When To Split Your 3D Models - 3D Modeling Fundamentals

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @MateusGamer7
    @MateusGamer7 4 роки тому +82

    Please keep posting on the 3D Modeling Fundamentals serie, I'm very thankful for the knowledge of your two on these vids.

  • @VirtualSuperSoldier
    @VirtualSuperSoldier 4 роки тому +47

    I agree that you should keep a separated copy around, but for game dev, that helmet is one piece except for any moving parts.

    • @romannavratilid
      @romannavratilid 4 роки тому +4

      yeah i got the feeling they really didnt really specify for what industry this is aimed primarily. I think they talked mainly about movies. I too think for games one piece is better.

    • @lockenessmotorsports818
      @lockenessmotorsports818 4 роки тому +8

      @@romannavratilid Combined yes but not seamless, modeling all that as one piece including the screws would be silly

    • @3litza
      @3litza 4 роки тому +1

      In games you would also have as few materials as possible. Mostly one material with different maps. You might not even model some details and just add them using textures.

    • @xox8717
      @xox8717 3 роки тому

      What about open or close edges? i know for sculpting & 3d printing it needs to be watertight but what about for video games or feature film with opensubdiv?

  • @DessertMonkey
    @DessertMonkey 4 роки тому +64

    To my knowledge, a good reason to merge objects into one is to reduce draw calls in a game engine. When rendering a frame, each object is drawn individually so having many objects can take longer to render vs having them merged into fewer objects will take less time to render. This probably becomes a concern mostly on weaker hardware like mobile devices or in very dense scenes.
    Other then that, if there's a practical reason to keep your objects separate, go for it. Just be aware of the tradeoffs.

    • @xSpiiXeL
      @xSpiiXeL 4 роки тому +7

      Also good reason to merge is to have less textures. Mainly for games but it's easier for anything I think.

    • @MikeBeyene
      @MikeBeyene 4 роки тому

      @@xSpiiXeL Material layering. Yup.

    • @madsBIGGuns
      @madsBIGGuns 4 роки тому +3

      @@xSpiiXeL You can have a texture map spanning different objects though.

    • @zhulikkulik
      @zhulikkulik 4 роки тому +3

      @@xSpiiXeL yeah, but you can also use a texture atlas for same reason.
      I wonder tho, is it better to use one 16k*16k image (if it's even possible, not sure) or a bunch of 512*512 textures?
      I know some older engines have a limit to a texture size of 4k or even 2k. Do modern (Unreal, Unity, CryEngine etc) have similar issue?

    • @rama-doni
      @rama-doni 4 роки тому +3

      @@zhulikkulik iirc, idTech 5 engine could handle 128k x 128k (megatexture).

  • @omri1324
    @omri1324 4 роки тому +9

    You guys should have mentioned you're strictly talking about non-gaming production assets. Cause when you're making a game model you absolutely SHOULD merge it. Different objects means more draw-calls. one mesh = one draw-call. Therefore having each of your game models in a given scene be made of many separate parts = heavy performance issues.

    • @kloa4219
      @kloa4219 4 роки тому

      I thought they made it clear that they were in film a while ago. That's why they use UDIMs.

    • @mateuszwodarski4073
      @mateuszwodarski4073 4 роки тому +3

      Merge it b4 upload... Its still good to have unmerged copy inside project file.

  • @adrienguigues6758
    @adrienguigues6758 4 роки тому +2

    I see few comments about merging into one object is better for games, and it's right most of the time (except for animated/moving parts). The critical point to remember guys, is to let the objects separated inside the modeling software, and THEN when you export into a game engine, you make it ONE .fbx/obj (which is one object in-engine). I always struggled about it, asking my self if i should split or not models in the modeling software : the answer is very often : NO (to keep better control).

  • @minhaj_khan
    @minhaj_khan 4 роки тому +3

    I've heard that rule of thumb before, but never really considered what specific consequences could arise by combining things.
    Now I know, so thank you!

  • @xpdatabase1197
    @xpdatabase1197 4 роки тому +3

    You can select faces by materials when in edit mode, just click on the material and there is select button which will selects the faces which have that material assigned.

  • @Gredran
    @Gredran 4 роки тому +5

    I learned this concept from your lightsaber tutorial. It’s realllyyy effective and I’m glad you did a nice little discussion video about it’s benefits. Thank you!

