Why don’t men receive this kind of love in return 🤔

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 24 тис.

  • @domri4517
    @domri4517 9 місяців тому +33389

    I hate it when people treat love like a rating system

    • @ItsOkayToBeThis
      @ItsOkayToBeThis 9 місяців тому +738

      Right? There are different types of love so why is it on a non existent scale? Nuance.

    • @mauroguerreiro2234
      @mauroguerreiro2234 9 місяців тому +229

      There definitely is a difference in “amounts” or in the “strength” of love. Its not only different kinds of love. Sure u have friendship love and family love and pets love and so on. But even within that there are definitely scales. I love my mom because she is family, i also love my cousins because they are family. I have the same type of love for both, but the “amount” of love i have for my mother is far greater. Humans aren’t perfect, even the kindest purest souls have flaws. And acting as if you love everyone equally or that you don’t subconsciously have a “ranking system” is only lying to yourself

    • @JMPK23
      @JMPK23 9 місяців тому +13


    • @ItsOkayToBeThis
      @ItsOkayToBeThis 9 місяців тому +96

      @@mauroguerreiro2234 Not for me. I either love or I don't. It's not a scale. My children, friends, and partner are each a color of a rainbow that I love differently and I would be devastated if anything happened to them. What a horrible idea to force someone to choose based on a metaphorical scale. I can't really imagine lightly loving someone or loving someone 'less'. Are you sure you don't mean just liking some people? Also just because someone is family doesn't mean you love them. Not you specifically because you might be really close to them but in general. Idk. Maybe I'm just odd. If there was a measurement for me it would be love, like, and basic respect.

    • @shawnmarie459
      @shawnmarie459 9 місяців тому +39

      @@mauroguerreiro2234 So, do you rank love for your children too? i.e. do you have a favorite?

  • @SW-gf6zl
    @SW-gf6zl Місяць тому +2

    My wife does. And that's why I love her as unconditionally, too.

  • @redman2751
    @redman2751 Місяць тому +1

    I lost my mom from Cancer a few years ago. I realized then that I had lost the last person on the planet that truly loved me. Everything else was conditional. If I don’t provide, I’m out. If I don’t treat someone else the way they want me to treat them I’m out. I hate to say it but if I treated my GF the way I treated my moms sometimes as I was growing up my GF would get rid of me.

  • @merlindodson7562
    @merlindodson7562 Місяць тому +1

    It is biblically correct for a man and a woman to placr higher value on their covenant with one another than with their relationship with their children. My Dad told me the same thing when I was young and my Mom did too. Knowing that their marital bond was strong and that it could not be broken by any manipulation or intrusion on my part actually made my childhood more stable and more secure and more happy than it would have been had either or both of them prioritized their love for me over their love for each other.

  • @eddy4283
    @eddy4283 Місяць тому +1

    100% agree. Unfortunate circumstances in life deemed necessary that I risk my life. To make safe the life of my wife. All turned out well she is safe. I am also. I always felt that I would die for her. But more importantly that I live for her. I see now that the children grandchildren, even her siblings and parents rate higher than I do. Decades of marriage I am not sure what I should do with this. The saying goes a broken heart can fix a vision problem. I don’t know if I would change anything. if I had it all to do again. Doubtful loyalty is in my nature. just a word of caution to men. Perhaps this is as it should be.

  • @joannsims8288
    @joannsims8288 9 місяців тому +88

    I started loving my husband unconditionally only after I saw he stuck around after I sobered up. I’ve been sober for three years now and I can say I love that man unconditionally.

    • @usa2121
      @usa2121 9 місяців тому +5

      Lose the stuck around jargon Congrats on your sobriety

    • @bsrpython257
      @bsrpython257 9 місяців тому +12

      Congratulations...but that is the very essence off loving him with conditions. I am quite sincere when I say congratulations BTW.

    • @uup116
      @uup116 9 місяців тому

      Most women once sober look at a man that would put up with a wasted wife as weak and worthless, and leave.

    • @MrsMockerman1011
      @MrsMockerman1011 9 місяців тому +5

      My man has stood by me while I was getting sober from heroin and meth. It’s such a gift to be able to have that support.

    • @uup116
      @uup116 9 місяців тому +1

      @@MrsMockerman1011 that will change as you get stronger.

  • @davidvalderrama1816
    @davidvalderrama1816 18 днів тому

    The hardest thing in life is, by far, marriage. Add raising kids, the second, it’s a real test to see how SELFISH you are. “Soul of a woman was created below.” That’s what it’s looking like.

  • @terrylm235
    @terrylm235 Місяць тому

    The Creator is not loved unconditionally by many.
    Men are in good company!

  • @LizFryerElevate
    @LizFryerElevate Місяць тому

    I love my children, but my husband is my life partner and I love him the most!

  • @je8784
    @je8784 Місяць тому +1

    Women have mistaken money for love. I love my children, not the ones the wife made with the neighbor. Cheaters will never be truly loved again.

  • @lloydrobins6074
    @lloydrobins6074 Місяць тому

    A basic tenet of relationships: men love women, women love children, children love animals. I've heard this too many times, and it seems true.

  • @bobsmith6079
    @bobsmith6079 Місяць тому

    Her mother loves her because that's a face only a mother could love.

  • @MrJagdaddy1
    @MrJagdaddy1 9 місяців тому +70

    Women show this on a daily basis and most have no idea how close they are to getting dumped in the street on their ass because of it… Married 30 years and I feel this every single day. She will put everything else above me… dogs, horses, kids/grandkids, friends… the list goes on. I’m about at the end of being a wallet to her.

    • @chrism4008
      @chrism4008 9 місяців тому +17

      YOU DESERVE TO BE TREATED BETTER BRO!!! Being alone is better than being a money fountain for someone who doesnt show appreciation

    • @davebenz8271
      @davebenz8271 9 місяців тому +11

      That was me. I once made a list of everything that was more important to her than me; it was a very long list.

    • @jasjones6556
      @jasjones6556 9 місяців тому +11

      I’m in the exact same boat brother. 30 years as well.

    • @pugpug4430
      @pugpug4430 9 місяців тому +6

      Good to know it dosnt get better. Glad i got out

    • @shieldwolf65
      @shieldwolf65 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@davebenz8271 Did you show her that list? Leave her to chew in it for a week then ask her how YOU should feel about this. She'll only understand feelings, so asking her what your feelings should be if it was her?? Might be an interesting question she's never thought about.

  • @SunRayz3r
    @SunRayz3r Місяць тому

    I’ve heard a good analogy, that the wife is like the chandelier in the house. It’s there to stay.
    The child is like one of the light bulbs on that chandelier. Eventually that light will come off as the child gets married and begins a life of their own.

  • @jessespencer1019
    @jessespencer1019 16 днів тому

    Ya, I loved my ex more than my kids, right up until I didn't because she only cared about herself. Meanwhile the kids loved me unconditionally

  • @alexanderkesterson6338
    @alexanderkesterson6338 15 днів тому

    I disagree my wife and i have always had the understanding that our children are more important than we are would gladly sacrifice ourselves for them. We expect eachother to save the children first

  • @Mr_Kenneth
    @Mr_Kenneth 18 днів тому

    Make no mistake. Once a child is born the woman is consumed with love for the baby. Trust me, men understand and respect that because THAT is how it's meant to be.

  • @JoeSchmoe-mp3pm
    @JoeSchmoe-mp3pm Місяць тому

    Wow! I am amazed that you went there. Respect earned

  • @MrZedosAlhos
    @MrZedosAlhos 10 днів тому

    Simple to understand this...your mom gave birth to you, the connection is different...when your mother was giving birth if anything went wrong and the father had to choose, guess who he would choose...the mother.

  • @dagwood1327
    @dagwood1327 Місяць тому

    50 yrs this year. I love my wife more than life more than kids. I have known for a long time that my wife loves my kids more than me but about a year ago I realized she loves the dogs more than me. That’s messed up.

  • @magikdust2095
    @magikdust2095 19 днів тому

    I would argue that the love for your children is different than the love for your spouse. They are different kinds of love.
    However, the protection of your children should always come first. In a healthy relationship, this shouldn't be an issue, but in an unhealthy relationship, this could very well become an issue. How many women (or men) stay with a partner who hurts either them or their children? Too many. They should put the protection of their children first.
    Most women are biologically inclined to put their children first. They carried their children for nine months, feeling them grow and move inside them, then usually having a painful labour to birth them, then breastfeeding them, and this causes these women to feel a bond with their children.
    It's still a different kind of love than the love you have for your spouse, though.

  • @courtneyhernandez3178
    @courtneyhernandez3178 8 місяців тому +281

    If men's love for women is so much more wholesome and unconditional, then why are women more likely to get left while fighting a serious or terminal illness?
    For those asking, it is a study published in Cancer, an academic journal. My citations keep being removed.

    • @robinriffle16
      @robinriffle16 8 місяців тому +40

      That's a damn good question and I'm glad you asked it.

    • @pussydestroyer69285
      @pussydestroyer69285 8 місяців тому

      EXACTLY. It doesn’t make sense…

    • @Anxietysucks126
      @Anxietysucks126 8 місяців тому

      Because most men are jerks. What did you expect?

    • @ThomasFields-lb1jq
      @ThomasFields-lb1jq 8 місяців тому

      Women leave a man when he’s down all of time. No illness required. Let’s talk about that also. Or does that not matter. Like how women feel about men and their feelings. They don’t matter cause you women think and treat us men. Like we’re expendable, and easily replaceable. And our job is just to make you all feel like women. By giving you babies. That you weaponize against us. With every chance you get. Or because the wind blew a certain way.

