exactly! Like, sure SB was very undercooked when it released, but HW1 pretty much worked perfectly from launch, and RUIN was also not that bad at launch. Honestly, most people just focuss on the flop they made with SB's basgame, which sucks, as there was obviously a lot going on backstage when it came to that game. Definitly went through several re-writes.
Thing is, I've seen companies fall from grace so many times that it wouldn't have been shocking if SB was a sign that Steel Wool was about to aswell. Luckily it was just one example of a bad game and the rest of their work has been really good
@@300bottles2 Part of the reason Security Breach ended up that way was because it was too ambitious, and it was even more difficult to make because Steel Wool had never made a game like Security Breach. They actually are known for making VR games. So I wasn’t doubtful about Help Wanted 2 because Steel Wool is more experienced in that category. It’s just sad that Security Breach ended up the way it did because of the team was small and inexperienced
I guess my only complaint with the game is that I wish they had more Sister Location moments: like the parts and service segments for Freddy and Baby. It's also kind of weird Monty didn't get a minigame. Freddy got 1, Roxy got 1, Chica got 2, but Monty didn't get any. It just feels like there was more stuff in the first Help Wanted.
I wish they had more parts and service style mini games, I loved cold storage and I loved parts and service in the original one. I also love the idea of sister location that I get why people don't like it. Definitely works better in VR. Then again I love VR so I'm a little biased.
@@Green_Cyclone Yeah I was thinking it'd be so cool if they brought that to vr, or even to experience the fnaf 6 night shifts proper. missed opportunity for sure
Yeah, the trailer made it seem like they put most of the focus on Sister Location, but it seems only one group of minigames included SL. Also, poor Monty got scrapped :(
I heavily agree with what you said at the end in regards to how gameplay should be the biggest focus in a GAME. A good game comes from good gameplay. Sure, lore and visuals can be a pro or con, but gameplay should be the most important and I believe people write off HW 2 because of its lore when they should take the gameplay into account. I haven't played the game myself yet, but from what I've seen, it looks fun and engaging. Good video^^
In that medical minigame. Sometimes overuse of force cause helpy to scream. Like that hammer you just need to gently tap it (noticed that from few videos).
@@CreamyMiIk IDK I like the difficulty. I think it's more for the experience and variety than the difficulty. I love the story beats they seemingly made cannon. I love VR games.
really wished they went full on sister location, like how help wanted had the main 3 fnaf games (and partly fnaf 4), wouldve loved to see how they couldve done sister location and pizza sim with the salvages and minigames to flat out end with the main fnaf games. If sister location was in it (the entirety, i was looking up to "repairing" funtime freddy)
The salvage minigames would be absolutely terrifying in VR, though I'm curious how they'd manage to force the player to look away from the animatronic and focus solely on their paper.
@@MaddemsMoreau I think the issue with moving the paper away from in front of the player, is it'd seem arbitrary to most However I do like the idea of turning off the light to direct the player's focus to the paper, that could work well
i prefer help wanted 1. in my opinion it felt more like what fnaf is and is scarier. it really made me feel like i was in fnaf and had the right atmosphere. i love help wanted 2 and its mini games but in my opinion it went a little too quick and felt too repetitive at times, and the story felt a little empty. help wanted 1 takes it for me!!! (i loveeee the animatronic repairs and help wanted 2 had only 1😭 also, NO MOLTEN FREDDY OR MONTY???)
@@CreamyMiIk agreed! i was also surprised by the title screen character choices. circus baby and funtime freddy was super cool. but funtime chica..? why? she was only in 1 minigame
I feel like there are a lot of minigames where you just have to copy something from a screen, I wish it was more puzzle like most jumpscares are tied to a timer and that really doesn't build tension visually it's very good the models are well-done the animation great and the environment is well made visual and technique (models, animation, texture, lightning): 8/10 gameplay: 5/10 writting (lore and animatronic's lines) 3/10 atmosphere and overall art direction: 7/10 soundwork (sounds, music and voice acting): 7/10
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you mean about games being accessible to everyone, but I have to disagree. A game is trying to go for a specific experience and atmosphere, and I don’t think it should compromise on that, the games Kingdom Come Deliverance and Kenshi are a couple great examples. Also, while I assume you meant the teleporting was new for the hub world, a lot of VR games use teleportation for movement because it helps avoid motion sickness.
Yeah while games can have their select audiences, personally, where FNAF stands as a franchise, excluding certain demographics would probably be the worst move they could pull. They've already made it abundantly clear that this new direction they're taking FNAF is more or less for general audiences, I don't see why changing this now would be a good idea. Also I don't play many VR games, so this whole teleporting this is very much new to me lmao
@@SirFiftyFive I definetely agree with that point about security breach. (Not a good direction), But help wanted is meant to focus more on the gameplay by creating hectic vr experiences, and imo it does a great job at doing that. But if they make another mainline game i definetely want it to take a darker direction. Fnaf 1 was pretty dark in ambiance story and gameplay and i wanna see that aspect coming back.
I didn't play HW1 and I bought HW2 and I was a bit disappointed if I'm being honest. This is one the best VR games I have played but one of the worst horrors I have played too. There are like 3 minigames that are in any way scary, the rest is just.. fun or not. You either see the jumpscare coming so it's not scary (i.e. restaurants) or the mood is so cute and light that you don't have any tension at all (i.e. basically any shooting minigame) I was having a bunch of fun with it though as a VR title, most of the different minigames were fun to engage and if I had to describe this game shortly it'd be Work Simulator but better. Also worth mentioning I didn't have any motion sickness at all throughout the whole walkthrough which is AMAZING, cause even Beat Saber can get me nauseous, this game didn't even once which I don't think has ever happened for me when playing longer VR titles. Some people were experiencing bugs, I personally don't think I saw even one. I had an issue when I was trying to use Steam Link app from Oculus which they didn't account for yet but there was a solution found by community and I wasn't using Steam Link after that regardless so no biggie. I just expected way more horror though. This was my first horror VR ever and I expected to make a hole in my wall and I know FNAF wasn't particularly known for a fleshed out horror, but games like FNAF 1, 4 and 6 are genuinely scary for me even if being very simplistic in their design. This game has moments, but that's it - moments. I was in any amount scared about 10-20% of the playtime which is terrible for a horror game if you ask me, especially considering I include basic tension in that percentage as well, but maybe I'm just not the demographic anymore and younger audience actually finds this game scary.
I didn't have any issues with the actual game, but I'm sure there are some that encountered bugs. It might just be a thing with Oculus and Steam but I don't know what he encountered so that could be very wrong.
There's a secret ending that's a bit of headache to access; (like FNAF 3) but, I think you be in for a nice surprise as someone who enjoyed the gameplay. If I had to give this game any major criticism it would be its lacking story. There's no proper buildup to either ending which could easily make them feel like they came out of nowhere. There does seem to be (rather vague) hints as to what's happening. As such, you have to be a diehard fan of the past lore to have even a vague idea of what the hell is going on (and even then the idea you have could boil down to theory and specualtion). I've seen several people say thet they were confused by the game's endings. The original Help Wanted didn't have this problem. Or, if it did, not to the same extent. Dataminers have found scrapped dialogue that could have given some proper context and buildup to Help Wanted 2's story and I have no idea why it wasn't implemented. Ugh. Also, I'm so sorry for the Montgomery Gator fans. Ya boy got shafted hard from this game. 😞✊
Finally a review for this game! I love this game and I'll say it's my favorite FNAF game so far out of them all. I loved how creative the minigames felt and how they actually felt like FNAF. They actually feel like something Scott Cawthon would've made in the old games, sticking with the traditional theme! Good video!