  • @IndellableHatesHandles
    @IndellableHatesHandles 4 роки тому +2

    One reason why you should separate your models is so that it's easier to calculate the mass of the model in physics situations, and especially the balance of weight. If your model is all one object, sure - you can still give the object weight, but if the object - say, a hammer - has a wooden shaft and a metal head, the physics simulation wouldn't be able to tell that the head is heavier, and your simulation wouldn't be accurate.

  • @RelentlessMachine
    @RelentlessMachine 4 роки тому +3

    Hey guys, great video. I would say however having too many individual objects (especially in maya) can cause issues in complex scenes. In my studio we often combine geometry by material when possible. Obviously there are circumstances when this is not logical due to rigging, etc but this can dramatically boost performance in maya. We also lay out our uv's per material.

  • @tetsuooshima832
    @tetsuooshima832 4 роки тому +2

    Well, I'm thinking of learning rigging in Blender; for my last anime-like character in the end I posed in Zbrush out of laziness but at some point I started to join the cloth with the body, thinking that it may be better to have them on the same UV island and not deal with UDIMs in Blender or whatever program. Actually doing so created an issue with SSS because there's a cut in the cloth (and also the body is cut where you don't see it so no need for more polygons there - and here's a new topic: "When to remove polygons on the bodies or not"), I had to kinda fake the SSS on that tiny piece of skin in the middle of the cloth lol
    I found an example of rigged character in Blender where the character has full body and separated clothes, I guess that's the way to go. It's kinda hard sometimes to find the right balance between the "game character" and the "industry production" workflows, especially when you're a hobbyist at home doing everything by yourself, not in a studio x)
    (oh and by the way you can see the result here : www.artstation.com/artwork/2xGy2a )

  • @AnubisTheMaster
    @AnubisTheMaster 4 роки тому +13

    Clothes are my weakest point! and i wish i knew a professional's viewpoint!
    Please make a video about clothes In Blender;
    Clothes have to be united to the body or seprated but the body inside the clothes have to be deleted (or masked out) , which is always weird

    • @xpdatabase1197
      @xpdatabase1197 4 роки тому +1

      Use a cloth simulation to make the clothes for your character :))

    • @rama-doni
      @rama-doni 4 роки тому

      @@xpdatabase1197 Do we need dummy mesh for collision instead the actual body part?
      Because the clothes always acting up when i straightly use the body as collision.

    • @AnubisTheMaster
      @AnubisTheMaster 4 роки тому

      @@xpdatabase1197 Yes but then it's not usable for animations because of the high polycount and then there is the mesh intersection with character ecc

    • @xpdatabase1197
      @xpdatabase1197 4 роки тому +3

      Offcourse you can then retopo the clothes this is just so you dont have to do all the detail your self.

    • @xpdatabase1197
      @xpdatabase1197 4 роки тому

      Make it a bit more thicker or you can use another mesh for the collision box of the clothes which is a bit bigger so it doesnt go thrue the mesh

  • @imyasharya
    @imyasharya 4 роки тому +2

    Please upload more fundamentals video...

    • @FlippedNormals
      @FlippedNormals  4 роки тому +3

      Any topics you want to see covered?

    • @imyasharya
      @imyasharya 4 роки тому +3

      @@FlippedNormals I'd like to know about lighting stuffs, what's an ideal way to do that and stuffs related to that... Or in short, lighting fundamentals...

  • @wolfofgameday8505
    @wolfofgameday8505 4 роки тому

    I know this is off subject but That video that you guys did about not doing your own concept art changed my life.. saved me so much time and headache so now I take everything you all say as gospel.. thanks a lot and keep up the good work guys!

  • @TheKlimat
    @TheKlimat 4 роки тому +2

    Very interesting.
    Somewhat unrelated, but here’s a topology question I’ve been trying to wrap my head around for some time now, so I thought maybe you’ll consider exploring this topic in detail to be an interesting idea. I couldn’t really find definitive answers anywhere.
    How bad (or good?) is it to have self intersecting/self crossing edge/face loops? Is topology with lots of those considered to be messy? Should they be avoided whenever possible and if yes, to what cost? Also are there situations when self intersecting edge/faceloops are actually desirable and should be actively pursued? Or is it maybe just not a big deal to even think about?

    • @Aussie.Owlcoholic
      @Aussie.Owlcoholic 4 роки тому +1

      From my experience it not a huge deal technically, but just for keeping things neat and tidy it can be good to not do this. Think of a wall with an extruded section. If you're really tight on poly counts then you could do a plane for the wall and a box intersecting it, but generally you would just inset and extrude, then separate if its another material. It means a few more Poly's (depending on the shape) but its clean and easy to read even in wireframe.
      One downside technically I can think of is some issues in baking the ao around the area but usually it won't be an issue. Likewise depending on the texture setup it can mean wasted UV space. If it was a huge issue performance wise then modular environments wouldn't really be possible since they often rely on lots of intersecting spaces.

