Henry was my twelfth great grandfather also. I’m glad I seemed to have dodged that bullseye nose. 💀 I’m also indirectly related to Ivan the Terrible on my father’s side of the family. I like to think the good traits live on and the bad ones fall by the wayside. 🤷🏼♂️
You may be a distant relative of my spouse. There is royal blood in the family and one of his ancestors went to what is now Canada. Depending upon when they emigrated (I if my memory serves me correctly, it was in the mid-1600s), they were very likely Valois.
9:20 He had beautiful manners, was extremely well spoken chivalrous and always dressed in conspicuously gorgeous clothing although his facial features were unusual 💀
Hello, François the first measured 1.98m (77.95 inches) which, by the criteria of the time, made him a giant. He was also very "well-built" and very muscular, which is why people said: "Il porte beau" ("he wears handsome"). Louis XIV was 1.84m (72.44 inches), Louis XV was 1.75m (68.89 inches), Louis XVI was 1.91m (75.19 inches). In fact, on the whole, the kings of France were rather very tall compared to the average height of the contemporary people of their time.
@@nicholasrue7397technically I’m related to the Scottish and danish royalty, but they married into the French family. But I come from bastards anyways so they don’t count as true royalty.
Henry VIII was the Lion of England and Francois I was the Lion of France. Two giant huge humanist Renaissance Kings ruling two kingdoms, forced to be enemies, but so similar in their great physical size, strength, love of music, art, architecture, and war.
Interestingly, Francis apparently held the edge when it comes to strength--during the meeting known as the Field of the Cloth-of-Gold--Francis beat Henry in a wrestling match. Needless to say, Henry was not happy about that lol
There are few absolutes in history, but one you see over and over is that it is rarely worth taking territory with military force against the will of the inhabitants.
Thank you for this. Francis I is much more interesting and multifaceted than I imagined. I love the palaces and chateaux from that period---especially the Chateau Fontainebleau. I hate to diss Henry VIII but while pretty enough, his palaces look blocky in comparison to the more graceful, airy style of the various French palaces--he really could have done with a couple of French architects. It's easy to see why Anne Boleyn grew up to be so cultured and style-conscious. The French styles of the era were lovely (I have a weakness for French hoods and wore an updated version at my wedding years ago).
@@ucheokoroafor8273 Even though I have have English and German heritage, I am mostly insular and Continental Celt. I do agree that 500+ years ago--and even before--the French had the edge when it came to taste, culture, style and sophistication--and still do.
It's a mistake to call him in English Francis, because Francis, the name, do exist in French, so call by is real name François! And also François in old french means French!
Interesting. Thanks for that, I had no idea. I had a French friend in high school and his name was Francois and everybody called him that nobody called him Francis. I didn't even think to. Separately, I'm North American and speak English only and can communicate in Spanish if necessary it's a pretty easy language to learn AND when Listening to the French people speak their language it's literally impossible for me to imagine being able to understand them one day
42:56 Henry VIII, although he was a mercurial sort, sided with the HRE because his wife Katarina Aragona, was the 1st cousin of the Charles V...she wasn't going to let him get away with that kind of betrayal of family. An interesting side bar to all of this is that with the possible exception of Spain, all of these monarchs were of frankish origin
And in 1516,the first Habsburg ruler of Spain, Charles I, was coronated… although 9 yrs younger than Henry VIII, they were still contemporaries. Charles I became HRE in 1519…with much drama to follow. On another point mentioned, Ann Boleyn was in the “household” of Francis I 1st wife, Queen Claude, for most of her time in France.
The mispronunciations--Papple for Payple, Capeeshun for Capayshun, etc.--are extremely annoying. The historical information may be mostly correct, but the inaccuracies are glaring and grate on the ear.
Francis, also had new fresh painters, like students under Titan. One is related in my genealogy. He was born in Florence in 1500 and died 1579. Some of his paintings are in Washington D.C., France, Italy, and Germany.
