The Ancient Secrets Of Samadhi

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Asangoham
    @Asangoham  Рік тому +290

    “As when aiming a gun, a man remains speechless and without breathing. In Divine Love one entirely forgets the external world with all its charms and attractions; even one’s own body, which is so dear to one, is easily forgotten. In Samadhi (ecstasy), when the breathing stops, the whole mind remains absolutely fixed upon the Supreme. All nerve currents (prana) run upward with tremendous force and the result is Samadhi or God-consciousness.” - Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa

    • @murilocavalcante1335
      @murilocavalcante1335 Рік тому +7

      Great Knoledge...Whem da Conscience is ready ...
      Teacher e Teaching is at Hands

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 Рік тому +2

      The Bhagavad Gita tells you this as well

    • @project-unifiedfreepeoples
      @project-unifiedfreepeoples Рік тому +2

      The shooter when properly taught learns to breath while aiming. He is taught like the instructions of the Hindi/Yoga science of breath. Slowly breath in through the nose, hold a moment, exhale through the mouth slightly pushing through the lips. Once a steady rythmn is developed it will become a muscle memory once the stalk is pressed against the shoulder and eye through the sight.

    • @buddhaalive3536
      @buddhaalive3536 Рік тому +13

      Samadhi is not ecstasy which is still a peak experience or subtle ego thrill, rather samadhi is complete total surrender leading to full absorption

    • @life_ocean
      @life_ocean Рік тому

      Samadhi is self-centeredness that opens the simple path of life, Today almost all people are in Samadhi. Who makes life move from darkness to light by focusing the mind and soul.

  • @iamgreyhound
    @iamgreyhound Рік тому +143

    I can't help but marvel at the quality of thought and focused action that goes into the creation of these videos, the narration, visualization and ideation of these videos are a masterclass both in video production and logical, structured essays, not to mention the actual impact it has on changing lives.
    blessings on your path - what a time to be alive.

    • @bheenachoytooa1604
      @bheenachoytooa1604 Рік тому +1

      The universe brings us to the digital age so as to allow assess and quicken the whole world but I don't know why HE is in a hurry.

    • @kyhxx
      @kyhxx Рік тому

      - etc-

  • @nathanielross295
    @nathanielross295 Рік тому +27

    3 years ago I experienced Samadhi for the first time. I will now describe my experience and the circumstances which led me to enter samadhi, inasmuch detail, in hopes that it will aid those who are seeking to attain it.
    It was the lowest point of my life. I had experienced a “culture cancel” due to the outing of some controversial information regarding my identity. It was a time of great fear that lasted like 2 years. Back then, I had studied the teachings of many Daoist masters and various forms of Buddhism. (I had not yet discovered that the many traditions of India were far superior during that time.) I knew of the word Samadhi from Dogen’s Shobogenzo, but it was pretty meaningless, as it is meaningless to the grand majority of Americans.
    I meditated intensively for 6 months, using various methods from my eclectic knowledge. A few months prior to my Samadhi, I had been meditating whilst focusing on the Lower Dan Tien, as the Daoists instructed and I experienced The Firing Process of Neidan.
    During those 2 years I experienced great fear and felt persecuted by the entire world.
    One night, I felt that I was dying, literally dying. First I blamed the world for everything that was happening to me. Then I began to feel pity for humanity. Then, at the moment of what appeared to be my imminent death, I felt a great surge of compassion for humanity, and my last regret was that I had not done more in the service of humanity. At the exact moment when I felt that great surge of compassion, I remembered a meditation technique taught by Tibetan Buddhists, who visualize a flame during the practice of Tummo.
    When I visualized the flame while simultaneously emitting unconditional love for humanity, what I felt was like a dissolution of the boundary between myself and the object of my contemplation. I experienced what it was like to be a flame. I did not exist as a human, but only as a flame, for a few seconds. I was able to do it and maintain it for short periods of time.
    In the following months, I was able to enter Nirvikalpa Samadhi, and I think the cause of it was that I was completely convinced that my life was over and I was going to die. I was convinced that I had become a Jivanmukta. Since I was convinced that I was going to die, I lived every single day in the service of humanity, by sharing my eclectic, esoteric knowledge with as many people as possible.
    I should also mention that I vowed to sacrifice my life in service of humanity. Later, I found out that the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali clearly state that the “Spirit of Self Sacrifice” is essential on the path to Enlightenment.
    Today, I cannot enter Samadhi at Will, and I have hopes that one day, I will earn it once more, and hopefully permanently.
    Hope this information may aid you in your Yogic pursuits.
    P.S Read The Tantraloka and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
    P.S It is such a tragedy that Americans have no knowledge of the higher states of consciousness. The Bible makes no mention of such things, (at least not that I’m aware of.)
    I’m American, and it took me 20 years of study of esoteric teachings before I understood Samadhi. Once you enter Samadhi, the rest of the teachings begin to make more sense.

    • @sexyyxes3101
      @sexyyxes3101 Рік тому +4

      Damn I had an intense mushroom experience and I went through everything you described.

