It is Finished !!! - Mixed Media Art, with Collage

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
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    / @2ndbirth
    Watch this next: • Art That Speaks from t...
    Fine art prints and a digital download of this piece are now available on my new online shop. I appreciate your support.
    The first part of the video has music very kindly provided by:
    Music by Jonathan Ogden » jonathanogden....
    The last two hymns were very kindly provided by @bruderhofmusic :
    First Song:
    • I Would Go There
    Second Song:
    • In Heaven, In Heaven
    I have provided some links below to the products use for my art and shooting videos. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you).
    Oil Paints
    Spray Paint
    Acrylic Paint
    The Stencils I used are
    This is the newer version of my camera (I have the XT4)
    My microphone I use for voice-overs


  • @2ndBirth
    @2ndBirth  2 місяці тому +3

    I got so engrossed in this piece. This idea was from my sketchbook, I've wanted to do something with it for a while and this piece felt like the perfect oportunity. I started off playing some upbeat Christian music and dancing along as I was drawing. Just trying to loosen up and be free and expressive. This soon began to be a very contemplative piece for me. Drawing the cross of Jesus Christ, whilst listening to worship music. I ended up shedding a tear. I have nothing else fit for a king but my little doodles.
    Lyrics - First Hymn - I Would Go There:
    I would go there, I would go there
    Where my Jesus I may see.
    O my soul is full of longing
    Evermore then to embrace Him
    And before His throne to stand.
    And before His throne to stand.
    Precious Light, precious light,
    Sun that breaks through darkest night!
    O when shall I come before Thee
    And with all believers truly
    See Thy holy countenance?
    See Thy holy countenance?
    O how lovely, O how lovely
    Rings the praise of angels holy!
    Over valley, over mountain,
    I’d be winging to thee, Zion,
    If I had but wings to fly!
    If I had but wings to fly!
    O how glorious, O how glorious
    When Jerusalem’s streets all golden
    Stretch before me there in Heaven!
    Lord, the glory and the blessing
    Are too great for me to grasp!
    Are too great for me to grasp!
    Paradise, Paradise,
    O how sweet are all thy fruits,
    Trees of Life above us spreading,
    It will be as if we’re dreaming!
    Take us, Lord, to Paradise!
    Take us, Lord, to Paradise!
    Lyrics - 2nd Hymn - In Heaven, In Heaven:
    In Heaven, in Heaven,
    Where the doors stand open wide,
    A poor soul stands weeping,
    Stands weeping outside.
    “Dear soul, why are you weeping,
    Dear soul, why are you sad?”
    “How could I not be sorrowful,
    My merciful Lord?”
    “How could I not be weeping,
    O dear and loving Lord,
    For I know that I have broken
    The commandments of God.”
    “Come, dear soul, and enter,
    Come and follow my call
    And confess all your sins,
    Be they great, be they small.
    “Come to me and tell me,
    Tell me each sin you know,
    For then all your garments
    Will be white as the snow.
    “As white and as snow-white
    And as white as the snow,
    To the Kingdom of Heaven
    Together we’ll go.”
    To the Kingdom of Heaven,
    To the heavenly Paradise,
    Where the Father and His Spirit is,
    And His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • @G5020-gb5zq
    @G5020-gb5zq 2 місяці тому +1

    I love your work, bro very inspiring. I just started my channel and I’m 61 years old self-taught artist and God‘s leading me to paint for Him now.
    Can’t wait to see your next painting.

    • @2ndBirth
      @2ndBirth  2 місяці тому

      That's amazing to hear ! Good on you my friend. I'm sure God is leading a lot of creative people into showing the world God through art. He is a creator after all and we are made in His image. I look forwards to seeing your cool stuff too. Exciting times !

    • @Servant44
      @Servant44 2 місяці тому

      To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations
      Luke 24:47 KJV
      and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem.
      - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds)
      Luke 13:3 KJV
      I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.]
      ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬
      and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.]
      - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins
      John 8:24 KJV
      I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.]
      ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬
      and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.]
      - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord
      + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬
      for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.]
      Acts 10:43 KJV
      To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.]
      Romans 10:10 KJV‬
      For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.]
      - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins)
      Proverbs 10:12 KJV
      Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.]
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.]
      - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      1 Peter 4:8 KJV
      And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.]
      ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬
      And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.]
      - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins)
      1 John 1:9 KJV
      If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.]
      Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬
      He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.]
      - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins)
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭
      Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬
      And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.]
      - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭James 1:16 KJV‬
      [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren.
      ‭James 5:19 KJV‬
      Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;]
      James 5:20 KJV
      Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.]
      (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins)
      - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others
      (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬
      And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.]
      ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬
      but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.]
      (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬
      Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.]
      Luke 17:4 KJV
      And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.]
      - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins)
      ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬
      [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him.
      Mark 13:13 KJV
      And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]

  • @gwldybg
    @gwldybg 2 місяці тому +1

    Love this!