It would be great story to listen to if only it had a narrator that could give it the flare it needed. We are talking about the king of France are we not? That deserves a narrator that can give it justice& can capture your listeners. Am I correct?.... Of course I am 🤗
Микеланджело был ПАТРИОТОМ Италии. Он любил свою многострадальную родину, раздираемую нашествиями французского, испанского королей, императора Священной Римской империи, как и предательством пап и других мелких правителей итальянских городов-государств. Микеланджело не покинул свою Италию, как Леонардо. Микеланджело не писал портретов разорителя Италии испанского короля Карла V.
Falto comentar que Francisco I cayo PRESO en la batalla de PAVIA y estuvo encerrado mas de un año en Madrid. Que curioso que se olvide lo que torturo a Francisco toda su vida, la humillación que le sometió Carlos V.
Seguimos con las correcciones Carlos V del Sacro y I de España, en la era De Francisco era más bien co-rey de Castilla, Aragón y los territorios de ultramar. La Reina Juana, tenía el trono de manera nominal.
Leonardo da Vinci is buried in the chapel in Chateau de Amboise but a memorial is in the Basilica di Santa Croce in Florence. btw, Francois I is known as 'The Nose"
Well all i know that his second fiddle only to Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain & Ruler of the Habsburg Empire (Central Europe) the lowlands (the Nederlands) the Americas & the Spanish Philippines...
ODLIČNO,UZ MENE SVI ZAJEDNO BUDITE ,VOLIM VAS SVE...GREAT, EVERYONE TOGETHER BE WITH ME, I LOVE YOU ALL .izvini brat sto se reklamiram kod tebe ali moram jedino ovako skupicu bar nesto suba,nemam drugoga nacina..................
This king was a fantastic castle builder.... Politically he was a poor French king, being captured on the battle of Pavie, italy, and increasing taxes by 4 during his reign....Here a exhaustive list of French great kings: Louis XI, Charles V, Philippe II Augustus, Henri IV...... Louis XIV of course.
I find it telling how the documentary deliberately avoids explaining why humanism sometimes had problems with the Church. It had nothing to do with humanism itself, the problem was that a small minority of philosophers would go too far from objective Truth and end up falling into pantheism and luciferianism. Luciferianism is the belief that man IS God. Some people would end up being enslaved by their passions from the constant nudes within art , etc. For some it ends up turning into smut. Before you know it, they become engaged in all types of deviancy and perversion. The final effect is the belief that man is the end all and be all of the universe, hence becoming worshipped as god = luciferianism. Then the philosophers who are falling into this extreme humanism, come up with erroneous ideas to justify their behavior. ..... kind of reminds one of the modern era...
Perhaps it would be interesting to pronounce Italian names in Italian (or at least not in French when speaking English). "medichi" rather than "medisee", for instance.
Actually, this is how the French people pronounced the foreign names, by frenchified them. Catarina Medici was known if France as Catherine de Médicis. But those translations or modifications were not specific to France.
I admire Francis the 1st very much, but why did the narrator remark he was handsome " his handsome appearance and and charm". The King was also known as François au Grand Nez ('Francis of the Large Nose'), It is extremely important to be careful when describing an individual with comment that are untrue. It doesn't matter what a king looks like to us centuries ago, but he should not have said handsome.
Throughout the video, the narrator pronounces "papal" and "papacy" with a short A rather than a long A. I've looked this up to make sure, and the long A is correct.
i would remind you that there is really no such thing as received English spelling or pronunciation, merely the practise of the two universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and even those are persuasive, not binding . You cannot call someone wrong simply because they disagree with you.
All these rulers from the early and central decades of the XVI century were second and third to the biggest king of them all, the Holy Roman emperor Charles V and King of Spain Charles I. Francis was specially despicable, and he was humbled by Charles V after the Battle of Pavia, one of the biggest battle victories in the history of humankind.
