Thank you for reminding me what a true Christian is. I was raised in the Lutheran Church but left long ago because of Christians like Gibson. The teachings of Christ are beautiful, I wish more Christians would follow them
Mel Gibson is a truly disturbing individual, in that he's been active in an anti-Semitic splinter group of traditionalist Catholics that reject Vatican Two and that has been excommunicated for decades they practice Latin mass and there's a lot online about the group and Mel's funding of its activities. His late father Hutton was a lay preacher in the church, and was active in several Holocaust denial groups like the American Free Press and its predecessor, the Liberty Lobby. Both Mel and Hutton, whom he revered, are disturbingly comfortable with Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic have been pretty open about their belief in elites manipulating world events, a code for anti-Semitic beliefs.
i truly am really working hard on changing my past 8 + years of an 'accusers way' ~ in my making any point at any ill topic of any woesome issue. And yet, what might i do if ever face to face in discourse with a somebody whom then proves their selfie self as to live a life as 'the accuser' of the world in real time before the masses. Weird... No?! LORD, please have Mercy on me and forgive me. We do live in the age & world where "Incorrect" is a 'Right' ; Where a 'Correct' is "...Wrong!...". Who know? Father Almighty & The LORD KING, His Son, ... They knew & warned us of yT & when we will know the end of human rule is soon to be removed. Thanks & Praise to Them for The Kingdom of GOD comes to & upon Earth - afterwards. Soon
Reminds me of when Jesus said to Thomas: " Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe." For some reason I take great comfort in this verse. (John 20:28-29) Thank you Rev Ed. Bless you.😊
@@tofu_golem it’s about believing the truth without slandering, being suspicious, etc… the truth is the truth, the moment we question it with doubt is theoretically leading toward sin, in that it’s without faith. Faith is the virtue that our (Christ’s) power is built upon… it leads to restraint, to power (freewill), to patience, etc…
@ Since the age of two, Helen Keller knew only darkness and utter silence. When she finally learned to communicate and was introduced to the word God, she replied...."Oh....He has a name." She knew God without evidence or bias. May I kindly suggest that some knowledge goes beyond what you can see, or hear or prove. Faith just recognizes the Truth before the evidence comes to light. May you find your path to that Truth.
I can have the worst day and always find myself feeling better and finding peace and calm after watching and listening to Rev. Ed. How in the world does he not have 62.4 MILLION subscribers (instead of 62.4 Thousand)? It saddens me to think of all the people out there who could really benefit from Rev. Ed's messages, as well as his example.
I don't need any relics or a shroud of Turin to believe Jesus is real and my Savior. In John 20, Jesus told Thomas, " blessed are the ones who have not seen, but believe.. I strive every day to walk in Jesus' ways. God bless you Rev. Ed.
@@bettyworkman9460 well, good for you. I don’t think anybody is requiring people to believe in the shroud in order to believe that Jesus is real. And you’re no better than anyone who chooses to believe in the authenticity of the shroud.
Religion seems to be Holding us . Back. From. Being. Our. True natural selves To the 14 century still. And religion is ramping up for another. Grand inquisition. Thanx s Alot. Trump
@@bettyworkman9460 John 20 doesn’t mean to believe blindly . Jesus was talking about the people who had already seen the many miracles he performed so they shouldn’t need to see the re-elected Christ to trust in his word that h read resurrected . It doesn’t mean to believe blindly
Listening to this, I immediately thought of the line from The Dark Knight. "As a man, I'm flesh and blood. I can be ignored. I can be destroyed. But as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting." These items are symbols for people to help focus their belief. Though, as noted, they can become a net negative when people allow them to become the focus of their belief, if that makes sense.
Yes, I remember a class in the 70's (1979 I think) and the authenticity of The Shroud of Turin became a topic. One student asked if the Shroud was proved to be the actual Shroud of Jesus... should it be "worshiped"? Well, the teacher got very upset and said, "Why worship a cloth?" I agree that it is not an item to be revered other than as a relic. There is a long history of reverence of Relics (especially within the Holy Roman Catholic Faith) but many have been faked and meant to aid in tithes and other fundraising. In the end, it shouldn't be worshiped but it can a symbol of faith and good if it provokes greater faith.
it was carbon dated by 3 in the UK...another in Switzerland and in the US .....all 3 independently dated to within 50 years from the 14th century
I saw Dan’s video . I follow him and believe he knows what he’s talking about. I’d love the shroud to be the real thing but even if it isn’t, it has played a role in strengthening the faith of many. I was raised Roman Catholic and have seen the devotion of many to relics of saints. The saddest thing about that is that when an individual possessed a relic and hoped for a miracle from it, when such a miracle did not occur, they were convinced of their unworthiness for a miracle because they didn’t believe hard enough or just weren’t good enough. That was soul-destroying.
I never knew who Joe Rogan was until the cult of trumpsters kept referencing the idiocy that the show produces. Scientists speculate that it was the first photographic image produced by Leonardo since relics were big business for the church at the time. But sadly, it's been about 50 years since a sample was last taken and the church will not let anyone do any further testing using any new technology. I laugh the words logic and Joe Rogan in the same sentence!
Rogan had a TV show that attempted to solve various misconceptions and controversies. He couldn't get to the bottom of a single one. He got further away from the Truth every time.
For the last (nearly) 2000 years there's been so many relics. (With the number of bones of some reported saints, it would vastly outnumber the bones of a normal human being!)
Very true. I have vague memories of personally seeing three arms of John the Baptist in various places. When I went down the Interweb Rabbithole I found he apparently also had four heads! However that doesn't mean I wouldn't treat all three/four with respect despite my personal scepticism. When I visited Czestochowa, I wasn't so much concerned about whether the Black Madonna Icon was the Holy Family's kitchen table top with a portrait painted by St Luke but was in awe of what it has meant for the Poles over the centuries
My Polish Grandma and her sister would tease their mom about the Madonna of Czestochowa. There is a Polish superstition that if you laugh too much, she cries. I don't know if it is a superstition throughout Poland, but the village they came from was a bit east of that city, so was probably a big influence. Grandma and Aunt Jennie were cards, so their mom would often tsk at them when they laughed, which made them laugh harder. At that point, one of them would tell her that the Mother of God was not crying because of their laughter. I can repeat the phrase in Polish, but I can't spell it.
its nonsense...its 14th century.....a few years ago Israeli archeologists dug up 76 jews from around the time of jesus ...these jews had 89% DNA of modern day EGYPTIANS....that was quickly swept under the carpet by Christians..