    • @XVRickXV
      @XVRickXV 8 місяців тому +13

      Simply put, it is because she failed to make him fall in love. There is a possibility that he settled for her and she barely met his requirements for a relatioship and then she became more of a liability than a pleasant addition to his life. This is why love is so important, because if he loves you, he won't leave you. Or maybe she changed and showed her real annoying self after a few years of faking it till they finally tied the knot and she thought she was valued more than she actually was and started disrespecting him because she became too comfortable and she thought he was too in love and took it for granted.
      Sometimes women have a great relationship and then they listen to other hateful or jealous women that give them stupid advice just to see her fail and she actually falls for it and drives a steep permanent wedge in the relationship. It could be any number of things that she does to make herself more abrasive and sometimes men suffer in silence putting up with the feminist abuse until she gets very sick and becomes more burden than pleasure and it's just the last straw and he decides to walk away.
      There is absolutely nothing, that healthy men love more in this world than a healthy "feminine woman". Nothing. Everything else pales in comparison. A couple should mirror each other and be equally matched. Don't settle for a guy with status and money. A perfect relationship is possible if you are open minded and willing to invest in the guy willing to fall in love. The question for you then is: at what stage did you catch the guy in his love capacity spectrum? Did you get him while he belived in love, somewhere in between, or after he became totally and seriously jaded?
      One key thing women fail to see over and over, is that if a man makes it to the top $$$ "by himself without a wife" he won't see women as equals, he will see her as a temporary object to play with until he gets bored because he will always stay only on the surface. He will see her as disposable. He will only want to keep the woman that was there for him through thick and thin. The one he can trust with his life. The one that advised him, dreamed and planned with him. This is why you catch a guy early, when he is silly and romantic and capable of love, because by the time he reaches the top alone he is jaded with a dry heart and will be emotionally unavailable. That guy will treat women as disposable like a napkin or a disposable cup. You want to be the fancy cup that he has memories with and can't bring himself to throw away even after it breaks.(sickness)
      When people are sick, they usually are in pain and not very nice. They lash out disregarding other peoples emotions. Most men keep a woman because she is pleasant, empathetic, compatible and respectful, not because she is pretty because that fades away. The most unnattractive quality a woman can have is a bad attitude. The opposite of that, is the pure feminine energy of sweetness. Sweet voice, empathy and natural smiles. When a man loves a woman, even if her beauty fades, because of the emotions and memories, he will still see her the same exact way he met her, even in old age after she is wrinkled like a prune her intoxicating sweetness will echo in time...

  • @JeffGrisham-n3f
    @JeffGrisham-n3f Місяць тому

    It's nice to see a 1 doing a video

  • @Yogi_4469
    @Yogi_4469 14 днів тому

    If a father loved his daughter more than his wife that would explain where “daddy issues” come from. Also that’s illegal!!!

  • @bradcarver8127
    @bradcarver8127 Місяць тому

    I mean that is a face only a mother could love

  • @rrusselljr67
    @rrusselljr67 Місяць тому

    This is just how it is, offspring takes presidents once born. It’s not until well after the kids have grown and moved on. Do woman possibly fall back in love with their partners. And then there are some couples that never lose the love for each other through it all.

  • @kenpatterson8880
    @kenpatterson8880 Місяць тому +1

    BINGO - society has gone down a broken pathway - what route will you take?

  • @strongskills555
    @strongskills555 29 днів тому

    Emily, have you seen the lady who is making the Happy Wife School videos? What she is exposing about women, is downright disturbing. I never realized how much my first wife gaslighted me. Wow

  • @weener4079
    @weener4079 9 місяців тому +18

    "Your children may mean the world to you, but you may not mean the world to them."

  • @lewisbsalford
    @lewisbsalford 20 днів тому

    That isnt how it is and that isn't how it should be. Children first above everything

  • @johnl3286
    @johnl3286 Місяць тому

    She will be married 20 years and the hub will roll on her This woman’s attitude is why men are happy to move on and get out of a love less and inconsiderate relationship.

  • @seanorta7578
    @seanorta7578 Місяць тому

    This was the biggest kick to the gut

  • @sandasturner9529
    @sandasturner9529 Місяць тому

    Daughter realized she wasn't the favorite:

  • @mcshamkraken4448
    @mcshamkraken4448 2 місяці тому +3394

    Men aren't loved unconditionally... ever. And yes, we are aware.

    • @patrickmccoy9067
      @patrickmccoy9067 2 місяці тому +85

      Very aware as it turns out.

    • @JF-cd5hc
      @JF-cd5hc 2 місяці тому

      The internet and social media kind of showed us who women really are. They exposed themselves and most men really dislike who women really are, under the mask they put on.

    • @EBaron007
      @EBaron007 2 місяці тому

      Men ARE loved unconditionally…by their dogs. Stay single Men. Get a dog instead.

    • @leftysheppey
      @leftysheppey 2 місяці тому +30

      What about by their mother's?

    • @jasondyrkacz8270
      @jasondyrkacz8270 2 місяці тому +76

      ​@@leftysheppey It's a crapshoot.

  • @Joopsmann
    @Joopsmann 8 місяців тому +5025

    Male father of two here. You love people differently. Children, spouses, siblings, parents, friends, etc. There are distinct differences in those relationships. It’s not a “ranking” of the “level” of love, it’s just different. I lost my wife recently and didn’t know how deeply I loved her until I lost her. I also learned that my two adult children are wonderful in how they have supported each other and me, so love and our appreciation for that love changes throughout our lives for various reasons.

    • @gigglelifeaway2607
      @gigglelifeaway2607 8 місяців тому +64

      I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending happiness and blessings for this New Year❤

    • @stefans.8850
      @stefans.8850 8 місяців тому +46

      Exactly! I am sorry for your loss, but you are right, we love everybody around us differently.

    • @F4billionyearzag0
      @F4billionyearzag0 8 місяців тому +17

      I offer my condolences to you and your family. Know that she is in God's kingdom waiting for you once your mission is complete 🙏🏼

    • @firdowskruger9896
      @firdowskruger9896 8 місяців тому +16

      I agree with you 100%. It is so immature to turn it into a competition. God bless you and your children, and may He grant you patience and strength, ameen. Greetings from Pretoria, South Africa 🇿🇦

    • @Alexander-ux1et
      @Alexander-ux1et 8 місяців тому +7

      I am very sorry for your loss, May You Wife Rest In Peace 🕊

  • @marcus813
    @marcus813 19 днів тому +31

    What that woman said at the end hit hard. That's a sobering reminder that we men generally aren't loved unconditionally. That needs to start changing.

    • @T-fo4wt
      @T-fo4wt 14 днів тому +2

      Whatever, the mother probably is cheating and the daughter will turn out to be a 304.

    • @HamilcarBarca-jm3ey
      @HamilcarBarca-jm3ey 13 днів тому +1

      Couldn't agree more.

    • @DL-ce4vy
      @DL-ce4vy 9 днів тому

      No one, other than children by their parents, are loved unconditionally. Assuming the child has good parents. Unconditional love is a total myth. If a woman gets fat and withdraws sex, that love fades fast.

    • @Rahab198
      @Rahab198 8 днів тому

      She isn't his.

    • @johningle1
      @johningle1 7 днів тому +3

      This is not a changr thing. This is just the way it is. Accept it.

  • @calicocritterscrafts886
    @calicocritterscrafts886 8 місяців тому +9780

    The love I have for my husband and the love I have for my children are incomparable. They are two different things. Like food and water I will struggle without both.

    • @jenniferbond7073
      @jenniferbond7073 8 місяців тому +230

      Perfect way of saying this!

    • @9ogi
      @9ogi 8 місяців тому +125

      i love the way you worded that. *perfect analogy

    • @famboy121
      @famboy121 8 місяців тому +27

      That was my struggle with the concept why do you have to love both differently? Just because you love food doesn't mean you don't love water the same because you can't do without either.
      NO you literally can't because you will get indigestion or potentially liver stone problems because you are not digesting properly.
      You can absolutely love two people at the same time at the same level, particularly when both people are part of your marriage, your love life, your everyday life.
      What are we saying here? Come on!

    • @drewjay8940
      @drewjay8940 8 місяців тому +64

      This was one of my take-aways to the video! You should NOT be in love with your kids in the same way that you are in love with your spouse. That doesn't mean love for your spouse is "conditional" (not sure why Emily drew this conclusion) it just means that romantic love and parent-child love are different.

    • @danielmiller5715
      @danielmiller5715 8 місяців тому +7

      Perfectly said!

  • @katiemloftus
    @katiemloftus 8 місяців тому +1645

    my dad once told me that he loves my mom and myself differently. that the love he felt for each of us was equal but different. I think that’s beautiful. and I didn’t understand as a kid but I think it’s a perfect explanation

    • @lissadawes4243
      @lissadawes4243 8 місяців тому +12

      I like that.

    • @lizxu322
      @lizxu322 8 місяців тому +22

      I agreed it can just be different and not quantifiable. Nobody can love someone who theyre in a sexual relationship with are are supposed equals the same as your progeny who you dont share a sexual relationship with and measure and reflect your worth as a parent, not a partner.
      After all you love your 3d printer differently from the objects it prints lol

    • @jenniferraposo142
      @jenniferraposo142 8 місяців тому +1


    • @jenniferraposo142
      @jenniferraposo142 8 місяців тому


    • @FreeWorldSpirit313
      @FreeWorldSpirit313 8 місяців тому +7

      I understand not understanding as a child but once you're a teen it should be pretty obvious there are different kinds of love. If you parents loved you as they loved each other CPS would need to be involved. Romantic love is different than family love and those are different than material love, and those are different from friendship love, pet love, value love etc etc.

  • @MaathBCT
    @MaathBCT 9 місяців тому +5212

    I remember asking my dad the same question and he said completely calmed; my love for you is different from the love I have for your mother.

    • @hannuruotsalainen9884
      @hannuruotsalainen9884 9 місяців тому +206

      I said something similiar to my daughter when she asked. Love between wife and husband os completely different to love between parent and a child.

    • @thelnepoet1
      @thelnepoet1 9 місяців тому +248

      That's the right answer. There's no competition between the love you feel for your children and the love you feel for your spouse because they're not the same. It doesn't minimize either to acknowledge that it's different.

    • @outlandishmccandlish3873
      @outlandishmccandlish3873 9 місяців тому +97

      All of this. We have a running joke where I tell my husband that no one ever has or ever will love him like I do. I can't love him like his parents or siblings do, I can only love him with the devotion of a wife. We also both agree that we will put the needs of our children first and if that means he as a grown man has to sleep alone at night so I can sleep with the babies or that he sleeps every night with a baby waking him so I can work then that is what we do because we are mature adults that can self regulate where a baby can not. My husband doesn't need me to put him and his needs first because he is not a child that can not care for himself. He is a grown man that can take care of his own needs. When he married me he told me that he didn't marry me to be a cook or a maid that he can take care of himself in those ways but what he wanted was a companion to share life experiences with. Married 15 yrs and still going strong.😊

    • @Tuilindir
      @Tuilindir 9 місяців тому +31

      Best answer you could give. Don’t make it a competition.

    • @justinresch6169
      @justinresch6169 9 місяців тому +27

      I would hope he loves your mom differently; romantic love is different than familial love... it would be very gross if he loved you the same. Ew.

  • @Emily10210
    @Emily10210 8 місяців тому +5317

    The comments nailed it 100%. I don’t love either my child or my partner more than the other, I love them differently.

    • @nickcarroll8565
      @nickcarroll8565 8 місяців тому +54

      Exactly. I definitely do not love either one more. And I’m more than willing to die for either.

    • @Clintonmilmine
      @Clintonmilmine 8 місяців тому +87

      This is it. I explained to my wife when she told me she loved our kids more. I told her that I loved her first, and that love was chosen by me. I love my children unconditionally, they are a part of us both, and if I had not chosen her first, they wouldn't be here, and when they leave, I'll be all that's left. It made her think about what she was saying. Her love for our kids just is, and she chose to love me too, and when it's just us again, that love still needs to remain.