    • @charleswilson8038
      @charleswilson8038 11 місяців тому +1

      Have you read God speaks by Meher Baba?

    • @pratik6342
      @pratik6342 5 місяців тому +2

      Study of Advaita Vedanta might be helpful too.

    • @khatranshyam
      @khatranshyam 4 місяці тому +2

      There are many people in India who have experienced this nirvikalpa samadhi state. But they never come in front of the society. Because they do not like the disturbance of the society. Such things have been heard from my father, and after many years he told me some interesting things about his Guru, which till now had been heard as folklore, but his Guru had reached what is called a very high state. This is called "Turiatita AVastha".

  • @Incognito-mt2lh
    @Incognito-mt2lh Рік тому +17

    Recently attended 8 day’s silence program called Samyama under the guidance of Sadhguru at Isha Foundation 🙏🏻 60 days of intense sadhana. It was great to experience all the things that you have mentioned in the video. (Dhyana + Dharana+ Samadhi )
    What an experience
    I wish each and everyone on earth get to experience such explosive states of meditation.
    Kriya yogas and hatha yogas and all the techniques given by sadhguru make us reach faster to explosives states of higher consciousness and meditation

    • @lubi.e
      @lubi.e Рік тому +10

      Yes i'm not that deep in the practices but already the basic practices have had such an impact, isha foundation really is tremendous

    • @walk2sandeep
      @walk2sandeep Рік тому

      Can you guide me what are the steps to join for the same? How much fees they're charging and do we need to stay there itself? Thanks in advance

    • @emmtea108
      @emmtea108 Рік тому

      ​@@walk2sandeepSamyama is free of cost residential program, you can enquire about Samyama from Isha

    • @nishantky7378
      @nishantky7378 Рік тому +1

      @@walk2sandeep to qualify for Samyama you need to complete other courses. You will be taught certain practices and you should practice them well to experience samyama.

    • @Goldmouthperspective
      @Goldmouthperspective 5 місяців тому +2

      @@walk2sandeepyou need not go ANYWHERE, or 'do' ANYTHING. Your very sense of being present is 'that' Itself. It's because it's so ordinary and empty in essence that most overlook it all together. Acknowledge and settle into the thinking mind that tries to understand and make plans to attain the truth by 'doing,' and in that very moment - IT'S ALREADY REALIZED.
      Many feel as if they aren't there because they haven't rested in "samadhi." 🤦🏿‍♂️. There's no person in existence that can rest in samadhi.

  • @petespencer8813
    @petespencer8813 Рік тому +31

    I experienced this state when I was only 17. I attained a relationship, on a personal level, with every mote of dust in the universe. Everything else pales

    • @Zack-lq9tb
      @Zack-lq9tb Рік тому +2

      That's very interesting. Did you find nothing is repulsive or annoying anymore? Is feeling of annoyance and disdain towards anyone an act of ignorance?

    • @petespencer8813
      @petespencer8813 Рік тому +2

      @@Zack-lq9tb also, NOT having contempt for your flesh and the trivialities of everyday life is akin to "sin"

    • @jayanthj9155
      @jayanthj9155 Рік тому +2

      ​@@petespencer8813 how did you attain this state? Could you please explain

    • @dishasinha7213
      @dishasinha7213 Рік тому +1

      Crazy, would love to know more.

    • @lukehunnable
      @lukehunnable Рік тому

      You're full of BS

  • @MonkeyDLuffy-km4ul
    @MonkeyDLuffy-km4ul Рік тому +4

    one of the best editing for spiritual videos that i've seen recently

  • @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178
    @solarpoweredafricanvegansp178 Рік тому +4

    Samadhi experiences is probably hands down my favorite experience in my entire life. I know you’re not supposed to do this in certain cultures but I actually look forward to them. They are so healing and so much wisdom and understanding while in that state of oneness.
    I’m not the best meditator so I use a neurotransmitter to assist me with it. Without fail, works 100% of the time.

  • @urbanbowman61
    @urbanbowman61 Рік тому +17

    One of the best presentations on yoga I have come across. Wonderful.

  • @SeanPalmerLOFI
    @SeanPalmerLOFI Рік тому +8

    I love all your videos but this one was particularly visually stimulating. I love the graphics. Thank you. Namaskar 🙏🏼

  • @percyclark8767
    @percyclark8767 Рік тому +4

    R.J. Spina gave me this tip 'Imagine your eyes are not attached to your brain' Using your eyes thus you can then drift without thought. Evelyn Underhill the Victorian mystic instructs 'Listen to the silence of your soul.' These two pieces of advice led me into Samadhi. Hope this helps someone find bliss too.

    • @xray_usa6839
      @xray_usa6839 Рік тому +1

      Thank you

    • @kennethmbugua6136
      @kennethmbugua6136 Рік тому

      You know samadhi means the highest state of Bliss, you even stop breathing and your heart beat, is this what you are talking about?

