Skyrim Restoration Potion Game Breaking Glitch - 54 Million Health + 100k Damage Weapons
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
Fortify Restoration Ingredients: Abecean Longfin, Cryodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers
Fortify Enchanting Ingredients: Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, Spriggan Sap.
Fortify Smithing Ingredients: Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, Spriggan Sap
If you are having problems repeating this process, your Alchemy skill might be too low or are you trying this without wearing any gear that has the "Fortify Alchemy" effect on it. If you start this loop without a strong modifier to alchemy, it can take hundreds of potions before you will see any increase.
The lower the skill / modifier - the more potions you will need. With 100 skill and 29% modifiers, it only took me 5 or 6 potions. With less skill or less modifiers, you can expect to need at least 20 potions - so stock up those ingredients first.
Link to my "1.5 guide" on how to spend tradeskill perks and create 29% gear:
• Skyrim TS # 1.5 - Gett...
I pieced together how to do this glitch from information in the following thread, combined with several hours of testing and experimenting:
Thank you for watching!
The last perk in alchemy is very useful. I was just messing around with the buy any house for free glitch then i fast traveled to Whiterun to test the Resto loop glitch. After that i decided to drink one of my potions i made (it was a fortify carry weight) i didnt realize it had a debuff effect and i had 100% slower stamina regen for 462 hours.
idk if anyone's brought this up but thanks for having enough consideration for the audience for taking your time through the in game process, you have no idea how many videos there are of multi step glitch guides that are sped through.
Meh im only going to use this for infinite carry capacity :C i cant learn to throw awesome stuff away
this is probably the best guide i have ever seen on how to do a glitch in any game ever: Very well put together, very specific, every detail covered. Thank you very much
The first thing you should do is make a ring of fortify alchemy and smithing, so you never have to do the restoration loop again.
Yes that's what I did
If you go to the Riften Docks and Riften Fishery you can find salt piles, and both types of fish in the fish barrels that are spread around
Does anyone know if this would work on say...a ring of health, and perhaps get some ungodly health point increase so I can fight a dragon naked...with my fists.
Garmmer Mibe mhm. I would one hit the strongest dragons in the game with just a single necklace with the pugilist enchant. Good times. c:
@CRAZTSNIPER - its not about the restoration potions. those boost your alchemy so you can make decent smithing + enchanting potions. the percentages on the boosted potions are permanent. you carry those with you, then drink them when you are near the smithing area.
Thats not negative stats. The number is simply too big that it doesnt show the first numbers. Ive done tons of testing and it keeps getting stronger and stronger. Not smaller and smaller
Vexx Thorn do a vídeo showing that you drank it
Vexx Thorn yes do that
Thanks for the vid! This works for me on PS3 and update 1.06 for those wondering. After the effects of the fortify restoration wear off, the gear you equip/unequip resets. But, while the fortify restoration is active, you can make very powerful fortify smithing and fortify enchanting potions. Those do not reset, and enable you to make super gear!
In order to not "break" the game, my tip is to make less God-like gear. Example, I made a ring that boosts health by 200 points. Have fun!
my friend did this to my character and whenever I accidentally take my armor off I die.
Needless to say I'm not disappointed.
@HUYI1 - If you want "best", there are only 2 races to consider: Breton or Orc.
Breton: magic resist makes them ridiculously easy to cap and their daily ability (properly stacked) is immunity to spell damage for difficult caster fights.
Orc ability is the highest damage you can reach in the game, but you have to constantly reset it by waiting, which gets old fast.
Khajiit is the most fun to play because of the way people treat you.
Everything else is not worth using for a 2nd build.
My miraak's sword turned to be 6 Billion damage, my armor rating is 7 Billion, Health is 2k, stamina never decreases and 4k, magica is 3k, weight i can carry is 3 million more (using deathbrand set) LOL
And that's how you turn average, meaningless, weak, pathetic, common, unwanted iron daggers in god like weapons. Same with armor.
+San Siro hahaha yeapp
+San Siro I made a vampire hunter build with this glitch.
I have 17 million magic, 2 million stamina, 19 million health, 214 million damage crossbow, 15 million damage blades sword and a 2 billion damage dagger
Mrjjski# yeah but it makes the game less fun you know. it takes the fun out of it where one hit is a kill each.
What worked for me was to first learn the fortify alchemy enchantment. Then I enchanted an amulet, ring, amor, and gloves (each was like +11%). I had 3 of the first alchemy perk, and also physician and benefactor. Through training I leveled alchemy to 40ish. Wearing the enchanted gear, my first fortify restoration was like +60%. Then like +80% .. +150% ..+350% ..+950%, etc. Make sure you work quickly - you need to make the next potion before the previous one wears off or the trick breaks.
