Roman Emperors Portrayed in Memes - Part 2

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2020
  • Memexplanations
    Aurelian - built a line of the city walls in Rome
    Tacitus, Florianus - short-lived Emperors that were brothers. I didn't find anything else even remotely interesting in them other than that
    Probus - with Probus in charge, the Empire's 50 year long period of chaos slowly began to end
    Carus - he was reportedly struck by lightningNumerian - suffered from an inflammation of the eyes
    Diocletian, Maximian - Maximian betrayed Tetrarchy and Diocletian by proclaiming himself Emperor after their joint resignation.
    Galerius - heavily persecuted Christians. Ironically, he was also the first Emperor that legalized Christianity.
    Constantine - Despite being a first Christian Roman Emperor, he did some pretty nasty things (killed Emperors Maximian, Maxentius, Valerius Severus, Martinian, Licinius, his own son Crispus and wife Fausta)
    Constantius II, Constantine II, Constans, Julian - sons and nephew of the great Constantine (you can guess which one of them is the nephew) really loved fighting between themselves
    Valens, Gratian - Gratian failed to show up at the Battle of Adrianople in time, causing his joint Emperor Valens was burnt to death during the battle
    Theodosius - Emperor's commander had a popular charioteer arrested for a homosexual offence in Thessalonica. A general revolt for the charioteer's release ensued, which cost the commander his life. Upon hearing the news Theodosius ordered retaliation, ending in a huge massacre of the citizens in the city. Bishop Ambrose after hearing about the massacre, stopped the Emperor from entering a church and rebuked him for what he had done.
    Arcadius - he was worthless and weak
    Honorius - hearing the news that Rome had "perished", Honorius was initially shocked, thinking the news was in reference to a favorite chicken he had named "Rome"
    Theodosius II - although a long reigning Emperor, he yielded his imperial power to his sister, spending most of his time in prayers
    Valentinian III - personally killed Aëtius, the last great Roman general that defeated Attila.
    Avitus, Maiorian, Libius Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius - General Ricimer exercised political control through these puppet emperors.
    Glycerius, Nepos, Romulus - had a real power only over some of the Roman territories (Italy, parts of Dalmatia, Raetia, exclave Kingdom of Soissons)
    #rome #romanempire #memes


  • @JimH-vk8ft
    @JimH-vk8ft 3 роки тому +853

    ‘Theodosius II - spent most of his time in prayers’ Yeah if I was emperor at that time, between the constant assassination plots and the empire falling apart, I’d probably try see if that worked too

    • @bogdan3386
      @bogdan3386 3 роки тому +73

      The main thing that probably kept him in power was the fact that he was "adopted" by the Sassanian king so nobody would've been dumb enough to risk a war with Persia (not like there wasn't a conflicting between Rome and Persia during Theodosius II)

    • @ComradeHellas
      @ComradeHellas 3 роки тому +35

      He did alright, although the library of Alexandria was ransacked under his reign.

    • @neilvankanegan4960
      @neilvankanegan4960 3 роки тому +40

      He was emperor in the east, so he didn't have it as bad as Honorius in the west, under whom Rome was sacked for the first time in centuries.

    • @EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts
      @EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 3 роки тому +13

      He also buit walls and reformed the legal code. So there's that.

    • @atsekaleb7
      @atsekaleb7 3 роки тому +5

      I mean it worked

  • @darrynmurphy2038
    @darrynmurphy2038 3 роки тому +374

    Never forget that Theodosius II held power for as long as Augustus and Constantine, and yet did absolutely nothing

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +16

      He was forced to do nothing by Aspur thoughts which is why he was in pwoer for so long, but he didnt do nothing he did no wars on his own but he did issue a cod of law and made some schools and attended reigious matters thats that he was lot better than Honorius even if he was forced todo nothing Honorius wasnt forced to do nothing even Arcadius have more execuses than Honorius since Arcadius did nothing for real but he was ill af and died from illiness and depsit being ill af he still managed to make his son theodosius have good regents like his Praetorian prefect anthemius who built the theodosian walls in honor of theodosius II, wall that will protect the empire for 1000y

    • @darrynmurphy2038
      @darrynmurphy2038 3 роки тому +21

      @@AdriatheBwitch Interesting, I didn't actually know about the code of laws. I disagree with you in making excuses for him by blaming Aspar though. Leo I, a former butcher raised to the throne as a puppet of Aspar, was able to build alliances, assassinate Aspar, and assert himself as an emperor. If a lowborn puppet emperor had the ability to do that, then clearly an emperor born and raised in the purple could've as well. The only difference between Theodosius and Leo, was that Leo was far more intelligent and able, and so Theodosius' lack of action is entirely his own fault.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +5