@@peopleperson I'm 99.99% sure he's referring to the gameplay Tbh the horror factor IS like the old games, at first you get intimidated and scared, then it just goes away because you understand the gameplay This is how it was for Fnaf 2 and 3
@@Hoke-mx1gb not true bro. those lil cartoon graphics and humor are not scary whatsoever, and in the sister location custom nights it doesn't feel anything like the real games.
@@GunnySledge please play the game before judging. Sister location had barley any gameplay in it so obviously they've made some new additions, and honestly these additions make them better than the versions in the original games. Also wdym these "lil cartoon graphics" lol this game has the best graphics in the entire series, yes the occasional humor did make it less scary but about every fnaf game has something like that, especially sister location.
My one issue from what I've seen, is that alot of the minigames are "we need something to make the minigame a bit more difficult? Let's just add moon and some plush babys for the player to stop from killing them"
I’d like to throw in my own two cents as well! I am yet to play the game, but I’ve watched entire play through(s) of the game, and I’m really debating whether or not I should buy a new VR just to play this game… Rationally, I think it sounds crazy “just to buy a VR for this game,” and granted, it will have more uses than just this game, but this would be the main purpose. Besides that, if I knew about everything the first Help Wanted contained and I didn’t have a VR at the time, I certainly would’ve bought one without second’s thought… It was the best FNAF experience I’ve ever had, untopped. With that being said, I was looking for that experience in this game, but I feel like the component of being engaged in the games of FNAF 6+ (FNAF 5 is exempt as the entire game is practically ported to VR) is kinda lacking. I like the idea of FNAF-themed mini games for VR, especially considering the theming of Security Breach, but an entire game’s worth of mini games…? I dunno how to feel about that yet. Not saying it’s bad, but it’s different… and I’m not sure if it’s a good type of “different”. I was really looking forward to this game, and after being announced only 6 months ago, there is a lot of credit to be given, don’t get me wrong… But I’m not sure if it’s worth running my pockets dry over and that’s my main issue. Realistically, this game has an extremely shorter runtime than the first Help Wanted, and I think that is the biggest downside in my opinion with this game. Again, don’t get me wrong, there’s lots to do, but some of the game modes (like Fizzy Faz, per example) just don’t spark my interest. I think this game has potential, but it still feels like there’s much more to be done to it; it feels incomplete and thus, I’m unsure if I want to invest in an entirely new VR just for this experience. I think the future for this game (if they stick with it) is very bright, and I’d love to see more RUIN incorporated or more of that faithful FNAF gameplay from the original games (FNAF 6+, like FNAF 6 salvages, nights, etc.) which would really bring this game to life for me. TL;DR I’m unsure if it’s worth buying a whole new VR for (also considers the current state of VR games in general) and this game doesn’t really stick too faithful to the original - not a good or bad thing in my opinion, just different. If the team sticks with this game for awhile as they did with Security Breach, then I believe this game may have potential to be on par (or better?) than the first Help Wanted, but to be honest, I feel like there’s too little faithful content in HW2 that aren’t just dragged out mini games or completely irrelevant to make it even arguably better than the first.
I totally understand where you're coming from. When the game was announced, I didn't own a VR either. However, I bought one for this specific reason. While in my case it was worth buying because it's an investment (granted I make videos with it). At the moment I really don't know if it'd be worth buying an entire VR specifically for this game. I would have to be a die-hard fan to even remotely consider it. However, that's not to say I would recommend against it. I truly had my expectations shattered when I played HW2 for the first time this past week. If you're in the market for a VR and plan to play other games that aren't HW2 then it's absolutely worth it. I really don't know how reliable my advice is, I don't really use my VR all that often. I seriously appreciate your insight though, I wish I brought up some of those points in my video!
@@SirFiftyFive Thanks for such a long response! Means a lot. I really appreciate this, and I think I’m going to get a new VR since there are some other games I’ve been eyeing for awhile now. Thank you!
I think with the intro , the player was supposed to see babys shadow and look behind them to get jumpscared and then only to turn around and see the others closer for another jumpscare
2:08 same bro, like..l how… when I turned around baby scared the crap out of me, like I knew she was there, but I didn’t know she was gonna be that tall and fat, I wish they had a mini game where we can play at Monty’s golf tho, thst would’ve been sick
The good thing is help wanted 2 will come out on quest and flatscreen on spring 2024 and i haven't played because i have a quest but when it comes out i will play but it looks fun
It’s suppose to get a flat version sometime next year apparently, like help wanted 1 got. Though like hw1 Im gonna guess that it wont be as fun to play it in flat mode than it is to play in vr.
Yeah, I think a lot of the fun in this game comes from being in VR and moving around in that space. But I also don't see why it wouldn't be any fun in flat mode, it's still the same game :D
Im not gonna lie, this is my favorite FNAF game. Its super fun, the gameplay is different and unique, there are SO many different pieces of gameplay in the game and being a horror game in VR makes it SUPER scary to me personally. The only fnaf game where I went the extra mile to get the secret ending and all collectibles!
I realy like some of the game modes but I feel like lot of the other game modes felt like just a bunch of random fnaf branded mini games with a jumpscare if you lose, and that’s not what makes a good horror game or a good fnaf game in my opinion. but I understand why a lot of people like them. I think the unique modes in fnaf help wanted 1 were better when it comes to game design. Also I personally liked the ending
"Typical steel wool launch " Wow. Steel wool failed one time and you guys forgot that they're the ones who made the fan favorite and one of the best vr recreations in gaming, Fnaf vr, and a good dlc from a flawed game, ruin. It really only takes one mistake and nothing else you ever do will matter. No matter how hard you work or how smart you become, you'll always be known for that one poor mistake.
Well, no. Steel Wool launches have proven in the past to be pretty buggy. Help Wanted 1, while solved quickly, had some optimization issues from the start. All the stuff they’ve done with Hello Neighbor as well hasn’t been great. And then Security Breach is this icing on the cake. While it’s true that not all Steel Wool launches have been bad, there has been a fair amount that have been. Plus I think I’m still scared from SB.
I LOVE help wanted 2 I’m actually glad it’s not as scary. If you want scary there’s still some really creepy game modes here but like you said I feel it’s more of a celebration of FNAF. I prefer help wanted 1 if you want something truly scary. I’m happy with the direction they took with help wanted 2
I’m absolutely terrified of vr horror games but I do play some gorilla tag horror fan games that I find enjoyable but my friend let me play FNAF vr on his headset and I couldn’t get past the title screen lol
I feel like Help wanted 2 is an amazing sequel. One problem that always bugged me with the first game was the fact that after replaying levels a couple of times, you eventually grow tired of them. But the sequel has mini games such as: El chips, arts and crafts etc, where you can always replay it without getting bored. My honest rating of the game is a solid 8.7/10
hey FiftyFIve you probally got a lot of comments about this but there is another ending containing a cutscene and a secret bonnie mask to be found by the player as a steam achievement
15:49 i have played, and its a lot different than vr, bcs ennard broke his legs appeartly and he is sooo slow in help wanted 2, that makes the night just boring to play. The cams don't actually use power so its even easier and you can even see ennard walking slowly to your office, it would be better in my opnion to him to just like run in the hallways or just appear super close to your door.