@@SklLLLY Gonna try to explain you why easiest way I can. France and Spain at the time were the biggest enemies despite both were catholic monarchies they had a rivalry to be the first power. England was relegated to a 3rd power at the time (England became the first power in the XVIII century). Charles V and Francis were brothers in law, becasue Francis was married with Charles V eldest sister Eleanor of Austria. The rivalry began when Charles V and Francis contended to be proclaimed Holy Roman Emperor, until Charles won the election and was proclaimed emperor in 1521. The main goal for Charles V was regain the Burgundian State of his family, which was annexed by France in 1477 after the battle of Nancy. Another battlefield was in Italy, specially the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples, both conquered by the spanish and german imperial army (the landsknechts). Naples was conquered by The Great Captain, Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, in 1503, probably the greatest general in the history of Spain and a national hero (and one of the greatest ever), because it was him who turned Spain in the first power after defeating France in the battlefield on April 28 1503 in the Battle of Cerignola. The Battle of Pavia was a catastrophic defeat for France and for Francis I who was captured during the battle. What makes his behaviour despicable and a shame for France among other things is that when he was in captivity Charles was very indulgent with him in the negotiations for his liberation, Charles trusted him and them Francis violated the agreement and betrayed Charles, taking advantage to invade Milan again taking Charles by surprise. Charles regained Milan again later on, but that was pretty poorly and cowardly acting from Francis. And he acted like that once again few years later in another war which I don't remember because I read Charles biography few years ago and I don't remember everything. But summing up, Francis was in the shadow of Charles during his reign, so was France in the hands of such a pitiful king (not my words, even the french historians agree with it). France became first power surpassing Spain in the XVII century with the Bourbon dynasty (specially with Luis XIV), after the failed Valois dynasty.
@@alfredodistefanolaulhe2212 La Bourgogne que revendiquait Charles Quint était un territoire Français , donné en apanage au grand-père de Charles le Téméraire ,qui était un fils d’un roi de France, je pense Charles VI. Et ce territoire devait revenir à la France s’il n’y avait pas d’héritier mâle.0r Charles le Téméraire n’ayant eu qu’une fille, et celle ci , arrière grand mère de Charles Quint par son mariage avec un Habsbourg , à trahi l’engagement de ses ancêtres. Charles Quint était un personnage malhonnête et cupide qui aurait voulu annexer la France . François combattait en personne et a perdu une bataille, Charles Quint ne combattait pas lui même, il avait peur . Ce sont ses généraux qui se battaient et il achetait des alliances grâce à l’or volé aux Indiens .
@@jaimequimaime-autrementnon2500 Ce ne sont que des mensonges. Pour commencer, il n'a rien acheté avec l'or volé aux Indiens, car Pizarro n'avait pas encore conquis l'empire Inca. Si vous lisez Geoffrey Parker, vous saurez que Charles Quint était un roi courageux qui a combattu sur le champ de bataille (en particulier lors de la bataille de Mühlberg), ce que son fils Philippe II admirait chez son père.
Maledizione! Ma perché rovinare un così bel documentario con un "sonoro" così osceno? Ho capito che son nuove tecnogie ma davvero allontanano dall ascolto.
"Петрарка - первым выдвинул мысль о возрождении в области литературы и обращении к античной классике Греции и Древнего Рима." Что вы говорите? А Византия? Она где? На каком месте? Втором? Третьем? В Константинополе были собраны все шедевры греко-римского искусства и литературы. В 1204 году варвары-католики крестоносцы плавили в монеты бронзовые античные статуи, украшающие Гиподром, дворцы и сады Константинополя. Воровали, воровали, воровали. Возрождение?! В православной Византии античное наследство не возрождалось, потому что оно никогда не умирало, оно развивалось. Варвары - католики крестоносцы пришли, разорили и своровали. В 1986 году в Париже была выставка "Сокровища Сан Марко". Лжцы и крадцы! Не сокровища Сан Марко, а Сокровища Святой Софии Константинопольской и византийских императоров, сворованные варварами жидо-католиками Венеции и Зап.Европы в 1204. Все о 1453 году говорите, А о 1204-ом забываете?
Le Grand Roi Chevalier Tres Cult de le Dinastie Valois Mecenes de les Arts et Architecture Mecenes de le Grand Artiste Renacentiste Leonardo da Vinci Qui Habitee et Decedee a Le Chareau de Amboise France
У Мари Тюдор возраст скачет как бешеная лошадь.. То ей 14 было, то 16, в этом фильме 18 уже.. А недавно видела фильм, где ей всего 13 лет.. Вы уже все как то определитесь.
