Interesting i see you sample a longer bassnote and plays it back in the sampler. But would the long bass overlap into the next 1/16 note? Though it sounds nice and tight 😍
Hey interesting question, actually not because the sample it will chop the end of the sample when the midi stops. Just need to take care about the AMP release envelope to get the shortest and still don’t not get any clicks ;)
Não tem problema, desde que o kick tenha sub também já que o envelope eh mais curto deve tomar cuidado pra que o kick tenha frequências altas médias e graves
Bom demais!!! Ja deu pra ter uma ótima noção das mixs
Dahora man fico feliz que ajudou 🤘🏼🤘🏼🔥🔥👊
cant wait to come home from work and try this out! :D
Interesting i see you sample a longer bassnote and plays it back in the sampler. But would the long bass overlap into the next 1/16 note? Though it sounds nice and tight 😍
Hey interesting question, actually not because the sample it will chop the end of the sample when the midi stops. Just need to take care about the AMP release envelope to get the shortest and still don’t not get any clicks ;)
Valeuu mestre🔥🔥
Chama brooo 🤘🏼🤘🏼✨👽🔥🔥👊
perfeito !
Valeuuu demais 🤘🏼🤘🏼🔥🔥
E se fizer o kick sem passar pra primeira nota do bass tu acha que perde força? Ja testou fazer ele certo no 1/16. O que achou no som final?
Não tem problema, desde que o kick tenha sub também já que o envelope eh mais curto deve tomar cuidado pra que o kick tenha frequências altas médias e graves
actually good
Thanks bro 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
How does it sound when changing bass notes?
It works great ! Need to be a long note and sampler don’t use any warping so you get the original sound, only repitch
Right in time :)
Why do you need to do such a resampling of the kick and bass?
Many reasons but mainly is minimizing latency, more solid response and less weight at the cpu usage