Are Men More Evolved Than Women?

  • Опубліковано 1 чер 2024
  • / sciencereason ... Calacademy: Are Men More Evolved Than Women? Comparing the differences in the Y chromosomes in chimps and humans has created quite a buzz.
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    Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure and gene content
    The human Y chromosome began to evolve from an autosome hundreds of millions of years ago, acquiring a sex-determining function and undergoing a series of inversions that suppressed crossing over with the X chromosome. Little is known about the recent evolution of the Y chromosome because only the human Y chromosome has been fully sequenced. Prevailing theories hold that Y chromosomes evolve by gene loss, the pace of which slows over time, eventually leading to a paucity of genes, and stasis.
    These theories have been buttressed by partial sequence data from newly emergent plant and animal Y chromosomes, but they have not been tested in older, highly evolved Y chromosomes such as that of humans. Here we finished sequencing of the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) in our closest living relative, the chimpanzee, achieving levels of accuracy and completion previously reached for the human MSY. By comparing the MSYs of the two species we show that they differ radically in sequence structure and gene content, indicating rapid evolution during the past six million years.
    The chimpanzee MSY contains twice as many massive palindromes as the human MSY, yet it has lost large fractions of the MSY protein-coding genes and gene families present in the last common ancestor. We suggest that the extraordinary divergence of the chimpanzee and human MSYs was driven by four synergistic factors: the prominent role of the MSY in sperm production, 'genetic hitchhiking' effects in the absence of meiotic crossing over, frequent ectopic recombination within the MSY, and species differences in mating behaviour. Although genetic decay may be the principal dynamic in the evolution of newly emergent Y chromosomes, wholesale renovation is the paramount theme in the continuing evolution of chimpanzee, human and perhaps other older MSYs.
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  • @websnarf
    @websnarf 14 років тому +3

    I was under the impression that the Y also just accumulates more mutations because its less functional -- it just needs to select the sex during development. That's why the Y is also shorter because some mutations knocked out parts of it, but it doesn't seem to matter.

  • @a575981735977018
    @a575981735977018 12 років тому +2

    I wouldn't even use the term "evolving faster", I would use "changing faster".
    Using the word "evolve" seems often to be used to describe something that's changing for the better. "change" is more neutral.

  • @joshphamster
    @joshphamster 11 років тому +2

    good luck bringing this up in a conversation

  • @WarThemedRevolution
    @WarThemedRevolution 14 років тому +4

    @OTSTRETFORD Well, according to this the process of transferring the Y chromosome goes on uninhibited. In natural selection, the better gene of the pair is usually what gets passed on. This eliminates bad chromosomes. But there is no competition for the Y chromosome so the bad ones keep going...which would suggest to me that us guys are more likely to have bad genes.

  • @NeroJoe83
    @NeroJoe83 14 років тому +2

    This helps explain why sexual dimorphism always shows the most noticeable phenotype differences in males.

  • @slicingwater
    @slicingwater 14 років тому +2

    That is true, evolution does not mean a species is getting better just more different.

  • @TheRationalizer
    @TheRationalizer 14 років тому +3

    It might be more accurate to say "Men are more mutated", a lot of women would probably agree with that statement :)

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому +1

    Yes it is sad, As a wise man once said "everyone ends up forgotten or the truth about them is lost as time goes on."

  • @I_Am_SciCurious
    @I_Am_SciCurious 14 років тому +1

    If being pretty, having soft skin, silky hair, a hot rack, a soft touch, and the ability to coordinate colors and do five things at once are signs that I'm "less evolved" then that's something I can easily live with.

  • @RenshawYT
    @RenshawYT 14 років тому

    @NintendoArielle Actually, there was a study done in Germany recently that showed that women have demonstrably less ability at parking than men. While the study size was fairly small (65 people) so its not definitive, it makes sense. It also doesn't mean that 'men are better' overall or some such, just that men and women evolved with a focus on different things, and parking (and probably driving as well) take advantage of those areas in which men are better suited to perform well.