    • @percyclark8767
      @percyclark8767 Рік тому

      Yes! It all starts with finding the silence in your soul and detaching from ego. Would recommend Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook by Ajahn Brahm. His teaching will soon get you into Samadhi. May Hanuman bless you🙏

    • @kyhxx
      @kyhxx Рік тому +1

      - nod he is a useful example- thanks for sharing^

  • @sarahhunter1114
    @sarahhunter1114 Рік тому +1

    Interesting. I was taught what samadhi was in meditation, and it was something I wasn’t familiar with before. This confirms that I should have faith in what I’m being taught.

  • @cedriccbass-jp8ky
    @cedriccbass-jp8ky Рік тому +11

    why didnt we learn this at school. Amazing.

    • @sour_lemon_00
      @sour_lemon_00 Рік тому +1

      Life is the true school 🙏

    • @kaaboom6996
      @kaaboom6996 8 місяців тому +1

      During gurukul times in India😢

  • @tamarin11
    @tamarin11 Рік тому +4

    Namaskaram and thank you 🙏🙏🙏 This is a brilliant video: from the script to the visuals to the the voiceover 🙏🙏🙏

  • @caminoalavirtud
    @caminoalavirtud Рік тому +1

    The principal causes off suffering are ego,attachment,and ignorance 😉 went you get too the samadhi state you finally realized wath you're really are 🙏🙏🙏🙏 itt was the best day off mi life as a human, itt wasn't easy but a lot off meditation, self discipline ,introspecting and spiritual practices will get you there, Im almost there i just came back too help people and all living things get rid off there suffering. when I did all these practices i didn't remember anything, I had too do a lot off meditation and I had too do everything By my self I had only theory and very little guidance, that's why I said that it wasn't easy, itt took a lot off effort self sacrifice,self discipline among other things. i think inn my before life i was a yogui because every thing came natural too me I finally remembered everything I had and inside guide that I had too follow as a child but inn these western society know a days its almost impossible too remember, but my soul all way's called me thords the spiritual path, I still have too live my body😊😊😊 so im finally one with everything But my mind its already there 🌌🌱🌅

  • @ankitbisht7808
    @ankitbisht7808 Рік тому +2

    I truely appriciate the work you are doing. Your videos are knowledgeable and have deep essence of religion.

    @RAHULRATHWA Рік тому +2

    Boundless appreciation to the creators of this video. For me, it's one of the most profound videos I've ever come across. The song starts at 4:25 sounds so enchanting. It would be great if I could know about it as well. ❤

    • @Gluesticky21
      @Gluesticky21 Рік тому +1

      It's Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha but I can't find that particular version.

      @RAHULRATHWA Рік тому

      @@Gluesticky21 I see. Thanks a lot for your response.

  • @godsgirl797
    @godsgirl797 7 місяців тому

    Beautiful! I love this! Master Yeshua taught of all source without having to experience the death process yet.

  • @AE0N777
    @AE0N777 6 місяців тому

    My dude the quality of your videos is incredible !!

  • @dharwin
    @dharwin Рік тому +3

    Beautifully explained. Visualisation and the flow are amazing. There is true understanding and teaching here. Thank you. Namaha

    • @TNT-km2eg
      @TNT-km2eg Рік тому

      Senseless twaddle for bored housewives and dummies

  • @sanjanachodandar2879
    @sanjanachodandar2879 Рік тому +11

    Hello..can you please release the original version of om tara mantra on your channel..
    I will be forever grateful 🙏

  • @johnsmits2494
    @johnsmits2494 Рік тому +4

    Great presentation and inspiring. But realize all are at different stages of spiritual development, so don’t expect ecstasy in a short time.

  • @inderjeetsharma1295
    @inderjeetsharma1295 Рік тому +5

    wow , thanks for this great information. I really appreciate.

  • @Home-Sweet-Home64
    @Home-Sweet-Home64 Рік тому +3

    Awesome sharing brother. Really appreciate your detailed efforts to spread awareness.
    A humble request, please use the original SANSKRIT WORDS when you’re referring gods (you mentioned YAMA DEVA as YAM) Yam is Hindi and YAMA DEVA is Sanskrit. That’s more beautiful 🙏🏼

  • @MK-iy7im
    @MK-iy7im Рік тому +4

    The Ramparts of Memory
    For you, it's been many years since I gave up
    My bitter pen, the weapon in my bitter cup.
    For you, my love still lingers and roams
    Like a restless spirit searching for a home.
    With feeble ramparts, I corral its might
    And stand in awe of its overwhelming sight.
    Your touch is like a memory that mends
    And melts my heart, and all its bitter ends.
    But then, a balm that's born from the ripe plum
    Of your heart's fruit, and its honeyed hum.
    It's my only hope to escape and endure
    The misery of missing you, so pure.
    For the demons that rage within, fueled by my pain,
    Are like a storm that I can't control or contain.
    So, hold steady my ramparts, rivers of memory,
    Hold steady my tongue in silence, and let it be.
    And now, rest well, my bitter pen, and find peace,
    May your ink dry, and your turmoil cease.
    by An Old Man

  • @godsgirl797
    @godsgirl797 7 місяців тому

    The best affirmation, whilst working with this is, I am awareness alone.