Tbh the one thing that confused me is when ya said that it’d end up being a “usual steel wool launch” When.. really from what I’ve seen, only happened with fnaf SB’s main experience. I’ve played fnaf Vr 1 and, while the controls themselves weren’t great(that’s more because I’m playing it in a mall, meaning it was used, so I can excuse it) the experience itself was actually fun and spooky Fnaf SB’s dlc I’ve never really encountered much bugs either. So… idk rn the only flaw I have with this vid is exaggerating on steel wools output Now I should mention, I only watched not played Help wanted 2 as I sadly don’t got the Vr for it yet, but honestly it looks amazing
@@SirFiftyFive very reasonable!honestly I blame both Scott and steel wool for the end product of that one tbh? Cuz Scott did let them make it bigger and didn’t do a good enough job communicating lore stuff, at least compared to say how he dealt with communication with the movie where he tried to communicate as well as he can I know I hadn’t finished the vid yet but something else I honestly really love is just how they use a different amount of goofiness, like how the pizza plex related stuff are more often than not, on the somewhat goofy side like the crafts section or glam Fred’s section (bro became a popsicle fr) While some others are far more tense like fnaf SL’s stages, and then fnaf 6 sections has more of a middle ground in between how they’re themed Not sure if you mentioned that part yet but it’s soemthin I loved about this that, makes me feel is probably the best fnaf game outta the rest (which I know is bold to say) because of just how creative it all is, making the OG glamrocks, not even just shattered, just the usual glamrocks.. damn spooky with their cheesy charm, that I feel is a more worthy achievement than just fnaf recreations I’d say
we all forget that help wamted 1 was made and that steel wool is better at vr (also ngl help wanted 2 is so damn fun, sadly- my pc died trying to run it lol) ((im sure the psvr2 can be added for steam since steam can have face tracking on vr and stuff))
i personally think that hw2 shouldn't have delayed the meta quest release date, it came on pc in december 2023 while quest users (without a pc) can't play it until spring 2024
I never thought this game that was meant to be scary😂 I think steel wool is going for the narrative, I guess kinda like modern Resident Evil games. As much as I love RE Village, I never thought it was scary, but it is one of the best stories I’ve seen in a game! My point is, if you went into this game thinking it is gonna be scary, you’ll be a little disappointed, but the story/ mystery is fantastic!!
Thing is I would try this game but I’m not paying £500 for a headset just to play this game, probably wait until it comes on flat mode or until it’s compatible with the VR 1
While I think this game is great, I just think it’s missing charm. games ends abruptly, the jokes aren’t as good as they were in help wanted imo, and a lot of the dialogue specifically is so repetitive that it just drones into my ears. Plus I don’t find the Security Breach animatronics very scary. I think the ruin counterparts are trying too hard. That isn’t to say they can’t be scary, Chica in the food mini games is very scary, when you turn around to make a drink and she’s RIGHT there that got a great moment of me turning off the game. But then again with the dialogue/animation repetition, she does the same eating animation over and over and it brings me out of the immersion. Despite all these complaints I did really enjoy it. Torturing Helpy was particularly fun, so I’d still give it an 8/10
All i wanted was a remake of fnaf 4, 5 and 6 I understand I’m in the minority but I loved the remakes in the first game. I even thought their was the possibility of getting a remake of ultimate custom night with the new animatronics in it. I don’t understand why so little of pizzeria simulator is here I wanted to see molten Freddy and Scrap trap redesigns.
The only thing I am worried about is that there is no real 5 nights kinda mechanic, in my opinion I love security Breach 2, as I played it just yesterday on Christmas, I was kinda confused, I love the game, I just wish I could have had a little bit of survival type of gameplay. Besides all that, GREAT GAME!!! I LOVE IT!
I prefer my fnaf games to not be over the top terrifying. I believe its better when all of the creepier aspects are hidden, such as the child murder and messed up shit that happens in the series.
What i didnt like isnt something about the gameplay it was more the noise, specifically the jumpscare noise, they are all from security breach which i dont like The original help wanted had all the animatronics jumpscare there original jumpscare, except the funtimes for some reason but lets not worry about that now I just want the robots to sound like they originally did and not always here the screeching noise
idk what exactly you mean by "hw didn't have a tutorial", bc it did. Like any time you'd open a game in Fnaf HW, you would get those 2 to 3 slides of "here's how this minigame works". This is literally the "tutorial" HW 2 is talking about. The difference just is that HW2 made these tutorial screnes skippable, HW1 would force you into the Tuturial hub before you could actually play the minigame, regardless of how many times you played that minigame. As for my own opinion on this game: I think over-all, it's better then HW1, though I am sad they stuck more to the "animatronics teleport around" machanic, unlike HW1, where they'd often walk around. Like imagine how cool it would be if Ballora actually constantly moved around in the room, or if you were able to see the SL animatronics move on the camera's instead of watch them teleport around before coming to the door. Also, dificulty. Not saying HW2 isn't dificult, it is in some sections, but they're giving you too many chances imo. Like in the Daycare minigame, you could fail up to, what, 5 times before Sun attacks? if not more. Same with how much time you have to complete it. Like, you can just keep on making mistakes, spend 20 minutes failing, and you'd still be able to finish the minigame. That's not difficult. Honestly, they should have gone with 3 chances max, and a reasonable timelimit that allows for one retry, if you failed your first attempt, but not a million. Lastly, you should really check out the Princess Quest ending if you want a better ending. Though I personally do like the normal ending too.
Yeah tbh never figured out what tutorial actually did except skip some things at the start lmao. What I meant by tutorial in HW1 was like any actual instruction while in the mini game. Thinking more specificity the parts and service mini games which were nutritious for being confusing on purpose. Also I did check out the princess quest ending. Didn’t mention it in the video to give people something else to look for while they’re playing.
Overall i would say that i enjoyed the game. The minigames are quite fun. The game is however lacking in the horror aspect. Compared to HW1, HW2 is just not scary. One complaint i have for the SL nights is how the game gives you a loud notification when a animatronic is near. To me it feels completely unnecessary when each animatronic has a more suble sound que.