      @@darrynmurphy2038 What are you taking about, it have nothing to do about being a low born or a purple born, Marcian was also a low born and he did completly nothing agaisnt Aspur too, the biggest difference is that Yheodosius was raised to be a gnelte scholar and palace eperor who wont dirt his hands while Leo I was from the fucking army so he clearly killed ppl already and knew what it had to take to dirty his hand, Theodosius was always rised to be a good guy who just pray and let others do the jobs he was raised by his own sister who was herself a faitfull chirstians and christians are forbodden to kill or do bad things its why, its not a quesiton low born or purple born its quesiton of experience, you are compaering 2 completly different persons

    • @darrynmurphy2038
      @darrynmurphy2038 3 роки тому +3

      @@AdriatheBwitch That's my point entirely, they were two totally different people. Arguing that he accomplished nothing due to Aspar's grip on power is beyond the point. Even if Aspar hadn't restricted his rule, he would've still grown up to be a useless emperor who was a mere pawn of far more ambitious men

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +1

      @@darrynmurphy2038 Well, maybe not, its not easy to know, i mean, maybe he wouldnt have been despoeed or soemthing by someone whowanted the power, maybe usurpers or the peopl revolting, aspur was i think also making sure that he stay alive since he was easy manipulated, but he was too young also, i mean dont forget that aspur was also capable exile peopl like arcadius's wife, but you have a point about that he wasnt ment to rule IN THAT TIME in a more prosperous time he would have done better, he still did stuff as i said, he was a palace emperor but it wasnt what the empire needed at this time

  • @polarysice5748
    @polarysice5748 3 роки тому +526

    Aurelian as Trump needed "I will make ROME great again"

    • @Canev821
      @Canev821 3 роки тому +66

      Except he really did

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +50

      @@Canev821 both did, aurelian just did it a lot better.

    • @JamesFTW1
      @JamesFTW1 3 роки тому +16

      @@lugiasreturn1247 the delusion is strong with this one

    • @bakedgoods7116
      @bakedgoods7116 3 роки тому +36

      @@lugiasreturn1247 Aurelian's walls were actually useful, Trump's..ehhh.

    • @HorFell
      @HorFell 3 роки тому +26

      @@bakedgoods7116 if you look at the numbers of illegal border crossing; they're up from Trump's 870 a day to over 6000......sooooooo.....

  • @ericmarley7060
    @ericmarley7060 3 роки тому +455

    Majorian was pretty cool. Dude had no chance though.

    • @powerist209
      @powerist209 3 роки тому +42

      Maybe Majorian as PPG’s Major Man.
      “The Fleet for Africa?”
      “It got torched”
      “The army”
      “Paid the Barbarians, also disbanded them.”

    • @theempiredidnothingwrong3227
      @theempiredidnothingwrong3227 3 роки тому +68

      You gotta respect the fact that despite the fact Rome was basically FUBAR at that point. He still made a conceded effort to try and at least preserve what remained. Like he could've and would've been fully justified in collecting what wealth he could buying some nice estate with servants to tend his every need far away from any form of danger after his already successful military career. Yet he choose to become emperor and try one more time to save Rome. And ultimately was killed by his own people in the attempt, truly symbolic of both Rome's and humanities problems.

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +28

      @@theempiredidnothingwrong3227 Majorian wasn't the last one to try to save rome in general. glycerius got some lost territory from the east of italy and nepos from the west. However, it can be easily said that majorian's possible survival as an emperor would help western rome survive for longer than it would with glycerius or nepos remaining as emperor in italy, and in fact, people from the roman empire were already abandoning it to have their estates and pro-medieval castles ever since the reign of emperor diocletian, so at least majorian didn't follow that path.

    • @spaceythehuman5530
      @spaceythehuman5530 3 роки тому +16

      @@theempiredidnothingwrong3227 he was, like so many others who followed Roman Virtues, the last of the Romans

    • @harjaskhurana8369
      @harjaskhurana8369 3 роки тому +10

      Do not go gentle into that goodnight
      Rage;Rage against the dying of light

  • @angusyang5917
    @angusyang5917 3 роки тому +531

    WHERE'S VALENTINIAN THE GREAT? Nobody can rage quit more than him.

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +47

      it ain't just him, there's no carinus, maximinus ii daia, valentinian ii, marcian, leo i, or zeno either.

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +16

      ah fuck I also forgot to mention constantius i

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +8

      *jovian too. goddamnit

    • @angusyang5917
      @angusyang5917 3 роки тому +23

      @@lugiasreturn1247 Valentinian I is the big one, b/c of his epic way of dying, but the others deserve mention too. Problem is, as you continue down the eastern emperors, you're going to go to emperors who lived long after the "fall" of Rome, i.e. Byzantine. I think a good stopping point is Heraclius.

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +10

      @@angusyang5917 Yeah, I did learn Justinian was the last one to use mostly latin, and heraclius the last one to dominate the Mediterranean. And indeed valentinian hated germans to the very death, and got angry about anyone else giving him something he hated in general.