I'm related to francois through one of the illegitamite daughters married into bethancourt family from Normandy my ancestors Google both families PERDOMO AND BETHANCOURT BOTH FAMILIES TO THIS DAY OF CLOSE TIES
Francis the 1st maybe was a good artist but wasn't a great king.. he made many mistakes inside and outside France, like helping Soliman and fighting against Charles V who wanted the union of Europe
Per favore insegnate il francese a quella voce artificiale! Nella traduzione in italiano storpia tutti i nomi in una maniera ignobile! "Rabelais" . Eddai ...😡
Really enjoyed this! Looking forward to part 2. The narrator was really good- nice voice!
Any ETA on part 2 by chance?
François I is my thirteenth great grandfather. I didn’t really know anything about him, so this was very informative. Thank you for uploading. ❤️
Hi cousin! I’m fifteen times removed
Henry was my twelfth great grandfather also. I’m glad I seemed to have dodged that bullseye nose. 💀
I’m also indirectly related to Ivan the Terrible on my father’s side of the family.
I like to think the good traits live on and the bad ones fall by the wayside. 🤷🏼♂️
@@nicholasrue7397 which of Henry's children are you descended from?
You may be a distant relative of my spouse. There is royal blood in the family and one of his ancestors went to what is now Canada. Depending upon when they emigrated (I if my memory serves me correctly, it was in the mid-1600s), they were very likely Valois.
Literally left the Loire Valley today! I need the second episode, please! So intersting!
Part 1 was good. Thank you. Please upload part 2.
9:20 He had beautiful manners, was extremely well spoken chivalrous and always dressed in conspicuously gorgeous clothing although his facial features were unusual 💀
Haha I enjoyed that too
10:05 Although beauty standards have altered somewhat since the Renaissance era, it seems a bit over the top to describe Francis as 'handsome."
When young I think Henry VIII was the better looking of the two, but I've seen worse than Francis.
@@harrietharlow9929 In Henry's case, the main fault did not lie in the model as such, but in the lack of maintenance ...
@@Michaelneiss Agreed. He really let himself gp in his forties.
François the first measured 1.98m (77.95 inches) which, by the criteria of the time, made him a giant. He was also very "well-built" and very muscular, which is why people said: "Il porte beau" ("he wears handsome"). Louis XIV was 1.84m (72.44 inches), Louis XV was 1.75m (68.89 inches), Louis XVI was 1.91m (75.19 inches).
In fact, on the whole, the kings of France were rather very tall compared to the average height of the contemporary people of their time.
@@jacobgraustein6509 Excuse me?
@@nicholasrue7397technically I’m related to the Scottish and danish royalty, but they married into the French family. But I come from bastards anyways so they don’t count as true royalty.
Very good, really, this is very good, concise, precise, and enjoyable
Henry VIII was the Lion of England and Francois I was the Lion of France. Two giant huge humanist Renaissance Kings ruling two kingdoms, forced to be enemies, but so similar in their great physical size, strength, love of music, art, architecture, and war.
Interestingly, Francis apparently held the edge when it comes to strength--during the meeting known as the Field of the Cloth-of-Gold--Francis beat Henry in a wrestling match. Needless to say, Henry was not happy about that lol
I'd compare Henry VIII to a pig
@@unemusiqueunjour Nah. Pigs have a lot more class
Well said!
There are few absolutes in history, but one you see over and over is that it is rarely worth taking territory with military force against the will of the inhabitants.
Excellent material.
Thank you for this. Francis I is much more interesting and multifaceted than I imagined. I love the palaces and chateaux from that period---especially the Chateau Fontainebleau. I hate to diss Henry VIII but while pretty enough, his palaces look blocky in comparison to the more graceful, airy style of the various French palaces--he really could have done with a couple of French architects. It's easy to see why Anne Boleyn grew up to be so cultured and style-conscious. The French styles of the era were lovely (I have a weakness for French hoods and wore an updated version at my wedding years ago).
English will never come close to the French in terms of taste and culture.
@@ucheokoroafor8273 Even though I have have English and German heritage, I am mostly insular and Continental Celt. I do agree that 500+ years ago--and even before--the French had the edge when it came to taste, culture, style and sophistication--and still do.