@SirFiftyFive I was thinking. If theres is like a Fnaf Fangame that i was thinking about. And its based on Nutshell Animations. And its Inspired by a Fnaf Fangame called: Jollibee's And it game i talking about is...... "Nutshell Nights"
I LOVE THIS GAME, I even platinum it but… I was a bit disappointed, I was expecting a lot more content. This game is good but everything feels like good ideas thrown into a game, along with remakes. I was expecting old and new but it’s mostly just new with the other games skin on it. Backstage was mostly panting. Food prep was fun but short. Ticked booth housed my favorite game carousel and Foxy’s pirate ride was mid. Fazcade was fun but not much substance to them, fazer blast was fine, only important because of the memory plush and other vague lore. Staff only was mostly repeats of other nights in itself, we got 4 fizzy faz nights, maybe 5 I don’t remember, but no Monty level, and only one glam rock Freddy. I was looking forward to more circus baby but she only had one level where your fending off against the plush babies and then the shows up and gives you ice cream, cool moment but dang I was hoping for more, well scrap babies in this game to but she doesn’t do anything different the the other three animatronics in the helpy nights. I also think that maybe molten Freddy should’ve replaced pig patch, since you know… he’s a lot more important, would’ve looked cool in Vr. Back to sister location there are only THREE Types of nights, balloras gallery, Funtime Freddy thing, and the nights, I love all of them but except for those three it’s just harder versions of them I enjoyed all of them but sister location has so much potential in Vr and it felt wasted, so many office nights for a game that barely takes place in one. Even though I think it had more I felt like I was getting more of my moneys worth with help wanted 1 even if it has its own gaping problems I like it much more.. The story was gonna be honest, REALLY BAD it felt like steel wool desperately trying to fix the decisions made in help wanted one, Vanny is her own character, Afton in most ways in gone finally, etc etc, while I like these changes it feels retcony, it’s supposedly meant to be about Cassie’s dad but it has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM, there’s the bunny mask part, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh and Cassie mask bot thing, the mask, few slight references to Cassie and her dad. The story is just uhh look we fixed that thing you didn’t like and here’s some other games to distract from the lackluster story we’ve made. I could gone on for hours but I won’t, I only have so many problems with it because I love this series and all of the games in it… even you security breach, you troubled but amazing child… I love this game so much, but there’s a lot of problems I have with it. ALOT. but I still love this game and this series. Sorry for typos and stuff this is just a very long comment and I’m not reading over it.
I could also go one for hours on how I love it, I won’t. Everyone talks about how good it is. You can probably find what I like about it in the comment section. Again only going on about it because I love this game so much and there feels like a WHOLE LOT OF wasted potential. Here’s hoping there’s a dlc. Don’t attack me btw this game is in my top five I really do like it but just have problems. When you love something you eventually go over all the good things and see its shortcomings, I see that in this game, and the series as a whole.
i think the ennard night in hw2 is poorly executed and leads to a rather boring experience. it's just too easy; ennard moves way too slowly towards your door and power is abundant thanks to cams not using any power
I feel like they were very creative for this game a lot falls flat because of lack of challenge like even sb had a good challenge at the end kinda with not being able to save besides one spot in the middle and other skillful endings but hw 2 nothing was very hard which I like a challenge to have fun
It was les scary than 1 but way more original and creative, im short and i get scared easily so this one was awfull for me i love it so much my only complaint is that there are a lot of minigames that are just the same with some extras, fizzy faz night, first aid or fazzer blast
TLDR: No, its just a job simulator with little fun minigames that's basically like a childs game with fnaf slapped onto it. Its literally just little minigames. .......Wait what the video is really positive about the game? Huh?
It’s a fun ass game with some light horror elements within some of the games. People are too critical lmao it’s just a blast to play start to finish, especially with all the servers
"Just a job simulator with fun minigames" My friend, that is FNAF. Some of these games were literally FNAF but on a different profession. Some had the principles of the same gameplay concept as the old games, like FizzyFaz or the custom sister location levels for example. Definitely one of the best games in this franchise.
@@RuneTacticss Okay, then just say you didn't like the lack of horror? That is understandable, a lot of people including I were disappointed on that as well. But you really should know that there is WAY more to a horror game than just horror (yk where the "game" part actually comes out). Its a really fun experience that sometimes uses the fundamentals of the old games to make the gameplay really similar and creative to what FNAF is supposed to be, just with really light horror. So no, this game is not just a collection of minigames with FNAF slapped on it. With this dumb logic Sister Location is the same and Pizzaria Simulators gameplay of you defending yourself from animatronics while trying to finish a task (see how this game also does this A LOT) isn't FNAF either.
I think people over look the reason this game was so well liked by me and many of my friends. It’s just a fucking blast to play & watch lmao, we had a blast laughing our asses off watching one of us get scared on carousel or torture helpy. Plus the secrets are so fun to discover and play. I say both helps wanted’s are both well worth the price & a blast to play. Best over-all is the curse of dreadbear dlc some the 1st helped wanted. Ts was so scary lmao
I get why people were concerned prior to the release of help wanted 2 due to the flop that was sb but I feel like people forget hw1 was actually good
exactly! Like, sure SB was very undercooked when it released, but HW1 pretty much worked perfectly from launch, and RUIN was also not that bad at launch. Honestly, most people just focuss on the flop they made with SB's basgame, which sucks, as there was obviously a lot going on backstage when it came to that game. Definitly went through several re-writes.
HW1 was peak but I was scared by Security Breach’s launch 😭
YES THIS I wasn't worried at all
Thing is, I've seen companies fall from grace so many times that it wouldn't have been shocking if SB was a sign that Steel Wool was about to aswell. Luckily it was just one example of a bad game and the rest of their work has been really good
Part of the reason Security Breach ended up that way was because it was too ambitious, and it was even more difficult to make because Steel Wool had never made a game like Security Breach. They actually are known for making VR games. So I wasn’t doubtful about Help Wanted 2 because Steel Wool is more experienced in that category. It’s just sad that Security Breach ended up the way it did because of the team was small and inexperienced
I guess my only complaint with the game is that I wish they had more Sister Location moments: like the parts and service segments for Freddy and Baby.
It's also kind of weird Monty didn't get a minigame. Freddy got 1, Roxy got 1, Chica got 2, but Monty didn't get any.
It just feels like there was more stuff in the first Help Wanted.
I wish they had more parts and service style mini games, I loved cold storage and I loved parts and service in the original one. I also love the idea of sister location that I get why people don't like it. Definitely works better in VR. Then again I love VR so I'm a little biased.
i wish they added the salvage from ffps
@@Green_Cyclone that would have been pretty sick
@@Green_Cyclone Yeah I was thinking it'd be so cool if they brought that to vr, or even to experience the fnaf 6 night shifts proper. missed opportunity for sure
Yeah, the trailer made it seem like they put most of the focus on Sister Location, but it seems only one group of minigames included SL. Also, poor Monty got scrapped :(
I heavily agree with what you said at the end in regards to how gameplay should be the biggest focus in a GAME. A good game comes from good gameplay. Sure, lore and visuals can be a pro or con, but gameplay should be the most important and I believe people write off HW 2 because of its lore when they should take the gameplay into account. I haven't played the game myself yet, but from what I've seen, it looks fun and engaging. Good video^^
My only gripe with the game is there wasn't enough Pizzeria Simulator minigames. I would've loved to play Salvage in VR.
i wouldve loved to have the pizza sim nights in vr, that game was the scariest imo
@@djnotokay7677 OHHHH that would have been soo good. That was my first fnaf game so I love those moments
Ooohh, maybe DLC?
In that medical minigame. Sometimes overuse of force cause helpy to scream. Like that hammer you just need to gently tap it (noticed that from few videos).
So you’re telling me I’ve been breaking his kneecaps on accident this entire time 😵💫
You did miss the secret ending, which adds a great deal to the lore. However if you're not into the Lore as much then too big of a deal I'd say.