I've always believed in God, and I have proof, for me anyway. I was something else in my youth. There came a point when I had to make some changes. I started praying for two things, one was to get a decent job, and the other was to meet maybe an older woman who wanted something in life. I remembered that God helps those who help themselves, so I got to work. The first thing was the job that I have since retired from. As soon as I got the job I met a woman who worked for the U.S.P.S, she was five years younger and we hit it off. After some time she confessed to me she was actually five years older. So I got exactly what I prayed for. That was almost forty years of marriage one daughter and two grandchildren ago, and I really can't complain.
I dont need anything but my faith in our lord. He gave us his word. Nothing else can bring us closer, objects cant bring us closer. No need to by anything else but his word. Not money rubber stamped with "in god we trust". Just his word.
Years ago, I worked for one of the too textile curators. part of the shoud of Turin was repaired skillfuly with similar but diffent thread in repairs that were done much later. There has been some limited and controlled science on this piece, but I think the wrong experts were involved. Its just an interesting artifact to me because of all the questions and late date. We crave mysticism and mystery in our beliefs but we are not living in the middle ages and should not be as easily fooled in order to reinforce any beliefs. Thank you for mentioning the purpose of sacred relicts in an earlier time as a rather dishonest and lucrative way to reinforce the beliefs of people. From that standpoint the shroud is most likely an interesting bit of religious history.
Dr. Peter Enns wrote a book titled "The Sin of Certainty." I think that as believers, as the faithful, we need to engage doubt throughout our lives. When one's faith is "fixed," there's no room for growth or change; the faith in some ways is non-living. Who knows what new discovery might be just around the corner? Who knows what person will we next encounter? Who knows what the next hour might bring? A life of anticipation, of exploration, to me this life is far more life-giving than one fixed and rigid. Relics or no, even the simplest things can broaden our faith lives if we're open to that still small voice. Amen
So very true Padre Ed. Although I come from a long line of Baptists Methodidts and Presbyterians,so I'm in between mainstream and evangelical. But Father Ed,liks Jimmy Carter ,you are a breath of fresh aif!!😮😅😊😢
Brother Ed, you yourself are all the proof you need that God exists. He that dwells within gives no doubt of his existence. The Universe around us screams life & you & I were meant to be here at this exact time in history. Saints of days past wish they could be alive in the Lord during this epic time in history. God lives in those that allow themselves to be his willing vessel to do his will & not ours. This you know but others might not know who should be reading this. Brother Ed, you do a powerful service during these times for us & you are the church as my body is his temple. I'm glad you & Brando made a connection. Brother keep the light shining bright as I continue to do the same. The world needs us now more than ever. Our work is a work of love as he has for each of us if we allow him to do his thing. I'm just along for the ride & glad to be alive. Stay blessed y'all🙏🫶🤙🌈🏝️
The shroud is important to me because such images require huge amounts of energy to produce and it is a sign to me of how much power our God could bring in order to resurrect a dead Jesus. I hope it really was of Jesus but it doesn't matter if it is not. It can still be a sign of a really powerful God.
Look up to the sky and think about the power needed to create the heavenly bodies. That's what the Bible encourages us to do. Not to any earthly object.
As a historian with also some archeological field experience in a Mediterranean country, I recognize that this is not historically or archeologically proven to be an authentic item.
One thing that I shockingly noticed throughout history is that many of these Christian relics and ideas are being worshipped like the golden bull from the Ten Commandments. From this excessive pride, these worshippers would then go against the teachings of Jesus and commit the heinous atrocities that make them the same monsters they fear.
Years ago, Cologne Cathedral had a mis-translation in their museum that held their relics: the German plaques used the word "verdienst" while the English translation said "worship." When I approached the docent and started to explain the error, she was unimpressed, until I told her that "worship" is "Gottedienst," while "verdienst" is "venerate." As soon as I said "Gottedienst," she was appalled. Catholilcs don't worship relics, we venerate them as a reminder of those who had [supposedly] touched them. I don't know anyone who still sees them as magical. And part of the marvel of ancient relics is the fact that people of faith have held onto them as a symbol, from generation to generation.
Indulgences. that's the word that pops into my mind when I hear of this shroud. Fits in with it's arrival in Europe, Catholisism had the indulgances that you could use, pray over... whatever! and these acts would help shorten your loved one's time in Purgetory.
The image was made as what they call an “event horizon” with the radiation coming evenly across the body, and they now can see movement in the limbs with reanimation. Many of the details are still being studied. The best explanation I ever heard was after the scientists in the 1980s were given access, which seems in the dark ages ago, was that “The shroud is a love letter to a cynical age”. I believe Jesus would do that, since we all qualify as cynics one way or another, and the amazing fact that it has survived through 2,000 years and could only be read with the advent of technology, which was photography first. I would never listen to Rogan or Gibson, don’t know what they said, but I love the fact that scientists are still studying the shroud.
I would go out of my way to see it ,if i was there, only because how famous it is, historical it is and how old it is, like going to the museum to see old relics.
Excellent message! The one and only issue I would argue against is referring to faith as a belief in things you cannot see. I know people who would use that to claim that scientific knowledge of the fact of electrons is belief and faith because we cant see them. Hence perhaps amend to faith being belief in what cannot be proven. R’amen.
I don't like putting too much value into objects that can burn in a fire or be destroyed by tornado or flood but I do find comfort in pictures that remind me of Bible stories and nicnacks that remind me of family and other people who touched my life. The dumpsters of stuff that were thrown when Mom died remind me of Ecclesiastes. What I value my kids may throw away.
Thank you father. I totally agree with you on this. You remind me of my wife. She got a bracelet from her grandma she really loved. And she keeps it under her pillows. The bracelet has become the thing that connects her to grandma. In the beginning I was annoyed with this. However I respect her and people who feel connected to our saviour and to the saints through the relics.
