For the people who never know about spiritual matter, the simply way is just "watching your present thought"which sometime is worry/angry/happy/sad.. ect. Watching it happens and disappears and considering where it comes from? That's you are starting the spiritual lesson.. Namo Buddhaya 🙏🙏🙏
For me as a Buddhist practitioner the truth is that Buddha Nature is natural is not something that another gives you in my opinion. The idea that we must work hard to see our own true selves is one way to look at things but not the only way. We should keep in mind that the Buddha in some of his final words said the following: "O Ananda, let yourself be your light and your refuge; seek no other refuge. Let the Dharma be your light and your refuge; seek no other refuge. " When we understand these words in their true context than a teacher should teach you independence and not some sort of mood making dependency. A teacher then acts as mirror for you to see your true unbounded self, to do otherwise in my opinion, is to go against the essential spirit the Buddha was showing us.The key then for me is not to be just around "realized" people and ask "what can I receive" but rather to see the Buddha in every face we meet and ask "what can I give".
+vril ya Hi ....... I actually loved the video. There was nothing I essentially disagreed with rather I feel that the video implies that the "Guru" which here equals a "person who guides you in the path" as being only as a person is a little misleading. I specifically cited not my words but the Buddha's own words to place the emphasis on recognizing the essential Buddha Nature not only in some but all people.In my opinion each person has a right to pursue the dharma in accordance with their seeking spirit.I think that I was offering my views, based on my practice, into what the Buddha indicated should be the proper role and potential attitude of the Teacher/Guru and of the student/seeker and that Enlightenment (the Truth about Life as it is) resides in Life itself and not in persons.To believe otherwise is to disregard the dharma door of no independent self and is a sign that dualism is still trapping the mind. I think that then you see the Guru and oneself as separate and even more so Guru and stranger as being separate which can lead to suffering. Your practice then becomes a focus on "My Guru" this or that as opposed to being in a moment to moment relationship with all life. The attitude and understanding of Guru must be seen through the prism and insight of inter-being or emptiness.The fact that many people believe that they have access to an enlightened teacher is wonderful! But the idea that one can "only" practice from a Guru or an enlightened teacher does not conform in my opinion to the vast majority of the Buddha's teachings either Theravada or otherwise which specifically state that Arhats, Bodhisattvas and Great Beings can and will come to the student in various guises to teach and train the seeker concerning the Truth.
thank you this is so helpful to me. I am just beginning my study and practice and this video was discouraging because there are no temples teachers anywhere nearby. Do you believe that reaching out to people online would be helpful as a guide when I feel that I need support?
moviegirl3073 Yes I do!! You can contact the "Mindfulness School" to learn online and they are really quite good and legitimate. I am taking a class from them since I am a teacher and their mission is to teach teachers but I really feel anyone can benefit. They don't practice as I do but that means nothing, I am learning so much from them. Peace :)
I believe the observation of my past behavior is the best spiritual teacher. I have no human teacher only cause and effect and the removal of blaming others.
I think what the nun said is accurate and it takes a certain sort of bravery and devotion to be able to face situations where one's ego is challenged and pointed out. Can we be that way to ourselves? Can we recognize our own egos when they are asserting themselves? Ego is very subtle at times, its not always this being shouting me me me. It can be something quite subtle and sneaky too. This is when a teacher or an objective one who knows, can be beneficial and point out what you may not be able to see.
To seek and follow a monk teacher I would consider the same as seeking and believing in one leader, one superior, one god (so the ego and arrogance aspect arises, creating an impure mind-state, to become the best of the rest and therefore creating a false reality as a result of more ignorance). The teaching and understanding of Buddhism comes in all colors, therefore anyone can read any version of the scripts and make his own interpretation of it. What is most important and where our focus should be is really in the practice of meditation which will open your mind into pure mind-states and see pure reality as it is.
Buddha himself said to not take his words just because they are spoken, not to base your life on faith. To only follow his way if you believe it works not out of love or veneration for one man.
orion9k I support what you stated. Would like to add another aspect to your argument meditation ultimately had a purpose to improve oneself continually and also alleviate the sufferings of others. That was the ultimate purpose for BUddhism to be in this world . I think the focus is people and their well being, which actually starts from oneself and then goes on to other people.
Essentially, they’re telling us to must have a mentor and coach because it is a long way and everyone learns in a different way in modern humble language.
I dedicate this to the fathers Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa Milarepa, and Gampopa, and finally the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. May your blessing continue to dispel the darkness. You surrender your mind, body and speech to the teacher. It's about surrender. And after you've learned from the teacher, you leave the teacher, otherwise the relationship goes funny. So admitting you don't want a teacher is to admit that you don't want to surrender your ego. Also the teacher is there to point out your ego, even infuriate you, ruthless compassion. I hope everyone who comes to this page finds a true teacher in this life time.
Doesn't life teach you the same lessons? Isn't a teacher more important to make examples of those lessons so they stand out more? Isn't the first step to enlightenment to be able to recognise those lessons oneself? If no, no and no you've essentially told me I'm doomed much like a Christian telling me I'm going to burn in hell. Bummer and I was having such a good day.
Go with your intuition. I would like to defend my point of view, but seeing as I have no direct teacher myself, I have to rely on texts from other realized individuals. And from what I've read, there are 9 qualities in all, that reflect a dharmic person. One of those qualities is to remember the teacher. One treats the teacher as someone who has already accomplished the path. And therefore someone to be emulated, as far as the way they conduct themselves. Not saying to imitate them, be yourself, but emulate their dharmic qualities as something to model your own practice after. and I think that there is also a need for a living sangah, also as an embodiment of a teacher. Otherwise you have no one to correct you. So if you're just alone and believing you're doing all of the teachings properly and thoroughly, without a teacher, how do you know you're not strengthening your ego? The Buddha created the situations in which he taught. They spontaneously transpired, but they also were created because he allowed the space for them to occur. Maybe you don't need a living teacher to surrender to. I on the other hand would. Sorry if I truly did bum you out. And also sounded like a radical Christian. Good luck to you!
Greg Folino Nah man I was kidding. Your whole point is true, though I wouldn't say its essential. Of course I have taken teachers from all around and all eras. I can't be evaluated by them but I'm also seeking my own answers. Self awareness is key as your was right about the ego also. Through my learning, at a certain point, I noticed it's prominence growing. Only recently actually, but I've been looking into methods/philosophies to remain more vigilant of it. It would be a benefit if there were more true teachers around. Hopefully I can make due. I know it should but the next life (as long as there will be a world left to have one) isn't so much the concern. For me its just about how I conduct myself in this life. I used to be a soldier, for a while at least. My interactions with people were often negative. One day I realised my wake was my legacy, the imprint my being here left behind. So I do better when I can and minimalise fall out when I can't.