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @sofiarune True. My terminology wasn't entirely correct there. Thanks for clarifying.

  • @AlickzRider
    @AlickzRider 12 років тому

    @boomingpearl wow i did not know that thank you for an english lesson :D

  • @roner61
    @roner61 14 років тому

    @ihmen You have some good points, but seems you didnt get the meaning that this article gives to the words "more evolved"

  • @IdoloR
    @IdoloR 14 років тому

    @gagnashdiak No worry, just curiosity haha. I'd just hoped they would have a few more answers or theories to accompany this discovery's announcement is all, guess I'll have to be patient :/

  • @werecow2003
    @werecow2003 14 років тому

    I'm confused... I thought that the fact that the Y has no partner places restrictions on viable mutations because they are more likely to be expressed, even when recessive. When you have two complementary chromosomes, deleterious mutations can hide and be passed on if the alleles are not dominant... Or am I missing the point here?

  • @JackUKBIB
    @JackUKBIB 14 років тому +1

    @tjmac7 Exactly what I've just said Sir. I used it as 'more evolved' to show I dissaprove of the term.

  • @braap02
    @braap02 14 років тому

    @D119heavy dude, there are many irrational non-creationists.
    however, you have a dark sense of humour tho. i like it.

  • @jpingage
    @jpingage 14 років тому +1

    The eight people who 'disliked' this video clearly didn't bother to watch it.

  • @tastybrain
    @tastybrain 14 років тому +1

    So the y chromosome changes "unchecked". Why? How? And why is there a difference between the y chromosomes in chimps and humans? The video didn't address this but I'd really like to know.

  • @gavsmith1980
    @gavsmith1980 14 років тому

    it's precisely this "misunderstanding of evolution" that allows idiots to think they can refute it.
    saying "is this gender/race/species/etc more evolved than any other?" is like saying "is this branch on a tree any better/more evolved/advantageous/stronger/etc than any other?"
    the term "more evolved" implies there's a way for things to be "less evolved" when all life has had the same time to evolve, since we all have common ancestors and ultimately, just one common ancestor.

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @UglynEvil Have you by any chance ever heard of an electron? These along with protons and photons govern the electromagnetic force. I know in your profile, under books, it says "No, sir. Not unless school makes us." But I learned this in the 7th grade. School makes you read those. Am I missing something?

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 14 років тому

    @lazyperfectionist1 Wait. Let me clarify. I don't mean "natural selection" as in the mechanism Darwin identified. I mean other mechanisms of selection which could be called "natural."

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 14 років тому

    @psyjax Well now, how do you establish whether one thing is more or less evolved than another anyway? What standard can you use except how well suited that something is to its environment?

  • @whothecaresagives
    @whothecaresagives 14 років тому

    Did they use Banobos or common? I'd like to know so I can have a better understanding to the level of refuting I reach..

  • @WhichDoctor1
    @WhichDoctor1 14 років тому

    @CLRubyHypatia I think its more that some media people saw a report of a piece of research they didn't really understand but looked, if miss reported blatantly enough, that it would be so controversial as to sell papers and get views.

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 14 років тому

    It seems as if they're suggesting that the Y-chromosome is not as beholden to the effects of natural selection. Do I have this right?

  • @8DX
    @8DX 14 років тому

    @Everstruggling Um you're right there I guess - a population is defined as members of a single species/place. It looked like there was some gender-studies issue here =). A quick look at abstracts of papers shows they talk about populations lots (meaning the men and women of a given location/genetic group with a particular Y-chromosome distribution). Using the term divisively as zapo147 does would be misleading as it makes it look as if the Y-chromosome evolves independently of human females.

