안녕하세요! 교수님!! I hope you will check this comment... The Papago Naver translation application translates this sentence literally, with 밖에 to mean 'outside'. But I'm trying to use this lesson to express that "Until now I have only studied alone." Can you please let me know?? 지금까지는 저는 혼자 밖에 공부하지 않았어요. 감사합니다!!
감사합니다, 윤 님!♡
muchas gracias
very clear explaination 선생님 감사합니다.
잘 설명해주셔서 정말 감사합니다 🙏
저는 이번 학기에 수업 6 과목이나 듣려고 하는데 윤 교수님 비디오를 보는 것을 꼭 계속할 거에요! 감사합니다 교수님!
교수님 사랑합니다
감사합니다 😊
감사합니다 교수님
감사합니다 🌸🌸
Thank you so much!
Thank you
Interesting topic
선생님 정도 하고 나/이나 차이가 어떻게 있습니까?
안녕하세요 선생님! Can you elaborate the usage of (이)나
Professor please teach ~(ㅇ)ㄴ 덕분에. I have exam on thursday. Please help.
hello, didi you were in college two years back? and you were learning in college.
안녕하세요! 교수님!! I hope you will check this comment... The Papago Naver translation application translates this sentence literally, with 밖에 to mean 'outside'. But I'm trying to use this lesson to express that "Until now I have only studied alone." Can you please let me know?? 지금까지는 저는 혼자 밖에 공부하지 않았어요. 감사합니다!!
I suppose I could always just say 지금까지는 저는 혼자만 공부했어요. Right?
You can simply say 지금까지 저는 혼자 공부했어요. “혼자” already means “by oneself” so adding 만 sounds redundant.
Thank you