I love the air quotes for “mature”, Speak on the implication: he isn’t being mature here, at the very least *more* mature? So why would you say it with air quotes? Is your position sympathetic to Chuds MacKenzie here?
@@topcatmatt I used the air quotes of “mature” because typically in the Ryan skits there are always the same roles being portrayed: the main character which the video titles names and then the voice of reason or position of authority
There was always that one kid in high school who claimed to have a “dark” sense of humor but all he did was show you a decapitation video and then laugh.
I knew a girl like that who said "do you like scary stuff?" And when I said yeah thinking she meant movies she showed me a video of a dog getting punched, obviously that sight made me cry so I screamed in her face. I wanted to hit her and I wish I could say that I did
@@vernondouglas4425 It's just weird that American white men are still so desperate to refer to people by that word, but it's not surprising in the least. White people invented it, so I say go ahead and use it, you have my permission, not that you needed it, because the only thing actually stopping you is the judgement of others. Fear of not being liked, possibly violence if you do start calling minorities it, most will take it as an extremely dehumanizing insult, and some will respond accordingly, so be careful, I guess.
"haha hitler am I right, guys? Wait, why aren't you laughing? It's a deepfried picture of hitler, isn't that hilarious?" "Ya'll a bunch of snowflakes! I'm leaving this lame ass server!!"
No? How delusional are you liberals? The discord mods are literally the two guys. One is the incel, while the other one is the neckbeard. It's quite literally the two stereotypes.
Yep, this was fairly thoughtful and interesting. I'm still going to call things gay, though, and not feel too bad about it. You need to make sure you're couching things in the right level of irony, so that everyone gets what's going on. Also, the Ari Shaffir Kobe tweet was funny. That's a schtick of his, saying horrible things about people after they die. He didn't think about the others in the crash, and apologized afterward, pretty sincerely. Dark humor isn't always immature or edgelord.
@@dogchaser520 The tweet about the young girl who died in the crash wasn’t funny, but to each their own. Hell dark/racist humor is my favorite kind but even I found his tweet to be distasteful. Comedy is subjective though 🤷🏿♂️
@@Yoyozlitt20 He didn't really know the details at the time, and was only talking about Kobe. After it came out that many other people had died in the crash, including Kobe's daughter and many other people, he was really apologetic. In the end, if you make risky jokes, you also risk saying some pretty awful stuff. Ari's reason for tweeting that stuff out to his fanbase is that after someone dies in a tragic accident, they're always a "hero" and never did anything wrong, when really they're just people. Did Kobe rape that woman and make her promise over and over not to tell anyone while he was raping her? Maybe. According to her, yes, but they couldn't prove it in court. He was a basketball legend and also probably a rapist. People aren't all good or bad. Ari likes to take down people right after they've died because it's absolutely something you shouldn't do, and that's funny to some people. But he didn't mean to bring the kids into it. It was a dumb move overall. Comedians aren't known for being exactly brilliant, though...
"Is this a bit?" The character said, completely unaware that he was, in fact, written and acted for a bit. His reality would end in roughly 5 minutes from that point, and yet he is completely unaware. He exists only when watched.
@Someone We're assuming that the character being played in the bit is his own separate person with a consciousness, and he thinks he's not actually in a bit. Which makes him asking that question ironic.
The type of people who equate negative reactions from those around them, to a positive response, only derive dopamine from the baseline attention being garnered. That, and the sense of superiority they feel, over those who would get upset about something they would not. It's an unfortunate behavioral cycle.
That explanation of how his humor contradicts itself and can only lead to him being more irritated is golden. Its like how some kids derived all their humor from how uncool certain teachers were and make fun of them all the time, not realizing theyve made their humor reliant on someone being square and upset, unable to be self generative, contingent on something that gives negative emotional experiences to others
Why do I get a feeling you have a bunch of offensive memes in Polaroid form stashed under your bed - in a box - with a lock on it.. because you’re that ashamed of your past - but don’t wanna forget it?
As a former edgelord, I would say that everything Ryan said was hilarious..it just because his peers can’t keep up with the conversation; it’s too complex for the simple minded
You gotta make sure that there is a balance between your edgelord self and mature self and not lean too hard in one direction. As Bruce Lee said, “be like water, change your political orientation depending on who you’re trolling”
@@coffintears5821 most ppl on both sides dont see a difference. The professional victims think most jokes are offenssive while the edgelord thinks being offenssive is funny.
@@wbtarzanboy being offensive is not dark humor. Making fun of serious subject matter is not the same as making comedy out of tragedy in a respectful manner. Just because you think 911 jokes are funny doesn't mean they are. They're only funny TO YOU
@@donniedewitt9878 it’s okay to have edgy humor, I like a good dark joke every now and then. However it shouldn’t be used to hurt people and your relationships
After watching this video twice, I think this is getting too painfully accurate. I used to have these types of friends back when I was 17. Back then one of them behaved differently irl (I know one of them) When I know their edgelord online persona, I was shocked. These people are the ones who can't taste their own medicine. After a lot of arguments with them I can't recover from the fact that I've lost one of my friends, but at the same time I'm glad that I stayed as far as possible from them... being friends with them only for around a month is already taking a toll on me.
