Check scenario#3 where we actually managed to land when we eliminated human thinking. it is very interesting to actually see how few seconds could make such difference.
Bad idea if heading for TTB. I taught from Sparta Aviation at TTB in 1999.. Its 5 miles from the hudson and they only had 900 feet agl over it when they thought about going to TTB. Glad they didnt try it..
Interesting to know that both a 737 - 800 and an A320 shows similar aerodynamic performance in spite of their differences
Check scenario#3 where we actually managed to land when we eliminated human thinking. it is very interesting to actually see how few seconds could make such difference.
@@AltitudeFlightSimulation Woah! That was impressive.
Bad idea if heading for TTB. I taught from Sparta Aviation at TTB in 1999.. Its 5 miles from the hudson and they only had 900 feet agl over it when they thought about going to TTB. Glad they didnt try it..