  • @Eostud
    @Eostud 4 роки тому

    Love this modeling fundamentals series, because most of the time that's what it all boils down to. Your fundamentals, I think even experienced users benefit from being reminded of the fundamentals occasionally. Nice video! keep it up.

  • @SanderAgelink
    @SanderAgelink 4 роки тому +1

    I get this when you work in Painter or in Maya, but what about when your mesh is ready to export to an engine? don't you want to merge smaller meshes? I can't imagine you want all these elements separate, because you constantly need to take care of these groups or parents and draw calls. Besides, it'll clutter your outliner in no time. I am talking about smaller assets mainly, modularity is always something to strive for.

    • @mateuszwodarski4073
      @mateuszwodarski4073 4 роки тому +1

      When u export to engine ofc link stuffs but be sure u have unlinked copy in project just in cause

  • @AlexandrosDemetriades67
    @AlexandrosDemetriades67 4 роки тому +1

    I think the biggest advantage is in the baking...by mesh name (substance painter) as opposed to one whole mesh...better bakes!

  • @macilvoy
    @macilvoy 4 роки тому +6

    I would like to know more about separation for rigging

    • @FlippedNormals
      @FlippedNormals  4 роки тому +4

      For rigging, its best that the objects are separate. Then they can move them around in their rig as they want and change hierarchies to fit them. Its very problematic if a rigger gets a model which is in one piece.

    • @macilvoy
      @macilvoy 4 роки тому +1

      @@FlippedNormals so, for example, if im slicing hand from body, do i need also to cut hand to 3 or more pieces? cuz, now after watching video i think that i have to cut my models as much times as it is possible

  • @sleepovr
    @sleepovr 4 роки тому +25

    TL;DR : 'general rule of thumb, if it's seperate in real life then separe it out in your 3dd scene'
    reason : no time to expain, watch the video

  • @quentintheret5106
    @quentintheret5106 4 роки тому

    when you say if you do a lowpoly asset you can but generaly you keep them separate, well its the lowpoly used in game and the separate objet are the highpoly for the baking, so we still have to keep them separate if we are talking about the highpoly for the baking. ^^

  • @ty_teynium
    @ty_teynium 4 роки тому +1

    I was actually thinking of a question along the lines of this topic. I will try to explain this clearly as possible; So say for instance I wanted to make a ship building system using modular pieces individually. I do think I would have to use the pieces separately so I would make the pieces in the model program and export them to the engine; but do I export the pieces with their own origins at their center or export them all sharing the same point of origin as the other pieces?

  • @olgierdvoneverec4135
    @olgierdvoneverec4135 4 роки тому +1

    dumb question: what about organic models? like obiously hair should be a diferent object, but what about eyebrows? should the nose of a dog be separated? you mention teeth because they go into the gums, should the gums also be separated? lips? the whole inside of the mouth? what constitutes separated In real life? when they are different materials? when they are a differnt color? when they can move completely independent from one another? I wish you had gone more in depth on that regard, but as a begginer it really confuses me.

  • @Varntex
    @Varntex 2 роки тому

    When do you add more materials to an object? I believe with substance painter you can assign one material to everything and then paint in and sectively choose what parts get what detail, so often I feel there is no need for multiple materials. Is it simply for organization reasons or a UV map thing? I am unsure as ive never gotten a clear answer: When to use one material vs when to add another / use multiple.

  • @jarmadax
    @jarmadax 4 роки тому +1

    I'd really like to see a video from you guys where you explain how to add skin pores in your face sculpts in Blender. I have yet to find a tutorial that goes that far in the sculpting process.

  • @excellentmeribe5907
    @excellentmeribe5907 4 роки тому

    I have always asked my self how do I know when to separate and when not to separate now I have an answer. Thank so much

  • @thomasharrison8674
    @thomasharrison8674 4 роки тому

    Hay guys, thank you so much for this series of modeling fundamentals. I was wondering if you could create a video explaining the typical process of creating a hard surface asset within production?

  • @morizanova8219
    @morizanova8219 4 роки тому +2

    Instant Like! Thanks For this valuable infotmation

  • @drakorez
    @drakorez 4 роки тому +1

    is there a way to export an FBX from blender so that when importing the mesh into UE4 the mesh would be seen as 1 combined mesh, but when imported into modeling software it would be seen as separate? or should I just plan on using 2 files.