    • @newname3021
      @newname3021 8 місяців тому +9


    • @janayawilliams2342
      @janayawilliams2342 8 місяців тому +13

      @@Clintonmilmine perfectly said

    • @falcon5751
      @falcon5751 8 місяців тому +13

      ​@@Clintonmilminepeople nowadays just find it easy to puke out things without thinking about how it might affect their partner, and yeah i certainly did too.

  • @_Roasted_Marshmallow
    @_Roasted_Marshmallow 8 місяців тому +1171

    It’s just different love. I love my wife and my daughter with all my heart and would go to the end of the earth for them.

    • @moefritz9568
      @moefritz9568 8 місяців тому +8

      If you had to pick one to lose, which would it be 😂

    • @user-dl1cf4xr6t
      @user-dl1cf4xr6t 8 місяців тому

      It would be my wife, clearly.
      I would give her away for free, don't get me wrong, but I would even pay for it...
      As long as she doesn't ever come back i am fine.

    • @Faithfulsally
      @Faithfulsally 8 місяців тому +6

      But truly u should love your wife more. U chose her to love for life. U didn't marry to just birth children to love... And ultimately your daughter may marry and leave y'all and it will be just u two. U won't follow your daughter around. But your daughter also will gain a husband to love. And as hard as it sounds she should love him more than u.😊

    • @_Roasted_Marshmallow
      @_Roasted_Marshmallow 8 місяців тому +6

      @@Faithfulsally are you married and do you have children?

    • @_Roasted_Marshmallow
      @_Roasted_Marshmallow 8 місяців тому +10

      @@moefritz9568 I’d pick…… you! 😂

  • @codyfraser3850
    @codyfraser3850 2 місяці тому +530

    My kids once asked my late wife which one of them was her favorite and she replied "Your Dad" I was so blessed. I miss her so much.

    • @Shinglesdoctor
      @Shinglesdoctor 2 місяці тому +20

      I'm sorry you your loss.

    • @Schizo-Devil
      @Schizo-Devil 2 місяці тому +15

      I’m terribly sorry for your loss. She sounds amazing 🙏

    • @codyfraser3850
      @codyfraser3850 2 місяці тому +20

      @@Schizo-Devil She truly was, I appreciate you taking the time to share your condolences.

    • @imranshafiq3727
      @imranshafiq3727 Місяць тому +2

      It wouldn't surprise me if there was some phenomenon that removed good women, like your wife, from the world if they stray from an imbalanced narrative.

    • @Shinglesdoctor
      @Shinglesdoctor Місяць тому

      @@imranshafiq3727 I'm not even sure if YOU know what that means.

  • @darkerdaemon7794
    @darkerdaemon7794 8 місяців тому +2764

    Romantic love and familial love should always be different. Huge difference between loving your child and loving your intimate partner.

    • @roses6564
      @roses6564 8 місяців тому +54

      People are crazy that they want to compare these two kinds of love (spousal and parental) and sew discord about it.
      Idiotic comparisons aside, the most intense kind of love is Romantic love (which rarely means marital love).
      The trick is most people don't live this kind of love and aren't even wired for it, so they expect society to tell them what they are supposed to love most. Rofl. They get sanctimonious and self-righteous about the roles society assigns to them to love (parenthood, spouse-hood, whatever), then they flaunt how hard they love.
      Palm to head.
      High-caliber people don't love roles. They love actual souls who may happen to be in some of those roles (or not). They children always - by default. But children are not roles. They are part of you. Spouse, cousin, neighbor, in-law, whatever - those are roles.
      Some of the most intense loves in human history have been for people who occupied no particular social role. Simply a human, a soul with whom one bonded beyond words.
      Of course people love their families, but to flaunt "role" love and pit one against the other and make them "compete for love" is just
      plain boring and stupid. Leave it to the masses of normie dumb-skulls to do that.

    • @eliott.b76
      @eliott.b76 8 місяців тому +23

      Except in Alabama

    • @-m.d.n-9019
      @-m.d.n-9019 8 місяців тому +8

      ​​@@eliott.b76 " *No need to look for a partner when you can walk across the hall.* " ~ A actual guy from Alabama.

    • @Mimi-hn6iv
      @Mimi-hn6iv 8 місяців тому +8

      That's what I'm thinking - how can the two even be compared?

    • @emmby6392
      @emmby6392 8 місяців тому +1

      women should see their husbands as their family tho. but i get that collective trauma from men makes women wary of doing so. because you never do really truely know.

  • @rawo3089
    @rawo3089 8 місяців тому +5851

    As a married man with a child I can't say I love my wife more than my daughter or my daughter more than my wife. They are different types of love and can't be compared.

    • @Number1Butter
      @Number1Butter 7 місяців тому +202

      Ding ding ding, thats a good parent right there!👏👏👏🎉
      Doing it right 😊

    • @frogalex8915
      @frogalex8915 7 місяців тому +59

      Yeah but both love you under the condition you continue to protect and provide for them.

    • @rawo3089
      @rawo3089 7 місяців тому

      @@frogalex8915 I'm not even sure either of them love me at all. I provide for them. I make sure they have what they need and want. They can't get rid of me because they need what I provide. It is what it is.

    • @joestalin2375
      @joestalin2375 7 місяців тому +29

      If you pick well that's not a hard task, monogamy is the key.
      One must believe in each other's soul to respect the union.

    • @frogalex8915
      @frogalex8915 7 місяців тому

      @@joestalin2375 lose your ability to protect and provide and see how far that love for you goes.

  • @mr.popoiscool
    @mr.popoiscool Місяць тому +457

    Emily the amount of credit you give to the hard working voiceless men out there is much appreciated, keep it up.

    • @ComedySupreme
      @ComedySupreme Місяць тому +10

      emily knows. she is speaking for a generation of guys.. *thumbsup*

    • @maxxmarino6500
      @maxxmarino6500 Місяць тому +5

      Someone give this dude a hug

    • @cclphdfu
      @cclphdfu Місяць тому +1

      just too bad that a strange woman giving credit does absolutelly nothing in the long run and is just to make you feel better for the moment, not for the long run as the actual problems never change.

    • @mr.popoiscool
      @mr.popoiscool Місяць тому

      @@cclphdfu she points out the obvious and perhaps wise men will understand their worth and find good women.

    • @bruceleeds7988
      @bruceleeds7988 25 днів тому

      ​@@cclphdfusee? They don't even want us to have MOMENTS of appreciation out here!!

  • @SpadePearls
    @SpadePearls 8 місяців тому +2188

    Those are two loves that can’t be compared because the depth of both should be infinite.

    • @paulchapman411
      @paulchapman411 8 місяців тому +22

      Strange as it may seem one infinity can be bigger than another

    • @dat581
      @dat581 8 місяців тому +22

      @@paulchapman411That'd because one is infinite and the other is completely conditional.

    • @FizzyCape
      @FizzyCape 8 місяців тому +8

      @@paulchapman411not too strange. There’s an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2, and none of them will be three.
      There’s also an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 3, that includes every number in the aforementioned infinity PLUS every number between 2 and 3.

    • @radhiadeedou8286
      @radhiadeedou8286 8 місяців тому +14

      I wouldn't say I love my husband more than my kids cause they're two completely different kinds of love but I definitely miss him more, which makes sense I guess cause we're meant to spend our life together while the kids will grow up and move away

    • @JohnGeiger-ge2zh
      @JohnGeiger-ge2zh 8 місяців тому

      I love me and F everybody else.

  • @rightwingprofessor1356
    @rightwingprofessor1356 4 місяці тому +464

    YOU are 100% correct. With women, it is always, "What can you do for me." For men, it is almost 100%, "What can I do for you?" Sad...very sad...but true.

    • @Ayce410
      @Ayce410 2 місяці тому

      Not sad...it's how it should be. How could I possibly take pride in providing for my wife and children if I do not have a servitude mentality. Be a man

    • @RafaelSanti-p4m
      @RafaelSanti-p4m 2 місяці тому +3


    • @victoriadawson0625
      @victoriadawson0625 2 місяці тому

      Then you're not finding the right woman, it's not a universal woman thing. There are toxic men and woman you have to find the right ones

    • @RB-wt6pg
      @RB-wt6pg 2 місяці тому +16

      That's why in some cases men that become brothers will do anything for each other. They don't care about cost. They want their brother to be ok and healthy.

    • @JASONLUSTY-nq8ez
      @JASONLUSTY-nq8ez 2 місяці тому

      How true are you 👌

  • @JH-nv2ue
    @JH-nv2ue 2 місяці тому +479

    Men love their women for who they are.
    Women love their men for what they provide.

    • @TheDSGuy
      @TheDSGuy Місяць тому +13

      The second sentence is accurate. The first is not. Men also love women for what they provide, particularly their good looks.

    • @haydn-db8z
      @haydn-db8z Місяць тому +15

      (And the value of "who they are" has declined in recent years.)

    • @imranshafiq3727
      @imranshafiq3727 Місяць тому +24

      ​@@TheDSGuyThey don't "give us" their looks, they just have them.
      If they had that kind of control, they'd be able to keep them as they aged.

    • @smokingcrab2290
      @smokingcrab2290 Місяць тому +31

      Men are in love, women are in business

    • @haydn-db8z
      @haydn-db8z Місяць тому +7

      @@smokingcrab2290 Well, they can take their business elsewhere. :)

  • @leafalsa7926
    @leafalsa7926 3 місяці тому +327

    According to my mom, my grandpa sat her down when she was being a rebellious teenager to my grandma and said, “if I have to choose between her and you, I’m choosing her every time. Fix your attitude.”

    • @sirrevzalot
      @sirrevzalot 3 місяці тому

      That’s how you fix a wanton woman before she becomes what we see in society today. Good man.

    • @jbktpl1245
      @jbktpl1245 2 місяці тому +15

      Ouch, sounds like that tough love.

    • @halfcalkt8367
      @halfcalkt8367 2 місяці тому +11

      As God intended!!!!

    • @harrylongabaugh7402
      @harrylongabaugh7402 2 місяці тому +15

      Your grandfather is a good man.

    • @cheriffares7148
      @cheriffares7148 2 місяці тому +2

      Which is her and which is you?

  • @heidibaltom8138
    @heidibaltom8138 8 місяців тому +1051

    I don't understand how people can compare the 2. One is your wife who you want to spend the rest of your life with, the other is your child who you would protect with your life.

    • @laurahulland
      @laurahulland 7 місяців тому +19

      Exactly. My comment is basically that. I love my kids and my husband in two different ways.