What does the shroud remind me of? That nothing is impossible with God; that God is so very loving He allowed this shroud as a sign to nonbelievers. We serve a mighty God! I haven't thought of it in years and do not put my faith in it, my faith is in God.
Love this. The relics serve to point to the moon, but it is not the moon itself. As a Catholic, I’ve been a little creeped out by bones and such held in many shrines and cathedrals.
The bones remind us of those who went before us and lived and died for the faith. Under the Roman persecution people offered the Mass literally over the tombs of the Martyrs. There was a Mass earlier this month for Pope Benedict that was using the tomb of Saint Peter as the altar - the fact that altars in Catholic churches contain relics harks back to the fact that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, and that the dead will be raised.
Im a Roman Catholic, and the Catholic Church has a treasurer trove of relics, but they have never played an important role in my faith journey. There is only one that I can attribute to a miracle, and that would the tilmia of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City and that would be the only one in the whole Roman Catholic world. Relics are more of a historical point in the Christians world that archaeologist and historians can trace back to points in time.
interesting that an archaic word (still seen occasionally) that describes a widow is "relict", as if she is the remains, the leftover bits of her dead husband. that her husband was the main character, that she is just a reminder of his more important prescence.
@@AA-mm6wu Correct, looks nothing like a middle eastern Jew of Iraqi decent, Abraham came out of Iraq. Looks nothing like an individual from the Middle East.
I don't think that treasuring a relic is the same thing as worshiping an idol. True, a relic could turn into an idol, as the bronze snake did for some ancient Israelites. However, God told Moses to save some relics in the Ark of the Covenant, although these, to my knowledge, weren't viewed by the common people. What if we had the sword or shield or banner of Joan of Arc? I'm sure we've kept some belongings of Martin Luther King, and they might be on display in a museum. We keep souvenirs of key events. I'm not sure that actual items from someone's life can warp someone's faith. On the other hand, I can see the value of a faith that doesn't need souvenirs or relics.
Amen! The "Golden path" does not depend on a belief in anything. Being nice persons and treating (all) others like we want to be treated ourselves will lead to a better world for us all. But it's all to easy to feel small and insignificant in the face of Babylon. Believing in God (Jah) will make you stronger and it will be easier to walk in his shoes - doing one good deed at the time.
My uncle, a Jesuit, saw the shroud and he was deeply moved. When my uncle was dying, a priest placed a relic on my uncle's chest. My uncle recovered and because of his healing, Claude la Colombiere was canonized a saint. (Father John A. Houle, can google this.) There have been healings from this shroud. Does it matter if there are disbelievers. There are countless unexplained miracles happening in our world every day. The odds of you being born are 1 in 400 trillion. I'd say each one of us is a miracle.
I’ve experienced some odd coincidences after prayer or having a need filled, but I’m not sure about “miracles” or just a blip in an ongoing series of blessings I’m otherwise oblivious to.
Amen. I am with you on relics. I was never interested in autographs. I have passed on all the family heirlooms to better custodians. I am trying to figure out what to do with the ashes of my last dog. They were a comfort at first, but I no longer feel that they are connected with Buffy in any way. I know people pay big money for costumes worn in movies (and what are these if not relics). I keep stones I picked up on the beach. But if I found out for certain that the stone was not washed up on the shore, but fell out of the backpack of someone ahead of me and came from Minnesota, it would not change anything. If I learned that Buffy's ashes had gotten switched with another dog, it would make no difference. But if I paid a million for a dress that turns out to be a fake or it turns out the shroud is exactly what it was described in the first document we have that mentions it, a scam. Well, that might hurt.
Christopher Buckley, William F Buckley's son, wrote a hilarious satirical novel called "The Relic Master" about the Medieval trade in false relics. It's a great read about how long people have grifted on faith and isn't that the problem here: faith should not be about making money.
It’s beautiful that you don’t need the relic, many of us don’t, but many potential believers might, and as pointed out, Thomas needed to “see”. I am so grateful to the unrelenting scrutiny given by the scientific community beginning in 1978, accompanied by developing technology, pathology, medicine and historical / biblical records; that have led to the fascinating discoveries of this most studied relic in all of human history…. It can only be dangerous if people worship the object, and it is divine if it provides the type of evidence some need to seek Jesus. I imagine for people who need evidence, not those who already believe, they may find this compelling.
@@cookiescraftscats. The Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) team was a group of scientists and technicians who examined the Shroud in 1978 over a period of 5 days. I can’t confirm who brought them in, but that doesn’t negate the scientific scrutiny that the Shroud underwent. True?
@@cookiescraftscats you are free to maintain your assumption that I was asking you to expect anything, and the conflict of interest has no bearing on the scientific outcomes. I am in agreement about the religious having lost its intellectual integrity, it always has- even in the time of Jesus, which is why He spoke against the religious. However, my original commentary was about my gratitude for the scrutiny of the scientific community pertaining to the study of this relic and their findings.
The “scientific outcome” of a group of superstitious “scientists and technicians” has exactly zero credibility sans extensive independent testing. 🤷♂️
That makes sense. Even if it's not what some claim it is, it can still be important and moving to believers. Like the many religious paintings and sculptures by great masters. Who knows? It's actual origin appears to be undetermined. Maybe it is an image created by an ancient master using a medium whose application has been lost over the ages.
Worship the God, not the clothes he wore or was wrapped in. Worship the God, and not the cross he was nailed to. Worship the God, not his creation. Don't get distracted by shiny things, just worship the God.
@timkaldahl Of course it was. Perhaps the miraculous supernatural images on the Tilma or Shroud remind us that all things are possible. That Christ, Mary, the Holy Spirit are all among us. As close as a thought. That healings are real, that we merely have faith. I've seen miracles. I been granted much of what I've asked for. I would NEVER stop receiving the Holy Eurcharist willing. I believe, I know as I have seen but I believed before I saw.
I am glad some people take comfort in this shroud. But it is unlikely to be real. Over the years there were many faked objects created and sold for profit.
@@teaspirits Liked him up to the Passion of Christ. Enjoyed seeing his Catholic version of the the events leading to Jesus's crucifixion. Raised Episcopal but, most every other religion tasted since starting my adult journey.
