This was an excelleht debate. Br. Russell did an awesome job. He won on all points. Giving is between you and God. God loves a cheerful giver. He did not put a percentage on this in the new covenant. God's chosen people are not guided by the old testament laws / covenant but the new. Concerning the new covenant we are to give what God places in our hearts to give and give it cheerfully so that our sacrificial gift will be pleasing to God whatever the amount.
I thank you that you have not clung yourself to your Nigerian harritage as a defender of the Nigerian people but in fact the truth and defender of the faith of the true and living GOD
In nigeria today many pastor has private jet and build schools but their poor member who contributed for such schools building couldn't afford to pay the schools fee .
No, not at all. All I was taught about the tithe by my church, (which I have deserted), was a lie; but I thank God for helping me understand the truth more fully. Another big lie I uncovered was the trinity, which is another false pagan doctrine. What a loving and caring God and Saviour we have. His kingdom come.
@@EDCREVIEWS I am afraid, I am not interested what theologians have to say, including Dr. James White; I am only interested what the Scripture has to say. The Scripture clearly and plainly tells us that God, the Father, created ALL THINGS through His Son, (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 and Hebrews 1:2) . Jesus said, I quote, "... ye believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1b) "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3) And apostle Paul and John said, I quote, "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6) "... He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 john 2:22b) Two divine beings, and not three. Also, in Zechariah 6:13 we read, I quote, "Even he shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both." How many, two or three? Two! And regarding the Holy Spirit, the Scripture tells us that it is the Spirit of the Father and the Son. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:" (Deuteronomy 6:4)
That presentation from the gentleman on the right ( white man) was very precise and in depth. I agree with him. Tithing was part of the law and we are not under the law. If you obey this part you should obey all.
I love you Russel.... Thanks for quoting and explaining the Bible with courage. Thanks for also laying emphasis on the church teaching soul winning and evangelism and how it makes the people of God give sacrificially to the advancement of God's kingdom. May God richly bless you Russel
We do not even have the ability to tithe. We can give 10% if we want...but it is not a tithe. It would be like a man trying to convince you that he is a woman.
@EDDY Asince Jesus started the church in the new testament, the church has survived without the levitical law of tithes and offerings. Jesus and the apostles did not use the levitical priesthood law of God to receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, because God ordained the tribe of Levi to receive tithes and offerings from the children of Israel, according to the law [ Hebrews 7:5 ]. The church of God is not a building made with hands. The church of God is the people of God. God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands [ Acts 7:48 ] and [ Acts 17:24 ]. Jesus and apostles taught the things of God in temples, houses, and on the streets. And the church of God is still surviving to this day. The church of God doesn't depend on a man made building to survive. Jesus taught, freely you have received, freely give [ Matthew 10:8 ]. It is more blessed to give than to receive [ Acts 20:35 ]. God loves a cheerful giver [ 2 Corinthians 9:7 ]. It's not about tithing to your pastors or preachers. It's about giving freely to the poor. Jesus said to a rich young ruler: go, sell everything you have and give it to the poor [ Matthew 19:21 ]. If the pastor is hungry, give him meat. If the pastor is thirsty, give him drink. If the pastor is naked, give him clothes. If the pastor is sick or in jail, go visit him. If the pastor is homeless, take him in [ Matthew 25:31-46 ]. Jesus said, preachers can eat and drink such things as the people give to them: for the labourer is worthy of his hire [ Luke 10:7 ] and [ 1 Timothy 5:18 ]. Preachers cannot use the levitical priesthood law of God to receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, because the preachers are not from the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel. Tithers cannot pay tithes to pastors or preachers, because preachers are not from the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel. Tithers can pay tithes to the Levi tribe of Israel, because God ordained the tribe of Levi to receive tithes and offerings from the children of Israel, according to the law [ Hebrews 7:5 ]. The only problem with tithing under the law is, you cannot be justified by the law in the sight of God, because the law is not of faith [ Galatians 3:10-12 ]. You can pay tithes all you want to, but you can never be justified by the law in the sight of God.
I admit I didn't watch the debate because I already have the teaching. It's good to see that more and more people are waking up and are getting and receiving biblical teaching oon tithing. Some points I would like to make. 1. We are not required to tithe; this is not the same as saying, we are not required to give. We are required to give - cheerfully, not our of necessity, not grudgingly, and with a cheerful heart. 2. You should purpose in your heart what you will give. 3. Give to the poor saints (think about that one - orphans, widows, and whoever among you are poor). Give to the advancement of the Gospel and give to those who labour over you. 4. All giving is voluntary (see Point No. 1). Oh, did you say Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils to Melchizadek? Look again - it was not under obligation, but voluntarily. Question: Given that tithing is a major issue for Christians, why isn't tithing a major thesis in any bible seminary??? Answer: Because through careful study of God's Word, and proper application of hermenuetics, it would quickly be discovered that tithing is not a requirement in the New Testament Church and covenant. (Again, not saying we shouldn't give) Finally - Ask God about your giving and ensure that mamon is not your God. Oh yes, prepare to be led by the Holy Spirit. Bless you all.
Give, and it will come back to you. Good measure, press down, shaken together, and running over shall MEN (mankind, human beings) give unto your bosom.
Hi, Abraham, had to give 10℅ of the spoils of war to Melchizedek, as he, as a nomad, came under jurisdiction, of whatever province, nomadic tribes settle. So, it was obligatory.
Great!! Biblically sound argument from Dr Russell. It takes courage to debunk such practices that are held above criticism "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" 1Thess 5:21
It is not our job to get anyone to a "sacrificial place of giving" as the pro-tither suggests. we are not God. The Bible clearly states, each individual is responsible for working our their own soul salvation. Why stress about it at all? God is peace, this is crazy. Mr. Kelly is on point. We are liberated!
Me too. My church has tithes on the envelopes for giving but they don’t teach about Tithing. I feel like I’m being lied to by my church. They say “tithesandoffering” like it’s one word. They also do a monthly collection for the needy in our church. We have a full time pastor and all members vote on purchases and are given a chance to express concerns about spending. I wish they would address tithing. I don’t tithe to my church.
Im in the side and i believe of brother russel he is telling what is clearly about we do not need to tithes anymore we must Give cheerfully and according to our heart says
It is interesting how many pastors condemn the commandments from the old testament except for tithings. If we are to keep up tithings then they should realize that the apostles were keeping the law even after Christ died.
@@ivanbunch1216 No they did not. If you are talking about the moral they did , but other laws,because in Acts 15 they wondered they were to put a yoke on the neck of people that even their fathers couldn't bear.
Your statement is stiaght ignorant to say that the apostles were under the Law...that would nulify Christ death on the Cross... they were under grace. Have you even experienced the New Birth accordin to John3:3? For it is the Holy Spirit who reveals all truth unto the children of God. The false prophet from Nigeria is a crook and does not represent the Holy Christ from Israel. The Caucasians brother destroyed his philosophy and doctrine of demons! The very few scriptures that he did reference provided abosultely no support to his lies from hell.
Its hard for pastors who have believed in the tithe doctrine to change their thinking if they themselves have been taught it as a principle. So when they get their own church to oversee they are faced with a dilemma; if they don't keep preaching the tithe then the funds will diminish, but if they teach that you don't 'have' to tithe then the peoples faith can be affected and it can result in a church split and great confusion amongst that congregation. That is why pastors take the easy option and just keep saying the tithe thing - everyone is happy, the money is coming in and everyone feels like they are doing the right thing. The truth is there is no tithing for the Christian believer!
+Gilbert9909 This is true. And for that reason, pastors should not be dependent on financial support from the congregation. When a pastors is independently earning money and just preaches and/or pastors part-time, he can preach the pure undiluted Gospel without worrying about any financial fallout on his family. The congregation, on the other hand can up and leave at any time if they don't like what he is preaching (if they are wrong or if he is wrong). There is no financial influence on what the preacher preaches.
Sandra Clark Hi Sandra, Yes in the ideal situation financial independence is great. It's the same for us as individuals, we suffer and compromise all the time because we don't want to loose our jobs! And even when we own our own companies we are at the mercy of the customers and funders!! Ahh Oh Lord what did you really mean when you said he who the Son sets free is FREE indeed?
+Gilbert9909 Yes, being self employed is the best situation and while it's easy to say that is too idealistic, I think the real problem is that in this world we have gotten fed a line of BS that says we must get good grades in school, then work our way up the corporate ladder. BS. I don't recall examples in the Bible of anyone great working as an employee for unbelievers...exceptions such as Joseph notwithstanding...And as for being at the "mercy" of customers...I would much much MUCH prefer being at the mercy (it isn't actually mercy, it's need or desire) of the market than having the government tell me what I can or can't buy or sell and regulating every detail of my business and life, such as most nations (socialism) have done, and is fast becoming the norm here in America.
Ok, Yes globalization and big take overs seems to be the continuing trend. I live in England, Kent and often see all these doom and gloom videos about the US and end times etc. I hope the best for us all, God bless you and your family.
@Evelyn Choy Evelyn I read what you said and I see where your coming from, but the fact is that Paul was a tent maker who supported himself. I don't believe that you have to study any foreign languages to understand The Bible. The Bible is pretty plain spoken and easy to understand. Your view is very similar to what used to be before the reformation which was : nobody could understand the Bible except for the Catholic priests and everybody else just had to take the Catholic priest's words as to what it said. Thats a bunch of garbage; the person on the street who can read English can read The Bible And understand it. We do not need a hierarchy of full time paid church people. When America was being settled the pioneers did not take a paid preacher with them. They just took their Bible. They had circuit riding preachers. And as for your statement about powerless churches without miracles I would say that's because you are not attending a spirit filled church. When I go to churches where the preacher and the majority of the people are spirit filled I do see miracles And prayers answered. I used to go to a dead church (lutheran, Baptist, and later, nondenominational)where I don't believe the pastor was even saved and that's probably the crux of your problem right now.
+Rainy Hollowell Again, I agree. In a recent conversation with a friend from a church I just recently started attending, she admitted that the preacher has been harping on this topic almost every Sunday for more than a YEAR! It is a huge turn-off to newcomers especially when the pastors spends 5 full minutes before the offering as he twists Malachi 3 to manipulate folks into tithing out of guilt and fear. That verse was addressed to greedy thieving Levitical priests. Not the congregation. Shame on every preacher who twists Scripture for their own ends!
Emphasis is the word they put too much on tithing and teach others .. theres nothing wrong with tithing but people make a compulsory law that everyone has to tithe .. same to people say that people shouldn't tithe .. so they teach others not to tithe .. tithing doesn't bring righteous .. its something that we do personally from our heart .. its freely give .. its not that we should compulsory give and its not that we do not give .. i liken tithing to communion if u wanna take communion u can . but u don't have to take communion .. same as everything else .. like baptism .. or a Sabbath day .. or speaking in tongues .. all these things don't bring righteous or a bring a right standing with God by us doing it .. its just these things are personally installed in us as we live for him .. they are not all compulsory .. we can't join the message of the cross to these works that we do .. so im saying be free to give of ourselves .. and even if we decide to give money .. do it in secret. . Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing ..😉
Hebrews 7:18 says that the Levitical priesthood was cancelled so was their regulations. Tithing was included in that. Abraham tithed once, and Levi was in him; so it was a first and last tithed. Under the Old Testament men that died received tithes because they needed it to exist! But Melchizedek doesn't need to be continually tithed because Jesus lives forever
“Levi was in him, so it was a first and last…” Could you pretty please elaborate on this for me? I find your entire comment very thought provoking, but this particular sentence I do not understand…I’m dying to know what you are trying to say on that one! Sorry--I know it’s been 8 years ago! 😂
@@amyturner4562 Hebrews 7:9-10 says that even the Levites paid tithe through Abraham but if what people today say about tithe is true then this Scripture is an error and the Holy Spirit is wrong to inspire the writer to say this. If the tithe was holy to the Lord under Mosaic law and only for the circumcised Jews then it is impossible to claim that this tithe to the Levites could be given outside their priesthood through the uncircumcised Abraham to Melchizedek who was not a Levite. This only makes sense if the tithes both before and after Moses are of he same nature. This is why people who argue against tithing never explain Hebrews 7:-9-10. I contacted Dr. Russell Kelly who admitted to me that he was unable to provide an answer to this. As to Hebrews 7:18 and 7:12 the annulling of the law the author explains in verses 11, 13, 14 and the law specified that priests were to come from another tribe.
Russell Earl Kelly is spot on tithing to pastors. Yahweh loves a shearful giving heart . Yes we can give to our churches to support its wrk but it has to be what each one of us can afford or what one is willing to give. Tithing was for the levitical priesthood, the poor, the widow and the orphans. Levitical priesthood is no more it was done away by Yahshua. Pastors of today are not of levitical priesthood. How can the pastors of today demand that we must pay tithes to them. That's first class form of robbery without violence. Russel Kelly is right.
I can't recommend highly enough the book by Russell Earl Kelly entitled: *"Should the Church Teach Tithing."* An absolutely outstanding book covering all aspects of Old and New Testament tithing and giving principles.
6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
This “preacher” said the word principle so many times that I never want to hear it again. Everything people want to take out of the Bible to justify for doing gets called a principle, because then (in their mind) it’s not intertwined with the law so it can’t be used to manipulate people.
