Firstly I set 16th note as a basic note for my improvisations, listening to metronome click carefully. Then I try grouping them into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, like 1ena2 2ena2 for 5 groupings/ 1ena2en 1ena2en for 7 groupings. While I strictly keep the time gap of basic note, I make articulation to my specific groupings I’m playing and repeat it if it’s good to hear.
Unique play. Much Tension !
Thank you!
캬 ~~~
리듬이 진짜 신기하네요 박자를 어떻게 맞추시지? ;;
먼저 즉흥연주의 기본음표로 16분음표를 설정하고 메트로놈템포룰 주의깊게 듣습니다.
그리고 카운트를 1en 2en 3en 이렇게
세개그룹 또는 1ena2 2ena2 3ena2 이런형태의 다섯개 그룹으로 카운팅하면서 리듬을
How do you keep the beat?
Firstly I set 16th note as a basic note for my improvisations, listening to metronome click carefully.
Then I try grouping them into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, like 1ena2 2ena2 for 5 groupings/ 1ena2en 1ena2en for 7 groupings. While I strictly keep the time gap of basic note, I make articulation to my specific groupings I’m playing and repeat it if it’s good to hear.