Y the secret ending so easy tho 😭
@@CreamyMiIk IDK I like the difficulty. I think it's more for the experience and variety than the difficulty. I love the story beats they seemingly made cannon. I love VR games.
really wished they went full on sister location, like how help wanted had the main 3 fnaf games (and partly fnaf 4), wouldve loved to see how they couldve done sister location and pizza sim with the salvages and minigames to flat out end with the main fnaf games. If sister location was in it (the entirety, i was looking up to "repairing" funtime freddy)
The salvage minigames would be absolutely terrifying in VR, though I'm curious how they'd manage to force the player to look away from the animatronic and focus solely on their paper.
@@dmk_yt couldve put the paper behind you so you had to look away, or the lights always turning off if you had to write yes, no or unsure on the paper
@@MaddemsMoreau I think the issue with moving the paper away from in front of the player, is it'd seem arbitrary to most
However I do like the idea of turning off the light to direct the player's focus to the paper, that could work well
i prefer help wanted 1. in my opinion it felt more like what fnaf is and is scarier. it really made me feel like i was in fnaf and had the right atmosphere. i love help wanted 2 and its mini games but in my opinion it went a little too quick and felt too repetitive at times, and the story felt a little empty. help wanted 1 takes it for me!!! (i loveeee the animatronic repairs and help wanted 2 had only 1😭 also, NO MOLTEN FREDDY OR MONTY???)
it felt more like a mini game collection instead of being scary
@@MrBrandonStar yes, agreed!
I don’t like that the main animatronics for this game are moon/sun, plush baby, and staff bots that’s kinda a underwhelming main cast of scarers
@@CreamyMiIk agreed! i was also surprised by the title screen character choices. circus baby and funtime freddy was super cool. but funtime chica..? why? she was only in 1 minigame
Eh, the Fnaf 1-3 Nights were Fun but just there for Nostalgia
I feel like there are a lot of minigames where you just have to copy something from a screen, I wish it was more puzzle like
most jumpscares are tied to a timer and that really doesn't build tension
visually it's very good the models are well-done the animation great and the environment is well made
visual and technique (models, animation, texture, lightning): 8/10
gameplay: 5/10
writting (lore and animatronic's lines) 3/10
atmosphere and overall art direction: 7/10
soundwork (sounds, music and voice acting): 7/10
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you mean about games being accessible to everyone, but I have to disagree. A game is trying to go for a specific experience and atmosphere, and I don’t think it should compromise on that, the games Kingdom Come Deliverance and Kenshi are a couple great examples. Also, while I assume you meant the teleporting was new for the hub world, a lot of VR games use teleportation for movement because it helps avoid motion sickness.
Yeah while games can have their select audiences, personally, where FNAF stands as a franchise, excluding certain demographics would probably be the worst move they could pull. They've already made it abundantly clear that this new direction they're taking FNAF is more or less for general audiences, I don't see why changing this now would be a good idea.
Also I don't play many VR games, so this whole teleporting this is very much new to me lmao
@@SirFiftyFive ok, sorry for the confusion, I tend to be picky with wording.
@@SirFiftyFive I definetely agree with that point about security breach. (Not a good direction), But help wanted is meant to focus more on the gameplay by creating hectic vr experiences, and imo it does a great job at doing that. But if they make another mainline game i definetely want it to take a darker direction. Fnaf 1 was pretty dark in ambiance story and gameplay and i wanna see that aspect coming back.
I didn't play HW1 and I bought HW2 and I was a bit disappointed if I'm being honest. This is one the best VR games I have played but one of the worst horrors I have played too.
There are like 3 minigames that are in any way scary, the rest is just.. fun or not. You either see the jumpscare coming so it's not scary (i.e. restaurants) or the mood is so cute and light that you don't have any tension at all (i.e. basically any shooting minigame)
I was having a bunch of fun with it though as a VR title, most of the different minigames were fun to engage and if I had to describe this game shortly it'd be Work Simulator but better. Also worth mentioning I didn't have any motion sickness at all throughout the whole walkthrough which is AMAZING, cause even Beat Saber can get me nauseous, this game didn't even once which I don't think has ever happened for me when playing longer VR titles.
Some people were experiencing bugs, I personally don't think I saw even one. I had an issue when I was trying to use Steam Link app from Oculus which they didn't account for yet but there was a solution found by community and I wasn't using Steam Link after that regardless so no biggie.
I just expected way more horror though. This was my first horror VR ever and I expected to make a hole in my wall and I know FNAF wasn't particularly known for a fleshed out horror, but games like FNAF 1, 4 and 6 are genuinely scary for me even if being very simplistic in their design. This game has moments, but that's it - moments. I was in any amount scared about 10-20% of the playtime which is terrible for a horror game if you ask me, especially considering I include basic tension in that percentage as well, but maybe I'm just not the demographic anymore and younger audience actually finds this game scary.
I agree this game is not very scary at all but if u want a scaryer fnaf vr game def play hw 1 because that one has some peak scarys besides som
Some people experienced a very buggy launch, like DMuted, but I don't know how common that is. Still something to keep in mind
I didn't have any issues with the actual game, but I'm sure there are some that encountered bugs. It might just be a thing with Oculus and Steam but I don't know what he encountered so that could be very wrong.
There's a secret ending that's a bit of headache to access; (like FNAF 3) but, I think you be in for a nice surprise as someone who enjoyed the gameplay.
If I had to give this game any major criticism it would be its lacking story. There's no proper buildup to either ending which could easily make them feel like they came out of nowhere. There does seem to be (rather vague) hints as to what's happening. As such, you have to be a diehard fan of the past lore to have even a vague idea of what the hell is going on (and even then the idea you have could boil down to theory and specualtion). I've seen several people say thet they were confused by the game's endings.
The original Help Wanted didn't have this problem. Or, if it did, not to the same extent. Dataminers have found scrapped dialogue that could have given some proper context and buildup to Help Wanted 2's story and I have no idea why it wasn't implemented. Ugh.
Also, I'm so sorry for the Montgomery Gator fans. Ya boy got shafted hard from this game. 😞✊
Finally a review for this game! I love this game and I'll say it's my favorite FNAF game so far out of them all. I loved how creative the minigames felt and how they actually felt like FNAF. They actually feel like something Scott Cawthon would've made in the old games, sticking with the traditional theme!
Good video!
if this was actually fnaf it would be scary🤣
@@peopleperson I'm 99.99% sure he's referring to the gameplay
Tbh the horror factor IS like the old games, at first you get intimidated and scared, then it just goes away because you understand the gameplay
This is how it was for Fnaf 2 and 3
@@Hoke-mx1gb not true bro. those lil cartoon graphics and humor are not scary whatsoever, and in the sister location custom nights it doesn't feel anything like the real games.
@@GunnySledge please play the game before judging. Sister location had barley any gameplay in it so obviously they've made some new additions, and honestly these additions make them better than the versions in the original games.
Also wdym these "lil cartoon graphics" lol this game has the best graphics in the entire series, yes the occasional humor did make it less scary but about every fnaf game has something like that, especially sister location.