  • @morgulorc
    @morgulorc 3 роки тому +120

    How dare you skip Valentinian I, he was an absolute mad lad and his death was legendary.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +4

      "Its a western focus video"... ho wait =p

  • @Batigol500
    @Batigol500 3 роки тому +122


  • @justinian-the-great
    @justinian-the-great 3 роки тому +117

    Constantine's sniper command: *To shoot full auto press P+X*

  • @Nonamearisto
    @Nonamearisto 3 роки тому +32

    Majorian wasn't a puppet. That's why Ricimir had him killed.

  • @papadragon695
    @papadragon695 3 роки тому +70

    Galerius being Alex Jones was fucking hilarious

  • @celdur4635
    @celdur4635 3 роки тому +57

    Disagree about Majorian, he was a great emperor, an Aurelian in the making but betrayed and killed by Ricimer (he honestly should've known better though)

  • @thomaswilson3827
    @thomaswilson3827 3 роки тому +58

    3:42 Wait, its ALL Theodosius?
    Theodosius: "Always has been."

  • @richhartnell6233
    @richhartnell6233 3 роки тому +41

    There’s something about the cold stare of a Roman statue with these movements and voices that is hilarious

  • @angusyang5917
    @angusyang5917 3 роки тому +130

    Will you do a continuation on the Byzantine emperors?
    Justinian I "the Great": same as Valentinian III, except now it's Belisarius
    Phocas: KILL KILL KILL
    Heraclius: haha jihad go brrrrr
    Justinian II: ah shit, here we go again
    Leo III the Isaurian: haha Greek fire go whoosh
    Irene of Athens: A woman must know her place! -pope
    Basil II: Remmeber, no Bulgar eyes
    Romanos IV Diogenes: Lost
    Alexios I Komnenos: I didn't hear no bell
    Andronikos I Komnenos: I simp my nieces
    Alexios IV Angelos: You have brought shame on us all
    Constantine XI Palaiologos: *turns on Sabaton

    • @alejandrop.s.3942
      @alejandrop.s.3942 3 роки тому +21

      Basil II and Belisarius (even more than Justinian) would deserve their own video as Aurelian.

    • @a.h.tvideomapping4293
      @a.h.tvideomapping4293 3 роки тому +15

      Hector Torrealta also Heraclius. He always gets the short end of the stick every time I hear about him

    • @alejandrop.s.3942
      @alejandrop.s.3942 3 роки тому +11

      @@a.h.tvideomapping4293 I think he had the potential to become a legendary emperor. Too bad that those arab bois ruined his rule.

    • @a.h.tvideomapping4293
      @a.h.tvideomapping4293 3 роки тому +15

      Hector Torrealta
      Eastern Romans: Fighting the Sassanids for 26 goddamn years
      Arabs: *hællo bætçh*

    • @aleksandersokal5279
      @aleksandersokal5279 3 роки тому +3

      *Eastern Roman Emprerors

  • @sergiodasilva6505
    @sergiodasilva6505 3 роки тому +65

    Arcadius and Theodosius does absolutely nothing.....lasts much longer than Aurelian. Maybe they were on to something.

    • @a.h.tvideomapping4293
      @a.h.tvideomapping4293 3 роки тому +17

      If your a bad emperor Then your immortal. Explains Julian and Aurelian

    • @powerist209
      @powerist209 3 роки тому +7

      Elagabalus was a bad emperor but his reign was cut short rather early.

    • @noodlecoffee193
      @noodlecoffee193 3 роки тому +2

      What did you really expect a teenager to do when given absolute power tho.

    • @wirelessbluestone5983
      @wirelessbluestone5983 3 роки тому +4

      I mean Honorius reigned 28 years as a figurehead

    • @newstartyt3700
      @newstartyt3700 3 роки тому

      @@a.h.tvideomapping4293 julian died quick tho.and heck,he wasnt that bad.He was technically winning his persian campaign until he reached Cteshipon and decided to go but then he took his armour off like a moron.

  • @bogdan3386
    @bogdan3386 3 роки тому +36

    I felt like dying inside when you reached Valentinian III

  • @OakAsmr
    @OakAsmr 3 роки тому +96

    I really think cause Julian “won” the civil war he should of gotten his own meme for not wearing armor but besides that, I enjoyed the video.

    • @noodlecoffee193
      @noodlecoffee193 3 роки тому +18

      He didn’t really win. He just did nothing while Constantius II beat everyone up.

    • @darrynmurphy2038
      @darrynmurphy2038 3 роки тому +11

      Didn't Constantinius literally just die of illness before they could even face each other in battle?

    • @noodlecoffee193
      @noodlecoffee193 3 роки тому +8

      Yeah, Julian got lucky. Constantius was a very skilled general.

    • @OakAsmr
      @OakAsmr 3 роки тому +8

      @@noodlecoffee193 I disagree, Julian was extremely educated , so I personally feel it would have at least been a close battle.

