My sister ( says she's a Christian) called me a "kept woman" because my husband & I thought it the very best for me to stay home & raise our children, which I did. Never regretted it and we are blessed by the decisions we made early in our marriage. We've been married for 50 + years and are blessed with wonderful relationships with our children & grandchildren. God has blessed us abundantly ! Thank-you for this vlog.
It's very subtle, but I definitely get treated by both Christians & non-Christians with some jealousy or like I'm lazy. This definitely "ramped up" once my youngest child was in school full-time. (Yes, there are Christian homemakers who don't homeschool). I think people just don't see their own choices as just that, a choice. Well, I get to choose, too.🇨🇦♥️
Thank you for sharing your testimony with this, and amen to never regretting it, I pray that your story is an encouragement to those of us in our early years of being home!
@@homewithkelli Thank-you , I hope it is an encouragement. Our family, many Christians, gave us much grief for our decision for me to stay home and to homeschool, many Christian friends did too. My own mother turned us in to the local public schools for this , but at the time they did not know what to do with us ( husband worked for them). Also, I was educated and employed as an early education teacher. I remember all the sweet little ones who enjoyed preschool truly wanting to be at home with their mothers .
@@laughingdovefarm3311 I have definitely 'won' my parents over lol. But when we announced that we were pulling our kids out of public school, their response wasn't so good. My father claimed that I would NeVER be able to teach them all they know, because one person just can't do it all. My mother seemed disdainful (even tho she worked for a pre-k and constantly talked about how it was a waste of time, developed bad habits & aggression in kids). I had answers ready for all of that. I told my dad that a 3rd grade teacher is made to 'teach it all' (all subjects) and there probably are some aspects that they don't feel fully proficient at. But they do it anyway & they rely on other avenues (books, guests, further schooling) to brush up on these areas. Why couldn't I do that, too? I said all those years ago, that when we got to the hard stuff & I felt that I couldn't teach it, we would find someone else to help. Well, after 10 years I haven't come to any hard stuff yet that I was not able to relearn myself or find a mentor to fill the void. I have graduated one & have 1 to go. When ever I would say, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there", we would look back & realize that we were already on the other side of the river! And we rely a lot on God moving in our life & everything just worked out.
I would like to say how much I enjoy your videos. I was forced to work out of necessity for many years. I was always stressed and exhausted. I always wanted to be a homemaker. 5 years ago I got cancer. After I recovered, hubby and I decided that I would be a homemaker. What joy! I LOVE keeping my home and cooking and gardening. Ladies, don’t let anyone discourage you from the MOST important job there is, keeper of the home. ❤
My story is the same as yours. After a cancer diagnosis last year, I decided to retire with my husband’s blessing. Since, then I have been saved, have a small home business, and love love being a full time homemaker and help mate to my husband. God is good! We joke that the only time I come down off the hill is to go to the doctor or church.
My dear sister, I am a childless wife of 42 years. I worked outside the home for the first 28 years I worked full time. There were various reasons, all good, but when we got to the point where I could be home, we did it. Over the years I have been given many spiritual daughters and sons. My children are those God brings to me. I am at peace with who I am and the journey God has taken us on. God bless you for answering His call. May you always have peace and contentment.
This is such an encouragement. Thank you for sharing a bit of your history. As someone in the early stages of empty nesting and a stay at home wife, there are days I feel doubt and shame and if I’m not doing enough. There is much to be done within the home and locally. I know I don’t need to justify to anyone or myself. I’m where God has placed me. That truth needs to reach my heart during those moments of doubt and shame. As I wait for grandchildren (Lord willing), He has given me time to be growing in the grace and knowledge of God. He is preparing me and equipping me. He sends me people whom I can mentor and serve. I’m blessed to have aging parents and a 96 year old grandfather. Our time here is never wasted. Such a blessing to be a spiritual mother, and a servant of Christ. Thank you for those reminders.
Thank you for being open to spiritual children. My parents are both gone and it's really hard to find women who are willing to train and mentor younger women. I feel like being childless may mean you may have more time to do this. But many are just not willing to invest I others. What an amazing impact you're having on others!!
How lovely. I don’t have a relationship with my Mother due to my choices, and them thinking that my husband “Runs, or controls me”…. They believe I am being abused even though this is my choice. I homeschooled my children. My family doesn’t understand why I would want to serve my family and my husband this way… even though they are “Christian’s” too, but choose to ignore Ephesians, Corinthians, Peter, Titus, and anything that suggests a Wife should serve or submit to her Husband. Surprisingly, I’m not too lonely, I went from a close knit extended family and seeing or talking to my mom every day to a straight 2 years of no contact now. 😢 We moved out of State, and not even a phone call from anyone since I became a true Helpmeet and Housewife.
I've been a homemaker since we had our first child 3 years ago. I knew it was the right thing to do then but having recently found my faith (church goer for 18 months now) I am even more convinced and no longer get frustrated when people ask when I'm going back to work.
I literally had my own mother (who was a sahm for 20 years) make a comment 2 days ago, about how boring & miserable it would be if AI/robots took over & we all had to be home with our families all day long with no job to work. I told her that she was describing my life & wondered what she thought I felt about that statement! I don't feel bored or miserable at all. I am too busy to be miserable & because my husband loves for me to be home, I can often indulge in interesting hobbies - so never bored either! Plus, I have felt blessed to spend all of this time with my kids & to support my husband. I didn't take the comment personal in regards to my current life, but it did cause me to reflect on the fact that that must be how she felt about being my mother all those years. bored & miserable being 'stuck home' with 4 kids. But I didn't choose that life for her, she chose it for herself. And one certainly can be a sahm & be bored & miserable - it is all a matter of motivation, focus, & perspective. I am motivated to serve the Lord, by serving my husband, loving/caring for my kids & cultivating a nice home life. I am focused on the task at hand & finding joy in it. & perspective? I GET to be home, I do not HAVE to be home. I verbalize to my husband all the time how grateful I am that he supports me in staying home, that he works long hours & values what I do to make our home a comfortable, loving place. He says his job is to take care of the house, & mine is to take care of the home. And we stay focused on that. I have been working extra hard on being a Titus 2 woman to some younger friends - especially encouraging them to love their husbands more. That is a bad aspect of our culture. Many women have a big chip on their shoulder when it comes to honoring, obeying, & just plain old loving their husbands. & these often are women claiming to be Christians. I want to ask them sometimes..."why did you even get married in the first place?" & "where are you placing God in your behavior/life?" I make sure to express my gratitude to my husband regularly and thank God for placing my husband in my life.
i have question not to be rude but what about men being encourage to love their wives more i dont want to start an argument because this whole feminist thing started because some men were abusive and did nothing at home and werent encouraged to love their wives why are these women needed to be encouraged to love their husbands more
I am blessed with 5 children but looking back now I can see what a huge opportunity I missed out on by being a working woman before kids. I would have been so much better prepared mentally and spiritually if I'd given myself the time to learn homemaking before babies came along. My husband would have benefitted of course too. I love your clear convictions on this!
Some people can call themselves Christian’s, but are they really Christian’s. You follow the word of God and don’t pay attention what they say. You are setting examples to the young woman’s who are starting the same journey as you or even older woman’s who never had the opportunity to live the way God intended them too. Continue the amazing work and stay true to the word of God always.
I love this! My husband and I recently decided it would be best for me to quit going to school... I was so nervous! It has been such a financial blessing to us! There is so much to be done in the home!
Yayy, so excited for you guys! And well done on having courage to do this. I remember that nervous feeling of quitting my job- I think our brains have been trained that way, like it's safer to do the culturally acceptable thing even if it isn't the best thing.
I went through the same thing in the 1990s! I always felt defensive especially toward my husband's side of the family, who all are unsaved. They thought I was just lazy. I don't regret one minute of deciding to stay home even before children.
This was a great video and very uplifting. Thank you! I am also a homemaker. Having worked in the corporate world and experienced all you described, I was never so happy and relieved when my husband looked at me one day and said, “that’s it…you’re done.” I handed in my resignation within that hour. 🙏 You are blessed and a blessing to others.
Ah, I love that your husband said that! We had a similar experience, except (I'm a bit embarrassed to say) I was so petrified of what people would think of me, it took me 3 months to put in my two weeks.
It is a blessing to be able to be a wife who stays home to take care of their home and husband. When we read and understand what the scriptures say we know that your prospective is correct. I agree with you.
I think it's such a blessing for you to be home. Especially before children! It is so hard to figure out a home economy during those young years. You are ahead of the game and your children will rise up and call you blessed for it. You are in my prayers !
Hello there! I just wanted to reach out and say that you've inspired me to find joy in quitting working for the man! (which I've done since I was 14 years old I'm now 40) you have helped me understand what a blessing it is to be home to be able to cook meals for my kids, bring them to their Sports events (I actually have time to enroll them!) as well as being able to be husbands helper as God intended. This is so brand new to me, and I'm incredibly grateful to have your viewpoint and your help. I'm incredibly grateful for your Biblical standpoint on this. Otherwise, I found myself battling "mom guilt," which in turn created chaos in the home, which is the opposite of what God intends for us🙏🏻 thank you, sister!
