NitroBurst vs ElroyScout AYA round 3

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @desertdream2
    @desertdream2 Рік тому +3

    Yay! The return of match casts. 🎉

  • @ChrisZestyJesty
    @ChrisZestyJesty  Рік тому +3

    It's been a while, and this match was pretty good.

  • @Daishi85
    @Daishi85 Рік тому +1

    Heya all! Nitro here. Fist off G G to Elroy. It was my toughest match this event in my opinion. My other matches were tough, but this one had a lot of positioning play that I don't normally run into or take into consideration (Pirate knows what I'm talking about as he and I had a positioning match one time wink wink uziel uziel). Like I mentioned at the end of the match to Elroy, it was total BS that his Gargoyle's pilot went unconscious in the end. That was straight up bad ju ju dice, along with the opening Nova Nuke.
    In the beginning moves I moved my PXH and my SDR the way I did b/c I did not want to give the NIGHTHAWK! (kaw kaw mofos) the opportunity of getting behind either one of my boys and possibly neutralize one with its weaponry. Not the best way to start the match if that were to happen so I opted for suboptimal shots in order to kinda-sorta control the best possible outcome on my end, which was don't die or get crippled early.
    On a later turn I left the Spider without moving while behind the Regent because his weapons were limited on his arms, so even if he torso twisted the amount of damage I would receive I deemed worth the opportunity of smacking his backside as much as possible. I had the armor, so it was one of those rare instances I would rely on it on a Light Mech as opposed to TMM. That my spider did not hit his rear torsos as much as I wanted was a dice thing, not an intent thing. Alas you need both to overlap in order for things to go the way you want them to :) Also, it was bad ju ju for me that the Regent's weapons went straight for damaged areas or focused an area as opposed to spreading it out.
    Lastly, the reason I decided about handling my Naginata the way I did was because I analyzed the game early on and came to the conclusion that attacking or getting into a running gun battle with the Gargoyle was exactly what he might have wanted. Given the amount of armor and TMM I would have been dealing with, it was not optimal for my force considering what else he had on the field. Instead of possibly playing into his hands (his possible strategy or part of it at least), my thought process changed and instead I decided to go after everything around his Commander. I ran the risk of allowing his Commander to live by the end of the match but I considered the BV his commander contributed to his force and figured I could possibly have a decent chance of killing it after all else was killed (leaving it alive would not have triggered the 20% BV match end requirement since it was on the higher end of 2k BV). The odds at that moment (if I succeeded) would be in my favor heavily. My Naginata then turned into a "bait and sacrifice" situation.
    I do want to point out that the bad ju ju dice were on both sides of the field for sure, considering the amount of fire I poured at times and not much hit (or perhaps what missed where the weapons I needed to hit), but in the end the Nuke, the through-armor crits here and there, and lastly the black outs were definitely more critical on his side than the misses and failures on my side of the fence.
    The plays with the Akuma were a bit weird I admit because it is meant to be up-front-tanky-boom-boom. But the element that I was watching out for was that his Gargoyle could have easily jumped 7 and landed right behind it or near behind it and light it up from its booty. Losing that mech to that kind of move would have jeopardized my footing and long-game. The return fire to the Gargoyle on a 7 jump TMM would not have been ideal in that scenario even with C3, so I decided not to risk it. So I opted to leave him where he was mostly because of the area/opportunity denial that it was giving.
    Also, in a turn or two that I split fire from my Naginata, I should have instead focused down his NightHawk. It survived for far too long and contributed firepower at one point that it should not have been allowed to contribute (like 2-3 turns worth).
    Until next time ;) Keep the coolant pod on.

    • @ChrisZestyJesty
      @ChrisZestyJesty  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the match breakdown from your perspective. I appreciate the insight and it helps us understand why you made some of the moves you did.

  • @typroneperka1779
    @typroneperka1779 Рік тому +3

    Are you afraid of the dark is the name of a Nickelodeon Show, I see you missed it Jesty! :p ~pirate

    • @ChrisZestyJesty
      @ChrisZestyJesty  Рік тому +1

      Oh no, I knew what it was from. I thought it didn't need saying. He even used the old campfire picture for the tournament package.

    • @desertdream2
      @desertdream2 Рік тому +1

      Yeah, I was waiting for someone to say that when it came up. Though some points for the creative answer that was given.

  • @exiledzebra8740
    @exiledzebra8740 Рік тому +2

    I feel like Elroy was getting the upper hand in this one until the Battlemaster kick that exploded his Blackhawk and BA. Along with the earlier turn of getting nasty damage on the Night hawk that's 3 mechs down and Nitro still hasn't lost anything, though his commander's not in good shape.

    • @ChrisZestyJesty
      @ChrisZestyJesty  Рік тому +1

      Yea agreed, there was definitely an unfortunate turn in the dice for Elroy.