^ Yes, good, it's all very matter of fact. A guru or your teacher would be pleased with that whole hearted 200% approach. But we're also regarding the teacher/Guru as an accomplished person. Someone who has gone all the way. But you need the initial jolt from somebody else. You need to be given a technique for doing nothing. Then, your are right Kane, everything else is all up to you. The Guru/Teacher can't do it for you.
" One's teacher is oneself. Look at yourself and learn. Watch yourself and learn a multitude of lessons." as kreneeperk said. Also everything and everyone can be a teacher even your enemy.
Buddha deserves more praise than God because, Buddha never gets angry, never kills people, etc, he actually is called "lord" because he deserves it through the hard work of not harming others, unlike God, who really isn't that nice of a person.
Lol what is this God you speak of? The God that I know is in the sky yes aswel as in the wind, the grass snd in the trees, he is inside of oneself, seek and you shall find.
In the beginning Keanu Reeves states " it is not possible to learn to be enlightened from books alone, you need a living teacher to personally guide you." I no longer have any desire for enlightenment. I am not seeking anything or trying to attain anything from my daily practice. Just sitting in dark silence. I think the action or path one chooses for oneself is the correct path even if it is harmful.
I completely agree with you. Meditation is in the eye of the beholder and what one makes of it. Some people chant, some count beads or listen to music, it's all good. For me personally dark quiet silence works the best. I tried chanting, I tried music, I even tried those certain frequency sound tracks. It was all pretty cool, but those external devices caused my mind to have feelings. I started with paying attention to the breathing but now I have do that even less. This form that I have adopted has increased my level of calmness during the day as well. MY meditation is NOT the RIGHT way, it is just one way, again we should all do what works for us. The moment I see a video or read something where the person states "our way is better" like TM where they act like they are comparing breakfast cereals I am suspect.
KaneLongTroy I think many of the TM people are most likely sincere but maybe they get too entrenched in the bottom line of the organization. I have been get caught up in the group think and gained a collectiveness that made me feel safe in numbers. I felt like that 40 years ago when I was involved with Scientology. I imagine that's probably how others involved in any type of organized religion feel, or any group for that matter ,for many of them at least. Of course it was a great thing to be a part of a group, and it gave me a sense of engagement and belonging, but when I allowed the group mind to dominate and override my own self determinism then it just lead me down a path away from the road to awakening. This has definitely applied to individuals for me as well. Where the needs of others regardless of their positive or negative nature cancel out my own sense of value. But this is changing through my practice.
Scot Campbell I think meditation must have a purpose otherwise it's worthless not using it for one's emancipation/improvement and the alleviation of people's suffering. I think that was the reason to meditate in the first place.
rohit chaturvedi I agree with you that was the reason to meditate in the first place and when I started I felt that primarily. But then I let the desire for improvement fade, well at least during the actual sitting. Then I also let go of such thoughts somewhat even during the day. More and more I let go of thoughts about my practice.. I think less about... "If I meditate I will get better" or "if I meditate I will help make the world a better place". I think less about desire, attaining and pleasure, and then it comes to me. Does that make sense? If I think "I care about the world and want to be more compassionate" well, that is a thought, for me that is not the truth. From my experience in sitting, the truth, is the silence, the no-thought state, it is the now, it is I, I am the now, the path, the eternal knower, god. I am not love, hate, compassion, greed, I am no-thing, the essence and power behind all that is. Having said that I am also ego and body, mind and brain. I worry sometimes about my family and life in general but I can say through meditation my fears, anxieties and stress have decreased somewhat. Unlike before my practice began 9 months ago, and although I am not always successful I now avoid craving and seeking pleasure and wanting...and that's when it all comes to me.
eGGzis10nce The Buddha himself and all the enlightened ones had and needed guidance to begin with. After many years of practice their wings were strong enough to fly on their own. So just as in this analogy of the bird, one must have training initially before learning how to fly and practicing until one is skilled to soar on their own . If you have the merit, the karma and the discipline required to be able to recognize on your own without a teacher or guidance then you are beyond what Shakyamuni himself was capable of and that's pretty darned amazing.
people talk about GURU, about CONVINCING ourselves... about getting ENLIGHTENED. I can only say: follow YOUR path; you cannot say to ANYONE: THIS is THE path. If you BELIEVE you need a guru, go and find one. "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world" All is said.
I understand that the lineage makes sure, that there are no people, who create a followship just to feed their ego and to feed on the money of the "students" who do not exactly learn anything. But how do I get a spiritual friend out of the "Shakyamuni" Lineage when I have limited funds or am bound to my place where I live? There are some things one cannot achieve. Does that mean that me practising buddhism is the wrong way?
+Best Audio I'm a Christian and know very little about Buddhism, so I can't adequately answer your question. I just wanted to say that Siddhartha actually had two teachers of yogic meditation in the beginning :) Also the woman in 12:36 says, that there are many paths to enlightenment, but by correct devotion to spiritual guide you can get enlighted in one lifetime. So I think Siddharta followed a different path, that also lead to enlightenment. Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)
there are already schools of thought/teachings during his time so he must have absorbed some of them. also there were other monks around him. im not an expert ive just learned a bit of siddartha gautama buddha's history.
He was a nobleman, so would have been highly educated with access to all the philosophical works available at that time. After leaving his life of pleasure behind he followed teachers but decided that none of them knew the answer; therefore he went out (using all he had learned plus his own wisdom and introspection) to seek and find enlightenment for himself.
Gautam Buddha found the path of enlightenment through his own efforts this is why he is supreme Buddha . All all those who achieved enlightenment with the help of his teachings are called silent Buddha or simply Buddha and those and those who are is the process of becoming Buddha are called Bodhisattva. Supreme Buddha generally appears when the original teachings are not present for anyone..