@Someone The bitter thing is, you have to let them learn their own lesson... They will eventually get off that phase when they're getting a backlash from someone. No need to worry about them as long as you have good friends to hang out with.
It sucks I was in a similar situation but, me and my edgy friend use to joke about it as kids but as we grew up it’s like he stopped joking and started turning into his personality, then it comes to a point where it’s like kinda tiring being friends with someone so edgy bc really they’re just super negative
@@danimotherofchickens479 they are being serious. You see, dark humor isn’t about being racist, sexist, or homophobic. It’s about throwing an anvil at a adorable nine-year-old child.
Edgelord or not, people who shove their phone in your face to show you a meme and sit there until you awkwardly force out a laugh or smile need to just stop.
As a guy who does this I try my very best to not do it as much also I do have edgy humor but I try to understand people are sensitive but at the same time find my own people with my own sense of humor you have to find the middle ground in these things it may not be easy that it so fulfilling but if people start crying over a authentic dark jokes then it get annoying I can be empathitic and caring as much as I possibly can but some people are too soft that I leave them alone but there are some people that can take a joke but that joke can be a beautiful life lesson.
@@luigimariolxix things like: "I wish I wasn't born in the wrong generation" and calls everyone dumb and thinks themselves as a smart person, "we live in society" catchphrases, tries to be unique, self loathing, says anything that makes them "all know kind" of guy, etc.
@@peggy237 The fact that you make jokes about people with a disorder, shows me that you aren’t much better that the 4chan incels. Be better if you wish for people to be better.
Way to deal with these kinda weirdos is just to ask them to explain the joke. "Well, you see, the joke is that gay black trans people, specifically, in a non-racist non-homophobic, non-transphobic way- Man, thats allot of qualifiers. I forgot the joke. You know what, nevermind. I gotta go"
Or when they say “YOURE LITERALLY MAD” just be like “yeah I am fucking mad” and it kinda stunts them and they don’t know where to go because they’re so used to be argued with that just agreeing with them throws them off😂😂
Yeah, just play it autistically, and I mean that quite directly. It really deflates the "humor" if you pretend that you don't understand the context because then they have to fall back on explaining every layer of irony, furthering the dissection of the joke, or they admit they're trying to push some reactionary talking point and then they can't hide behind "ironic" representations of their viewpoint.
@@zombie4skin28 nope. That's an excuse those who are asked to explain a tasteless joke use because the explanation is just their weird logic in joke form. People who make jokes about a group, that can be considered bigoted or racial or the like, aren't actually joking all that much. They just said a thought they think in a humorous way. "Boy, those Jews really like that Hollywood money. Eh?"
Yeah no i did i still say the funny bad words but im not like this tho so i mean 🤷♀️ and im getting a job and have no time for alot of the things i want to do in life 😔
@@spxdy69 Assuming you're referring to this behaviour and not them actually edging themselves, I would just explain why those words are really gross. Exempli gratia the history behind them, who it affects, why the friend has no claim to it, etc.
If you're talking about the Nword quoted comment it's 100% logical. Have you asked yourself why you hate that word so much? Do you really think people who say a word are racist for saying a word and if that's ture, do you think people who say the Fword are rapist? Do not retards oppress you and limit your vocabulary because of an event 200 years ago.
We had some of the same edgy "jokes" in middle school. And that was in 1992. The ironically wearing of DARE shirts was totally a thing too in the 90's. Some bits never grow old I guess. LOL
Don't think of a pink elephant DARE I think that edgelord stands as it was punching up at the time. Drugs used to be much more illegal and not every other comedy central bit
"He doesn't like jokes format, he only likes when people get upset, but at the same time he acts like it is crazy that they are upset, even if it is his whole intention, and still annoys him too." Brutal.
As an actual edge lord, this is actually exactly my thought process. I find it funny seeing how easy it is for people to get their panties in a bunch. At the same time though, I find it very irritating how fragile their ego is. Like-…how pathetically insecure do you have to be to get so pissed over such an obvious troll on the internet? As funny as it may be, it’s honestly more pathetic.
@@leftIncel Honestly I think the main reason I do it is to teach them a lesson for being too sensitive to stupid shit. It’s so easy to get under their skin when they spend every day believing their entitled to have people conform to their feelings. The point is to essentially expose their emotional fragility.
when you dont see eye to eye with your long time hommies its time to move on, no such think as growing up just your outlooks on like change. I diched my high school friends long time ago our views on life have changed alot.
The difference between a funny person and an edgelord is delivery. If your delivery is good enough everyone will know you don't actualy mean it, it's the difference between telling your friend to kill yourself and telling a random person on the street.
Edgelords genuinely just need new material. Going blah blah blah Hitler, 9/11, women aren’t funny, blah blah blah N-word is so unoriginal to the point where I just don’t find it funny. And you’re right, if those are going to be the punchlines, at least switch up the delivery. That’s why I hate edgy humor. But of course I’ll be called a snowflake or woke by the wannabe edgy 14 year olds by saying that.