That's very interesting I'm trying to picture what your gown looked like.
Доброго времени! Не забывайте, что много веков французский язык был светским языком в Англии, на английском разговаривали только простолюдины))
My favourite French Monarch.
I wish France was a Monarch today.
R.I.P French Royalists.
R.I.P gone Kingdom of France.
Not gone. Just becoming African.
I wish Henry V had lived longer, England and French would have been under one crown.
Das is gut sehr gut Perfekt ❤❤❤
It's a mistake to call him in English Francis, because Francis, the name, do exist in French, so call by is real name François! And also François in old french means French!
Interesting. Thanks for that, I had no idea. I had a French friend in high school and his name was Francois and everybody called him that nobody called him Francis. I didn't even think to. Separately, I'm North American and speak English only and can communicate in Spanish if necessary it's a pretty easy language to learn AND when Listening to the French people speak their language it's literally impossible for me to imagine being able to understand them one day
@@dpm2515 However, these Latin languages are very close, and Spaniards and French understand each other quite quickly when they meet.
42:56 Henry VIII, although he was a mercurial sort, sided with the HRE because his wife Katarina Aragona,
was the 1st cousin of the Charles V...she wasn't going to let him get away with that kind of betrayal of
An interesting side bar to all of this is that with the possible exception of Spain, all of these monarchs
were of frankish origin
And in 1516,the first Habsburg ruler of Spain, Charles I, was coronated… although 9 yrs younger than Henry VIII, they were still contemporaries. Charles I became HRE in 1519…with much drama to follow. On another point mentioned, Ann Boleyn was in the “household” of Francis I 1st wife, Queen Claude, for most of her time in France.
Watching from Kenya
Я из Сибири 😅Россия🇷🇺
The mispronunciations--Papple for Payple, Capeeshun for Capayshun, etc.--are extremely annoying. The historical information may be mostly correct, but the inaccuracies are glaring and grate on the ear.
Super grating on the ear. They could pronounce François properly, so why not the rest of the names?
I think the narrator might be French? They have an excellent accent in English, but don't know how to pronounce some words properly in English.
American...they stuff up a lot of pronunciations.
@@delphinidin Non il n'est pas français à l'oreille, mais il s'agit plutôt d'un américain francophone.
Francis, also had new fresh painters, like students under Titan. One is related in my genealogy. He was born in Florence in 1500 and died 1579. Some of his paintings are in Washington D.C., France, Italy, and Germany.
So? Who cares?!!
@@sharont2009 He has every right to be proud of this relative.
Indeed!! His”fight” with HRE Charles V was almost 😅 personal in nature.
Very well done and informative.
Интересный рассказ спасибо
This is a really great documentary, but the narrator's constant mispronunciations have me in stitches
Yes. It's a French documentary but with really El Cheapo amateur translation and voice-over. Pity.
I think they were trying to sound fancy
French names pronounced impeccably for a French speaker. Thank you!
Great stuff! When will Part 2 be uploaded?
I love the dress, the color!!! 😱😭💞😎😊 Min 09:24
Me, too. I just love the French fashions of the era!
Came here because I am distantly related to him, and wanted to learn more!
Great doc. What about part 2?
Беда только в том, что бОльшая часть механизиоа леонардо не работали))
Yes, when is part deux?
❤ Maria Madre nostra prega per i giovani della loro salute pace amore ed accompagnali in questo mondo difficile AMEN
It would be great story to listen to if only it had a narrator that could give it the flare it needed. We are talking about the king of France are we not?
That deserves a narrator that can give it justice& can capture your listeners.
Am I correct?.... Of course I am 🤗
No. None of your business anyway.
Микеланджело был ПАТРИОТОМ Италии. Он любил свою многострадальную родину, раздираемую нашествиями французского, испанского королей, императора Священной Римской империи, как и предательством пап и других мелких правителей итальянских городов-государств. Микеланджело не покинул свою Италию, как Леонардо. Микеланджело не писал портретов разорителя Италии испанского короля Карла V.