    • @gracecodd4378
      @gracecodd4378 7 місяців тому +12

      Thank you. There's no comparison. It's like asking who do you love more, friends or family, parents or grandparents, mum or dad

    • @frogalex8915
      @frogalex8915 7 місяців тому +2

      @@laurahullandyeah that’s what she is saying in the video. You love your kids unconditionally and you love your husband conditionally

    • @frogalex8915
      @frogalex8915 7 місяців тому

      @@gracecodd4378all those can easily be answered.

    • @MrBlackstone
      @MrBlackstone 7 місяців тому +6

      You wouldn't die for your spouse ?

  • @lima_wawae6283
    @lima_wawae6283 9 місяців тому +543

    Another father told me before my first child was born- "Be prepared because you are now last in line for everything." 😂

    • @MichaelBranson6
      @MichaelBranson6 9 місяців тому +17

      I frequently referred to myself as 'Number Six' (4 kids), which wouldn't have bothered me, except that she seemed to agree...

    • @dilbertjunkmail
      @dilbertjunkmail 9 місяців тому +5

      I am non-existent in my children's life (two daughters) after my wife passed two years ago! It was my bad, because I refuse to allow myself to be ordered around like a puppy. Not a good look for men!

    • @MichaelDerryGameitect
      @MichaelDerryGameitect 9 місяців тому +20

      ​@@dilbertjunkmail Which are you referring to as _"not a good look?"_ Not being in your children's lives or being too prideful to help when asked?
      When thinking about _'being ordered around like a puppy'_ consider *only* whether you're spoiling (in the harmful sense) the family member you're helping or genuinely helping. Worrying about how _others_ perceive your willingness to help is merely insecurity and weakness.
      I mean, if you're in a gang or something and street cred is life-or-death, you do you. Keeping them away from that life is probably a good call. Otherwise, do what's best for your family.
      People's and society's attitude about it sucks but that doesn't change what the right thing to do is.

    • @keithgraham9547
      @keithgraham9547 9 місяців тому

      ​@MichaelDerryGameitect Just to make sure somebody does before the day is out, you're a total jerk. Dilbert is absolutely right.
      Women in general, and wives/gf/daughters think they can treat men like servants and are surprised when they get yanked up short about their behavior.
      You can go be a simp all you want. Some of us will keep our testicles and set boundaries and hold people responsible for their actions.

    • @hillarybillary21
      @hillarybillary21 9 місяців тому

      Aw. Maybe you should’ve given your newborn a slap on the ass and told him to go out and get a steak 🥩?

  • @noobgoestrapping5084
    @noobgoestrapping5084 3 місяці тому +367

    My dad was the perfect example of this.
    I got pretty angsty as a mid-late teenager and got out of line one day and yelled at my mom, and I guess my posture must have been overly aggressive.
    I literally didn't even see him move, but he somehow got off the chair, across the room, pushed me up into the wall and told me very quietly "look, it's ok to get mad and upset, but you will not EVER buck up against your mom like that again. She may be your mom, but that's my WIFE. And I will NOT let that happen."
    I had legitimately never seen my dad even get aggressive over a fly before. But he was 1,000% ready to knock my ass out. And I learned a very valuable lesson that day.

    • @LaVanderWilliams
      @LaVanderWilliams 2 місяці тому +47

      Think about it: children are going to eventually go off with someone else to spend the rest of their lives together, and leave the parents behind. The parents made a vow long before the children were born to spend their lives together. It's been generational since the first wedding.

    • @ShrodingersHat
      @ShrodingersHat 2 місяці тому +24

      My Dad pretty much did the same thing when I screamed "I hate you" at my mom when I was a Teen.

    • @LaVanderWilliams
      @LaVanderWilliams 2 місяці тому +13

      @@ShrodingersHat I would've made the obituaries when I was a teen

    • @fjtalleyauthor2242
      @fjtalleyauthor2242 2 місяці тому +14

      Your Dad was a ninja.

    • @noobgoestrapping5084
      @noobgoestrapping5084 2 місяці тому +20

      @@fjtalleyauthor2242 my dad was essentially one of the old badass Kung fu dudes. Full chill 99.99999% of the time and spitting wisdom. And terrifyingly dangerous the other 0.00000% of the time when necessary

  • @gailschultz878
    @gailschultz878 9 місяців тому +481

    I absolutely love my daughters in a way I never knew before becoming a mother, but I want to still be deeply in love with their father, my husband, when they are grown and leave to hopefully find the men that will cherish them the rest of their lives, long after we are gone.

    • @stevenbaines2131
      @stevenbaines2131 8 місяців тому +5

      that is the sweetest thing I have read all day 😭

    • @witchywoman703
      @witchywoman703 8 місяців тому +4

      Things change so much when they fly the nest! I feel like my husband and I are closer now that the kids are gone.

    • @dbaargosy4062
      @dbaargosy4062 8 місяців тому +2

      Their Father, Your Father, Your Husband's Father is God... Perspective, and how near we hold that ... kind of old thing to find surprising... Spiritually, And Sanctifier God Is Love Reversing that Sanctifying God Is The Only Father

  • @johnbutler1323
    @johnbutler1323 Місяць тому +24

    There's a book titled "Bad Mother," an autobiography where the author talks about the rather disturbing (to her) realization that she loved her husband more than her children, and if forced to choose between her children and her husband, she would choose her husband. This left her feeling guilty and she decided to talk to her teenage daughter about it. And her daughter's reaction to her guilty confession was basically, "Well, yeah, I knew that," and was surprised her mother didn't realize that about herself.

    • @john1703
      @john1703 Місяць тому +3

      Nothing wrong here. That is the whole point of marriage, which is not be be put asunder. Also children are commanded to honour their parents.

    • @TehKarmalizer
      @TehKarmalizer 10 днів тому +1

      @@john1703 exactly. It’s supposed to be a model to the children what such an intimate, lifelong bond should look like. The marriage has to precede the children in significance to the children in service to the children.

    • @beans4853
      @beans4853 2 дні тому +1

      Nothing wrong! When there's a strong base, your family stands firm. Children thrive when they see their parents loving each other so much

  • @laceymariesmith
    @laceymariesmith 8 місяців тому +255

    It’s a different type of love but the love/bond between husband and wife is unique and should be treasured. Kids also are comforted when they see their parents deeply in love with each other.

  • @StevenSmith-mv4ge
    @StevenSmith-mv4ge 2 місяці тому +423

    Women and children are loved unconditionally whereas men are loved with conditions. Well said. And so true.

    • @jdmweeb8663
      @jdmweeb8663 2 місяці тому +5


    • @tyrannusrex8906
      @tyrannusrex8906 Місяць тому

      Men are not loved at, let alone conditionally

    • @Az06999
      @Az06999 Місяць тому +1


    • @Thalanox
      @Thalanox Місяць тому

      Men are tolerated under conditions, not loved.

    • @KiraSmith-n5y
      @KiraSmith-n5y Місяць тому +2

      Sorry Steve I love my husband so much more than my kids!!!! My three kids are great but my husband is my hole life. The kids will move away but my husband is mine forever. Thank you Kira Smith.

  • @rogereisnaugle6012
    @rogereisnaugle6012 3 місяці тому +189

    Most men already know that. She will divide her love and the children will get the lion's share.

    • @stephenbonaduce7852
      @stephenbonaduce7852 2 місяці тому +16

      Not just the children; we come after the dog and the cat, too. We often take a backseat to doing laundry!

    • @BuzzBoar
      @BuzzBoar 2 місяці тому +9

      Jeez... even before kids taking the lions share I never got enough love.
      If shes gonna take away from the little love she gives after kids...i just don't even see how it's worth it at that point.

    • @brettdueck824
      @brettdueck824 2 місяці тому +7

      ​@@BuzzBoarMy wife will straight up stop listening to me while I'm mid-sentence if one of the kids starts talking. It happens every time.

    • @Chris-es3wf
      @Chris-es3wf 2 місяці тому +6

      ​@@brettdueck824Then tell the kids not to interrupt while you're talking and then address it with her when kids aren't around.

    • @whittakerwinstanleyiii4051
      @whittakerwinstanleyiii4051 2 місяці тому

      @@stephenbonaduce7852I wouldn’t even be involved if that’s the deal. I didn’t sign up to a woman’s slave.

  • @rycherulz
    @rycherulz 9 місяців тому +15711

    Yup, Chris Rock said it best. " Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. Men are only loved under the condition they provide something."

    • @davidz3879
      @davidz3879 9 місяців тому +392

      That's not even being loved. That's what they provide being appreciated.

    • @Ocerkin
      @Ocerkin 9 місяців тому +50

      its true

    • @mikek001
      @mikek001 9 місяців тому +39


    • @thenoodlebuddy
      @thenoodlebuddy 9 місяців тому +66

      No truer words have ever been spoken

    • @NateChillinShow
      @NateChillinShow 9 місяців тому +74

      I love women children and dogs very conditionally. Because I know that people try to replace me.

  • @zephyr_koryami
    @zephyr_koryami 6 місяців тому +598

    A dad once said - don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to.

    • @hshaughnessy17
      @hshaughnessy17 6 місяців тому +7

      That doesn't work on most people. I used to do that and all it does is make most people curious. They bug you until you tell them, then get mad because they didn't want to hear it.

    • @michaelatcheson4816
      @michaelatcheson4816 6 місяців тому +13

      But she didn't ask...

    • @zephyr_koryami
      @zephyr_koryami 6 місяців тому +3

      @@michaelatcheson4816he could’ve been answering her question, hence “my dad once told me”. So, we don’t really know if she did or not. But good point, lol.

    • @zephyr_koryami
      @zephyr_koryami 6 місяців тому +2

      @@hshaughnessy17yeah, I know. Honestly, I think it’s supposed to be a subtle way of saying “I’m not going to answer that”, but some people don’t know how to take the hint. If their mission is to start something, they may press for an answer, in which case,now you gotta shut it down. If they get mad you don’t answer, you could tell them clearly you’re not answering and why. Some people like to start drama or create some level of animosity with certain questions they ask.

    • @Gretsch-s8j
      @Gretsch-s8j 6 місяців тому +2

      You got that right

  • @ColonelSanders17
    @ColonelSanders17 9 місяців тому +3044

    And yet the dad would probably lay down his life for his daughter if push comes to shove, no questions asked.

    • @Shogun459
      @Shogun459 9 місяців тому +65

      Yes, now think what he will do when someone tries to hurt his wife.
      And she will help with the bodies.

    • @dezpotizmOFheaven
      @dezpotizmOFheaven 9 місяців тому +147

      Exactly. It's not about NOT loving your children. It's just that he loves his wife even MORE than them.
      How can one not understand that?
      Women are making it a: "You DON'T love me." while that's simply not what has been said.

