What is the differences between various teppanyaki restaurants? It seems the sets are not too varied, between the meat, vegetables, and fried rice, they seems similar.
I've always wondered if these japanese chefs really know how to cook their steaks. I've only seen a few who actually done it right. They cook it in vastly different ways. This one though ended cooking the steaks prematurely and not letting it develop flavor. It's still visibly raw. Then he started cutting it into small different sizes making it impossible to be cooked evenly. It problably still taste good but I think it would've been a lot better if done right.
Bro these meals start at $100 USD. Do you think they employee amateurs to cook this stuff? If the guy screws up, that's like at least a $100 mistake. Lol. Rationally speaking, I'd say these guys are on point.
Don't you worry the flavour develops nicely. The point of this fast flipping method they use is that they sear the sides quickly and on high heat, sealing the meat juices inside and while one side is being seared the others are "resting". Don't forget that this is a different type of beef. It is marbled with fat throughout, which is what gives it that delicious flavour. Also not to be rude or anything but I'm pretty sure all these highly trained top notch teppanyaki chefs know what they're doing, compared to some random guy on the internet who thinks there's only one right way to prepare steak..
I love your page i come here when and im hungry and when im bored good entertainment💞💞❗
Enjoyed watching thanks T box
Restaurants open in Japan!?
The only sophistication to grab a huge amount from rich people.
Thats satisfaction. I'd like eat this steak any time in my life
Any time? Even when taking a dump?
Meat look do delicius
Amazing Video i like
Pray 4 Japan
What is the differences between various teppanyaki restaurants? It seems the sets are not too varied, between the meat, vegetables, and fried rice, they seems similar.
I've always wondered if these japanese chefs really know how to cook their steaks. I've only seen a few who actually done it right. They cook it in vastly different ways. This one though ended cooking the steaks prematurely and not letting it develop flavor. It's still visibly raw. Then he started cutting it into small different sizes making it impossible to be cooked evenly. It problably still taste good but I think it would've been a lot better if done right.
Seems to me like they just do it randomly.
Bro these meals start at $100 USD. Do you think they employee amateurs to cook this stuff? If the guy screws up, that's like at least a $100 mistake. Lol. Rationally speaking, I'd say these guys are on point.
Don't you worry the flavour develops nicely. The point of this fast flipping method they use is that they sear the sides quickly and on high heat, sealing the meat juices inside and while one side is being seared the others are "resting". Don't forget that this is a different type of beef. It is marbled with fat throughout, which is what gives it that delicious flavour.
Also not to be rude or anything but I'm pretty sure all these highly trained top notch teppanyaki chefs know what they're doing, compared to some random guy on the internet who thinks there's only one right way to prepare steak..
The Best beef in the World is American beef
No, Indian ! :D