#BuddhaPurnima महात्मा बुद्ध ने शास्त्रविरुद्ध साधना हठयोग तप, व्रत किए शास्त्रविधि को त्याग कर मनमाना आचरण करने के कारण वह पूर्ण मोक्ष से वंचित रहे जन्म मृत्यु का चक्र समाप्त नहीं हुआ सुनिए सत्संग साधना TV 7:30 PM से
I live in a small town in Indiana, I don't know anyone who is buddhist and no nothing bout the religion except for what I have researched on my own. I would love to have a teacher to help guide me. I just don't know how I would find one. If anyone knows please how to help me that would be great!
+Ashley Boyd Thank you for your email and for your interest in Tibetan Buddhism. To find your closest FPMT center or study group, please have a look at our directory. You might also find it helpful to see which centers have resident teachers, as maybe you can connect with a course or retreat at one of those centers from time to time. If no current centers or study groups are geographically close to you, then you may like to follow one of our excellent online study programs. You may also find our Buddhism FAQs helpful. I hope the above is helpful, and wish you all the best in your continued Dharma practice.
Thanks for sharing this video. The importance of a teacher is clear. How far can one go with the online teachings before a teacher becomes necessary? I only ask because I have recently moved to Spain and there is a local FPMT centre close by but it will be perhaps one or two more years before my Spanish language skills would be good enough to follow. Would the BIN introductory course followed by the Discovering Buddhism course be manageable without a guru?
It`s never too old to practice if you really got the heart.Wherever you are, 'without teachers, you may try to have some books relevant by the spiritual teachers,say that by the H.H. Dalai Lama,only if you can read.The books per se are a jewel of price somehow. . May light be luminous upon your mind. h
Could you post the sources to the clips you use? It would be very helpful to be able to see the speakers full talks and other talks they do. Thank you for putting this together.
+Graeme Castle Thank you for your interest in our series. Many of the talks have been recorded specifically for this series and are not part of a larger teaching. Maybe we can provide you with some links to specific teachers if you let us know which teachings you are specifically interested in.
+FPMT Venerable Connie Miller seems very easy to understand, as is Venerable Sarah Thresher. Venerable Robina Curtin is also very easy to listen to learn from. If you know of any of their teachings which are online that would be really helpful :)
+Graeme Castle Ven. Robina is an FPMT touring teacher and regularly teaches in Institute Vajrayogini, France. Ven. Dondrup and Ven. Sarah are not commonly recorded. If you are strongly interested in Buddhism, we recommend the Kopan Monastery November course, which is often led by Ven. Dondrup. The source of all these courses is Lama Zopa Rinpoche, our precious teacher, who has been the inspiration for all these great teachers. You can find most of his teachings here:
This is an aspect of Mahayana that confuses me. If I'm not mistaken, the original Buddha questioned the practice of following priests, at the time Brahmans, because he viewed it as the blind leading the blind. Instead he advocated for practicing to be more like Brahma, more god-like, meaning finding our individual path towards enlightenment. Am I incorrect in my understanding? If not, why do gurus play such a central role in the Mahayana path and what would be the difference with the Brahmans that the Buddha criticized?
Hi..FRIEND!!😊 needed to be confused..l am BUDDISHT..58 seasons passed..VEGAN..ASIAN GUY..hard-in-deepth educated with BUDDHA"S TEACHING(COMING FROM HIS MOUTH..ONLY)..I am the TE-RA-VADT follower..FIRSTLY..l know your confusion.. please realizing..BUDDHA"S UNIQUE CHARACTERS..HE is so utmost cooled person..if you respected him..try your best to be "LIKE HIM" cooled and be calmed(dare telling you..I practiced this numerous times when facing with the bad guys..can clearing out of nearly all bad situations)...SEAMINGLY.. you may be a new enthusiastic person..that is not a big issue..l would like suggesting you to hold the "FIVE PRECETS" continuously..please trust me..THAT..THESE FIVE PRECEPTS..are the only way for any newcomer to entering the DOOR OF HAPPINESS..ON BASIC FUNDAMENTAL OF BUDDHA"S TEACHING..!!..SI MULTANOUSLY with MEDITATION SOMETIMES ARE ALL RIGHT TO YOU..MAM..💡💡👌😊.. BYE!! .
A morning show 'This morning' had a week or 2 of past life claims with a team of historians and archaeologist trying to find the life of the person in the past. Some were obscure meagre people living unimportant lives but most were traced. I'm sure if you look it up you'll find some credible cases.
.....I must say the this module leaves me a bit one who neither has access to what the video insists is a necessity to advancing on the path (namely a Guru), it leaves me to question how successful I can be......that being said, I return to the Buddha himself and refer to his must always question.....take what is true for you......follow the Dhamma.......
बुध जी ने खुद कहाँ की मे मार्ग बताने वाला हूँ मोक्ष दाता नही हूँ फ़िर उनके नाम के आगे भगवान क्यु लिखा है जिस भागती को आप करते हो उस से तो खुद महात्मा बुध का मोक्ष नही हुआ तो आपका कहाँ से हो जयेगा ...must watch sadhna channel 7:40pm to 8:40pm
The word "Lord" itself normally means a master,a superior and the like.It is the title used by some high ranks of noblemen.In old English,its original form "hlaf" meant "guardian".in this connection.The word "Lord" is similarly borrowed to signify the status of a god or God right ? l ord
महात्मा बुद्ध ने अपने हठयोग साधना से मोक्ष प्राप्त नहीं कर पाए मोक्ष कैसे प्राप्त होगा देखिए ईस समय प्रकट महापुरुष अपने ज्ञान से भारत में शांति और अपार सुख प्राप्त कराएगा वह महान संत कौन हैं देखिए ईश्वर टीवी चैनल 8:30 PM से देखिए साधना टीवी 7:30PM
Being able to be assisted on the path is a privilege not everyone can afford. And I don't mean just monetarily. People who are just barely making rent cannot afford to go on retreats, neither can they pay the cost nor afford the time off. Often they have children or elderly parents who depend on them. They can't pay someone else to provide care while away. This is the reality of modern Capitalism in the West. There are no FMPT centers near where I live, and many others. Travel presents another prohibitive barrier to the poor and what remains of the middle class. Is enlightenment/buddhahood then only for affluent peoples? Is the only recourse to wait until an incarnation in which we are born into at least moderate wealth? To have a living, in person teacher is a luxury. To be serendipitously born in a time and place and situation where you can hear the teachings, but then be in physical proximity to a teacher, who you can afford to see and support.