My one issue from what I've seen, is that alot of the minigames are "we need something to make the minigame a bit more difficult? Let's just add moon and some plush babys for the player to stop from killing them"
I can't help but wonder why he doesn't mention Carnie or any of the new characters
(Other than Mystic Hippo)
Interesting, FNAFHW2 was definitely not on my wishlist but I actually liked it!
I’d like to throw in my own two cents as well! I am yet to play the game, but I’ve watched entire play through(s) of the game, and I’m really debating whether or not I should buy a new VR just to play this game… Rationally, I think it sounds crazy “just to buy a VR for this game,” and granted, it will have more uses than just this game, but this would be the main purpose.
Besides that, if I knew about everything the first Help Wanted contained and I didn’t have a VR at the time, I certainly would’ve bought one without second’s thought… It was the best FNAF experience I’ve ever had, untopped.
With that being said, I was looking for that experience in this game, but I feel like the component of being engaged in the games of FNAF 6+ (FNAF 5 is exempt as the entire game is practically ported to VR) is kinda lacking. I like the idea of FNAF-themed mini games for VR, especially considering the theming of Security Breach, but an entire game’s worth of mini games…? I dunno how to feel about that yet. Not saying it’s bad, but it’s different… and I’m not sure if it’s a good type of “different”.
I was really looking forward to this game, and after being announced only 6 months ago, there is a lot of credit to be given, don’t get me wrong… But I’m not sure if it’s worth running my pockets dry over and that’s my main issue. Realistically, this game has an extremely shorter runtime than the first Help Wanted, and I think that is the biggest downside in my opinion with this game.
Again, don’t get me wrong, there’s lots to do, but some of the game modes (like Fizzy Faz, per example) just don’t spark my interest. I think this game has potential, but it still feels like there’s much more to be done to it; it feels incomplete and thus, I’m unsure if I want to invest in an entirely new VR just for this experience. I think the future for this game (if they stick with it) is very bright, and I’d love to see more RUIN incorporated or more of that faithful FNAF gameplay from the original games (FNAF 6+, like FNAF 6 salvages, nights, etc.) which would really bring this game to life for me.
TL;DR I’m unsure if it’s worth buying a whole new VR for (also considers the current state of VR games in general) and this game doesn’t really stick too faithful to the original - not a good or bad thing in my opinion, just different. If the team sticks with this game for awhile as they did with Security Breach, then I believe this game may have potential to be on par (or better?) than the first Help Wanted, but to be honest, I feel like there’s too little faithful content in HW2 that aren’t just dragged out mini games or completely irrelevant to make it even arguably better than the first.
I totally understand where you're coming from. When the game was announced, I didn't own a VR either. However, I bought one for this specific reason. While in my case it was worth buying because it's an investment (granted I make videos with it). At the moment I really don't know if it'd be worth buying an entire VR specifically for this game. I would have to be a die-hard fan to even remotely consider it.
However, that's not to say I would recommend against it. I truly had my expectations shattered when I played HW2 for the first time this past week. If you're in the market for a VR and plan to play other games that aren't HW2 then it's absolutely worth it.
I really don't know how reliable my advice is, I don't really use my VR all that often. I seriously appreciate your insight though, I wish I brought up some of those points in my video!
@@SirFiftyFive Thanks for such a long response! Means a lot. I really appreciate this, and I think I’m going to get a new VR since there are some other games I’ve been eyeing for awhile now. Thank you!
Awesome! Glad I could help!
I think with the intro , the player was supposed to see babys shadow and look behind them to get jumpscared and then only to turn around and see the others closer for another jumpscare
As a lore obsessed fan, this game(gameplay and lore) was peak to me. The secret ending actually reveals a lot.
HW2 is fun! But i pefer more on HW1 because jumpscares are more scarier than the 2nd one.
2:08 same bro, like..l how… when I turned around baby scared the crap out of me, like I knew she was there, but I didn’t know she was gonna be that tall and fat, I wish they had a mini game where we can play at Monty’s golf tho, thst would’ve been sick
The good thing is help wanted 2 will come out on quest and flatscreen on spring 2024 and i haven't played because i have a quest but when it comes out i will play but it looks fun
It’s suppose to get a flat version sometime next year apparently, like help wanted 1 got. Though like hw1 Im gonna guess that it wont be as fun to play it in flat mode than it is to play in vr.
Yeah, I think a lot of the fun in this game comes from being in VR and moving around in that space. But I also don't see why it wouldn't be any fun in flat mode, it's still the same game :D
How did the robots from the past games get inside the new locations. We saw you burn at the end of custom nights true ending baby.
I just miss when this franchise was smart with this atmosphere/scares now it’s all predictable and meh at best.
It’s not a surprise that the game is relatively bug-free.
Steel Wool has always been a VR studio.
The fact that we got to see every glamrock animatronic except monty
Not the kiss at the end lmfao
Realistically, speaking two out of the three releases, steel wool made weren’t buggy on launch so you can’t really say it’s typical for them
i regret buying this game. its not scary. i want a good fnaf game, not boring minigames with a bad jumpscare.
I just noticed that the Elevator ride was never in the game from the beginning of Sister Location! how did I not noticed that?!
Good review, man! Keep it up!
People that want it on the quest 2 RIGHT NOW😢!
Im not gonna lie, this is my favorite FNAF game. Its super fun, the gameplay is different and unique, there are SO many different pieces of gameplay in the game and being a horror game in VR makes it SUPER scary to me personally. The only fnaf game where I went the extra mile to get the secret ending and all collectibles!
I realy like some of the game modes but I feel like lot of the other game modes felt like just a bunch of random fnaf branded mini games with a jumpscare if you lose, and that’s not what makes a good horror game or a good fnaf game in my opinion. but I understand why a lot of people like them. I think the unique modes in fnaf help wanted 1 were better when it comes to game design. Also I personally liked the ending
"Typical steel wool launch "
Wow. Steel wool failed one time and you guys forgot that they're the ones who made the fan favorite and one of the best vr recreations in gaming, Fnaf vr, and a good dlc from a flawed game, ruin. It really only takes one mistake and nothing else you ever do will matter. No matter how hard you work or how smart you become, you'll always be known for that one poor mistake.
Well, no. Steel Wool launches have proven in the past to be pretty buggy. Help Wanted 1, while solved quickly, had some optimization issues from the start. All the stuff they’ve done with Hello Neighbor as well hasn’t been great. And then Security Breach is this icing on the cake. While it’s true that not all Steel Wool launches have been bad, there has been a fair amount that have been. Plus I think I’m still scared from SB.
Not to mention the ruin DLC was free.
I LOVE help wanted 2 I’m actually glad it’s not as scary. If you want scary there’s still some really creepy game modes here but like you said I feel it’s more of a celebration of FNAF. I prefer help wanted 1 if you want something truly scary. I’m happy with the direction they took with help wanted 2
For anyone wondering since he didn’t specify this at the start: the game will launch for quest spring 2024
I’m absolutely terrified of vr horror games but I do play some gorilla tag horror fan games that I find enjoyable but my friend let me play FNAF vr on his headset and I couldn’t get past the title screen lol
I feel like Help wanted 2 is an amazing sequel. One problem that always bugged me with the first game was the fact that after replaying levels a couple of times, you eventually grow tired of them. But the sequel has mini games such as: El chips, arts and crafts etc, where you can always replay it without getting bored. My honest rating of the game is a solid 8.7/10
Didn't one of the Steel Wool developers say Monty WAS going to be in the game?