I was going to suggest Dan McClellan to you 😂. I stumbled onto him because reading the Bible is rough, tough and confusing sometimes. Happy I found your posts 😊
I wear a Scapular 24/7. Is it magic? Will it really make devils flee? Im not sure I wear it so that I will not die in sin. Which I am always in, in my thoughts, my judgments, my actions, etc. To be like Christ, really be like Christlike without sin. I would have to love everyone. I don't, and that is truth. I can only have faith in the promises that came with gift of the Scapular.
Rev. Ed talked about to be a Christian is to love everyone. I try really hard to live the principles of Christ in daily life. However, I don't get that concept to love everyone. I couldn't even force myself to love everyone. I do NOT love Trump or Putin and nothing will change that. Earlier in adult life, I used to HATE some persons who did serious harm to me. I had to WORK really hard and do a lot of praying 🙏 over a long period of time just to improve and not hate anyone. I believe that spiritual progress is not a "one time" event and we can automatically be in line with all Christian teachings. Making spiritual progress is a lifelong journey. For people like Trump and Putin who are terribly destructive, I pray 🙏 for their deliverance and for their healing mental, emotional and spiritual and to follow the path of God. I pray for them to stop their destruction. That's the best I can do in my spiritual walk.
If you have not yet, everyone should see Dan Olsen's (Folding Ideas) video about Mantracks. Same idea about people seeking relics to justify what they should rely on faith to do.
Go to White House. President Biden. Prisoners of war will be going home, and those who died can now rest with their family. God says be the peace make. Let us love each other and make peace in our hearts
Hello Reverend, I Am a half Canadian American former Catholic they was gifted of membership here channel for a minute by I believe a kind patron of yours. I believe it had an option to message you. I don't see one available on here, but it may be my infamiliarity with the device I'm using. I haven't washed your entire video, but you seem like a reasonable person and so I was curious if you'd like to discuss my experience having seen it in person
Just my thought here, but if God in his wisdom sent an avatar to Earth to teach a divine plan, part of that plan would include having no artifacts from the avatar as to prevent humans from worshiping the artifact over the Avatar's message. But us humans, need proof to shore up our shaky faith and piety.
My Mother was a social Christain... remeber she had this gold jewel and glass with a velvet pillow thing. Being the curious normal kid I asked her what it was??.. Not sure if I was given a BS story or not...Was told within was one of the thorns that was used a s Jesus's crown of Thorns...Being the curious youngster that I was.. Climbed up and took the box down and looked inside....The Tomb was empty!
I bought my oldest offsprung a set of Prayer Beads when I was in Lourdes for the International Military Pilgrimage. The proprietor of the book shop in the actual Domain was concerned that I understood they were expensive. I said I understood and they were for my child and I was happy to pay the priced them. I also commented that they were so well made and in such good taste that you could hardly believe they were from Lourdes. He just shook his head sadly. The souvenir shops of Lourdes are (and should be) a challenge to anyone's faith. Glow in the dark plastic Virgins with screw off heads!?!?. Not for me.
Here is the link to Dan McClellan's video...
Thanks for the link!
Dan is an actual biblical scholar. He does have a doctorate in it.
Thank you for reminding me what a true Christian is. I was raised in the Lutheran Church but left long ago because of Christians like Gibson. The teachings of Christ are beautiful, I wish more Christians would follow them
You are a breath of fresh air. Thank you
❤ we need more of your kind. It is easy to see the goodness in you. Thank you for EVERYTHING you do 🩷🩵💛
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
Mel Gibson is a truly disturbing individual, in that he's been active in an anti-Semitic splinter group of traditionalist Catholics that reject Vatican Two and that has been excommunicated for decades they practice Latin mass and there's a lot online about the group and Mel's funding of its activities. His late father Hutton was a lay preacher in the church, and was active in several Holocaust denial groups like the American Free Press and its predecessor, the Liberty Lobby. Both Mel and Hutton, whom he revered, are disturbingly comfortable with Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic have been pretty open about their belief in elites manipulating world events, a code for anti-Semitic beliefs.
Thanks for the extra information. I already thought he was awful, but that’s even worse.
I believe it is Opus Dei
i truly am really working hard on changing my past 8 + years of an 'accusers way' ~ in my making any point at any ill topic of any woesome issue. And yet, what might i do if ever face to face in discourse with a somebody whom then proves their selfie self as to live a life as 'the accuser' of the world in real time before the masses. Weird... No?! LORD, please have Mercy on me and forgive me. We do live in the age & world where "Incorrect" is a 'Right' ; Where a 'Correct' is "...Wrong!...". Who know? Father Almighty & The LORD KING, His Son, ... They knew & warned us of yT & when we will know the end of human rule is soon to be removed. Thanks & Praise to Them for The Kingdom of GOD comes to & upon Earth - afterwards. Soon
You can believe something even though there is no physical proof, however, to deny the Holocaust when there is so much proof is simply insane.
I think South Park portrayed him appropriately
Reminds me of when Jesus said to Thomas: " Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe." For some reason I take great comfort in this verse. (John 20:28-29) Thank you Rev Ed. Bless you.😊
I find it horrifying. That passage glorifies accepting conclusions without evidence.
@@tofu_golem it’s about believing the truth without slandering, being suspicious, etc… the truth is the truth, the moment we question it with doubt is theoretically leading toward sin, in that it’s without faith. Faith is the virtue that our (Christ’s) power is built upon… it leads to restraint, to power (freewill), to patience, etc…
@ Since the age of two, Helen Keller knew only darkness and utter silence. When she finally learned to communicate and was introduced to the word God, she replied...."Oh....He has a name." She knew God without evidence or bias. May I kindly suggest that some knowledge goes beyond what you can see, or hear or prove. Faith just recognizes the Truth before the evidence comes to light. May you find your path to that Truth.
I can have the worst day and always find myself feeling better and finding peace and calm after watching and listening to Rev. Ed. How in the world does he not have 62.4 MILLION subscribers (instead of 62.4 Thousand)? It saddens me to think of all the people out there who could really benefit from Rev. Ed's messages, as well as his example.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
... and may God Bless the Rev. Ed Trevors !!! ... Amen!!!
Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believed.
I say let the Holy Spirit reveal to you who Jesus is and believe and receive Him into your heart . Love you Pastor Ed .