You must keep in mind, paul was from Benjamin. Which leaves to mean that he himself could not touch tithe according to the law. Jesus was outta Judah which moses spake nothing concerning the Altar( Hebrews 7:13). Who what when where and why are the questions that must be addressed!! I dont tithe. I give as the spirit leads. Ans some times I'm lead to spend it on me.
the Jews taught me the truth about tithing when I stop I was blessed more financially. The African pastor is using manipulation of scriptures and play on words
I have the same questions for 3 years until the Holly Spirit brought discernment to my spirit on regards to this, ask the Holly spirit for guidance about it, read the word of God I promise you this you WILL definitely get your best answer there. God Bless you !
The principle is not tithing, giving of the spoils or produce of the land. The principle is giving to God. Giving generously with joy and free of compulsion as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 7:9. Proverbs 11:24 also sheds light on how giving should be - not stingily, not overly extending onesself but comfortably. Giving is not only about money but our time, every area of our being.
1. Tithing under Mosaic law never involved money, only produce and livestock (items of the land). 2. There's evidence that the book of Malachi was entirely directed at the Levitical Priesthood. As such, it didn't apply to all of Isreal and doesn't apply to anyone today since the Levitical Priesthood is gone. 3. The only other tithe mentioned in the bible is that of Abraham which was a one-time event, was off spoils of war, involved exchange (of wine and bread) and he gave all of the spoils away, not just 10% of it. 4. Tithing under Mosaic law was compulsory and cannot be considered "giving" or an "act of faith". It was an act of compliance with the statute(s) or ordinance at the time and was more of a tax. 5. Mosiac law is now obsolete, as is the system of the atonement of that time, according to the Christian faith of the new covenant. There is no biblical promise for a blessing for giving money to a church (or anywhere else) or a curse for not doing so. However, there's biblical evidence that money was given to the temple and for ministries. It just had nothing to do with the tithe. In my opinion Dr Kelly's position prevailed in this debate.
Differences in the old testament and new testament. God commanded in the old testament to observe tithing (Malachi 3:10), circumcision (Genesis 17:10), sabbath day (Exodus 20:8-11), stoning to death (John 8:1-11). Why some ministries do not teach the practice of circumcision, sabbath day, and stoning to death but teach to practice tithing. Why are they very choosy on what to teach. In the new testament: >Jesus never sent anyone to death. >Jesus heals on the sabbath >Jesus never commanded his disciples to collect the tithes and offerings. >Giving is to the poor (Luke 19:8-9, Mark 10:21, Matthew 26:8-9)
You have to remember neither are saying don't give, they're just differing on the manner of giving, it's a shame it has become such a contentious issue
Simon Humphries well said it’s a waste of energy that could be spent on worship and the gospel witch is the central message of the bible , & more important, that been said brother, as a single parent( not by any fault of my own ) on very low income felt I couldn’t find a place to follow and worship the lord in within my area to enjoy sharing my faith with , needing the company and faith building& extra learning that comes as a bonus of fellowship, couldn’t belong to a church because I could barely manage on the little money I had to provide for myself and children , was made to feel shamed every week when the tithes and offerings where called and I could only put a small amount in even then that was a lot for me and was using the little we had for food , every week my cheeks would burn with shame , and I felt guilty stood worshiping the lord when everyone else had more than enough and the pastor would continue to preach on tithes most of the services and would drop in little comments about knowing who drops what in the tithes ??? , I was treated like a maid asked to baby sit for all others and to clean peoples houses for this money when I already had my hands more than full with the little job I already had and my children witch was a full time job in itself , I watched my pastor make a fool out of a couple that had written him a private letter that they couldn’t afford to pay tithes anymore due to bad circumstances & that they had studied scripture and realised they never needed to anyway , the pastor read this private letter out in front of everybody , and said that they where no longer welcome at this church & neither was anyone that didn’t tithe , I never returned after him saying that then later he wrote to me asking why had I turned my back on god ? I hadn’t , I just believed I wasn’t allowed to feel comfortable worshiping god whilst he stood in my way , so yes I totally get why some would want answers it was an horrible experience psychologically I felt I was robbing god for being poor when that’s not what god wanted nor what Jesus taught , it’s not fair x
king 2769 do you want to be faithful to God's word and the real meaning of tithing? or you wanna stick to the unbiblical tradition that the tithe is money given to the church? which is New and not honoring God.
It's the word of God, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Remember this-a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop 7. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 8. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 9. As the Scriptures say,.
The words "tithe", "tithes" or "tithing" appear 40 times in the bible. Not once is the tithe ever money. Not once is the tithe ever on income (Jesus, a carpenter, and his disciples who were fishermen never paid tithes), and not once does it have anything to do with the church. There are four times as many scriptures in the New Testament on giving than there are on prayer, and so giving was an important part of early church living, as it should be today. But nowhere do we see the tithe as a principle of giving. We have to allow God to be the one to define what is the tithe, who pays it, who receives it, what is the storehouse. We cannot make up our own definition in order to support a man-made doctrine. This is what the tithe teachers have to do.
Petrus Britannicus - Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant. Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Mat 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Heb 2:16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Jesus did tithed. Mar 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. Question What things belong to God? Always read scriptures in context. Abraham tithe before the law.
The following are eight of the fifty versions of Proverbs 3:9, and Jesus said in Matthew 23:23,Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. KJ21 Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: The first-fruits of ALL thine INCREASE, the last time I looked, MONEY was/is declared an increase---the first-fruits, before you pay youer light bill, you give God back that what he demands of you, his people. If you are not, "his people" then this is not for you, but if you are his people, then the following is for you ASV Honor Jehovah with thy substance, And with the first-fruits of all thine increase: AMP Honor the Lord with your wealth And with the first fruits of all your crops (income); AMPC Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income; BRG Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: CEB Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first of all your crops. CJB Honor Adonai with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your income. CEV Honor the Lord by giving him your money and the first part of all your crops.
William skipper. Well, I don't think anyone would argue that Honouring the Lord with your substance is a good thing. I'm in agreement with that, and make that my aim. So I didn't really get your point here! And that has nothing to do with the modern false teaching known as "tithing". The last time I looked, money isn't and never has been "an increase". It is simply a means of exchanging goods and services. So for example, if you sold me a car, neither of us has made any increase; you've simply exchanged goods for it's value in money. But I'm very happy for you that you have plenty of mint anise and cummin in your garden. Personally I don't have anything in my garden yet but am about to plant some onions. If I know of someone who needs those onions more than I do, I'll very happily give them all away. But if not I certainly wont be taking 10% of them to Jerusalem and go looking for a Levite. And nor will I be letting any false tithe teacher lay any guilt trip on me if I fail to give 10% of them away. Oh, and didn't Jesus say that we should give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God the things that are God's (Luke 20:25)? Well, if I only have £200 and I have a light bill of £200, who does that £200 belong to, God or Caesar? I'm going to pay my light bill. I'm not going to say to Caesar, "Sorry, but I'm not going to pay you all that I owe you; I'm going to steal 10% of it to give to my God because my God is a thief.". I've known people who have had that attitude and then wondered why they were not blessed financially and couldn't pay their rent or bills.
Abraham tithed only once before the law, the 90% left over he gave to the king of Sodom. None of his sons tithed, Joseph had an ideal position in Egypt, and he never taught tithe.
In the Bible, only Abraham, Israelites living under the Old Testament law, and the Pharisees tithed. Abraham tithed only ONCE in his entire life - that was on the spoils of war, NOT on his personal wealth or income. The Old Testament commanded Israelite ranchers and farmers to take 1/10th (one tenth) of their CROPS and LIVESTOCK to the Levites. They did NOT tithe on their money. TITHING TODAY is NOT biblical and the biblical tithes were NEVER given to local churches! The pastors who threaten people today with giving tithes to their churches are anathema. Please refer to these biblical passages: Leviticus 27:30-33 written for the priests in Israel, the tribe of Levi; clear instruction, referring to a tenth of the fruit of the trees, the flock of the herd, i.e. the agriculture, the animal husbandry; it's not talking about money. AND Numbers 18:21-24 the first tenth (10%) of the gross result ("income") of their efforts belong to the Levites; they were tithing to the government, to the nation of Israel. It was a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS: they were governed by the priesthood. The tithe was in fact a TAX for the national support of the government of the nation. AND Malachi 3:10 speaks of taking the tithes to the storehouse; that did NOT mean your local church, but a STOREHOUSE to maintain the livelihood of the ruling priests who formed the government. Deuteronomy 14:22-27 gives rules about a second (additional) tithing of the NET: it's not money but the "increase" in corn, wine, oil sheep, lambs, goats, cows; all to be laid aside to finance the individual in making three required trips a year to Jerusalem for religious festivals (holy days: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacle). Deuteronomy 14:28 contains a THIRD tithe made every three years, to go to support the welfare system of Israel, i.e. widows, orphans and needy. Thank you for reading this.
Big thumbs up to brother Russel he explained it really well I agree with everything he explained, Tithing is strictly voluntary no where in the New Testament neither in the book of acts or any of the epistles did the apostles mandate tithing it was all voluntary freewill offerings, the other gentleman refers to Abraham, let’s remember Abraham gave 10% from the spoils of war which was strictly voluntary the Bible says Abraham gave from the spoils of war only once we cannot take scripture out of context to demand money from church members I was visiting a church on a Sunday in which the pastor from the pulpit called out a church member the pastor said he was robbing God because he didn’t tithe, the pastor said he was cursed the pastor then had that person thrown out of the church, does the behavior of this pastor pleases God? I immediately got up and ran out of that place because all they were interested is in the 10% of all your earnings! These pastors tell church goers that God will curse those who do not tithe that God will curse their children. Many won’t come to Christ because of these tithing mandates, They also celebrate the feast of the first fruits demanding your first salary of the year as a first fruit offering, celebrating old covenant feasts. The following is what the apostles taught in their meetings; they also helped out those in need. 2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV: Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7, KJV: Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 1 Corinthians 16:1, KJV: Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. 1 Corinthians 16:1, NASB: Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you are to do as well. James 1:27, NIV: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Acts 20:33 I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. 34You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. 35In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”.
The question on whether or not tithing is required is settled. Hebrews 7:5 &12 says this: "'And indeed those who are of the sons of Levi, who receive the priesthood, have a commandment to receive tithes from the people according to the law, that is, from their brethren, though they have come from the loins of Abraham; For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law." Now, even further, here is what the New testament says on what she ARE to do. 1 Corinthians 16:1-3 says "'Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come. And when I come, whomever you approve by your letters I will send to bear your gift to Jerusalem." Now, who in your churches are sending them to Jerusalem? I bet nobody is. 2 Corinthians (:6-9 says "'But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever." This gives us the blueprint of how we are to give today. there's no requirement to tithe.
Dude on left at about 12:00.."Paul was never broke". Guess he never read this: "Philippians 4:12: “I know both HOW TO BE ABASED, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full AND TO BE HUNGRY, both to abound AND TO SUFFER NEED.” See also: 2 Corinthians 11:27
I disagree, Dr Kelly's arguments are full of self contradictions disguised as coherent by following then up with eloquent but poor interpretations of scripture. they are also ad hoc and inconsistent with several red herrings, he never really seems to have a firm understanding of where he himself stands on the matter only that he doesn't like tithing. Rev Mike knows where he stands and understands what that position is and gives arguments that don't appeal to or are based on individual situations. Both terribly paraphrase scripture.
ibram saleeb Your comment would be helpful if you explained at least one of your criticisms. I.e. - one of the "red herrings" or one of his "eloquent but poor interpretations of scripture." Kelly goes on and on during this debate with Biblical examples of why tithing was an OT law and was part of the obligations of the old priesthood, which ended with the New Covenant, yet you state he "never really seems to have a firm understanding of where he himself stands on the matter." Also, Kelly has written a whole exposition on this subject and references comprehensive studies from the NT and OT but you don't actually cite any of his specific arguments stated during this video which you disagree with - except to say he doesn't have a firm understanding.
The church where I serve God has the view that thiting is not for our days. It has been growing year by year and millions of people serve the Lord in the same faith. It is in more than 100 countries and no preacher is paid to preach the gospel but is it done out of love. Freely we received and freely we give. We have the collections which people give to support the needed and to maintain the place where we meet clean and safe.
Pastor Russell Earl Kelly knows the bible..the other pastor Mike Kola from africa is preaching tithing because he wants to be sure money keeps flowing in his church..but he doesnt back his preaching up with scripture
Good scriptural statement, finally someone that uses the common sense that God gave them. The bible says to prove all things or test if you like, nevertheless people just always take the word of a man as gospel. The bible says that no one will have to teach us because the Holy Spirit will teach us.
Since Tithings is Food, and not money, how then can we Deceive others or find some excuses to Mis-interpret scriptures so as to justify our Con Game? Use the illustration as if tithing as a "Principle", may do the trick of deception.????
I detest the emotional and sloppy way that the dark preacher mishandles the Bible. You can show how much you trust and love God by how much money you give to church? That is emotional pressuring to tithe so that mr pastor does not have look for a job outside of church. The housechurch does away with this evil. Money is meant to be given in secret to help others in need.
It sounds like all those who got rich, and all those who want to get rich, adhere to the idea and manipulative twistings of tithing... I'm African, I'm not rich, I'm not poor though I have no money or assets. If you want to tithe, you have to keep the entire Mosaic covenant, and good luck with that - you fail - that is why Jesus sacrificed himself, because we cannot. My Nigerian brother's arguments hold no ground. I whole-heartedly agree and understand that if you can give 50 or more, whatever, you should... Not necessarily to your pastor or church though...
lot of making stuff up from this black guy...he's not using scripture to make his point...he tried to say tithing is not part of the law...anything god ever commands or says to do/not do is part of the law, doesn't matter what it is...anything not of faith is is trusting Christ and his finished work for salvation.