Thank God Spencer gave us that big breakdown of the humor cycle because I'd have no f****** idea what an Edgelord is. When he said Edgar is coming over, I thought it had to do with his name at first lmao 🤣 God. I am becoming an Old Man *insert Cherdleys Dad character*
I love how ya'll let each other shine in well-cast roles in your own vids. I watch a Joel vid and Trent's killin' it. I watch a Trent vid and and Ryan's killin it. I watch a Ryan vid and Spence is killin' it. I watch Spence vid and Blake is killin' it haha
2:09 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this joke. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of feminist theory most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also his nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from feminist literature, for instance. He understands that under patriarchy, nothing a women do will ever matter, so why bother trying? This is why he makes this joke: he is saying that women will never get rights no matter how hard they try because patriarchy will always remain strong, which is why it is hilarious to think that such a thing as "women's rights" exists. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about SOCIETY. As a consequence people who dislike him truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in his joke "Women aren't funny," which itself is a cryptic reference to how deeply rooted misogyny is preventing women from getting ahead in the entertainment industry. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as his genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
Based off of this comment, it seems like you are justifying his misogyny as a joke? He is a major part of the reason women and men aren't equal in the entertainment industry. They very much could be if people like him weren't the ones in power, or if they did something besides "joke" about how its not possible when its very possible to fix.
Yeah…that’s…kind of the reason why you can’t get pissed off by it. People use that word to get under your skin and make you upset. You’re not supposed to let that happen. By reacting to them, you’re just giving them wheat they want. At the end of the day, it’s just a word. Stop letting people bully you with it.
Having no concrete sense of self allows for very easy and quick integration into any scenario. The issue I’ve run into tho, is I think after a short time it becomes apparent that there’s no personality beneath the surface, only a watcher. I am morally ambiguous, ubiquitously supportive and understanding, but the lack of conflicts probably sets off a red flag that this person is either trying to hard to blend in, or this person has no morals or values, which is dangerous to keep around. I’m currently working on splitting my personality into many sub-personalities so that I may pick the right one, attach some values and morals it should fight for, and dropping that into each scenario as needed. When you can’t argue in any subjective argument, I think it quickly becomes apparent that you’re dead inside and/or trying to attain some form of perfection which cannot exist.
instagram is where i am instagram guy: @RyanTheLeader on instagram
Thanks Ryan
No one cares
Highly recommend Ryan’s Instagram, the best form of entertainment is harassing him on there.
@@nickkerr6068 I care
followed but didn't get any offended so I want a refund
He’s the kinda guy to squeeze your hand too hard in a handshake and be like “did that hurt” and then you’re like “yeah”
Bruh i was that guy
Good one Joel
@@wereallthesame3433 Atleast ur honest haha 🤷♂️
When I was young, a kid squeezed my hand so hard that my bones moved.
I do bouldering and train grip strength for fun.
I wish someone would try to squeeze my hand.
It’s hard to view Spencer playing the “mature” character in this skit while having an “incel” shirt on 🤣
And nailing the character in his videos
But that's what's funny though
@@DreamWizardMedia yep
I love the air quotes for “mature”,
Speak on the implication: he isn’t being mature here, at the very least *more* mature? So why would you say it with air quotes? Is your position sympathetic to Chuds MacKenzie here?
@@topcatmatt I used the air quotes of “mature” because typically in the Ryan skits there are always the same roles being portrayed: the main character which the video titles names and then the voice of reason or position of authority
I wasn't upset until he accused me of liking Amy Schumer. Friends don't do that sh*t.
You’re Amy Scooper except your funny. Guys why aren’t you laughing.
Not Amy Pooper!!😂
There was always that one kid in high school who claimed to have a “dark” sense of humor but all he did was show you a decapitation video and then laugh.
"You don't get it, it's funny cause it's shocking."
Extreme red flag, those people are psychopaths
I like watching bodies fly through the air and find fight videos hilarious. You dont?
I knew a girl like that who said "do you like scary stuff?" And when I said yeah thinking she meant movies she showed me a video of a dog getting punched, obviously that sight made me cry so I screamed in her face. I wanted to hit her and I wish I could say that I did
@@goodfella6616 they're pretty funny u can't even lie
Not accurate, he didn't say the n word every 5 minutes.
"iF bLaCk pEopLe cAn SaY iT, wHy CaNt I???"
@@gutsbadguy50 why
White people invented the word
@@gutsbadguy50 really though.
@@vernondouglas4425 It's just weird that American white men are still so desperate to refer to people by that word, but it's not surprising in the least. White people invented it, so I say go ahead and use it, you have my permission, not that you needed it, because the only thing actually stopping you is the judgement of others. Fear of not being liked, possibly violence if you do start calling minorities it, most will take it as an extremely dehumanizing insult, and some will respond accordingly, so be careful, I guess.
Ryan is too fuckin good at playing these roles
too good…
I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me broddie
Because he is not playing roles
@@realfarmer21 wasn't funny.
@@realfarmer21 lol jk I subbed uwu
this perfectly captures the average discord meme server member
Pretty much. The most delusional fucking losers around
"haha hitler am I right, guys? Wait, why aren't you laughing? It's a deepfried picture of hitler, isn't that hilarious?" "Ya'll a bunch of snowflakes! I'm leaving this lame ass server!!"
