Why Is Sacramento Home To Such A Large Slavic Population?

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • The Greater Sacramento region is already home to a large Slavic population. Thousands of Russians and Ukrainians started making their way to California dating back to the late 1800s, but what prompted the move and what continues to keep them coming?


  • @karmaqueen3333
    @karmaqueen3333 2 роки тому +11

    They keep to themselves and I've never seen them cause any problems. Why don't you start asking why they're so many undocumented cartel members and criminals coming over to Sacramento instead?

  • @Posdrums3
    @Posdrums3 2 роки тому +2

    Some of you people clearly only commented on the title and didn't watch the short video at all

  • @ZitroEduardo
    @ZitroEduardo 18 днів тому

    That’s tight. I like Slavic people

  • @DavidDrygas-sz1ei
    @DavidDrygas-sz1ei 4 місяці тому

    Ja som, som Ježiš Kristus, priateľ a Spasiteľ, volám sa Sluha, moje druhé meno je Sluha, moje priezvisko je Sluha, Som Koniec a Veľký, Prvý a Posledný, Slnko v Východ, som slnko na západe, som svätý, som otec, som knieža sveta, všetkých vás milujem. Moje posolstvo svetu a mojim deťom je, že vás bezpodmienečne milujem a že sa musíte navzájom milovať tak, ako ja vás bezpodmienečne milujem. Bojujte jeden za druhého, nezabíjajte sa

  • @isaacstone7899
    @isaacstone7899 2 роки тому +3

    I don’t see any problems they are people as long as they are people, not where I grew up in Los Angeles, there were people undocumented and always cause trouble with cops every night. Gangs bang continue today they bothered anyone in public and schools.

  • @karma4872
    @karma4872 2 роки тому +2

    I don’t know, but it’s getting crowded here. They are leaving a country to cone to one tat will be like what hey left

    • @Donyk
      @Donyk Рік тому +1

      How have the Slavik population contributed to the Fenix l demise of America?!

  • @JosephKulik2016
    @JosephKulik2016 2 роки тому +7

    "Why Is Sacramento Home To Such A Large Slavic Population?"
    What A STUPID Question !!!
    Why Shouldn't Sacramento be Home To Such A Large Slavic Population?
    What Are You REALLY Saying by asking Such An ABSURD Question ???

    • @stacycarlton2056
      @stacycarlton2056 2 роки тому

      I’m pretty sure know one knows what ur talking about most of us including the news crew are a little to young to have much of any political/prejudice felling towards Slavic ppl 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @danmilosevich
      @danmilosevich 2 роки тому

      What are you trying to say by your idiotic comment?