A little discouraging if you feel like you don't have access to a teacher....but the Buddha reached enlightened with out a there's hope i guess lol
You completely misunderstood me. What I mean is that, to put it in simple terms, "it is all up to us".I leave you with some wise words, with a little present ;-) "You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, Nor look through the eyes of the dead, Nor feed on the spectres in books, You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me, You shall listen to all sides & filter them from yourself.” --Walt Whitman
#BuddhaPurnima बुद्ध पूर्णिमा क्या हठयोग (तप) करने से मोक्ष संभव है? आखिर क्यों बुद्ध की विचारधारा से आज पूरा चीन नास्तिक हो गया। जरूर पढ़ें👇👇👇
I belong to a lower middle class Indian family. I don't have the kind of money to go to these expensive retreats that only wealthy westerners( native or expats from eastern countries) seem to be able to go to. So there you have it, spiritual enlightenment is beyond my reach for the lack of money!! So much for enlightenment being the goal of every creature and other lofty sounding shit like that. You need money to get a teacher don't you? And as far as needing a teacher and trusting a teacher and submitting to a teacher for spiritual guidance goes look what it led to in case of the female followers of Sogyal Rinpoche.
dhanbahadur ghising Dear Dhanbahadur, teachings are always free of charge. And there are many retreats that are on donation basis only. Please do some research. And you might want to be careful to judge a highly renowned spiritual teacher who has thousands of devoted students just because you read a report in the internet, written by someone you do not know and whose intention you do not know.
बुद्ध भगवान नही थे।वे स्वयं भी कहते थे कि मैं पथप्रदर्शक हू।मोक्ष दाता नही! जानिए वह कौन सी साधना है जिससे मोक्ष संभव है। साधना tv पर शाम 7:30 से
सबकुछ अपने आप ही होता है या भगवान है ? जब महात्मा बुद्ध के निर्देश अनुसार भक्ति करने से कोई लाभ नहीं हुआ तो सब ने यह मान लिया की भगवान है ही नहीं अपना काम करो और खाओ, बस। अब यहां यह समझना होगा कि बुद्ध की क्रिया के अनुसार उन्हें भगवान नहीं मिला तो इसका मतलब यह है कि भगवान पाने का उनका तरीका गलत था ना कि ये की भगवान होता ही नहीं है। लेकिन बुद्ध के कारण लोगों की मानसिकता यह बन गई की भगवान नहीं होता है सर्व ब्रह्मांड, सृष्टि, जीव-जंतु, पशु-पक्षी, सब अपने आप ही बनता और बिगड़ता है कोई कुछ नहीं है यहां पर? जीव अपने आप ही उत्पन्न होता है और नष्ट हो जाता है और भगवान है ही नहीं। लोगों ने उनकी बातों में आकर कहा कि सब भ्रमणा है और फिर यही नकारात्मक मानसिकता के आधार पर एक सिंद्धांत बन गया जो कई लोगों का अनमोल मनुष्य जीवन बर्बाद कर गया और इसके कारण कई देश जैसे चीन, म्यांमार आदि नास्तिकता के घोर अंधेरे में चले गए और भगवान और मोक्ष से कोसों दूर हो गए।
I don't know, to think that we can learn nothing other people at all seems small minded, at least read something and take what you want, but to never attempt to learn from others?....
Uh sorry for sounding arrogant, I didn't think I did at the time, anyways, Buddha is just a man, a perfect example of a man to the point some refer to him as "son of god", exactly like Jesus, but point is he's a man. We do Believe in a God, but we don't follow him because if you do, its tough you'll end up in "the heavenly realm", which is so rapturous that you won't bother to seek enlightenment. We want to be reborn as Humans until we reach enlightenment because its easier for humans.
Module 4: How to secure a priesthood and a religion ;-)----- The all knowing Guru, that you have to devote yourselff fully to. Without that, you will not be able to progress as a better person?!.... Hmmm A teacher is a good thing, who can help you progress faster. No?
Forget about the rest, focus on Gautama himself, don't believe anything what is written about him, it is all crap and pretences, connect to the source, get the true teaching, all these golden ornaments, Idols, robes and decorum, are all pollution of the original message !
I respect Lord Budha but he proved that he can nothing say about Almighty God but the way he to see God can be given which does not match with the Holy Books Vedas, Kuran, Bible and Kabir Sagar( fifth ved or secret ved) One who wants to see the facts sould was sight ( jagatgururampal ji) and books may be downloaded even in English. and listen satsang daily Sadhna Chennel 8.30pm by Sant Rampal ji mahara having astonishing powers to help the needy/true souls (God seekers).
I think Buddhism and Christianity should combine into one religion, Buddhism is the only religion left that can stand toe to toe with science on an intellectual level, and Christianity has the emotional power and awesome strength of Gods will. After all Buddhism is a philosophy and you guys seem to have no problem with Aristotle or Plato, why not combine with Buddhism.
For the people who never know about spiritual matter, the simply way is just "watching your present thought"which sometime is worry/angry/happy/sad.. ect. Watching it happens and disappears and considering where it comes from? That's you are starting the spiritual lesson.. Namo Buddhaya 🙏🙏🙏
For me as a Buddhist practitioner the truth is that Buddha Nature is natural is not something that another gives you in my opinion.
The idea that we must work hard to see our own true selves is one way to look at things but not the only way.
We should keep in mind that the Buddha in some of his final words said the following: "O Ananda, let yourself be your light and your refuge; seek no other refuge. Let the Dharma be your light and your refuge; seek no other refuge. "
When we understand these words in their true context than a teacher should teach you independence and not some sort of mood making dependency.
A teacher then acts as mirror for you to see your true unbounded self, to do otherwise in my opinion, is to go against the essential spirit the Buddha was showing us.The key then for me is not to be just around "realized" people and ask "what can I receive" but rather to see the Buddha in every face we meet and ask "what can I give".