Maybe if he was trans and underage it would
No? How delusional are you liberals?
The discord mods are literally the two guys.
One is the incel, while the other one is the neckbeard.
It's quite literally the two stereotypes.
"what do you mean slurs and gay black people fucking isn't funny"
I really do love a conversation that deconstructs humor and delineates communication. Thanks for this one!
I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me dawg
@@realfarmer21 Hey. Us too! So many creators.
Yep, this was fairly thoughtful and interesting. I'm still going to call things gay, though, and not feel too bad about it. You need to make sure you're couching things in the right level of irony, so that everyone gets what's going on.
Also, the Ari Shaffir Kobe tweet was funny. That's a schtick of his, saying horrible things about people after they die. He didn't think about the others in the crash, and apologized afterward, pretty sincerely. Dark humor isn't always immature or edgelord.
@@dogchaser520 The tweet about the young girl who died in the crash wasn’t funny, but to each their own. Hell dark/racist humor is my favorite kind but even I found his tweet to be distasteful. Comedy is subjective though 🤷🏿♂️
@@Yoyozlitt20 He didn't really know the details at the time, and was only talking about Kobe. After it came out that many other people had died in the crash, including Kobe's daughter and many other people, he was really apologetic. In the end, if you make risky jokes, you also risk saying some pretty awful stuff. Ari's reason for tweeting that stuff out to his fanbase is that after someone dies in a tragic accident, they're always a "hero" and never did anything wrong, when really they're just people. Did Kobe rape that woman and make her promise over and over not to tell anyone while he was raping her? Maybe. According to her, yes, but they couldn't prove it in court. He was a basketball legend and also probably a rapist. People aren't all good or bad. Ari likes to take down people right after they've died because it's absolutely something you shouldn't do, and that's funny to some people. But he didn't mean to bring the kids into it. It was a dumb move overall. Comedians aren't known for being exactly brilliant, though...
This is so unbelievably accurate. I literally almost couldn't finish this video. I hated it. You played the role very well
is it because it's us LMFAOOO
@@APolishPlayer nah. I just used to have friends exactly like that. I eventually just left because it got really annoying
@@Dankmemes555 well.. maybe they left you :(
name checks out
"Is this a bit?"
The character said, completely unaware that he was, in fact, written and acted for a bit. His reality would end in roughly 5 minutes from that point, and yet he is completely unaware. He exists only when watched.
@Someone We're assuming that the character being played in the bit is his own separate person with a consciousness, and he thinks he's not actually in a bit. Which makes him asking that question ironic.
The whole "equating funny with irritating" is actually a very good explanation. Never thought about it this way 🤔
The type of people who equate negative reactions from those around them, to a positive response, only derive dopamine from the baseline attention being garnered. That, and the sense of superiority they feel, over those who would get upset about something they would not. It's an unfortunate behavioral cycle.
i think the only thing that i'd change about it is that its really just consequences that annoy him, the offense is the funny part.
Knowing I use to be like this in middle school scares me. So glad I grew out of this phase quickly.
@@carburetor77 probably made the account in middle school
@@Nix.101 Yeah, I came up with the name back then, and eventually I just decided to keep it.
Darkness demon are you in high school now? Much more learned🥸
It happened to a lot of us it's okay, moving past it is the big thing
Why are they so mad lmao? Their reaction is cringe
Ik massive L for them bozos
@@RyanTheLeader ITS JUST WORDS
yeah i hate ❄❄
The edgelord guy is a kind of person who would always rant about "we live in society"
And worship Joker.
but isn't it true? we do live in a society
Maybe you do, lame-o@@jeanivanjohnson
@@runningsandwichget a reality check Karen 😂😂😂
@@KiondreHendrixI think they were just joking
That explanation of how his humor contradicts itself and can only lead to him being more irritated is golden.
Its like how some kids derived all their humor from how uncool certain teachers were and make fun of them all the time, not realizing theyve made their humor reliant on someone being square and upset, unable to be self generative, contingent on something that gives negative emotional experiences to others
This ^ lol
Isn't that just how comedy works? Someone or something has to be the butt of whatever joke, that's the entire point.
Not the same thing at all though?
@@bigmojo704 plenty of humor has nothing to do with ridicule
@@runningsandwich plenty of unfunny hunor
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or me what my views on the LGBTQ+ community were like in middle school
@@dripmaster8362 i am ashamed of my past self
Why do I get a feeling you have a bunch of offensive memes in Polaroid form stashed under your bed - in a box - with a lock on it.. because you’re that ashamed of your past - but don’t wanna forget it?
@@firstlast9846 lamo just a Polaroid of a deep fried 🅱️ emoji
@@BuffaloNickel9 You're somehow unaware that you're the subject of this video
This is my favorite Ryan video ever
I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me my g
@Someone not a bot just kinda strange based on the newest video. some better acting maybe it could go somewhere.
@Someone he needs a bot to thelp him its ok
Not mine
@Someone no, he was funnier in the cuckhold video and the straight edge video
As a former edgelord, I would say that everything Ryan said was hilarious..it just because his peers can’t keep up with the conversation; it’s too complex for the simple minded
Beautiful satire bro 👏
'wanna hear a joke?'