    • @noodlecoffee193
      @noodlecoffee193 3 роки тому +1

      I know, and it would be cold to see what would happen if they battled, but I guess you could say that Rome got lucky and avoided a civil war.

  • @lr6648
    @lr6648 2 роки тому +11

    Theodosius II: *PRAYS*
    celtic war cheif: *ENTERS THE CHAT*
    Theodosius: *PRAYS HARDER*

  • @christianrhendy8145
    @christianrhendy8145 3 роки тому +25

    Aight, now we need Byzantine Emperors portrayed in Memes

    • @a.h.tvideomapping4293
      @a.h.tvideomapping4293 3 роки тому +5

      Tominus Maximus and then we need Holy Roman Emperors After

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +2

      @@TominusMaximus Well, even if you want it or not, the byzantine are the continuation of the roman empire they never fell before 1453 and it is how it is, you can trace their succession line back to augustus

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +1

      @@a.h.tvideomapping4293 We dont really need them are they arent the roman empire thought

  • @johan8969
    @johan8969 3 роки тому +21

    Fooking hell I havent laughed as hard as I did at 02:13 in a long time. For that alone I love you.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +2

      I am very curious, i am not american but hell who said this? from where this part come from im so cruious and yeah it was fucking funny >

    • @samlund8543
      @samlund8543 3 роки тому +2

      It’s Alex Jones doing one of his bits

    • @CatholicMemeTheory
      @CatholicMemeTheory Рік тому

      @@AdriatheBwitchAlex Jones, you know the most banned guy from the internet for his conspiracy theories and reporting. Guy uncovered epstein island and got called a conspiracy theorist years before epstein island was exposed.

  • @Aurelian159
    @Aurelian159 3 роки тому +12

    I’ve just noticed that the crown of Diocletian look more like cabbage rather than laurel wreath.

  • @rundelbellen4791
    @rundelbellen4791 3 роки тому +24

    You forgot valentinian rage quit lol

  • @powerist209
    @powerist209 3 роки тому +11

    For Majorian, not sure if Stannis Fleet being burned down by Widlfire might be appropriate despite it basically a Roman version of it, except by a dingy Vandal fireship.

    • @newstartyt3700
      @newstartyt3700 3 роки тому

      @@TominusMaximus should have just put the same thing as valentinian but instead of aetius and valentinian its ricimer and majorian

    • @powerist209
      @powerist209 3 роки тому +1

      Maybe Leo (the Emperor) or Basiliscus (General and temporarily emperor) fit well enough if you remember Cape Bon.

  • @MrSarki
    @MrSarki 3 роки тому +156

    Where was Valentinian? You really could've memed his death

    • @bogdan3386
      @bogdan3386 3 роки тому +21

      Also Constantius I

    • @comedyaddict123
      @comedyaddict123 3 роки тому +18

      And jovian

    • @comedyaddict123
      @comedyaddict123 3 роки тому +30

      @@TominusMaximus fair enough, he died of a burst blood vessel while screaming in anger at the Germans so I just figured there'd be something amusing for extreme anger or anti German rhetoric

    • @johnirish2969
      @johnirish2969 3 роки тому +5

      @@TominusMaximus Bro you could have totally gone with leonidas' legendary is sparta(rome) and kicking a germ into the pit

    • @johnirish2969
      @johnirish2969 3 роки тому +2

      @@TominusMaximus Or old Logan fighting the car jackers, Vader killing rebels, Aang in the south pole fighting the fire nation, possibilities are endless for an enraged emperor

  • @tmacdonald4006
    @tmacdonald4006 3 роки тому +20

    Galerius was hilarious.

  • @Drayran
    @Drayran 3 роки тому +30

    Theodosius II = the Angela Merkel of Roman Emperors
    Long reign but doing nothing is "without alternative"

  • @j.alexander8468
    @j.alexander8468 3 роки тому +28

    Surprised you didn't put in Emperor Valentinian I, the emperor who got so mad at barbarians he just died

  • @typowyimperatorbizancjum3754
    @typowyimperatorbizancjum3754 3 роки тому +25

    Every elder woman in Poland is like theodosius II xd

  • @powerist209
    @powerist209 3 роки тому +6

    Part of me wonder if South Park movie's Operation Human Shield might work with Theodosius.
    Theodosius: Alaric, you will be part of Operation: Gothic Shield.
    Alaric: Hey, wait a minute.
    Theodosius: "Comitatenses of East, you will be part of Operation Get Behind Our Gothic Allies. You will follow behind Alaric and the Goths and try not to get killed by Eugenius and Arbogast's army. Any Questions?"
    Alaric: "Dominus, have you ever heard of letting our unit be commanded by our native officer that includes me?"
    Theodosius: "Sorry, I don't speak Barbar."

  • @isaacshultz8128
    @isaacshultz8128 3 роки тому +2

    Been waiting for this for ages!!!