I don't need any relics or a shroud of Turin to believe Jesus is real and my Savior. In John 20, Jesus told Thomas, " blessed are the ones who have not seen, but believe.. I strive every day to walk in Jesus' ways. God bless you Rev. Ed.
Amen, too, that 🙏
@@bettyworkman9460 well, good for you. I don’t think anybody is requiring people to believe in the shroud in order to believe that Jesus is real. And you’re no better than anyone who chooses to believe in the authenticity of the shroud.
Religion seems to be Holding us . Back. From. Being. Our. True natural selves To the 14 century still. And religion is ramping up for another. Grand inquisition. Thanx s Alot. Trump
@@Cobe1976 you don't get it , do you?
@@bettyworkman9460 John 20 doesn’t mean to believe blindly .
Jesus was talking about the people who had already seen the many miracles he performed so they shouldn’t need to see the re-elected Christ to trust in his word that h read resurrected .
It doesn’t mean to believe blindly
Listening to this, I immediately thought of the line from The Dark Knight.
"As a man, I'm flesh and blood. I can be ignored. I can be destroyed. But as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting."
These items are symbols for people to help focus their belief. Though, as noted, they can become a net negative when people allow them to become the focus of their belief, if that makes sense.
Yes, I remember a class in the 70's (1979 I think) and the authenticity of The Shroud of Turin became a topic. One student asked if the Shroud was proved to be the actual Shroud of Jesus... should it be "worshiped"? Well, the teacher got very upset and said, "Why worship a cloth?" I agree that it is not an item to be revered other than as a relic. There is a long history of reverence of Relics (especially within the Holy Roman Catholic Faith) but many have been faked and meant to aid in tithes and other fundraising. In the end, it shouldn't be worshiped but it can a symbol of faith and good if it provokes greater faith.
@@KeithWFcan’t buy or sell without the motb… =?
I have a set of prayer beads just like Ed's. In fact, Ed strung my beads and I deeply appreciate that kindness. Thank you Ed!
It’s who he is.
If it makes you happy, believe in the Shroud. This is a pretty innocuous belief.
it was carbon dated by 3 in the UK...another in Switzerland and in the US .....all 3 independently dated to within 50 years from the 14th century
I saw Dan’s video . I follow him and believe he knows what he’s talking about. I’d love the shroud to be the real thing but even if it isn’t, it has played a role in strengthening the faith of many. I was raised Roman Catholic and have seen the devotion of many to relics of saints. The saddest thing about that is that when an individual possessed a relic and hoped for a miracle from it, when such a miracle did not occur, they were convinced of their unworthiness for a miracle because they didn’t believe hard enough or just weren’t good enough. That was soul-destroying.
An excellent perspective on human need for belief. You really hit on the reasons humans need relics. Thank you Rev Ed!
That was so helpful. I'm gonna listen to that one again. Many thanks.
I never knew who Joe Rogan was until the cult of trumpsters kept referencing the idiocy that the show produces. Scientists speculate that it was the first photographic image produced by Leonardo since relics were big business for the church at the time. But sadly, it's been about 50 years since a sample was last taken and the church will not let anyone do any further testing using any new technology. I laugh the words logic and Joe Rogan in the same sentence!
Rogan had a TV show that attempted to solve various misconceptions and controversies.
He couldn't get to the bottom of a single one.
He got further away from the Truth every time.
You’re wonderful Rev Ed!
I wish more Christians followed the teachings of Christ as he does.
Hairplugs and Mel are the equivalent of Cheech and Chong teaching a medical PhD class from their van. 😂
For the last (nearly) 2000 years there's been so many relics. (With the number of bones of some reported saints, it would vastly outnumber the bones of a normal human being!)
Very true. I have vague memories of personally seeing three arms of John the Baptist in various places. When I went down the Interweb Rabbithole I found he apparently also had four heads! However that doesn't mean I wouldn't treat all three/four with respect despite my personal scepticism. When I visited Czestochowa, I wasn't so much concerned about whether the Black Madonna Icon was the Holy Family's kitchen table top with a portrait painted by St Luke but was in awe of what it has meant for the Poles over the centuries
My Polish Grandma and her sister would tease their mom about the Madonna of Czestochowa. There is a Polish superstition that if you laugh too much, she cries. I don't know if it is a superstition throughout Poland, but the village they came from was a bit east of that city, so was probably a big influence. Grandma and Aunt Jennie were cards, so their mom would often tsk at them when they laughed, which made them laugh harder. At that point, one of them would tell her that the Mother of God was not crying because of their laughter. I can repeat the phrase in Polish, but I can't spell it.
I thought we put the shroud to bed a decade ago. Now it has popped up in all it's shining glory. God help us.
its nonsense...its 14th century.....a few years ago Israeli archeologists dug up 76 jews from around the time of jesus ...these jews had 89% DNA of modern day EGYPTIANS....that was quickly swept under the carpet by Christians..
I've always believed in God, and I have proof, for me anyway. I was something else in my youth. There came a point when I had to make some changes. I started praying for two things, one was to get a decent job, and the other was to meet maybe an older woman who wanted something in life. I remembered that God helps those who help themselves, so I got to work. The first thing was the job that I have since retired from. As soon as I got the job I met a woman who worked for the U.S.P.S, she was five years younger and we hit it off. After some time she confessed to me she was actually five years older. So I got exactly what I prayed for. That was almost forty years of marriage one daughter and two grandchildren ago, and I really can't complain.
I dont need anything but my faith in our lord. He gave us his word. Nothing else can bring us closer, objects cant bring us closer. No need to by anything else but his word. Not money rubber stamped with "in god we trust". Just his word.
Years ago, I worked for one of the too textile curators. part of the shoud of Turin was repaired skillfuly with similar but diffent thread in repairs that were done much later. There has been some limited and controlled science on this piece, but I think the wrong experts were involved. Its just an interesting artifact to me because of all the questions and late date. We crave mysticism and mystery in our beliefs but we are not living in the middle ages and should not be as easily fooled in order to reinforce any beliefs. Thank you for mentioning the purpose of sacred relicts in an earlier time as a rather dishonest and lucrative way to reinforce the beliefs of people. From that standpoint the shroud is most likely an interesting bit of religious history.