'women's rights'
wasn't half bad as post post irony
Fucking square normies who can’t handle reality hahahha
Everybody gangsta till someone makes an actually funny "as a [BLANK]" joke
@@rubub8455 as long as theres some wit to it, theres a potential to actually be funny.
"Dank Memers" and Edgelords finding out that nobody likes them, and their internet "friends" are just equally lame and keeping them down.
what offends me about edge lords is that they still say the same 2014 lines and never update
stuck on iPhone 6
Mainly 2016
As a racist, homophobe and sexist I don't associate with him
let's see paul allen's based joke
Same 👍👍👍👍💯
Please tell me where I can find your PFP holy shit lmao
You just don't realize this is how people view you
Edgar should get new friends, these bozo's are buzzkills
I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me kuz
@@realfarmer21 I hate that you were right.
@@realfarmer21 I'll check your channel out
You gotta make sure that there is a balance between your edgelord self and mature self and not lean too hard in one direction. As Bruce Lee said, “be like water, change your political orientation depending on who you’re trolling”
Bruce Lee was my favorite sycophant 🤩🤩🤩😱😱🤯
I mean there's a difference between dark humor and straight up being offensive and thinking it's funny.
@@coffintears5821 most ppl on both sides dont see a difference. The professional victims think most jokes are offenssive while the edgelord thinks being offenssive is funny.
@@wbtarzanboy yes there f*cking is! Do I literally have to bring up a video to prove my point.ua-cam.com/video/bTScVz3ntbM/v-deo.html
@@wbtarzanboy being offensive is not dark humor. Making fun of serious subject matter is not the same as making comedy out of tragedy in a respectful manner. Just because you think 911 jokes are funny doesn't mean they are. They're only funny TO YOU
"That's a child that lives in the midwest." Too accurate
These people are real and they are terrible. The worst part is the "I'm just joking, don't be so sensitive aspect of it all."
@yourmother3819 Unfortunately you don't get to decide if people get offended by what you say.
You actually do, by choosing the right language
@@tright6was he saying that to you no they are just overreacting they are to sensitive they need to knock off the cringe
@@tright6 What if you don’t care that people get offended?
@@Kenny-o6i Then you lack empathy, and in layman’s terms it means you’re an arse.
Ryan plays these roles a little *TOO* well
ryan you gotta get new friends bro they are killin your vibe-those two are the type to exchange firm handshakes at a social gathering.
Yur I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me
has anyone in the history of the universe have actually said "why r u so mad" without being internally mad at life
why are you so mand?
you sound pretty mad
I love how this was a comedy skit and a deep dive into an archetype at the same time
I'm deeply ashamed I had a phase like this.
I had a phase like this as well. But we both grew and matured
Don’t be. The whole “maturity” thing is just a cope
@@donniedewitt9878 it’s okay to have edgy humor, I like a good dark joke every now and then. However it shouldn’t be used to hurt people and your relationships
@@donniedewitt9878 You’re literally coping right now that you’re still in your edgelord phase
@@megavore97 how is it cope? Grown man pretending to be so mature and licking the boots of a humorless culture are much more of a cope
After watching this video twice, I think this is getting too painfully accurate.
I used to have these types of friends back when I was 17. Back then one of them behaved differently irl (I know one of them)
When I know their edgelord online persona, I was shocked. These people are the ones who can't taste their own medicine. After a lot of arguments with them I can't recover from the fact that I've lost one of my friends, but at the same time I'm glad that I stayed as far as possible from them... being friends with them only for around a month is already taking a toll on me.
@Someone I personally wouldn't say they're psychopaths, but oh well, I feel you
@Someone The bitter thing is, you have to let them learn their own lesson... They will eventually get off that phase when they're getting a backlash from someone. No need to worry about them as long as you have good friends to hang out with.
@Someone best of luck to you then bruh... I've been struggling to have some irl friends though
It sucks I was in a similar situation but, me and my edgy friend use to joke about it as kids but as we grew up it’s like he stopped joking and started turning into his personality, then it comes to a point where it’s like kinda tiring being friends with someone so edgy bc really they’re just super negative
@@zombie4skin28it happens to the best of us sometimes. Best of luck to you if you want to find new friends like I do.
This is how some of my friends are on discord, its quite sad actually and very annoying
Puss boy
@@OfDream8811 and you are r3tarded brother
@imaheadout6233 ok pedo
@@krlegulasyour b8 sucks m8
Finally a video I can send to edgelords articulating how immature they are.
they're just gonna say edgar is based
"Yeah bro I love dark humor"
proceeds to say the most racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic statement of all time
That’s what dark humor is retard
You forgot „ableist“ and „fatphobic“ to make your meaningless word salad complete.
I can't tell if your joking or not, if this is sarcasm or if your serious
@@danimotherofchickens479 they are being serious. You see, dark humor isn’t about being racist, sexist, or homophobic. It’s about throwing an anvil at a adorable nine-year-old child.
yeah cu zit's dark
Edgelord or not, people who shove their phone in your face to show you a meme and sit there until you awkwardly force out a laugh or smile need to just stop.