A church friend using Mal 3:10 said, " I'm giving my tithes bec God said He will bless me for doing so". I was silent when i heard that. Bec she sound like she's giving out of duty. Shouldn't we give out of love for God who sees our heart? We do our best, leave God the rest. Check our motives.God bless
Good point. It's sad when people are misled by those who take scriptures out of context to advance an ideal. Nowhere in the Bible does it make any assertion that if you continually pay money to a religious institution you will "be blessed" or otherwise "not cursed".
2 Corinthians 9:7 As every man purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loveth the cheerful giver. We, as the New Covenant Church, are to give free will offerings.
Old Covenant with the Jews Malachi 3 6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore YE SONS OF JACOB are not consumed. 7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ORDINANCES, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? 8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. 9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even THIS WHOLE NATION. New Covenant Galatians 3:13King James Version (KJV) 13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
I am sick and poor. The church and my Christian family has never consistently exhibited charity for me in my battle with cancer and struggles financially which have consumed me for years yet every time I attended church the passing of the plate and demanding of tithe was consistent every week. Always wanting money. Even when I gave anonymously, never wanting recognition, something still felt off. Money should not even be an issue with the church, so why is it? Is it not for the poor sick and needy? I don't see this being played out but I always never meet a poor pastor. So much is wrong with the church not just money. Must I pay for God to bless me? A man who already gave his whole life for me. I'm already blessed ... no preacher would give his life for me but wants my money so he can build a mansion and not work while I lay here dying all alone. The modern church is a corrupt vessel. Money should not be the vocal point here, love should be the vocal point.
God bless you. I help the poor in my Church and I give always regularly, but not tithe, as it is a law imposed for the wealthy, so as not to be stingy. Not all Jews were required to tithe. It sickens me to see money prioritised the wrong way. I give in proportion to the work the full time miniter undertakes, and most of them are not called to full time ministry - they are not feeding the sheep. And I give to the advancement of the Gospel, May God richly bless you and may you know his unfathomable love, peace, power and presence.
The thing that troubles me is that the people that promote tithing can't just admit that they do it out of the personal preference and it has no biblical basis under the new covenant
What in Gods green earth is a "money seed" ?How do you plant and water money seeds?We know how long it takes to grow a mustard seed but how long does a money seed take?
Great debate, Russell Earl Kelly ..worth listening to. The objective must be to do what God says not what men say to do. Romans 14:23 "everything that does not come from faith is sin" satan is the master deceiver and he masquerades as an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14 to deceive for his own purpose. he is extremely strategic and is quite capable of imitating Gods Blessings to keep God children in confusion and bondage ... 1 Corinthians 14:33 - “For God is not [the author] of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches” ...Gina
"Peter the apostle had no money, why didn't he tithe to get more money. Why didnt he (Paul) teach poor people to tithe so that the curse of being poor could be broken". This is a rather interesting point one commenter made.
incredibly amazing teaching by these phenomenon individuals I love it. I think more of these should be done continually and Pastor Mike Kola Ewousho I salute you for your obedience in faith and like you said the error in the teachings of tithing has made you think right and I love for that.
+Rainy Hollowell Exactly. When folks need help in the church, occasionally an individual will have mercy on them and help them out, but the church leaders just tell them "We give to XYZ local foodbank. Go there for help" They refer their church members (generally) to government agencies like foodstamps, and welfare. I will say that there are some churches that are actually an exception to this pattern and the LORD BLESS them for their generosity. However, if no tithes were collected, the distribution of funds would flow more efficiently because the church members who actually KNOW the poor and needy would help them directly, instead of having to go to a church committee or interview process.
Actually they put it back into the church, (at least the LDS church does {I don't know about the others}) they put it towards building more temples & churches, help pay for missionaries to be able to go on a mission, those in need and so many other things. If you do you'll get blessings beyond imagination can take you.
+Katie De La Cruz so, you are saying that if I don't tithe, the LORD won't bless me? That means that I have to pay to be blessed. I do not worship a god that operates like that. I worship a good and generous and king and powerful Saviour who blessed me MOST OF ALL with His Holy Spirit living inside me. I did not have to tithe to be filled with His Holy Spirit.
Rainy Hollowell, true and also they buy cars, houses, go on vacation and send their children off to college while those working for the money can't afford a trip from one state to the next, they have to make sure they have money for public transport and their children have to borrow money to pay tuition. And when things get bad they can't go to the building for a room, where their money paid to decorate. Yahua doesn't like this kind of ugly.
Katie De La Cruz , and when people need place to stay they cannot go to the building for a room for their family. They should save their money themselves, God won't be angry with them. I've been burnt by the so called church now I know better. Them aren't the church. Read Jeremiah 31:33 I want to see what these pastors will do when the Holy Spirit is fully in control of people's lives. Only Him will be The Teacher. Most of us should be in this New Covenant and don't allow ourselves to be tricked any longer. Take you time and read this verse and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and see how you would get a revelation that will shake you up.
i was a disciplined tither, but after knowing what he is talking about in his argument i do agree and have repented of thinking it was a command from Christ to tithe or else. when Christ never gave such orders nor did His Apostles. they had every opportune to do so but didn't but only said to give what you could and from the heart. and by Giving to God we give to each other and outsiders.
My former Church here in the Philippines teached that aside from tithe you have to also give offering. Tithe is compulsary 10% but for offering you decided the amount but mostly they expect for you to also give atleast 10%. I am thankful to God that I manage to get far away from them since they guilt trip you if you are not giving. They monitor your giving thru envelope with your name on it. Since I gave without putting the money in the red envelope, I got called out for by the Pastor saying I am not giving tithe and offering. And the woman pastor also said I am immature on my faith bec. I did not tithe. I didnt argue that I dont put my money on envelope but just put in on the basket barehandedly. I let God decide if I gave based on his desire and not the Pastor.
The obligation to tithe (i.e., to give 10% of one’s gross income) was binding only on the Jews. Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic law (Matt. 5:17), so even Jews are no longer bound by it. But this doesn’t mean we’re not obligated to support the Church-we are-but there is no longer a specific percentage required. There is no mandatory requirement to give a specific amount of money or percentage of our income. We should each decide for ourselves how much to give and then do so in the true spirit of giving a gift.
(You Are Decieved Read to Understand) Matthew 5:17-20The Fulfillment of the Law 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
@Erin Yuts @Candy Cantu What Candy posted in the comments under these is some of the most manipulative deception ever taught in the church. Also, Angelica's first testimony is MORE believable than the second, because the first seems more authentic and from the heart. The second testimony had a lot of common traditions as well as even cursing according to the translator. Plus, the first one wasn't done for publicity. The law is fulfilled meaning FINISHED or COMPLETED. That means it's over. Hebrews also says that the old covevant has been disanulled and a change has taken place. Jesus casme from the tribe of Judah, not Aaron or Levi. If one jot has not passed away, then you are STILL under the Old Covenant and your sin still remains and ALL death penalties for breaking the law are Still in effect. This does NOT make sense. Paul said that if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Galatians 3 totally destroys the false doctrines of tithing and keeping the old law, Period! To continue to teach salvation through the law is WITCHCRAFT, and the Bible says that ALL SORCERERS shall have their part in the Lake of fire. Nowhere i n Malachi 3 does it EVER mention the Churchr! The people who teach tithing are the god-robbers, not the people who don't tithe. Don't ever take a human being's word and exalt it over scripture. We are under a NEW COVENANT and Jesus was talking about the NT commands in Matt. 28:20 not the law of Moses, Period! Sabbath idolaters TWIST Matt. 5:17. False bible translations TWIST Matt. 5:17, Matt. 7:21-23, etc. Jesus said Depart from me ye that work INIQUITY, not lawlessness. Quote the scripture CORRECTLY!
@Candy Cantu If you go to church during your menstation then you break the whole law and are under a curse. If you do not do EVERYTHING contained in the law of Moses including going out in the wilderness six days a week to receive manna. Why don't you repent and get out of the cult teachings whuich brainwash people into becomeing religious slaves. Christ has made us FREE! The Church is people not buildings!
Dr Russell Kelly overwhelmed the black pastor with his knowledge of the subject on tithing. Tithe teachers do not really have any weaponry to refute what God's Word says about the matter.
Feelings and experience. People giving their testimonies about how well they've been blessed for their tithing. Well, here's another experience for y'all. Look up Kenneth Copeland and Bobbie Parker. How she died questioning her faith because she believed she didn't give enough to that church and she gave up every penny she owned and she died due to poor health. Her giving didn't save her life as she was taught. Jesus said in Matthew 5:45 that He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. I'm pretty sure ted Turner could attest to that, since he's an atheist.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (New International Version): Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Why don't Pastors use the above scripture to teach on giving? Why do they use the Malachi scripture about robbing God and thereby impose guilt and condemnation. I have never heard a pastor teach a comprehensive teaching on the true nature of tithing and the old priesthood. I conclude that the organized church system and seminaries use tithing to control believers and have a vested financial motivation to keep most Christians ignorant.
Rev.Mike was absolutely correct explaing his knowledge sbout tirhing!! Its a matter of faith and honoring God what we have.we give 10 percent we get the 90 perceny...
@gedion You don't get 90%. You pay for your shelter, your food and your utilities. A man has 4 children and earns $45,000 per year, tithes and pays his costs of living. Another man has 4 children and earns $900,000 per year, tithes and pays his costs of living. The first man has to decide to withdraw medical cover and cannot afford to buy a car, etc. The 2nd man pays his tithes, and after his bills, has $700,000 left over per year. The first man has $1,000 left over per year after all his costs are paid. Now, is the 2nd man justified if he spends $500,000 on his desires? After all he has tithed tight? Maybe we don't pick on the rich man and just conclude, like it was in the OT as well - not all Jews tithed, and therefore not all NT believers tithe. Justice, mercy and faith.
Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you give a tenth of your spices mint dill and cummin, but you have neglected the more important matters of the law, justice ,mercy and faithfulness. matthew23-23. Tithing was never preached by Jesus,in 3 years, here he shows how unimportant it is.
It’s so funny when people argue “jesus didn’t condemn tithing”. Well of course not! He hadn’t died and been resurrected yet. He can’t preach against the old covenant while preaching for the old covenant. Lol he hadn’t fulfilled the law so he couldn’t say anything against it. People also don’t understand that the Matthew 1:1 is not the start of the new covenant. New Testament and new covenant are different things.
@@citizendc9 new covenant started with Jesus’ communion. Old Mosaic Law/covenant was everything before that. The covenant (which tithing for THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL ONLY was included in that) is no more, and we are now under the new covenant. The word “giving” doesn’t have to mean money 100% of the time it’s mentioned. People can give of their time, their resources, talents they’re good at, etc. People say “Jesus condoned tithing in the New Testament, so it’s something we are commanded to do”. No it’s not. Robert Morris (Liar “Pastor” of gateway church) says something in a sermon where he asked God why he couldn’t have put the Malachi text into Matthew because it would then be in the New Testament and therefor easier for him to explain. Which means Robert Morris has NO proper understanding of even how the Bible is laid out. Just because the book of Matthew was in the New Testament, doesn’t mean it was new covenant. So mosaic law still applied where it applied. Jesus couldn’t come to earth and contradict God by telling people to live free under the new covenant when it hadnt been established yet. It’s not that difficult to understand. However, if you’re a manipulator and you lie about Gods word to gain anything, you are in sin and will be held accountable according to whatever standard God has. People like Robert Morris who teach tithing for today ARE LYING and should be questioned as to their qualifications to be a teacher of Gods word and have the authority of pastor. It’s sad how this has gotten this out of hand. The love of money is truly the root of all kinds of evil.
I once attended a church that kept a record of who gave what and would determine who could receive help from their food pantry and how much based on their giving. It is no surprise that this well known church at the time no longer exists. Thankfully, I have learned many have not properly divided the word of God on this issue as well as many others. So much damage has been done by the poor handling of the word.
I also believed that everything on this word and everything I posses has been giving to me by him, he is the rightful owner of all and its not a 10% of "my monies I give, but is more to me a 10% back to his cause of ALL he has shower me with, love, peace, happiness, faith,sense of purpose and direction, a heart free of envy, anxiety, depression, oppression, my healthy and great children, the comfort of my place, food, clothes, car, I see my self very fortunate thanks to his mercy and love!
Tithing was not part of the church until a couple of years of church council which was in 567-585 AD.There is a quote from the Catholic encyclopedia and its says that as the church expanded and various institution arose eg bigger buildings,more buildings etc it became necessary to make laws which would ensure the proper and permanent support of the clergy.It became anathema to pay tithe.
I was a "tither" for years. I still believe in giving, but I do not believe God sets a standard for all to give a tithe. One lady in the audience called tithing a spiritual discipline, etc. The problem with this outlook is that the focus is on you and me, and not on the Lord. Once again, we should give, absolutely, but to put the bondage of O.T. living and giving, just is not a good thing. If this be the case, then the ministers today should not own homes, etc. as the Levites in the O.T. could not own property. See we can't be picking and choosing scripture to appease our "modern" gospel. Please give, and give according to what is in your heart as this is what will please God. Do pray if you don't know what to give because His Holy Spirit will guide you. But as far as the teaching of the tithe, anyone who practices tithing because they are ignorant of truth, I believe God has patience with these people as they probably (or hopefully) are giving out of a sincere heart. I can only say that hopefully they are giving to ministers who are teaching sound doctrine and teaching that "godliness with contentment is great gain." I Timothy 6:6
It is my honest opinion that they are giving for fear of hell or some other kind of eternal separation from the Divine. The idea that is expressed by these money grubbers is they are robbing God! How sickening and sad............