Thank you.😊
Well expressed Reverend!!! Is your faith in Jesus or is your faith in the object? 🙏 🤲 🕍 🕌 ⛪️
Dr. Peter Enns wrote a book titled "The Sin of Certainty." I think that as believers, as the faithful, we need to engage doubt throughout our lives. When one's faith is "fixed," there's no room for growth or change; the faith in some ways is non-living. Who knows what new discovery might be just around the corner? Who knows what person will we next encounter? Who knows what the next hour might bring? A life of anticipation, of exploration, to me this life is far more life-giving than one fixed and rigid. Relics or no, even the simplest things can broaden our faith lives if we're open to that still small voice. Amen
Agreed. God gave us minds and creativity and expects us to use them, I believe. The opposite of faith is fear.
So very true Padre Ed.
Although I come from a long line of Baptists Methodidts and Presbyterians,so I'm in between mainstream and evangelical.
But Father Ed,liks Jimmy Carter ,you are a breath of fresh aif!!😮😅😊😢
My husband is stuck to Dan's channel. Hes a well educated Bible scholar who adds depth and facts to the public.
Thanks Padre.
Does anyone else have a fear of being in a room alone with Mel Gibson?
Maybe. Just listen to Randy Rainbow on UA-cam in his take on dating Mel Gibson several years ago.
More so Joe Rogan but both are nightmare fuel.
Brother Ed, you yourself are all the proof you need that God exists. He that dwells within gives no doubt of his existence. The Universe around us screams life & you & I were meant to be here at this exact time in history. Saints of days past wish they could be alive in the Lord during this epic time in history. God lives in those that allow themselves to be his willing vessel to do his will & not ours. This you know but others might not know who should be reading this. Brother Ed, you do a powerful service during these times for us & you are the church as my body is his temple. I'm glad you & Brando made a connection. Brother keep the light shining bright as I continue to do the same. The world needs us now more than ever. Our work is a work of love as he has for each of us if we allow him to do his thing. I'm just along for the ride & glad to be alive. Stay blessed y'all🙏🫶🤙🌈🏝️
The Shroud of Turin could be a gift from our Lord? If it is, we should be very grateful for His precious gift. ❤
It’s a 14th century forgery, religious forgeries were very common at this time.
I feel like prayer beads were invented by an early fidgeter.
Prayer beads.. a great REMINDER to STAY AWAKE!!❤
The shroud is important to me because such images require huge amounts of energy to produce and it is a sign to me of how much power our God could bring in order to resurrect a dead Jesus. I hope it really was of Jesus but it doesn't matter if it is not. It can still be a sign of a really powerful God.
Look up to the sky and think about the power needed to create the heavenly bodies. That's what the Bible encourages us to do. Not to any earthly object.
Awesome video, thank you.
As a historian with also some archeological field experience in a Mediterranean country, I recognize that this is not historically or archeologically proven to be an authentic item.
Neither of those fields makes you any kind of expert on the shroud.
@@mrichards7849 there’s a shroud expert? Who
One thing that I shockingly noticed throughout history is that many of these Christian relics and ideas are being worshipped like the golden bull from the Ten Commandments. From this excessive pride, these worshippers would then go against the teachings of Jesus and commit the heinous atrocities that make them the same monsters they fear.
Thank you
Years ago, Cologne Cathedral had a mis-translation in their museum that held their relics: the German plaques used the word "verdienst" while the English translation said "worship." When I approached the docent and started to explain the error, she was unimpressed, until I told her that "worship" is "Gottedienst," while "verdienst" is "venerate." As soon as I said "Gottedienst," she was appalled. Catholilcs don't worship relics, we venerate them as a reminder of those who had [supposedly] touched them. I don't know anyone who still sees them as magical. And part of the marvel of ancient relics is the fact that people of faith have held onto them as a symbol, from generation to generation.
Indulgences. that's the word that pops into my mind when I hear of this shroud. Fits in with it's arrival in Europe, Catholisism had the indulgances that you could use, pray over... whatever! and these acts would help shorten your loved one's time in Purgetory.
The image was made as what they call an “event horizon” with the radiation coming evenly across the body, and they now can see movement in the limbs with reanimation. Many of the details are still being studied.
The best explanation I ever heard was after the scientists in the 1980s were given access, which seems in the dark ages ago, was that “The shroud is a love letter to a cynical age”. I believe Jesus would do that, since we all qualify as cynics one way or another, and the amazing fact that it has survived through 2,000 years and could only be read with the advent of technology, which was photography first.
I would never listen to Rogan or Gibson, don’t know what they said, but I love the fact that scientists are still studying the shroud.
I would go out of my way to see it ,if i was there, only because how famous it is, historical it is and how old it is, like going to the museum to see old relics.
Excellent message! The one and only issue I would argue against is referring to faith as a belief in things you cannot see. I know people who would use that to claim that scientific knowledge of the fact of electrons is belief and faith because we cant see them. Hence perhaps amend to faith being belief in what cannot be proven. R’amen.
Thank you well said Rev Ed i feel exactly the same way 🙏🏼🛐
Faith should need nothing but the knowledge of the heart. There can be no congruity between the material, natural world and the supernatural.
I've only seen small parts of this. Mel Gibson's seems to be just a little crazy based on how he was acting.
He has been a little crazy since he stopped acting!!
More than a little.
I don't like putting too much value into objects that can burn in a fire or be destroyed by tornado or flood but I do find comfort in pictures that remind me of Bible stories and nicnacks that remind me of family and other people who touched my life. The dumpsters of stuff that were thrown when Mom died remind me of Ecclesiastes. What I value my kids may throw away.
My mother used to say don’t grieve over something that can’t grieve back.
I agree with you don't need a shroud either GOD BLESS 🙏
"Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more." ~ Terry Pratchett
Thank you father. I totally agree with you on this. You remind me of my wife. She got a bracelet from her grandma she really loved. And she keeps it under her pillows. The bracelet has become the thing that connects her to grandma.
In the beginning I was annoyed with this. However I respect her and people who feel connected to our saviour and to the saints through the relics.
What does the shroud remind me of? That nothing is impossible with God; that God is so very loving He allowed this shroud as a sign to nonbelievers. We serve a mighty God! I haven't thought of it in years and do not put my faith in it, my faith is in God.
