And What About Techelet in Tzitzit?- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Interview with Machon Shilo's Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
This video interview has been dedicated by Reuven Gruber in memory of his parents Chia (Helen) bat Avraham and Noah (Nathan) ben Mendel Simcha.
Interview with HaRav David Bar-Hayim
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I was struck by the opening shot of techelet tzitzit, tied according to the Rambam, since I'm the one who did the tying and took the photo. So I guess I take it as a compliment that it was featured in this video.
wow ...I really wish you could do mine...
Listening to this Rabbi's calm, calculated, carefully considered verbosity is like honey for the soul
8:15 I'm not interested in defending the Radzyn techeiles, but i don't see the logic of saying it fades by being washed on a modern washing machine, obviously the chazal didn't have washing machines, and it's almost common knowledge that machine washing and many cleaning products can damage wool.
He just makes sense.
During Rabbi Herzog's day, it was called "Murex Trunculus" but is now called "Hexaplex Trunculus".
What does the Rav hold on the number of blue strings? Rambam? Raavad? Tosafot?
He holds by Ra'avad
There are LOTS of sources, rabbinical writings and scientific writings, and scientific writings by big rabbis on:
This snail exists in Florida and in New Zealand. Culturally it has been known about in both areas as long as there have been people in these areas. However, it was never used to make dye.
I believe this fact damages the argument that it was known and not used ergo it is the wrong creature.
Consider the prickly pear. It grows in many countries around the world yet is only a food source in the Americas.
The Gemorah shabbos says that it is an issue on shabbos to catch the chilazon for techelis. The problem is that the murex is a snail and snails are not chaiv for catching on shabbos.
What Rav Moshe Tendler ztz"l has to say on this topic:
If someone catches a hillazon [on Shabbat] and shatters it,
one is only guilty of one transgression. The meaning of 'shatters it'
is that he breaks the covering of the fish [i.e., the shell]" (Shabbat
74a). The source of tekhelet used by the Radziner Rebbe was the ink
sac of the squid. There is no breaking or cracking to obtain the body
fluid from which to extract the tekhelet. In fact, it is not possible to
extract any dye from the squid ink sac.
Tosafot there, s.v. ha-tzod, find this passage difficult, inasmuch
as the Jerusalem Talmud states that someone who catches a hillazon
has not transgressed the sin of hunting on Shabbat, while our Talmud
considers the hunting (tzeidah) transgression as part of the tekhelet
protocol. Tosafot do not offer an answer. In truth, however, there is
no contradiction. It is possible to catch the hillazon in deep water,
which halakhically is an act of hunting, but also to gather it in less
deep water, where it is possible to acquire it by simply bending down
to pick it up (shehiyah ahat), which does not constitute an act of
hunting. In Babylon, where the Babylonian Talmud was compiled,
the hillazon lives in deep waters; however, in Israel, bordered by
the Mediterranean, it is possible to find the hillazon lying close to
the beach, where no act of hunting is required to gather it.
shalom, bamidbar 15:37-40 the techelet is the mitzvot; does it has to be from a sea creature? vayikra 11:24-25 does not contradict this probability?
sorry for the question, please. thank you.
Its from the talmud.
Hay más detalles en Mishne Torah el libro del Amor.
cool:) ty.
what about ''teyku'', talmudic lack of decision, resolving to wait for Eliyahu haNavi?
isn't it stated that the chilazon techelet was very rare?
May one then assume that since it seems to be duly established that R.Herzog's theory is correct then one can put his techelet lines sisit{ or visa versa} on a wool garment? It seems to me that this is the 'ikar' function of the techelet to exempt sha'atnez and it would be simply a matter of 'emunat chachmim' to do this.
Just to mention that the Ari'zal said that the miswah of techelet has been nullified since/because of the destruction of the temple.
However the salient point being does/has anyone put linen and wool on the same garment since the 're-discovery' of techelet and its basic acceptance of halachic veracity?
I think you may be missing the point I want to make. The groups mentioned above make the sisit out of wool and the talit also out of wool so in essence the string of techelet has no other function than being blue. It seems to me that the putting on of wool sisit w/string of wool techelet on a talit made of linen would be what should be done in as much as those rabbis who have declared their techelet as the true one this would demonstrate the validity of the oral torah. But the problem is perennial as nobody will make a change even though they have established the original techelet which when combining on one garment nullifies the prohibition of sha'anes.
Aside from this we have the opinion of the Rambam that as long as the blue is steadfast it is techelet and therefore could be combined together on one garment.
Circular thinking!