Around 1 hour 20 in Doug asks whether the tithe should go to the poor. Acts 4:32-37, the money was given to the apostles' so that it could go to those who had need. No tithing mentioned. Nothing to do with giving of the increase. It seems they didn't follow Mike's principle!
. . . if you will only TRY to understand (Eph.1:18, 4:18) that Tithes/Tithing is ONE of the BiGGest ISSUES. . . that . . . The GREAT Lord GOD (John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST has FulFiLLed at the CROSS of CaLvary. . . aLL the requirements of the “LAW” and has therefore taken the “CURSE” of NOT fulfilling it from us! (Matthew 5:17, Hebrews 7:5, 7:12, 7:18-22) . . . Christ REDEEMED us from the “CURSE” of the “LAW” by becoming a “CURSE” for us, for it is written: "CURSED is everyone who is hung on a tree." (Galatians 3:13 NIV). . . . . . NAILING it ALL at the CROSS of CALVARY (MaLachi 3:7-10, GaLatians 3:10-13, Romans 7:4, Ephesians 2:13-18, Colossians 2:13-17, Hebrews 8:8-13, Galatians 3:13, 4:5-21-26, 2Corinthians 3:6-10, Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Luke 22:20, John 19:30, Luke 18:31, 22:37, Hebrews 7:5,12,18,22, Hebrews 8:6, 1Peter 1:19) * * "TiThing" is an ACCURSED Thing. . .(MaLachi 3:7-10, James 2:10, GaLatians 3:10-13, 5:4, 1:6-9, 1CoR.16:22, Luke 11:42, IsaiaH.1:13-23, 2Peter 2:3, Deuteronomy 27:26) . . . . . . But PURE Generous "GIVING" is Sufficiency of GRACE. . . (2 Corinthians 9:5-6-7-8-15, Matthew 5.8, 2Cor. 8:5-7) * * * it is a Serious “SiN” to GOD and Mankind for EveryOne who MANIPULATES a PerSon Or PeRson(s) to GiVe "TiThes" and/or “TiThing” (whether Directly or indirectly). It is conscientiously a form of WITCHCRAFT and could also be a “CRIMINAL” act OFFENSE (i.e “DECEPTION & FRAUD” a CiviL CourT OFFENSE, 1ThessaLonians 4:6, MARK 10:19, Luke 12:15, RoMa. 13:1-7-10, RoMa. 1:18-32, GaLatians 5:19-20, Matthew 18:6, MARK 9:42, 2Corinthians 2:17, 1Peter 4:15, 2Peter 2:1-3, ReveLation 21:8) * * * But. . . NOWHERE in the NEW TESTAMENT (i.e. BIBLE) that "TITHING" for True & Genuine CHRISTIANS are ENFORCED or TAUGHT... (Luke 18:12-14, Luke 11:42, Luke 21:1-4, MARK 12:41-44) . . . The GREAT Lord GOD (Jn.20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST has SET us FREE from the WORKS of the LAW (i.e. OLD TESTAMENT (OT) “Jewish” Mosaic LAW on Tithes”) (ROMA.10:4, Galatians 2:16, 3:10, HEBREWS 7:5, Hebrews 7:12, Hebrews 7:18-19-22, 8:13) . . . CHRISTIANS are NOW under the “NEW COVENANT” validated by the precious “BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST” (Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Luke 22:20, Hebrews 7:12,18,22, Hebrews 8:6, Eph. 2:13-16, Col. 2:14-17, 1Peter 1:19) . . . Praise the LORD for ALL True & Genuine CHRISTIANS who are so GENEROUS enough and “Cheerful” in GIVING and NOT “TITHING”... (2Corinthians 9:5-15, Proverbs 22:9, Luke 21:1-4, Mark 12:41-44, Matthew 19:20-27, Mark 4:20, Matthew 13:23, Roma.15:16) * * * Praise GOD !!! for SUPPLYING all our NEEDS according to the RICHES and GLORY in CHRIST JESUS…* (PHILIPPIANES 4:6-7, 4:13, PHILIPPIANES 4:19)* * * . . . "TiTHiNG" was a "LAW" given by GOD to “JEWISH” Israelites", the tribe of LEVI (Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Hebrews 7:5), has already been ABOLISHED, annulled, and CANCELLED by the GREAT Lord GOD (Jn.20.28, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST on the CROSS of CALVARY (Hebrews 7:5, HEBREWS 7:12, Hebrews 7:18-22, HEBREWS 8:13) …It’s a “FINISHED” work of CHRIST (John 19:30, Luke 18:31, 22:37, Matthew 5:17-19)… CHRIST is the END-of-the-LAW (Roma.10:4, HEBREWS 8:13, 9:15-16-17-27) …Cross REFE:.. Romans 7:4, Ephesians 2:13-16, Colossians 2:14-17, Hebrews 8:8-13, Galatians 3:13, 4:5-21-26, 2Corinthians 3:6-10) …The Gospel-of-Christ/GOD emphasizes TEACHING on GENEROUS and “Cheerful” GIVING NOT “TITHING”... (2Corinthians 9:5-15, Proverbs 22:9, Luke 21:1-4, Mark 12:41-44, Matthew 19:20-27, Mark 4:20, Matthew 13:23, Roma.15:16, Matthew 5:8) …So it’s imperative THAT we FOLLOW the GOSPEL of Christ/GOD (2Thess.1:8-9, 1Thess.2:8-9, 1Peter 4:17) and NOT the COMMANDMENTS of MEN (Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7, Titus 1:14) …Glory to GOD !!! Genuine CHRISTIANs are NO longer under the “Curse” of the LAW but under GRACE/New Covenant with CHRIST…(Roma.6:14-15, Roma.5:20-21, Eph. 2:8-9,Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Mt. 26:28, Mk. 14:24, Lk.22:20, 1Cor.11:25, 2Cor.3:6-7) …Praise the LORD!!! Genuine CHRISTIANs has been SET-FREE from the YOKE-of-the-LAW…(i.e. “Cursed” LAW on Tithing) (Roma.8:1-2, John 8:31,32,36, Galatians 5:1, Roma. 10:5, Deuteronomy 27:26, Galatians 3:10-13, Roma. 3:19-20, Hebrews 7:5, 7:12, 7:18, 7:19) …The GREAT Lord GOD(Jn.20.28, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST supplies ALL true Genuine CHRISTIANs the needed “NEEDs” (PHILIPPIANES 4;13, PHILIPPIANES 4:19) …NOW, we are really FREE to WORSHIP GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH (John 4:23-24, PHILIPPIANES 3:3) 2Corinthians 5:17, RoMA. 8:1-2, Galatians 2:20. . . . . . *JESUS GOD*… is GREAT !!! Be the PoWeR, MaJesTy, PrAiSe & GLoRy FoReVeRmoRE !!! (“InJeeL” Acts 2:32, John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13, Mark 12:30-31, Hebrews 13:8, 1john 5:7, 2Tim. 1:7, “AnBeeYAH” Jeremiah 29:11, IsA. 26:1-4, 41:10, 54:17, “ToRaH” Numbers 6:23-27, Deuteronomy 8:18, “ZaBooR” Psalm 103:1-5, 91:1-16, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 10:22, PHILIPPIANES 4:6-7, PHILIPPIANES 4:13, 4:19, 2:5-11, 3John2, Revelation 7:11-12 AMP)
+aisasky333 .... that was an excellent post using BIBLICAL REFERENCES to substantiate the truth....Pastors use tithe as fear & to force people to give their money..... when the scriptures clearly state's giving is down by your will & volition 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; NOT grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver........ a cheerful person doesn't need to be forced to give.!!
at my old church I never tithed but gave cheerfully what I could and God always helped me. when my pastor decided to close the church to evangelise I found a new church who insist we tithe according to Malachi 3:10-13 to not be cursed if we withhold tithes and to pay tithes as a promise to be protected by God from the devourer, Satan. the first time I tithe I did it as a test but in faith and received a financial increase of $300 only 6 months from family member for anything I needed. I was shocked. I continued tithing the same way cheerfully with faith til a few months later 5 to be exact my car broke down set me back $600.I don't understand why or how the devourer took my money according to Malachi 3:10-13 that's why I'm on here researching what happened? the pastor made it seem paying tithes would make my possessions untouchable and blessed. I'm still in debt borrowing. my pastor tells me to hold on and have faith. I'm still deciding on tithe or go back to giving what I could. if anyone could shed some light plz do so
Mike, I can tell without knowing him has been to seminary/bible college and is so carnally conditioned to make arguments and form doctrines on the teachings of men that he based nearly nothing he said on Scripture. It’s amazing. Like Russell said how can anyone deal with someone who is so conditioned? In other words, how will he live comfortably if he won’t take money from his audience?
African Brother is a typical RHEMA WOF Prosperity shyster. He spends his whole time with conjecture, speculation and presumption. I love how the moderator keeps busting his bubble when he tries to turn the debate into a sermon.
I realize that it is fear, that is why people fear tithes......the black woman and white man spoke the truth about spiritual discipline and it really spoke into my heart...Thank you to those people.....I am a supernatural being and should not look to the natural, I should look to the spiritual.
+LaTanya Adkins First there is NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATION. Also Revelation NEVER refutes scripture but will be WHOLLY supportive. Show me ONE scripture IN the New Covenant that in any way form or fashion prescribes that Tithing is to be practiced? You can't. Tithing and Tithes are mentioned approx 40 times in scripture with 35 being the OLD TESTAMENT. Truly Jesus referred to Tithing (Mat 23:23/ Luk 11:42) However it was ONLY BECAUSE he was in the dispensation of Law until his death which completed it. He also specifically noted what the Tithe was "Spice, Mint, Cummin" NOT MONEY. Another error to point out :Tithing was also observed ONLY EVERY 3 YEARS (Deu 26:12) Paul nor any Apostle EVER spoke or wrote on Tithing BECAUSE IT ENDED AT CALVARY. If you have a scriptural reference to the contrary produce it. If you to choose to ignore scripture and listen to men you worship them NOT GOD but don't try to say it's supported by Scripture.
This was an excelleht debate. Br. Russell did an awesome job. He won on all points. Giving is between you and God. God loves a cheerful giver. He did not put a percentage on this in the new covenant. God's chosen people are not guided by the old testament laws / covenant but the new. Concerning the new covenant we are to give what God places in our hearts to give and give it cheerfully so that our sacrificial gift will be pleasing to God whatever the amount.
I am from Nigeria, and i know first hand how Nigerian pastors and men of God use tithes to enrich themselves
Men of God?
What God?
I thank you that you have not clung yourself to your Nigerian harritage as a defender of the Nigerian people but in fact the truth and defender of the faith of the true and living GOD
In nigeria today many pastor has private jet and build schools but their poor member who contributed for such schools building couldn't afford to pay the schools fee .
Woow 😂 its exactly the same over here (East Europe)
Thank you
My brother I agree with you
I agree with you as well all these pastors want is your 10%
No, not at all. All I was taught about the tithe by my church, (which I have deserted), was a lie; but I thank God for helping me understand the truth more fully.
Another big lie I uncovered was the trinity, which is another false pagan doctrine. What a loving and caring God and Saviour we have. His kingdom come.
@rudolfberki8683 the Trinity doctrine is truth.
I would refer you to Dr. James White and his biblical walk-through regarding the triune God.
@@EDCREVIEWS I am afraid, I am not interested what theologians have to say, including Dr. James White; I am only interested what the Scripture has to say. The Scripture clearly and plainly tells us that God, the Father, created ALL THINGS through His Son, (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 and Hebrews 1:2) .
Jesus said, I quote,
"... ye believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1b)
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)
And apostle Paul and John said, I quote,
"But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6)
"... He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 john 2:22b)
Two divine beings, and not three.
Also, in Zechariah 6:13 we read, I quote,
"Even he shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both."
How many, two or three? Two!
And regarding the Holy Spirit, the Scripture tells us that it is the Spirit of the Father and the Son.
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:" (Deuteronomy 6:4)
That presentation from the gentleman on the right ( white man) was very precise and in depth. I agree with him. Tithing was part of the law and we are not under the law. If you obey this part you should obey all.
I interviewed Dr. Russell Kelly in person and he admitted that he has no evidence for many of his claims.
I love you Russel.... Thanks for quoting and explaining the Bible with courage.
Thanks for also laying emphasis on the church teaching soul winning and evangelism and how it makes the people of God give sacrificially to the advancement of God's kingdom.
May God richly bless you Russel
When you say “10%” you’re already into legalism. Christian Free-will giving doesn’t care about a fixed “10%”.
I cannot understand why the pastor on the left did not just fall on his knees and repent after hearing all this truth.
He. Did. Not. Fall. On. His. Needs. Maybe. He's. Not. Born. Again!!
that woman who poured perfume gave on free will. she followed her heart. It was free will offering and not forced giving.
We do not even have the ability to tithe. We can give 10% if we want...but it is not a tithe.
It would be like a man trying to convince you that he is a woman.