  • @Vynjira-chan
    @Vynjira-chan 14 років тому

    Divergent Evolution.
    The Mitochondrial Eve is some 80,000 years older than the Y-Chromosomal Adam, which if anything would mean more evolution has occurred. However, Evolved suggests a speciation event which has not happened.
    Although it is interesting to note the OPN1LW gene is present in up to 20% of women. That gene is responsible for an extra type of color receptor, and thus a degree of tetrachromatic color vision. (Ultraviolet Light)

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому +2

    I don't see all women as bad people, but I'm not so quick to to think all are good either.

  • @Phoboskomboa
    @Phoboskomboa 14 років тому +1

    I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the Y-chromosome mutates more...
    I was already typing that when they got to it in the video =D.

  • @sentenal01
    @sentenal01 14 років тому

    @watermind >implying you're not just making up half ass comments to keep you afloat

  • @TerribleInThOriginal
    @TerribleInThOriginal 11 років тому

    Thank god the world revolves around your happiness alone, and not the contentment of others.

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 14 років тому

    @KoutetsuTenshin Is there some reason why the process he used for this creation must have excluded evolution?

  • @Highlyskeptical
    @Highlyskeptical 14 років тому +1

    If the Y chromosome is changing faster, due to its lack of a complementary Y, does that mean men are changing faster as well?
    Characteristics in men may be selected for at a faster rate, providing a mutation to the Y is favorable in some way for reproduction or survival, might things that benefit either be tracked statistically? Like voice timber over generations or muscle mass (guessing)? I guess we don't have data and there's exceptions of course but...

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @brian4480 Agreeing. I accidentally put that reply under the wrong comment and it got sent to you.

  • @brian4480
    @brian4480 14 років тому +1

    @MultiPaulinator That is EXACTLY what i just said, are you agreeing with me or do you think i don't share your view?

  • @Davelantor
    @Davelantor 14 років тому

    @websnarf But what you might notice is that since its provided by one side of the sex, the mutations are more likely to pass to next gen, thus puting it to test of life .. short to say. Also mutations dont just "knock" parts out. its also proven that mutations are able to add new strings by the process of replication and damage control. the length of the Y chromosome also doesnt dictate how funtional it is, or what kind of valuable information it holds, also many of our genes are not active.

  • @TerribleInThOriginal
    @TerribleInThOriginal 11 років тому +1

    (part2) on that note, have you been in a history classroom lately? It's about men. Yes, Gandi was awesome, awesome enough to free India and inspire MLK Jr. His arch enemy Winston (and Winston's relative, Jack) was also pretty cool. Now, have you heard about Sophie Scholl or Maya Angelou?
    We should totes stop worrying about citizens feeling overlooked. That worked well for France and England. And Tsarist Russia. And everywhere.

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @sofiarune subbed. Likewise. :)

  • @roner61
    @roner61 14 років тому

    @ihmen i think i know what you mean...tell me if wrong
    Are saying, for example, that im not "more" evolved than an anccestor? that im not more evolved than an old Homo habilis or any other else? you mean that im just "evolved" right?
    If you are saying that maybe correct in some way, buts difficult to grasp.
    But, isnt just semantics? cause if you put the time into the equation: isnt correct to say that viewing the results, in a timeline, im more evolved than mi anteccesor?

  • @slicingwater
    @slicingwater 14 років тому

    I always notice that with questions like these are men more evolved or anything to do with science and the sexes. A gender war ensues on the comments section about whether men or women are better than the opposite sex.

  • @Phelan666
    @Phelan666 14 років тому

    I was going to say "Evolution is not a ladder", but everyone else said it first.
    That being said, with no partner to the Y chromosome, it's far more likely for the genes to degrade than to evolve into something helpful.
    Is that why we get Pat Robertsons?

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 12 років тому

    @Doxi99 that makes sense.