Falto comentar que Francisco I cayo PRESO en la batalla de PAVIA y estuvo encerrado mas de un año en Madrid. Que curioso que se olvide lo que torturo a Francisco toda su vida, la humillación que le sometió Carlos V.
Спасибо каналу
His grandsons reign where a disaster Francis ii Charles IX and Henry III the French wars of religion
@49:28 looks like the last moments of Leonard da Vinci
Oh please!! Where is the subsequent story????
Seguimos con las correcciones Carlos V del Sacro y I de España, en la era De Francisco era más bien co-rey de Castilla, Aragón y los territorios de ultramar. La Reina Juana, tenía el trono de manera nominal.
Where's episode 2?
Leonardo da Vinci is buried in the chapel in Chateau de Amboise but a memorial is in the Basilica di Santa Croce in Florence.
btw, Francois I is known as 'The Nose"
Он получается правил одновременно с Грозным?
part 2 when?
León equis? Se dice décimo 😅
the building model and the tree scale is very disturbing.
Kevo was pipeline hukosekani?
Well all i know that his second fiddle only to Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain & Ruler of the Habsburg Empire (Central Europe) the lowlands (the Nederlands) the Americas & the Spanish Philippines...
Bien mon roi favorit. Vive François I!
What a great documentary
PÉSSIMA TRADUÇÃO. Respeitem a pronúncia dos nomes dos Reis, Castelos e lugares.Tem de melhorar muito.
Really interesting document but it truly Annoyed me the of mispronunciations of MEDICI. The correct pronunciation is MEDICHI
From French speaker perspective, the prononciation is impeccable.
En français, c’est prononcé Médici.
ODLIČNO,UZ MENE SVI ZAJEDNO BUDITE ,VOLIM VAS SVE...GREAT, EVERYONE TOGETHER BE WITH ME, I LOVE YOU ALL .izvini brat sto se reklamiram kod tebe ali moram jedino ovako skupicu bar nesto suba,nemam drugoga nacina..................
Interesa😢ma non si può ascoltare con la voce finta. Peccato. Non riesco,troppo fastidioso
This king was a fantastic castle builder.... Politically he was a poor French king, being captured on the battle of Pavie, italy, and increasing taxes by 4 during his reign....Here a exhaustive list of French great kings: Louis XI, Charles V, Philippe II Augustus, Henri IV...... Louis XIV of course.
У королевы замок был, захотел построить для себя. Пустячок в 200 комнат, для себя любимого.
Очень прекрасно и понятно
I find it telling how the documentary deliberately avoids explaining why humanism sometimes had problems with the Church. It had nothing to do with humanism itself, the problem was that a small minority of philosophers would go too far from objective Truth and end up falling into pantheism and luciferianism. Luciferianism is the belief that man IS God. Some people would end up being enslaved by their passions from the constant nudes within art , etc. For some it ends up turning into smut. Before you know it, they become engaged in all types of deviancy and perversion. The final effect is the belief that man is the end all and be all of the universe, hence becoming worshipped as god = luciferianism. Then the philosophers who are falling into this extreme humanism, come up with erroneous ideas to justify their behavior.
..... kind of reminds one of the modern era...
Too bad the Papacy can no longer terrorise Europe, eh?
Narrator sounds like Lt. Cmd. Data
Is there a 2nd half? Because if there isn't its Interesting how the documentary stops right before Francis got his ass handed to him at Pavia.
Perhaps it would be interesting to pronounce Italian names in Italian (or at least not in French when speaking English). "medichi" rather than "medisee", for instance.
'Medisee' is particularly grating
Actually, this is how the French people pronounced the foreign names, by frenchified them. Catarina Medici was known if France as Catherine de Médicis. But those translations or modifications were not specific to France.
I admire Francis the 1st very much, but why did the narrator remark he was handsome " his handsome appearance and and charm". The King was also known as François au Grand Nez ('Francis of the Large Nose'), It is extremely important to be careful when describing an individual with comment that are untrue. It doesn't matter what a king looks like to us centuries ago, but he should not have said handsome.
What an irrelevant comment
Franccoi I is my fourteenth great grandfather.