So pretty much you become Saxon Hale.
@BretRobo88 - that is true for the restoration potions. if you just make smithing and enchanting potions while under the effects of restoration, then let restoration wear off, anything you make using the boosted enchanting or smithing potions is perm.
This ruins your game so bad.
I don't know why they added skill potions in the first place.
The normal Blacksmithing/Enchants were good enough.
@HUYI1 - it sounds like you made your build organically as you went. tradeskills are fundamental to making a solid build (alchemy + enchanting to do the basic loop for armor). they are worth buying to have the best gear without using this glitch. having the perks just allow this glitch to take things further.
while it is sad to start over, it is worth it to do it right the second time. i rerolled a breton, did it right, and haven't looked back at my high elf since.
Dunno bout Tri, but this still works on xbox
Not for me.
most clothing enchantments are considered restoration effects, enchanted clothing will be more powerful if equipped while under the effects of a Fortify Restoration potion so therefore the effects of fortify alchemy apparel is boosted by it.
I remember when the dragonborn came to me with a wooden sword, I laughed at her and she was like "Bitch, this sword insta-kills dragons and stuff" I then said "now if you dont mind, I've got a city to keep"
im happy that you did this man it help me more then the other people on youtube
@ Fernando it's because you haven't discovered it yet. Select the items from your list of ingredients and craft a potion, then it'll show up. @ Outlaw, because when you unequip and re-equip, it makes the active effects stay on the items after the potion wears off.
@TotalNathan - you have to disenchant something with the alchemy fortification on it. you can buy these from vendors or find them in chests. best place is probably radiant raiment in solitude.
@AssassinKuya - you want to use the restoration boost to make enchanting & smithing potions with insane percentages. then let restoration wear off (unequip all the gear you reequipped and use 'wait' for one hour) and drink the boosted potions to make perm gear
You explained this really well, "to keep the active effects on the gear - take them off and on." I get it, i really do.
Our Secret Lord is this sarcasm
@@youregay2947 In order for the restoration potion to have the effect on the gear you must take the gear on and off. It took me a little while to understand what he was talking about. I just go for the hidden chests and sell a bunch of stuff to the merchants and those chests contain a lot of ingredients to make potions and I buy the ingredients from the alchemists at their stores and make potions and sell them back and increased my alchemy level to about 90. I got Arniel's shadow, and along with Lydia and a dog, I just kick back and let them do all the fighting for me, I throw in a flame antronach too, 5 if I fight! From a distance with the bow & arrow.
Great job with your video. I appreciate the attention to detail with your work. Thank you.
@ldherder - the 'leave one piece of armor' trick is related to trying to get them to use something WORSE than what they have. if you upgrade her with pieces that are better, you don't need to leave anything..
Easiest way after you are done with the fortify restoration potion make fortify enchanting potions, enchant items with fortify smithing(you'll have to find something with this effect. The Silver-Bloods ring in markarth has it) and go make all the weapons you want have insane stats and the enchantment is permenant so your weapons and armour will be too.
@ncl3306 - when you re-equip the alchemy items, this makes their effect last longer than the potion effect. every time you drink a more powerful potion, re-equip the alchemy gear until you are making enchanting/smithing potions of the strength you want.
@GamerGuy440 use the restoration potion and take off & on your alchemy gear. use the boosted alchemy gear to make enchanting and smithing potions. then, use the potions you made to make the gear you want. that gear will be permanent. anything you made while under the effects of restoration is only temporary. use restoration to make big potions.
@GForce923 - using the Restoration to boost armor is temporary. Use it to make enchanting/alchemy potions instead. you can use those boosted potions any time you want and the stats made from those will be permanent.
I think this is an incredibly good tutorial video, even showing where to get the ingredients. Going to try it out now, but not too powerful. Just want my Sword ; Dawnbreaker to be more powerful :)
Wow two years later and still this isn't patched holy SH*T LOL.
Bro I got something really cool to tell you
Get the heavy armor perk "Fists of steel". It adds the gauntlets armor rating (which can be improved by this glitch) to the damage of unarmed attacks.