  • @saumyadityabose
    @saumyadityabose Рік тому +1

    Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya.
    Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti!

  • @sam2303
    @sam2303 Рік тому +3

    Asangoham 👍👍👍👍 This chanel is agem for spritual seeker. Please cover videos on hypnosis and meditation relation and other western philospy like hermes dao confusion , nietzsche. thanks🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @kukukachu
    @kukukachu Рік тому +13

    This was a really well done video. I can't wait to see what new content you create.

  • @benjamindsouza6736
    @benjamindsouza6736 Рік тому +1

    Beautifully explained! Thank you! 🙏🙏

  • @tanned06
    @tanned06 Рік тому +5

    In Buddhism, cultivating samadhi is a tool to the means, not the means itself which has to be achieved through liberating wisdom upon direct seeing and knowing of the true nature of reality which is egolessness and dependent co-arising. Attainment of the highest state of samadhi culminates in appearing in the most refined formless realms, which in Buddhism has yet to be released from samsara.

    • @norsangkelsang7939
      @norsangkelsang7939 Рік тому +3

      Correct. Full enlightenment requires manifestation of the mind of clear light and meditation on emptiness in this state. From this state, one must appear the buddha mind and the buddha body of light that has been chosen and meditated on in previous sessions.

    • @Ragesh.Szr86
      @Ragesh.Szr86 Рік тому

      Even budha was Hindu before he got attainment...

    • @tanned06
      @tanned06 Рік тому

      @@Ragesh.Szr86 Anachronistic statement and lack of clear understanding of development of Indian religions. Hinduism is a relatively new term assigned to Brahmanism perhaps as late as 18th century, and Brahmanism only crystalized frm its ancient Vedic ritual-oriented shells, upon joining force with other 6 astika schools plus absorbing certain teachings of other shamana schools including Buddhism around 7-8th century CE, more than 1000 years since the inception of Buddhism.

    • @TheGuiltsOfUs
      @TheGuiltsOfUs Рік тому

      Yeah, and a rabbi came back from the dead. Where is the evidence for any of this?!

    • @infinity-hr3qi
      @infinity-hr3qi Рік тому

      ​@@tanned06 yes it's nt called Hinduism, the proper term is SANATAN DHARMA, Hinduism, jainism, sikhism nd Buddhism r it's paths / branches. The core idea or roots of these all 4 Dharmas is SANATAN DHARMA. Shiva had given 114 ways for enlightment. Siddhartha mastered one out of these 114 to become Buddha. Siddhartha never asked to make a separate path , it were his followers who did it.
      Last thing, any of these 4 paths don't follow Religion, we follow Dharma ( both terms hve different meanings).
      Original Buddhism ( not today's, they r too much inclined nd deviated from the original teachings like other 3 Dharmas too) was purely yogic ( came from yogic traditions) .

  • @JosefaSavu
    @JosefaSavu Рік тому +3

    What an excellent channel. Thank you for the enlightening content

  • @titounoundici
    @titounoundici Рік тому +1

    A friend of mine, W.S., died a few years ago at 46. He was born in a very rich family, and that allowed him all of the things that money could buy. But when he turned 24, he committed himself to Christ and started living a life of an unbelievable harshness. He used to spend many hours a day praying unceasingly. Only two years after that kind of life he was seen many times levitating, floating more than a meter, deep in unspeakable realities. He didnt want anybody to look for him, because people saw his head shining bright and claim he did perform several wonders. He said that the more you dive into the divine, the less you want people to know it. He foretold me things which turned true and made a promise. But he said: do never quit prayer.

  • @rwerwee
    @rwerwee Рік тому +6

    What is this music/ chanting, that you always use in your videos? Can you tell me the title?

    • @chamalhe
      @chamalhe Рік тому

      Did u find it ?

    • @lomdi493
      @lomdi493 Рік тому +3

      It’s all original music which they havent released to the public yet.

    • @michaelgusovsky
      @michaelgusovsky Рік тому +1

      The music at 4:25 is the green Tara mantra, there's a number of versions on UA-cam, search for: Green Tara Mantra | Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha
      Or something similar

  • @daxlyz2288
    @daxlyz2288 3 місяці тому

    Please, please share your rendition of om tara, its very special and i would love to meditate to it on repeat. Hope that you see this, and great video as always.

  • @music-amysticitself232
    @music-amysticitself232 Рік тому +6

    Asmita is not egoism... it's the purity of the self.

  • @emmtea108
    @emmtea108 Рік тому +15

    Came here for Sadhguru Sri Brahma, stayed for the great video. Props to Asangoham 🙌

  • @guynouri
    @guynouri Рік тому +2

    Modern and well presented

  • @pushkarkanitkar5540
    @pushkarkanitkar5540 Рік тому +3

    Which version of 'Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha' is this ?