I call all to the Essene Gospel Of Peace, the ONLY Truth!
Love this. The relics serve to point to the moon, but it is not the moon itself.
As a Catholic, I’ve been a little creeped out by bones and such held in many shrines and cathedrals.
The bones remind us of those who went before us and lived and died for the faith. Under the Roman persecution people offered the Mass literally over the tombs of the Martyrs. There was a Mass earlier this month for Pope Benedict that was using the tomb of Saint Peter as the altar - the fact that altars in Catholic churches contain relics harks back to the fact that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, and that the dead will be raised.
Im a Roman Catholic, and the Catholic Church has a treasurer trove of relics, but they have never played an important role in my faith journey. There is only one that I can attribute to a miracle, and that would the tilmia of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City and that would be the only one in the whole Roman Catholic world. Relics are more of a historical point in the Christians world that archaeologist and historians can trace back to points in time.
interesting that an archaic word (still seen occasionally) that describes a widow is "relict", as if she is the remains, the leftover bits of her dead husband. that her husband was the main character, that she is just a reminder of his more important prescence.
Josiah… look how he restored the ‘faith’.
“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
I’m a believer but I do enjoy your channel
I am just me & trust He knows 💜
Worshiping an idol, I think there is a commandment against that. Besides there were no cameras in 30 AD, so who knows what he looked like.
Right. I doubt Jesus looked like a European man which that is what the image on the Shroud has looked like to me.
@@AA-mm6wu Correct, looks nothing like a middle eastern Jew of Iraqi decent, Abraham came out of Iraq. Looks nothing like an individual from the Middle East.
I don't think that treasuring a relic is the same thing as worshiping an idol. True, a relic could turn into an idol, as the bronze snake did for some ancient Israelites. However, God told Moses to save some relics in the Ark of the Covenant, although these, to my knowledge, weren't viewed by the common people.
What if we had the sword or shield or banner of Joan of Arc? I'm sure we've kept some belongings of Martin Luther King, and they might be on display in a museum. We keep souvenirs of key events. I'm not sure that actual items from someone's life can warp someone's faith. On the other hand, I can see the value of a faith that doesn't need souvenirs or relics.
Is it me or does the image on the shroud look like an old man rather than a 30-something?
Lmao! So glad you chose Dan's Data over Dogma video to share! Been enjoying his, and Dan Beechers, work very much.
It’s Leonardo!
Leonardo DiCaprio? 🤓
I don't have prayer beads, but I do have a fidget spinner.
" 🎼🎵Dreidel?!🎵Dreidel!? 🎵 Dreidel..." 🤪 + 🤟🏽Works! If it's True & "Faithful". Yes.
The "Golden path" does not depend on a belief in anything. Being nice persons and treating (all) others like we want to be treated ourselves will lead to a better world for us all. But it's all to easy to feel small and insignificant in the face of Babylon. Believing in God (Jah) will make you stronger and it will be easier to walk in his shoes - doing one good deed at the time.
My uncle, a Jesuit, saw the shroud and he was deeply moved. When my uncle was dying, a priest placed a relic on my uncle's chest. My uncle recovered and because of his healing, Claude la Colombiere was canonized a saint. (Father John A. Houle, can google this.) There have been healings from this shroud. Does it matter if there are disbelievers. There are countless unexplained miracles happening in our world every day. The odds of you being born are 1 in 400 trillion. I'd say each one of us is a miracle.
I’ve experienced some odd coincidences after prayer or having a need filled, but I’m not sure about “miracles” or just a blip in an ongoing series of blessings I’m otherwise oblivious to.
Amen. I am with you on relics. I was never interested in autographs. I have passed on all the family heirlooms to better custodians. I am trying to figure out what to do with the ashes of my last dog. They were a comfort at first, but I no longer feel that they are connected with Buffy in any way. I know people pay big money for costumes worn in movies (and what are these if not relics). I keep stones I picked up on the beach. But if I found out for certain that the stone was not washed up on the shore, but fell out of the backpack of someone ahead of me and came from Minnesota, it would not change anything. If I learned that Buffy's ashes had gotten switched with another dog, it would make no difference. But if I paid a million for a dress that turns out to be a fake or it turns out the shroud is exactly what it was described in the first document we have that mentions it, a scam. Well, that might hurt.
Christopher Buckley, William F Buckley's son, wrote a hilarious satirical novel called "The Relic Master" about the Medieval trade in false relics. It's a great read about how long people have grifted on faith and isn't that the problem here: faith should not be about making money.
It’s beautiful that you don’t need the relic, many of us don’t, but many potential believers might, and as pointed out, Thomas needed to “see”. I am so grateful to the unrelenting scrutiny given by the scientific community beginning in 1978, accompanied by developing technology, pathology, medicine and historical / biblical records; that have led to the fascinating discoveries of this most studied relic in all of human history….
It can only be dangerous if people worship the object, and it is divine if it provides the type of evidence some need to seek Jesus.
I imagine for people who need evidence, not those who already believe, they may find this compelling.
It wasn’t the scientific community acting in 1978; it was members of The Holy Shroud Guild. 😂
@@cookiescraftscats. The Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) team was a group of scientists and technicians who examined the Shroud in 1978 over a period of 5 days. I can’t confirm who brought them in, but that doesn’t negate the scientific scrutiny that the Shroud underwent. True?
@@Yeshua_Follower67 False. I expect no such obvious conflict in interest when testing this thing.
Intellectual integrity is lost among the religious.
@@cookiescraftscats you are free to maintain your assumption that I was asking you to expect anything, and the conflict of interest has no bearing on the scientific outcomes. I am in agreement about the religious having lost its intellectual integrity, it always has- even in the time of Jesus, which is why He spoke against the religious. However, my original commentary was about my gratitude for the scrutiny of the scientific community pertaining to the study of this relic and their findings.
The “scientific outcome” of a group of superstitious “scientists and technicians” has exactly zero credibility sans extensive independent testing. 🤷♂️
Amen 🙏
That makes sense. Even if it's not what some claim it is, it can still be important and moving to believers. Like the many religious paintings and sculptures by great masters. Who knows? It's actual origin appears to be undetermined. Maybe it is an image created by an ancient master using a medium whose application has been lost over the ages.