Yayy, so excited to hear of the new adventure you are on with being home! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and I'm glad you've been encouraged!
I appreciate your channel. I am a Christian woman who worked outside the home my whole life even when raising my children. I did think it was strange for women to stay home because that was kind of what the world has taught us. And then at some point I had a shift of mind and heart. I retired early, my children are grown and I am now a grandmother. I am now a homemaker full-time. There is so much! It can be overwhelming but it is so satisfying! I have learned new skills and I can tell you being a homemaker and help me to my husband is not the for the faint of heart! Thank you for your channel!
I’m a Christian and I totally forget sometimes that I’m a help meet to my husband and not just keeping the house for the sake of keeping it, and raising just my own kids 😂 It’s demeaning when people say “what do you do all day?” when you work at home for your family, but if you work outside the home at a meaningless job it’s totally accepted. Like somehow it means more to be bored at work (because there are boring parts of every job) and doing a job that can be done by lots of other people. At home you’re the only wife or wife/mother!
You are more of a gentle woman than I am. I would be blocking people left and right if they came into my home and criticized my way of life. You are inviting then in and they are rude. Personally, when I see your shelves full of jars , I say to myself "she is doing a lot more than a lot of working woman as she is preparing for her family" You amaze me and I am so proud of you... an retired empty-nester ❤
I have found the same response from christian woman. I find that women in corporate are celebrated at church and when I say I am a keeper of my home and homeschooling my kids, some even think I am not educated. But I have learnt to be a God pleaser over a people pleaser. I love being home helping my husband and raising my children. Keep on shining Kelli, you are a light in a dark world.
Hi, Kelli. I’d say you and your husband have been wise to listen to God’s calling on your life, even when it goes against the norm. What a blessing for you to stay home. And your videos are so calm, encouraging and from a place of passion and love 💖
I feel a bit embarrassed to say this, but the other day, I told God that I was bored. I have been inside a lot because the weather is nasty and I just wanted to be outside or doing something different I suppose. Anyway, within a matter of minutes, the Lord found stuff for me to do and I no longer had that feeling of boredom. He had me preserving some vegetables that I was just unsure of what to do with. Then He had me reorganizing a closet. All things that needed to be done, but I had just not had the ambition to do them. Just thought I would share what my experience of boredom was from a homemakers point of view.
You are a true woman. This doesn’t mean women who have to work aren’t true women. But whoever doesn’t see the value of keeping a home and being a strong woman for our husbands, mostly while calling themselves Christians, well, they just didn’t get the memo or don’t want to. Many women go to work because staying at home is HARD, it’s a lot of work. The “lunch break” is whenever we have the time. And everyone else usually always comes first. Not because we are martyrs but simply out of Love. To me this is the beauty and privilege of being a woman. We get to practice surrender, self forgetfulness, and these are the very things many women, men included, shy away from. Because it is hard. It takes sacrifice, but the rewards are so gratifying. Something I truly wish everyone would experience. Unfortunately, they just don’t want to. You are an example. I am not Christian,just a God loving person. Keep up the good work. I can feel God being proud of you. Maybe “thinking “ to Himself 😄 at least some people are living life as I meant for them to be living it. God bless you guys❣️🙏🏻
Amen, sister! I began my vocation as a homemaker when I got married. Got awkward looks and questions from other women since we didn't have kids yet, even in a conservative church. I know this kind of video would have been incredibly encouraging to me in those days! I'm now 6 years away from being an empty nester, and while I could see doing something part time, I absolutely want to keep homemaking central and be an *available* Titus 2 woman to the younger women in my church and community. Keep up the good work!
Im only 3 minutes into your video, and as a fellow sister in Christ, i think you're doing a lovely job of honoring our Father by being a keeper of your home. Your canned pantry looks lovely. Seems like you are using your time wisely. 😊❤️🙏 Your husband is very blessed. As are your future children ❤
I wish we could all gather together! It's hard. Just this weekend, I was at a gathering (men and women), and even the women's conversation eventually turned to their careers. I just kind of sat there. Definitely would be nice to know some like-minded ladies IRL.
God bless you! God will strengthen you when you come up against those who don't agree. He calls each one of us to obey Him and you are doing just that! I'm a keeper of the Home also!
I 100% agree with you that women’s priority is in the home and I’m not religious. I have conservative values and I know for myself and for my husband that we are both so much happier with me being home and not working a 9-5. Women aren’t wired like men and we weren’t meant to hustle in the 9-5 rat race. I believe in the value of being a well rested women. Our creative side comes out when we are well rested. Another Christian channel I love, Madisun Grey, speaks a lot about the importance of a well rested women. 💗
My husband has some serious issues with normally accepted food and he has to eat pretty cleanly….which of course he isn’t a huge fan of. Before now I kind of put that on him and if he didn’t want to eat a salad and bowl of beans then it was his fault. But you’re making me realize it’s my job to actually make food that nourishes him but that he doesn’t hate…I’ve always kind of thought of my job as the house and the kids but poor husband is sometimes left to his own defenses!
Making the decision to come back home after the last 17 years in the work force has been both a huge blessing and a little concerning as we reduced our income significantly. I know I am where I should be and am very happy at home. My husband is as well. It’s a beautiful thing and great privilege to spend my days at home. You are a blessing Kelli, thank you for sharing your heart.
So many that identify as Christians don’t really walk with the Lord and if they do, many don’t live as separate, but are worldly. Homemaking is making a comeback and it is encouraging! I don’t mean the “trad wife” type. Many Christian women are watching You Tube and influencers ARE influencing! Keep up the great work Kelli!!! (Love, Kelli) 🥰
Thank you for your videos!! Sometimes I feel like I am the only one going against the grain and doing what I believe God wants us to do. We are constantly doing everything different from the world and sometimes it feels lonely. Coming on UA-cam, I find many others like you who are trying to follow God to the best of their ability. It is refreshing!
So glad your channel popped up in my feed today! I’m 57 and was home with my children and homeschooled them all k-12. You have a lovely channel! Subscribing! Bless you! ✝️💕🙏🏻 Chrisanne in Minnesota OH! And how I was taught t understand Proverbs 31 is that it is a picture of her whole life, not that she did ALL of that at one time…we women have “seasons”. 😅
Kelli I’m so sorry you get negative comments. I think what you’re doing is wonderful! It’s also such a gift to practice homemaking skills in the home before there are any children.
There were times when I’ve had to work in order to pay bills and put food on the table. I love being at home and focusing on taking care of my home and my family. My husband was just blessed recently with a good paying job, so I’m able to stay at home and I know this is where God wants me to be.🙏☺️
I agree with you and admire you!!!! Because not having kids doesn’t mean you can serve in your home and your husband . When I hear those comments said to me I just laugh it off because I know am in a good place and happy
I remember reading comments on social media during the lockdown in 2020 about how mothers couldn’t stand being with their kids and husband all day. I felt that it was a call from the Lord to bring the children HOME and away from the terrible schools! I did and He has been faithful to help us through the adjustment.
This video has blessed me so much! To hear someone say the things that i feel are true, but have been questioned and ridiculed over for years, it's such a blessing. I have always felt like I have been called to be a homemaker, and like you said, that is not a popular view. So I have been made to feel less than and like I am not doing enough for years. God has not blessed my husband and I with children yet, so it has been even more of a struggle to make people understand my view on things. I have worked outside of the home several times and each time it has brought more stress, tension, and discord into my home. I am so grateful to have come across this video and your channel. It is so refreshing to find someone who is like minded in a world where homemaking and being a helpmeet to your husband is so looked down upon.
Wow. Your video and your message is the thing I needed to hear this morning. I have just quit a job at a law firm and I am a Christian. I have felt the call of God to leave the workforce last fall and it's taken some time to pull away but here I am. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you're doing is wrong - you are glorifying God (as i'm sure you know). :) I was a working woman for years and God has been calling me out for a while now. I admire you and appreciate the work you do for women watching. My job offered me a hybrid remote or part time position and I feel the pull (due to money). This is a great test of the Lord I feel. God has a way of exposing our hearts but in the gentlest way. Keep being amazing. God bless you and your husband. My husband and I watch your videos and admire and thank God for you.
In several studies, it was found that the average homemaker works 13-17 hours a day and that if they were paid for the services rendered to the household and its occupants, then their average annual income would be somewhere around $120,000 per year. It takes a huge amount of self-discipline and motivation to be a successful homemaker, and those who think homemakers must be bored either have tried it and were terrible at it or would not be very good candidates for it.