@0Kevsta0 - make the restoration potions. drink them and reequip the alchemy gear and make the boosted enchanting + smithing potions. then let restoration wear off. the boosted potions keep their strength and you can use them to make perm effects
@SOSphantom drink 1 restoration potion > remove/reequip > create 1 new 'boosted' restoration potion > drink 'boosted' restoration potion > remove/reequip > repeat until desired percentage, THEN create fortify enchant potion > go to arcane enchanter, create your own alchemy/smithing item set (w/ PERMANENT stats) > switch to new alchemy armor set > repeat from beginning until desired stats are gotten. You don't need high alchemy but it helps. Be sure 2 have a LOT of ingredients though.
Legendary Difficulty makes it possible that you don't even need to have that much health on armor anymore, leaving even more enchanting slots open for other pursuits.
Most helpful video on this glitch. Thanks!
Good vid. Only thing I would do different is, instead of crafting a boosted fortify smithing potion, use a boosted fortify enchant potion, use an arcane enchanter and create armor sets that have boosted fortify smithing stats so they're permanent. That way, I don't need to make fortify smithing potions all the time. Same w/ alchemy armor. If I mess up, I don't have to start @ very low alchemy stats. I can start w/ already boosted ones.
The more powerful you get no more battle music :( and I love the battle music
@MegaCaveJohnson - use the restoration over and over until you can make high percentage smithing or enchanting potions. make those, then wait for the restoration to wear off and the alchemy gear goes back to normal. drink the boosted potion and make the super gear with perm stats.
@NoobKiller844 - use restoration to make smithing and enchanting potions at huge percents. let restoration wear off and then make perm effects by using the smithing and enchanting potions you made.
This looks like a great way to fasten up things when I reroll, I started my main character in vanilla, and things have changed, speech and smithing is a pain to level up now, so by getting few extremely costly potions, one can max those skills by tempering weapons under mad fortify smithing effects, and selling effects to max out speech faster. I would never use such gear in game, but I find it ok to do to fasten up things I have done normally before.
Ahh!! Now I get it. I was confused at first because I didn't know about deselecting and re-equipping armor to lock a potion effect so I thought it was critical to the process (sure would save some hassle though!)
Guys this still works just remember to take off /put on the armor your wearing EVERY time you drink the potions. :) Also thanks for the video. Very helpful.
@GavinStory - agreed. it has uses. i regularly use it for carry weight and giving followers health boosts, but find the one-hit weapons or infinite health to be dull.
Thank you so much....this great tutorial helped me out a tremendous amount!
@Phyrexious - if you make the smithing & enchanting potions, then use those to make gear, they are permanent.
Hi all, I just did this glitch last night and can confirm that it is still working. I am using Xbox 360 and have all the latest patches and DLC. For those who cannot do it at first, it is maybe because the alchemy level is too low. I experienced this too because when my alchemy was about level 35, the loop only got me to 41%, (started at 25%). Once i have benefactor, it shoots up to the hindreds of thousands %. Word of advice is to use caution when doing this. I ended up only doing 500% increase on fire damage on bow (about 175 fire dmg enchant), unlimited carry weight, and unlimited stamina. I also made a few rings for each spell, for levelling up purposes.
@pms00 Thank you for clarifying! You thought enough to look into it and discovered there was a difference between the potion and the item enchantment versions of "Fortify Restoration".
As always, I (among a growing list of others) greatly appreciate all of your work with these Skyrim videos. :o)
Thank you!
@esteban0321 - the restoration potions wear off. if you re-equip the gear it makes the boost to those effects last longer than 30 seconds.
@IronSand5 it buffs also positive bonuses I believe. that's why you need to un-equip and re-equip
Go back to a previous save and re-enchant/re-coat your armor. I don't recommend going beyond 2 "coatings" of the Fortify Restored alchemy gear. (For me, it's 29% Alch on circlet, Falmer Helmet, necklace, ring, and gloves without coating).
Best non-broken Alchemy gear I got was 3 pieces with 186028% Alch on each. I was only able to enchant 3 pieces before my 17,698% Enchant Potion expired. I'll note that I ran out of Grand Souls and started using Greater gems.
LOL love the circlet u got there, "Broken Game Hat"
@OrvilleHoinker - use the restoration potion boost to make boosted enchanting & smithing potions. let restoration wear off and use the boosted potions to create perm stats.
@periwinkle102 - yeah it is fun for an hour or two but the damage gets boring. i'd advise either adding a few hundred unarmed damage to play a viable unarmed build, or use it simply for carry weight + adding health to followers/thralls. it can also be fun to add long duration paralyze enchants to your weapons or make all of your schools of magic cost 0 magicka.
the key is to use this for utility, not god mode.
This reminds me of making fortify intelligence potions in Morrowind, drinking them, making more potions, etc. Good times.