    • @artm1973
      @artm1973 9 місяців тому +114

      @@dezpotizmOFheaven No, the kids come before the wife. Anyone who says otherwise has never had a wife and kids.

    • @Holden_McGroyn
      @Holden_McGroyn 9 місяців тому +23

      "Then I thought about it..."
      Please don't try to think; you don't do it right.

    • @ivaninnokenti614
      @ivaninnokenti614 9 місяців тому

      doubtful, people who love their spouses more than their own dna are severely demented, shame youre even allowed to breed with that way of thinking. you sicken me

  • @davidjohnsonsr1st
    @davidjohnsonsr1st Місяць тому +9

    The same goes for dads too. After we divorced my children begged to live with me. The judge said “NO.” I had an education, career, and a stable life. She had affairs, a hateful attitude, and no desire to better herself. I was much more loving, more tolerant, and want my kids to be around me.
    Yet they still feel obligated to love her and be there for her.

    • @marcoottina654
      @marcoottina654 14 днів тому +2

      That's sad, cruel and NOT in the interests of the children, which is STATED as the PRIMARY objective.
      I would sue the Judge for this, if able

  • @jv.5453
    @jv.5453 8 місяців тому +574

    I feel like women, men , and children should be loved equally: family is family

    • @kassidybugbee4581
      @kassidybugbee4581 8 місяців тому +5

      It should be exactly that way!

    • @citoyennedmonde
      @citoyennedmonde 8 місяців тому +2


    • @filsilver9450
      @filsilver9450 8 місяців тому +11

      The truth is in the difference between man and woman basic mentality. Man is ready to sacrifice his life for a wife and his child. Woman can sacrifice her life only for her child. It is not the egoism it is difference in our foundation.

    • @tegathemenace
      @tegathemenace 8 місяців тому

      Feelings changes nothing

    • @corablah9809
      @corablah9809 8 місяців тому +10

      No. Children should be prioritized, I can't believe that even has to be said lol

  • @timunderbakke8756
    @timunderbakke8756 9 місяців тому +6427

    It’s all true. If a man wants to know unconditional love, he gets a dog. All other love he knows comes with conditions.

    • @ickn2005
      @ickn2005 9 місяців тому +75


    • @CodyBrandt580
      @CodyBrandt580 9 місяців тому +228

      That's why they're mans best friend.

    • @joesmoe9497
      @joesmoe9497 9 місяців тому +105

      Actually that's still on the condition of not only going and getting a dog but also then feeding it regularly

    • @nickcunningham6344
      @nickcunningham6344 9 місяців тому +70

      Mmm, maybe true for y'all but not for me. You go after shallow women you get conditional love, that simple.

    • @derekaldrich330
      @derekaldrich330 9 місяців тому

      ​@@nickcunningham6344you are adorable.

  • @dirkdigler5190
    @dirkdigler5190 8 місяців тому +1113

    As a father i couldn't ever even imagine loving anyone in the world more than my children, unconditionally.

    • @Southernguitar74
      @Southernguitar74 8 місяців тому +43

      Right on. Me either.

    • @Alex-cw1ph
      @Alex-cw1ph 8 місяців тому +37

      Good. As you should

    • @fernvill
      @fernvill 8 місяців тому +7

      Awesome !

    • @LethiuxX
      @LethiuxX 8 місяців тому +9

      I totally agree.

    • @Mark-bd2yz
      @Mark-bd2yz 8 місяців тому +31

      It’s a different love it’s a different relationship

  • @dukekemppy5409
    @dukekemppy5409 9 місяців тому +423

    The worst it, the dad probably saw that as a massive compliment, not thinking beyond that he loves his wife and children.

    • @youtubeuser5524
      @youtubeuser5524 9 місяців тому +21

      What a brat, trying to make her parents complete for her.

    • @dukekemppy5409
      @dukekemppy5409 9 місяців тому +37

      @@youtubeuser5524 i dont think that was ever her intentions, or even eluded to it.

    • @backupmusicaccount8488
      @backupmusicaccount8488 9 місяців тому

      Except what’s most likely gonna happen is the girl’s gonna now try and seek love in a bunch of men who will only use her for sex and discard her once they get it because her dad didn’t know how to properly love her. Men love to point out how influential a father is in a young girl’s life but will refuse to pay attention to exactly what type of influence he is.

    • @wlleyeam123
      @wlleyeam123 9 місяців тому

      That's the first thing I thought of. It's a little bit creepy coming from an adult​@@youtubeuser5524

    • @CatotheE
      @CatotheE 9 місяців тому +3

      @@youtubeuser5524 Nah. She’s right.

  • @sweetkittykat2000
    @sweetkittykat2000 9 місяців тому +378

    The real problem is the concept that you should even be quantifying love within a family to begin with.
    When it comes to the people who are the closest to you (your wife, husband, or children), it's best just to let them know they are all loved equally but in different ways. It really hurts to be told that you are loved less by someone compared to someone else, so don't be an asshole and try to rank the most important people to you.
    Even if you really do love someone less, don't let them know. Good way to mess up the relationship.

    • @automnejoy5308
      @automnejoy5308 9 місяців тому +62

      A voice of reason here. I thought this was something obvious that everyone knew and that it went without saying, but most people in this comment section don't seem to get this. They think there is a ranking. Sick.

    • @thatonecliquekid2596
      @thatonecliquekid2596 9 місяців тому

      for real all these people are sick in the head especially the person who posted this

    • @johnafsoc8929
      @johnafsoc8929 9 місяців тому +3


    • @Kate-rv1id
      @Kate-rv1id 9 місяців тому +12

      I kind of wonder if people are mixing up "love" with liking someone/ enjoying being around someone. There are family members I have shared interests with, that like to do the same things I do, so I enjoy hanging out with them more than with some other family members. That doesn't mean I love them less, it just means we have less in common.

    • @katiecommon3614
      @katiecommon3614 9 місяців тому +15

      Exactly, ranking family members based on how much you love them shouldn't even be something you are able to do. I used to not believe my mom when she said she didn't have a favorite child, but after becoming a mom I understand. You just love different people differently NOT any less. But if I have to pick I'm going to pick my child because they are defenseless, my husband is not.

  • @TailgateJuliet
    @TailgateJuliet 8 місяців тому +718

    My dad told me that too, said he chose to spend his life with her and we would create our own families so he would choose her - but it never meant he loved us less, if that makes sense. He was an amazing dad, and my mom loved him just as much.

    • @jalanmcrae
      @jalanmcrae 8 місяців тому +12

      You shouldn’t love anyone more than the other, wtf kinda logic is that?
      If I was forced to choose I just wouldn’t choose and I’d let them both die or let myself die to save them.
      You’re traditionally supposed to love your children more because they are literally a product of you. They will carry your legacy.

    • @Danity56
      @Danity56 8 місяців тому +13

      ​@@jalanmcrae children are not legacies

    • @danicotton7463
      @danicotton7463 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@Danity56 agreed. Id just argue more that loving them unconditionally is the least any parent should do. Cus you brought them into the world. Didnt exactly have a choice in the matter. They are the products of their parents. If you arent prepared for that, dont be a parent. If you arent able to find your healthy balance before then, you run the risk of 'fucking around to find out' and then bam. Your kid grows up with emotional baggage and trauma. No parent is perfect but their is a line between a mistake and royally fucking up.

    • @VegasD702
      @VegasD702 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@jalanmcraebut if your kids die, and you still have your wife you can just have more. If you lose your wife then it's gonna be harder to find another compatible mate then it will be to just create more children.

    • @sheridanvance7426
      @sheridanvance7426 8 місяців тому

  • @TinyGoHomes
    @TinyGoHomes Місяць тому +4

    I love myself unconditionally. I don’t know it yet but I’m getting myself a new corvette 🤫 I just love that guy

  • @lauraharrod6616
    @lauraharrod6616 9 місяців тому +673

    I try to remind my husband as frequently as I can that I'd rather live in a tent with him than in a house without him. I feel like men need that more.

    • @SoulSoundMuisc
      @SoulSoundMuisc 9 місяців тому +35

      Thank you for that. We need more women like you in the world.

    • @HaggisMuncher-69-420
      @HaggisMuncher-69-420 9 місяців тому +14

      I really don't believe you.
      It's nice and easy to say that knowing you're going to crawl into a warm bed tonight.
      It's another thing when bailiffs are knocking on your door and turfing you out.
      Either way, he knows that you will have options and he doesn't really believe what you say.

    • @Marcyksubliminals
      @Marcyksubliminals 9 місяців тому

      @@HaggisMuncher-69-420i think you are speaking out of experience or micro-hatred towards woman. Because some women get obsessed with guys and would hack off their right arms for a guy

    • @lauraharrod6616
      @lauraharrod6616 9 місяців тому +58

      @@HaggisMuncher-69-420 had no idea you had so much insight into my husband, my life, and our eleven year relationship lmao

    • @bloodflower2141
      @bloodflower2141 9 місяців тому +5

      Thats so sweet of you to do.. Ive luckily always had relationships that were this way

  • @lollipopweirdo2202
    @lollipopweirdo2202 8 місяців тому +329

    I actually got relationship advice from my grandmother out of nowhere, and she told me that, you should love and trust you're partner just a bit more then your own kids, because kids are supposed to leave and go live their lives, but your partner is supposed to stay by your side no matter what, and when I told my mom that she said that's not true, but my grandparents have been together for 50 years, so....🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @Squirreltasticqueen
      @Squirreltasticqueen 8 місяців тому +28

      That's what I was thinking. You're here to help your kids grow and move on without you but a spouse is supposed to be with you forever.

    • @theghastlygamer5326
      @theghastlygamer5326 8 місяців тому +15

      Your grandmother is right. I think people are conflating loving more with protection. A husband and wife should love each other more than their kids, but should put the kids wellbeing first while they are raising them. After they have been raised, that shouldn't be the case either.

    • @Bushodai
      @Bushodai 8 місяців тому +8

      ya I hate to say it but in terms of the last generation's mothers... they give the advice they do because misery loves company. Your Grandma know more about love and commitment.

    • @erikgergen528
      @erikgergen528 8 місяців тому +6

      Your grandmother was right and if this is your moms mom your mother wasn't paying attention just saying 😅

    • @Mistyfaery
      @Mistyfaery 8 місяців тому +6

      And do they? No. Romantic relationships, even Marriages are conditional. The love you have for your child is unconditional. It's not about loving one or the other "more" it's that it's a completely different type of love.

  • @matthewk6731
    @matthewk6731 9 місяців тому +1413

    Years ago I heard about a survey asking "What is the most important thing in your life?"
    Most women: My children.
    Most men: My family.
    There is a huge difference in these two answers.

    • @Goobicon4507
      @Goobicon4507 9 місяців тому

      If most women nowadays were honest they wouldn't even answer with "my children".

