At first, I thought the randomness was the gag but since she's a Japanese teacher she finally found an opportunity to get rid of his "inappropriate" hair without any witnesses.
Don't forget, this is the same teacher that tried to drug a (robot) student so she can study her but ended up falling onto her own trap and tased the mohawk guy that one time.
At first, I thought the randomness was the gag but since she's a Japanese teacher she finally found an opportunity to get rid of his "inappropriate" hair without any witnesses.
It doesn't grow anywhere but there 😭😭
She let the intrusive thoughts win
This should constitute as a crime.
I agree, Nakamura is the villain in the series.. she was trying to kidnap Nano
i hadn't even realized what had just happened the first time i saw this
I thought the scene went with the flow quite nicely actually
Nakamura's basically this show's equivalent to Elmer Fudd or Wile E. Coyote
0:37 こうゆう系のasmr流行って欲しい(切実)
Why would you have a full on razor at a school
There must be a lot of misbehaving students.
Don't forget, this is the same teacher that tried to drug a (robot) student so she can study her but ended up falling onto her own trap and tased the mohawk guy that one time.
When you watch too much anime that you understand him perfectly without subs...
There some things that you Just can't resist.
Sometimes we do stuff like that just because... man...
@@dreamer4957 I didn't know it was possible to misinterpret something as thoroughly as you did. Gold star!
it's best to live by without regrets
surely Nakamura thought so too
So she just...has that on hand at all times?
why wouldn't u do that
Good question...
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The title's in English
Subs should be too.
*Laughs in spanish*
@@an0N1M921 you mean jajaja ?
"How do you call someone who only speaks one language? An american"
confirmo... i sat yhea indeed
Pues aprende español noob
Así ta bien pa mi
I forgot about this ohh my goodness 😂
Audio: Japanese
Captions: Spanish
Hotel: Trivago
I like your cut g
Me toco que verlo dos veces para saber que estaba los subtitulos en español, me he acostumbrado mucho a ver y leer en inglés °>°a...
trolling time
Why the title is in english pero los subtítulos en español? なんて変だ
pobre chabon, yo le hago juicio
She reminds me of Dr K for somereason 😂
Porque todos están hablando en inglés?
That sensei is a woman, right? It's confusing. Hehehe.
Even Takasaki sensei once said that she looks like a boy, so this is probably intentional