Throughout the video, the narrator pronounces "papal" and "papacy" with a short A rather than a long A. I've looked this up to make sure, and the long A is correct.
i would remind you that there is really no such thing as received English spelling or pronunciation, merely the practise of the two universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and even those are persuasive, not binding . You cannot call someone wrong simply because they disagree with you.
He was a bad King, he empoverished the country and spent his reign fighting against Spain. A jerk
Isn't that good?
Everybody in Europe fought against each other ! Unless they married their female relatives into the country ! Happened all the time !
France's was one the biggest best king
All these rulers from the early and central decades of the XVI century were second and third to the biggest king of them all, the Holy Roman emperor Charles V and King of Spain Charles I. Francis was specially despicable, and he was humbled by Charles V after the Battle of Pavia, one of the biggest battle victories in the history of humankind.
I'm def going to read up on Charles V & I
Why so despicable?
@@SklLLLY Gonna try to explain you why easiest way I can. France and Spain at the time were the biggest enemies despite both were catholic monarchies they had a rivalry to be the first power. England was relegated to a 3rd power at the time (England became the first power in the XVIII century).
Charles V and Francis were brothers in law, becasue Francis was married with Charles V eldest sister Eleanor of Austria.
The rivalry began when Charles V and Francis contended to be proclaimed Holy Roman Emperor, until Charles won the election and was proclaimed emperor in 1521.
The main goal for Charles V was regain the Burgundian State of his family, which was annexed by France in 1477 after the battle of Nancy.
Another battlefield was in Italy, specially the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples, both conquered by the spanish and german imperial army (the landsknechts).
Naples was conquered by The Great Captain, Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, in 1503, probably the greatest general in the history of Spain and a national hero (and one of the greatest ever), because it was him who turned Spain in the first power after defeating France in the battlefield on April 28 1503 in the Battle of Cerignola.
The Battle of Pavia was a catastrophic defeat for France and for Francis I who was captured during the battle.
What makes his behaviour despicable and a shame for France among other things is that when he was in captivity Charles was very indulgent with him in the negotiations for his liberation, Charles trusted him and them Francis violated the agreement and betrayed Charles, taking advantage to invade Milan again taking Charles by surprise. Charles regained Milan again later on, but that was pretty poorly and cowardly acting from Francis. And he acted like that once again few years later in another war which I don't remember because I read Charles biography few years ago and I don't remember everything.
But summing up, Francis was in the shadow of Charles during his reign, so was France in the hands of such a pitiful king (not my words, even the french historians agree with it).
France became first power surpassing Spain in the XVII century with the Bourbon dynasty (specially with Luis XIV), after the failed Valois dynasty.
@@alfredodistefanolaulhe2212 La Bourgogne que revendiquait Charles Quint était un territoire Français , donné en apanage au grand-père de Charles le Téméraire ,qui était un fils d’un roi de France, je pense Charles VI. Et ce territoire devait revenir à la France s’il n’y avait pas d’héritier mâle.0r Charles le Téméraire n’ayant eu qu’une fille, et celle ci , arrière grand mère de Charles Quint par son mariage avec un Habsbourg , à trahi l’engagement de ses ancêtres. Charles Quint était un personnage malhonnête et cupide qui aurait voulu annexer la France . François combattait en personne et a perdu une bataille, Charles Quint ne combattait pas lui même, il avait peur . Ce sont ses généraux qui se battaient et il achetait des alliances grâce à l’or volé aux Indiens .
@@jaimequimaime-autrementnon2500 Ce ne sont que des mensonges. Pour commencer, il n'a rien acheté avec l'or volé aux Indiens, car Pizarro n'avait pas encore conquis l'empire Inca.
Si vous lisez Geoffrey Parker, vous saurez que Charles Quint était un roi courageux qui a combattu sur le champ de bataille (en particulier lors de la bataille de Mühlberg), ce que son fils Philippe II admirait chez son père.
Legitimated? I know it’s apparently an acceptable word, but it just sounds weird to me vs legitimized.
OMG...I was right on this part when I was reading your comment lolz what are the damn odds!!!
Love Francis I !
