This must be the best version you've done thus far. I love the rising tension and hype as the music builds up further via chiptune as the song goes. You also kept the hype-inducing "1 minute" part while spicing it up to make it darker than the original did, with the music building down and darker with each coming 8, after the music built toward that part.
1:55-1:59 reminds me of Kesha’s “Praying” song.
This must be the best version you've done thus far. I love the rising tension and hype as the music builds up further via chiptune as the song goes. You also kept the hype-inducing "1 minute" part while spicing it up to make it darker than the original did, with the music building down and darker with each coming 8, after the music built toward that part.
Freaking amazing, how do you do these things?
+1 subscriber added
Self taught myself the software used that Skaven used and moded it from there, hopefully I'm improving moding it as time goes
2:40-3:29 Tatooine? B/c u can c the twin suns.
Taken in space engine....maybe ;)