    • @2ndBirth
      @2ndBirth  2 місяці тому +1

      Thanks Georgianna. Thought I'd shut up for this one and let people enjoy the music :o)

    • @Servant44
      @Servant44 2 місяці тому

      To preach Repentance and Remission of sins among All nations
      Luke 24:47 KJV
      and that [repentance] and [remission of sins] should be preached in his name [among all nations,] beginning at Jerusalem.
      - (Sincere) turn from (continual) sin or we (All) likewise shall perish, (true repentance) of our (deeds)
      Luke 13:3 KJV
      I tell you, [Nay:] but, except [ye repent,] ye shall [all] [likewise] [perish.]
      ‭Revelation 16:11 KJV‬
      and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, [and] repented [not] of their [deeds.]
      - Believe on (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) and you shall be (saved) or you will die in your sins
      John 8:24 KJV
      I said therefore unto you, that [ye shall die] in your sins: for [if ye believe not] that I am [he,] ye shall [die] in your [sins.]
      ‭Mark 1:15 KJV‬
      and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [ye,] and [believe] the [gospel.]
      - Receive (forgiveness of sins) when we are converted, you must (believe) on the Lord and (confess) the Lord
      + (multiple ways for remission of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Matthew 26:28 KJV‬
      for this is my blood of the [new testament,] which is [shed] for [many] for the [remission of sins.]
      Acts 10:43 KJV
      To him give all the prophets witness, that through his [name] [whosoever believeth] [in him] shall [receive] [remission of sins.]
      Romans 10:10 KJV‬
      For with the heart man [believeth] unto righteousness; and with the mouth [confession] is [made] [unto salvation.]
      - Love God and love (thy neighbor) as thy self, for love will (cover) (All sins), (pardon of sins)
      Proverbs 10:12 KJV
      Hatred stirreth up strifes: but [love] [covereth all sins.]
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7:47‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      Wherefore I say unto thee, [Her sins,] which [are many,] [are forgiven;] for [she loved much:] but to whom [little is forgiven,] the same [loveth little.]
      - Have fervent (love) among (the brethren), for (love) among one another, will (cover) the (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      1 Peter 4:8 KJV
      And above all things have fervent [charity] [among yourselves:] for [charity] shall [cover] the [multitude of sins.]
      ‭Colossians 3:14 KJV‬
      And above all these things put on [charity,] which is the [bond] of [perfectness.]
      - (Confession) of (sin) to God, is for the forgiveness of sins, remission/forgiveness/(pardon of sins)
      1 John 1:9 KJV
      If we [confess] our sins, he is faithful and just to [forgive] us [our sins,] and to [cleanse us] from all [unrighteousness.]
      Proverbs 28:13 KJV‬‬
      He that [covereth his sins] shall not prosper: But whoso [confesseth] and [forsaketh them] shall have [mercy.]
      - (Water baptism) is for the (remission of sins), forgiveness/remission/(pardon of sins)
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      Then Peter said unto them, [Repent,] and be [baptized] every one of you in the [name] of [Jesus Christ] for the [remission of sins,] and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. ‭
      Acts 22:16 KJV‬‬
      And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be [baptized,] and [wash away thy sins,] calling on the name of [the Lord.]
      - Brethren who go (astray) into (error), or are currently in error, (sinners from continual sin), and (converting) them will save them from death and will (hide) a (multitude of sins), (pardon of sins)
      ‭James 1:16 KJV‬
      [Do] [not] [err,] my beloved brethren.
      ‭James 5:19 KJV‬
      Brethren, [if any of you] do [err from the truth,] and [one convert him;]
      James 5:20 KJV
      Let him know, that [he] which [converteth] the [sinner] from the [error of his way] shall [save a soul] from [death,] and shall [hide] a [multitude of sins.]
      (Forgiveness for the pardon/remission/forgiveness of sins)
      - Forgive all transgressions done toward you, (True forgiveness), and God will forgive you your transgressions done toward others
      (Forgive all others, those that have not been born again yet), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Mark 11:25 KJV‬
      And when ye stand praying, [forgive,] if ye have [ought against any:] that your Father [also] which is in heaven may [forgive you] [your trespasses.]
      ‭Matthew 6:15 KJV‬
      but if ye [forgive not] men their trespasses, [neither] will your Father forgive [your trespasses.]
      (Forgive the brethren, All that confess the Lord), (pardon of sins)
      ‭Luke 17:3 KJV‬
      Take heed to yourselves: If [thy brother] [trespass against thee,] [rebuke him;] and if he [repent,] [forgive him.]
      Luke 17:4 KJV
      And if he [trespass against thee seven times in a day,] and seven times in a day [turn again to thee,] [saying,] [I] [repent;] [thou shalt forgive him.]
      - Those predestined will die in no sin or unforgiveness, (every sin) was (forgiven) through remission of sins the (pardon of sins)
      ‭1 John 3:15 KJV‬
      [Whosoever] hateth [his brother is a murderer:] and [ye know] that [no murderer] hath [eternal life] [abiding] [in] him.
      Mark 13:13 KJV
      And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall [endure] unto [the end,] the same [shall be saved.]