    • @GenDominion
      @GenDominion 9 місяців тому +74

      They are always ready to replace their owner.

    • @foechicken8023
      @foechicken8023 9 місяців тому +46

      God, Husband, kids/kidinlaws, siblings/siblings spouses...
      And I'm a woman.

    • @foechicken8023
      @foechicken8023 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@GenDominionall of them??

    • @backupmusicaccount8488
      @backupmusicaccount8488 9 місяців тому +46

      Considering the habits of most modern men I would argue that women’s answer would be “My children” and most men’s answer would be “my job.”

  • @alinelam5880
    @alinelam5880 5 місяців тому +303

    My adoptive parents had a conversation about this when they had their first biological son.
    My mom felt bad for thinking that she‘d protect my brother before protecting my dad but then my dad went „If we were ever under attack I would use my goddamn body as a human shield to protect you and our son but when I‘m caught in a situation in which I have to choose one or another, I‘d choose our son without hesitation. And I‘d expect of you to do the same. It‘s not that I don‘t love you as my soulmate, my wife and the mother of my children but it is our responsibility as parents to make sure our children are protected.“
    For some reason that stuck with me ever since he said that.

    • @TickleFingers
      @TickleFingers 4 місяці тому +17

      There is a movie called The Road that is about an apocalyptic future. The reason for the destruction of society is never revealed and it really isn't the point of the movie. It's about a father traversing the wasteland with his son. People forget how society is built on rules that will not exist when survival becomes the law of the land. There is a scene in that movie that stuck with me the most, and I think about it every now and then.
      The father and son have encountered one of the many gangs of individuals and cannibalism is how people survive. The father and son are hiding in the forest and the father has a single bullet for his gun. As the gang gets closer to their position the father holds the gun to his son's head, ready to take his son's life.
      He would shoot his own child to spare him the existence of being enslaved and kept as livestock. He is outnumbered and outgunned. He has to make a choice for his son and he would take his son's life on his terms to spare him the horror. The father would surely be captured and not only endure his fate alone, but have to mourn his son as well.
      It is a VERY thought provoking scene for a parent. That your love for your child could mean that you have to spare them an existence of horror by sacrificing their very existence and placing that horror on yourself!
      I highly recommend that movie. It's hard to watch, but it brings to light what it means to be a parent and what parental love is.

    • @gregoryc6656
      @gregoryc6656 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@@TickleFingers very well said amazing movie but i dont want to see it a second time

    • @joee7626
      @joee7626 4 місяці тому

      And a woman would sacrifice her husband for a chicken nugget.

    • @sgodbey68
      @sgodbey68 4 місяці тому +1

      It's because he is right😊

    • @tonybparalegal
      @tonybparalegal 4 місяці тому +2

      Your dad got that one exactly right. The son of a friend of mine and his wife were going to have their first child. He raised the concern, "What if I don't have feelings of love for my daughter as soon as she's born?"
      I said, "At that point, that is HER your job, not your." You are their PROTECTOR. Embrace that and everything will feel right. After a week or more, that will wear off when she looks at you and recognizes you."

  • @drw8590
    @drw8590 3 місяці тому +149

    Thats why men live dogs. They get that love unconditionally. You can lock them up and they are still happy to see you.

    • @samwhite414
      @samwhite414 2 місяці тому +10

      💯 I was married 12yrs. Had an amputation and she was cheating on me while I was in a rehab facility

    • @funkmonster
      @funkmonster 2 місяці тому +5

      @@samwhite414sorry man that sucks

    • @patrickcoyne1292
      @patrickcoyne1292 2 місяці тому +2

      i am a man, and don’t love dogs.

    • @drw8590
      @drw8590 2 місяці тому

      @@patrickcoyne1292 haha

    • @funkmonster
      @funkmonster 2 місяці тому

      @@patrickcoyne1292 if you’re a man that doesn’t love dogs then you’re a sociopathic creepy creeperton. You’re the guy that everyone in the neighborhood eyeballs when their pets go missing. Creepo

  • @ItsBugtronic
    @ItsBugtronic 6 місяців тому +191

    When I was a child I would fight with my mother. My father pulled me aside and clearly explained, that she is your mother and I am your father. But she is my wife and I will not allow anyone to disrespect my wife. This was one of my first memories of actually understanding someone else's perspective, and not just pretending to. A core memory that helped teach me how to turn of the ego. I feel the lack of this skill is the true tragedy of the modern society.

    • @GLoLChibs
      @GLoLChibs 5 місяців тому +3

      And he'll allow someone to disrespect his kids.

    • @ItsBugtronic
      @ItsBugtronic 5 місяців тому +6

      @@GLoLChibs this is either projection or assumption. No one said he would allow anyone to disrespect my siblings or myself. I weep for the children of today as they are not provided structure or healthy discipline and as a result have an unhealthy ego. To the point where we have a newly minted term "main character syndrome".

    • @GLoLChibs
      @GLoLChibs 5 місяців тому +3

      @ItsBugtronic It's neither. Parents aren't perfect, and when those teen years start and the inevitable arguments, that are a normal part of growing up, start, parents who put their spouse first are often the ones to never stand up for their kid and tell their spouse not to disrespect their kid when the spouse steps out of line. Which does happen. Those are often the same parents that often don't apologize to their kids and the ones who spout kids don't require respect because they're kids.
      People need to stop ignoring the bad that comes with whatever stance they support.
      Go browse online sites and pre-SM articles of how many widows and widowers either abandoned their existing kids or allow the new spouse to terrorize the kids for not accepting them as new mom/dad.

    • @ItsBugtronic
      @ItsBugtronic 5 місяців тому +4

      @@GLoLChibs I have far to much apathy to debate with someone who is clearly trying to treat all family experiences the same, and make assumptions that one person's sharing their experiences or way of learning means they think its the best way for everyone. Clearly this is a waste of time.

    • @GLoLChibs
      @GLoLChibs 5 місяців тому +3

      @ItsBugtronic And yet you are also doing the same. Funny how you advocate what you experience is the right and only way and the lack of it causes modern problems yet become dismissive when similar experiences produce opposite results.

  • @charlie5thumbs351
    @charlie5thumbs351 9 місяців тому +307

    Usually, the only woman who will love a man unconditionally, is a mother. Having said that, I think it is possible that a wife will love her husband unconditionally. My parents are have been married 50 years and my father has Alzheimer's. He's not wealthy and doesn't have much to offer in the worldly sense. But I know her love for him is real and genuine. It is rare to see that kind of love in today's narcissistic culture though.

    • @ServantOfYHWH
      @ServantOfYHWH 9 місяців тому +16

      Great is her reward in Heaven. A true queen. 🏰 👸🏻

    • @NeilTruick
      @NeilTruick 9 місяців тому +20

      Trust me...there are quite a few mothers who will have plenty of conditions for their sons to receive their love. That being said, best wishes to your parents.

    • @CalebTomaschefsky-Youtube
      @CalebTomaschefsky-Youtube 9 місяців тому +12

      My grandmother was the same way with my grandpa. Grateful to have witnessed true love

    • @Billy-bc8pk
      @Billy-bc8pk 9 місяців тому +5

      @@CalebTomaschefsky-UA-camA rare and dying breed in this age.

    • @kellyemo9491
      @kellyemo9491 9 місяців тому +2

      No no, listen to all the other men and women telling women have only conditional love it is true young man

  • @unholynexus
    @unholynexus 9 місяців тому +1005

    My father told me this growing up. More than once. He said he didn’t love us as much as Mom because one day we would grow up and start families of our own and it would just be him and her. Now that it has become 100% reality and I have kids of my own I completely understand that.

    • @Tomil4444
      @Tomil4444 9 місяців тому +35

      But its so sad

    • @alquinn3562
      @alquinn3562 9 місяців тому +73

      @@Tomil4444Not really, it’s wise. Divorces after the kids leave the nest are extremely high. if one parent doesn’t make an effort to love the other. then when the kids leave, you are looking at this stranger you married 30 years ago. Divorce is next. besides it’s a different kind of love and i’m not saying that’s dads shouldn’t love their children. kids need to know that Daddy’s love their mother and won’t leave them and their mothers. stability.

    • @captainlandyacht1328
      @captainlandyacht1328 9 місяців тому +28

      I could only hope that a man will love my girls as much as I love their mother. Thats why Dads cry at daughter weddings, because they are the only ones who really understand what's happening.

    • @alquinn3562
      @alquinn3562 9 місяців тому +3

      @@captainlandyacht1328 man, that’s for sure.

    • @As-fk1rb
      @As-fk1rb 9 місяців тому

      ​@@alquinn3562its 100% a different kind of love I don't love my kids the way I love my husband. My husband is the most important person to me in the world he is my entire world. I also do love my kids so much my heart burst and I'd do anything for them. But my husband and our marriage it comes first and they are lucky to have him as a dad he's the best at everything he does.

  • @Kadel___
    @Kadel___ 8 місяців тому +404

    But love isn't divided between people, its multiplied. People are allowed to love more than just one person unconditionally.

    • @kathleenabigail8613
      @kathleenabigail8613 8 місяців тому +4


    • @jumapl9706
      @jumapl9706 8 місяців тому +8

      Romantic love and parent love is different.

    • @shieldwolf65
      @shieldwolf65 8 місяців тому

      This immature child has been in a few clips around the place. She scornful of men & snide/sarcastic. Def a lot of smirky bit¢h the way she smiles but not in a nice way. Other clips show this as well. Had to tell billions of people her Mom doesn't believe her father is everything to her, yet her Dad's clearly a mug here for thinking this. Remember her face lads. Particularly when she hits the wall in 10 yrs time & is no longer the smiling & smirking, smug little princess.

    • @masterosiris7506
      @masterosiris7506 8 місяців тому +1

      my hippie detector just went through the roof (and before you get awfendaaad, it's a joke, just laugh and move along)

    • @IcyAxeSid
      @IcyAxeSid 8 місяців тому

      The point is that men are not appreciated because they are taken for granted.
      They are taken for granted to love their wives and kids but not the opposite

  • @nyanpup7740
    @nyanpup7740 9 місяців тому +618

    The game of “who do you love more” is toxic in itself. Love your family man.

    • @shawnariggs2485
      @shawnariggs2485 9 місяців тому +13


    • @lieslceleste3395
      @lieslceleste3395 9 місяців тому +16

      Yeah, I’m not sure how anyone measures such things.

    • @Gaphalor
      @Gaphalor 9 місяців тому +12

      love your kids more, they are of your blood, the wife is not!