@pyrobny you can buy the items in stores but it works better on your own enchants since they will be higher percentage
For everyone asking, this glitch still works BUT in a different way. Now the effects on the alchemy set is temporary, make a potion, drink re-equip armor as he says etc. But after those 30 seconds the alchemy set will go back to the % it was originally enchanted with, (15, 20, 25) So it still works you just have to be a little bit faster
no. the major issue people run into is using the restoration potion to boost stats, then enchanting/smithing under the effects of the restoration potion. this causes the items made to have temporary stats.
use the restoration potion to make boosted enchanting/smithing potions. let the restoration potion wear off and then use whatever gear you want combined with the boosted potions to make permanent "god" items.
@HUYI1 - after making the enchanting potion, i use 'wait' for one hour to let restoration wear off. then drink the enchanting potion and enchant like normal, but with huge percentages.
@GamerGuy440 if you use the restoration to make boosted enchant/smith potions, anything made with the enchant/smith potions will be perm.
I did this glitch the other day (just enough to super craft my armor so I could wear Fur Armor and not die easily) and when I switched back to my previous clothes before the effects wore off (one of which being a Talos Amulet) I later discovered that I no longer get taxed for shouts. The smile on my face was just like the Grinch.
@RoxasForTheWin sure. at 50 alchemy it is going to take you more loops of the restoration potion.
@xXHellsMessengerXx - armor is capped at 567 and you can't make yourself 100% immune to damage. Just go for that number and don't use this to give yourself too much health.
It does work on XBOX if you just use the system above to raise your alchemy skill (Keep in mind the Fortify Rest pots don't last over time on gear) but it will last long enough to make greater Smithing, Enchanting, and Alchemy pots to raise your gear as high as you want. Or as little just to give you a little edge if your having difficulty.
On a side note I did try to pass the raised gear to a companion, but the stats revert back to 29% over time as well.
Oh, how I love this glitch.
My Khajiit is now basically Super-God. I love walking around on Legendary while hordes of bandits and ne'er-do-wells try to kill me, laughing off blows from the strongest of dragons and just being virtually unstoppable.
There was a time where if I took off my chestpiece I would drop dead, but I've since fixed that by no taking it off after massive falls, otherwise fatal damage to my base health pool, and by making a gradually lower health bonus on other chestpieces to test how low I could get it before the screen would start flashing. Took awhile, but it worked.
If you're wondering how I did this post 1.9, I actually rushed to get everything prior to getting any DLCs. Managed to make a necklace to fortify my alchemy by 720,000 or something like that (can't recall at present the precise number). Now I have complete access to 1,000,000% fortify enchantment potions on a whim, so I can make even more gear when I get bored of staring at whatever grotesquely overpowered gear I currently have on.
Hey.. BTW.. If you carry out this glitch by wearing the amulet of Talos you can get unlimited shouts without cool down.. provided you didn't change or unequipped your amulet. =D not sure if It works on other amulets of not.. such as amulet of Diabela for better speech craft, amulet of Mara for better restoration.. etc.. ^^
Wow, this is extremely powerful. I tried it today and was unstoppable. I'll need to remake some armor that is more realistic
This guy makes the best Skyrim tutorials
you can do enchantment potions too. if you enchant armor with fortify magic types you can indefinitely use magic with no penalty. if you enchant on any weapon the charge is so high you cant recharge it.
Confirmed it works for me earlier this morning. Had some weird things happen so save often through the process.
The point of this is that after you have made the extreme restoration potion, you use the super high alchemy enchantments to make super smithing potions or super enchanting potions
I did this glitch on the ancient falmer armor because that armor looks godly. Especially with a fortify archery enchanted bone hawk ring with the bow of AURIEL! Holy crap it looks soo cool.
@iluvpichu - if you are rolling over to 4% then you are going too high. if you start off at only 4% this means you don't have the basic requirements skill, perks, etc.
Just did it on xbox patch 1.4, achemy at around 55ish no perks, 4 items with 23ish fortify alchemy, repeating this process around 15 times got me a 346% enchant potion, so this definetly work on xbox. Also when he said it breaks the game he meant it in the sense that the game becomes too easy since you will be one shoting enemies with melee/bows, but remeber his warning about overdoing it and going into negative numbers.
Now thats how its done... Pro tip enchant a falmer helmet with fortify alchemy, Note: you can waer a falmer helmet and a circlet at the same time reaping both thier effects. You earned my like and a new sub. lvl 81 Legit but still OP
on the PS3 I leveled up and put points into health. as soon as I was out of the level up screen I removed my amulet of horrible regret and didn't die. just testeda second time for confirmation and it worked.