As a guy who does this I try my very best to not do it as much also I do have edgy humor but I try to understand people are sensitive but at the same time find my own people with my own sense of humor you have to find the middle ground in these things it may not be easy that it so fulfilling but if people start crying over a authentic dark jokes then it get annoying I can be empathitic and caring as much as I possibly can but some people are too soft that I leave them alone but there are some people that can take a joke but that joke can be a beautiful life lesson.
No way ppl are seriously proud to be the edgy guy
They arent. They are self loathing really
And you can find them literally in most commentary videos about dream stans, Twitter news, anime, etc.
@@veiserexab1428 what do they comment?
@@luigimariolxix things like: "I wish I wasn't born in the wrong generation" and calls everyone dumb and thinks themselves as a smart person, "we live in society" catchphrases, tries to be unique, self loathing, says anything that makes them "all know kind" of guy, etc.
Being self loathing is ok tbh but the other things are annoying
Ive been waiting for YEARS for someone to make a vid like this about these lame ass people, thank you lmao you guys nailed it.
@@wbtarzanboy ?? Take your schizo meds bro lmao
@@peggy237 I'm sure you're really happy to not be the butt end of a joke for once in your life
@@THESLlCK lmao you good? This vid must have really cut deep or somethin lmaaooo 🤣🤣💀💀
@@peggy237 "bro why are you so mad right now"
@@peggy237 The fact that you make jokes about people with a disorder, shows me that you aren’t much better that the 4chan incels. Be better if you wish for people to be better.
here I was, coming here for comedy, and then I'm just bombarded with a pretty deep and accurate psycho social analysis. I'm so upset by that
I'm demisexual poly brolly pony asexual genderless thingamajig and I am crying now
It was a very accurate analysis of how I think, I am shaking and crying right now.
@@gram. You're Broly!?
I have started distancing myself from people even remotely like this. Its nice to not have to deal with it
Do it I finally cut off my shitty high school friends it feels a lot better
you must be very boring then.
@@johndave117 no...
The incels? Same. Boring mfs
Buzzkill much?
I knew this exact guy in college, stopped talking to him after he said a lot of unsavory stuff about race and IQ
You met a 4Chan gremlin in the wild
plot twist: the guy was an anthropology major and was just quoting one of his lectures
What made it unsavory?
They're not really annoying, just not funny and boring to talk with
Why was he saying unsavory stuff about Iced Quesadillas?
me listening to my racist friend tell me the most horrendous unfunny insane and disgusting joke I have ever heard
I have that same friend.
Except he manages to make it funny, idk how but he truly is an Enigma. Must be them Hrvat genes.
My brother was like this before he was diagnosed with depression and nihilistic delusions. He was 28
Way to deal with these kinda weirdos is just to ask them to explain the joke.
"Well, you see, the joke is that gay black trans people, specifically, in a non-racist non-homophobic, non-transphobic way- Man, thats allot of qualifiers. I forgot the joke. You know what, nevermind. I gotta go"
Or when they say “YOURE LITERALLY MAD” just be like “yeah I am fucking mad” and it kinda stunts them and they don’t know where to go because they’re so used to be argued with that just agreeing with them throws them off😂😂
@@wbtarzanboy Did you forget to take your meds?? Or are you on a SIIICK one right now??
Yeah, just play it autistically, and I mean that quite directly. It really deflates the "humor" if you pretend that you don't understand the context because then they have to fall back on explaining every layer of irony, furthering the dissection of the joke, or they admit they're trying to push some reactionary talking point and then they can't hide behind "ironic" representations of their viewpoint.
Haha doesn’t asking anyone to explain any kind of joke kinda stop the joke from working
@@zombie4skin28 nope. That's an excuse those who are asked to explain a tasteless joke use because the explanation is just their weird logic in joke form.
People who make jokes about a group, that can be considered bigoted or racial or the like, aren't actually joking all that much. They just said a thought they think in a humorous way.
"Boy, those Jews really like that Hollywood money. Eh?"
Internet really needs to get shut down. Worst invention in human history, ever.
Yea it turns you into a buzz killer like the edgelords two gay friends
@@torossia Lol you're so mad at this video bro. Real edgy.
Oh god it's me in my 20s.
I'll watch this every week to make sure I'm never this annoying again lol.
In your 20s???? Is everything alright?
@@Svevsky They are now lol
Spencer gets even hotter when he’s not acting.
Yur homie I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me
@@PTV69420 exactly
@@PTV69420 is ois iooo oop pp
This is exactly how I picture a REAL LIFE conversation with someone who acts like an edgelord on the internet, just absolutely pathetic
I was actually freinds with someone who acted like this. And might’ve actually acted like this as well. This is extremely accurate.
As someone with shitty friends I recently ditched its exactly like this. It’s shocking how many exact phrases from this I’ve heard them say.
@Dootie you seem really insecure
You’re so mad
@Dootie online is where they spend all their time.
That’s a sad life is if this is the only kind of humor you’re familiar with.
The comment section is full of offended edgelords lmao. They can dish it out but they can't take it.