    • @keenanhero3392
      @keenanhero3392 9 місяців тому +11

      Like fucking honestly I always hated this conversation

    • @SilencerXLR8
      @SilencerXLR8 9 місяців тому +5

      THANK YOU 🙏🏾

  • @AzerinaM
    @AzerinaM 9 місяців тому +650

    Women don’t love their children “more” than their husbands, but it is a different kind of love. We carry them in our womb for 40 weeks, give birth to them and nurture them 24/7 for the rest of their lives.. it’s just a different kind of love. I love my children and husband with the same intensity.. with all my and soul.

    • @luce2498
      @luce2498 9 місяців тому +52

      Exactly. A lot of people are making comments about that with no actual experience. A parent doesn't love their kid in the same way as they love their partner and both parents love their kids in different ways because they had a different experience.

    • @Kurio71
      @Kurio71 9 місяців тому

      unconditional love

    • @ZipMapp
      @ZipMapp 9 місяців тому +1

      Nurture them 24/7 for the first 6 months*. Then it's less.

    • @roguerex292
      @roguerex292 9 місяців тому +5

      Mothers consider leaving there partners all the time even if they don’t. They would never leave there kids. Moms now definitely love there kids more now. And when there kids are gone and old all u will have left is the partner. Was there at the beginning and the end

    • @davefletch3063
      @davefletch3063 9 місяців тому +5

      Women dont love their husbands

  • @GenessNoni
    @GenessNoni 9 місяців тому +339

    My mom told me all the time (before she passed) that she loved my dad more than she loved herself 🤷🏽‍♀️ and my dad said he loved her more than anyone in the world including us and his parents

    • @georgeingridirwin6180
      @georgeingridirwin6180 9 місяців тому +11

      Wonderful parents!!
      I love my husband mire than i love my kids. I always have. And i know he feels the same about me. What a sad way to grow old with someone if you don't love them more than you love anyone else.

    • @benstandard
      @benstandard 9 місяців тому +6

      That was a different era and it made more sense back then. In this day and age it's foolish to put a mate above a loving and trusted family member.

    • @lconnerz100
      @lconnerz100 9 місяців тому +1

      This girl looks like the old lady witch from rapunzel. Like she’s a spitting image of her.

    • @kL-vs6wz
      @kL-vs6wz 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@benstandard naw. I can trust my husband more than i can trust any of my family members. I love my family, do i think they will hurt me? No, not necessarily. But do i know that they have the best interest of me, my son and the life that we have built as much as my husband does? Absolutely not. My husband and i are partners in this life now, his good is my good and vice-versa. The families that we grew up with lost placement in our list of priorities once we created a family of our own to protect and cherish. To think about it simply as well, it depends on the bond you have in your marriage. Do you think you're gonna grow old and die with your siblings, parents, or your spouse? My answer is my husband, and of course, i expect my son will be holding my hand as i pass into the next life.

    • @davebutler3905
      @davebutler3905 9 місяців тому +4

      Wonder how people quantify love.
      Is love one finite resource?
      The love you have for each thing or person has a different quality.

  • @lindsaymisquez9063
    @lindsaymisquez9063 8 місяців тому +284

    I used to be that way...nearly destroyed my marriage. I needed to realize I am here to raise my children and send them on their way in life, but my husband is my partner. We are celebrating 18 years and starting new everyday to strengthen that bond.

    • @blaire3694
      @blaire3694 8 місяців тому

      That’s so cute

    • @ivanamendez478
      @ivanamendez478 8 місяців тому +8

      What about the other way? Your husband could divorce you or cheat....yes you send your children on their way but they will always be there. I work with the elderly and when their spouses are gone, guess who's there caring for them?? Their children!

    • @d.i.m.eproductions6925
      @d.i.m.eproductions6925 8 місяців тому

      @@ivanamendez478imagine living by what ifs, I’m sure your life is miserable

    • @dkookoo702
      @dkookoo702 8 місяців тому +4

      ​@ivanamendez478 All she's saying is she realized she still needed to love and cherish her husband during the process? New parents seem like struggle the most as the mother tends to focus soley on the newborns and the fathers who are new to parenting dont realize yet and tend to feel neglected and forgotten causing more arguments and stress to the mom

    • @thetrain5796
      @thetrain5796 8 місяців тому +10

      ​@@ivanamendez478yeah, these people are twisted. Loving your spouse more than your child is INSANE. I genuinely feel.bad for any child that has a parent like this.

  • @MoviesandMaya
    @MoviesandMaya 8 місяців тому +457

    My mom always said to me, once you become a mother you will always be a mother. You will not always be a wife so you must take care of both relationships.

    • @lyvettefauntleroy7924
      @lyvettefauntleroy7924 8 місяців тому +12

      Well, if you die before your husband, then you were always his wife.

    • @CM-fw6hz
      @CM-fw6hz 8 місяців тому

      HA joke's on you, my husband died and I still have my kids

    • @kingnaruto4life422
      @kingnaruto4life422 8 місяців тому +12

      @@CM-fw6hzthat just proves her point more

    • @Ivan_is_still_alive_trust_me
      @Ivan_is_still_alive_trust_me 8 місяців тому +9

      ​@@CM-fw6hzYou kinda proved the point 😅

    • @vmorr1
      @vmorr1 8 місяців тому +5

      Not feeling that one. Once our children are grown and married with children of their, which mine are, then what? Your children are meant to leave you. I married my wife for life.

  • @PillboxBollocks
    @PillboxBollocks 9 місяців тому +701

    I’d rather pay a stranger to pretend to love me unconditionally for an hour or two, than pay someone I fell in love with to neglect me.

    • @ashleydodd9145
      @ashleydodd9145 9 місяців тому +33

      Make no mistake, the children are the only ones who are entitled to be loved unconditionally. If your wife cheated on you suddenly she's not loved unconditionally. If your wife was stealing from you, if she was lying to you, ect those are conditions. Much like women shouldn't have to put up with men doing the same thing. Do not pretend like women are loved unconditionally, because y'all don't do anything except talk trash about single mothers, and bash women who have careers.

    • @skotnica93
      @skotnica93 9 місяців тому +25

      @@ashleydodd9145 Your misinterpretation of unconditional love seems to assume that if a person is loved unconditionally, that love cannot be lost. Nothing further from the truth.
      Unconditional love means that you don't need to do anything to gain it i. e. there is no condition that needs to be fulfilled in order for that person to love you. That does not mean there is no condition for you to lose it.
      Also, please don't generalise people with the southern "y'all". I for one don't bash a single mothers if they became such due to a man's abuse or his death. I will bash one who became a single mother because "she need no man" or "her husband bored her", or "I don't love my man no more" because at that point she'd be making a selfish decision with no concern for the child's wellbeing.
      As for women with careers, I don't bash those either, but I find it funny how they are glorifying careers. Especially if at some point they abandon them to look for men that have already been picked by women that choose family over careers.

    • @smurfmianz4527
      @smurfmianz4527 9 місяців тому +3

      Thats called a hostess bar or something, very popular in japan for lonely men and women :)

    • @PillboxBollocks
      @PillboxBollocks 9 місяців тому +8

      @@ashleydodd9145 Can you prove that you are evenhanded and unbiased in your conclusions?
      I’m betting that you can’t.
      You couldn’t even keep yourself from putting words in my mouth.
      Get some help. I did. ✌🏼

    • @PillboxBollocks
      @PillboxBollocks 9 місяців тому +6

      @@smurfmianz4527 Yeah. Plenty of stories from sex workers in NA about men who just want a woman to hang out with for a bit, no expectations, no small print, no risk of being dragged.

  • @CourierSixMojaveExpress
    @CourierSixMojaveExpress 9 місяців тому +194

    The love I have for my husband is different to the one I have for our children. I love him unconditionally and our kids. ❤

    • @Sade47
      @Sade47 9 місяців тому +15

      Exactly because it's two different types of love. In Greek there seven different words for love each meaning a different type. I love my partner in a completely different way than I love my children. It's not more or less it's just different.

    • @rubarbwantstodrawhands
      @rubarbwantstodrawhands 9 місяців тому +7

      ​@@Sade47 This. I really didn't agree with OP's opinion, and you perfectly explained why.

    • @shadowbanned5164
      @shadowbanned5164 9 місяців тому +2

      But in your eyes the kids come first right?...Thats pretty standard for Moms.

    • @pdors94
      @pdors94 9 місяців тому

      Nah she's was right..women can never love their husbands Unconditionally (Most can barely respect men properly)..tsk...​@@rubarbwantstodrawhands

    • @mrs.thomas-usmcwife5686
      @mrs.thomas-usmcwife5686 9 місяців тому +3

      @@shadowbanned5164 No, not for me. They come before me, yes, but not before my husband. Now in terms of abuse it is my place as Mom to protect them at all costs. However, I serve my husband's plate first, then the kids unless they get up and get it themselves. I sit down last. My marriage being healthy comes before my kids because they need to see a healthy, stable, and loving marriage. The love I have for my husband is a different kind of love than I have for my kids though both are unconditional.

  • @Ellabxx88
    @Ellabxx88 8 місяців тому +160

    I once asked my mom if she loves me and my sisters or my dad more and she told me that it's a different kind of love, she loves my dad romantically of course, and she loves us like her children. Love isn't a scale, or a rating.

    • @princedame9534
      @princedame9534 8 місяців тому

      It can be lol

    • @mollyeckert8658
      @mollyeckert8658 8 місяців тому +4

      Do you have children? If not, let me explain that, as a mother, you would literally die for them. There is a different and unique kind of love for them. You protect them, literally are their only source of nutrition when they are first born and you carry them for 40 or so weeks in your body. It’s a deep rooted, love that’s unmeasurable.

    • @WblutSundAehre
      @WblutSundAehre 8 місяців тому +2

      @@mollyeckert8658 Do you think it's different for men?
      [Good] men will literally give their lives without second thought to protect and provide for their wife and children.
      Also, a mother is not the *only* source of nutrition for newborns; there is formula and you can use another woman's breast milk.

    • @ravenrich1369
      @ravenrich1369 8 місяців тому +1

      @@WblutSundAehre This is kind of downplaying no? I’m speaking of the last thing you said in particular.

    • @WblutSundAehre
      @WblutSundAehre 8 місяців тому

      @ravenrich1369 no it isn't downplaying it is factually correct.
      The person I replied to claimed mothers "literally are their only source of nutrition when they are first born" which is factually incorrect.
      Many women are unable to breastfeed, and many others choose not to breastfeed; their children must still receive nutrition.
      In todays world, that often means formula, prior to formula, it entailed using another woman's breast milk (a wet nurse).

  • @harunh_arts
    @harunh_arts 9 місяців тому +323

    My love for my wife is different from how I love my son. The thing that makes me smile, is to see them smile.

  • @AdamBCarpenter
    @AdamBCarpenter 9 місяців тому +323

    It’s an unfortunate reality that I am not the most important person in my own life but, my children’s mother is the most important person in her own life.