+vril ya Hi ....... I actually loved the video. There was nothing I essentially disagreed with rather I feel that the video implies that the "Guru" which here equals a "person who guides you in the path" as being only as a person is a little misleading. I specifically cited not my words but the Buddha's own words to place the emphasis on recognizing the essential Buddha Nature not only in some but all people.In my opinion each person has a right to pursue the dharma in accordance with their seeking spirit.I think that I was offering my views, based on my practice, into what the Buddha indicated should be the proper role and potential attitude of the Teacher/Guru and of the student/seeker and that Enlightenment (the Truth about Life as it is) resides in Life itself and not in persons.To believe otherwise is to disregard the dharma door of no independent self and is a sign that dualism is still trapping the mind. I think that then you see the Guru and oneself as separate and even more so Guru and stranger as being separate which can lead to suffering. Your practice then becomes a focus on "My Guru" this or that as opposed to being in a moment to moment relationship with all life. The attitude and understanding of Guru must be seen through the prism and insight of inter-being or emptiness.The fact that many people believe that they have access to an enlightened teacher is wonderful! But the idea that one can "only" practice from a Guru or an enlightened teacher does not conform in my opinion to the vast majority of the Buddha's teachings either Theravada or otherwise which specifically state that Arhats, Bodhisattvas and Great Beings can and will come to the student in various guises to teach and train the seeker concerning the Truth.
thank you this is so helpful to me. I am just beginning my study and practice and this video was discouraging because there are no temples teachers anywhere nearby.
Do you believe that reaching out to people online would be helpful as a guide when I feel that I need support?
moviegirl3073 Yes I do!! You can contact the "Mindfulness School" to learn online and they are really quite good and legitimate. I am taking a class from them since I am a teacher and their mission is to teach teachers but I really feel anyone can benefit. They don't practice as I do but that means nothing, I am learning so much from them.
Peace :)
Thank you.
How do you know if a place is legitimate?
I believe the observation of my past behavior is the best spiritual teacher. I have no human teacher only cause and effect and the removal of blaming others.
Om mani padme hum! Namaste dear brothers and sisters 🙏 🪷
The time will come for the guru. So far I have just encountered my blue and black sparse awareness.
I think what the nun said is accurate and it takes a certain sort of bravery and devotion to be able to face situations where one's ego is challenged and pointed out. Can we be that way to ourselves? Can we recognize our own egos when they are asserting themselves? Ego is very subtle at times, its not always this being shouting me me me. It can be something quite subtle and sneaky too. This is when a teacher or an objective one who knows, can be beneficial and point out what you may not be able to see.
To seek and follow a monk teacher I would consider the same as seeking and believing in one leader, one superior, one god (so the ego and arrogance aspect arises, creating an impure mind-state, to become the best of the rest and therefore creating a false reality as a result of more ignorance). The teaching and understanding of Buddhism comes in all colors, therefore anyone can read any version of the scripts and make his own interpretation of it. What is most important and where our focus should be is really in the practice of meditation which will open your mind into pure mind-states and see pure reality as it is.
Well said!
Buddha himself said to not take his words just because they are spoken, not to base your life on faith. To only follow his way if you believe it works not out of love or veneration for one man.
orion9k I support what you stated. Would like to add another aspect to your argument meditation ultimately had a purpose to improve oneself continually and also alleviate the sufferings of others. That was the ultimate purpose for BUddhism to be in this world . I think the focus is people and their well being, which actually starts from oneself and then goes on to other people.
orion9k m
Essentially, they’re telling us to must have a mentor and coach because it is a long way and everyone learns in a different way in modern humble language.
I dedicate this to the fathers Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa Milarepa, and Gampopa, and finally the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. May your blessing continue to dispel the darkness.
You surrender your mind, body and speech to the teacher. It's about surrender. And after you've learned from the teacher, you leave the teacher, otherwise the relationship goes funny. So admitting you don't want a teacher is to admit that you don't want to surrender your ego. Also the teacher is there to point out your ego, even infuriate you, ruthless compassion.
I hope everyone who comes to this page finds a true teacher in this life time.
Doesn't life teach you the same lessons? Isn't a teacher more important to make examples of those lessons so they stand out more? Isn't the first step to enlightenment to be able to recognise those lessons oneself? If no, no and no you've essentially told me I'm doomed much like a Christian telling me I'm going to burn in hell. Bummer and I was having such a good day.
Go with your intuition. I would like to defend my point of view, but seeing as I have no direct teacher myself, I have to rely on texts from other realized individuals. And from what I've read, there are 9 qualities in all, that reflect a dharmic person. One of those qualities is to remember the teacher. One treats the teacher as someone who has already accomplished the path. And therefore someone to be emulated, as far as the way they conduct themselves. Not saying to imitate them, be yourself, but emulate their dharmic qualities as something to model your own practice after. and I think that there is also a need for a living sangah, also as an embodiment of a teacher. Otherwise you have no one to correct you. So if you're just alone and believing you're doing all of the teachings properly and thoroughly, without a teacher, how do you know you're not strengthening your ego? The Buddha created the situations in which he taught. They spontaneously transpired, but they also were created because he allowed the space for them to occur. Maybe you don't need a living teacher to surrender to. I on the other hand would. Sorry if I truly did bum you out. And also sounded like a radical Christian. Good luck to you!
Greg Folino Nah man I was kidding. Your whole point is true, though I wouldn't say its essential. Of course I have taken teachers from all around and all eras. I can't be evaluated by them but I'm also seeking my own answers. Self awareness is key as your was right about the ego also. Through my learning, at a certain point, I noticed it's prominence growing. Only recently actually, but I've been looking into methods/philosophies to remain more vigilant of it. It would be a benefit if there were more true teachers around. Hopefully I can make due. I know it should but the next life (as long as there will be a world left to have one) isn't so much the concern. For me its just about how I conduct myself in this life. I used to be a soldier, for a while at least. My interactions with people were often negative. One day I realised my wake was my legacy, the imprint my being here left behind. So I do better when I can and minimalise fall out when I can't.
^ Yes, good, it's all very matter of fact. A guru or your teacher would be pleased with that whole hearted 200% approach. But we're also regarding the teacher/Guru as an accomplished person. Someone who has gone all the way. But you need the initial jolt from somebody else. You need to be given a technique for doing nothing. Then, your are right Kane, everything else is all up to you. The Guru/Teacher can't do it for you.
Surrender to the teacher and be abused. That’s what happens way too many times. Be your own teacher as the answer is within!
" One's teacher is oneself. Look at yourself and learn. Watch yourself and learn a multitude of lessons." as kreneeperk said. Also everything and everyone can be a teacher even your enemy.
OM Maha-Buddhaya Namaha... All glories unto Lord Buddha... OM Tat Sat, AUM
Buddha deserves more praise than God because, Buddha never gets angry, never kills people, etc, he actually is called "lord" because he deserves it through the hard work of not harming others, unlike God, who really isn't that nice of a person.
Lol what is this God you speak of? The God that I know is in the sky yes aswel as in the wind, the grass snd in the trees, he is inside of oneself, seek and you shall find.