If the procedure is confirmed then it avoids the problem of having to reload and what's more it allows you to make the horrible mistake intentionally and undo it when it needs undoing.
for leveling since you already have uber alch gear I recommend legendarying alch and crafting an uber pot for instant 100
U can go to a desirable level of alchemy improvement for ur gear and permanently enchant gear via potion of fortify enchantment for use whenever u want and do so for a whole set of armor so that the item screen never returns to normal and I also made a fortify conjuration potion so I have 2 Dremora lords that last almost 10 hours
Yes.. but after you take off the set or change your weapons, everything reset to original.. It is best to make a potion of fortify smiting or enchanting and use it to upgrade your fav set.. =)
@Borderlands808 - completely agree. carry space, unarmed damage, and health for followers are the best uses for this if you don't want to play god mode.
Thanks for the explanation!
tip: after going through the restoration loop, quickly create a fortify enchanting potion and enchant a ring with fortify alchemy enchantment so u wont have to go through the entire loop again. This way u can keep creating insane enchanting potions for insane and -permanent- effects for your gear. I got multiple rings and necklaces with permanent enchantments like 10m+ health and 10m+ two handed damage lol
entchantment 100 allows you to reduce the costs of one type (e.g. destruction) by 25% per can entchant 4 (Body, Head, Ring, Necklace) so with the double entchantment perk you can reduce 2 types of magic with 1 armor set by 100%.... -> no magica needed (Endless casting ;) )
What I dont get is why some people draw a distinction between this and skill looping. Dual wielding chaotic frost stalhrim daggers with a necromage-vampire-smithing-alchemy-enchant with maxed elemental perks and Shadow Warrior also one shots everything, and also requires abusing fortifying restoration (with necromage and being undead via vampire). 5000 damage from loops one-shots just as well as this stuff.
I think having tank armor, enchanted against all magic, and a one touch knife and arrows make the game much more fun. Like try to kill the jarl and their court in any of the holds? See who dies, and who don't. Go up against all the greybeards. Kill Paarthurnax early. Try things for fun. The only problem is some effects won't be known until much later. Remember to save first.
try the archmage's quarters. There should be two or so on the shelves next to the alchemy table.
@lotusclown7177 To find the fish and salt piles go to the riften docks and search through the barrels and sacks. You will get roughly 40 salt piles and about 10 fish (5 abecean longfin and 5 cyrodilic spadetails) afterwards look in the water for the fish. They ten to be closer to the surface that the salmon. I hope this helps
@eZeeOwniN - i hate this argument. it is definitely a glitch, even if you want to categorize it as 'design oversight'. boosting the effects of the *same* gear repeatedly was not intentional.
You can actually do this on your main save because the potion only lasts a few minutes and it's the armor and weapons that are affected so you can store them away.
Glad to hear that. There was this guy on youtube one shooting dragons. o.O It's called "Skyrim 4 shots 4 dragon kill most powerful poison in skyrim".
The effects dissapear on the armour its self but if you check your magic effects you can see its higher as long as you keep that item equiped the effects stay
@Tappe70 - well, i was saying less enjoyable in that there is absolutely no balance or challenge anywhere, but it can break the tradeskills on your playthrough without repair if you go too high and start re-equipping gear with other effects.
scroll back through some of the comments to read about people getting stuck at 5% potions or stuck with 5 million health or unable to remove gear without dying.
@iiModiifyii your alchemy isnt high enough. the first perk should be 4/5, then get the perk that makes beneficial potions 25% stronger.
@popcrazy216 - you don't. you CAN use them if you have them and you should keep your eye out for any of the listed items if you are purchasing from alchemy vendors.
Thank you. Very concise video. And I guess Skyrim has a threshold for greediness, huh.
@Cardiff098 - yeah if you intend to use this regularly, then the enchanting perks are fairly useless.
Personally I would practice getting there . O yeah once you've reached your desired percent then make your smithing potion then after that you make your extra restoration potion . Once you've reached the black smith quickly drink the smithing potion then quickly improve your weapon
nunchaks's right. Tried this last night to get a 100 reduce illusion ring, but even with a 28% fortifying alchemy(max enchanting all perks), but no points put in alchemy, the restoration glitch works for a couple round until it just ended at 52%.
But on the plus side, you can just do this right off the bat with a new character. It's OP, but if you balance it right(like just 100 mana reduce for illusion for your thief character), you would have a blast screwing around with the AIs