I have a chance to buy a pair of Argon 3 for $1378 US -- obviously used. What do you think? I have two amps I could use -- a romantic, very slightly blushy Exposure 3010, and a PRAT-heavy Naim XS2. Which amp would make the better match, the Exposure, yes?
I have a chance to buy a pair of Argon 3 for $1378 US -- obviously used. What do you think? I have two amps I could use -- a romantic, very slightly blushy Exposure 3010, and a PRAT-heavy Naim XS2. Which amp would make the better match, the Exposure, yes?
Bought them 8 months ago, very good. How high are your stands?
Привет поделись мнением о этой Ас ?
Me like, my next set of speakers for sure. I had the Argon 2, which were lovely too. Is this 3 or 3S?
Argon 3
Do you think the Audiolab MBs are a good match?