  • @lakshmyvenkitakrishnan2921
    @lakshmyvenkitakrishnan2921 Рік тому

    Very informative Important Learnings from the YogaSutra and Sankhya explained in brief 👌👌

  • @flowetry1111
    @flowetry1111 Рік тому +2

    Great Video, thank you, good job.

  • @Salmach808
    @Salmach808 9 місяців тому

    Shila, Samadhi & Prashna 🙏❣

  • @Marginal391
    @Marginal391 Рік тому +2

    Thank you, Namaste 🙂
    Been there, done that 👆❤

  • @rinkypatnaik1990
    @rinkypatnaik1990 Рік тому

    Brought tears into my eyes🙏

  • @benderthefourth3445
    @benderthefourth3445 Рік тому

    I'm very interested in the spiritual world developed in India/Asia and I've been documenting myself whenever the curiosity arises. I wonder if somebody can answer these questions (according to these traditions):
    - Why we have a body at all? Why the mind or the soul ends up in bodies that die and then the soul is "free" but then ends up in a body again? What is the point? And who decided it? Is the soul made of matter, atoms?
    - When you attain the so called enlightenment you stop the reincarnation cycle you end up in Nirvana? What do you do there? Are there restaurants?! Seriously it's all so interesting and at the same time very hard to believe. How did people find out about all this "knowledge"?
    - Every corner of the world there are theories about reality that are based on traditions. We need to understand that many theories died with fallen civilisations... So there are and have been countless theories and they can't all be right... my guess is that they are all wrong.

  • @dwye4696
    @dwye4696 Рік тому +1

    Amazing video and very insightful. I had a funny moment where I was watching this video on a Friday night while eating pizza and I had to laugh at the coincidence and lesson in the video about eating pizza on Friday night haha ...thank you and Namaste 🙏

  • @murilocavalcante1335
    @murilocavalcante1335 Рік тому

    Pure Conscience...for Pure Knoledge

  • @atmanand5802
    @atmanand5802 Рік тому +5

    🥗Dhanyavaad Ji🌏All of our fellow dearly beloved beings are BRAHMAN'S sacred temples ever in evolution💖Ayurveda🩺Kala Purusha🌏Music Of The Spheres🌅Tat Tvam Asi📿Aham Brahmasmi🌟Ellam Ondre👁Hari Aum Tat Sat🕉

  • @threepercenter0377
    @threepercenter0377 Рік тому

    We are taught that our best life is the accumulation of things... the more, the merrier... rather than the true nature of life: the experience itself is all there is, and it's all we take with us.

  • @BuddyHuggins
    @BuddyHuggins Рік тому

    Love IT! 😀 Thank you for your Love of Truth,,,,,,

  • @randomskid
    @randomskid Рік тому

    The density of insight presented in this video leaves me in awe, and humbled.
    I feel a little overwhelmed by it all, wondering where/how to begin.
    Is it presumptuous of me to admit I wish to commence the journey along this path with great haste?
    How to begin?

    • @mohann2289
      @mohann2289 Рік тому

      It Begins with "you", Start doing deep meditation everyday and don't ever open your eyes for silly things

  • @skurkepinne8617
    @skurkepinne8617 Рік тому +4

    Is there a playlist or genre name for this type of Music🙏

  • @chamalhe
    @chamalhe Рік тому +3

    Can we please have the background music or where to find it

  • @FervidlyCurious
    @FervidlyCurious Рік тому +1

    The background chants especially

  • @sour_lemon_00
    @sour_lemon_00 Рік тому +1

    Excellent lesson thx

  • @Ayushsingh-bj4ry
    @Ayushsingh-bj4ry Рік тому

    The Kathaka Upanishad and Patanjali is an important ancient Sanskrit text of the diverse schools of Hinduism and the kind of similar text you will find is Jainism too.

  • @astie5050
    @astie5050 11 місяців тому

    I really love the tune under the section titled “what is samadhi” but cannot find the name. Can anyone help?

  • @ak0001-u7g
    @ak0001-u7g 11 місяців тому

    Bless you, thank you for sharing ❤❤❤

  • @a4ashoka
    @a4ashoka Рік тому

    Simply Awesome!

  • @andreitorres1787
    @andreitorres1787 Рік тому +5

    Does anyone know the chant in the background?

    • @quesera1886
      @quesera1886 Рік тому +1

      Green Tara mantra: Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā

    • @giovannii7519
      @giovannii7519 Рік тому +2

      I want to know too

    • @brunojedinilambasa
      @brunojedinilambasa Рік тому +4

      Om tare tutare ture soha
      But i cqnt find this exact singer its sooo good

    • @chamalhe
      @chamalhe Рік тому +1

      I want to know too

    • @lomdi493
      @lomdi493 Рік тому +1

      @@brunojedinilambasa it’s an original composition. The channel owner replied in some other video. They haven’t released it to the public yet.