Seems like worship of an idol. Just saying. Wasn't Jesus about 30 years old when he died? This looks like an 80 year old wizard.
I thought we were done with the shroud back in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000...
Guess not.
Love your channel, true man of God and reason, what do you think of Juan Diego and our Lady of Guadalupe? Really interested in your thoughts 🙏
Worship the God, not the clothes he wore or was wrapped in. Worship the God, and not the cross he was nailed to. Worship the God, not his creation. Don't get distracted by shiny things, just worship the God.
There were healing biblical that took place by just a touch of His clothes.
@JudeNoneya It wasn't the clothes. It was the God who wore them, and the faith of the woman who touched him.
@timkaldahl Of course it was.
Perhaps the miraculous supernatural images on the Tilma or Shroud remind us that all things are possible. That Christ, Mary, the Holy Spirit are all among us. As close as a thought. That healings are real, that we merely have faith. I've seen miracles. I been granted much of what I've asked for. I would NEVER stop receiving the Holy Eurcharist willing. I believe, I know as I have seen but I believed before I saw.
I am glad some people take comfort in this shroud. But it is unlikely to be real. Over the years there were many faked objects created and sold for profit.
I saw a picture of Jesus, a portrait painted by Anan, the secretary of King Abgar V. of Edessa, in Syria. The same face as on the shroud!
I'm interested to see if Mel makes the sequel to The Passion. He seems like a crazy person.
He's talking about it....
I love the music from the movie, but Mel Gibson’s hateful behaviors toward others showed his true colors. No Mel for me.
That movie was a snuff film imho. It was absolutely gross.
@@teaspirits Liked him up to the Passion of Christ. Enjoyed seeing his Catholic version of the the events leading to Jesus's crucifixion. Raised Episcopal but, most every other religion tasted since starting my adult journey.
@revedtrevors4961 Dr. John Campbell recently (2 mths. ago) provided a very interesting video on the shroud on his UA-cam page.
People are desperate for affirmation. As for prayer, prayer is a powerful force.
I was going to suggest Dan McClellan to you 😂. I stumbled onto him because reading the Bible is rough, tough and confusing sometimes. Happy I found your posts 😊
It's called "the greatest STORY ever told". Not. "The greatest. Collection of facts ever told"
I don't need a shroud to have faith. It is interesting to look at. My experience is what cemented my faith. It didn't include seeing anything.
I believe people want something solid to hold onto to support their faith. It takes more faith to trust in someone you can not see or hear or touch.
Full circle! People on his channel ask if there's clergy online that are queer and trans affirming, and I always point them at your channel
As an atheist what as that got to do with his beliefs
@michaelmather7352 what? I'm also atheist. I didn't comment about beliefs, but actions. Affirming something is something people do
I literally came here to see the Mel Gibson and Joe rogan video and got this 💀💀
I wear a Scapular 24/7. Is it magic? Will it really make devils flee? Im not sure I wear it so that I will not die in sin. Which I am always in, in my thoughts, my judgments, my actions, etc. To be like Christ, really be like Christlike without sin. I would have to love everyone. I don't, and that is truth. I can only have faith in the promises that came with gift of the Scapular.
Rev. Ed talked about to be a Christian is to love everyone. I try really hard to live the principles of Christ in daily life. However, I don't get that concept to love everyone. I couldn't even force myself to love everyone. I do NOT love Trump or Putin and nothing will change that. Earlier in adult life, I used to HATE some persons who did serious harm to me. I had to WORK really hard and do a lot of praying 🙏 over a long period of time just to improve and not hate anyone. I believe that spiritual progress is not a "one time" event and we can automatically be in line with all Christian teachings. Making spiritual progress is a lifelong journey. For people like Trump and Putin who are terribly destructive, I pray 🙏 for their deliverance and for their healing mental, emotional and spiritual and to follow the path of God. I pray for them to stop their destruction. That's the best I can do in my spiritual walk.
You were already my favorite theist, but the McClellan recommendation cinches it.
If you have not yet, everyone should see Dan Olsen's (Folding Ideas) video about Mantracks. Same idea about people seeking relics to justify what they should rely on faith to do.
And just remember Mel Gibson was born in the USA he is not Australian. He did get his break into the movie industry.
Go to White House. President Biden. Prisoners of war will be going home, and those who died can now rest with their family. God says be the peace make. Let us love each other and make peace in our hearts
It was carbon dated to the middle ages.
Hello Reverend, I Am a half Canadian American former Catholic they was gifted of membership here channel for a minute by I believe a kind patron of yours. I believe it had an option to message you. I don't see one available on here, but it may be my infamiliarity with the device I'm using. I haven't washed your entire video, but you seem like a reasonable person and so I was curious if you'd like to discuss my experience having seen it in person
Just my thought here, but if God in his wisdom sent an avatar to Earth to teach a divine plan, part of that plan would include having no artifacts from the avatar as to prevent humans from worshiping the artifact over the Avatar's message. But us humans, need proof to shore up our shaky faith and piety.
My Mother was a social Christain... remeber she had this gold jewel and glass with a velvet pillow thing. Being the curious normal kid I asked her what it was??.. Not sure if I was given a BS story or not...Was told within was one of the thorns that was used a s Jesus's crown of Thorns...Being the curious youngster that I was.. Climbed up and took the box down and looked inside....The Tomb was empty!
I wish there were more Christians like you but unfortunately as a Norse Heathen Godhi it has never been the case.
I bought my oldest offsprung a set of Prayer Beads when I was in Lourdes for the International Military Pilgrimage. The proprietor of the book shop in the actual Domain was concerned that I understood they were expensive. I said I understood and they were for my child and I was happy to pay the priced them. I also commented that they were so well made and in such good taste that you could hardly believe they were from Lourdes. He just shook his head sadly. The souvenir shops of Lourdes are (and should be) a challenge to anyone's faith. Glow in the dark plastic Virgins with screw off heads!?!?. Not for me.
Make a buck. Souvenir shops are like that.
I think about Douglas Adams. Then I grab my towel, and remember not to panic.
I've listened to Mel Gibson and he cusses more than a sailor, I was done then. Professing Christ though with profane language, I think not, 👏🏾