Loved your video, and you made a subscriber to your channel ❤️. Don’t be discouraged. Most people don’t understand being a homemaker, it’s hard work, and they think that just because you stay at home, that you don’t work, which some of us homemakers work more than others. I know some homemakers that don’t even clean their house, but we’re not all like that. I know some people that would rather work all day instead of being home and putting up with their children and rather hire a caregiver to raise their children. Then they say “I worked all day and I’m too tired to clean the house and make dinner”which is understandable, because they work all day then have to come home and still work on house cleaning and make dinner. But being a homemaker is not work😂. I was blessed with being able to be a homemaker and raise my children. God bless you and your husband. Love your videos ❤️
I love your channel. You have been a saving grace for me with finding my true place at home and understanding what I'm called to do. Please don't let people discourage you, I wish I had all of this knowledge way before kids. I would have been way more prepared to take on my role
Yessss sis! 🙌🏼 This is normal, it’s Biblical! They can catch me outside with that! This is refreshing sis! We are made for the man and to help Gods purpose for him; what’s the problem Christian women!? 🤷🏽♀️🙌🏼🕊🌻
I just came across your channel and loving your content ❤ Home is everything to me so I completely understand where you are coming from. Tending to my kids, home, and garden fills my heart with an unexplainable joy. I do have 2 kids and a small business but I am a single mom and praying that I will soon be blessed with a husband that I can live out the rest of my days with! And a side note there are never ending things to do in the home and garden with or without kids!
I applaud you for taking a stand for your convictions. We must always live according to what the Word says and not by what this world and man says. Blessings to you! ❤lifeatthenutthouse
Kelli, you are a remarkable young lady. I stumbled on your channel and very grateful that I did. You’re such a wonderful testimony to so many. Just keep being who the Lord called you to be. We’ll never stop people from talking against our beliefs and values. We must remember that we are always to please God and not man. God bless you honey! You gave this 62 yr old woman some hope that their are young ladies out there who want to honor our Lord.
Incredible video Kelli, thank you! You inspire me so much. I also came home before I had children and got so much pushback but am so happy I remained faithful to what God and my husband asked me to do. I’m so happy you are encouraging women to do the same and are so honest about it all! We’ve been blessed with a daughter and I pray she sees the value in women being home. We pray daily for you and Scott to be blessed with children❤️
You keep doing what God has called you to do! Make no apologies! My Mother was able to do that, I am able to do that & now my daughter is able to do that. When we are doing what God has called us to do, that is ALL that matters!! Thank you for sharing your journey!
I am so glad and grateful you are speaking about this. Thank you! Amen, I have dealt with others not understanding how I can stay home all day. I am never bored! I am so sad to hear other women say they don't like to clean and how they would be bored. God has blessed me in being able to finally be able to stay home and tend to my home economy after decades of working in the work place. I go about my day working for my husband and to the glory of God. It is wonderful how God has blessed our relationship and the peace it has brought to our home and other relationships. Amen! Finances are tight, but we make it work and I would much rather live in this peace than return to the chaos of working outside the home! My husband agrees whole heartedly as well! Thanks again Kelli.
Hun im older I work the homestead on my own at home. I get the same thing in my situation as well, and yeah no children either. My husband gets a hot made from scratch meal when he gets home from work. I'm at peace with life, were not in debt. Stay strong again a cruel world. My channel is hung through the same as you are. Hugs and by the way your sourdough bread is AMAZING!!! baking a loaf this morning i started milling this month.
You go girl!!!! Thank you for being 100% honest and true to you. It is so refreshing and encouraging to see another Christian young woman like me, living this lifestyle, stating her beliefs, and being proud of it, rather than being insecure about it, especially when others share their alternative views. Thank you, lovely!
Dear Kelli! I have to say a huge thank You to You, because I have been at home too - having all the "bad feelings" and bad thoughts, that I am not doing enough, etc. My husband always wanted me to stay at home and when I decided to do so, he was the happiest. Now, the problem was in my mind often times, but You helped me so much to stand firm in this a gave me such a great help and surity, that I am in the right direction! I pray for You, Your husband and Your children to come ❤ Thank You so much that You inspire women to me HOLY daughters of Christ and HOLY wifes. Thank You so much! Be blessed and may God help You to overcome all the obstacles with the trust in God ❤ thank You so much for You!🎉
Hi sweet heart. Your heart is full of goodness and it spills out of you❤ I hope you consider adopting an African american boy on your family building journey. Aa children are not adopted very easily and with your background in volunteering I'm south Africa I think you would be really well suited to accept a child of a different color as your family and that he would feel very lucky to have you. The Lord will bless you with children just as he has done with many women in the bible❤ never loose faith. You are doing such a fantastic job spreading the joy of servanthood and working in the home❤you always encourage me!!!
I like to add purées to my chili and sauces as well because it helps thicken sauces without needing tomato paste. I use butternut squash purée frequently if I don't have pumpkin. I think what your are doing with your relationship and home are beautiful. Don't let others' opinions discourage you from what you know in your heart is just and right. Many blessings to you.
It was very common up to the 1960’s for many women to quit their jobs when they got married before they had children. It wasn’t usually about their Christian faith as much as it was cultural. My grandmother taught school for two years only and then quit when she got married. Later in life she was a substitute teacher.
In agreement my friend. I am much older then you. I have had the same experiences with people not respecting being a Homemaker either with children or without. You & I both know it is anything but boring 🙂. There is always something to do. It is a blessing for those around us and for ourselves 🙂. Praise God 🙌. Well said 🙂. God bless ☀️
I’ve been a housewife all my married life. During the height of women’s lib I found it difficult to feel good about myself and our decision, but it worked out incredibly well. 45 years later I can say we made the right decision for me to stay at home . Sadly most modern women no longer have the option.
I was blessed to stay at home with my kids. My husband was a LEO, worked nights and we made it work. People (even friends) made passive aggressive comments because I didn't work outside of the home. My kids are in college and I'm trying to enter the workforce, it's so hard. I still can feel people judging me because I don't have a job yet. Just found your channel & I love it. I do my research about whom I purchase from as well! God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with this! I always think it's so encouraging to hear how many of us there are in the world! God bless you and your household!
I enjoy your videos. I have done both over the last 30 years of our marriage. I enjoy being a homemaker but like you say people think we should have a career away from the home too. I truly believe this is where God wishes me to be. Keep sharing your wonderful content.😊
When I finally was able to stay home with my son and was pregnant with my daughter, my husband's brother said to him: "You're going to let her stay home all day?" Like he was insane. Like I was just going to sit around all day watching TV, or something. I am so blessed that I have a husband who sees the value in having a wife whose sole purpose is to take care of him and raise his children with good values.
You are doing what you’re created to be! You’re a helper to your husband and that’s just what you’re doing and doing it well! Women doesn’t need to work but stay at home and take care of children and working while having no children is an option but still alway putting family ahead over work. God over man, man over woman and woman over children. Be in this world but not of the world. Let no men teach you. God bless you!🙏
Hello Kelli, Your video was a blessing to me . Thank you. I am a homemaker who does not have kids as well ❤ BUT GOD has blessed me with a spiritual kids. Now I will be praying for you to have kids as Lord leads me tk pray for you...I would love you to be blessed with the little ones from Him. ❤be expectant . Blessings Olga
Great video Kelli! I love your encouragement videos and also your videos that show projects you are up to in the home, they’re very inspiring! Don’t feel like you have to start justifying yourself on here either because of the comments you receive.. you won’t be able to please them all, stay firm in your convictions (that’s what drew me to your channel!). Keep up all your great work xxxx God bless you ❤
I'm am blessed to grow up in a background where it would be odd for the wife to go to work. It's just normal for the wife to stay home and raise the children. My husband gets told all the time that it's impossible in this day and age, that it is a two income world now. However, he comes from a family of 10, and none of the wives work. I have so many cousins I don't even know them all, and it is very rare to meet a wife that works! It is more than possible, and I believe God blesses those who choose to stay home with their children or husband. ❤
I am the eldest daughter of a large family and do the majority of the homemaking, since both my parents work outside the home. I'm also preparing to get married and move out this summer. And I'm sad to say but I'm finding all the different tasks of homemaking to be very tiring and difficult. Even with my siblings' help, it seems the house is always a wreck. I try to cook at least one meal from scratch daily, and even that is so time consuming when making enough to feed us all. It is discouraging because I hope to have children but cannot imagine parenting responsibilities on top of what I do now. I feel jealous of the Proverbs 31 women, making crafts and buying land, because I am very entrepreneurial but simply don't have the time for creative things anymore. Also jealous that she had servants, and sad that my mom isn't home and my family cannot get by without 2 incomes. Please pray for me.