  • @Csumbi
    @Csumbi 4 роки тому +1

    should the same rule apply to game assets? isnt it better for games to everything be one single mesh and materials controlled by textures and shaders? What is better? More meshes with the same material or one mesh with multiple materials?

    • @xalener
      @xalener 4 роки тому

      less so these days than even earlier this gen. Even then, modeling high poly objects should follow these rules, especially since you're gonna need to bake out material ID maps down the line.

  • @billykiller
    @billykiller 4 роки тому

    series of fundamentals is very good so I would like enable in blender to show the keys that press because I do not understand your language

  • @gower1973
    @gower1973 4 роки тому +3

    Trouble is with lots of seperate parts though, is Substance Painter will generate a texture set for every object, which is useless for a game dev model, with twenty parts just in that helmet, your going to get twenty textures

    • @Horesmi
      @Horesmi 4 роки тому

      I've seen examples in dev where a multy-part object was done overlayed on a single texture. They just all had different uv so they didn't overlap. Or they *did* overlap, saving texture.

    • @clementkirton
      @clementkirton 4 роки тому

      If you want to have 1 material in substance just assign the same meterial to the all the objects and then uv them together

    • @jonlampel
      @jonlampel 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah I think they're just referring to animation, VFX, or high poly assets since a final game mesh wouldn't have all those pieces or separate materials to begin with.

    • @seppusesu2608
      @seppusesu2608 4 роки тому

      If you put all the UV shells on the same map it will be one texture set.

  • @carlosedubarreto
    @carlosedubarreto 4 роки тому

    Very good material. That's awesome to get this kind of info. Thanks a lot

  • @hemicshark3958
    @hemicshark3958 4 роки тому +3

    When to keep all UVs in one map and when to separate them ?

    • @ivanlyw2000
      @ivanlyw2000 4 роки тому +1

      would you want a different texture set for that object when you texture in substance for example? you could either split it up into a different texture set by splitting up the model and uvs or just bake an id colour map if you want separate textures on the same mesh and same uv.

    • @izvarzone
      @izvarzone 4 роки тому +1

      if you dont have enough texel density then split.
      if you use different shaders you can split too (metal and glass)

    • @fernwehmind
      @fernwehmind 4 роки тому +1

      ​@@ivanlyw2000 I think in the game industry most games use one big UV map and texture set per asset even if the object has different materials. So if you are in the limitations of texture memory like most of the game devs then you should keep all uvs in one map.

    • @ivanlyw2000
      @ivanlyw2000 4 роки тому

      @@fernwehmind thats true but alot of big AAA games now use multiple texture sets just to get higher resolution on characters. The only thing that games cant really handle well is having a mesh that goes over UV 0-1, which may need some kind of special shader for it. Do correct me if I am wrong.Thank you

  • @Shamysoza92
    @Shamysoza92 4 роки тому +1

    This is great. I have a question though, untill which step of the production is this applicable? Just modeling or is it production ready (meaning optimized for real time applications)? Could you give us an insight on the draw calls reduction step?
    Keep up with the great series!!

    • @Aussie.Owlcoholic
      @Aussie.Owlcoholic 4 роки тому +2

      That would depend on the project. If its a smaller prop that there will be a lot of it would be wise to combine. If its a huge castle its Better done modularly as occlusion culling would negate the issues of more draw calls. A whole building as one mesh might be okay in a top down game but 1st or 3rd person where it'll likely be higher quality and texture sizes would be bigger, separating walls and such means that it won't render the ones out of view which saves performance.

  • @martinds93
    @martinds93 4 роки тому

    So, if you make a character for a movie or short film, or whatever, do you make the model separated? Like body, clothing and props all individualy, no matter if they cover other pollygons?

  • @ulus2109
    @ulus2109 3 роки тому

    how about game realistic game assets? should i export each part of a mesh in a different uv map or keep it all together for substance painter

    @G1NGERBOY 4 роки тому

    is there a video series for making the helmet in this video?

  • @davidzap
    @davidzap 4 роки тому

    I like this Series, pls keep it coming.

  • @DaRealGoosebumps
    @DaRealGoosebumps 4 роки тому

    Why every model that I import which is created in Solidworks or Siemens NX (.step files which is converted to .stl) gets triangulated? Is this normal? Do you guys experience this too? or is it that the person who is exporting the model not exporting it correctly? What should I do then? Would I have to recreate the model ? What do you guys do in such a case..how would you flip it? :D Thanks lovely content :D

  • @chadthefatkid
    @chadthefatkid 4 роки тому

    How would you make joints and keys for toys?