He is in the game.... outside the boundaries of bonnie bowl. So i guessya cant get mad at them for that
hey FiftyFIve you probally got a lot of comments about this but there is another ending containing a cutscene and a secret bonnie mask to be found by the player as a steam achievement
15:49 i have played, and its a lot different than vr, bcs ennard broke his legs appeartly and he is sooo slow in help wanted 2, that makes the night just boring to play. The cams don't actually use power so its even easier and you can even see ennard walking slowly to your office, it would be better in my opnion to him to just like run in the hallways or just appear super close to your door.
Tbh the one thing that confused me is when ya said that it’d end up being a “usual steel wool launch”
When.. really from what I’ve seen, only happened with fnaf SB’s main experience.
I’ve played fnaf Vr 1 and, while the controls themselves weren’t great(that’s more because I’m playing it in a mall, meaning it was used, so I can excuse it) the experience itself was actually fun and spooky
Fnaf SB’s dlc I’ve never really encountered much bugs either. So… idk rn the only flaw I have with this vid is exaggerating on steel wools output
Now I should mention, I only watched not played Help wanted 2 as I sadly don’t got the Vr for it yet, but honestly it looks amazing
Absolutely fair! I think I'm just scared from Security Breach's launch lmao
@@SirFiftyFive very reasonable!honestly I blame both Scott and steel wool for the end product of that one tbh? Cuz Scott did let them make it bigger and didn’t do a good enough job communicating lore stuff, at least compared to say how he dealt with communication with the movie where he tried to communicate as well as he can
I know I hadn’t finished the vid yet but something else I honestly really love is just how they use a different amount of goofiness, like how the pizza plex related stuff are more often than not, on the somewhat goofy side like the crafts section or glam Fred’s section (bro became a popsicle fr)
While some others are far more tense like fnaf SL’s stages, and then fnaf 6 sections has more of a middle ground in between how they’re themed
Not sure if you mentioned that part yet but it’s soemthin I loved about this that, makes me feel is probably the best fnaf game outta the rest (which I know is bold to say) because of just how creative it all is, making the OG glamrocks, not even just shattered, just the usual glamrocks.. damn spooky with their cheesy charm, that I feel is a more worthy achievement than just fnaf recreations I’d say
Security Breach isn't the only buggy Steel Wool game. They also worked on Hello Neighbor 2
Oh that is true, they left that in pretty rough shape
@@sophitiaofhyrule yeah that's true, But Hello Neighbor does have a track record when it comes to there games being buggy.
Im dying to play this but i need to wait till sping cause i only have a oculus
we all forget that help wamted 1 was made and that steel wool is better at vr (also ngl help wanted 2 is so damn fun, sadly- my pc died trying to run it lol) ((im sure the psvr2 can be added for steam since steam can have face tracking on vr and stuff))
You made a jr's reference by accident 💀
I feel like Steel Wool best works in vr games than anything else.
i personally think that hw2 shouldn't have delayed the meta quest release date, it came on pc in december 2023 while quest users (without a pc) can't play it until spring 2024
I never thought this game that was meant to be scary😂 I think steel wool is going for the narrative, I guess kinda like modern Resident Evil games. As much as I love RE Village, I never thought it was scary, but it is one of the best stories I’ve seen in a game! My point is, if you went into this game thinking it is gonna be scary, you’ll be a little disappointed, but the story/ mystery is fantastic!!
Can you make a ranking video of Bendy and the ink machine musical by? Lhugueny
Thing is I would try this game but I’m not paying £500 for a headset just to play this game, probably wait until it comes on flat mode or until it’s compatible with the VR 1
Its going to be release on pc
While I think this game is great, I just think it’s missing charm. games ends abruptly, the jokes aren’t as good as they were in help wanted imo, and a lot of the dialogue specifically is so repetitive that it just drones into my ears. Plus I don’t find the Security Breach animatronics very scary. I think the ruin counterparts are trying too hard. That isn’t to say they can’t be scary, Chica in the food mini games is very scary, when you turn around to make a drink and she’s RIGHT there that got a great moment of me turning off the game. But then again with the dialogue/animation repetition, she does the same eating animation over and over and it brings me out of the immersion. Despite all these complaints I did really enjoy it. Torturing Helpy was particularly fun, so I’d still give it an 8/10
I believe replaying the music man sequences do pause the timer
All i wanted was a remake of fnaf 4, 5 and 6 I understand I’m in the minority but I loved the remakes in the first game. I even thought their was the possibility of getting a remake of ultimate custom night with the new animatronics in it. I don’t understand why so little of pizzeria simulator is here I wanted to see molten Freddy and Scrap trap redesigns.
maybe the reason you didnt feel fulfilled with the ending is because it wasnt the good ending?
The only thing I am worried about is that there is no real 5 nights kinda mechanic, in my opinion I love security Breach 2, as I played it just yesterday on Christmas, I was kinda confused, I love the game, I just wish I could have had a little bit of survival type of gameplay. Besides all that, GREAT GAME!!! I LOVE IT!
Massive, Monolithic, Monumental SirFiftyFive W
I prefer my fnaf games to not be over the top terrifying. I believe its better when all of the creepier aspects are hidden, such as the child murder and messed up shit that happens in the series.
I'm going to buy a vr game for Christmas and I want help wanted 1 or 2 but idk which one to choose, what do you recommend me to buy?
1 if you’re looking to be scared.
Has anyone ever wondered who owns Fazbear entertainment as of now
What i didnt like isnt something about the gameplay it was more the noise, specifically the jumpscare noise, they are all from security breach which i dont like
The original help wanted had all the animatronics jumpscare there original jumpscare, except the funtimes for some reason but lets not worry about that now
I just want the robots to sound like they originally did and not always here the screeching noise
Every fnaf fan going to watch this: I BETTER NOT SEE ANY OPINIONS THAT AREN’T MINE
I was like 5 when the sister location trailer came out
You forgot to talk about the *spoiler alert, if you haven’t played the game or seen literally everything, then don’t read past* the secret ending
the intro of this game has no right being this terrifying its scarier than the entirety of HW1 put together
When Fnaf hw 2 comes out on quest I am gonna buy it the second it says buy now instead of coming in spring
I have a question does help wanted 2 only have security breach stuff or does it have more?
idk what exactly you mean by "hw didn't have a tutorial", bc it did. Like any time you'd open a game in Fnaf HW, you would get those 2 to 3 slides of "here's how this minigame works". This is literally the "tutorial" HW 2 is talking about. The difference just is that HW2 made these tutorial screnes skippable, HW1 would force you into the Tuturial hub before you could actually play the minigame, regardless of how many times you played that minigame.
As for my own opinion on this game: I think over-all, it's better then HW1, though I am sad they stuck more to the "animatronics teleport around" machanic, unlike HW1, where they'd often walk around. Like imagine how cool it would be if Ballora actually constantly moved around in the room, or if you were able to see the SL animatronics move on the camera's instead of watch them teleport around before coming to the door.