Hi! Congratulations on your soon to be marriage, such an exciting time. And also a blessing that you have practiced so many skills of the home already. I'm excited for you to be a wife and you and your husband set the tone of your home- the expectations and vision for what it would look like for you to enjoy home, the work and getting to make time for the play (which is a lot of time also work, just work you enjoy!) Your story reminded me of when I used to babysit, I did not enjoy it. To the point where I wondered if I would enjoy being a mom because I didn't enjoy babysitting, but babysitting someone elses children, whom you ultimately have no authority over and is entirely stressful (it was for me anyways). So the two aren't even comparable. I'd say that's similar to the situation you are in. I think you will feel a sense of freedom when you have your home and will also be able to look back at this season you're in now and how much it prepared you to be a wife, mom and keeper of your own home. I hope that's an encouragement for you! God bless you!!
@@homewithkelli Thank you, Mrs. Kelli!! Your comment was an encouragement to me. Especially the reminder about us setting the vision for our own home. I have faith that the Lord will sustain my fiancée and i in fulfilling the duties He has for us in marriage and the home, so I need to have more faith that He will sustain our joy and peace at home, too..He knows how to give good gifts to His children, He won’t give me a snake and when I ask for a fish. The man the Lord gave me has the same vision as me, so I shouldn’t fear having the same kind of strife my parents had all my life and the chaos in their home because of it. Thank for for taking the time to write about your experience, because it really has helped change my attitude.
@@softsophisticate Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate your tips for cooking ahead. I have even used frozen battered fish filets into fish tacos for a more balanced meal. Finding a daily routine also helps with the chaos when I stick to it. I appreciate the encouragement!
I follow your vlogs and love it. Thank you so much for you truth driven , God glorifying ministry. Feminism has crept into the church so much that some people, mainly women, have been deceived. While working outside the home is not a sin in itself, as you are still responsible for the running of the home. But it is the attitude, the heart attitude. That is wrong. Come out and be separate frome the world. This is sometimes physical, but it is definitely the heart and attitude as a believer. God bless your calling and ministry.
I think woman who have never stayed at home are the ones who attack the concept the most. I’ve been on both sides of being in the world, being non Christian, also at that time I worked from home mostly, raised my son. Been through a divorce, had to be a single mom and go out and work and support myself and my older teenage son. Been remarried , became Christian , became a step mom to a younger child and realized how working outside of the home affects my marriage and family dynamic. So now, while financially we still need some of my income I have been able to cut back on how much I work outside of the home. I would prefer to not work outside of the home. My husband appreciates the help I am able to give him and all that I do for our household. He has had to be on his own as a single father and he realizes how difficult it is without a helper. Gods plan for marriage and family and men and women’s roles really is perfect when carried out as He has instructed.
As women, we can sometimes be our own worst enemy. Instead of encouraging each other for our own personal choices, we find fault when someone chooses their own path. We are also more tolerant and accepting of someone who lives across the globe, but always has a comment for a close friend or relative.
Hello sister thank you so mych for this video. I have been a homemaker for about a year and a half with no children. My husband and I believed in this and I decided to become a homemaker. My struggle is I am not meeting my husband expectations when it comes to our buisiness. I feel underqualified for what my husband is asking me to do, and often times I give up because I just lack experience and knowledge. I was feeling very discouraged this morning, and I remembered about this channel and I feel a lot better. Does anyone feel detached from the outside world and start to feel depressed? Because I am not working and don't have many human interaction I tend to get depressed very often. I wonder if there are other women that go through the same thing and I would like to know how you deal with these feeling. God bless your channel and your family. I am very grateful to have found you!!! A homemaker without a child is definitely not a common thing nowadays and it really helps to see someone else in the same situation.
@@softsophisticate Thank you so much for your comment. I will defintely check out the book. I would say I am more itrovert, but I do love meaningful time with good friends, or good company. I was in a female church community and it was such a blessing. I never felt more motivated to serve God and my family. Unfortunately I had to leave the town and haven't been able to find a community for us yet. So I know I should be looking for church friends rather than temporary fun 'friends'. Thank you so much and God bless you.
I don’t see how people think managing a home, especially if you garden and have to keep a yard too, will make you bored. I’ve been married for twenty- three years and have lived on an acre lot and now we homestead on five acres. There is ALWAYS something to do with managing a home. Add some kids and it doubles. 😂 I think many people consider their home just a place to sleep. They never are home and they don’t put time and effort into creating a good atmosphere in their home and yard. I guess if you view it like that then you would get bored. But for those who actually want something other than a postage stamp then we take care to manage our homes. It is a haven!! To each their own but I can always find something to do at home. If nothing else I will open a can of paint. 😂
In being this kind of wife, I have disappointed my mother over and over. I'm told that I'm spoiling my husband and that I'm wasting my time. It's so difficult to hear the disappointment in her voice when she says she's uncomfortable when people ask about me because she can't tell them something interesting. I'm teaching myself awesome skills, and I'm learning so much, yet I feel like I can't share that joy with her because it's not enough.
I don’t think we should seek celebration; expecting society or even Christians to celebrate us is selfish and foolish. However when they see you flourishing in ministry, your respect and love for your husband, your productivity and creativity, then they can praise God and His wonderful design! I think part of the problem is not just the culture of women working 9-5, it’s also that many women who stay home are complainers, idle gossips, prone to drinking much wine (wine Moms), and many other follies that have preyed on idle hands since long before the 21st century. Also many stay at home women are not active in ministry, they don’t serve other busy Moms or ailing families in the church; they are hyper focused on their own interests and desires (trying to achieve a peaceful enjoyable life for themselves) and that js not very respectable or admirable. May all we do be for the glory of the Lord!
you learn one small thing at a time. get really, really good at it & then add in another. It has taken me 20 years of homemaking to learn all of the things I do: garden, raise livestock, clean, cook, bake, make vinegars, yogurt, sew, can, ferment, raise kids, homeschool. I only learned one thing at a time! (ok, maybe 1-3 things at a time LOL). Slow & steady wins the race. Read lots of books! Old books. Your best resource will in all honesty be a slightly older woman that is just getting kids out of the home. I am 43 & I now have several younger (late 20s-30) women that have hooked up with me to learn the skills i have. And because my kids are teen/young adult they don't need me that much, so I have free time to take someone under my wing. One friend needs help homeschooling, so I invite her & her small kids over for themed activities (cooking, arts & crafts, story hour, nature walks, holiday parties, games & other learning). One friend wants to know all thing cooking, home management & child rearing. Etc....Look for someone with similar values ie: Christian if you are Christian, etc...and someone that is patient & seems to have a cheerful outlook on life - like things run smoothly for them. You will never know how much you will gift them with YOUR presence, so don't worry about 'taking up their time'. I am delighted to have new friends & they are almost like having extra grown daughters or the daughter in laws I won't ever have (I have only 2 girls, myself)!If you try to bite off more than you chew, you will get overwhelmed. If you make it fun & have a mentor it will be a more positive experience. If you are unsure about finding someone to reach out to...pray to the Lord to help you discern. You never know who might be praying a 'sister' prayer to your wish. I literally prayed for about 4-5 years straight for the girl that moved in next door to me! A gift straight from God.
@@pattyhansen7563 Thank you Patty, this is excellent advice! Do you mind if I screenshot this and leave your name in it to give you credit for my next video?
I’ve been married 35 years, mom to 3, now grandma. Most of those years I “worked” at something rarely full time, working a “real” job and putting your family first isn’t compatible or I never found it to be. First and foremost God called me to my home, to be mother and now a help meet to my husband. Other women are the worst, Christian or not, if they are Doctors oh my horrible. Now in my 50’s I’m more open about my choice but for years very few knew, the best part of being older you no longer care at all.
My sister ( says she's a Christian) called me a "kept woman" because my husband & I thought it the very best for me to stay home & raise our children, which I did. Never regretted it and we are blessed by the decisions we made early in our marriage. We've been married for 50 + years and are blessed with wonderful relationships with our children & grandchildren. God has blessed us abundantly ! Thank-you for this vlog.
It's very subtle, but I definitely get treated by both Christians & non-Christians with some jealousy or like I'm lazy. This definitely "ramped up" once my youngest child was in school full-time. (Yes, there are Christian homemakers who don't homeschool). I think people just don't see their own choices as just that, a choice. Well, I get to choose, too.🇨🇦♥️
Thank you for sharing your testimony with this, and amen to never regretting it, I pray that your story is an encouragement to those of us in our early years of being home!
@@homewithkelli Thank-you , I hope it is an encouragement. Our family, many Christians, gave us much grief for our decision for me to stay home and to homeschool, many Christian friends did too. My own mother turned us in to the local public schools for this , but at the time they did not know what to do with us ( husband worked for them). Also, I was educated and employed as an early education teacher. I remember all the sweet little ones who enjoyed preschool truly wanting to be at home with their mothers .