@EDDY A With the way government abuses our money, why would you want to give them a dime?
@EDDY A I know they can.
@EDDY Asince Jesus started the church in the new testament, the church has survived without the levitical law of tithes and offerings.
Jesus and the apostles did not use the levitical priesthood law of God to receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, because God ordained the tribe of Levi to receive tithes and offerings from the children of Israel, according to the law [ Hebrews 7:5 ].
The church of God is not a building made with hands. The church of God is the people of God. God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands [ Acts 7:48 ] and [ Acts 17:24 ].
Jesus and apostles taught the things of God in temples, houses, and on the streets. And the church of God is still surviving to this day. The church of God doesn't depend on a man made building to survive.
Jesus taught, freely you have received, freely give [ Matthew 10:8 ].
It is more blessed to give than to receive [ Acts 20:35 ].
God loves a cheerful giver [ 2 Corinthians 9:7 ].
It's not about tithing to your pastors or preachers. It's about giving freely to the poor.
Jesus said to a rich young ruler: go, sell everything you have and give it to the poor [ Matthew 19:21 ].
If the pastor is hungry, give him meat. If the pastor is thirsty, give him drink. If the pastor is naked, give him clothes. If the pastor is sick or in jail, go visit him. If the pastor is homeless, take him in [ Matthew 25:31-46 ].
Jesus said, preachers can eat and drink such things as the people give to them: for the labourer is worthy of his hire [ Luke 10:7 ] and [ 1 Timothy 5:18 ].
Preachers cannot use the levitical priesthood law of God to receive tithes and offerings from jews or gentiles, because the preachers are not from the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel.
Tithers cannot pay tithes to pastors or preachers, because preachers are not from the levitical priesthood tribe of Israel. Tithers can pay tithes to the Levi tribe of Israel, because God ordained the tribe of Levi to receive tithes and offerings from the children of Israel, according to the law [ Hebrews 7:5 ].
The only problem with tithing under the law is, you cannot be justified by the law in the sight of God, because the law is not of faith [ Galatians 3:10-12 ]. You can pay tithes all you want to, but you can never be justified by the law in the sight of God.
Excellent debate! Dr. Russell brought the word and broke that thang down!
I admit I didn't watch the debate because I already have the teaching. It's good to see that more and more people are waking up and are getting and receiving biblical teaching oon tithing. Some points I would like to make.
1. We are not required to tithe; this is not the same as saying, we are not required to give. We are required to give - cheerfully, not our of necessity, not grudgingly, and with a cheerful heart.
2. You should purpose in your heart what you will give.
3. Give to the poor saints (think about that one - orphans, widows, and whoever among you are poor). Give to the advancement of the Gospel and give to those who labour over you.
4. All giving is voluntary (see Point No. 1).
Oh, did you say Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils to Melchizadek? Look again - it was not under obligation, but voluntarily.
Question: Given that tithing is a major issue for Christians, why isn't tithing a major thesis in any bible seminary???
Answer: Because through careful study of God's Word, and proper application of hermenuetics, it would quickly be discovered that tithing is not a requirement in the New Testament Church and covenant. (Again, not saying we shouldn't give)
Finally - Ask God about your giving and ensure that mamon is not your God. Oh yes, prepare to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Bless you all.
Give, and it will come back to you. Good measure, press down, shaken together, and running over shall MEN (mankind, human beings) give unto your bosom.
Abraham, had to give 10℅ of the spoils of war to Melchizedek, as he, as a nomad, came under jurisdiction, of whatever province, nomadic tribes settle. So, it was obligatory.
wonderfully put. i have observed proper biblical hermeneutic is thrown out the door when this topic pops up. I wonder why
I can only say, Amen! to that.
Thanks for the explanation, I now have the Biblical facts.
Mr Russel looks like honest brother & knowledgeable on God’s Word!!!😇
Im so happy I found this video again. Thank God! I watched it 10 years ago and then couldn't find it again. Bless you all!
😂me too
Why is this video not getting many views? Dr Kelly is doing God’s work.
When i saw proof THEY HAD MONEY IN GENESIS!!! the debate was over for me! hahaha GENESIS 47:14
Tithing is not scriptural pastor!
Great!! Biblically sound argument from Dr Russell. It takes courage to debunk such practices that are held above criticism
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" 1Thess 5:21
It is not our job to get anyone to a "sacrificial place of giving" as the pro-tither suggests. we are not God. The Bible clearly states, each individual is responsible for working our their own soul salvation. Why stress about it at all? God is peace, this is crazy. Mr. Kelly is on point. We are liberated!
why does the preacher always have food and the sheep are hungry
Or a private jet, while some of his members are losing their houses
Kelly has a clear understanding of scriptures. I wish more pastors did.
Me too. My church has tithes on the envelopes for giving but they don’t teach about Tithing. I feel like I’m being lied to by my church. They say “tithesandoffering” like it’s one word. They also do a monthly collection for the needy in our church. We have a full time pastor and all members vote on purchases and are given a chance to express concerns about spending. I wish they would address tithing. I don’t tithe to my church.
Execk 34 Shepards feeding upon the sheep
X SDA. now Baptist Zeck 14 Feast of Tabernacles 3x HIS high Annual Sabbaths ( both weekly and Annual)
Zeck 14 NO more Canninite ( Kjv) Not trader/merchant person) But pagan traditions Sun worship day Xmas etc)
Abraham paid back after ( not before) he did what he was told to do and after he prospered to Melziadec the person that had told him
Dr Russel is on point, never heard it like this. Powerful teaching from Dr Russel Earl Kelly I applaud you👏🏾
The black guy is very charismatic..he’s faith is the faith movement
Im in the side and i believe of brother russel he is telling what is clearly about we do not need to tithes anymore we must
Give cheerfully and according to our heart says
Im a giver in all areas without tithing and GOD gives in return always
It is interesting how many pastors condemn the commandments from the old testament except for tithings. If we are to keep up tithings then they should realize that the apostles were keeping the law even after Christ died.
+Juliet Grant amen sister
@@ivanbunch1216 No they did not. If you are talking about the moral they did , but other laws,because in Acts 15 they wondered they were to put a yoke on the neck of people that even their fathers couldn't bear.
Your statement is stiaght ignorant to say that the apostles were under the Law...that would nulify Christ death on the Cross... they were under grace. Have you even experienced the New Birth accordin to John3:3? For it is the Holy Spirit who reveals all truth unto the children of God. The false prophet from Nigeria is a crook and does not represent the Holy Christ from Israel. The Caucasians brother destroyed his philosophy and doctrine of demons! The very few scriptures that he did reference provided abosultely no support to his lies from hell.
Thats is a good point about the apostles.. Pastors want to cherry pick.
Jesus and the apostles never teach about tithing.
This has been on my heart for the last 6 months!!
Its hard for pastors who have believed in the tithe doctrine to change their thinking if they themselves have been taught it as a principle. So when they get their own church to oversee they are faced with a dilemma; if they don't keep preaching the tithe then the funds will diminish, but if they teach that you don't 'have' to tithe then the peoples faith can be affected and it can result in a church split and great confusion amongst that congregation. That is why pastors take the easy option and just keep saying the tithe thing - everyone is happy, the money is coming in and everyone feels like they are doing the right thing. The truth is there is no tithing for the Christian believer!
+Gilbert9909 This is true. And for that reason, pastors should not be dependent on financial support from the congregation. When a pastors is independently earning money and just preaches and/or pastors part-time, he can preach the pure undiluted Gospel without worrying about any financial fallout on his family. The congregation, on the other hand can up and leave at any time if they don't like what he is preaching (if they are wrong or if he is wrong). There is no financial influence on what the preacher preaches.
Sandra Clark Hi Sandra, Yes in the ideal situation financial independence is great. It's the same for us as individuals, we suffer and compromise all the time because we don't want to loose our jobs! And even when we own our own companies we are at the mercy of the customers and funders!! Ahh Oh Lord what did you really mean when you said he who the Son sets free is FREE indeed?
+Gilbert9909 Yes, being self employed is the best situation and while it's easy to say that is too idealistic, I think the real problem is that in this world we have gotten fed a line of BS that says we must get good grades in school, then work our way up the corporate ladder. BS. I don't recall examples in the Bible of anyone great working as an employee for unbelievers...exceptions such as Joseph notwithstanding...And as for being at the "mercy" of customers...I would much much MUCH prefer being at the mercy (it isn't actually mercy, it's need or desire) of the market than having the government tell me what I can or can't buy or sell and regulating every detail of my business and life, such as most nations (socialism) have done, and is fast becoming the norm here in America.
Ok, Yes globalization and big take overs seems to be the continuing trend. I live in England, Kent and often see all these doom and gloom videos about the US and end times etc. I hope the best for us all, God bless you and your family.
@Evelyn Choy Evelyn I read what you said and I see where your coming from, but the fact is that Paul was a tent maker who supported himself. I don't believe that you have to study any foreign languages to understand The Bible. The Bible is pretty plain spoken and easy to understand. Your view is very similar to what used to be before the reformation which was : nobody could understand the Bible except for the Catholic priests and everybody else just had to take the Catholic priest's words as to what it said. Thats a bunch of garbage; the person on the street who can read English can read The Bible And understand it. We do not need a hierarchy of full time paid church people. When America was being settled the pioneers did not take a paid preacher with them. They just took their Bible. They had circuit riding preachers. And as for your statement about powerless churches without miracles I would say that's because you are not attending a spirit filled church. When I go to churches where the preacher and the majority of the people are spirit filled I do see miracles And prayers answered. I used to go to a dead church (lutheran, Baptist, and later, nondenominational)where I don't believe the pastor was even saved and that's probably the crux of your problem right now.
thank God we have Russell Earl Kelly.
Some churches put more emphasis on tithing than any other topics. It's shameful!
+Rainy Hollowell Again, I agree. In a recent conversation with a friend from a church I just recently started attending, she admitted that the preacher has been harping on this topic almost every Sunday for more than a YEAR! It is a huge turn-off to newcomers especially when the pastors spends 5 full minutes before the offering as he twists Malachi 3 to manipulate folks into tithing out of guilt and fear. That verse was addressed to greedy thieving Levitical priests. Not the congregation. Shame on every preacher who twists Scripture for their own ends!
Absolutely Sandra!!
it's sad, but it's true. May the Lord bring a new revival to the church.
Emphasis is the word they put too much on tithing and teach others .. theres nothing wrong with tithing but people make a compulsory law that everyone has to tithe .. same to people say that people shouldn't tithe .. so they teach others not to tithe .. tithing doesn't bring righteous .. its something that we do personally from our heart .. its freely give .. its not that we should compulsory give and its not that we do not give .. i liken tithing to communion if u wanna take communion u can
. but u don't have to take communion .. same as everything else .. like baptism .. or a Sabbath day .. or speaking in tongues .. all these things don't bring righteous or a bring a right standing with God by us doing it .. its just these things are personally installed in us as we live for him .. they are not all compulsory .. we can't join the message of the cross to these works that we do .. so im saying be free to give of ourselves .. and even if we decide to give money .. do it in secret. . Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing ..😉
Hebrews 7:18 says that the Levitical priesthood was cancelled so was their regulations. Tithing was included in that. Abraham tithed once, and Levi was in him; so it was a first and last tithed. Under the Old Testament men that died received tithes because they needed it to exist! But Melchizedek doesn't need to be continually tithed because Jesus lives forever
Excellent. Wonderful comment
“Levi was in him, so it was a first and last…” Could you pretty please elaborate on this for me? I find your entire comment very thought provoking, but this particular sentence I do not understand…I’m dying to know what you are trying to say on that one! Sorry--I know it’s been 8 years ago! 😂
@@amyturner4562 Hebrews 7:9-10 says that even the Levites paid tithe through Abraham but if what people today say about tithe is true then this Scripture is an error and the Holy Spirit is wrong to inspire the writer to say this. If the tithe was holy to the Lord under Mosaic law and only for the circumcised Jews then it is impossible to claim that this tithe to the Levites could be given outside their priesthood through the uncircumcised Abraham to Melchizedek who was not a Levite. This only makes sense if the tithes both before and after Moses are of he same nature. This is why people who argue against tithing never explain Hebrews 7:-9-10. I contacted Dr. Russell Kelly who admitted to me that he was unable to provide an answer to this. As to Hebrews 7:18 and 7:12 the annulling of the law the author explains in verses 11, 13, 14 and the law specified that priests were to come from another tribe.
tithing was FOOD not Money!
Russell Earl Kelly is spot on tithing to pastors. Yahweh loves a shearful giving heart . Yes we can give to our churches to support its wrk but it has to be what each one of us can afford or what one is willing to give. Tithing was for the levitical priesthood, the poor, the widow and the orphans. Levitical priesthood is no more it was done away by Yahshua. Pastors of today are not of levitical priesthood. How can the pastors of today demand that we must pay tithes to them. That's first class form of robbery without violence. Russel Kelly is right.
I can't recommend highly enough the book by Russell Earl Kelly entitled: *"Should the Church Teach Tithing."* An absolutely outstanding book covering all aspects of Old and New Testament tithing and giving principles.
6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
This “preacher” said the word principle so many times that I never want to hear it again. Everything people want to take out of the Bible to justify for doing gets called a principle, because then (in their mind) it’s not intertwined with the law so it can’t be used to manipulate people.