  • @edoardozattarin1050
    @edoardozattarin1050 Рік тому

    Very nice video. I think you should put more effort into explaining the meaning of Ishvara Pranidhana, self surrender means nothing, cause if Pranidhana means surrender Ishvara is definitly not the self. Maybe you should use Vivekananda translation if you have uncertainty.Thank you

  • @betatestcoin9582
    @betatestcoin9582 Рік тому +3


  • @nanasurbanas
    @nanasurbanas Рік тому

    Can you please tell me who is singing at the very end of this great video?

  • @sambenito
    @sambenito Рік тому +1

    thanks...what is the song at the end?

  • @saidrahal
    @saidrahal Рік тому

    I know this seems awkward, but once I had a beautiful dream? trip? vogage? where I met a big blue being eating in total peace something unknown, he was eathing so slowly and paciently...then I realized that the gigantic being was very similar to Krishna. I can't say many details because I don't want to sound crazy, but at the end, to big hands took me, it was and felt like a big gigantic Mother Energy that told me: ok little one, is time to return to your human experience, we'll meet again. Saying that: Indian knowledge of human mind and all those stages and procesess for aquring a wider state of Consciousness is just so humbling, it makes western psychology looks like something that merely has scrapped the tip of a gigantic iceberg that Indian culture has mastered thousands of years ago. Many get close to Yoga and Eastern knowledge as if it was something "exotic" with total disrespect or sense of superiority. I have a friend that is studying psycho analysis (Freud) as her PHD and she always put Eastern knowledge and psychology as something always "inferior" to the western methodology of interpreting human subconscious. How little ignorant people may know, and how many wonders they stop enjoying by living inside a little tiny bubble of petulant rationality.

  • @norsangkelsang7939
    @norsangkelsang7939 Рік тому

    impute the self onto to the purified aggregates not the contaminated aggregates. The vajrayana path is for that purpose. Self grasping is very strong. Understanding the nature of things is necessary to realize all is a designation of consciousness. We need to purify our perceptions, including our own aggregates. The ego its the appearance to the mind of an independent inherent existent self.

  • @evawilldrive
    @evawilldrive 3 місяці тому

    I Am inherently inclined towards optimal solutions. I Am Self-Sustaining, Self Existing Divine Natural Intelligence.

  • @heekyungkim8147
    @heekyungkim8147 Рік тому

    Desire is important to keep going with life i think…

    • @enviromad
      @enviromad 7 місяців тому

      purpose is like a higher level of desire energetically, if our purpose is aligned with the benefit and balance of all, the simplicity of desires become more exposed to us

  • @d.l.7399
    @d.l.7399 Рік тому

    Nice hysterics, nice...

  • @ramnsandhusandhu892
    @ramnsandhusandhu892 Рік тому

    Great knowledge

  • @ramanujamraghavan9443
    @ramanujamraghavan9443 Рік тому

    When faith increases and the feed back and diagnosis all stop...

  • @dory4789
    @dory4789 10 місяців тому +1


  • @AllSpace
    @AllSpace Рік тому

    certainly the best medicine we have is in the mind,body,and soul. stay stoned in a good manner, auto control, fuel the ecstasy with earth made foods, switch off materialistic things in life, love yourself, postiveness, happiness, and share the practice's its free!

  • @suntzuwarsword1964
    @suntzuwarsword1964 Рік тому

    Very cool..thank you🙏🙏🙏

  • @michaels333
    @michaels333 Рік тому

    Hmm. Not sure I have seen samādhi explained as the union of Purusha and Prakriti - especially in Sānkhya or Yoga. Any reference / source?

  • @jorgeenriquevillalobos-lop756

    Thanks very much ❤️🙏

  • @arthurb4240
    @arthurb4240 Рік тому

    I heard from several sources that samadhi stand for „above the intelect“ and that sama stands for above and dhi means buddhi wich is the intelect
    And one who is „above his intelect“ is a bud-dha

  • @burriedhistory
    @burriedhistory Рік тому

    Awesome video. Thanks

  • @PierreRiopelClone
    @PierreRiopelClone Рік тому +5

    Samadhi is not the end, only the beginning. If you become a samadhi puppet, you cannot reorganize the laws of the soul which is the ultimate goal of supra-men thus transforming humanity to a new scale of experience.

    • @arka6846
      @arka6846 Рік тому +7

      You will later understand, there is no need for reorganisation of the laws and whatever. There is no ultimate goal of supra-men. Once you know, you will know. Everything is perfect as it is. It is as it should be. There is no need of transforming humanity. It will transcend it's present state, or even descend to a lesser state. It's all a cycle, it's all balanced in it's respective understanding. It is all per Dharma.

    • @PierreRiopelClone
      @PierreRiopelClone Рік тому

      @@arka6846 You are an ignorant. If the Vedas were that powerful why is India a trashcan?

    • @Zack-lq9tb
      @Zack-lq9tb Рік тому

      @@arka6846 I think by laws maybe it's his interpretation of hard wired, automatic activities of the ego.