  • @EchadLevShtim
    @EchadLevShtim 13 років тому

    @Ichliebemusikundybd Although i do not disagree with you, the 3rd chakra is one of the main points of receiving & sending energy. It is also believed to be our center chi. And as i do believe that women can be just as heartless as men, it is quite observable that the woman is more endowed in the 6th chakra, as a mothers sense of knowing is more prevalent. As many may have observed the more psychically tuned female. But as evolution has unfolded both men & women have come to share many traits

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @sentenal01 's channel > implying he's not the creationist of these two.
    I apologize. I got the implications backwards there.

  • @8DX
    @8DX 14 років тому

    @Everstruggling A population is a group of individuals .. there is no reason to say you can't speak of men as a population - it's a technical term, not loaded. I think the video was saying that men's Y chromosome is a part of our human DNA that just happens to evolve faster - this does not mean that it will produce better results, the only thing that could be said is that male Y chromosomes may adapt faster to evolutionary pressures, and be more prone to genetic defects (than the X).

  • @TerribleInThOriginal
    @TerribleInThOriginal 11 років тому

    That's a good thing. Everyone should think that way about every gender. But people do judge based on gender, even if it's not 'good' or 'bad'. In fact, a lot of time what they're judging comes a lot closer to 'useless' and 'useful,' without looking at the person as a person. And it hurts all genders when people do that, not just females.

  • @brian4480
    @brian4480 14 років тому

    @SuperAtheist well not really, but what does explain it is the gathering urge female have, its also why they like such pretty colors on those shoes.

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @Everstruggling I don't think Anyone can make sense of that. Especially the third-to-last and second-to-last sentences.

  • @azenenc
    @azenenc 14 років тому

    @scottg4520 What is "American" for you?
    USA people or native american people?

  • @TrolliEska
    @TrolliEska 14 років тому

    @RePrEsSiOn544 I know its silly:P the quwstion should be: How do you messure evelution?

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому +1

    I have heard of Male fertility Gods in ancient times So fertility not just female but male aswell, Females would like you to believe that it's only a female thing so you would treat like goddesses.
    I, myself see them as humans and nothing more.
    It takes more than giving birth to be great, remember all the men who died for their countries? they did great things and so they are great.
    It's funny that men live shorter lives than women but do so much more with them.
    So I am proud to be male.

  • @Berelore
    @Berelore 14 років тому

    Thank you 3Gyro. I was glad that they had Dr. Simison say that there is no such thing as more or less evolved. Everything living on the planet that evolved from a common ancestor is at the same "evolutionary level". Certain things such as apparently male Y chroms may encourage certain species to more rapidly adjust to change but nothing is more or less evolved living today.
    Apes aren't less evolved than humans they evolved differently from our common ancestor.

  • @watermind
    @watermind 14 років тому

    @sentenal01 implying that "lack of" implies "the existence of some"

  • @FatRakoon
    @FatRakoon 14 років тому +2

    This is true,
    But, more specifically, all of us started life as a female and then some of us get a switch to change us into male.
    So, indirectly all men are transgendered women.

  • @NotWorthPrayers
    @NotWorthPrayers 14 років тому

    2min to clear out that easily. That made 1000 of people go mental haywire.
    Thanks again. ^^

  • @skylineTG1
    @skylineTG1 14 років тому

    @Isanion yer also when i accept somthing as fact without looking at real facts i'm called a fool

  • @IdoloR
    @IdoloR 14 років тому

    @gagnashdiak I remind myself that evolution is change & not improvement. What I was thinking when I said "what is this going to lead to", was, if males are changing faster, is this going to lead to humans becoming sexually dimorphic? Although there are differences debated to be as such, will there be more physical changes between male and female, or chemical/behavioural changes?. That's where my confusion is coming from. Science: "Males are evolving faster!" Me: "How, When, Where"

  • @scottpastry
    @scottpastry 14 років тому

    @Joyness333 how about the spreading of knowledge and truth??