You must keep in mind, paul was from Benjamin. Which leaves to mean that he himself could not touch tithe according to the law. Jesus was outta Judah which moses spake nothing concerning the Altar( Hebrews 7:13). Who what when where and why are the questions that must be addressed!! I dont tithe. I give as the spirit leads. Ans some times I'm lead to spend it on me.
the Jews taught me the truth about tithing when I stop I was blessed more financially. The African pastor is using manipulation of scriptures and play on words
@Evelyn Choy you obviously haven't study the bible
He is just hungry that one n doesn't know the Bible!
Yes I as well stopped tithing and was blessed . When I was in the church tithing I was always broke.
@@skobodabaws8946 lol😂
Clear as Crystal! thank you for this wonderful explanation the truth shall set you free.
This debate even though is 10 years old, was very good. In the words of R. L. Solberg, "Permitted, but not required!"
I have the same questions for 3 years until the Holly Spirit brought discernment to my spirit on regards to this, ask the Holly spirit for guidance about it, read the word of God I promise you this you WILL definitely get your best answer there. God Bless you !
The principle is not tithing, giving of the spoils or produce of the land. The principle is giving to God. Giving generously with joy and free of compulsion as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 7:9. Proverbs 11:24 also sheds light on how giving should be - not stingily, not overly extending onesself but comfortably. Giving is not only about money but our time, every area of our being.
Russell Earl Kelly Told it like it is
1. Tithing under Mosaic law never involved money, only produce and livestock (items of the land).
2. There's evidence that the book of Malachi was entirely directed at the Levitical Priesthood. As such, it didn't apply to all of Isreal and doesn't apply to anyone today since the Levitical Priesthood is gone.
3. The only other tithe mentioned in the bible is that of Abraham which was a one-time event, was off spoils of war, involved exchange (of wine and bread) and he gave all of the spoils away, not just 10% of it.
4. Tithing under Mosaic law was compulsory and cannot be considered "giving" or an "act of faith". It was an act of compliance with the statute(s) or ordinance at the time and was more of a tax.
5. Mosiac law is now obsolete, as is the system of the atonement of that time, according to the Christian faith of the new covenant.
There is no biblical promise for a blessing for giving money to a church (or anywhere else) or a curse for not doing so. However, there's biblical evidence that money was given to the temple and for ministries. It just had nothing to do with the tithe. In my opinion Dr Kelly's position prevailed in this debate.
Russell definitely won this!!!
Differences in the old testament and new testament.
God commanded in the old testament to observe tithing (Malachi 3:10), circumcision (Genesis 17:10), sabbath day (Exodus 20:8-11), stoning to death (John 8:1-11).
Why some ministries do not teach the practice of circumcision, sabbath day, and stoning to death but teach to practice tithing. Why are they very choosy on what to teach.
In the new testament:
>Jesus never sent anyone to death.
>Jesus heals on the sabbath
>Jesus never commanded his disciples to collect the tithes and offerings.
>Giving is to the poor (Luke 19:8-9, Mark 10:21, Matthew 26:8-9)
You have to remember neither are saying don't give, they're just differing on the manner of giving, it's a shame it has become such a contentious issue
Simon Humphries well said it’s a waste of energy that could be spent on worship and the gospel witch is the central message of the bible , & more important, that been said brother, as a single parent( not by any fault of my own ) on very low income felt I couldn’t find a place to follow and worship the lord in within my area to enjoy sharing my faith with , needing the company and faith building& extra learning that comes as a bonus of fellowship, couldn’t belong to a church because I could barely manage on the little money I had to provide for myself and children , was made to feel shamed every week when the tithes and offerings where called and I could only put a small amount in even then that was a lot for me and was using the little we had for food , every week my cheeks would burn with shame , and I felt guilty stood worshiping the lord when everyone else had more than enough and the pastor would continue to preach on tithes most of the services and would drop in little comments about knowing who drops what in the tithes ??? , I was treated like a maid asked to baby sit for all others and to clean peoples houses for this money when I already had my hands more than full with the little job I already had and my children witch was a full time job in itself , I watched my pastor make a fool out of a couple that had written him a private letter that they couldn’t afford to pay tithes anymore due to bad circumstances & that they had studied scripture and realised they never needed to anyway , the pastor read this private letter out in front of everybody , and said that they where no longer welcome at this church & neither was anyone that didn’t tithe , I never returned after him saying that then later he wrote to me asking why had I turned my back on god ? I hadn’t , I just believed I wasn’t allowed to feel comfortable worshiping god whilst he stood in my way , so yes I totally get why some would want answers it was an horrible experience psychologically I felt I was robbing god for being poor when that’s not what god wanted nor what Jesus taught , it’s not fair x
@@pamelaclarkson6001 so sorry this happened to you
The black Preacher is so wrong that I CAN NOT hear anymore, what a pain!!
He is so right, I like his teaching, it is correct!
king 2769 do you want to be faithful to God's word and the real meaning of tithing? or you wanna stick to the unbiblical tradition that the tithe is money given to the church? which is New and not honoring God.
I'm a Black preacher, and I totally agree, based on scripture.
Black preachers enjoys taking tithe from people, so they don't want it to stop.
Yet people were clapping. Strange.
I feel that God wants us to let the Spirit of God to lead us in our giving.
It's the word of God, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Remember this-a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop 7. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 8. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 9. As the Scriptures say,.
The words "tithe", "tithes" or "tithing" appear 40 times in the bible. Not once is the tithe ever money. Not once is the tithe ever on income (Jesus, a carpenter, and his disciples who were fishermen never paid tithes), and not once does it have anything to do with the church. There are four times as many scriptures in the New Testament on giving than there are on prayer, and so giving was an important part of early church living, as it should be today. But nowhere do we see the tithe as a principle of giving. We have to allow God to be the one to define what is the tithe, who pays it, who receives it, what is the storehouse. We cannot make up our own definition in order to support a man-made doctrine. This is what the tithe teachers have to do.
Petrus Britannicus - Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant.
Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Mat 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Heb 2:16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
Jesus did tithed.
Mar 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.
Question What things belong to God?
Always read scriptures in context.
Abraham tithe before the law.
The following are eight of the fifty versions of Proverbs 3:9, and Jesus said in Matthew 23:23,Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. KJ21 Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: The first-fruits of ALL thine INCREASE, the last time I looked, MONEY was/is declared an increase---the first-fruits, before you pay youer light bill, you give God back that what he demands of you, his people. If you are not, "his people" then this is not for you, but if you are his people, then the following is for you
ASV Honor Jehovah with thy substance, And with the first-fruits of all thine increase:
AMP Honor the Lord with your wealth And with the first fruits of all your crops (income);
AMPC Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income;
BRG Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
CEB Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first of all your crops.
CJB Honor Adonai with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your income.
CEV Honor the Lord by giving him your money and the first part of all your crops.
William skipper. Well, I don't think anyone would argue that Honouring the Lord with your substance is a good thing. I'm in agreement with that, and make that my aim. So I didn't really get your point here! And that has nothing to do with the modern false teaching known as "tithing". The last time I looked, money isn't and never has been "an increase". It is simply a means of exchanging goods and services. So for example, if you sold me a car, neither of us has made any increase; you've simply exchanged goods for it's value in money. But I'm very happy for you that you have plenty of mint anise and cummin in your garden. Personally I don't have anything in my garden yet but am about to plant some onions. If I know of someone who needs those onions more than I do, I'll very happily give them all away. But if not I certainly wont be taking 10% of them to Jerusalem and go looking for a Levite. And nor will I be letting any false tithe teacher lay any guilt trip on me if I fail to give 10% of them away. Oh, and didn't Jesus say that we should give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God the things that are God's (Luke 20:25)? Well, if I only have £200 and I have a light bill of £200, who does that £200 belong to, God or Caesar? I'm going to pay my light bill. I'm not going to say to Caesar, "Sorry, but I'm not going to pay you all that I owe you; I'm going to steal 10% of it to give to my God because my God is a thief.". I've known people who have had that attitude and then wondered why they were not blessed financially and couldn't pay their rent or bills.
Abraham tithed only once before the law, the 90% left over he gave to the king of Sodom. None of his sons tithed, Joseph had an ideal position in Egypt, and he never taught tithe.
In the Bible, only Abraham, Israelites living under the Old Testament law, and the Pharisees tithed. Abraham tithed only ONCE in his entire life - that was on the spoils of war, NOT on his personal wealth or income. The Old Testament commanded Israelite ranchers and farmers to take 1/10th (one tenth) of their CROPS and LIVESTOCK to the Levites. They did NOT tithe on their money.
TITHING TODAY is NOT biblical and the biblical tithes were NEVER given to local churches! The pastors who threaten people today with giving tithes to their churches are anathema. Please refer to these biblical passages:
Leviticus 27:30-33
written for the priests in Israel, the tribe of Levi; clear instruction, referring to a tenth of the fruit of the trees, the flock of the herd, i.e. the agriculture, the animal husbandry; it's not talking about money.
Numbers 18:21-24
the first tenth (10%) of the gross result ("income") of their efforts belong to the Levites; they were tithing to the government, to the nation of Israel. It was a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS: they were governed by the priesthood. The tithe was in fact a TAX for the national support of the government of the nation.
Malachi 3:10
speaks of taking the tithes to the storehouse; that did NOT mean your local church, but a STOREHOUSE to maintain the livelihood of the ruling priests who formed the government.
Deuteronomy 14:22-27
gives rules about a second (additional) tithing of the NET: it's not money but the "increase" in corn, wine, oil sheep, lambs, goats, cows; all to be laid aside to finance the individual in making three required trips a year to Jerusalem for religious festivals (holy days: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacle).
Deuteronomy 14:28
contains a THIRD tithe made every three years, to go to support the welfare system of Israel, i.e. widows, orphans and needy.
Thank you for reading this.
Dr. Kelly nailed it. Awesome exergesis of Scripture with him.
Big thumbs up to brother Russel he explained it really well I agree with everything he explained, Tithing is strictly voluntary no where in the New Testament neither in the book of acts or any of the epistles did the apostles mandate tithing it was all voluntary freewill offerings, the other gentleman refers to Abraham, let’s remember Abraham gave 10% from the spoils of war which was strictly voluntary the Bible says Abraham gave from the spoils of war only once we cannot take scripture out of context to demand money from church members I was visiting a church on a Sunday in which the pastor from the pulpit called out a church member the pastor said he was robbing God because he didn’t tithe, the pastor said he was cursed the pastor then had that person thrown out of the church, does the behavior of this pastor pleases God? I immediately got up and ran out of that place because all they were interested is in the 10% of all your earnings! These pastors tell church goers that God will curse those who do not tithe that God will curse their children. Many won’t come to Christ because of these tithing mandates, They also celebrate the feast of the first fruits demanding your first salary of the year as a first fruit offering, celebrating old covenant feasts. The following is what the apostles taught in their meetings; they also helped out those in need.
2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV: Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7, KJV: Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
1 Corinthians 16:1, KJV: Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. 1 Corinthians 16:1, NASB: Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you are to do as well.
James 1:27, NIV: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Acts 20:33 I have not coveted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing. 34You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. 35In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”.
The question on whether or not tithing is required is settled. Hebrews 7:5 &12 says this: "'And indeed those who are of the sons of Levi, who receive the priesthood, have a commandment to receive tithes from the people according to the law, that is, from their brethren, though they have come from the loins of Abraham; For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law."
Now, even further, here is what the New testament says on what she ARE to do. 1 Corinthians 16:1-3 says "'Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come. And when I come, whomever you approve by your letters I will send to bear your gift to Jerusalem." Now, who in your churches are sending them to Jerusalem? I bet nobody is.
2 Corinthians (:6-9 says "'But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: “He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever."
This gives us the blueprint of how we are to give today. there's no requirement to tithe.
Preach Kelly!
Dude on left at about 12:00.."Paul was never broke". Guess he never read this: "Philippians 4:12: “I know both HOW TO BE ABASED, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full AND TO BE HUNGRY, both to abound AND TO SUFFER NEED.”
See also:
2 Corinthians 11:27
+Jonathan Paul Peterson He was probably in Need when he was imprisoned. His wealth and bank account were not accessible then.
I find Dr Kelly's arguments more convincing than Rev Mike Kola Ewuosho.
I disagree, Dr Kelly's arguments are full of self contradictions disguised as coherent by following then up with eloquent but poor interpretations of scripture. they are also ad hoc and inconsistent with several red herrings, he never really seems to have a firm understanding of where he himself stands on the matter only that he doesn't like tithing. Rev Mike knows where he stands and understands what that position is and gives arguments that don't appeal to or are based on individual situations. Both terribly paraphrase scripture.
ibram saleeb
Your comment would be helpful if you explained at least one of your criticisms. I.e. - one of the "red herrings" or one of his "eloquent but poor interpretations of scripture." Kelly goes on and on during this debate with Biblical examples of why tithing was an OT law and was part of the obligations of the old priesthood, which ended with the New Covenant, yet you state he "never really seems to have a firm understanding of where he himself stands on the matter." Also, Kelly has written a whole exposition on this subject and references comprehensive studies from the NT and OT but you don't actually cite any of his specific arguments stated during this video which you disagree with - except to say he doesn't have a firm understanding.
The church where I serve God has the view that thiting is not for our days. It has been growing year by year and millions of people serve the Lord in the same faith. It is in more than 100 countries and no preacher is paid to preach the gospel but is it done out of love. Freely we received and freely we give. We have the collections which people give to support the needed and to maintain the place where we meet clean and safe.
That sounds like Zac Poonen's, right?