@@laughingdovefarm3311 I have definitely 'won' my parents over lol. But when we announced that we were pulling our kids out of public school, their response wasn't so good. My father claimed that I would NeVER be able to teach them all they know, because one person just can't do it all. My mother seemed disdainful (even tho she worked for a pre-k and constantly talked about how it was a waste of time, developed bad habits & aggression in kids). I had answers ready for all of that. I told my dad that a 3rd grade teacher is made to 'teach it all' (all subjects) and there probably are some aspects that they don't feel fully proficient at. But they do it anyway & they rely on other avenues (books, guests, further schooling) to brush up on these areas. Why couldn't I do that, too? I said all those years ago, that when we got to the hard stuff & I felt that I couldn't teach it, we would find someone else to help. Well, after 10 years I haven't come to any hard stuff yet that I was not able to relearn myself or find a mentor to fill the void. I have graduated one & have 1 to go. When ever I would say, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there", we would look back & realize that we were already on the other side of the river! And we rely a lot on God moving in our life & everything just worked out.
What does a "kept" woman mean?
I would like to say how much I enjoy your videos.
I was forced to work out of necessity for many years. I was always stressed and exhausted. I always wanted to be a homemaker.
5 years ago I got cancer. After I recovered, hubby and I decided that I would be a homemaker.
What joy! I LOVE keeping my home and cooking and gardening.
Ladies, don’t let anyone discourage you from the MOST important job there is, keeper of the home. ❤
Thank you so much for your kind comment and praise God you are now well and get to live out the desires of your heart! God is good! God bless you!
My story is the same as yours. After a cancer diagnosis last year, I decided to retire with my husband’s blessing. Since, then I have been saved, have a small home business, and love love being a full time homemaker and help mate to my husband. God is good! We joke that the only time I come down off the hill is to go to the doctor or church.
My dear sister, I am a childless wife of 42 years. I worked outside the home for the first 28 years I worked full time. There were various reasons, all good, but when we got to the point where I could be home, we did it. Over the years I have been given many spiritual daughters and sons. My children are those God brings to me. I am at peace with who I am and the journey God has taken us on. God bless you for answering His call. May you always have peace and contentment.
This is such an encouragement. Thank you for sharing a bit of your history. As someone in the early stages of empty nesting and a stay at home wife, there are days I feel doubt and shame and if I’m not doing enough. There is much to be done within the home and locally. I know I don’t need to justify to anyone or myself. I’m where God has placed me. That truth needs to reach my heart during those moments of doubt and shame. As I wait for grandchildren (Lord willing), He has given me time to be growing in the grace and knowledge of God. He is preparing me and equipping me. He sends me people whom I can mentor and serve. I’m blessed to have aging parents and a 96 year old grandfather. Our time here is never wasted. Such a blessing to be a spiritual mother, and a servant of Christ. Thank you for those reminders.
Thank you for being open to spiritual children. My parents are both gone and it's really hard to find women who are willing to train and mentor younger women. I feel like being childless may mean you may have more time to do this. But many are just not willing to invest I others. What an amazing impact you're having on others!!
How lovely. I don’t have a relationship with my Mother due to my choices, and them thinking that my husband “Runs, or controls me”…. They believe I am being abused even though this is my choice.
I homeschooled my children.
My family doesn’t understand why I would want to serve my family and my husband this way… even though they are “Christian’s” too, but choose to ignore Ephesians, Corinthians, Peter, Titus, and anything that suggests a Wife should serve or submit to her Husband.
Surprisingly, I’m not too lonely, I went from a close knit extended family and seeing or talking to my mom every day to a straight 2 years of no contact now. 😢
We moved out of State, and not even a phone call from anyone since I became a true Helpmeet and Housewife.
Don't let others discourage you. You're on a Godly mission.
I've been a homemaker since we had our first child 3 years ago. I knew it was the right thing to do then but having recently found my faith (church goer for 18 months now) I am even more convinced and no longer get frustrated when people ask when I'm going back to work.
I literally had my own mother (who was a sahm for 20 years) make a comment 2 days ago, about how boring & miserable it would be if AI/robots took over & we all had to be home with our families all day long with no job to work. I told her that she was describing my life & wondered what she thought I felt about that statement! I don't feel bored or miserable at all. I am too busy to be miserable & because my husband loves for me to be home, I can often indulge in interesting hobbies - so never bored either! Plus, I have felt blessed to spend all of this time with my kids & to support my husband. I didn't take the comment personal in regards to my current life, but it did cause me to reflect on the fact that that must be how she felt about being my mother all those years. bored & miserable being 'stuck home' with 4 kids. But I didn't choose that life for her, she chose it for herself. And one certainly can be a sahm & be bored & miserable - it is all a matter of motivation, focus, & perspective. I am motivated to serve the Lord, by serving my husband, loving/caring for my kids & cultivating a nice home life. I am focused on the task at hand & finding joy in it. & perspective? I GET to be home, I do not HAVE to be home. I verbalize to my husband all the time how grateful I am that he supports me in staying home, that he works long hours & values what I do to make our home a comfortable, loving place. He says his job is to take care of the house, & mine is to take care of the home. And we stay focused on that. I have been working extra hard on being a Titus 2 woman to some younger friends - especially encouraging them to love their husbands more. That is a bad aspect of our culture. Many women have a big chip on their shoulder when it comes to honoring, obeying, & just plain old loving their husbands. & these often are women claiming to be Christians. I want to ask them sometimes..."why did you even get married in the first place?" & "where are you placing God in your behavior/life?" I make sure to express my gratitude to my husband regularly and thank God for placing my husband in my life.
i have question not to be rude but what about men being encourage to love their wives more i dont want to start an argument because this whole feminist thing started because some men were abusive and did nothing at home and werent encouraged to love their wives why are these women needed to be encouraged to love their husbands more
I am blessed with 5 children but looking back now I can see what a huge opportunity I missed out on by being a working woman before kids. I would have been so much better prepared mentally and spiritually if I'd given myself the time to learn homemaking before babies came along. My husband would have benefitted of course too. I love your clear convictions on this!
Some people can call themselves Christian’s, but are they really Christian’s. You follow the word of God and don’t pay attention what they say. You are setting examples to the young woman’s who are starting the same journey as you or even older woman’s who never had the opportunity to live the way God intended them too. Continue the amazing work and stay true to the word of God always.
I love this! My husband and I recently decided it would be best for me to quit going to school... I was so nervous! It has been such a financial blessing to us! There is so much to be done in the home!
I also recently made the same decision. It’s scary but it feels right!
Yayy, so excited for you guys! And well done on having courage to do this. I remember that nervous feeling of quitting my job- I think our brains have been trained that way, like it's safer to do the culturally acceptable thing even if it isn't the best thing.
I went through the same thing in the 1990s! I always felt defensive especially toward my husband's side of the family, who all are unsaved. They thought I was just lazy. I don't regret one minute of deciding to stay home even before children.
Amen, thank you so much for your sharing your story with this too!
I love this. I am older(54) and at this time am very blessed to be able to stay home. I feel this is my calling.
This was a great video and very uplifting. Thank you! I am also a homemaker. Having worked in the corporate world and experienced all you described, I was never so happy and relieved when my husband looked at me one day and said, “that’s it…you’re done.” I handed in my resignation within that hour. 🙏 You are blessed and a blessing to others.
Ah, I love that your husband said that! We had a similar experience, except (I'm a bit embarrassed to say) I was so petrified of what people would think of me, it took me 3 months to put in my two weeks.
It is a blessing to be able to be a wife who stays home to take care of their home and husband. When we read and understand what the scriptures say we know that your prospective is correct. I agree with you.
I think it's such a blessing for you to be home. Especially before children! It is so hard to figure out a home economy during those young years. You are ahead of the game and your children will rise up and call you blessed for it. You are in my prayers !
Thank you so much Stella!!
Hello there! I just wanted to reach out and say that you've inspired me to find joy in quitting working for the man! (which I've done since I was 14 years old I'm now 40) you have helped me understand what a blessing it is to be home to be able to cook meals for my kids, bring them to their Sports events (I actually have time to enroll them!) as well as being able to be husbands helper as God intended. This is so brand new to me, and I'm incredibly grateful to have your viewpoint and your help. I'm incredibly grateful for your Biblical standpoint on this. Otherwise, I found myself battling "mom guilt," which in turn created chaos in the home, which is the opposite of what God intends for us🙏🏻
thank you, sister!
Yayy, so excited to hear of the new adventure you are on with being home! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and I'm glad you've been encouraged!
I appreciate your channel. I am a Christian woman who worked outside the home my whole life even when raising my children. I did think it was strange for women to stay home because that was kind of what the world has taught us. And then at some point I had a shift of mind and heart. I retired early, my children are grown and I am now a grandmother. I am now a homemaker full-time. There is so much! It can be overwhelming but it is so satisfying! I have learned new skills and I can tell you being a homemaker and help me to my husband is not the for the faint of heart! Thank you for your channel!
