Best advice ever. In support to your view, the western world is designed to keep you paying debt forever. It’s easy to be entangled into getting the latest iPhone, cars, etc and keep paying debts. I’m planning to transition into minimalist lifestyle by only buying what I need.
Best advice ever. In support to your view, the western world is designed to keep you paying debt forever. It’s easy to be entangled into getting the latest iPhone, cars, etc and keep paying debts.
I’m planning to transition into minimalist lifestyle by only buying what I need.
Exactly. Minimalism is the way forward to financial freedom.
Excellent advice. So many NIgerians here live above their means and are caught in debt traps that they have no hope of ever getting out of.
Exactly 💯
This video is valid in all regions of the world🎉
Wow! This video is good!
Thank you so much
👏👏👏saving this video for later use
Thank you for saying it, a mortgage is still a debt. True, credit cards have destroyed many
Nice video! Although the audio sounded a little faint.
Edit: I actually needed this advice! Thank you soo much!
Thanks for the feedback. I will probably get the mic closer to my mouth next time.
Buy now pay later! I am caught in this trap 😢
I know it can be hard to break the cycle but with baby steps, it's possible 🙂