  • @constantinethegreat6713
    @constantinethegreat6713 2 роки тому +5


    • @causantinthescot
      @causantinthescot Рік тому

      Only because of Constantine II and a bunch of usurpers

  • @usernoname6685
    @usernoname6685 3 роки тому +7

    Guy with the glasses in Doc Chicken segment is probably Olympius, Honorius's advisor who controlled weak emperor and conducted the execution of one of the last defenders of Rome, Stillicho.

  • @Gonboo
    @Gonboo 3 роки тому +7

    Fiery but mostly peaceful sacking of Rome.

  • @justinian-the-great
    @justinian-the-great 3 роки тому +16

    I hope that you'll make one about byzantine emperors, too.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +3

      It should, it is the continuation and since he pout theodosius II and arcadius i see no reason not to put the successors

  • @sonidoo5908
    @sonidoo5908 3 роки тому

    Such a great content really

  • @aydanparadis254
    @aydanparadis254 3 роки тому +6

    Constantine is a chad

  • @alejandrop.s.3942
    @alejandrop.s.3942 3 роки тому +20

    Being fair with Gratian, I think he really tried to appear at Adrianople, but germanic raids on Gallia and Raetia prevented it. Nevertheless, a Western general whose name I don't remember was there with some reinforcements if I recall correctly.
    Valentinian III is pure shit as Justinian, jealous and afraid of their best commanders talent and fame, which eventually led to further losses.
    Great video, I love it. Please, carry on with Eastern Empire emperors. Basil II and other characters such as Belisarius deserve their own videos as Aurelian.

    • @bogdan3386
      @bogdan3386 3 роки тому +8

      Also idk why people praise Theodora so much. Yeah, she kept the empire together while Justinian was sick but they ignore the fact that she screwed other possible candidates for succession like Justin and Germanos and ended up with the other Justin. Overly sarcastic and Extra credits praised her as this amazing woman but they didn't mention at all that she in the long term ruined the Empire by allowing a moron like Justin II to come to the throne. When it comes to Justinian some of his campaigns can be justified. The Vandal kingdom was a threat because of piracy and in the case of Italy the timing to start a war was almost perfect but they needed to consolidate Africa first. What I can't defend is putting Narses in charge of Mundus army after his death and let him argue with with Belisarius. If Justinian was so afraid of Belisarius at that point he could've put Narses in charge because he was a eunuch anyway and also a competent commander and I think Belisarius would've been okay to pass the command to Narses after taking Rome back. When it comes to his campaigns in Iberia those wars were a waste of time, resources and manpower for a piece of land which could've been accessed only by sea for the Romans. Also I'm still mad at overly sarcastic for their video on thr fall of Rome for not mentioning Aurelian who pretty much saved the empire from turning into something similar to 3 kingdoms China and allowed emperors like Diocletian and Constantine to even gain power, not to metion that their reforms were influenced by reforms made by Aurelian

    • @vynonyoutube1418
      @vynonyoutube1418 3 роки тому +2

      @@bogdan3386 afaik it's actually Galienus that was the first to kickstart the shift to the Dominate as we know it, with a higher focus on cavalry, moving his headquarters away from Rome, forbidding senators to command armies and delegating power so that the empire could defend itself better. Aurelian served under Gallienus as well (and, in turn, Diocletian served under Aurelian), so there was likely some inspiration from him, despite the fact that Galienus was remembered by contemporaries as a shitty emperor (which was discovered by modern historians to not be the case, considering his rather useful reforms and the shit he had to put up with)

    • @lugiasreturn1247
      @lugiasreturn1247 3 роки тому +1

      Justinian was actually a fairly decent guy, because he hired Belisarius in the first place, and his wife Theodora would be the one who actually fired Belisarius. After that, Justinian was even able to temporarily allow Belisarius back from retirement to deal with invasion, which he crushed successfully. Not all of his choices were good tho, because while I would say regaining the west was an accomplishment, he probably should've stayed to the east a bit more so he can at least have more money left over after regaining the west. Him also leaving many things to Theodora was also a mistake, as while Theodora was at least somewhat competent, she was over paranoid of possible rivals to Justinian. Same can't be said with Valentinian III, who treated what few competent officials like shit, and fell for a lie that Aetius was gonna kill him, by a guy who's wife got raped by Valentinian (Petronius Maximus), and he was actually dumb enough to let two of Aetius' allies guard him at Rome, where he was killed. Justinian was decently okay, but Valentinian III was, to my knowledge, the worst and least intelligent roman emperor of all time.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +1

      Valens didnt wait for him to apear thats the main difference here, Valens was an old proud guy who didnt want his nephew to have all the honors of apearing and savin the day, it was told to him to wait untill Gratian arrive, but he didnt which for me put all the blame on Valens and not Gratian who did good
      Also Gratian fixed the mess left by Valens, because yes it is also Valens fault if the goth crossed in the first place he didnt managed them well and his official were corrupted and treated the goth like garbage which made the goth revolt, and then Valens came to confront them at Adrianople, he didnt wait for Gratian and then Gratian had to fix the mess because its also Gratian who choosed Theodosius I as successor of Valens which was a smart move

