I ask about things like this and feel we should try to learn and study everything we can to be able to do more Mitzvoth. So one of my questions is why don't we Sight the New Moon when we have so much Astrological information now ? Why don't we have a Jewish body of people from all backgrounds , not just Ashkenazi, to study and find out everything we can to help us to be able to do as many mitzvah as we can that have been lost.
Here’s a question asked by many who have studied this subject.It is generally agreed that murex trunculus was the source of argomon.As a matter of fact the wool dyed with the fluid from murex trunculus is originally violet and only when exposed to sunlight does it turn blue.Hence,it seems inconceivable that somewhere in the Talmudic discussion of techeles someone would not mention that the source of the blue is the same as the source of the violet.The gemoroh tries strenuously to identify the hilazon;wouldn’t this be a major identification point?
Answer: Perhaps because Techelet is required for a functioning Beit Hamikdash, and many "establishment" or "status-quo" rabbis are not enthusiastic about such profound changes coming soon nor do they desire such things. To the contrary, may the Mashiach be revealed and the Beit Hamikdash be rebuilt speedily in our days!
Jay Bax ”Whoever fulfills the mitsvah of tsitsit is as though he greeted the face of Shekhinah, for the blue resembles the sea, and the sea resembles the sky, and the sky resembles the Throne of Glory” (Sifrei, Numbers 115). thenutgarden.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/threads-of-the-mind-any-time-that-you-tread-through-them-peace-will-be-upon-you/
Watch the video, Rabbi David feels that the Techelet may not be necessary for our day. However, I do agree that if Hashem had stated it in His Torah it would be of beneficial significance.
Forgive me,but this whole identification with the galut or with the golah is an enormous oversimplification.Without the golah,you do not have the Gra,the Besht,and the Mishneh Brurah.Without Volozhin and Radin and Brisk do we have Torah learning?Rav Tzvi Yehudah z”l said that his way was the way of the Gra.There were enormous intellectual and spiritual achievements in the Golah.This either/or ideaology is childish and simplistic.I fail to see how anyone who has studied Jewish intellectual history ,including modern Zionism,can reach a different conclusion.
I ask about things like this and feel we should try to learn and study everything we can to be able to do more Mitzvoth. So one of my questions is why don't we Sight the New Moon when we have so much Astrological information now ? Why don't we have a Jewish body of people from all backgrounds , not just Ashkenazi, to study and find out everything we can to help us to be able to do as many mitzvah as we can that have been lost.
Here’s a question asked by many who have studied this subject.It is generally agreed that murex trunculus was the source of argomon.As a matter of fact the wool dyed with the fluid from murex trunculus is originally violet and only when exposed to sunlight does it turn blue.Hence,it seems inconceivable that somewhere in the Talmudic discussion of techeles someone would not mention that the source of the blue is the same as the source of the violet.The gemoroh tries strenuously to identify the hilazon;wouldn’t this be a major identification point?
Adaraba.... what did Rav Schecter say on the Identity of the techies fish?
Answer: Perhaps because Techelet is required for a functioning Beit Hamikdash, and many "establishment" or "status-quo" rabbis are not enthusiastic about such profound changes coming soon nor do they desire such things. To the contrary, may the Mashiach be revealed and the Beit Hamikdash be rebuilt speedily in our days!
He address this in the video..
How do you explain the techelet fish comes up every 70 years?
does rabbi bar hayim himself wear techelet or not?
Stan Marsh Of course he does
What is the purpose of Techelet?
Perhaps if we knew what its purpose is, we would know if it is necessary for our day or not.
Jay Bax ”Whoever fulfills the mitsvah of tsitsit is as though he greeted the face of Shekhinah, for the blue resembles the sea, and the sea resembles the sky, and the sky resembles the Throne of Glory” (Sifrei, Numbers 115).
Jay Bax Misswah of the Torah
Watch the video, Rabbi David feels that the Techelet may not be necessary for our day. However, I do agree that if Hashem had stated it in His Torah it would be of beneficial significance.
@@jaybax2083 It's a direct verse in the bible: Numbers 15:38
The lack of this identifying comment in the discussion in the gemoroh leads us to question whether murex trunculus is in fact the source of techeiles.
Rav y m morgenstern wears radzin. He has written about this... it’s online...
Forgive me,but this whole identification with the galut or with the golah is an enormous oversimplification.Without the golah,you do not have the Gra,the Besht,and the Mishneh Brurah.Without Volozhin and Radin and Brisk do we have Torah learning?Rav Tzvi Yehudah z”l said that his way was the way of the Gra.There were enormous intellectual and spiritual achievements in the Golah.This either/or ideaology is childish and simplistic.I fail to see how anyone who has studied Jewish intellectual history ,including modern Zionism,can reach a different conclusion.
3 of gadoli hador wrote long response that the the murex doesn’t meet the criteria, rav asher weiss, rav moshe sternbuch, and lahavdil rav alyashuv...
why do u say lehavdil
@@yosefzee7605 rav alyashiv is no longer among the living...
Indeed they are Gedolei Torah, but there are other Gedolei who have refuted all of their objections.
@@NACHALCHAIM who ? For example
@@yoshc9 Rav Belsky, Rav Zalman Nechemia, Rav Mazuz, Rav Schachter. And don't tell me, "my gadol is bigger than your Gadol."