I’m a Christian and I totally forget sometimes that I’m a help meet to my husband and not just keeping the house for the sake of keeping it, and raising just my own kids 😂
It’s demeaning when people say “what do you do all day?” when you work at home for your family, but if you work outside the home at a meaningless job it’s totally accepted. Like somehow it means more to be bored at work (because there are boring parts of every job) and doing a job that can be done by lots of other people. At home you’re the only wife or wife/mother!
Amen! haha it's so true with the "bored at work thing" When I did graphic design I counted down the hours until I could get out of the office...
Only?!?! As if there’s limited work to be done at home….its never ending! The women who say only obviously are clueless.
You are more of a gentle woman than I am. I would be blocking people left and right if they came into my home and criticized my way of life. You are inviting then in and they are rude.
Personally, when I see your shelves full of jars , I say to myself "she is doing a lot more than a lot of working woman as she is preparing for her family"
You amaze me and I am so proud of you... an retired empty-nester ❤
I have found the same response from christian woman. I find that women in corporate are celebrated at church and when I say I am a keeper of my home and homeschooling my kids, some even think I am not educated. But I have learnt to be a God pleaser over a people pleaser. I love being home helping my husband and raising my children. Keep on shining Kelli, you are a light in a dark world.
Hi, Kelli. I’d say you and your husband have been wise to listen to God’s calling on your life, even when it goes against the norm. What a blessing for you to stay home. And your videos are so calm, encouraging and from a place of passion and love 💖
Thank you so much, you are encouraging!
I feel a bit embarrassed to say this, but the other day, I told God that I was bored. I have been inside a lot because the weather is nasty and I just wanted to be outside or doing something different I suppose. Anyway, within a matter of minutes, the Lord found stuff for me to do and I no longer had that feeling of boredom. He had me preserving some vegetables that I was just unsure of what to do with. Then He had me reorganizing a closet. All things that needed to be done, but I had just not had the ambition to do them. Just thought I would share what my experience of boredom was from a homemakers point of view.
You are a true woman. This doesn’t mean women who have to work aren’t true women. But whoever doesn’t see the value of keeping a home and being a strong woman for our husbands, mostly while calling themselves Christians, well, they just didn’t get the memo or don’t want to. Many women go to work because staying at home is HARD, it’s a lot of work. The “lunch break” is whenever we have the time. And everyone else usually always comes first. Not because we are martyrs but simply out of Love. To me this is the beauty and privilege of being a woman. We get to practice surrender, self forgetfulness, and these are the very things many women, men included, shy away from. Because it is hard. It takes sacrifice, but the rewards are so gratifying. Something I truly wish everyone would experience. Unfortunately, they just don’t want to. You are an example. I am not Christian,just a God loving person. Keep up the good work. I can feel God being proud of you. Maybe “thinking “ to Himself 😄 at least some people are living life as I meant for them to be living it. God bless you guys❣️🙏🏻
❤ Don’t let anyone make you feel insecure about anything you decide to do with your life.
Amen, sister! I began my vocation as a homemaker when I got married. Got awkward looks and questions from other women since we didn't have kids yet, even in a conservative church. I know this kind of video would have been incredibly encouraging to me in those days! I'm now 6 years away from being an empty nester, and while I could see doing something part time, I absolutely want to keep homemaking central and be an *available* Titus 2 woman to the younger women in my church and community.
Keep up the good work!
Im only 3 minutes into your video, and as a fellow sister in Christ, i think you're doing a lovely job of honoring our Father by being a keeper of your home. Your canned pantry looks lovely. Seems like you are using your time wisely. 😊❤️🙏 Your husband is very blessed. As are your future children ❤
I wish we could all gather together! It's hard. Just this weekend, I was at a gathering (men and women), and even the women's conversation eventually turned to their careers. I just kind of sat there. Definitely would be nice to know some like-minded ladies IRL.
God bless you! God will strengthen you when you come up against those who don't agree. He calls each one of us to obey Him and you are doing just that! I'm a keeper of the Home also!
Continue to remain strong in your convictions, we all will have to stand before God on our own account not for others.
I 100% agree with you that women’s priority is in the home and I’m not religious. I have conservative values and I know for myself and for my husband that we are both so much happier with me being home and not working a 9-5. Women aren’t wired like men and we weren’t meant to hustle in the 9-5 rat race. I believe in the value of being a well rested women. Our creative side comes out when we are well rested. Another Christian channel I love, Madisun Grey, speaks a lot about the importance of a well rested women. 💗
My husband has some serious issues with normally accepted food and he has to eat pretty cleanly….which of course he isn’t a huge fan of. Before now I kind of put that on him and if he didn’t want to eat a salad and bowl of beans then it was his fault. But you’re making me realize it’s my job to actually make food that nourishes him but that he doesn’t hate…I’ve always kind of thought of my job as the house and the kids but poor husband is sometimes left to his own defenses!
Making the decision to come back home after the last 17 years in the work force has been both a huge blessing and a little concerning as we reduced our income significantly. I know I am where I should be and am very happy at home. My husband is as well. It’s a beautiful thing and great privilege to spend my days at home. You are a blessing Kelli, thank you for sharing your heart.
So many that identify as Christians don’t really walk with the Lord and if they do, many don’t live as separate, but are worldly. Homemaking is making a comeback and it is encouraging! I don’t mean the “trad wife” type. Many Christian women are watching You Tube and influencers ARE influencing! Keep up the great work Kelli!!! (Love, Kelli) 🥰
Thank you for your videos!!
Sometimes I feel like I am the only one going against the grain and doing what I believe God wants us to do. We are constantly doing everything different from the world and sometimes it feels lonely. Coming on UA-cam, I find many others like you who are trying to follow God to the best of their ability. It is refreshing!
I think it’s beautiful that you are doing this and getting great at these skills before children. It’s so wise!
Thank you for making this video. Please make more like this!
Thank you so much! That's helpful feedback.
So glad your channel popped up in my feed today! I’m 57 and was home with my children and homeschooled them all k-12. You have a lovely channel! Subscribing! Bless you! ✝️💕🙏🏻 Chrisanne in Minnesota
OH! And how I was taught t understand Proverbs 31 is that it is a picture of her whole life, not that she did ALL of that at one time…we women have “seasons”. 😅
Kelli I’m so sorry you get negative comments. I think what you’re doing is wonderful! It’s also such a gift to practice homemaking skills in the home before there are any children.
I salute you, beautiful homemaker. It's truly Biblical.
You inspire me.❤
There were times when I’ve had to work in order to pay bills and put food on the table. I love being at home and focusing on taking care of my home and my family. My husband was just blessed recently with a good paying job, so I’m able to stay at home and I know this is where God wants me to be.🙏☺️
I agree with you and admire you!!!! Because not having kids doesn’t mean you can serve in your home and your husband . When I hear those comments said to me I just laugh it off because I know am in a good place and happy
I remember reading comments on social media during the lockdown in 2020 about how mothers couldn’t stand being with their kids and husband all day. I felt that it was a call from the Lord to bring the children HOME and away from the terrible schools! I did and He has been faithful to help us through the adjustment.
This video has blessed me so much! To hear someone say the things that i feel are true, but have been questioned and ridiculed over for years, it's such a blessing. I have always felt like I have been called to be a homemaker, and like you said, that is not a popular view. So I have been made to feel less than and like I am not doing enough for years. God has not blessed my husband and I with children yet, so it has been even more of a struggle to make people understand my view on things. I have worked outside of the home several times and each time it has brought more stress, tension, and discord into my home. I am so grateful to have come across this video and your channel. It is so refreshing to find someone who is like minded in a world where homemaking and being a helpmeet to your husband is so looked down upon.
Wow. Your video and your message is the thing I needed to hear this morning. I have just quit a job at a law firm and I am a Christian. I have felt the call of God to leave the workforce last fall and it's taken some time to pull away but here I am. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you're doing is wrong - you are glorifying God (as i'm sure you know). :) I was a working woman for years and God has been calling me out for a while now. I admire you and appreciate the work you do for women watching. My job offered me a hybrid remote or part time position and I feel the pull (due to money). This is a great test of the Lord I feel. God has a way of exposing our hearts but in the gentlest way. Keep being amazing. God bless you and your husband. My husband and I watch your videos and admire and thank God for you.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with this and your encouraging words, God bless you guys!
In several studies, it was found that the average homemaker works 13-17 hours a day and that if they were paid for the services rendered to the household and its occupants, then their average annual income would be somewhere around $120,000 per year. It takes a huge amount of self-discipline and motivation to be a successful homemaker, and those who think homemakers must be bored either have tried it and were terrible at it or would not be very good candidates for it.
That's a great study! Thank you for sharing that!
This video brought healing to my heart! Thank you so much for sharing!
I am so grateful to hear this, God bless you!
Wonderful video! Stay true to who God made you and to Gods word. Thank you for sharing!
Have you thought about adding curtain over your herbs/dried plants in your kitchen to help prevent degradation from the sun? Love your videos!