Pastor Russell Earl Kelly knows the bible..the other pastor Mike Kola from africa is preaching tithing because he wants to be sure money keeps flowing in his church..but he doesnt back his preaching up with scripture
Africans do not practice true christianity, what THEY practice is Paganism
You're right.@Vincent.
@@yehoshuaismysaviour357 For real? Do you really mean what you said?
the black "pope guy" because i doubt he is a true christian is using the bible in such a twisted way is a total shame.
Good scriptural statement, finally someone that uses the common sense that God gave them. The bible says to prove all things or test if you like, nevertheless people just always take the word of a man as gospel. The bible says that no one will have to teach us because the Holy Spirit will teach us.
Again, the Church is not a building or a name across the door, it's people, anywhere they are at.
You are the church
Since Tithings is Food, and not money, how then can we Deceive others or find some excuses to Mis-interpret scriptures so as to justify our Con Game? Use the illustration as if tithing as a "Principle", may do the trick of deception.????
Dr Kelly made biblical proof. It’s hard to receive a person who has the word in front of his face, but allows pride to keep the tradition of men.
I detest the emotional and sloppy way that the dark preacher mishandles the Bible. You can show how much you trust and love God by how much money you give to church? That is emotional pressuring to tithe so that mr pastor does not have look for a job outside of church. The housechurch does away with this evil. Money is meant to be given in secret to help others in need.
It sounds like all those who got rich, and all those who want to get rich, adhere to the idea and manipulative twistings of tithing... I'm African, I'm not rich, I'm not poor though I have no money or assets. If you want to tithe, you have to keep the entire Mosaic covenant, and good luck with that - you fail - that is why Jesus sacrificed himself, because we cannot. My Nigerian brother's arguments hold no ground. I whole-heartedly agree and understand that if you can give 50 or more, whatever, you should... Not necessarily to your pastor or church though...
lot of making stuff up from this black guy...he's not using scripture to make his point...he tried to say tithing is not part of the law...anything god ever commands or says to do/not do is part of the law, doesn't matter what it is...anything not of faith is is trusting Christ and his finished work for salvation.
A church friend using Mal 3:10 said, " I'm giving my tithes bec God said He will bless me for doing so". I was silent when i heard that. Bec she sound like she's giving out of duty. Shouldn't we give out of love for God who sees our heart? We do our best, leave God the rest. Check our motives.God bless
Good point. It's sad when people are misled by those who take scriptures out of context to advance an ideal. Nowhere in the Bible does it make any assertion that if you continually pay money to a religious institution you will "be blessed" or otherwise "not cursed".
@@markb7067 true. We need discernment on this
right or wrong! put it this way, without it, they cant live like rock stars :)
2 Corinthians 9:7
As every man purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loveth the cheerful giver.
We, as the New Covenant Church, are to give free will offerings.
Old Covenant with the Jews
Malachi 3
6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore YE SONS OF JACOB are not consumed.
7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ORDINANCES, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?
8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even THIS WHOLE NATION.
New Covenant
Galatians 3:13King James Version (KJV)
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
What the lady in purple said, we do without tithing but through the collections which are according to the purpose of our heart.
I am sick and poor. The church and my Christian family has never consistently exhibited charity for me in my battle with cancer and struggles financially which have consumed me for years yet every time I attended church the passing of the plate and demanding of tithe was consistent every week. Always wanting money. Even when I gave anonymously, never wanting recognition, something still felt off. Money should not even be an issue with the church, so why is it? Is it not for the poor sick and needy? I don't see this being played out but I always never meet a poor pastor. So much is wrong with the church not just money. Must I pay for God to bless me? A man who already gave his whole life for me. I'm already blessed ... no preacher would give his life for me but wants my money so he can build a mansion and not work while I lay here dying all alone. The modern church is a corrupt vessel. Money should not be the vocal point here, love should be the vocal point.
God bless you. I help the poor in my Church and I give always regularly, but not tithe, as it is a law imposed for the wealthy, so as not to be stingy. Not all Jews were required to tithe. It sickens me to see money prioritised the wrong way. I give in proportion to the work the full time miniter undertakes, and most of them are not called to full time ministry - they are not feeding the sheep. And I give to the advancement of the Gospel, May God richly bless you and may you know his unfathomable love, peace, power and presence.
The thing that troubles me is that the people that promote tithing can't just admit that they do it out of the personal preference and it has no biblical basis under the new covenant
What in Gods green earth is a "money seed" ?How do you plant and water money seeds?We know how long it takes to grow a mustard seed but how long does a money seed take?
I've asked the same question and have yet to get and answer
In a nutshell, Christ did not. talk about tittih, the followers must do same.
Great debate, Russell Earl Kelly ..worth listening to. The objective must be to do what God says not what men say to do. Romans 14:23
"everything that does not come from faith is sin"
satan is the master deceiver and he masquerades as an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14 to deceive for his own purpose. he is extremely strategic and is quite capable of imitating Gods Blessings to keep God children in confusion and bondage ... 1 Corinthians 14:33 - “For God is not [the author] of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches” ...Gina
"Peter the apostle had no money, why didn't he tithe to get more money. Why didnt he (Paul) teach poor people to tithe so that the curse of being poor could be broken". This is a rather interesting point one commenter made.
incredibly amazing teaching by these phenomenon individuals I love it.
I think more of these should be done continually and Pastor Mike Kola Ewousho I salute you for your obedience in faith and like you said the error in the teachings of tithing has made you think right and I love for that.
Be real!!! Most churches don't take care of the widows. The preachers and other leaders of the church get that money!!!!!
+Rainy Hollowell Exactly. When folks need help in the church, occasionally an individual will have mercy on them and help them out, but the church leaders just tell them "We give to XYZ local foodbank. Go there for help" They refer their church members (generally) to government agencies like foodstamps, and welfare. I will say that there are some churches that are actually an exception to this pattern and the LORD BLESS them for their generosity. However, if no tithes were collected, the distribution of funds would flow more efficiently because the church members who actually KNOW the poor and needy would help them directly, instead of having to go to a church committee or interview process.
Actually they put it back into the church, (at least the LDS church does {I don't know about the others}) they put it towards building more temples & churches, help pay for missionaries to be able to go on a mission, those in need and so many other things. If you do you'll get blessings beyond imagination can take you.
+Katie De La Cruz so, you are saying that if I don't tithe, the LORD won't bless me? That means that I have to pay to be blessed. I do not worship a god that operates like that. I worship a good and generous and king and powerful Saviour who blessed me MOST OF ALL with His Holy Spirit living inside me. I did not have to tithe to be filled with His Holy Spirit.
Rainy Hollowell, true and also they buy cars, houses, go on vacation and send their children off to college while those working for the money can't afford a trip from one state to the next, they have to make sure they have money for public transport and their children have to borrow money to pay tuition. And when things get bad they can't go to the building for a room, where their money paid to decorate. Yahua doesn't like this kind of ugly.
Katie De La Cruz , and when people need place to stay they cannot go to the building for a room for their family. They should save their money themselves, God won't be angry with them. I've been burnt by the so called church now I know better. Them aren't the church. Read Jeremiah 31:33 I want to see what these pastors will do when the Holy Spirit is fully in control of people's lives. Only Him will be The Teacher. Most of us should be in this New Covenant and don't allow ourselves to be tricked any longer. Take you time and read this verse and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and see how you would get a revelation that will shake you up.
If I am a son of Abraham's Paul say in Galatians, then I, like Levi, have already paid my tithes while in Abraham's loins.
Mr.Russel did his homework. Great debate:-)
i was a disciplined tither, but after knowing what he is talking about in his argument i do agree and have repented of thinking it was a command from Christ to tithe or else. when Christ never gave such orders nor did His Apostles. they had every opportune to do so but didn't but only said to give what you could and from the heart. and by Giving to God we give to each other and outsiders.
R.I.P. brother Doug Harris
My former Church here in the Philippines teached that aside from tithe you have to also give offering. Tithe is compulsary 10% but for offering you decided the amount but mostly they expect for you to also give atleast 10%. I am thankful to God that I manage to get far away from them since they guilt trip you if you are not giving. They monitor your giving thru envelope with your name on it. Since I gave without putting the money in the red envelope, I got called out for by the Pastor saying I am not giving tithe and offering. And the woman pastor also said I am immature on my faith bec. I did not tithe. I didnt argue that I dont put my money on envelope but just put in on the basket barehandedly. I let God decide if I gave based on his desire and not the Pastor.
Why do Pastor's keep accumulating tithe without spending for the food and shelter of poor people
The obligation to tithe (i.e., to give 10% of one’s gross income) was binding only on the Jews. Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic law (Matt. 5:17), so even Jews are no longer bound by it. But this doesn’t mean we’re not obligated to support the Church-we are-but there is no longer a specific percentage required. There is no mandatory requirement to give a specific amount of money or percentage of our income. We should each decide for ourselves how much to give and then do so in the true spirit of giving a gift.
(You Are Decieved Read to Understand) Matthew 5:17-20The Fulfillment of the Law
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Candy. Alright, so do you still sacrifice your animal for your sins? Thanks
@Erin Yuts @Candy Cantu What Candy posted in the comments under these is some of the most manipulative deception ever taught in the church. Also, Angelica's first testimony is MORE believable than the second, because the first seems more authentic and from the heart. The second testimony had a lot of common traditions as well as even cursing according to the translator. Plus, the first one wasn't done for publicity. The law is fulfilled meaning FINISHED or COMPLETED. That means it's over. Hebrews also says that the old covevant has been disanulled and a change has taken place. Jesus casme from the tribe of Judah, not Aaron or Levi. If one jot has not passed away, then you are STILL under the Old Covenant and your sin still remains and ALL death penalties for breaking the law are Still in effect. This does NOT make sense.
Paul said that if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Galatians 3 totally destroys the false doctrines of tithing and keeping the old law, Period! To continue to teach salvation through the law is WITCHCRAFT, and the Bible says that ALL SORCERERS shall have their part in the Lake of fire.
Nowhere i n Malachi 3 does it EVER mention the Churchr! The people who teach tithing are the god-robbers, not the people who don't tithe. Don't ever take a human being's word and exalt it over scripture. We are under a NEW COVENANT and Jesus was talking about the NT commands in Matt. 28:20 not the law of Moses, Period! Sabbath idolaters TWIST Matt. 5:17. False bible translations TWIST Matt. 5:17, Matt. 7:21-23, etc. Jesus said Depart from me ye that work INIQUITY, not lawlessness. Quote the scripture CORRECTLY!
@Candy Cantu If you go to church during your menstation then you break the whole law and are under a curse. If you do not do EVERYTHING contained in the law of Moses including going out in the wilderness six days a week to receive manna. Why don't you repent and get out of the cult teachings whuich brainwash people into becomeing religious slaves. Christ has made us FREE! The Church is people not buildings!
Dr Russell Kelly overwhelmed the black pastor with his knowledge of the subject on tithing. Tithe teachers do not really have any weaponry to refute what God's Word says about the matter.
Feelings and experience. People giving their testimonies about how well they've been blessed for their tithing. Well, here's another experience for y'all. Look up Kenneth Copeland and Bobbie Parker. How she died questioning her faith because she believed she didn't give enough to that church and she gave up every penny she owned and she died due to poor health. Her giving didn't save her life as she was taught. Jesus said in Matthew 5:45 that He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. I'm pretty sure ted Turner could attest to that, since he's an atheist.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (New International Version): Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Why don't Pastors use the above scripture to teach on giving? Why do they use the Malachi scripture about robbing God and thereby impose guilt and condemnation. I have never heard a pastor teach a comprehensive teaching on the true nature of tithing and the old priesthood. I conclude that the organized church system and seminaries use tithing to control believers and have a vested financial motivation to keep most Christians ignorant.
K Lyall exactly
Rev.Mike was absolutely correct explaing his knowledge sbout tirhing!! Its a matter of faith and honoring God what we have.we give 10 percent we get the 90 perceny...
@gedion You don't get 90%. You pay for your shelter, your food and your utilities. A man has 4 children and earns $45,000 per year, tithes and pays his costs of living. Another man has 4 children and earns $900,000 per year, tithes and pays his costs of living. The first man has to decide to withdraw medical cover and cannot afford to buy a car, etc. The 2nd man pays his tithes, and after his bills, has $700,000 left over per year. The first man has $1,000 left over per year after all his costs are paid. Now, is the 2nd man justified if he spends $500,000 on his desires? After all he has tithed tight? Maybe we don't pick on the rich man and just conclude, like it was in the OT as well - not all Jews tithed, and therefore not all NT believers tithe. Justice, mercy and faith.
Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees,
you hypocrites, you give a tenth of your spices mint dill and cummin,
but you have neglected the more important matters of the law,
justice ,mercy and faithfulness.
Tithing was never preached by Jesus,in 3 years,
here he shows how unimportant it is.
Hello Thank you for this video
It’s so funny when people argue “jesus didn’t condemn tithing”. Well of course not! He hadn’t died and been resurrected yet. He can’t preach against the old covenant while preaching for the old covenant. Lol he hadn’t fulfilled the law so he couldn’t say anything against it. People also don’t understand that the Matthew 1:1 is not the start of the new covenant. New Testament and new covenant are different things.
Please explain more.
@@citizendc9 new covenant started with Jesus’ communion. Old Mosaic Law/covenant was everything before that. The covenant (which tithing for THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL ONLY was included in that) is no more, and we are now under the new covenant.
