Jinshi gets NERFED!! 🤣 The Apothecary Diaries Episode 17 REACTION!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @CarlieAndAnge
    @CarlieAndAnge  6 місяців тому +39

    Lmao Jinshi gets a nerf but still looks cute as 🤣 Really fun episode!
    We finished the series over on Patreon for anyone wanting to get ahead!! www.patreon.com/carlie_and_ange

    • @ankur_vyas2634
      @ankur_vyas2634 6 місяців тому +1

      Please watch black butler and black lagoon anime

    • @crimeofficial284
      @crimeofficial284 6 місяців тому

      Please react to bungo stray dogs,

  • @Astravall
    @Astravall 6 місяців тому +176

    I think Maomao already has put together most things about Jinshi, but she deliberately ignores it, because knowing this information is VERY dangerous and could get her in trouble easily (or even get killed).

  • @Ash_Wen-li
    @Ash_Wen-li 6 місяців тому +85

    Maomao doesn't bother to think about Jinshi's genital status for two reasons:
    1) Other than the Emperor only Eunuchs are allowed in the Rear Palace. So him not being a Eunuch would be very strange considering his job.
    2) Him not being a Eunuch would invite a whole lot of trouble which she would rather not be involved in. So she wouldn't even attempt to question his manhood.

  • @Le7emeChat
    @Le7emeChat 6 місяців тому +90

    "They never said he is her adoptive father."
    Yes they did, in episode 10(honey), it is clearly said her dad was a eunuch doctor before being fired from the rear palace.

  • @Bunnybry
    @Bunnybry 6 місяців тому +47

    Maomao's face at the end of the episode gives me chills every time.

    @RICEKAKA 6 місяців тому +90

    貓貓 don’t want to get into trouble, so she sometimes deliberately ignore some clues and don’t make inferences.

    • @reeeyou
      @reeeyou 6 місяців тому +18

      Yeap. Especially in ancient chinese rear palace/inner court, the less a servant knows the better. The more questions they ask the more risk they put their lives in danger for “knowing too much” or “knowing things they shouldnt know”. Even if they have a “close relationship” with their masters.

  • @daliaelhajahmad
    @daliaelhajahmad 6 місяців тому +46

    13:56 „we don’t cook a lot“ 💀 this was so funny for no reason

    • @bluecherry1011
      @bluecherry1011 6 місяців тому +1

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 I agree

  • @ZaberFangAT
    @ZaberFangAT 6 місяців тому +35

    Maomao has definitely said that Luomen isn't her biological father (or at least implied it) before. She's at least mentioned that he's a eunuch before, which obviously implies some things. I can't remember where she says those things, but I definitely knew she was adopted before this, and it never got spoiled for me.

  • @jabłecznik01
    @jabłecznik01 6 місяців тому +9

    I laugh every time when Ange says sth like 'he is not a eunuch, I am telling you there will be a slip up!' 😂

  • @SonesBen
    @SonesBen 6 місяців тому +36

    Maomao's inability to figure out what is up with Jinshi is 100% in character. Remember the episode where they tried to get her to take the exam to be a court lady, and she failed? She said it herself: "My ability to learn about things I'm not interested in is below average."

    • @Runo1923
      @Runo1923 6 місяців тому +11

      Nah, she is clearly in denial subconsciously. I can see why though.

  • @moar9797
    @moar9797 6 місяців тому +9

    Its a recurrent thing with Maomao, Its not that she is simply putting off connecting the dots, for funsies. Assuming things is dangerous, and the truths about powerful people's secrets affairs even more so for someone like her, she is better off looking the other way. Just like that time when she thought about how Jinshi and Ah Duo looked so alike, and how the emperor's baby could have been swapped theory. She is trying her best to stay alive and well, kudos to her

  • @mysticfox1663
    @mysticfox1663 6 місяців тому +3

    I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but i LOVE the abalone/opal inlaly birds on his guitar.

  • @smugsneasel
    @smugsneasel 6 місяців тому +11

    I know that they portray Lihaku like a dog, but Jinshi comes off as one too. One of those dignified looking breeds that is nevertheless a dog and thus wants pets and active attention.

  • @stillmaomao
    @stillmaomao 6 місяців тому +2

    been watching a psychologist react to AD and he's diagnosed Maomao as an "Avoidant" type and thinking of Maomao always ignoring glaring clues about Jinshi...yup, checks out 😂

  • @MrJpc1234
    @MrJpc1234 17 годин тому

    9:10 I think Suiren (Jinshis Maid) actually quite likes MaoMao, yeah she is more than happy to mess with MaoMao or catch her out when she tried to scam some money off him that time but she was never cruel about it

  • @psy_99
    @psy_99 6 місяців тому +6

    The way I rationalize Maomao's firm belief that Jinshi is a Eunuch is that he's a male that's allowed to stay overnight in the rear palace. That's a privilege only given to members of the royal family or Eunuchs