    • @coldhardtruth333
      @coldhardtruth333 9 місяців тому +22

      Sad reality . Smh

    • @blueberryskyline
      @blueberryskyline 9 місяців тому +11

      Hey man mother of mine too... she just makes life out to be one big inconvenience

    • @dejavu666wampas9
      @dejavu666wampas9 9 місяців тому +11

      That is sad business, but very often the truth.

    • @FreedomMaster-Steve
      @FreedomMaster-Steve 9 місяців тому +19

      If a woman were to say this and the tables were flipped, her friends would be berating her to leave you and would have all the support in the world. You just, “have to deal with it” and it’s a “sad reality” for you. I left the mom of my child because of stuff like this and I was plastered all over FB about it. Now things are great and we get along better than ever before and we stay out of each others business. And the child always comes first and especially around this time of year.
      Btw this comment is not hostile. Just a heads up. Nobody come at me I am sympathizing with this gentleman.

    • @Worthless-one
      @Worthless-one 9 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@FreedomMaster-SteveI agree with this, aside from the part where you say children come first. This is my interpretation of that, so please correct me if I'm misreading:
      As a caveat, you should not stay with a partner, just for the sake of the children. It's better to come from a broken home, than to live in one.

  • @clintcetti
    @clintcetti 6 місяців тому +263

    Married with two kids. LOVE my kids. Would die for my kids. I love their mother the most.

    • @joshuamiller2523
      @joshuamiller2523 5 місяців тому

      Bro not trying be mean but them kids are more important than that woman she can replace you any day of the week but your children are blood

    • @JazCue90
      @JazCue90 5 місяців тому +2

      @@joshuamiller2523 Joshua. Sir. Find yourself a good woman to love.

    • @joshuamiller2523
      @joshuamiller2523 5 місяців тому

      @@JazCue90 it's hard in this time and thank you

  • @michaelgreenlee9431
    @michaelgreenlee9431 2 місяці тому +29

    This fact about women's nature is the biggest underlying reason why my interest in pursuing a woman relationally has completely died.

    • @Hussemo
      @Hussemo Місяць тому

      Women genuinely don't care about what the people around them want out of life. They can act and say things, but they don't actually care. Falling in love is a waste of time and energy. Find someone who will help you provide for your kids. Once the kids are grown, figure it out. I am not a giving person anymore. I take what I have to in order to provide for my kids. That's all that matters. Part of me feels bad for the woman I'm with now. But that part of me is not loud enough to overshadow logic. My ex wife choked the life out of the old me. She never cared about anything I wanted, never worked, had me working 3 jobs for YEARS, paying everything, supporting her drug addiction, barely making it because of her while I wasted my life, ruined my credit, and wound up with nothing. I didn't even get to enjoy the drugs. I was sober until the last like year and a half of our 9 year relationship. She destroyed my ambition and will to fight and then left, taking my kids and my money with her. Still taking my money. Then when I tried again, because I needed help to support my kids, like 2 years in my new girl stopped doing anything. Stopped cleaning the house, spending time with me and the kids as a family, taking care of herself or anything else, she barely even talks to her own son, my step son. She just stares at screens all day. That's when I realized no woman is important enough to put above my kids. My mom was shit, my ex wife was shit, my girlfriend is shit. IDK one woman in my life that I would consider worth a damn thing. Tho I've known many men who put their mind, body, and soul on the line to live a good life and provide for their family. Women are a joke, only good for getting government benefits IF EVEN THAT, and getting laid. If you can get one to work, they are good for (part of) a paycheck. Nothing else. Your kids are more important.

  • @obxarms7685
    @obxarms7685 9 місяців тому +378

    As a Dad , You can't compare the love of a child to a spouse. It's different but equal.

    • @lolipopchick2
      @lolipopchick2 9 місяців тому +7

      separate but equal huh lol

    • @LeiRaion
      @LeiRaion 9 місяців тому +35

      I dunno if I'd say it's equal.
      Losing my wife would be devastating but I can't think of something worse than losing my kid.

    • @stephanienonyabeezwax1288
      @stephanienonyabeezwax1288 9 місяців тому


    • @temporalteleporter2874
      @temporalteleporter2874 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@LeiRaion exactly

    • @remoantonie3243
      @remoantonie3243 9 місяців тому +2

      As a Dad, I would disagree. If you only had enough money to get your grown son/daughter or your wife out of jail which one are you bailing out first? And you can't "phone a friend" or get outside help.

  • @tohomaster4664
    @tohomaster4664 9 місяців тому +142

    Love how people love airing their drama online and yet in the same breath tell the world to leave them alone.

    • @supersonicx01
      @supersonicx01 9 місяців тому +3

      No fear behind a screen. Yet so much fear and anxiety outside the screen and real life

  • @InspectorJeremy
    @InspectorJeremy Місяць тому +2

    ❤God. Wife. Kids. Parents. Siblings. Nieces & Nephews. ❤ Simple.

  • @ritabell2660
    @ritabell2660 9 місяців тому +419

    My husband and I love each other very much, but we both know and agree that we love our kids more, and we're ok with that!

    • @caleidozkopie8344
      @caleidozkopie8344 9 місяців тому +29

      Yeah but like that's how it's supposed to be like

    • @Agnarian
      @Agnarian 9 місяців тому +12

      @@caleidozkopie8344 actually.... it is not.

    • @caleidozkopie8344
      @caleidozkopie8344 9 місяців тому +22

      @@Agnarian yes it is and if you feel otherwise you need to evaluate some things 💀

    • @Zero-dead-
      @Zero-dead- 8 місяців тому +10

      @@Agnarianso if you think that way, I suppose you’d choose to save your wife instead of your kids in a house fire?

    • @luash5073
      @luash5073 8 місяців тому +1

      how do you know he's not just agreeing with you because he secretly loves you more than he loves your kids.

  • @AnimeTrexozeee
    @AnimeTrexozeee 2 місяці тому +58

    My dad only said "your mom was here before you kids were" they've been married for 40 years and still act like teenagers in love. I hope to have that kind of relationship/marriage one day. They're amazing ❤

  • @kimberlyjean2248
    @kimberlyjean2248 9 місяців тому +266

    The best thing you can do for your children is to love your spouse well. This will give them a great sense of security as well as model behaviors of a healthy marriage.

    • @knightartorias1825
      @knightartorias1825 9 місяців тому +6

      We're not talking about "loving your spouse as well", we're talking about loving your spouse more than your kids. Which is unhinged as hell.

    • @maehem5379
      @maehem5379 9 місяців тому +1

      Just came here to say this. Thank you!!!

    • @javongrey7462
      @javongrey7462 9 місяців тому

      The best thing you can do for children in this world is not have them. 😂

    • @matthewsmith5374
      @matthewsmith5374 9 місяців тому

      @@javongrey7462you don’t have kids.

    • @togawearer2799
      @togawearer2799 9 місяців тому

      @@javongrey7462 Tell that to Africa.

  • @robincomeaux7383
    @robincomeaux7383 Місяць тому +3

    I love my husband and my kids unconditionally.

  • @notelpatsxela
    @notelpatsxela 9 місяців тому +405

    Someone once said “the tragedy of life is that men love women, women love children and children love animals. “

    • @zaydashavkatova9081
      @zaydashavkatova9081 9 місяців тому +7

      I don’t see this as a tragedy… this is a beautiful balance of creation

    • @chulito1981357
      @chulito1981357 9 місяців тому +28

      It's not balanced at all

    • @johnowen9349
      @johnowen9349 9 місяців тому

      Women don't even love children. Hell, they aren't all that fond of themselves, for that matter. They're real life fae, concerned only with their own entertainment to the point of awe inspiring cruelty to everyone and everything around themselves.

    • @zaydashavkatova9081
      @zaydashavkatova9081 9 місяців тому

      @@chulito1981357 it’s always balanced we wouldn’t be floating on this ball of rock so perfectly if it wasnt

    • @brookebenton8192
      @brookebenton8192 9 місяців тому +7

      So men don't love their kids or pets?? BS.

  • @OneSevenandTwentyplus
    @OneSevenandTwentyplus 9 місяців тому +404

    Mike Tyson once said, “ the difference between your wife and your mother is, your mother is absolutely committed to your survival. Your wife is committed to her survival.” This is because she is committed to her own children’s survival because their survival depends upon her survival.
    We men discover this later but we know it is true. She will die for them, but not for you.

    • @trishna_6815
      @trishna_6815 9 місяців тому +26

      that's how good parents should be

    • @magickmynd1296
      @magickmynd1296 9 місяців тому +14

      Said as if one parent is more capable of providing and protecting the children than the other. In a survival scenario where it mattered I would much rather have my father at my back than my mother.

    • @AngelaScene18
      @AngelaScene18 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@trishna_6815 nah not really

    • @imsudhanshu07
      @imsudhanshu07 9 місяців тому +7

      Nah, my mom once said otherwise and the reasoning was that they were and will stay together forever..

    • @FlabbyAbi
      @FlabbyAbi 9 місяців тому

      And good male parents should be the same. Women have been saying forever that there's a different connection between fathers and mothers and their children and apparently many men are happy to admit it as long as it makes them look like poor buggers who don't get unconditional love etc.

  • @johnnydominguez6288
    @johnnydominguez6288 9 місяців тому +166

    It's a primal thing. It took me 47 years to learn that I need reciprocation for my mental health. If I can't be loved back the way I love you, what am I doing to myself? My kids love me. They love me without me breaking the bank. They don't ask me for anything but emotional support. I'm the preferred parent in both households. I won't accept anything less than what I give, and I don't ask for more than I deserve. It's up to us men to change the narrative.

    • @ImaTheTurtle
      @ImaTheTurtle 9 місяців тому +4


    • @chuyvee505
      @chuyvee505 9 місяців тому +3

      Agree 💯

    • @BigblackDavis
      @BigblackDavis 9 місяців тому +2

      I once had a close female family member tell me, “men should never have expectations”. I then realized why so many men are in the position they are in, and how much people do to prove themselves to other people, validate themselves, and fulfill perceived masculine lack.
      Women will call you gay for seeking reciprocation, and it makes me question what the motive is of these women, a 1/3 relationship until we break up? I spent $40 dollars on lunch for just myself yesterday then thanked myself I’m not dating 😂

    • @BigblackDavis
      @BigblackDavis 9 місяців тому

      what’s masculine should also add up logically

    • @markmcilrath9530
      @markmcilrath9530 9 місяців тому

      More.Common sense dating advice who just got engaged at Christmas. That Baby Anchor Advice really works!

  • @CharlesLawsonSermons
    @CharlesLawsonSermons 6 місяців тому +94

    As Michael Scott said to Dwight
    "it's not a matter of more or less, it's just different"