DIY Backyard Demolition with Track Dingo

  • Опубліковано 12 гру 2023
  • Despite being pregnant, we need to get our backyard done, so here we are. We hired a little bobcat (dingo, kanga) with tracks to get through the sand, as well as a 8m3 mixed waste skip bin.
    We hit some issues. The kanga wasn't tall enough to properly empty the bucket into the skip, so once it got full Luke had to get up and shovel everything out of every bucket load. The tracks also chewed up the newly laid pavers over our driveway, which I'm taking as a blessing in disguise, as now I'm going to take those pavers up and use them elsewhere around the house (laundry side) and eventually cement in a driveway.
    We also didn't get a big enough skip (despite everyone telling me I got a huge one we'd wasted money and wouldn't be able to fill - when I was worried it wasn't big enough the whole time and I was right).
    But we did it. Luke has the forklift license and practice forklifting, but I've driven tractors in the past (though this was over 5 years ago now!) and have more experience switching between different vehicles. I also have more spatial awareness, and getting the tractor down the sides of the house to the backyard left barely inches either side for error, so I was the operator. Also was physically sick from pregnancy, so Luke did all the hard work with the whipper snipper and shovel.
    The aim is to get the back yard level (ran out of skip bin space to do that though) to about 2 feet from the fence. Eventually we'll put a limestone wall up to support the ground under the existing fenceline, with a garden bed between the fence and the limestone wall. That will go around the entire backyard. Then we'll lay grass. for the rest of the yard.