Also, dificulty. Not saying HW2 isn't dificult, it is in some sections, but they're giving you too many chances imo. Like in the Daycare minigame, you could fail up to, what, 5 times before Sun attacks? if not more. Same with how much time you have to complete it. Like, you can just keep on making mistakes, spend 20 minutes failing, and you'd still be able to finish the minigame. That's not difficult. Honestly, they should have gone with 3 chances max, and a reasonable timelimit that allows for one retry, if you failed your first attempt, but not a million.
Lastly, you should really check out the Princess Quest ending if you want a better ending. Though I personally do like the normal ending too.
Yeah tbh never figured out what tutorial actually did except skip some things at the start lmao. What I meant by tutorial in HW1 was like any actual instruction while in the mini game. Thinking more specificity the parts and service mini games which were nutritious for being confusing on purpose.
Also I did check out the princess quest ending. Didn’t mention it in the video to give people something else to look for while they’re playing.
and im still witing for it to come out on the quest
Listen i miss old game in fnaf now?
You didn't talk about the secret ending
Absolute Banger!!
Is there early access for quest 2? Please let me know because if it does have early access then I will pre order it
short answer yes its good
4:08 No it didn't. It had a tutorial which told you what to do
The first one is better
bro its not "typical" they made only 2 fnaf games prior it was not a re accruing thing to be happening
Overall i would say that i enjoyed the game. The minigames are quite fun. The game is however lacking in the horror aspect. Compared to HW1, HW2 is just not scary. One complaint i have for the SL nights is how the game gives you a loud notification when a animatronic is near. To me it feels completely unnecessary when each animatronic has a more suble sound que.
I was thinking.
If theres is like a Fnaf Fangame that i was thinking about.
And its based on Nutshell Animations.
And its Inspired by a Fnaf Fangame called: Jollibee's
And it game i talking about is......
"Nutshell Nights"
I have pre-ordered it on the quest2 and it tells me it’s gonna arrive in 2024 spring show it’s coming to quest I’ll say. (:
The game is now on meta guest ( I play it on quest 2 )
I LOVE THIS GAME, I even platinum it but… I was a bit disappointed, I was expecting a lot more content. This game is good but everything feels like good ideas thrown into a game, along with remakes. I was expecting old and new but it’s mostly just new with the other games skin on it. Backstage was mostly panting. Food prep was fun but short. Ticked booth housed my favorite game carousel and Foxy’s pirate ride was mid. Fazcade was fun but not much substance to them, fazer blast was fine, only important because of the memory plush and other vague lore. Staff only was mostly repeats of other nights in itself, we got 4 fizzy faz nights, maybe 5 I don’t remember, but no Monty level, and only one glam rock Freddy. I was looking forward to more circus baby but she only had one level where your fending off against the plush babies and then the shows up and gives you ice cream, cool moment but dang I was hoping for more, well scrap babies in this game to but she doesn’t do anything different the the other three animatronics in the helpy nights. I also think that maybe molten Freddy should’ve replaced pig patch, since you know… he’s a lot more important, would’ve looked cool in Vr. Back to sister location there are only THREE Types of nights, balloras gallery, Funtime Freddy thing, and the nights, I love all of them but except for those three it’s just harder versions of them I enjoyed all of them but sister location has so much potential in Vr and it felt wasted, so many office nights for a game that barely takes place in one. Even though I think it had more I felt like I was getting more of my moneys worth with help wanted 1 even if it has its own gaping problems I like it much more.. The story was gonna be honest, REALLY BAD it felt like steel wool desperately trying to fix the decisions made in help wanted one, Vanny is her own character, Afton in most ways in gone finally, etc etc, while I like these changes it feels retcony, it’s supposedly meant to be about Cassie’s dad but it has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM, there’s the bunny mask part, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh and Cassie mask bot thing, the mask, few slight references to Cassie and her dad. The story is just uhh look we fixed that thing you didn’t like and here’s some other games to distract from the lackluster story we’ve made. I could gone on for hours but I won’t, I only have so many problems with it because I love this series and all of the games in it… even you security breach, you troubled but amazing child… I love this game so much, but there’s a lot of problems I have with it. ALOT. but I still love this game and this series.
Sorry for typos and stuff this is just a very long comment and I’m not reading over it.
I could also go one for hours on how I love it, I won’t. Everyone talks about how good it is. You can probably find what I like about it in the comment section. Again only going on about it because I love this game so much and there feels like a WHOLE LOT OF wasted potential. Here’s hoping there’s a dlc.
Don’t attack me btw this game is in my top five I really do like it but just have problems. When you love something you eventually go over all the good things and see its shortcomings, I see that in this game, and the series as a whole.
i think the ennard night in hw2 is poorly executed and leads to a rather boring experience. it's just too easy; ennard moves way too slowly towards your door and power is abundant thanks to cams not using any power
Thank you Chicho I love you 😘
I feel like they were very creative for this game a lot falls flat because of lack of challenge like even sb had a good challenge at the end kinda with not being able to save besides one spot in the middle and other skillful endings but hw 2 nothing was very hard which I like a challenge to have fun
What happened to the tier list video?
I didn't really like it all that much + it wasn't that informative/useful
so can i play it with controller?
It was les scary than 1 but way more original and creative, im short and i get scared easily so this one was awfull for me i love it so much my only complaint is that there are a lot of minigames that are just the same with some extras, fizzy faz night, first aid or fazzer blast
TLDR: No, its just a job simulator with little fun minigames that's basically like a childs game with fnaf slapped onto it. Its literally just little minigames.
.......Wait what the video is really positive about the game? Huh?
It’s a fun ass game with some light horror elements within some of the games. People are too critical lmao it’s just a blast to play start to finish, especially with all the servers
"Just a job simulator with fun minigames"
My friend, that is FNAF. Some of these games were literally FNAF but on a different profession. Some had the principles of the same gameplay concept as the old games, like FizzyFaz or the custom sister location levels for example. Definitely one of the best games in this franchise.
@@Hoke-mx1gb What you don't understand is that those "Job simulators" are built around the very foundation of horror, this game isn't.
@@RuneTacticss Okay, then just say you didn't like the lack of horror? That is understandable, a lot of people including I were disappointed on that as well. But you really should know that there is WAY more to a horror game than just horror (yk where the "game" part actually comes out). Its a really fun experience that sometimes uses the fundamentals of the old games to make the gameplay really similar and creative to what FNAF is supposed to be, just with really light horror. So no, this game is not just a collection of minigames with FNAF slapped on it. With this dumb logic Sister Location is the same and Pizzaria Simulators gameplay of you defending yourself from animatronics while trying to finish a task (see how this game also does this A LOT) isn't FNAF either.
i feel like as a game, help wanted 2 is pretty good, like really ennjoyable. but comparing it to hw1, im sorry but hw1 is just so much better
FNaF hw2 is my GoTY! I had so much fun!
I think people over look the reason this game was so well liked by me and many of my friends.
It’s just a fucking blast to play & watch lmao, we had a blast laughing our asses off watching one of us get scared on carousel or torture helpy. Plus the secrets are so fun to discover and play. I say both helps wanted’s are both well worth the price & a blast to play.
Best over-all is the curse of dreadbear dlc some the 1st helped wanted. Ts was so scary lmao
I want Mr five coins in the game
Short answer: *YES*
How tall are u
yes, it is, gurt