  • @janewow77
    @janewow77 6 місяців тому +2

    No spoiler, in LN, mostly the story is from Mao Mao's pov, even though some chapters stories can be from others' pov (Jinshi, Basen, etc), so even the naming of characters is based on whether Mao Mao remembers them or not bcs most of the times Mao Mao won't even bother to remember them (like quack doctor, etc) 😂. Sometimes Mao Mao knows the names bcs other characters call them that way. So, even when we found out the name of one character in a chapter that is not from Mao Mao's pov, when the chapter goes back to Mao Mao's pov, it'll go back to what Mao Mao refers them 😂 (for example, if in one's pov they call quack doctor in his name, when it's Mao Mao's pov, he'll be quack doctor again 😅). Characters' naming is just one example. In terms of story, if Mao Mao doesn't want to pursue it further, that's it, we'll figure it out from others' povs. Mao Mao's thoughts, always give them benefits of doubts, mostly they can be true, but they can simply be what Mao Mao think it is or her conjectures that she doesn't want to speak out loud (one of her father's lesson). Even though in others' povs, her conjecture may be confirmed by them in a way but in her own mind, she may not know that is the fact yet. It could also be the case that deep down somehow she knew but she doesn't want to pursue further or she's in denial bcs it can be dangerous to dive into it. She is smart girl though so her conjectures may not be far from facts. If she speaks her conjectures out loud, it'll be case like Fuyou, etc, bcs Mao Mao has a strong sense of justice, empathy and compassion, and also her curiousity that may lead her to involve herself into others' problems (this one can be very risky and dangerous). Although as we knew, if it doesn't pick her interest, Mao Mao's understanding can be below average 😂

  • @saitouyakumo8959
    @saitouyakumo8959 6 місяців тому +3

    jinshi is as beautiful as his mom, consort Ah Duo

  • @DJikram98
    @DJikram98 6 місяців тому +1

    i love this episode soo much ❤❤❤❤

  • @Irimu_
    @Irimu_ 5 місяців тому

    6:06 the entire series in a nutshell

  • @Sioslayer
    @Sioslayer 6 місяців тому

    Bro i can't get over that they exclusive my fav anime "Violet" and "86"

  • @trajectoryunown
    @trajectoryunown 6 місяців тому +2

    That ole gal _really_ looks out for Jinshi.

  • @Taiga-16
    @Taiga-16 6 місяців тому +1

    Mao Mao is pretty mean to Jinshi tho

  • @enigma6646
    @enigma6646 6 місяців тому +1

    hi Carlie & Ange, I have watched your reaction video mob and one puch man. I like it. I have an anime recommendation that people rarely react to but the anime is good and funny, namely "hinamatsuri". I'm waiting for your reaction, thank you👍

  • @AnimeFanUz1410
    @AnimeFanUz1410 6 місяців тому +7

    Can you guys react to a donghua called "Link Click". Even their intro and outro is so good. I recommend it.

  • @mahendrakumarraj1508
    @mahendrakumarraj1508 6 місяців тому

    We need your reaction on kaiju no 8 please

  • @Nour-db7ig
    @Nour-db7ig 6 місяців тому

    Guys, I have a question. This season adapted 2 volumes of the light novel, so we expect next season to do vol 3 and 4. But the manga is barely at the beginning of volume 4 right now. Does that mean the anime will be ahead of the manga ?

    • @odinsolberg3679
      @odinsolberg3679 6 місяців тому

      My best guess would be ligth novels. Don't know if it has been confirmed but think with how popular season 1 was it would be dumb to wait for the manga between each season if they don't start releasing each volum faster. Since acording to wikipeadia each volum has been released around 5-8 months between eachother. And with that each season would take a long time to release. At least that is what i hope they do.

    • @janewow77
      @janewow77 6 місяців тому

      Well, light novels currently in vol 15 in Japan (vol. 11 in English) so there are many stories they can cover there, not sure how far anime will cover them.

    • @feynevan
      @feynevan 6 місяців тому

      The anime adapts the story from the light novel as the original source, not from the manga. The manga is also an adaptation.

  • @crimeofficial284
    @crimeofficial284 6 місяців тому +2

    Please react to bungo stray dogs, you will like it

  • @panagiotismanifavas
    @panagiotismanifavas 6 місяців тому +2

    999 like

  • @april010
    @april010 6 місяців тому


  • @usualthingss5513
    @usualthingss5513 6 місяців тому +1

    start naruto as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @jay-k-hey6633
    @jay-k-hey6633 6 місяців тому

    So did you completely stop reacting to K dramas ?? It’s been months since I’ve been on your channel

  • @AniMageNeBy
    @AniMageNeBy 6 місяців тому +4

    More Apothecary, less One Piece! 😛

    • @NnT042
      @NnT042 6 місяців тому +5

      Lol chill, Apothecary has a stopping point fast approaching while One Piece's end point is trying to exceed the heat death of the universe. There's time and room for both 😊

    • @AniMageNeBy
      @AniMageNeBy 6 місяців тому

      @@NnT042 Exactly my point! That's why we need more Apothecary! ;-) OP takes up far too much room for far too long.