Seeing Keanu here makes me believe I'm on the right path hahahah
I love you all so much hahahah
lol same here
You are the one!
In the beginning Keanu Reeves states " it is not possible to learn to be enlightened from books alone, you need a living teacher to personally guide you." I no longer have any desire for enlightenment. I am not seeking anything or trying to attain anything from my daily practice. Just sitting in dark silence. I think the action or path one chooses for oneself is the correct path even if it is harmful.
I completely agree with you. Meditation is in the eye of the beholder and what one makes of it. Some people chant, some count beads or listen to music, it's all good. For me personally dark quiet silence works the best. I tried chanting, I tried music, I even tried those certain frequency sound tracks. It was all pretty cool, but those external devices caused my mind to have feelings. I started with paying attention to the breathing but now I have do that even less. This form that I have adopted has increased my level of calmness during the day as well. MY meditation is NOT the RIGHT way, it is just one way, again we should all do what works for us. The moment I see a video or read something where the person states "our way is better" like TM where they act like they are comparing breakfast cereals I am suspect.
KaneLongTroy I think many of the TM people are most likely sincere but maybe they get too entrenched in the bottom line of the organization. I have been get caught up in the group think and gained a collectiveness that made me feel safe in numbers. I felt like that 40 years ago when I was involved with Scientology. I imagine that's probably how others involved in any type of organized religion feel, or any group for that matter ,for many of them at
least. Of course it was a great thing to be a part of a group, and it gave me a sense of engagement and belonging, but when I allowed the group mind to dominate and override my own self determinism then it just lead me down a path away from the road to awakening. This has definitely applied to individuals for me as well. Where the needs of others regardless of their positive or negative nature cancel out my own sense of value. But this is changing through my practice.
Scot Campbell I think meditation must have a purpose otherwise it's worthless not using it for one's emancipation/improvement and the alleviation of people's suffering. I think that was the reason to meditate in the first place.
rohit chaturvedi I agree with you that was the reason to meditate in the first place and when I started I felt that primarily. But then I let the desire for improvement fade, well at least during the actual sitting. Then I also let go of such thoughts somewhat even during the day. More and more I let go of thoughts about my practice.. I think less about... "If I meditate I will get better" or "if I meditate I will help make the world a better place". I think less about desire, attaining and pleasure, and then it comes to me. Does that make sense? If I think "I care about the world and want to be more compassionate" well, that is a thought, for me that is not the truth. From my experience in sitting, the truth, is the silence, the no-thought state, it is the now, it is I, I am the now, the path, the eternal knower, god. I am not love, hate, compassion, greed, I am no-thing, the essence and power behind all that is. Having said that I am also ego and body, mind and brain. I worry sometimes about my family and life in general but I can say through meditation my fears, anxieties and stress have decreased somewhat. Unlike before my practice began 9 months ago, and although I am not always successful I now avoid craving and seeking pleasure and wanting...and that's when it all comes to me.
eGGzis10nce The Buddha himself and all the enlightened ones had and needed guidance to begin with. After many years of practice their wings were strong enough to fly on their own. So just as in this analogy of the bird, one must have training initially before learning how to fly and practicing until one is skilled to soar on their own . If you have the merit, the karma and the discipline required to be able to recognize on your own without a teacher or guidance then you are beyond what Shakyamuni himself was capable of and that's pretty darned amazing.
people talk about GURU, about CONVINCING ourselves... about getting ENLIGHTENED.
I can only say: follow YOUR path; you cannot say to ANYONE: THIS is THE path.
If you BELIEVE you need a guru, go and find one.
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world"
All is said.
There isn't a center yet in Alaska, if you go to FPMT web page and check under centers it shows where all the centers are
I understand that the lineage makes sure, that there are no people, who create a followship just to feed their ego and to feed on the money of the "students" who do not exactly learn anything.
But how do I get a spiritual friend out of the "Shakyamuni" Lineage when I have limited funds or am bound to my place where I live?
There are some things one cannot achieve. Does that mean that me practising buddhism is the wrong way?
Thank you uploading this 🙏
comes down to individual preference
Every religion is suitable with that peoples! That I believed, because I m Buddhism!💐👏👏
But Buddha didn't have a teacher.
So, to say it's impossible to reach enlightenment without a teacher has to be wrong.
Any Thoughts?
+Best Audio I'm a Christian and know very little about Buddhism, so I can't adequately answer your question. I just wanted to say that Siddhartha actually had two teachers of yogic meditation in the beginning :) Also the woman in 12:36 says, that there are many paths to enlightenment, but by correct devotion to spiritual guide you can get enlighted in one lifetime. So I think Siddharta followed a different path, that also lead to enlightenment. Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)
there are already schools of thought/teachings during his time so he must have absorbed some of them. also there were other monks around him. im not an expert ive just learned a bit of siddartha gautama buddha's history.
He was a nobleman, so would have been highly educated with access to all the philosophical works available at that time. After leaving his life of pleasure behind he followed teachers but decided that none of them knew the answer; therefore he went out (using all he had learned plus his own wisdom and introspection) to seek and find enlightenment for himself.
Gautam Buddha found the path of enlightenment through his own efforts this is why he is supreme Buddha . All all those who achieved enlightenment with the help of his teachings are called silent Buddha or simply Buddha and those and those who are is the process of becoming Buddha are called Bodhisattva.
Supreme Buddha generally appears when the original teachings are not present for anyone..
who said Buddha didn't attend a spiritual master
महात्मा बुद्ध ने शास्त्रविरुद्ध साधना हठयोग तप, व्रत किए शास्त्रविधि को त्याग कर मनमाना आचरण करने के कारण वह पूर्ण मोक्ष से वंचित रहे जन्म मृत्यु का चक्र समाप्त नहीं हुआ
सुनिए सत्संग साधना TV 7:30 PM से
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing 😊
Please share name of the music in the beginning of the video
Who is the creature of the universe..?
Watch sadhna tv at 7: 30pm
How can we attain complete salvation..?
Watch ishwar tv at 8: 30pm
I live in a small town in Indiana, I don't know anyone who is buddhist and no nothing bout the religion except for what I have researched on my own. I would love to have a teacher to help guide me. I just don't know how I would find one. If anyone knows please how to help me that would be great!