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому

      @@TominusMaximus Anastasius I was a looooot better than Justinian and without him and all the money he managed to gather Jusitnian woudnt have done anything, and if you add Theodora in the equaiton Jusitnian woudnt have done shit either if she wasnt here to support him during the nika riots

  • @DavidWillisSLS
    @DavidWillisSLS 2 роки тому +4

    I absolutely DIED laughing at the “not my job” portion of the Theodosius II meme

    • @DavidWillisSLS
      @DavidWillisSLS 2 роки тому +1

      Although I do have to say, I think Majorian needed his own meme. He wasn’t exactly a puppet emperor

  • @daniellinanmolina1044
    @daniellinanmolina1044 2 роки тому +5

    majorian was good tho, should have also included stilicho and aetius, they were basically emperors and they were really good generals

  • @ageansai6067
    @ageansai6067 3 роки тому +18

    This was back up quick

  • @eutropius2699
    @eutropius2699 2 роки тому +2

    Diocletian is a great story some say he is horribly corrupt and yet he ends up a humble cabbage farmer lmao

  • @RexGalilae
    @RexGalilae 3 роки тому +34

    I couldn't stop laughing at the Honorius meme lmao
    Julian and Majorian deserved their separate memes imo, lol. After Aurelian and Diocletian, they were the only Emperors worth their salt.

    • @jackmontgomery7753
      @jackmontgomery7753 3 роки тому +9

      Julian wasn't worth shit! He fucking sped up the decline of the west by losing a huge fucking army in a dumbass invasion of Parthia.

    • @RexGalilae
      @RexGalilae 3 роки тому +19

      There's a lot of pro-Christian bias going around against him. Not surprising that you called Sassanid Persia as "Parthia" either, cementing your ignorance on this topic.
      The same people who exaggerate the consequences of the Sassanid campaign then glorify Constantine for partaking in massive Civil Wars to solidify his control over Rome and Theodosius for settling the Goths in Illyria and making his two incompetent sons as Emperors.
      If anything, it was Theodosisus I's mistakes that directly caused the sack and subsequent fall of Rome more than Julian, who saved the West in its dire time of need.

    • @vladtheimpalerofyourmum258
      @vladtheimpalerofyourmum258 3 роки тому +6

      @@RexGalilae Julian was a failure by every metric lmao. Yeah, he won great victories in the West but so did Crassus and everybody shits on him constantly.
      His two goals were to revitalize paganism and defeat the Sassanids. He failed to do both. All the edgy Roman Larpers are literally worshipping a failure. He doesn't deserve to be compared to Constantine.

    • @a.h.tvideomapping4293
      @a.h.tvideomapping4293 3 роки тому +6

      Jack Montgomery bro Julian was way better than that Theo guy eastward

    • @RexGalilae
      @RexGalilae 3 роки тому +13

      "Yeah, he won great victories in the West but so did Crassus and everybody shits on him constantly."
      Yet more ignorance. Crassus just won one battle against Spartacus which would've been won by Pompeii anyway. The slave army was divided and morale was extremely low by the time Crassus arrived.
      The Germans during the time of Julian were a greater existential threat and he proved himself to be above and beyond his contemporaries i.e. Constantius "Imma kill my entire family and spend all my time in the church" II and Barbatio, who was too incompetent/cowardly/corrupt to even intercept a routing Germanic Warband.
      The losses Romans suffered after the death of Julian in the East were nothing compared to what Theodosius and his sons did to the empire. It was more comparable to Mark Antony's failed expedition at worst, which itself wasn't that damaging in the long term
      It's patent ignorance to compare someone who defeated the Sassanids in battle with Crassus despite being abandoned by Procopius and Sebastianus.
      Just admit you're an ignorant Christcuck for god's sake already lol

  • @lazyguy3081
    @lazyguy3081 Рік тому +1

    This video did Majorian dirty ngl could've done a meme about his fleet being burnt, Could've done something about Flavious Stilicho being killed (because he's simply too good)

  • @res_gestae
    @res_gestae 3 роки тому +1

    Another banger

  • @aleksandersokal5279
    @aleksandersokal5279 3 роки тому +6

    Maximian betrayed Constantine, Maxentius died in battle, Licinius conspired with the Goths, Cripsus was accused by Fausta of assaulting her in a certain way and was dealt with, but when Constinie found out it was was a lie he had fausta put to death. Is that nasty? Certainly not by standards of the time. Theodosius reacted to Thessalonika like that because they led a revolt and as such it was put down.