    • @arka6846
      @arka6846 Рік тому

      @@Zack-lq9tb nope, I don't think so. "Samadhi is not the end" the line clearly identifies.
      After attaining Asamprajnata Samadhi, no questions remain. "Samadhi puppet" I really don't know how he says such things. Maybe Old age is coming to him.
      I should not be so critical. Even my Dad makes such illogical mistakes.
      Or most probably, he is influenced by certain ideologies.

    • @sidhantsharma9961
      @sidhantsharma9961 Рік тому

      @@arka6846 True, and Samadhi can help actualize that knowing.
      Everything is perfect as is.
      But that being said, we should still Love, Serve and do our best to raise humanity. "Everything is perfect as is." can easily become a cop-out to not doing any work. Also I feel the OP misunderstood Samadhi. Samadhi is not about retreating from the world and being absorbed for the rest of our lives. It's just for an experiential understanding of reality. After that actualization, work continues.
      And work is defined differently for every human being, according to their Dharma.

  • @kalpanakr9556
    @kalpanakr9556 Рік тому


  • @FervidlyCurious
    @FervidlyCurious Рік тому

    Wow these videos ❤❤❤❤

  • @JoeDoig
    @JoeDoig Рік тому +1

    ..there is no secret and the method is do thoughts appear to you? Are they voice, picture, blank, feelings/emotions? If voice, then say in the head "Hello, you". If pictures, imagine the person waving hello. If blank with only emotion and feels, imagine the feeling of hello. Try it. You observing the imaginary hello? No focus attention on that which is observing the hello. What is it? Formlessness. But it is still observing even after the thoughts have passed. That awareness is the real you. Describe that which is observing. What form is it? No form. When is it? Always. Where is it? Everywhere. That is the real you. Is-ness. I. I am. I am that I am. There is no ancient secret. The truth is now. It is always now and you are aware of the fact, why? Because you are the present moment that is aware
    Why is THIS here? Because I am aware of THIS. Why am I aware of THIS. Because I am. There is no ancient past or heavenly future. There is only now. All that is real and unreal is now. I am that I am.
    The pain and suffering is Ego: Unconscious misidentification with thought. As you observed, you are not thought. You are that which is aware of thought. But all is one! So how can I not be thoughts? Because thoughts are the formless aspect of I. What form does the conscious present moment take? I am formless. I be. I is. I am aware that I am formless because I observe it. That formless aspect of I appears as form. Form is I that is not. Nothing. The formless aspect of I is the illusion that is form/spacetime/matter/body/thoughts. Ego is unconscious, yet is observable as Ego Sign; fear and desire combinations.
    Sadness: fear/desire of beginning/ending/remaining/leaving...
    Guilt: fear/desire of accepting/rejecting/more/less...
    Anxiety: fear/desire of knowing/unknowing...
    Frustration - Anger and Excitement: fear/desire of posing/opposing...
    As with the "Hello you" thought experiment ask the question: "What do these thoughts and feelings truly know about that which is observing this?" Nothing, other than I is. I be. I am that I am.
    I am neither without beginning nor am I without end. Sadness is Ego Sign that says "Hello, I. No, not this".
    I am neither accepting nor am I rejecting. Guilt is Ego Sign that says "Hello, I. No, not this".
    I am neither knowing nor am I unknowing. Anxiety is Ego Sign that says "Hello, I. No, not this".
    I am neither posing nor am I opposing. Frustration - Anger and Excitement is Ego Sign that says "Hello, I. No, not this".
    Ego Sign is the Rooster's morning call to awaken I to the truth of that which is not I. Form is I that is not. The formless aspect of I. This is how form knows nothing or can unknow anything about I because form is already not I.
    Observe the in breath surrender to the out breath as all form is the Surrender to I. Why is all form the Surrender to I? Because form is the formless aspect of I that is already nothing. Form observed through the form labelled as spacetime is the illusion of impermanence. In totality, form the Surrender is already completely over, because it never has been!
    Observe. Love. Surrender with a Sigh of Relief.
    I am that I am.

  • @umashekhar3051
    @umashekhar3051 Рік тому

    You have a wonderful voice ❤

  • @Team_VVANADS
    @Team_VVANADS Рік тому

    i am god's devote i will do 1full day medaitation and only sunday i have holiday for my medaitation

  • @dalitnahipehlehinduhu6569
    @dalitnahipehlehinduhu6569 Рік тому +1

    I have a hardcopy of katha I definitely read it..i already read ishavasyopanishad and katopanishad

  • @sandytrunks
    @sandytrunks Рік тому

    @3:34 Interesting use of images of the Amanita muscaria mushroom. Are you suggesting that we should "trip"? 😆

  • @houdini178
    @houdini178 Рік тому

    Amazing; thanks!

  • @robertobarbosa1341
    @robertobarbosa1341 Рік тому +1

    Translation in Portuguese ?