+Ashley Boyd Thank you for your email and for your interest in Tibetan Buddhism. To find your closest FPMT center or study group, please have a look at our directory. You might also find it helpful to see which centers have resident teachers, as maybe you can connect with a course or retreat at one of those centers from time to time. If no current centers or study groups are geographically close to you, then you may like to follow one of our excellent online study programs. You may also find our Buddhism FAQs helpful. I hope the above is helpful, and wish you all the best in your continued Dharma practice.
Ashley I am in the same situation.
u have to come india .if u I have known many teachers .
u have to come india .if u I have known many teachers .
Thanks for sharing this video. The importance of a teacher is clear. How far can one go with the online teachings before a teacher becomes necessary? I only ask because I have recently moved to Spain and there is a local FPMT centre close by but it will be perhaps one or two more years before my Spanish language skills would be good enough to follow.
Would the BIN introductory course followed by the Discovering Buddhism course be manageable without a guru?
क्या आप जानते है बुद्ध जी को निर्वाण प्राप्त नही हुआ क्यो ?
जानने के लिए अवश्य देखिये साधना tv रात 7:30 से।
I am in Waco Texas I'm in diar need of a teacher please help
the wonder of the wise
It`s never too old to practice if you really got the heart.Wherever you are, 'without teachers, you may try to have some books relevant by the spiritual teachers,say that by the H.H. Dalai Lama,only if you can read.The books per se are a jewel of price somehow. .
May light be luminous upon your mind.
Thank you for your recommendations, I’m older and this is new…
Could you post the sources to the clips you use? It would be very helpful to be able to see the speakers full talks and other talks they do. Thank you for putting this together.
+Graeme Castle Thank you for your interest in our series. Many of the talks have been recorded specifically for this series and are not part of a larger teaching. Maybe we can provide you with some links to specific teachers if you let us know which teachings you are specifically interested in.
+FPMT Venerable Connie Miller seems very easy to understand, as is Venerable Sarah Thresher. Venerable Robina Curtin is also very easy to listen to learn from. If you know of any of their teachings which are online that would be really helpful :)
+Graeme Castle Thank you for your help!
+Graeme Castle Also Venerable Thubten Dhondrub. The talks by these teachers are very interesting.
+Graeme Castle Ven. Robina is an FPMT touring teacher and regularly teaches in Institute Vajrayogini, France. Ven. Dondrup and Ven. Sarah are not commonly recorded. If you are strongly interested in Buddhism, we recommend the Kopan Monastery November course, which is often led by Ven. Dondrup. The source of all these courses is Lama Zopa Rinpoche, our precious teacher, who has been the inspiration for all these great teachers. You can find most of his teachings here:
Perhaps his upbringing was the teacher...and his wisdom and empathy allowed him to progress............................
thank you for sharing this!
namo buddaya
This is an aspect of Mahayana that confuses me. If I'm not mistaken, the original Buddha questioned the practice of following priests, at the time Brahmans, because he viewed it as the blind leading the blind. Instead he advocated for practicing to be more like Brahma, more god-like, meaning finding our individual path towards enlightenment. Am I incorrect in my understanding? If not, why do gurus play such a central role in the Mahayana path and what would be the difference with the Brahmans that the Buddha criticized?
Hi..FRIEND!!😊 needed to be confused..l am BUDDISHT..58 seasons passed..VEGAN..ASIAN GUY..hard-in-deepth educated with BUDDHA"S TEACHING(COMING FROM HIS MOUTH..ONLY)..I am the TE-RA-VADT follower..FIRSTLY..l know your confusion.. please realizing..BUDDHA"S UNIQUE CHARACTERS..HE is so utmost cooled person..if you respected him..try your best to be "LIKE HIM" cooled and be calmed(dare telling you..I practiced this numerous times when facing with the bad guys..can clearing out of nearly all bad situations)...SEAMINGLY.. you may be a new enthusiastic person..that is not a big issue..l would like suggesting you to hold the "FIVE PRECETS" continuously..please trust me..THAT..THESE FIVE PRECEPTS..are the only way for any newcomer to entering the DOOR OF HAPPINESS..ON BASIC FUNDAMENTAL OF BUDDHA"S TEACHING..!!..SI MULTANOUSLY with MEDITATION SOMETIMES ARE ALL RIGHT TO YOU..MAM..💡💡👌😊.. BYE!!
How do we know that rebirth actually occurs?
A morning show 'This morning' had a week or 2 of past life claims with a team of historians and archaeologist trying to find the life of the person in the past. Some were obscure meagre people living unimportant lives but most were traced. I'm sure if you look it up you'll find some credible cases.
.....I must say the this module leaves me a bit one who neither has access to what the video insists is a necessity to advancing on the path (namely a Guru), it leaves me to question how successful I can be......that being said, I return to the Buddha himself and refer to his must always question.....take what is true for you......follow the Dhamma.......
I dedicate
Is there an FPMT Inc. in Anchorage, Alaska ?
बुध जी ने खुद कहाँ की मे मार्ग बताने वाला हूँ मोक्ष दाता नही हूँ फ़िर उनके नाम के आगे भगवान क्यु लिखा है जिस भागती को आप करते हो उस से तो खुद महात्मा बुध का मोक्ष नही हुआ तो आपका कहाँ से हो जयेगा ...must watch sadhna channel 7:40pm to 8:40pm
I want knowledge
Je TsongKhapa or Lama Tsong Khapa
Mong nhà đài dịch ra tiếng các nước có đa số người dân theo đạo phật
The word "Lord" itself normally means a master,a superior and the like.It is the title used by some high ranks of noblemen.In old English,its original form "hlaf" meant "guardian".in this connection.The word "Lord" is similarly borrowed to signify the status of a god or God right ?
give me book
I lack number 6
Buddha said that Dhamma is your teacher. Buddhism does not teach about a Guru. It teachers about Kayanamitta.