Loved your video, and you made a subscriber to your channel ❤️. Don’t be discouraged. Most people don’t understand being a homemaker, it’s hard work, and they think that just because you stay at home, that you don’t work, which some of us homemakers work more than others. I know some homemakers that don’t even clean their house, but we’re not all like that. I know some people that would rather work all day instead of being home and putting up with their children and rather hire a caregiver to raise their children. Then they say “I worked all day and I’m too tired to clean the house and make dinner”which is understandable, because they work all day then have to come home and still work on house cleaning and make dinner. But being a homemaker is not work😂. I was blessed with being able to be a homemaker and raise my children. God bless you and your husband. Love your videos ❤️
I love your channel. You have been a saving grace for me with finding my true place at home and understanding what I'm called to do. Please don't let people discourage you, I wish I had all of this knowledge way before kids. I would have been way more prepared to take on my role
Yessss sis! 🙌🏼 This is normal, it’s Biblical! They can catch me outside with that! This is refreshing sis! We are made for the man and to help Gods purpose for him; what’s the problem Christian women!? 🤷🏽♀️🙌🏼🕊🌻
I just came across your channel and loving your content ❤ Home is everything to me so I completely understand where you are coming from. Tending to my kids, home, and garden fills my heart with an unexplainable joy. I do have 2 kids and a small business but I am a single mom and praying that I will soon be blessed with a husband that I can live out the rest of my days with! And a side note there are never ending things to do in the home and garden with or without kids!
I applaud you for taking a stand for your convictions. We must always live according to what the Word says and not by what this world and man says. Blessings to you!
What a beautiful video - absolutely loved it. Very encouraging
Thank you Beverly! I hope you've been well!!
Kelli, you are a remarkable young lady. I stumbled on your channel and very grateful that I did. You’re such a wonderful testimony to so many. Just keep being who the Lord called you to be. We’ll never stop people from talking against our beliefs and values. We must remember that we are always to please God and not man. God bless you honey! You gave this 62 yr old woman some hope that their are young ladies out there who want to honor our Lord.
Incredible video Kelli, thank you! You inspire me so much. I also came home before I had children and got so much pushback but am so happy I remained faithful to what God and my husband asked me to do. I’m so happy you are encouraging women to do the same and are so honest about it all! We’ve been blessed with a daughter and I pray she sees the value in women being home. We pray daily for you and Scott to be blessed with children❤️
You keep doing what God has called you to do! Make no apologies! My Mother was able to do that, I am able to do that & now my daughter is able to do that. When we are doing what God has called us to do, that is ALL that matters!! Thank you for sharing your journey!
What a blessing and beautiful heritage!
Such A Beautiful Message For All Age's 💙❤️🙏🙏
Oh my goodness how I loved and needed this video. May God bless you and your family!
I am so glad and grateful you are speaking about this. Thank you! Amen, I have dealt with others not understanding how I can stay home all day. I am never bored! I am so sad to hear other women say they don't like to clean and how they would be bored. God has blessed me in being able to finally be able to stay home and tend to my home economy after decades of working in the work place. I go about my day working for my husband and to the glory of God. It is wonderful how God has blessed our relationship and the peace it has brought to our home and other relationships. Amen! Finances are tight, but we make it work and I would much rather live in this peace than return to the chaos of working outside the home! My husband agrees whole heartedly as well! Thanks again Kelli.
I absolutely love this video! Thank for boldly telling the truth.
Hun im older I work the homestead on my own at home. I get the same thing in my situation as well, and yeah no children either. My husband gets a hot made from scratch meal when he gets home from work. I'm at peace with life, were not in debt. Stay strong again a cruel world. My channel is hung through the same as you are. Hugs and by the way your sourdough bread is AMAZING!!! baking a loaf this morning i started milling this month.
You go girl!!!! Thank you for being 100% honest and true to you. It is so refreshing and encouraging to see another Christian young woman like me, living this lifestyle, stating her beliefs, and being proud of it, rather than being insecure about it, especially when others share their alternative views. Thank you, lovely!
I just love your honesty! ❤😊
I am very encouraged and agree with you 100%! Thank you for being bold for Truth.❤
Thank you for these reminders Kelli! I needed this today. 😊
Dear Kelli! I have to say a huge thank You to You, because I have been at home too - having all the "bad feelings" and bad thoughts, that I am not doing enough, etc. My husband always wanted me to stay at home and when I decided to do so, he was the happiest. Now, the problem was in my mind often times, but You helped me so much to stand firm in this a gave me such a great help and surity, that I am in the right direction! I pray for You, Your husband and Your children to come ❤ Thank You so much that You inspire women to me HOLY daughters of Christ and HOLY wifes. Thank You so much! Be blessed and may God help You to overcome all the obstacles with the trust in God ❤ thank You so much for You!🎉
Hi sweet heart. Your heart is full of goodness and it spills out of you❤ I hope you consider adopting an African american boy on your family building journey. Aa children are not adopted very easily and with your background in volunteering I'm south Africa I think you would be really well suited to accept a child of a different color as your family and that he would feel very lucky to have you. The Lord will bless you with children just as he has done with many women in the bible❤ never loose faith. You are doing such a fantastic job spreading the joy of servanthood and working in the home❤you always encourage me!!!
I like to add purées to my chili and sauces as well because it helps thicken sauces without needing tomato paste. I use butternut squash purée frequently if I don't have pumpkin. I think what your are doing with your relationship and home are beautiful. Don't let others' opinions discourage you from what you know in your heart is just and right. Many blessings to you.
Your content is so great and encouraging-please keep it coming!
It was very common up to the 1960’s for many women to quit their jobs when they got married before they had children. It wasn’t usually about their Christian faith as much as it was cultural. My grandmother taught school for two years only and then quit when she got married. Later in life she was a substitute teacher.
In agreement my friend. I am much older then you. I have had the same experiences with people not respecting being a Homemaker either with children or without. You & I both know it is anything but boring 🙂. There is always something to do. It is a blessing for those around us and for ourselves 🙂. Praise God 🙌. Well said 🙂. God bless ☀️
Thanks for the idea, I made some chili as well. 😊
God sees what we are doing and is proud of us. I hold onto that.
I’ve been a housewife all my married life.
During the height of women’s lib I found it difficult to feel good about myself and our decision, but it worked out incredibly well. 45 years later I can say we made the right decision for me to stay at home .
Sadly most modern women no longer have the option.
I was blessed to stay at home with my kids. My husband was a LEO, worked nights and we made it work. People (even friends) made passive aggressive comments because I didn't work outside of the home. My kids are in college and I'm trying to enter the workforce, it's so hard. I still can feel people judging me because I don't have a job yet. Just found your channel & I love it. I do my research about whom I purchase from as well! God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with this! I always think it's so encouraging to hear how many of us there are in the world! God bless you and your household!
I enjoy your videos. I have done both over the last 30 years of our marriage. I enjoy being a homemaker but like you say people think we should have a career away from the home too. I truly believe this is where God wishes me to be. Keep sharing your wonderful content.😊
Beautifully said! ❤
When I finally was able to stay home with my son and was pregnant with my daughter, my husband's brother said to him: "You're going to let her stay home all day?" Like he was insane. Like I was just going to sit around all day watching TV, or something.
I am so blessed that I have a husband who sees the value in having a wife whose sole purpose is to take care of him and raise his children with good values.
I needed this encouragement ❤ I love these biblical womanhood videos 🎉
Blessings over you and your husband.
You are doing what you’re created to be! You’re a helper to your husband and that’s just what you’re doing and doing it well! Women doesn’t need to work but stay at home and take care of children and working while having no children is an option but still alway putting family ahead over work. God over man, man over woman and woman over children. Be in this world but not of the world. Let no men teach you. God bless you!🙏
I recently discovered your channel and I absolutely love it!
Yayy, I'm so glad!
Keep up the good work.
Hello Kelli, Your video was a blessing to me . Thank you. I am a homemaker who does not have kids as well ❤
BUT GOD has blessed me with a spiritual kids. Now I will be praying for you to have kids as Lord leads me tk pray for you...I would love you to be blessed with the little ones from Him. ❤be expectant . Blessings Olga
Great video Kelli! I love your encouragement videos and also your videos that show projects you are up to in the home, they’re very inspiring! Don’t feel like you have to start justifying yourself on here either because of the comments you receive.. you won’t be able to please them all, stay firm in your convictions (that’s what drew me to your channel!). Keep up all your great work xxxx God bless you ❤
Thanks for this video! Needed it today. ❤
That was wonderful and encouraging, thank you Kelli :)
I'm am blessed to grow up in a background where it would be odd for the wife to go to work. It's just normal for the wife to stay home and raise the children. My husband gets told all the time that it's impossible in this day and age, that it is a two income world now. However, he comes from a family of 10, and none of the wives work. I have so many cousins I don't even know them all, and it is very rare to meet a wife that works! It is more than possible, and I believe God blesses those who choose to stay home with their children or husband. ❤
I am the eldest daughter of a large family and do the majority of the homemaking, since both my parents work outside the home. I'm also preparing to get married and move out this summer. And I'm sad to say but I'm finding all the different tasks of homemaking to be very tiring and difficult. Even with my siblings' help, it seems the house is always a wreck. I try to cook at least one meal from scratch daily, and even that is so time consuming when making enough to feed us all. It is discouraging because I hope to have children but cannot imagine parenting responsibilities on top of what I do now. I feel jealous of the Proverbs 31 women, making crafts and buying land, because I am very entrepreneurial but simply don't have the time for creative things anymore. Also jealous that she had servants, and sad that my mom isn't home and my family cannot get by without 2 incomes. Please pray for me.