    • @aleksandersokal5279
      @aleksandersokal5279 3 роки тому +1

      @@TominusMaximus But the first order was given because it seemed like a rebellion to him at the start. But you are right he did regret and try to stop it, though it was too late.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому

      @@TominusMaximus The part about "He send order but then was like "ho i cance my order" sound too much like constantius II with Gallus....and Theodosius was always ready to rub pagans so in y view he did it on purpose and was happy about itl ike he did with Eugenius he used him as a boogyman

  • @nyotaliafan3583
    @nyotaliafan3583 3 роки тому +1

    that's amazing dude

  • @StoicNatsoc
    @StoicNatsoc 3 роки тому +6

    the DEVS * MEMUS * MAXIMUS * is pleased with your offerings of memery, and as i speak in the name of his followers....please make more.

    • @StoicNatsoc
      @StoicNatsoc 3 роки тому +2

      @@TominusMaximus Quite welcome. here is to more good memes and great videos.

  • @og_finn661
    @og_finn661 3 роки тому +1

    I loved these two videos, you should make a third one for our boys (and one girl) over in Byzantine. Give my boy Justinian some love.

    • @lamole329
      @lamole329 2 роки тому +2

      Don't forget Zoe and Theodora

  • @HiturMan-nn5pc
    @HiturMan-nn5pc 3 роки тому +3

    Wheres Majorian smh
    Still great vid btw, keep up the good work

  • @youngcato718
    @youngcato718 3 роки тому +6

    Julian deserves his own meme

  • @evangelostse2477
    @evangelostse2477 3 місяці тому

    Aurelian as 'the guy who built walls' is massively underselling how much of a chad he was.

  • @Connor-rh9lc
    @Connor-rh9lc 3 роки тому

    Good work.

  • @dr.manofculture1492
    @dr.manofculture1492 3 роки тому +2

    It's finally here

  • @michaelterrencefernandezli6688
    @michaelterrencefernandezli6688 3 роки тому +13

    Who'd win for Diocletian
    The whole roman empire
    A patch of cabbages

  • @jileelmcdaniels7331
    @jileelmcdaniels7331 2 роки тому

    The doc chicken part was one of th funniest things I've ever seen

  • @Barwasser
    @Barwasser 3 роки тому +5

    Theodosius II. was my favourite. That dude has seen some shit!

  • @patjeeson681
    @patjeeson681 3 роки тому +4

    wait a moment come on, Maiorian kinda retake control of most of the wester Empire, give him some credit

  • @curtain9842
    @curtain9842 3 роки тому +3

    Your honorius one was pretty great

  • @albinlindmark1383
    @albinlindmark1383 3 роки тому

    This is so damn good

  • @LordWyatt
    @LordWyatt 2 роки тому +4

    That one with Valentinian III and Aetius got me to laugh.

    • @RagnaCloud13
      @RagnaCloud13 9 місяців тому +1

      One Pope: (strangles V3 with his stand) I got this, your majesty. (Plays Stardust Crusaders theme)
      (And it went well, Attila the Hun is shaking when he saw the vision)

  • @kensley94
    @kensley94 10 місяців тому

    How did you do that 0:32, lol
    I was randomly thinking about assassin creed in this case odyssey, and suddenly the theme came up...
    What are the odds?!
    Scary and astonishing at the same time!

  • @onemoreminute0543
    @onemoreminute0543 4 місяці тому

    The one about Constantine had me in hysterics

  • @janstaniszewski536
    @janstaniszewski536 2 місяці тому

    In terms of context, the "We need to build a wall" thing fits better with Hadrian;)

  • @envycrusader8063
    @envycrusader8063 3 роки тому +3

    Aurelian, one of my fav roman emperor

  • @santi2683
    @santi2683 3 роки тому +4

    I can't wait for one with the Byzantine Emperors now

  • @powerist209
    @powerist209 3 роки тому +5

    You know part of me feel that Aurelian as Trump even as a joke seems insulting.
    I mean he actually restore the empire, anti corruption (even heavy handed enough to lead to his death), and capable commander.

    • @kaneslives
      @kaneslives 3 роки тому +1

      Tominus Maximus well Aurelian probably wasn’t a fatty and wouldn’t lie about a virus.

    • @miguelpereira9859
      @miguelpereira9859 2 роки тому

      It's just a meme lol

  • @hyperchetnikmapping3401
    @hyperchetnikmapping3401 3 роки тому +4

    Ah yes
    The Sack of *Ktesiphon*

  • @powerist209
    @powerist209 3 роки тому

    It’s about time.

  • @jileelmcdaniels5549
    @jileelmcdaniels5549 2 роки тому

    Doc chicken and honorius is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

  • @ScarletImp
    @ScarletImp 3 роки тому +9

    Do one for the Byzantine emperors :O

  • @vynonyoutube1418
    @vynonyoutube1418 3 роки тому +4

    this one's even better than the previous one lmao
    (no Valentinian I tho?)

