Patti Blagojevich Curses Out The Cubs and Sam Zell (Subtitled)

  • Опубліковано 8 лип 2010
  • Unedited transcriptions and raw wiretap audio from the trial of Rod Blagojevich. Subtitled, contains profanity, NSFW.
    BLAGOJEVICH (speaking to wife)... couple weeks ago and then in the extra, editorial endorsement they say as opposed to everything I tried to do, now it's time for Madigan to convene a committee of impeachment. Tribune, two weeks ago, when they endorsed Madigan.
    P. BLAGOJEVICH Huh, you know what, I would just, who are you talking to?
    BLAGOJEVICH Greenlee.
    P. BLAGOJEVICH Tell him to hold up that fucking Cubs shit. Fuck them. Fuck them. Why should you do anything for those assholes? Sam Zell. What kind of
    bullshit is that?
    BLAGOJEVICH What do you think of that, ah, Greenlee?