Unicorn man i can't deny the one 😂😭
@@jerrytoonsz665 "insecure" lol. says the loser going around responding to every single comment you disagree with
You guys are the real "edgelords", you started it.
I know someone like this and I wish I didn't. These people are annoying af
Especially the ones who sit in the back of the bus and mimic autistic sounds
@@SMCwasTaken imagine confronting someone for making fun of autistic people and then you learn they're actually autistic 💀💀💀💀
It’s sad when you see these people almost a decade after edgy humor on UA-cam ended and they still act like filthy Frank in public lmao
Lmfao 😂
this edgelord is 100% Danny mullen and a vast majority of his fanbase
I've never hated a man based off of three UA-cam thumbnails more.
I'm glad I grew out of this "edgy" phase
Nah you're just a a boring buzzkill
Ain’t we all?
i’m glad I didn’t 😂
You guys picked the perfect name for this dude cuz I have an old friend named Edgar who acts JUST LIKE THIS
The only thing he was missing, was being a Rick and Morty fan
This was painfully awkward to watch. 10/10 I loved it
massive L for the PC police on this one. too much CRT. this says a lot about how woke society is getting.
G I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me
These computer enthusiasts have really strong opinions on cathode ray tubes.
@@JK061996 ban them from our schools
@@JK061996 you are a groomer, sir.
CRT is not the right term at all but that makes it funnier tbh
"I swear, this generation is too soft."
_"You're_ part of this generation. We're the same age."
"Yeah but I'm one of the good ones."
LMAO the "Trump was funny tho" part is spot on
"Thats a child who lives in the midwest". LOL these LA kids really think the midwest is some dystopian land lmao
Yeah right, like edgelords have friends LMAO 🤣
this is a good comment.
Oh no my 15 year old self is gonna be called out really hard by this shit..
The acting in these videos are so well done, they're almost painful to watch XD
This was hilarious but also absolutely nailed the attitude of every pain in the butt gen z troll on the Internet 😂
They literally will say they hate their own generation, we live in society, and some other deep or edgy quotes
Not accurate. He didn't end his every sentence with a Nazi salute.
C’mon now, Amy Schumer not funny and we gotta address that
Touch grass
@@johnsaysthings touch it yourself
These are the kind of guys I hung out with on Garry’s Mod when I was in middle school, so weird looking back at it
The scumbag-Peter Pan effect, the one who never grows.
That's just 90% of most UA-cam comments
UA-cam commenters just found their newest idol and target for parasocial relationships
had a friend like this in highschool, so that wasn't a fun experience, had to nurture him throughout his edgelord era.
Wow you're smell so good
you know i act just like this in school, im gonna take a good look at myself in the mirror. Thank you Ryan for opening my eyes
It's all about finding a balance, just make sure to not go off the deep end the other way and start bitching about people using words you don't like
Yeah no i did i still say the funny bad words but im not like this tho so i mean 🤷♀️ and im getting a job and have no time for alot of the things i want to do in life 😔
I wish I had friends like this when I was in middle school. I was edgy and I regret it
It’s fine as long as you grow and mature
"It'S jUsT a wOrD"🤡💀
I hate when my friends always edge infront of me
@@spxdy69 Assuming you're referring to this behaviour and not them actually edging themselves, I would just explain why those words are really gross. Exempli gratia the history behind them, who it affects, why the friend has no claim to it, etc.
@@spxdy69if they just refuse to listen, I'd personally do what he did in the video and ditch them
it's just a word bro
If you're talking about the Nword quoted comment it's 100% logical. Have you asked yourself why you hate that word so much? Do you really think people who say a word are racist for saying a word and if that's ture, do you think people who say the Fword are rapist? Do not retards oppress you and limit your vocabulary because of an event 200 years ago.
We had some of the same edgy "jokes" in middle school. And that was in 1992. The ironically wearing of DARE shirts was totally a thing too in the 90's. Some bits never grow old I guess. LOL
Just goes to show some things never change
Don't think of a pink elephant DARE I think that edgelord stands as it was punching up at the time. Drugs used to be much more illegal and not every other comedy central bit
Life's all about finding a balance between being this guy and being his friends
With a leniency to the edgelord guy
the balance is never being the edgelord
@@prozystudios1595 life's more fun being an edgelord than an incel who's a feminist
@@torossiaedgelords are the incels though
@@Woopersolo I'm pretty sure most young asult men in the us are incels
I love the way Spence straight up breaks it down for him
"He doesn't like jokes format, he only likes when people get upset, but at the same time he acts like it is crazy that they are upset, even if it is his whole intention, and still annoys him too."
As an actual edge lord, this is actually exactly my thought process.
I find it funny seeing how easy it is for people to get their panties in a bunch. At the same time though, I find it very irritating how fragile their ego is. Like-…how pathetically insecure do you have to be to get so pissed over such an obvious troll on the internet? As funny as it may be, it’s honestly more pathetic.
@@sabersin5368-c2c wait a minute why do you even bother offending people if you don’t like it. Just don’t do it.
@@leftIncel Honestly I think the main reason I do it is to teach them a lesson for being too sensitive to stupid shit. It’s so easy to get under their skin when they spend every day believing their entitled to have people conform to their feelings. The point is to essentially expose their emotional fragility.