  • @zakadams762
    @zakadams762 3 роки тому +1

    pink guy joji part was good

  • @robertmontague1216
    @robertmontague1216 Рік тому

    Like the first one, overall perimeter walls only will slow down an enemy that's determined and eventually will find a way in

  • @smol_miko
    @smol_miko 3 роки тому

    Hahaha man what a video
    Now do someone with the byzantine please

  • @anyawilson707
    @anyawilson707 2 роки тому +1

    Tacitus and Florianus to each other: *first time?*

  • @chrisf.9595
    @chrisf.9595 3 роки тому +2

    You forgot Valentinian my dude.
    He died of anger from a bursted blood vessel for yelling too hard at Germans

  • @symmetrymilton4542
    @symmetrymilton4542 3 роки тому

    Do Byzantine Emperors next!

  • @davidgonzalez-herrera2980
    @davidgonzalez-herrera2980 2 роки тому +1

    I completely lost my shit at Ricimer, I couldn’t stop laughing because of the reality

  • @andreic3225
    @andreic3225 3 роки тому +3

    Galerius :) beat the sassanids though :).Few roman emperors can say that.... And yeah that thing with Aetius...Briliant.

    • @andreic3225
      @andreic3225 3 роки тому

      @@TominusMaximus As I said ...few...

    • @andreic3225
      @andreic3225 3 роки тому +1

      @@TominusMaximus but Galerius was the only guy to annex a part of Iran proper even though it was just a small bit to lake Urmia.

    • @alessandrogini5283
      @alessandrogini5283 3 роки тому +2

      @@andreic3225 i think emperor carus wanted expanded further to Iran the empire

    • @RagnaCloud13
      @RagnaCloud13 9 місяців тому

      ​@@alessandrogini5283but gets hit by a lightning

  • @LeDomge
    @LeDomge 3 роки тому +1

    This is not giving Aurelian enough credit

  • @confederate1012
    @confederate1012 3 роки тому +1

    Do all the roman republic leaders as memes

  • @meyeralex5287
    @meyeralex5287 3 роки тому +3

    Wait a second you forgot Jovian

  • @choaticsmith8065
    @choaticsmith8065 3 роки тому

    It’s here
    *All Roman cheered*

  • @Eazy-ERyder
    @Eazy-ERyder 2 роки тому

    Where the hell is VALENTENIAN?!? I was SPECIFICALLY waiting for that one!@ C'mon man!!!

  • @workingproleinc.676
    @workingproleinc.676 3 роки тому +1

    At last Aurelian did accomplished something

  • @OGDeepStroke
    @OGDeepStroke 3 роки тому +2

    Aëtius really saved Rome from Attila and to repay him he got fucking SCHWACKED.

    • @RagnaCloud13
      @RagnaCloud13 7 місяців тому

      Leo: need a hand, Aëtius?

  • @BanditoBurrito
    @BanditoBurrito 2 роки тому

    1:13 that was awesome. should make it a clip

  • @Jakethegoodman
    @Jakethegoodman 2 роки тому


  • @erlendhedegart7510
    @erlendhedegart7510 3 роки тому

    Romulus: and I’m here too

  • @loggi7605
    @loggi7605 3 роки тому +5

    Kinda disagree with Majoran, but nice video

  • @CrossBorderNerds
    @CrossBorderNerds 3 роки тому

    Was hoping to see the cabbage guy from Avatar in here. V/X.

  • @disputedname
    @disputedname 3 роки тому +3

    Why does majorian not get his own meme?

  • @AdriatheBwitch
    @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому +4

    Constantine I didnt kill Valerius Severus II, its Mexantius who did that, also im a bit sad you didnt put Valentinian I, i mean that guy died by a stroke caused by extrem anger its totally memable by saying he rage quitted =p Also, Gratian didnt show up in time because Valens refused to wait for him and payed his own overfonidence by dying

  • @baldomerolosada7938
    @baldomerolosada7938 3 роки тому +1

    6:48 what song is this????? I laughed very hard with it

  • @_SOL_INVICTVS__________0
    @_SOL_INVICTVS__________0 3 роки тому

    Ah yes history with a touch of the tism.

  • @weixie44
    @weixie44 3 роки тому +5

    Where’s Marcian? Also, you could have just mentioned Valentinian’s pet bears.

    • @AdriatheBwitch
      @AdriatheBwitch 3 роки тому

      @@TominusMaximus But Valentinian was THE emperor of the west it make no sense you didnt put him then >< also, Marcian is a Theodosian and Leo I is not here too while he did influence the west greatly by sending many emperors to rule the west, you cant focus on the west without the east its just not possible!

  • @goo894
    @goo894 3 роки тому

    Maximian looks like a dwarf from runescape or something lmao

  • @eric11
    @eric11 3 роки тому +5

    Why no a meme for majorian

  • @elmanco6885
    @elmanco6885 3 роки тому +2

    Aurelian: PRAISE THE SOL

  • @tigerkralle7019
    @tigerkralle7019 3 роки тому +2

    What's the name of the music, which starts at 1:32?