  • @TerribleInThOriginal
    @TerribleInThOriginal 11 років тому +1

    That's exactly the thing, though. I didn't learn about them in school, either. I had to learn about them on my own, because as cool as George Washington/the Churchills/Ghandi are, there are also lots of awesome women out there no one talks about. Sophie Scholl was a central member of the White Rose, a non-violent Nazi resistance group in Berlin. Maya Angelou is a writer and.. lots of things. They're great people. And there are more people that I don't even know exist. And that's just not right.

  • @roner61
    @roner61 14 років тому

    Was a simple joke, but with some fundament. .-)
    Im agree that men & women have some differences, and aptitudes.
    BTW this article is very interesant, never thought that a gender can evolve faster than other...but seems the case.

  • @jnthnbush
    @jnthnbush 14 років тому

    In females, which chromosome contains the information for making me a sammich?

  • @azmanabdula
    @azmanabdula 13 років тому

    @brian4480 thats a comment alright "you need to be fed to predators, cuz your holding us back." bit harsh.........but your heart was in the right place.......: ) LMAO

  • @coumn
    @coumn 14 років тому

    @skylineTG1 What is your point?

  • @Hermoor
    @Hermoor 14 років тому

    What would happen if you remove the y cromosome ?

  • @enicot
    @enicot 14 років тому

    lol about the sandwich commentaries, i hope girls don't get mad, i'd be something like saying "is the Y chromosome responsable for farting and burping?" hahahaha

  • @brian4480
    @brian4480 14 років тому

    @Joyness333 I would not blame science mag, there title was a response to other articles on the web and it was science mag the cleared up the false reporting Disappointed? . should thank them for clearing it up.

  • @TheBeeFart
    @TheBeeFart 14 років тому +1

    answer "yes"

  • @JackUKBIB
    @JackUKBIB 14 років тому

    It must be pointed out that a 'more evolved' (if I may) species does not mean a better species. The two are totally different concepts. Evolution is not going to make a 'better' being, just a more suitable being for the environment they are in.

  • @tjmac7
    @tjmac7 14 років тому

    @OTSTRETFORD - i agree. reminds me of the chicken egg story from a couple of weeks ago. Science at its dumbest. see: An Answer To Chicken or The Egg

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 14 років тому

    @TheTempestSpark I see. Satire. Well color me snookered.

  • @graviton9191
    @graviton9191 12 років тому +1

    the day that we achieve the technology to design our children is the starting point of women's mass distinction , sadly :(

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому

    As humans we beileve what our eyes see, Not what our hearts say.

  • @ubersteigen
    @ubersteigen 14 років тому

    What about mutants like me who were born with an extra Y chromosome??

  • @Lady_of_Hyrule
    @Lady_of_Hyrule 14 років тому

    @BeanTVYWG It's still a massive generalization.

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 14 років тому

    To establish the proper context for this examination, they should compare human beings and chimpanzees to other hominid species as well.

  • @FeralCr
    @FeralCr 14 років тому

    .... That doesn't make any sense.

  • @Arkalius80
    @Arkalius80 14 років тому

    The idea that being "more evolved" means "better" comes from the incorrect belief that evolution has a goal, that all things are just evolving toward some ultimate "perfect" life form. This is not the case. Evolution is just change over time. The mechanism causes increased complexity over time but that's it. To say a male is "more evolved" means that it is more genetically distinct from a recent genetic ancestor. It doesn't mean "better" or anything like that.

  • @MultiPaulinator
    @MultiPaulinator 14 років тому

    @sentenal01 >implying that you don't know what a rational implication is.

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому

    Yes, I know. But I don't try to treat everyone equally Because it's always going to make someone made.
    Everyone is equal already, Because everyone dies no matter who they are.

  • @EchadLevShtim
    @EchadLevShtim 13 років тому

    Broadband brainwaves that exceeds the normal bandwidth is equivelant to higher intelligence, as this same EEG test was used on fighter pilots during critical thinking processes(24htz) visual artists(30+htz) & geniuses(30+htz) & since B is outlined for cognition & imagery means if anyone is going to hit 60htz, only the B blood can do it. This includes extra sensory, which was mysteriously hidden at the bottom of the research documents, as if science was considering the validity secretly.