  • @Horesmi
    @Horesmi 4 роки тому +1

    yeah but what if it's organic?

  • @JC-ov8ko
    @JC-ov8ko 4 роки тому

    Hey, do you guys have a tutorial on your settings or best settings for zbrush? I am struggling to get the pressure to work properly on my tablet. I am currently using xp pen 15.6 with 8000+ pen pressure but my strokes are consistently the same size even after tweaking the settings.

    •  4 роки тому

      Maybe turn OFF/ON windows Ink?

  • @Aguacate3D
    @Aguacate3D 4 роки тому

    Can I apply this principle for games? Thanks!

    • @MechNominal
      @MechNominal 4 роки тому +4

      You should model it this way yes. But when it comes to exporting it to game engine no. It should all be combined into a single mesh especially in the case of the helmet they have shown in the video at-least. As another user pointed out this limits the amount of "draw calls" the game engine has to make, the lower the better the perf. Essentially the game engine pieces each frame together by looking for each individual object. You combine this helmet into 1 object it only has to do it once, verses uncombined 15 times for all the different components.
      This only makes sense if you're sending it straight to the game engine and not another artist who has to do animation or whatever.

  • @Lyco0n
    @Lyco0n 4 роки тому +3

    Unless it is for gaming use ;)?

    • @safaabdus8364
      @safaabdus8364 4 роки тому

      Not when you plan to animate it 👉👉

    • @mateuszwodarski4073
      @mateuszwodarski4073 4 роки тому

      Even if its for games its better have unlinked stuffs in project then copy and link when u sure u gonna reduce topology and export it for a game. In that solution u can use any part of project or make edits easy.

  • @WolfmenLP
    @WolfmenLP 4 роки тому

    thank you for this

  • @hani_issa
    @hani_issa 4 роки тому

    Any chance there is a tut on how this helmet was modelled ?

  • @pstuddy
    @pstuddy 4 роки тому +1

    Blender is gonna be top dawg soon

  • @manicmillennial3287
    @manicmillennial3287 4 роки тому

    thank you FN :)

  • @antonvoloshin9833
    @antonvoloshin9833 4 роки тому

    If you working with just one separate object you can keep it separated... to a certain level. Your example with 10000 screws - keeping each them separetely will just scrw you up, bacause any 3d software handles this amounts of objects very badly, and to be honest Blender not on the best side here.

  • @Eradifyerao
    @Eradifyerao 3 роки тому

    How many studios actually use Blender in their professional work pipeline... Seems like there is no reason but industry blindness to new modeling software...

  • @ADI-xp4qe
    @ADI-xp4qe 4 роки тому

    Doubt with blender here, is there any way we can crank up the resolution of wireframe modifier to something like a solid cylinder?

  • @vasilstefanov4112
    @vasilstefanov4112 4 роки тому

    I know that this is just for the video but when I see "helmet1" as an object name I die a little inside.
    Great video btw

    • @izvarzone
      @izvarzone 4 роки тому

      how it should be named tbh

  • @beskamir5977
    @beskamir5977 4 роки тому

    When they were joking about how simple it is and how to follow if it's separate in real life I was kind of thinking they're just trolling.

    • @FlippedNormals
      @FlippedNormals  4 роки тому +1

      Thats the gist of it though: If it's a separate piece in real life, make it separate in 3D.

  • @romannavratilid
    @romannavratilid 4 роки тому

    Are you kidding with these ads...? Feels like each 3 minutes new add for something ill never buy...
    Are you doing so bad commercionally you need that tiny revenue from FREQUENT ads :-(?

  • @CovlessZoneZero
    @CovlessZoneZero 2 роки тому

    Dunno why genshin impact split their character into over 100 pieces

  • @carbonmania02
    @carbonmania02 4 роки тому

    No more MAYA tutorials :(

  • @DoubleAxe4
    @DoubleAxe4 4 роки тому +1

    Am I first lol

  • @jasonvoor9257
    @jasonvoor9257 4 роки тому

    This goes in a completely opposite way to everything I've learned about 3D assets and game engines for the past 3 years. The only application I can see for a mesh where everything's kept separate, is for high resolution, close up product shots. In every other instance, especially when it comes to using this mesh in a 3D engine, the mesh MUST be combined and one should use as fewer materials as possible (for example, for this helmet, one can use only 1 material instead of 5).
    This video makes absolutely no sense!

  • @mdsanima
    @mdsanima 4 роки тому