ANYONE, no matter what is name is, and how many follow him, who says thet a MItswah min-ha-TORAH that is לעולם has been ANNULLED, is a FALSE PROPHET, AN APIKOROS AND A MUMAR.
@@richardhallaj1907 Where does the Arizal say thay?
Why did the Yom kippur miracles stop that year ? Yom Kippur is a rehearsal for the final judgment day.
ZviJ1 Then you are clearly haven't heard of Yoma 39b if you have a problem with YK Miracles. The Pharisees added tons of laws to the torah that God never commended and the Christians took away laws that can never be taken away. Both religions are wrong. Go back to the source.
Yeshua kept the Torah and taught his disciples to keep it. He said any one who doesn't, he will reject on judgement day.
The only reason religious leaders in Israel rejected him was jealousy because he didn't submit to rabbinical authority, he fed the poor healed the sick, gave the blind their sight.
You can't separate in your head the difference between the gospel and mainstream Christianity. when you do that then you can accuse people of contorting.
I answered his question. Because Yom Kippur is the rehearsal for Judgment day. That is when we receive our verdict, not when the payment for sin is made. Don't ask for a break, My first comment was months ago, then suddenly you get sand in your underpants and dedicated 3 days to attacking me. Yeshua is King from the line of King David, deal with it.
leaving the issue of Jzs' paternity aside, how can anyone call Jzs a messianic ''king'' if clearly he wasnt at ALL interested in actual monarchy?
Because Yeshua's kingdom is not of this world. Instead of calling 10 legions of Angels or calling the thousands of people he helped to arms to overthrow the roman empire, he called his followers to make disciples and be a light to the world so that others will strive to enter into this kingdom in the next age. The scriptures have two entrances of the Messiah, one on a donkey and one in the skies. The consensus of Rabbinic Jews is that it is one or the other. I put to you that Yeshua has come into the Holy City on a donkey 2000 years ago and will return soon in the sky to destroy Israels enemies and set up his Kingdom. When Israel looks like they have no hope and are surrounded, look to his coming.
More Christian Avoda Zarah fables. There's no evidence that the miracle of the red wool turning white came to an end at the time that "Yeshua" died.
The Zohar writes: that the "Hilazon" [snail] disappeared the day the Bet HaMiqdash was destroyed, and the redeemer will return it K'Mikedem [like previously].
ועכשיו אין לנו אלא לבן כי התכלת נגנז... -במדבר רבה יז,ה
"And now we have only white, for the tekhelet has been hidden." (Bamidbar Raba 17:5)
HaDaR Israel And if one were to question [as did R' Yaakov Emden z"l] how 'Rabba Bar Hannah' is mentioned in "Tikunei HaZohar" [a separate volume in the Zohar], when we know that 'Rabba Bar Hanna' lived approx. 250 years after 'Rashbi' (R' Shimon Bar Yohai) !??
***** The answer is: that 'Rabee Abba,' who was the student and scribe of 'Rashbi' - lived 300 years long, and therefore he is mentioned.
***** And now we have only white, for the tekhelet has been hidden." -Bamidbar Raba 17:5 Oh i forgot... you prefer to believe in wive's tales
HaDaR Israel In regards to Tkhelet, are the Rabbanim that do endorse it actually there when the mollusks are being processed?
Do they themselves know how to identify the mollusks that are described in the Aharonim? Are any amongst them scientists, biologists, malacologists ?
Actually rav berzog said that it was the yantia after he disregarded the murex only later did the murex become the way to make techelet
As rav alyashuv זצ״ל said to rav aaron feldman in a easily available letter, for a rishon to say this it's ok, but for r sllifkin to say it, it is apikoris...עיין שם
Zev Samet, you are a LIAR. I know Rav Feldman very well, and I spoke to him about his conversation with Rav Elyashiv on Slifkin. He said, "According to Rav Elyashiv, Rishonim can say this, but we cannot say it, however it is NOT apikorsus." In any case he was talking about if maaseh bereshis is literal or figurative. What has that got to do with whether or not we have discovered the true techeiles???
The ptil techelet people intentionally mistranslated aristole's word for baskets into nets to make it fit in with the gemmora in shabas as rav reisman shows!!! ... Ha megaleh panim b torah?