  • @brian4480
    @brian4480 14 років тому

    @MultiPaulinator hey np i do that lot

  • @DeadlyChinchilla
    @DeadlyChinchilla 14 років тому

    The basic question of what is "more" evolved is flawed. The X chromosome may well have not needed further change, thus stayed the same. Same as sharks staying in inherently the same form for millions of years, since that form is so effective. The Y chromosome, in comparison, is not "less" effective just because it changed more over the same time.
    A person, a dog, a banana, none are "more" evolved than the other. They have simply evolved to their current effective state.

  • @braap02
    @braap02 14 років тому

    @TheTempestSpark I think you missing the BIGGER picture of evolution. We are all related, every single organism on this planet. From the pesky mosquito to the giant redwoods, the great blue whales and the bacteria that live inside of us. Which I think is amazing.
    As for the last half of you comment, I'm having trouble making out your English. I'd be glad to answer your question but I could not understand it. If you could maybe rephrase it I will happily reply :)

  • @UglynEvil
    @UglynEvil 14 років тому

    @mariotaz ROFL XD

  • @vk-shortvideos
    @vk-shortvideos 14 років тому

    it would explain a few things

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому +1

    Maybe but I'm happy with it.

  • @Paradox3121
    @Paradox3121 14 років тому

    "More evolved is not a very accurate description [...] The better description is evolving faster"
    This makes no sense. If men are supposedly evolving faster than women, then men would have to be more evolved. Its like someone saying "This clock isn't fast... its just ticking faster!"

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому +1

    Tell that to all the feminist extremists out there.
    I will not deny that there has been some women who have done great things, but the sad thing is alot of people try to say only women have done anything great.
    They try to deny that there have been great men in the world, do you know of Mahatma Gandhi and want he did? how about prophet muhammad of the muslim faith?
    The truth is people are so concerned with keeping women happy that they will let society die to do so.

  • @LordSlag
    @LordSlag 14 років тому

    The question is inaccurate. There's a division of labor in our species, similar to most others. Males do the evolving with the very potent, powerful, unstable Y. Females ensure the future with the more stable, reliable X. All the bell curves describing various human traits are heightened and narrowed in women compared with men, which means that males have greater variability, in BOTH directions: +-IQ, +-height, +-strength, +-lifespan. It works pretty well: Humans RULE!

  • @Phelan666
    @Phelan666 14 років тому

    @Hermoor From a grown man? From a fetus? From a single cell? From the species? What are you trying to ask?

  • @magicsinglez
    @magicsinglez 10 років тому

    So, nearly all of our different telescopes have examined this same pulsar. Scientists must have been quite interested in it/them.

  • @kinsmed
    @kinsmed 13 років тому

    @adamx20 "Our"?

  • @sunblockquestionmark
    @sunblockquestionmark 14 років тому

    @skylineTG1 Evidence: Phylogenetic, morphylogical, fossil records, embryonic. All of these can be read about on a wonderful source that you know how to use, the internet. If you do not want to use that, a university library would do. If you need physical evidence of evolution simply test it there are easy ways to do so.

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому

    I never said you couldn't help others, but if you try to help everyone it won't work. that's what I'm trying say.

  • @brian4480
    @brian4480 14 років тому


  • @adolthitler
    @adolthitler 13 років тому

    @rickgigliotti We evolved from the same ancestor. Thats why compare.

  • @darklighteryphon
    @darklighteryphon 11 років тому

    I'm no longer in school.

  • @JackUKBIB
    @JackUKBIB 14 років тому

    @WarThemedRevolution Yes, I accept what you're saying and agree.

  • @dmorlan
    @dmorlan 14 років тому +1

    Thanks for wasting my time.