Sogar die Tränen! Danke DW. Ich hoffe, wir können es auf Spanisch verstehen. (Ich habe einen Übersetzer benutzt). Ich würde gerne den Standpunkt des Regisseurs hören.
*Todavía recuerdo la impresión que me causó escuchar esa sinfonía cuando era adolescente, frente a una TV de un escaparate de una mueblería. Los ojos se me humedecieron. Años después, se las presenté a mis alumnos de la clase de música. Me odiaron por ello, y tuve que renunciar a mi puesto de profesor de música.*
It's the most relevant piece of music ever composed! The whole meaning, the message conveyed by the multiple spectacular musical innovations, still mesmerizing, the humanity of the choral section delivers a sense of hope and optimism and love for the whole world that is still anxiously awaited by billions
게다가 베토벤은 아마 러시아편을 들었을 것이라고 확신합니다. 왜냐면 라주모프스키 공작, 갈리친 공작 등 많은 러시아인들의 후원과 지지가 없었으면 그 위대한 현악4중주들이 세상에 나오지 않았을 것이고 게다가 베토벤은 교향곡 9번을 당시 러시아차르 알렉산드르 2세에게 헌정하려 했을 정도니깐요
Tears, joy, triumph... I have never been so moved by any musical peace. Genius, pure genius.
Yes is a hymn to the history and life.🩷🌐
The Ninth fills me with tears and connection to God. It makes me feel as if the whole human race can connect with God.
Gracias 🎉
Fantastic Oksana Lyniv ❤
Short and easy answer. YES.
Sogar die Tränen! Danke DW. Ich hoffe, wir können es auf Spanisch verstehen. (Ich habe einen Übersetzer benutzt). Ich würde gerne den Standpunkt des Regisseurs hören.
*Qué bonito y claro habla el **_Hochdeutsch_** esta directora ucraniana.*
I am not as dumb as I may sometimes appear to be. I noticed Beethovens wonderful 5th Symphony. Art like art can only do.
September 14, 2024. I listened to Beethoven's 9th Symphony in the middle of the night. Wonderful! No interruptions, no extraneous noise.
"...marks such a clear line against barbarism"...this is why the Ninth will always matter. Slava Ukaini...from Arizona.
it gets more trascendental year by year
*Todavía recuerdo la impresión que me causó escuchar esa sinfonía cuando era adolescente, frente a una TV de un escaparate de una mueblería. Los ojos se me humedecieron. Años después, se las presenté a mis alumnos de la clase de música. Me odiaron por ello, y tuve que renunciar a mi puesto de profesor de música.*
very good.
It's the most relevant piece of music ever composed!
The whole meaning, the message conveyed by the multiple spectacular musical innovations, still mesmerizing, the humanity of the choral section delivers a sense of hope and optimism and love for the whole world that is still anxiously awaited by billions
게다가 베토벤은 아마 러시아편을 들었을 것이라고 확신합니다. 왜냐면 라주모프스키 공작, 갈리친 공작 등 많은 러시아인들의 후원과 지지가 없었으면 그 위대한 현악4중주들이 세상에 나오지 않았을 것이고 게다가 베토벤은 교향곡 9번을 당시 러시아차르 알렉산드르 2세에게 헌정하려 했을 정도니깐요
Es una lastima que haya tomado la retórica de la anglósfera, en fin , gracias por el vídeo.
From DW no less...what's this world coming to!
Slava Ukraïni.
Right now, no musical message to the world could be more important than this.
정치와 예술은 별개입니다. 베토벤 9번을 자꾸 우크라이나-러시아전쟁과 결부시키는 것은 히틀러가 나치시절 이 음악을 이용해서 게르만인들의 통합이데올로기로 승화시키려 한 짓하고 다를 바 없어요 평생 정치와 거리를 둔 베토벤 본인도 원하지 않을 일입니다.
Too fast
Is Wagner still relevant?!
Yes always will 🇦🇺
I want a German citizenship .
Was stimmt nicht mit Dir Du Russen-Troll
musical noise
Mujer y Ucraniana, ¿que casualidad no? Será que los progres la hicirron su estrella...quien sabrá.