 3, Hearts of Iron IV, Crusader Kings, and Stellaris. Very fun.
This would tell the first stories about the what are right now the fallen empires.
Как раз к выходу нового длс)
The music. They didn't have to make it so wonderful, but they did.
God stellaris has great music, honestly sci-fi music fucking slaps in general
The first primitive species that get access to Ftl travel will basically stomping this. Wait,is that.... Real life too?
not always.. the reds were first and got conquered by the purples
This would have been better if we have date for the timespan
Why wouldn’t they expand to the east? Were there a bunch of space dragons and stuff blocking them I guess?
Ai don't attack hostile space fauna unless nothing else is possible
@@trutwhut6550 so probably that’s why, I guess
T-tasty treats? Devour things? *sends the swarm to this galaxy*
That was pretty enjoyable to watch, any thoughts on premises for other timelapses?
4:37 there is always an abandoned part of the galaxy
like in star wars
Man I need to get distant stars/relics so I can retreat to L-gate and do this kind of stuff
Do a galaxy that has only one empire that encompasses all systems and planets but download these mods:
1.) Civil Wars
2.) Potent Rebellions (it still works for me)
3.) Rise and Fall
4.) Shroud Rising
The empire will fracture into a bajillion pieces and the resulting turmoil will cause most planets to fight for supremacy and control.
I like to do an Enigmatic watcher kind of thing with Galaxies full of primitives just see what happens, intervene if the shit hits the fan/threatens me.
...And maybe issue out some Exterminatus' with my vastly superior tech if someone insults me.
I never knew that primitives could become spacefaring.
This kinda reminds me of the expansion you see in the one scene from mass effect. More slow and methodical than most stellaris games
God damn what size galaxy is that?
5000 stars
@@zolten3947 that has to be one hell of a matrioshka brain that you are using to run that many stars
@@factualhat3018 Easily two O-Class
How do civil wars work in this modern game and how did the federations collapse? War?
Civil wars are kind of complicated but basically if stability on a planet gets too low it will begin a situation that either sees the rebellion simmer out or actually kick off. If I’m remembering correctly the parent state has the choice to just accept the loss and let them go or fight them, i don’t think I’ve ever seen the ai accept it. They aren’t too difficult to avoid but sometimes when you conquer some worlds or integrate someone then it’s not as easy.
The federations probably collapsed either because they had divergent ethics, or developed divergent ethics over the course of the game, or one of them got strong enough that it no longer felt that tying itself to these other clowns was worth it and took its ball and went home. That might have been because of a war weakening one of the members or any number of reasons.
This is odd. It seems like the Ai is having these things more prevalent now then the earlier past versions because in those time-lapse I don't see any civil wars like that going on neither Federations collapsing like that unless a war happen.
You could have had the "observer" side bar to tell us who's in charge?
What mod did you use to get the larger galaxy size? The one I used to use stopped working
Also this looks cool but I wish there was a way that you could make it where vassalization can only happen through wars and that there's a cap on the number of vassals so you don't have one empire snowballing the whole galaxy so easily
Just type in larger galaxy in the workshop. There should be a good one (its a dark blue to black pic of a galaxy)
It only works on 3.5 but in the comments is a link to an updated version that works on 3.6 (you need to download 2 other mods for it to work).
With this you can get galaxies up to 100.000 systems
super neat! keep it up
Moral of the story: Play Wide and Grabby.
I wonder how the map would look if you removed the ability to form outposts on pre ftl species systems.
Stellaris and galimulator casually looking the same from top down view (and yes I thought this was galimulator
i am not alone to do that XD
happy to know
Aren’t all the stars supposed to be whirling around?
Fermi Paradox: the game
Ah yes, the State of II.
Doing a primitive only galaxy minus me as the Protheans from mass effect, with the contingency crisis.
so far im surrounded by primities
(if yaknow yaknow)
See I tried to make it so every empire I can force to spawn has a different origin and not race but uh category? The randoms will fill in the blanks for normal empires but now I get to see so many different origins all interacting on the same map instead of just having everyone be unification.
What's the song used in the timelapse ?
Great video btw
it is how stellaris should be, it's not like every empire start in same time.
Cultures growing in a cosmic petri dish. =*[.]*=
How the hell did you get so many rebellions?
I've got mods that make them more likely to happen and I still only see one or two happening in a game.
What a beautiful galaxy, if only my empire ruled it all. Ah well, I'll have the pc version soon and soon I will dominate a thousand stars just as I have with 600 on Console. Maintaining state cohesin as my empire ventures into space, presents a unique challenge. My empire will face the challenge head on and it shall be stronger for it. For every successful economy is built around a hopeless cycle of repetition where I, the ruler sell you an empty promise of happiness and fulfillment. And unsatisfied as ever, you still come back for more. Remember, in my empire, what's yours is mine and what's mine is also mine. The Galactic Imperial Enclave will never fall to any threat in the galaxy and death is a preferable alternative to rebellion against the Imperium. Authoritarianism will never be defeated!!!
This soundtrack is in the game? The lady's song is really relaxing!
5:29 absorbed
did you use a mod for those smooth ass borders? like gaht daym
Hey! What mods are you using for the graphics? It looks really pretty 😳
This is so cool to see. I love Timelapse stuff like this. What song is this? (Specifically the first one)
faster than light - stellaris soundtrack
I really wanna play this as a mod
what is the name of the soundtrack right at the beginning?
Stellaris is "only" from 2016 but it already feels so nostalgic
faster than light!
bro what is this music, its so good
History of fallen empires:
Grabby aliens simulator
Hey, I am planning to include this video as data in my master thesis (with your permission). can you maybe post the campaing settings and possible mods for this simulation?
jeez that sounds very interesting and i imagine quite stressful! good luck!
Fallen Empire POV
I wish there was more space in Stellaris, enough that you could go 200 years without encountering another intelligent empire. It would be cool if pre ftl "evolution" rate was slower too, enough time for one pre ftl to advance to the point they are seeking other primitives to uplift or enlighten..meanwhile you're slowly building your own empire with 10000 empty systems between you and those primitives.. One can only dream of a larger scale galaxy in Stellaris!
Anyone have a list of the music used? One or two of those in there were certainly not from the game.
People should always include their mod list....
What mod are you using for the galaxy size, those are a lot more stars than normal
What map mods are you using? It looks really good.
is the last song also from stellaris?
anone know the name of the song at the end of the video? It's not part of the Stellaris soundtrack, is it?
why not use the instrumental version of faster than light?
Anyone got a link for the song?