Hi! Congratulations on your soon to be marriage, such an exciting time. And also a blessing that you have practiced so many skills of the home already. I'm excited for you to be a wife and you and your husband set the tone of your home- the expectations and vision for what it would look like for you to enjoy home, the work and getting to make time for the play (which is a lot of time also work, just work you enjoy!) Your story reminded me of when I used to babysit, I did not enjoy it. To the point where I wondered if I would enjoy being a mom because I didn't enjoy babysitting, but babysitting someone elses children, whom you ultimately have no authority over and is entirely stressful (it was for me anyways). So the two aren't even comparable. I'd say that's similar to the situation you are in. I think you will feel a sense of freedom when you have your home and will also be able to look back at this season you're in now and how much it prepared you to be a wife, mom and keeper of your own home. I hope that's an encouragement for you! God bless you!!
@@homewithkelli Thank you, Mrs. Kelli!! Your comment was an encouragement to me. Especially the reminder about us setting the vision for our own home. I have faith that the Lord will sustain my fiancée and i in fulfilling the duties He has for us in marriage and the home, so I need to have more faith that He will sustain our joy and peace at home, too..He knows how to give good gifts to His children, He won’t give me a snake and when I ask for a fish. The man the Lord gave me has the same vision as me, so I shouldn’t fear having the same kind of strife my parents had all my life and the chaos in their home because of it. Thank for for taking the time to write about your experience, because it really has helped change my attitude.
@@softsophisticate Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate your tips for cooking ahead. I have even used frozen battered fish filets into fish tacos for a more balanced meal. Finding a daily routine also helps with the chaos when I stick to it. I appreciate the encouragement!
I follow your vlogs and love it. Thank you so much for you truth driven , God glorifying ministry. Feminism has crept into the church so much that some people, mainly women, have been deceived. While working outside the home is not a sin in itself, as you are still responsible for the running of the home. But it is the attitude, the heart attitude. That is wrong. Come out and be separate frome the world. This is sometimes physical, but it is definitely the heart and attitude as a believer. God bless your calling and ministry.
I think woman who have never stayed at home are the ones who attack the concept the most. I’ve been on both sides of being in the world, being non Christian, also at that time I worked from home mostly, raised my son. Been through a divorce, had to be a single mom and go out and work and support myself and my older teenage son. Been remarried , became Christian , became a step mom to a younger child and realized how working outside of the home affects my marriage and family dynamic. So now, while financially we still need some of my income I have been able to cut back on how much I work outside of the home. I would prefer to not work outside of the home. My husband appreciates the help I am able to give him and all that I do for our household. He has had to be on his own as a single father and he realizes how difficult it is without a helper. Gods plan for marriage and family and men and women’s roles really is perfect when carried out as He has instructed.
As women, we can sometimes be our own worst enemy. Instead of encouraging each other for our own personal choices, we find fault when someone chooses their own path. We are also more tolerant and accepting of someone who lives across the globe, but always has a comment for a close friend or relative.
I'm not "of the Christian faith" and I'm a homemaker!
Me too! 🤗
Hello sister thank you so mych for this video. I have been a homemaker for about a year and a half with no children. My husband and I believed in this and I decided to become a homemaker. My struggle is I am not meeting my husband expectations when it comes to our buisiness. I feel underqualified for what my husband is asking me to do, and often times I give up because I just lack experience and knowledge. I was feeling very discouraged this morning, and I remembered about this channel and I feel a lot better.
Does anyone feel detached from the outside world and start to feel depressed? Because I am not working and don't have many human interaction I tend to get depressed very often. I wonder if there are other women that go through the same thing and I would like to know how you deal with these feeling.
God bless your channel and your family. I am very grateful to have found you!!! A homemaker without a child is definitely not a common thing nowadays and it really helps to see someone else in the same situation.
@@softsophisticate Thank you so much for your comment. I will defintely check out the book. I would say I am more itrovert, but I do love meaningful time with good friends, or good company. I was in a female church community and it was such a blessing. I never felt more motivated to serve God and my family. Unfortunately I had to leave the town and haven't been able to find a community for us yet. So I know I should be looking for church friends rather than temporary fun 'friends'. Thank you so much and God bless you.
I don’t see how people think managing a home, especially if you garden and have to keep a yard too, will make you bored. I’ve been married for twenty- three years and have lived on an acre lot and now we homestead on five acres. There is ALWAYS something to do with managing a home. Add some kids and it doubles. 😂 I think many people consider their home just a place to sleep. They never are home and they don’t put time and effort into creating a good atmosphere in their home and yard. I guess if you view it like that then you would get bored. But for those who actually want something other than a postage stamp then we take care to manage our homes. It is a haven!! To each their own but I can always find something to do at home. If nothing else I will open a can of paint. 😂
In being this kind of wife, I have disappointed my mother over and over. I'm told that I'm spoiling my husband and that I'm wasting my time. It's so difficult to hear the disappointment in her voice when she says she's uncomfortable when people ask about me because she can't tell them something interesting. I'm teaching myself awesome skills, and I'm learning so much, yet I feel like I can't share that joy with her because it's not enough.
I don’t think we should seek celebration; expecting society or even Christians to celebrate us is selfish and foolish. However when they see you flourishing in ministry, your respect and love for your husband, your productivity and creativity, then they can praise God and His wonderful design!
I think part of the problem is not just the culture of women working 9-5, it’s also that many women who stay home are complainers, idle gossips, prone to drinking much wine (wine Moms), and many other follies that have preyed on idle hands since long before the 21st century. Also many stay at home women are not active in ministry, they don’t serve other busy Moms or ailing families in the church; they are hyper focused on their own interests and desires (trying to achieve a peaceful enjoyable life for themselves) and that js not very respectable or admirable.
May all we do be for the glory of the Lord!
Hi Kelli! I am also from the USA living in South Africa, and I was wondering what some of your favorite SA brands are that go along with your values?
How have you learned all your skills? I need some resources 😅
And how have you overcome overwhelm while learning all these skills?
you learn one small thing at a time. get really, really good at it & then add in another. It has taken me 20 years of homemaking to learn all of the things I do: garden, raise livestock, clean, cook, bake, make vinegars, yogurt, sew, can, ferment, raise kids, homeschool. I only learned one thing at a time! (ok, maybe 1-3 things at a time LOL). Slow & steady wins the race. Read lots of books! Old books. Your best resource will in all honesty be a slightly older woman that is just getting kids out of the home. I am 43 & I now have several younger (late 20s-30) women that have hooked up with me to learn the skills i have. And because my kids are teen/young adult they don't need me that much, so I have free time to take someone under my wing. One friend needs help homeschooling, so I invite her & her small kids over for themed activities (cooking, arts & crafts, story hour, nature walks, holiday parties, games & other learning). One friend wants to know all thing cooking, home management & child rearing. Etc....Look for someone with similar values ie: Christian if you are Christian, etc...and someone that is patient & seems to have a cheerful outlook on life - like things run smoothly for them. You will never know how much you will gift them with YOUR presence, so don't worry about 'taking up their time'. I am delighted to have new friends & they are almost like having extra grown daughters or the daughter in laws I won't ever have (I have only 2 girls, myself)!If you try to bite off more than you chew, you will get overwhelmed. If you make it fun & have a mentor it will be a more positive experience. If you are unsure about finding someone to reach out to...pray to the Lord to help you discern. You never know who might be praying a 'sister' prayer to your wish. I literally prayed for about 4-5 years straight for the girl that moved in next door to me! A gift straight from God.
Hi! Patty had an excellent response to this, and I'm doing a video answering your question, which will hopefully be up today!!
@@pattyhansen7563 Thank you Patty, this is excellent advice! Do you mind if I screenshot this and leave your name in it to give you credit for my next video?
@@homewithkelli yes. please feel free
I’ve been married 35 years, mom to 3, now grandma. Most of those years I “worked” at something rarely full time, working a “real” job and putting your family first isn’t compatible or I never found it to be. First and foremost God called me to my home, to be mother and now a help meet to my husband. Other women are the worst, Christian or not, if they are Doctors oh my horrible. Now in my 50’s I’m more open about my choice but for years very few knew, the best part of being older you no longer care at all.