पूर्ण परमात्मा कोन हैं, कैसे।मिलता है, जानने के लिए देखे साधना टीवी पर सत्संग 7: 30pm से 8: 30pm तक
Gautam budh ka mukti nahi huaa to is gyan se kya kr loge
To aaiye our dekhiye sastro se parmanit gyan sadhna tv 7:30 pm se
Thank you!
i like it
महात्मा बुद्ध ने अपने हठयोग साधना से मोक्ष प्राप्त नहीं कर पाए मोक्ष कैसे प्राप्त होगा देखिए
ईस समय प्रकट महापुरुष अपने ज्ञान से भारत में शांति और अपार सुख प्राप्त कराएगा वह महान संत कौन हैं देखिए ईश्वर टीवी चैनल 8:30 PM से
देखिए साधना टीवी 7:30PM
Proof Keanu Reeves is immortal
Being able to be assisted on the path is a privilege not everyone can afford. And I don't mean just monetarily. People who are just barely making rent cannot afford to go on retreats, neither can they pay the cost nor afford the time off. Often they have children or elderly parents who depend on them. They can't pay someone else to provide care while away. This is the reality of modern Capitalism in the West. There are no FMPT centers near where I live, and many others. Travel presents another prohibitive barrier to the poor and what remains of the middle class. Is enlightenment/buddhahood then only for affluent peoples? Is the only recourse to wait until an incarnation in which we are born into at least moderate wealth? To have a living, in person teacher is a luxury. To be serendipitously born in a time and place and situation where you can hear the teachings, but then be in physical proximity to a teacher, who you can afford to see and support.
A little discouraging if you feel like you don't have access to a teacher....but the Buddha reached enlightened with out a there's hope i guess lol
You completely misunderstood me. What I mean is that, to put it in simple terms, "it is all up to us".I leave you with some wise words, with a little present ;-)
"You shall no longer take things at second or third hand,
Nor look through the eyes of the dead,
Nor feed on the spectres in books,
You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
You shall listen to all sides & filter them from yourself.”
--Walt Whitman
बुद्ध पूर्णिमा
क्या हठयोग (तप) करने से मोक्ष संभव है?
आखिर क्यों बुद्ध की विचारधारा से आज पूरा चीन नास्तिक हो गया।
जरूर पढ़ें👇👇👇
ok ok... but are there any gurus in Brazil?????
I belong to a lower middle class Indian family. I don't have the kind of money to go to these expensive retreats that only wealthy westerners( native or expats from eastern countries) seem to be able to go to. So there you have it, spiritual enlightenment is beyond my reach for the lack of money!! So much for enlightenment being the goal of every creature and other lofty sounding shit like that. You need money to get a teacher don't you? And as far as needing a teacher and trusting a teacher and submitting to a teacher for spiritual guidance goes look what it led to in case of the female followers of Sogyal Rinpoche.
dhanbahadur ghising Dear Dhanbahadur, teachings are always free of charge. And there are many retreats that are on donation basis only. Please do some research. And you might want to be careful to judge a highly renowned spiritual teacher who has thousands of devoted students just because you read a report in the internet, written by someone you do not know and whose intention you do not know.
Harald Weichhart ä
बुद्ध भगवान नही थे।वे स्वयं भी कहते थे कि मैं पथप्रदर्शक हू।मोक्ष दाता नही! जानिए वह कौन सी साधना है जिससे मोक्ष संभव है।
साधना tv पर शाम 7:30 से
सबकुछ अपने आप ही होता है या भगवान है ?
जब महात्मा बुद्ध के निर्देश अनुसार भक्ति करने से कोई लाभ नहीं हुआ तो सब ने यह मान लिया की भगवान है ही नहीं अपना काम करो और खाओ, बस। अब यहां यह समझना होगा कि बुद्ध की क्रिया के अनुसार उन्हें भगवान नहीं मिला तो इसका मतलब यह है कि भगवान पाने का उनका तरीका गलत था ना कि ये की भगवान होता ही नहीं है। लेकिन बुद्ध के कारण लोगों की मानसिकता यह बन गई की भगवान नहीं होता है सर्व ब्रह्मांड, सृष्टि, जीव-जंतु, पशु-पक्षी, सब अपने आप ही बनता और बिगड़ता है कोई कुछ नहीं है यहां पर? जीव अपने आप ही उत्पन्न होता है और नष्ट हो जाता है और भगवान है ही नहीं। लोगों ने उनकी बातों में आकर कहा कि सब भ्रमणा है और फिर यही नकारात्मक मानसिकता के आधार पर एक सिंद्धांत बन गया जो कई लोगों का अनमोल मनुष्य जीवन बर्बाद कर गया और इसके कारण कई देश जैसे चीन, म्यांमार
आदि नास्तिकता के घोर अंधेरे में चले गए और भगवान और मोक्ष से कोसों दूर हो गए।
I don't know, to think that we can learn nothing other people at all seems small minded, at least read something and take what you want, but to never attempt to learn from others?....
Is gyan se mukti nahi hoga q aap sabhi nahi dekhte to ki gautam budh ke hi mukti nahi huaa to aap log un ka gyan se mukti chahte ho
Uh sorry for sounding arrogant, I didn't think I did at the time, anyways, Buddha is just a man, a perfect example of a man to the point some refer to him as "son of god", exactly like Jesus, but point is he's a man. We do Believe in a God, but we don't follow him because if you do, its tough you'll end up in "the heavenly realm", which is so rapturous that you won't bother to seek enlightenment. We want to be reborn as Humans until we reach enlightenment because its easier for humans.
Module 4: How to secure a priesthood and a religion ;-)----- The all knowing Guru, that you have to devote yourselff fully to. Without that, you will not be able to progress as a better person?!.... Hmmm
A teacher is a good thing, who can help you progress faster. No?
you try to make yourself sound learnt, but not. do you even know the word priest and what its used for? learn a little more about stuff.
Too much abuse by gurus.
Such a danger of coming under the influence of a cult leading deceiver.
Forget about the rest, focus on Gautama himself, don't believe anything what is written about him, it is all crap and pretences, connect to the source, get the true teaching, all these golden ornaments, Idols, robes and decorum, are all pollution of the original message !
That wouldn’t work unfortunately.🙂
Shri Krama Lei And the outer appearance by no means can alter the inner message.
I respect Lord Budha but he proved that he can nothing say about Almighty God but the way he to see God can be given which does not match with the Holy Books Vedas, Kuran, Bible and Kabir Sagar( fifth ved or secret ved) One who wants to see the facts sould was sight ( jagatgururampal ji) and books may be downloaded even in English. and listen satsang daily Sadhna Chennel 8.30pm by Sant Rampal ji mahara having astonishing powers to help the needy/true souls (God seekers).
Utube time traveler
Time traveler
I think Buddhism and Christianity should combine into one religion, Buddhism is the only religion left that can stand toe to toe with science on an intellectual level, and Christianity has the emotional power and awesome strength of Gods will. After all Buddhism is a philosophy and you guys seem to have no problem with Aristotle or Plato, why not combine with Buddhism.
No way, why introduce a fantasy to this beautiful reality?