See the lecture of rav yisroel reisman ( yu torah or you tube ) where he shows the shallowness of these new techelet people. Bar chaim does not believe in the zohar which gives him the din of a kofer( rav moshe sternbuch shlita) zohar
So... that rash'à (such is the definition of someone who trespasses plenty of mitswoth lo ta'assé, like being motsi dibbah, calling a Talmid Chakham "qofer", not standing idle by his brother's blood, etc.) is implying that the Ya'avetz, Rabbi Yaaqov Emden was a Rashà? Try and LEARN "Mithpachath HaSefarim" which you can find at and see what The Ya'avetz says about the Zohar... AND HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE... Mr. Shternbruch, with all his chumrot, is not even at an ankle's level of Rabbi Yosef Kapah, zt"l, of whom Rabbi David Bar-Hayim was talmid muvhaq!
Remember this:
כל המחמיר בדבר שאמוראי בבל לא החמירו, כגון לא סומך על [בטל ב] שישים או על כלי שני, הוא כאפיקורוס, יצא שכרו בהפסדו על עון זה
[סולת למנחה בפתחי תשובה יורה דעה סימן קטז]
And the old yemenite saying:זצ״ל ,מורי דנחי, taught me:
חמרה באה מחמר: כל חמר יודע להחמיר, תלמיד חכם יודע להקל
ZviJ1 You are spreading ignorance, the OPPOSITE OF TORAH TRUTH and even APIKORSIUT.
it is written, "כל המחמיר בדבר שאמוראי בבל לא החמירו, כגון לא סומך על [בטל ב] שישים או על כלי שני, הוא כאפיקורוס, יצא שכרו בהפסדו על עון זה"
[סולת למנחה בפתחי תשובה יורה דעה סימן קטז]
..."לא בְּדִיּוּק "והמחמיר תבוא עליו ברכה…
You do NOT add to or subtract from the torah. If someone leads people away from YHVH and his Torah then they are a false prophet. Yeshua was the prophet that you must hear and obey. Yeshua taught to keep the Torah regardless of what others might say about him [Mattityahu 5]. Yeshua taught to keep the Torah and ignore the Rabbis who have no authority.
The Sabbath never changed. Yeshua was not born of christmas he was born on Sukkot, he was crucified the same time as the passover lambs where offered, not on the pagan day of easter. There is a huge difference between the actual gospel and what christians/catholics believe. Romans hated the Jews and did everything to abolish them including hunting down the sect of the Nazerenes and counterfeiting the movement with a state religion called catholocism. Yeshua in fact warned of a false religion that would devour the world, He also had a huge problem with religious leaders from his own people who added to the Torah.
Matt 28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Yeshua, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Yeshua met them. “Shalom,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
Yeshua fulfilled half of the Tanakh's prophecies and will fulfill the other half on the vengeful day of YHVH. He has brought so many of the lost sheep of Israel back to a right relationship with God.
The link sent said
The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum - Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides - Teshuva 9:2)
BUT, the Torah clearly says this prophet will be greater than Moshe. Should I side with the words of YHVH or the words of men (talmud) who vainly repeat prayers from books with no love for God in their hearts, merely going through the motions, appearing great and holy to men but inside they are rotting?
The talmud is clearly the words of men and clearly contradicts God's commands, and clearly contradicts its self.
Yeshua does clearly lead his followers to observe Torah and to disregard doctrines and commandments of men (talmud). I get that you look at all the pagan and hellenistic aspects of christianity and are disgusted. Yeshua will be disgusted too and has said that those who are lawless must depart from him... he doesn't know them, they are not his sheep.
How do you plan on being right with God? can't bribe him. You can't even get the day of Yom Kippur right because you guys are stuck on Hillel's calendar and not using the reckoning of time God provided. So I would look into obtaining some kind of atonement. I have a recommendation... Yeshua.
YHVH always sends a prophet before he exiles his people. What prophet was sent to the Jews before the roman exile? Yeshua prophesied that the second temple would be destroyed and called many to repentance. What candidates do you have?
Yeshua was the false prophet who led the masses to idolatry. See Deuteronomy 13.
Christians worship the dead man Jesus and the 3 gods of the trinity. That's idolatry. Nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures are we told to worship any man or any messiah or any man-god or trinity.
This Yeshua guy told his followers in John 14:6 that nobody comes to the Father but by him. You want to come to God? Worship me! That's what he said and that is why Christians and Messianics worship him. Pure Avoda Zarah! Who is the false prophet leading people to worship foreign gods? Who is the wicked liar who adds to the Torah? Yeshua fits the bill.
Judism is not pick and choose. We follow the majority. all godlei yisroel today say the zohar is from rav shimon BY... Tour complaint is on rav sternbuch and lahavdil rav alyashuv זצ״ל and not on me
NO, WE FOLLOW TRUTH, as it is written:
לא תלכו אחרי רבים לרעות