2:30 the genuine concern in his voice
The last 2015 survivor.i can't wait until they come back 👍
when you dont see eye to eye with your long time hommies its time to move on, no such think as growing up just your outlooks on like change. I diched my high school friends long time ago our views on life have changed alot.
The difference between a funny person and an edgelord is delivery. If your delivery is good enough everyone will know you don't actualy mean it, it's the difference between telling your friend to kill yourself and telling a random person on the street.
Exactly. Not just delivery, but knowing your audience and making sure they know you. So they don't assume you say edgelord shit out of malice.
Edgelords genuinely just need new material. Going blah blah blah Hitler, 9/11, women aren’t funny, blah blah blah N-word is so unoriginal to the point where I just don’t find it funny. And you’re right, if those are going to be the punchlines, at least switch up the delivery. That’s why I hate edgy humor. But of course I’ll be called a snowflake or woke by the wannabe edgy 14 year olds by saying that.
GENIUS method to get rid of Edgar (as a joke ofc)
Dawg I make entertaining vids just like Ryan. I bet 100% it’ll make u laugh. If not you can come to tell me
@@realfarmer21 no you do not.
Eh I watch yugioh vids too lol singularity
I was an edgelord in middle school and I want to forget it.
Cer should just teach a class on psychology. His takes are hilariously intellectual.
As a genuine Edgar, I can verify we're not all like this
Thank God Spencer gave us that big breakdown of the humor cycle because I'd have no f****** idea what an Edgelord is. When he said Edgar is coming over, I thought it had to do with his name at first lmao 🤣 God. I am becoming an Old Man *insert Cherdleys Dad character*
I love the dad skits
as one of those edgelord kids, i think this is an awakening for me
I love how ya'll let each other shine in well-cast roles in your own vids. I watch a Joel vid and Trent's killin' it. I watch a Trent vid and and Ryan's killin it. I watch a Ryan vid and Spence is killin' it. I watch Spence vid and Blake is killin' it haha
i feel like this was a real conversation
“I didn’t know you went to middle school…” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I laughed waaaay too hard at that
That ending was perfect 😂 reverse psychology to get him tf outta there
2:09 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this joke. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of feminist theory most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also his nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from feminist literature, for instance. He understands that under patriarchy, nothing a women do will ever matter, so why bother trying? This is why he makes this joke: he is saying that women will never get rights no matter how hard they try because patriarchy will always remain strong, which is why it is hilarious to think that such a thing as "women's rights" exists. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about SOCIETY. As a consequence people who dislike him truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in his joke "Women aren't funny," which itself is a cryptic reference to how deeply rooted misogyny is preventing women from getting ahead in the entertainment industry. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as his genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
Found the guy who thinks he knows everything😍🫶finally a man who just knows everything💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶here I made you a cookie 🍪
@@howdy5025 What an ironic comment
Based off of this comment, it seems like you are justifying his misogyny as a joke? He is a major part of the reason women and men aren't equal in the entertainment industry. They very much could be if people like him weren't the ones in power, or if they did something besides "joke" about how its not possible when its very possible to fix.
@@popwar-oo3ht Based off this reply, it seems like you have an even worse sense of humor than the edge lord in the video?
@@popwar-oo3ht how do you fall for the rick and morty copypasta in 2022? Its the oldest trick in the book
The other two dudes are "🤓"
Nah it’s definitely the edgelord.
“You guys just don’t get the joke! Why’re you OFFENDED?! Snowflakes!!” - 🤓
This physically hurts to watch
I always love when people go “it’s just a word” but like… the whole point of that word is to piss people off, dude, shut up!
still just a word, words can be ignored
It’s still just a word.. oh no that big bad word that only has meaning I give to it, how bad it’s going to hurt
@@Povertycab fuck you, man. "only has meaning I give to it" like you saying the n-word is only wrong because people get offended by it.
Yeah…that’s…kind of the reason why you can’t get pissed off by it.
People use that word to get under your skin and make you upset. You’re not supposed to let that happen. By reacting to them, you’re just giving them wheat they want. At the end of the day, it’s just a word. Stop letting people bully you with it.
@@sabersin5368-c2c bro it’s not just like a mean word, it’s a racial slur. Like read a book my man
i know ryan nails a role when i get annoyed at his character lol. y'all got mad skills
For the record you can still say those words everywhere except LA and NY
You’re being an asshole no matter where you say them
Those guys are total buzz kill.
Having no concrete sense of self allows for very easy and quick integration into any scenario. The issue I’ve run into tho, is I think after a short time it becomes apparent that there’s no personality beneath the surface, only a watcher. I am morally ambiguous, ubiquitously supportive and understanding, but the lack of conflicts probably sets off a red flag that this person is either trying to hard to blend in, or this person has no morals or values, which is dangerous to keep around. I’m currently working on splitting my personality into many sub-personalities so that I may pick the right one, attach some values and morals it should fight for, and dropping that into each scenario as needed. When you can’t argue in any subjective argument, I think it quickly becomes apparent that you’re dead inside and/or trying to attain some form of perfection which cannot exist.
Literally everyone in the town where I grew up.