The word “giving” doesn’t have to mean money 100% of the time it’s mentioned. People can give of their time, their resources, talents they’re good at, etc.
People say “Jesus condoned tithing in the New Testament, so it’s something we are commanded to do”. No it’s not. Robert Morris (Liar “Pastor” of gateway church) says something in a sermon where he asked God why he couldn’t have put the Malachi text into Matthew because it would then be in the New Testament and therefor easier for him to explain. Which means Robert Morris has NO proper understanding of even how the Bible is laid out. Just because the book of Matthew was in the New Testament, doesn’t mean it was new covenant. So mosaic law still applied where it applied. Jesus couldn’t come to earth and contradict God by telling people to live free under the new covenant when it hadnt been established yet.
It’s not that difficult to understand. However, if you’re a manipulator and you lie about Gods word to gain anything, you are in sin and will be held accountable according to whatever standard God has. People like Robert Morris who teach tithing for today ARE LYING and should be questioned as to their qualifications to be a teacher of Gods word and have the authority of pastor.
It’s sad how this has gotten this out of hand. The love of money is truly the root of all kinds of evil.
I once attended a church that kept a record of who gave what and would determine who could receive help from their food pantry and how much based on their giving. It is no surprise that this well known church at the time no longer exists. Thankfully, I have learned many have not properly divided the word of God on this issue as well as many others. So much damage has been done by the poor handling of the word.
I also believed that everything on this word and everything I posses has been giving to me by him, he is the rightful owner of all and its not a 10% of "my monies I give, but is more to me a 10% back to his cause of ALL he has shower me with, love, peace, happiness, faith,sense of purpose and direction, a heart free of envy, anxiety, depression, oppression, my healthy and great children, the comfort of my place, food, clothes, car, I see my self very fortunate thanks to his mercy and love!
Absolutely right couldn't have said it better than myself
Tithing was not part of the church until a couple of years of church council which was in 567-585 AD.There is a quote from the Catholic encyclopedia and its says that as the church expanded and various institution arose eg bigger buildings,more buildings etc it became necessary to make laws which would ensure the proper and permanent support of the clergy.It became anathema to pay tithe.
I was a "tither" for years. I still believe in giving, but I do not believe God sets a standard for all to give a tithe. One lady in the audience called tithing a spiritual discipline, etc. The problem with this outlook is that the focus is on you and me, and not on the Lord. Once again, we should give, absolutely, but to put the bondage of O.T. living and giving, just is not a good thing. If this be the case, then the ministers today should not own homes, etc. as the Levites in the O.T. could not own property. See we can't be picking and choosing scripture to appease our "modern" gospel. Please give, and give according to what is in your heart as this is what will please God. Do pray if you don't know what to give because His Holy Spirit will guide you. But as far as the teaching of the tithe, anyone who practices tithing because they are ignorant of truth, I believe God has patience with these people as they probably (or hopefully) are giving out of a sincere heart. I can only say that hopefully they are giving to ministers who are teaching sound doctrine and teaching that "godliness with contentment is great gain." I Timothy 6:6
It is my honest opinion that they are giving for fear of hell or some other kind of eternal separation from the Divine. The idea that is expressed by these money grubbers is they are robbing God! How sickening and sad............
Around 1 hour 20 in Doug asks whether the tithe should go to the poor. Acts 4:32-37, the money was given to the apostles' so that it could go to those who had need. No tithing mentioned. Nothing to do with giving of the increase. It seems they didn't follow Mike's principle!
. . . if you will only TRY to understand (Eph.1:18, 4:18) that Tithes/Tithing is ONE of the BiGGest ISSUES. . . that . . . The GREAT Lord GOD (John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST has FulFiLLed at the CROSS of CaLvary. . . aLL the requirements of the “LAW” and has therefore taken the “CURSE” of NOT fulfilling it from us! (Matthew 5:17, Hebrews 7:5, 7:12, 7:18-22)
. . . Christ REDEEMED us from the “CURSE” of the “LAW” by becoming a “CURSE” for us, for it is written: "CURSED is everyone who is hung on a tree." (Galatians 3:13 NIV). . .
. . . NAILING it ALL at the CROSS of CALVARY (MaLachi 3:7-10, GaLatians 3:10-13, Romans 7:4, Ephesians 2:13-18, Colossians 2:13-17, Hebrews 8:8-13, Galatians 3:13, 4:5-21-26, 2Corinthians 3:6-10, Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Luke 22:20, John 19:30, Luke 18:31, 22:37, Hebrews 7:5,12,18,22, Hebrews 8:6, 1Peter 1:19)
* * "TiThing" is an ACCURSED Thing. . .(MaLachi 3:7-10, James 2:10, GaLatians 3:10-13, 5:4, 1:6-9, 1CoR.16:22, Luke 11:42, IsaiaH.1:13-23, 2Peter 2:3, Deuteronomy 27:26) . . .
. . . But PURE Generous "GIVING" is Sufficiency of GRACE. . . (2 Corinthians 9:5-6-7-8-15, Matthew 5.8, 2Cor. 8:5-7)
* * * it is a Serious “SiN” to GOD and Mankind for EveryOne who MANIPULATES a PerSon Or PeRson(s) to GiVe "TiThes" and/or “TiThing” (whether Directly or indirectly). It is conscientiously a form of WITCHCRAFT and could also be a “CRIMINAL” act OFFENSE (i.e “DECEPTION & FRAUD” a CiviL CourT OFFENSE, 1ThessaLonians 4:6, MARK 10:19, Luke 12:15, RoMa. 13:1-7-10, RoMa. 1:18-32, GaLatians 5:19-20, Matthew 18:6, MARK 9:42, 2Corinthians 2:17, 1Peter 4:15, 2Peter 2:1-3, ReveLation 21:8)
* * * But. . . NOWHERE in the NEW TESTAMENT (i.e. BIBLE) that "TITHING" for True & Genuine CHRISTIANS are ENFORCED or TAUGHT... (Luke 18:12-14, Luke 11:42, Luke 21:1-4, MARK 12:41-44)
. . . The GREAT Lord GOD (Jn.20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST has SET us FREE from the WORKS of the LAW (i.e. OLD TESTAMENT (OT) “Jewish” Mosaic LAW on Tithes”) (ROMA.10:4, Galatians 2:16, 3:10, HEBREWS 7:5, Hebrews 7:12, Hebrews 7:18-19-22, 8:13)
. . . CHRISTIANS are NOW under the “NEW COVENANT” validated by the precious “BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST” (Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Luke 22:20, Hebrews 7:12,18,22, Hebrews 8:6, Eph. 2:13-16, Col. 2:14-17, 1Peter 1:19)
. . . Praise the LORD for ALL True & Genuine CHRISTIANS who are so GENEROUS enough and “Cheerful” in GIVING and NOT “TITHING”... (2Corinthians 9:5-15, Proverbs 22:9, Luke 21:1-4, Mark 12:41-44, Matthew 19:20-27, Mark 4:20, Matthew 13:23, Roma.15:16)
* * * Praise GOD !!! for SUPPLYING all our NEEDS according to the RICHES and GLORY in CHRIST JESUS…* (PHILIPPIANES 4:6-7, 4:13, PHILIPPIANES 4:19)* * *
. . . "TiTHiNG" was a "LAW" given by GOD to “JEWISH” Israelites", the tribe of LEVI (Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Hebrews 7:5), has already been ABOLISHED, annulled, and CANCELLED by the GREAT Lord GOD (Jn.20.28, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST on the CROSS of CALVARY (Hebrews 7:5, HEBREWS 7:12, Hebrews 7:18-22, HEBREWS 8:13)
…It’s a “FINISHED” work of CHRIST (John 19:30, Luke 18:31, 22:37, Matthew 5:17-19)… CHRIST is the END-of-the-LAW (Roma.10:4, HEBREWS 8:13, 9:15-16-17-27)
…Cross REFE:.. Romans 7:4, Ephesians 2:13-16, Colossians 2:14-17, Hebrews 8:8-13, Galatians 3:13, 4:5-21-26, 2Corinthians 3:6-10)
…The Gospel-of-Christ/GOD emphasizes TEACHING on GENEROUS and “Cheerful” GIVING NOT “TITHING”... (2Corinthians 9:5-15, Proverbs 22:9, Luke 21:1-4, Mark 12:41-44, Matthew 19:20-27, Mark 4:20, Matthew 13:23, Roma.15:16, Matthew 5:8)
…So it’s imperative THAT we FOLLOW the GOSPEL of Christ/GOD (2Thess.1:8-9, 1Thess.2:8-9, 1Peter 4:17) and NOT the COMMANDMENTS of MEN (Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7, Titus 1:14)
…Glory to GOD !!! Genuine CHRISTIANs are NO longer under the “Curse” of the LAW but under GRACE/New Covenant with CHRIST…(Roma.6:14-15, Roma.5:20-21, Eph. 2:8-9,Hebrews 9:15, 12:24, Mt. 26:28, Mk. 14:24, Lk.22:20, 1Cor.11:25, 2Cor.3:6-7)
…Praise the LORD!!! Genuine CHRISTIANs has been SET-FREE from the YOKE-of-the-LAW…(i.e. “Cursed” LAW on Tithing) (Roma.8:1-2, John 8:31,32,36, Galatians 5:1, Roma. 10:5, Deuteronomy 27:26, Galatians 3:10-13, Roma. 3:19-20, Hebrews 7:5, 7:12, 7:18, 7:19)
…The GREAT Lord GOD(Jn.20.28, Titus 2:13) JESUS CHRIST supplies ALL true Genuine CHRISTIANs the needed “NEEDs” (PHILIPPIANES 4;13, PHILIPPIANES 4:19)
…NOW, we are really FREE to WORSHIP GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH (John 4:23-24, PHILIPPIANES 3:3) 2Corinthians 5:17, RoMA. 8:1-2, Galatians 2:20. . .
. . . *JESUS GOD*… is GREAT !!! Be the PoWeR, MaJesTy, PrAiSe & GLoRy FoReVeRmoRE !!! (“InJeeL” Acts 2:32, John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13, Mark 12:30-31, Hebrews 13:8, 1john 5:7, 2Tim. 1:7, “AnBeeYAH” Jeremiah 29:11, IsA. 26:1-4, 41:10, 54:17, “ToRaH” Numbers 6:23-27, Deuteronomy 8:18, “ZaBooR” Psalm 103:1-5, 91:1-16, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 10:22, PHILIPPIANES 4:6-7, PHILIPPIANES 4:13, 4:19, 2:5-11, 3John2, Revelation 7:11-12 AMP)
+aisasky333 .... that was an excellent post using BIBLICAL REFERENCES to substantiate the truth....Pastors use tithe as fear & to force people to give their money..... when the scriptures clearly state's giving is down by your will & volition 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; NOT grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver........ a cheerful person doesn't need to be forced to give.!!
at my old church I never tithed but gave cheerfully what I could and God always helped me. when my pastor decided to close the church to evangelise I found a new church who insist we tithe according to Malachi 3:10-13 to not be cursed if we withhold tithes and to pay tithes as a promise to be protected by God from the devourer, Satan. the first time I tithe I did it as a test but in faith and received a financial increase of $300 only 6 months from family member for anything I needed. I was shocked. I continued tithing the same way cheerfully with faith til a few months later 5 to be exact my car broke down set me back $600.I don't understand why or how the devourer took my money according to Malachi 3:10-13 that's why I'm on here researching what happened? the pastor made it seem paying tithes would make my possessions untouchable and blessed. I'm still in debt borrowing. my pastor tells me to hold on and have faith. I'm still deciding on tithe or go back to giving what I could. if anyone could shed some light plz do so
Mike, I can tell without knowing him has been to seminary/bible college and is so carnally conditioned to make arguments and form doctrines on the teachings of men that he based nearly nothing he said on Scripture. It’s amazing. Like Russell said how can anyone deal with someone who is so conditioned? In other words, how will he live comfortably if he won’t take money from his audience?
Why can't people get free from bondage . Tithing is pagan not a christians.
Russel earl Kelly praise God you are absolutely in truth!!!!
African Brother is a typical RHEMA WOF Prosperity shyster. He spends his whole time with conjecture, speculation and presumption. I love how the moderator keeps busting his bubble when he tries to turn the debate into a sermon.
I realize that it is fear, that is why people fear tithes......the black woman and white man spoke the truth about spiritual discipline and it really spoke into my heart...Thank you to those people.....I am a supernatural being and should not look to the natural, I should look to the spiritual.
+LaTanya Adkins First there is NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.
Also Revelation NEVER refutes scripture but will be WHOLLY supportive.
Show me ONE scripture IN the New Covenant that in any way form or
fashion prescribes that Tithing is to be practiced? You can't. Tithing
and Tithes are mentioned approx 40 times in scripture with 35 being the
OLD TESTAMENT. Truly Jesus referred to Tithing (Mat 23:23/ Luk 11:42)
However it was ONLY BECAUSE he was in the dispensation of Law until
his death which completed it. He also specifically noted what the Tithe
was "Spice, Mint, Cummin" NOT MONEY. Another error to point out :Tithing
was also observed ONLY EVERY 3 YEARS (Deu 26:12)
Paul nor any Apostle EVER spoke or wrote on Tithing BECAUSE IT ENDED AT
CALVARY. If you have a scriptural reference to the contrary produce it.
If you to choose to ignore scripture and listen to men you worship them
NOT GOD but don't try to say it's supported by Scripture.