  • @Psilocybiant
    @Psilocybiant Рік тому


  • @dendennis9060
    @dendennis9060 Рік тому

    Thank U, Infinite Intelligence 😇

  • @asarerebird8480
    @asarerebird8480 Рік тому

    Attachment is the cause of all problems. Isn't it sir?

  • @david9180
    @david9180 Рік тому +1

    If you are not your body not your feelings not your thoughts then what are you ?

    • @kimsuncha
      @kimsuncha Рік тому

      only one pure true of you with absolute zero pain not two of you. yoga forms can not connected to samadhi because mind still desire to control the body and thoughts are involved. understanding of samadhi is let go of desires to control of everything , moment of thoughtless and desire less, get to know pure of self is to practice of don't think ,think less less as much can to become easier . no desires =escape from mind

    • @Yogis_BitterTruth_Nirvan
      @Yogis_BitterTruth_Nirvan Рік тому

      you are form of pure consciousness. rest are all objects in your pure consciousness. like all the objects in your dream and the dream world itself are objects/manifestations of energy in your consciousness only. just like the dream world is your creation, this world is dream in comsic consciousness. in other words pure energy(quantum field) is creating this world. all the quarks and particles are finite forms of quantum field only. like drops from the ocean. drops from when there is fluations of energy in an ocean, particles are formed when there is fluations of energy in quantum field. you are the quantum field, you are the eternal fabric of existence.
      mano buddhi ahankara chittani naaham
      na cha shrotravjihve na cha ghraana netre
      na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vaayuhu
      chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
      I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory,
      I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes,
      I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva...
      na cha prana sangyo na vai pancha vayuhu
      na va sapta dhatur na va pancha koshah
      na vak pani-padam na chopastha payu
      chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
      I am not the breath, nor the five elements,
      I am not matter, nor the 5 sheaths of consciousness
      Nor am I the speech, the hands, or the feet,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva...
      na me dvesha ragau na me lobha mohau
      na me vai mado naiva matsarya bhavaha
      na dharmo na chartho na kamo na mokshaha
      chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
      There is no like or dislike in me, no greed or delusion,
      I know not pride or jealousy,
      I have no duty, no desire for wealth, lust or liberation,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva...
      na punyam na papam na saukhyam na duhkham
      na mantro na tirtham na veda na yajnah
      aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta
      chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
      No virtue or vice, no pleasure or pain,
      I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals,
      I am not the experienced, nor the experience itself,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva...
      na me mrtyu shanka na mejati bhedaha
      pita naiva me naiva mataa na janmaha
      na bandhur na mitram gurur naiva shishyaha
      chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
      I have no fear of death, no caste or creed,
      I have no father, no mother, for I was never born,
      I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva...
      aham nirvikalpo nirakara rupo
      vibhut vatcha sarvatra sarvendriyanam
      na cha sangatham naiva muktir na meyaha
      chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
      I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness,
      I exist everywhere, pervading all senses,
      I am neither attached, neither free nor captive,
      I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
      I am the eternal Shiva...

  • @Rencho12
    @Rencho12 Рік тому

    I want these all in Hindi, please provide me...

  • @jankasza5538
    @jankasza5538 Рік тому +1

    I’m confused by this!

  • @prajnachan333
    @prajnachan333 Рік тому

    Samadhi is conscious awareness.
    Turning the light within instead of the habitual focus outside. It takes practice because of this identification with the senses and their objects.
    Consciousness is already perfect in itself.
    Awareness is our return to this infinite, eternal truth. 🕉

  • @onthevergeofvani11a21
    @onthevergeofvani11a21 Рік тому

    well done. great content

  • @stefanschleps8758
    @stefanschleps8758 Рік тому

    What stops us from continual samadhi? God does.
    God has five functions. Creation, Sustenance, Dissolution, Concealment, Revelation.
    Iyeya mala, anava mala, karma mala. These conceal our true nature from us.
    In transcending duality you will see what is true, and what is not.
    First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.
    No, it is not easy. It is not easy by design, but it can be done.
    Many that came before you have done so. Here are three mantras to help you on your path.
    1) Be Here Now.
    2) I love you.
    3) Yes you're right.
    Everyone can lead a full and balanced life. Each spoke in a wheel is important. A path is formed by treading it.

  • @ДмитрийМедников-х6й

    Excellent art
    But what abt sahaja samaddi and maha samaddi?

    • @emmtea108
      @emmtea108 Рік тому

      Those are different
      Sahaja Samadhi is the state of an enlightened being who always knows that he's Brahman himself
      Mahasamadhi is the last step in one's spiritual journey, one completely dissolves in Mahasamadhi leaving the body behind, the individual person no longer exists after Mahasamadhi.

  • @AxViki
    @AxViki Рік тому


  • @shadytrippy3485
    @shadytrippy3485 Рік тому

    ,Krishna teaches that one can kill only the body; the soul is immortal. At death, the soul is reborn in another body, or, for those who have fully grasped the true teachings, it achieves release (moksha) or extinction (nirvana)-that is, freedom from the wheel of rebirth,