Yup, videos take faaaaaar longer than people realise dont they! And yes, changes happen at different rates for people, comparing will only lead to frustration! The fact is that the changes WILL happen, its inevitable, so its best to just sit back and enjoy them happening in their own good time! Ah....and the hairy butt......my goodness....I now have a bum ponytail....be careful what you wish for.... ;) You my friend, are looking epic :)
HAHA a bum ponytail? I thought you could only buy those from the shop? :P My T results have actually come back at a normal level now so I'm happy with that, and I've accepted that more changes will come through 1-2 years rather than being 100% happy with myself bang on the 1 year mark. :)
@@TheRogueDM Take an aromatase inhibitor with it, you will high testosterone and low to moderate estrogen giving much more profound androgenic and anabolic effects.
@@comicstwisted My testosterone levels are at the normal male range. This stuff takes time and it's irrelevant to what I need as I don't have gynecomastia.
@@TheRogueDM Well if ur satisfied with ur results and progress that's great. If you want to optimize then high dose test with aromatase inhibitors will be your friend. High dose test isn't what causes side effects, the side effects are the yoyo of hormones specifically estrogen. If you can keep your estrogen in check, maintaining your testosterone levels at the high end of the range will be more beneficial. High dose test will really ramp up those male sex characteristics such as deepened voice, increased bone density, facial hair. With a low dose you will just plateau. Tren is 5 times as androgenic as test which is why some ppl will deepen their voice and gain masculine charactrestics with tren and then switch to trt to maintain it. but do whatever you like, I am just bored and having this discussion cause I find theses substances and their physiological effects interesting. also trens sides only come from idiots who don't know how to cycle it properly , you cant take just tren on its own.
Yup, videos take faaaaaar longer than people realise dont they! And yes, changes happen at different rates for people, comparing will only lead to frustration! The fact is that the changes WILL happen, its inevitable, so its best to just sit back and enjoy them happening in their own good time! Ah....and the hairy butt......my goodness....I now have a bum ponytail....be careful what you wish for.... ;) You my friend, are looking epic :)
HAHA a bum ponytail? I thought you could only buy those from the shop? :P My T results have actually come back at a normal level now so I'm happy with that, and I've accepted that more changes will come through 1-2 years rather than being 100% happy with myself bang on the 1 year mark. :)
Looking forward to the answer of what your favourite soup is... ;)
OK then! ;)
Tren is more androgenic than test. Try it
Even if doctors allowed me to take Tren, more testosterone does not equal more effects quicker. Too much testosterone intake converts into estrogen.
@@TheRogueDM Take an aromatase inhibitor with it, you will high testosterone and low to moderate estrogen giving much more profound androgenic and anabolic effects.
@@comicstwisted My testosterone levels are at the normal male range. This stuff takes time and it's irrelevant to what I need as I don't have gynecomastia.
@@TheRogueDM Well if ur satisfied with ur results and progress that's great. If you want to optimize then high dose test with aromatase inhibitors will be your friend. High dose test isn't what causes side effects, the side effects are the yoyo of hormones specifically estrogen. If you can keep your estrogen in check, maintaining your testosterone levels at the high end of the range will be more beneficial. High dose test will really ramp up those male sex characteristics such as deepened voice, increased bone density, facial hair. With a low dose you will just plateau. Tren is 5 times as androgenic as test which is why some ppl will deepen their voice and gain masculine charactrestics with tren and then switch to trt to maintain it. but do whatever you like, I am just bored and having this discussion cause I find theses substances and their physiological effects interesting. also trens sides only come from idiots who don't know how to cycle it properly , you cant take just tren on its own.