May ❤God💚 Be💚 With💛 Everyone 💜Always 💚Much 💛Love Blessings ❤Always ✌ 💯 🌈 🎇 🌐 💚❤🧡❤💚❤💚💚💚💚💚
I know this sounds so shallow, but damn he was hot.
Also, it's his birthday in two days!
Насмешила в видеоряде на 1:34 русская борзая у ног короля. Она, конечно, эффектная собака, но не из той оперы.😂😂😂
sadly the actor playing Francois I does not have the Valois nose. The actor has more of a pug nose.
I just watch a movie on this. N I'm wondering if the castle was made from a norman
Hi,what was the name of that movie please.
@@Amanda-t5p6c game of thrones
@@joannnorman7531 Thank-you.
Maledizione! Ma perché rovinare un così bel documentario con un "sonoro" così osceno? Ho capito che son nuove tecnogie ma davvero allontanano dall ascolto.
Интересно, но так быстро тараторит, очень тяжело воспринимать
God Save The King!
Fernando II no era rey de España. Era Rey de Aragón. Hay que estudiar un poco. En 1500 España no existía.
"Петрарка - первым выдвинул мысль о возрождении в области литературы и обращении к античной классике Греции и Древнего Рима." Что вы говорите? А Византия? Она где? На каком месте? Втором? Третьем? В Константинополе были собраны все шедевры греко-римского искусства и литературы. В 1204 году варвары-католики крестоносцы плавили в монеты бронзовые античные статуи, украшающие Гиподром, дворцы и сады Константинополя. Воровали, воровали, воровали. Возрождение?! В православной Византии античное наследство не возрождалось, потому что оно никогда не умирало, оно развивалось. Варвары - католики крестоносцы пришли, разорили и своровали. В 1986 году в Париже была выставка "Сокровища Сан Марко". Лжцы и крадцы! Не сокровища Сан Марко, а Сокровища Святой Софии Константинопольской и византийских императоров, сворованные варварами жидо-католиками Венеции и Зап.Европы в 1204. Все о 1453 году говорите, А о 1204-ом забываете?
Je pense que la relation du roi avec Jésus peut concerner les gens qui "empruntent" simplement son argent aux parties trompeuses.
Nice kenya i love🇮🇳
Хорошо строить за чужой счёт, бедные люди, всю жизнь работаем на чужие хотели.
Diese elektronische Übersetzung ist einfach grauenhaft. Schade dass man unserer Schöne Sprache so miserabel darstellt
Le Grand Roi Chevalier Tres Cult de le Dinastie Valois Mecenes de les Arts et Architecture Mecenes de le Grand Artiste Renacentiste Leonardo da Vinci Qui Habitee et Decedee a Le Chareau de Amboise France
У Мари Тюдор возраст скачет как бешеная лошадь.. То ей 14 было, то 16, в этом фильме 18 уже.. А недавно видела фильм, где ей всего 13 лет.. Вы уже все как то определитесь.
I'm related to francois through one of the illegitamite daughters married into bethancourt family from Normandy my ancestors Google both families PERDOMO AND BETHANCOURT BOTH FAMILIES TO THIS DAY OF CLOSE TIES
Francis the 1st maybe was a good artist but wasn't a great king.. he made many mistakes inside and outside France, like helping Soliman and fighting against Charles V who wanted the union of Europe
suleiman didn't seek help from francis but it was francis who seek help from suleiman.
Francis begged Suleiman for troops and money, which the magnificent Ottoman Empire kindly provided.
Humm… Charles V did not want the union of Europe 🙂
Leonardo da vinçi
បានអាព្រះយេសូចាក់ការួយ. អូហូស្ដាច
KI Stimme zum :-( einfach nicht hörbar....
Ah, ho capito...viene dall'Inghilterra. 😊 tutto chiaro...
Um...I'm sorry. But Francois was not good looking.
Ist sehr interessant leider italienische Wörter falsch ausgesprochen.. Schade
Per favore insegnate il francese a quella voce artificiale! Nella traduzione in italiano storpia tutti i nomi in una maniera ignobile! "Rabelais" . Eddai ...😡
WAS ist bitte ein Mähzn???? Der König ein "Mähzn"????